
Saturday, February 29, 2020


Matthew 20 KJV - For the kingdom of heaven is like unto - Bible Gateway
    For years a Bible is opened at random daily and chapter read and always some part has personal meaning as well as reflect the world around us...and in the Kingdom of heaven also...
   That is what I get from this chapter....
              Its common for one or a few to do a lot of hard work and someone come in late to the matter and have that one piece of info that ties it all together and although some spent hours preparing the way for the one who came lately  the reward is the same....eternal life = the ultimate prize....and the rest is often shared equally no matter who spent the most hours at the work....
   Hard to accept one interpretation but we are to rejoice that the project actually got done...and success was had that all can share in..
              Then we have the spiritually realm where one gets saved at the last moment when others have spent a whole lifetime being a good and faithful servant of the Divine...and we are to rejoice at the one lost sheep being returned to the fold...forgetting at times that if others had not been there  through all ,,,the one may never have been found that was the way was prepared for that one to finally accept the Divine LOVE of the I AM WHO I AM...YHWH gave as His name to Moses from the bush...a name that was, is and always will be that is outside any concept of time and space.. who came as part flesh to live and show us the way through...HE PAID THE PRICE so we could have the free gift of eternal life...We are the late comers to salvation and equal opportunity to pass through to eternal life as some live longer lives of faithfulness and others find salvation at a later time... Yet in the final end of the ages we find ourselves with the same glorious we believe is promised and in our souls we know is real...a MYSTERY we have FAITH is and always will be as we are in existence and would not be but for this entity of three in one...which sent us His Holy Spirit to guide us until His return...and removes evil and its cohorts from ever bothering us again...a gift that is priceless...for all that humanity has endured since our first family fell into its trap and had to be sent on a journey to learn with our free will what has good outcomes and what does not..
   WE ARE THE LATE COMERS...who have had the benefit of thousands of years of human ancestors to learn from their mistakes that led to horrors as well as those good things they did..we cherish as the ways we should live and treat each other....
  And although not all who access this blog are Christians...the general wisdom is still the same that has influenced the whole world since Moses came down from the mountain with 10 fundamental rules of how we the people are to govern ourselves and this the rest of the world's leaders controlled the masses by declaring themselves as gods....and their eternal lives would only exist is they did what an imperfect human leaders demanded....and too often the self worth of total power had led to despotic and cruel.and evil harms done...and we had not learned until Moses receiving the message by the 'finger of the Christ..' that the real Divine meant for no human to be worshipped as a god...nor idolized and we have the free will and power of the people to not live under tyranny as we can choose to be independent and free individuals with inalienable rights and form of government where all are treated with respect and the leaders chosen in various ways over time...are there to serve the people and nation...
    We have to be cautious as when we get a good leader we do not begin to worship him or her as Divine...but pray the Divine will be on his or her shoulders and lead the one to good and evil rejected as the temptation of great power can be the most subtle entrapment of evil we have ever seem and have seen over time.. and why we are so close to the full Divine plan now with nearly the whole world at the BALLOT BOX where we each have responsibility under the laws of our be the final check and balance on  those we elect not forgetting they serve us and our lands and communities...
            We do not have INHEIRITED DYNASTIES OF BLOOD HEIRS in much of the world...and even those who do still have such...have limited powers as the people elect those to make most of the laws and rules they live under...often resorting to the the last resort of pardon when matters have gone awry in justice..matters...or in times of grave emergency when the collapse of a govt might happen....and rare is that  in the we have a constitution given us by our founders that makes provisions for all kinds of matters to happen and still have a functioning govt of, by and for the people...
           BUT WE CAN STILL CREATE DYNASTIES OF A SORT OF PHILOSPHY OR THINKING...and when we have elections and focus on judges being hired for life that oversee that our laws are intended...with little chance of overruling but amendments to it..and not an easy matter as its many that have to agree...etc...
        There are some prophetic preachers now saying that the current administration will last far beyond 8 years...and IT ALREADY HAS  as those who over see if our laws and legal systems are fair and just...have been seated in major numbers for lifetimes and many may be seated for 1/2 a century and the influence will be the over all guidance of fairness and justice...we hope and pray we are on that path....and many do believe we are having come through the last generation of leaders who have let it devolve into a swamp of corruption and NO GOVT  in even that oversight was turned over to an cabal of myriad of interlocked coronate govt contractors and their deep state facilitators....and we have been brought to the brink of self destruction  and horrors in every areas...and wars that would destroy creation itself if we do not become what we were each meant to be OVER COMERS and find ways to respect and care for one another in this world....and put away hate and worship of evil that would enslave all to have no free will or personal thoughts or beliefs...
....That is a DYNASTY of the future...and if Christ Returns within their will be whatever we have after that...maybe the same but little need for many laws and rules and court proceedings as evil is removed and we know the best ways to choose for ourselves and others...
   And may we the people not let the good path we are on of fairness and justice for all be harmed by allowing other concepts and thinking to be interjected and this needs all sides to have input even if most do not fully accept it... May paths can lead to the good...but govt needs to exist to stop harms being done...and we only need as much govt to stop the harms and allow fairness and justness exist for each one...with rights of even life and property and happiness that comes from these rights that are inherent to Love of the Divine being shared as we accept and share it...
   As John Says in his gospel. GOD IS LOVE....and the other evil is hate, death and destruction and we are to be controlled slaves...and 'thought zombies'...the opposite of a loving and merciful Divine that we freely love as we know in our souls it OFFERS FREEDOM AND FREE WILL and our chance to 'BE BEST' as our First Lady says...and the joy of having whatever part we offer...lead each one of us to eternal life and heaven on earth....we all rejoice that we can have that...even if some of us came late to contribute what we had to offer to  help make it be...
                    In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus...may we rejoice for our lives, souls and promise of eternity of no evil around...and all we have to do is believe and share the love You offer freely to each to You made us special and unique and each one has been loved since the beginning of our existence... May none reject the way of life and love...for the one of death and destruction and may we each  share the love and be the light that helps all to reject the bad for the good...  Prayers for our leaders as we have to solve many hells we have allowed to exist ...and may we get those medications made that work well and made in safe form that does not harm us even more...and if they be old ones that work....may they be made in time to save my they have for 31 years and stop hiding the evidence of my own body and records to show it and others who also have survived and now we are being told by those allowed to rule us that are not even govt...that we have no worth to be living...and that is not Your You taught us to pray for heaven on earth...and taught that we are to heal the sick and feed the hungry or hell will be.....and we have issues with both that money cannot even buy what is not being made....
      And as we all vote for the leaders for the next few years....please may all listen to some and what they are really saying as too many are advocating death and destruction from their own mouths....and no intention of stopping the rulership of this cabal that has been allowed to usurp our goodness and life and health and will of the people to survive we need those who will take responsibility to serve us well...and may all we elect do so...or reelect...and may those cowering and not adding amendments to every bill to overseen public monies and laws and rights to be considered as not serving us as words mean nothing if basic oversight of our public monies and rights preserved as our laws not done...then THEY HAVE NOT SERVED US WELL...and may they step up and do so...and this is some in both parties...coercing and worse of others to not do this and serve us and let us be robbed of the good we can get done...for each one of us...whatever plan or project or best deemed to work best for each one of us....
  as whether govt is small or big...we still need govt to exist and sharing of the cost and work of some things that no one among us can do by ourselves... laws that promote individual freedom and property matter whether one has a mansions or a tiny house for a home...we have a place to lay our heads that is ours...with dignity each one was meant to have  from each of ALL ARE WORTHY to be and love and be loved....and those who came late...we rejoice they made it into the kingdom of heaven...on earth as well as for eternity.....
  And may those doing so much harm now...please accept the good and be redeemed as You redeem what has been ill gotten gain....  Forgive me my own sins and shortcomings and guide me as dealing with still evidence of massive thefts of our major funds like Medicare which the international cabal of contractors is still robbing and got more evidence today...that NOTHING HAS CHANGED THIS YEAR...and we have to have the House pass that law to put back what was taken away..Oversight by the real govt of govt contactors stealing more than the national debt is the figures from inside the govt...and also public if any can use common sense to know.. Give me the strength to share the evidence and may judges be obeyed that have ended up in the trashed of the govt contractor of one cabal..of so many corporate names the govt has no idea how interlocked maze its become.. May some wake up and realize their own survivals are at stake here in this world as well as the next...but for Your mercy...of their ignorance or repentance... May those in the real govt..FIND THEIR 39 JUDGES ORDERS AND FOLLOW ordered to ask me for the facts as ruled You have not idea what is going on...and respect my years of employment since 1968 as a good and faithful civil servant to be fair and just...and may some respect back occur..when a mountain of civil and criminal wrongs  have been done to me and my files and others of mine and even those never what has been allowed to be the dynasty of the last generation...and we need to make this be a better one for the future by those in office and govt now...until You return...and may You be able to say to each one of us...Thanks for being a good and faithful servant...even those who came to the repentance and service later than others...
   In Your Holy Name Amen!
   still recovering and will not get more done tonight....'
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 .Linda Joy Adams 2/29/20



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