
Thursday, February 20, 2020


Philippians 1 KJV - Paul and Timotheus, the servants of - Bible Gateway
    For decades, a Bible is opened daily and chapter read...and every day some part has personal meaning as well as reflects the world around us..
   After a day of shocks and surprises good and bad....and more horrors of evil threats...that led me to take some side actions to follow up on a recent death....of a key witness in the civil rights matter...vs par of the biggest scandal of this nation....and my 2 times a day poisoning and back log of filings not done...with a near impossible matter to do alone and Doyle has health issues....and now have to wonder if I had followed up and gotten more info and signed report from this one...would this one special soul still be with us from bein called to come against me last August....on a case yet to have a peer counselor US Dept of Labor civil rights office to try and resolve in house...
   I will not say have no direct knowledge of matters of the death....but some  are wondering....and was able to at least share my sorrow with authorities that he was a witness for  federal case...and hoped that he left some reports or filings to access....and other witnesses do exist...
   I understand this one party who was not of my family and not known personally by me....talked to the one...who would be the key facilitators of the govt contracts given to the Blodgetts who rule this nation and no oversight....
   And had my own 'fake dossier' filed on me by the main suspect so far from inside the govt....apart from the first facilitator...who eventually did a plea deal in the Jack Abramoff case at the US Dept of labor....but never investigated ...where are the missing millions for me and others put in a fund and last seen at Affiliated computer services.....and medical personnel told I was sent a million dollars to pay for my own ,medical care.....and about 200 of + 200 million reported by Forbes laundered through a shell company linked to the Clinton Foundation...
    Conspirators..might say add another possible death to a growing list of mysteries....and I HAVE NO PROOF OF THIS and out of respect for the deceased names will be revealed here...
   It is a federal crimes...if quid pro quo is proven for a bad actor contractors not getting contract renewed let a brother set up another company and get the same one and now causing worse crimes then ever or carrying out the illegal orders of the prior one...where Lynn Blodgett as named in writing and verbally by many high govt officials he is the rulers along with Tom, Andy, Bill and various areas of govt and in private industry...where companies are hiring under a 1000+ corporate names and even the SEC has no they are not allowed by congress to investigate  the biggest organized crime ring in US history and I say the world..
  And those running for president who have been or who are in congress...need to stop their cowardice and break the gag order rule of congress and tell all you know of why a law of 2002 gutted by an earmark by secret adder....that overthrew the rights and protections of the people of the USA...and went on to do the same in others nations...with massive losses when it gets control of health and this is not about needing health insurance as bigger than that....but they control all conflicting shared here many times... A HOLOCAUST THAT HAS ME HARMED TWICE OF DAY WITH THE TOXIC BINDER TO ME AND MANY MILLIONS OF OTHER IN MAIN MED.....AND  the govt has a legal responsibility to all injured active duty military, service connected vets and those injured federal workers like me with accepted get past contractors and get an FDA REG CHANGED TO ALLOW THE POWDER BE PRESCRIBED AND NOT BOUNDED WITH LIFE ENDING BINDERS...AND THEN THE PRESCITIPIONS CAN BE PAID FOR AS now the  FDA REGULATOIN FORBIDES IT BE SOLD ALONE...when its been used for over 150 years...and approved by the FDA for 70 years...and dosage could be put in a capsule and if its not safe...take it out and put in some water  etc...and take it...whether the natural plant or long as not made with toxic chemicals as was up to about 5 years ago....(theophylline SYNTHESIS OXYGEN TO CELLULAR LEVEL as well as being an anti inflammatory at that level also..a miracle drug titrated from the chocolate plant..naturally… And like another med not made pirbuterol for left ventricle heart failure deemed not needed now as most die years before that part fails...and used for 40 years in pill form...but put in inhaler back in 1989....but uses methane as propellant as all other inhalers are not for 40% of us...or the 25 million said to not exist as our diagnoses were altered on the national medical data base owned by the cabal of contractors...and NO GOVT OVERSIGHT...AND THE 3RD CAUSE OF DEATH OF MEDICAL MISTAKES?...and a major one back in 2007 when congress did a study....and NO LAWS CHANGED....What did get changed is making us COPD PATIENTS and the meds for them are different and additives that can end or lives...
   So one witness who got caught in being called to carry out a crimes by the ones doing this and a real govt employee who works directly where its all facilitated.. happened? to get this one party on phone as I know so far.....became a key witness for many not just for me...And have no reason to believe this one..and was sent to harass me...BUT stopped when info was shared...and another said you are a whistleblower....
             This cabal and its deep state cohorts...have an ongoing practice that when one is caught in lies or evidence is known to be gotten will turn on the victim who has done nothing illegal nor cause any reason to think they need help or checked on....and make calls to local law enforces....and  FAKE DOSSIERS is the common practice to destroy….At one time when the trillions of dollars of mediocre where being stolen was being documented by the formers contractor at 1-800 Medicare as they are to do by contact....I finally had letters at police and sheriff's to call me first to know I was OK just being a good citizen and doing nothing illegal  and needed no help as they can not help vs the feds anyway... Now General Dynamic managed by the cabal is in charge...and contract violated as they cover up the crimes….and go to MEDICARE MELTDOWN FROM 10/25/16--10/17 when nearly died and had to find a solution to neutralize this binder mostly....and with help from online sights...did...and the solution is in part 2 of Medical Regimen....AND THERE FOR OTHERS TO TAKE TO THEIR DOCTORS...AND SEE IF IT COULD HELP SAVE THEIR LIVES. UNTIL THE HOLOCAUST ENDS OR CHRIST RETURNS AND ENDS IT..IF CONGRESS WILL NOT DO SO...
    And the GREEN NEW DEALERS... ARE NOT HELPING AS GOT TO SAVE THE OZONE FROM A FEW PUFFS OF METHANE AS WE DIE BEFORE WE SHOULD  as that is why we have no MAXAIR INJHALERS NOW...nor any attempt to make the meds in water soluble form...and use the liquid oxygen as the propellant as we do with other inhalers now....and health plans pay for...
   Today  I found my computer file at CONDUENT the company of Bill Blodgett's taken completely down and no record of me at all...and they had taken down access of it for even govt employees who work cases....too...and made the call to see when that would be up...OF COURSE I HAVE COPIS  and was going to check to see if any bills had come no way for any one who worked for SSA and employed by HHS able to even post their filings now...intentional block as even survivors still getting checks...have m access or those disable young be able to submit THE BIG LIE  is files can no longer be disappeared as the injured workers can post direct….but that is only if ones employer is listed.... AND ITS NOT AS TRANSFEERRED TO US DOL THE FIRST PAY PERIOND SSA BECAME INDEPENDENT AGENCY....and my pay never came from was HEW IN 1968 AND THEN HHS WHEN THE REORGANIZATION OCCURRED...
   And I got a threat today at Conduent ( they make up names one can rarely remember and the website got scrubbed soon after I linked it naming the owner...and that is now hidden...AND THIS IS A FEDERALLY FUNDED CONTRACTORS....AND LEGALLY ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHO ISGETING OUR PUBLIC MONIES ND WHEHER LEGALLY DOING THE JOB....AND THE SYSTEMS ARE NOT COMPLIANT...AND NO PROCESS TO WHERE TO SEND PAPER SUBMISSIONS AND GET TO THE REAL GOVT TO PROCESS... SO where is the added filing of the INSTITERIUM ORGAN  to add in from months ago...and no answer as its has arrived but taking down the entire file as if I never existed.....that did get verified today.....and prompted the one spoken to go ask then came back and turned on if NO RIGHT OF LIFE...OR WORTHY TO LIVE...(change in personality would be called something needing a well ness check...but I guess it was duress to act to keep her job The EEO filing vs US DOL..does still cause few know that this company is the brothers of the bad actor one...
...THAT IS ANOTHER CRIME VS HER AND ME... but as far as I know no phone call to harass me locally... of Bill Blodgett...after the one spoken to who seemed OK WENT TO SPEAK TO MMNAGER AND CAME BACK with a real set up to created a fake report....and I never say or do anything illegal ..just plead my case and refer to the judges orders not being followed and payments due and awarded over and over....and years of oxygen claims never input as they would be paid and the gig would be up as quoted by contractors managed and the order to LET HER DIE ON ME...
   AS the US DOL JUDGES HAVE ORDERED ALL NEED TO STOP LISTENING TO THE VERBAL WORDS FROM THE files and judges orders withheld ad if you look at linked info NO WHERE in the address all filings are to be sent to...DOES IT SAY ITS A GOVT CONTRACTORS OR NAME...and NO ONE FROM THRE REAL GOVT IS THERE OR ALLOWED TO AUDIT...WORK...OR HARD DRIVES...AT  US DEPT OF LABOR LONDON KY....PO B  8300.....and President submitting federalizing would be too many to hide a few deep staters very long...the official WEBSITE... (contract?) is not legal as its an impersonation of a federal office and phone number...and why most have no idea NO GOVT IN CHARGE IN THE USA...
 and congress did it years ago and congress will not change it since.... AND ALL ANY PRESIDENT CAN DO IS TRY TO GO AROUND CONGRESS. LEGALLY AND THEN GETS SUED BEFORE UNFRIENDLY JUDGES.....TO STOP THE THEFTS AND DEATHS..AND OTEHR ILLEGAL ACTS...THAT IS OVER DOUBLE THE NATIONAL DEBT AND THIS HAS  to start in the its denial of right to use any existing budget to audit or prosecute...and prosecuting the deep state facilitators threatening witnesses and their victims to ending lives...and too many are...and I should not be that close either if the life sustaining meds were made and others in safe forms...cheaper and older ones that have sustained life for 31 years now...
And the sadness is none have a chance have a longer us and everyday. Our numbers increase...
   My discovery of the bogus system being used to steal from Medicare and got it stopped for a year   ended with the total Medicare expenditures being reduced a trillion dollars...but the new systems in 10/6/16 were turned off and all the past was paid in multiples back to 11/12/   And no public trustees for Medicare and social security for years now AS NO ETHICAL PERSON WOULD SIGN WHAT CANNOT BE AUDITED...and often some college professor would do this with their graduate students...for he people of the USA..
   The other signatures are only the federal officials and they are not auditors as none can be done by them either...CONGRESS WILL NOT PROTECT SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE AT ALL SINCE 2002 LAW....and the pressure is on the medical fire or give due process to their billing services with some even the cabal owned ones...and managers and all hell is breaking out not as President Trump expects all to follow the rules...and documents as the law that is the only way..a false claim civil suit can be lodged against the contractors and all parties of patients and claimants...and medical providers will have to cooperate or pay the overpayments from their ID STOLEN AND THOSE OF PATIENTS....and turned into trillions of dollars of thefts of our precious  two main programs that keep disable, aged and survivors off the streets and out of severe average payments are above what any welfare pays...
    One has to  point out the sheer hierocracy OF OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS NOW AND IN THE PAST...who claim they wish to protect these....and do NOTHING TO STOP THEM FROM BEING the very ones hired to control and do the work....And the more ethical companies. are being forced into using illegal systems....and going along as its all an interconnected system now...and when Amazon cloud crashed a few years did the entire Medicare system...too... and how much in between systems are involved...
                      In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus...and before His first coming was SALVATION  as the name King David....and the finger of God by Moses. may the way be shown. and You did lead me in paths today...and thanks to those who did not turn on me at one doctor...and will make the call and document and seems as if another doctors has been doing this and NO LETTERS TO APPEAL A DENIAL OF MEDICAL TREATMENT BY THE CONTRACTORS AT US DOL and that is another violation of constitutional and civil we are to be notified and then the cabal will not allow Medicare to send out collection letters anymore to the primary even get the monies back...US DEPT OF LABOR HAS NEVER HAD THE ONES SENT IN THE PAST GIVEN TO THEM TO ANSWER....and its past time..that each agency pay its own bills from its own budget….and stop the stealing and I AM ONLY ONE PERSON NOT 17 OR make me multiples of one claim...that is never been the first place...and heirs of patients are inheriting overpayments to be collected always..and the deceased never knew they had been robbed by their own govt contractors and govt who would not protect us or the nation or public treasury...and NO BUDGET CAN EVEN BE MADE  with trillions being blatantly stolen and disappeared... This is not a valid IOU which could be legal by law... Help us Christ from what we have fallen into....And as Paul said...You love us and its that love we share with others as we care enough to try and make things better until the day You return and all evil is removed forever from us....But so many could be lost to evil....and we have the joy to help share the LIGHT OF TRUTH AND LOVE so all have a chance to choose the good and over come the evil....and pray for the woman today...who seemed to have been put under real duress by her govt contractors manager to come after me...and she tried....but the call disconnected soon afterwards...
   And pray for those who become witnesses to the crimes of this cabal....and have no protections for what can be done to a world where we let this happen and one or a few cannot change this for good....and we do not elect gods...or magicians...and its all of us as wonderful unique individuals...accepted Your love....and caring enough about goodness for us and others of deep know and my thanks and bless the good doctors...who are in a terrible situations now...and some have done the documentation I shared with them...and may any who need me as a witness if they are come after....lead them to me....and may my strength continue to be able to the battle of good over evil and may those doing evil..repent and find You and be part of "Zacchaeus, the wee little man" Roman  govt contractor  gave back 50% of his ill gotten practice was overcharging… and why the uprisings then and even to the BOSTON TEA PARTY..over such kind of injustice and unfairness...being done....and he did and we honor him yet in the Bible....and we sing about him in Sunday School as one You say the worth in when the self righteous of the day...say one not worthy do to sins...and shows even the ones lost can be saved and do good and try and make amends for wrongs done....
   Forgive me my own sins....and thanks for helping me keep on track..and focused on the due process and what can be shared that some along the way...may bear truthful witness to what is really going on...that has to be far worse....than what I know....and tonight I know that some are paying heed and doing what needs to be done....and may have protection of being a govt witness to save their status and livelihood...and may we support those who are on the front line as all of us are in some all of our most personal info is not under any govt control to protect from those who are should not have access to know all our private info...  Somehow my thanks and praises tonight as it seems that all is going to be OK even as no assurance any good is going to happen to help....the blessings of family, and love and Your constant love for one and all of us....even when we mess up   and somehow that mountain of filings to do...seems smaller even if its only a few pages down. And the lines of hope and faith in those You created to be the hope of the future of creation and may we not let You down and be ready for a glorious time when You come someday....And You can say..good and faithful servant to each one of us....and may it be so....and we not falter on the way.... In Your Holy Name..Amen
                 VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION...
    REPOSTS scroll down the side or below or search above...this post. for
      MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts of sections of 9 DAILY RECAPS and PLEASE  DO NOT TRY any medical treatments without ones doctor and some do need prescriptions..
theophylline level is OK so heating up the solution is not destroying the medicine..but lab work showed phosphorous level too low...and unusual for me...but realized have not been earing as much of the foods for must get back to better routine...of eating cheese and more of my organic peanut butter...pomegranate is helping to put a little in juice and water as drink 10 glasses a day as prescribed...and a little all day is better than in one drink a day....seems when one is more sensitive to can use less of other things that help and be minute amounts...
            VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS...PAGES 62FF-85 and some numbers 'tween not used yet.
             Seeing all lined up to vote is hope we can over come...even if not all vote the same way....we are showing we care about ourselves and each other and wish the best for one and all and what we can each do to make a heaven on earth...and revoke the harms to never be again....and may we support our elected leaders to do the best they can to serve us...or find another who forgets they serve us we show we care for them also... we have had too many die just in our own community...over this cabal in total control and its going to take a voters revolution to change it...and it may be re electing some who try but need others to help...and wanting to do good can cross party or political lines...
                    VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION
Linda Joy Adams 2/20/20

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