
Monday, February 24, 2020


Revelation 6 KJV - And I saw when the Lamb opened one of - Bible Gateway

    For decades., a Bible is opened at random and chapter read...and some part always has personal meaning and too often reflects events in this world...Libraries and books try to interpret this chapter but its hell on earth with evil running it and not us. the people wishing things to be good and peaceful..

                       TRAINING MANUAL FOR CIVIL SERVICE...


   Vote and be part of the process to 'MAKE GOVT BE AGAIN" WHAT MADE US GREAT TO BEGIN WITH.... based on the principles of the Divine 10 laws where the people hold the real power as individuals with equal rights to be had....and we have been so this for all and each of us for the first time in history and have let this slip away as we became apathetic and forgot to be the government who hires those to serve us well....and by 2002....the ones elected let one among them slip in and forgot to re read before they voted on a 6000 page bill that would have given all of us more rights and protections than we had had in years and the whole gutted by and remove the restraint of law under which our govt would exist....and turned it over with no audit controls nor a legal system to stop crimes as soon as they began  and already had begun as contractors....but not investigated yet.....and since 2002, none in congress but an isolated person has been willing to stand up and amend any bill to put back the oversight in each one....and only a few are...

  DOD was not in this bill and one must give Sec Rumsfeld some credit as the day before 9/11 he had already found trillions of dollars missing and not in this bill and DOD and contractors still under our presidents....BUT most of them are now managed by the ones ruling of one entity of 1000+ corporate names and shell companies illegal to get contracts when conflicts of interests exist and its really the same entity...or have lost contracts due to illegal and or unethical actions... but the SEC and GSA and all the others have forgotten this and one finds the DEEP STATE in the parts of govt who facilitate these contracts being given out....and even the more ethical ones have no choice but to give it al up or go along with illegal systems provided and have to use we end up with over 30 trillion missing from the public treasury and much out of programs like Medicare where the most massive ID theft ever is ongoing with one patients turned into many and claims paid in their name and the medical providers names...and with the generic numbers this may be unlimited and forget MEDICRE FOR ALL we may not even have it survive.with massive looting going on since 2002...and even if mediocre is not primary payer....they alter even insurers hire them to manage and they direct the illegal operations they seem to not wish to know...

   But the 10/16 US Supreme Court case says one cannot hire a contractor and not be responsible and liable for what they your name....This gets patients and people as its not just health care overpaid to the govt and may not even know it and our medical providers in the USA..all overpaid and monies diverted... but the contractors calling their last family name of Blodgett...with even inside govt not aware its the same crooked mess as before....and thinking all is OK and honorable people....and nothing is further from the documentation shows...and too much of that is too many dead long before they 25 million in the group that 6 of us were medical precedent cases our whole legal system and US Constitution is based in the Judeo=-Christian concept of all equal before the law...and what one gets all get...and we call that being a precedent case if the law does not designate each one as under this or that specific rights and new info in science and medicine or any kind...can bring an appeal that used to come to well trained civil servants and a process to go on through and up a hirerat5ch and changes to afford rights to all existed for all in like situation....and no need most of the time to run to courts and up to the US Supreme court and win he rights as agencies would recognize that one and all in like situations needed to be treated fairly and something was not fair and changes made in interpretations of  law, regulations, policies or the congressional liaison would make it known to congress we needed an amendment to make things fair and just and some tweaking would occur....

   * Ancient China is usually credited with invention of the civil service that has been an honorable profession for govts since....BUT...maybe the credit  really belongs to JOSEPH  in the Bible as the first head of a civil service under Pharaoh...put in place to administer  preparing for a famine then feeding the land and lands around them..who also were starving and came to buy..grain and how the people of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ended up in Egypt and did well until another pharaoh came along...and turned them all into slaves.and ended the civil service...turning it into slavery...instead.. for 400 years...a fate none us should want and should not let happen as this would be no govt to even decide to be fair and just if they chose to....VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION..

    ANY MAJOR HEALTH PLAN  OR OTHER MAJOR CHANGES IS GOING TO BE A DIASTER OF RIGHTS AND ISSUES... and horrors since we no longer have a well trained civil service to even know how to do the initial appeals as will always occur as some part that does not seem fair...will be brought to the first appeal...and that is where a well trained civil servant applies the law and rules and polices...and congressional intent...and without hearings that part is missing...and does congress even know their intent when who is writing the bills? lobbyists from their interests and not those of the people and nations in general??

  The first appeals are rarely even done inside the govt now ...and contractors are not legally allowed to do a real appeal....All they do is check the math and coding and no issues is even addressed so we have hearing judges with decade backlogs inside the contractors...and some never get to a hearing as many of ours are not as after 39 federal agency judges exposed the corruption inside their agency contractor and ruled and those withheld from the agency by the contactors who would be in trouble of losing their contracts over matters of illegal acts....they would not post or share with them....and its so bad that at the US Dept of labor...REAL GOVT CANNOT BE TRUSTED TO EVEN GET OR READ SUMBMISSIONS OR JUDGES ORDERW FROM CLAIMANT AND MUST GO TO CONTRACTORS  ( address is illegally shown as US Dept of labor in London KY) where no govt is and not allowed to know what is going on and illegal acts going on cannot be stopped or any brought t our legal system...

   THUS THE PEOPLE HAVE NO ACCESS TO REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES TO THEIR GOVT....AS EVEN MEMBERS OF CONGRESS AE UNDER A GAG ORDER RULE NOT TO MENTION, CONTACT OR HAVE A CONTRACTOR ASKED OR SUBPOENAED IN TO TESTIFY AND ACCOUNT FOR ACTIONS.   they can ignore even a subpoena as came out with Michael Horowitz's OIG reports as even the  FBI DATA BASE IS NOT UNDER GOVT CONTROL NOW TO ACCESS  .. Unconstitutional and if one tries to do what is right...and legal..they are threatened and worse and we also have judges appointed who find the cases before them...where the legal theory or basis has not been developed through a real appeals process...and end up LEGISLATING AT THE BENCH....and many complain about this as its not good as the whole should have been fully worked through long before it got to a US district judge..appellate or US Supreme court...where much of what is...never needed to be and would have in the past been resolved by parties...inside the agency...often after he agency judge ruled...and none questioned it...and if they need to "legislate from the bench" as the whole is fully developed and all the judge has to decide is whether the premise is constitutional and why it is or is not...then the issue is resolved or a different approach or regulation or law can be passed to make it right if its something that seems to be some or all...and congress must decide how to make it so.

                     WHO BECOMES A CIVIL SERVANT..

     Besides the usual of being a citizen and a clean record and background...which is still suspect since 1990 with another shell company replacing the one who was falsifying  doing the checking... we can only hope those seated in civil service jobs are who they say they are and basically honest folks....and I think they are...and many caught in a real nightmare where they have jobs not trained to fully do....and should that has been the trend since Nixon resigned not long after the basic civil service test for that key job in every govt agency of making those initial decisions based on the facts and data and then drawing a conclusion from them... and who would be best to do this kind of work...can be tested for...

   Those key positions around with the whole civil service revolves. From support persons to all the management on up the line to the top where policies and regulations are made....based on what is coming up from that key job...or from congress or courts....and have found that for the last couple of decades and some going on before that... NONE ABOVE TO DIRECT policy and procedures. Based on what the laws of the land are...which can change daily when congress passes laws, courts at any level make decisions and even regional that needs to go to national for policy change form matters done by that key job at the initial level...


     That key job is not the last and final signature on massive national changes....but its the process by begins to be developed and others sign off on up the line..and end up in the civil code and become part of the laws of the land. Subject to change when another appeal comes through or law...or court decision based on new kinds of info. That affect things...and in science and medicine it can be discoveries...none knew of before and govt programs have to change to make things fair and just with the new info...r may not all was know that did exist when first part of what is done to all began for something... Even a deadly additive to a pill or food...needs to be addressed as soon as some info comes in and without ANY GOVT IN CHARGE TO GET IT AND THE CONTRACTOR NOT AUTHORIZED TO START THE LEGAL PROCESS and too often conflicts of interest as contractors is same entity as exists at the offender...and the initial intake person..just takes the info..with no decision and on up it goes and never goes over to the govt at med watches and fraud reports are we even made the first decision on recommendations for actions or not...based on what we knew and had...which used to be a lot.....and the contractors cannot do this and not authorized to do no appeal...and appeals done by contractors...cannot be as one of the reconsideration contractors for Medicare...had to go to a hearing still pending for a decade never assigned for a hearing yet...wrote a very detailed legal  opinion of how they could not address the issue as no authority to do so and could not have it under the laws of the not us..the govt..   the issues could have stopped a few more trillions from being stolen..missing? out of the Medicare trust fund...

    Now do more understand that a president wanting to stop the corruption and drain the swamp for real is toing to be met with opposition this is  REVELATION 6 SYSEM IN PLACE AND READY TO TAKE DOWN any part of goodness and greatness of justice for all we have achieved since put on this planet... and the ruler of the deep...seems to still be unnamed in the depths as the BLODGETTS AND THEIR COHORTS seem to just be the worker bees pretending to be the govt....and those in govt think they are too often and OBEY THEIR VERBAL misinformation and make decisions and write letters based on it..and do not even write a formal reports anymore of who spoke to and job title and taking orders from a contractors who is not authorized to be making decision in the first place and would not legally know... HAS BECOME THE DECISIONS THAT COST LIVES AND LIVELIHOODS....and real govt employees altering records as a criminal act...and are they all criminals...or just duped by the whole system...and have a job responsibility to not go along to get along when the real govt employee is still subject to the laws and my due process warnings go unheeded as came to light by one asking a question last week and did not know that justice denied one..could lead to millions facing death also by what one govt employee did on a case. that is already the medical precedent being hidden by criminal acts from still existing...

   And we humans are not Divine gods who can rise from the dead after being ;crucified.. and we are gone and none saved from our efforts until a divine judgment day...before the real Divine...and not all believe so that  warning is not going to be heeded....and all are under our laws even the final judgment day will not stop illegal actors.who have no desire to change and behave legally...

                          With the first computes brought into our offices beside the big ones that were used to get payments after all claims our regional payment center now called program centers...and become data hubs names change over the years...   with those came the capacity for one far away to have control of all....and remove it from us....and the individual wishes to be treated fairly and justice be awarded by the whole process of government applied... little if any govt in charge as the flow of info is not in the govt...and as Cicero said of ancient Rome that fell to this same system...'whoever controls the flow of information in a govt controls the govt....and we official lost that govt control to even stop crimes vs us and the nation in 2002 and it was Michael Horowitz who explained this me in 2014...that an earmark by unknown and can legally be such by one member of Congress gutted a 6000 page bill of rights for our era  by those in control which is the contractors...since having no budget of he govt allowed to be used for the real govt to audit them..nor prosecute then if warranted...and my cases alone would put many in jail for a long time if not forever until they went on to a divine court...

                     When I took the civil service test back in early 1968 to be considered for a federal job as a college graduate later that spring...I was gold that only about 50% of all college graduates could even pass the test...

    Its not that all were not intelligent enough  but it was designed for a certain kind of intelligence or aptitude. And not all are called to be in every kind of a higher level of expertise....and the first thing we entered is really a type if law school for our part of govt as well as public administration etc...and just 17 weeks was still only the first step of  a process of mentoring that got less and less as we went though  3 years to deemed fully be able to still have daily self training and class room when needed for something new we had to know to be an inside joke was congress gets together and our jobs changed with new one law in one part of govt could changes elsewhere and even state changes..might mean changes on what is a marriage or divorce final and some states accept a quickie divorce from another country and some did or do not...ever changing when one had to make a decision....and a major one back then was how old one was and where both and a many had no state birth records...and if in the USA before 1922..all one had to do to prove citizenship is be here and prove it....and knowing a lot about records why our program manuals at SSA were considered back then as best in the govt...over all...Its not we had to know ...but knew where to find it...and even judges would slip in the back door and read them...

      My late sister when working on her doctoral dissertation in science education  was studying the types of intelligence and how they each best learn...and in seminary one professor had a simple test we all took for ourselves...and we wished to....and some learn better listening to a lecture or tape...and others this way or that....and I came out as needing to do it...

  I think while it move...even if writing it or typing it..or dancing or moving...and our discussion was...that many who are musical or in sports are like that  WE ARE THE KIDS WHO NEVER SIT STILL and I was one...Any music played by others in the home...and  piano and violin well as radio by the early 1950's in common area...and I was up dancing..

      Thinking while doing....and thinking while talking even....conversations can get long before the facts are laid out and conclusions drawn....

        GOVT IS LIKE THAT ONCE UPON A wrote or typed the data and facts and followed a format and came to a conclusion...

   So when I took the test...for the was that...part was verbal...and some part of included using math knowledge also...and noticed it was second year algebra for a couple of problems...and I passed but not the highest scores as pretty sure it was the had been nearly a decade since algebra by then...

    The verbal got me through and it was much as the job soon required...A paragraph of facts of and then make a conclusion...from that or know what else is needed...the concept is still around....math was not my thing I thought but now realized with all known now....why our education system of one semester learn all this or that....not the best for many...Math is something I need to understand the concepts better....and practical applications is not done by written formulas....need to go out and measure that distance from tree to ground and point  I did find in non now know from computer math later on...that its about logic and in college that was fun. And excelled...again..facts and conclusion...maybe its why I like murder mysteries,. Clues and conclusion of who did it...and no need for horror and little about the blood and dead bodies...but for the clues..

   And our educational systems of one size fits all..leaves too many out not getting a full education for each one....and one like me...would have done better...proceeding at my own pace....and been in college by 10 grade in social science still making it through at a slower pace in science and hopefully by age 18 gotten through the basic math's of algebras but for the logic of geometry...that an artist needs as part of a different aptitude...applications... one is expected to have to be considered educated. But would have had a better understanding that would never be memorized today and gone tomorrow not using it daily...when not a scientist...

     But if I had been trying to get a job at some research passing grade might have been the same but the math used daily would have been the better part and maybe some of the verbal not so...

         BUT UNDER NOXON'S ADMNISRATION...A new civil test...called the PACE test...was used....and the  BLACKS FILED A CIVIL SUIT FOR DISCRIMINATION VS THEM....and was it that narrow or was it..REALLY CULTURAL?/ as they asserted...

     What I began to witness by those hired who took that test...was an employee who found it harder to follow the concepts of set of facts and data and make a computers took over more and more and by 1994 when our office was one of 11 in the govt that tested as of 1992 what was called windows from Microsoft and first found that mouse meant that object I still am using as punching a screen with fingers. Not easy for me....and even have a mouse plugged in with a cord to a tablet sometimes harder to lose or misplace if one falls asleep and it may end up under the bed  etc.... and later became windows 95...

  And by that time...our manuals were out on websites and forms to fill in the blanks...and little space for any data and conclusions to be made.. and WORSE OF ALL IS SOME LAWS AND RIGHTS AND BENEFIT CATEGORIES...THAT SOME MIGHT BE ALLOWED TO HAVE...AND PAID....WERE DISAPPEARED....and we began to have no govt in charge...and we had some later hired...who seemed OK with letting the system decide what they had to do....and little regard or concept that other rights existed as they were not being shown them....and our manuals and laws nd regulations taken away.....even the one in the public reception area that the law required be there for anyone wishing to come in and read the laws and rules for themselves....

   Some held on to the old they included the way to follow and do our job as hired to do  for the people...CONGRESS LET IT HAPPEN when in years past..they would have been all over the agencies....and I thought it was just the New York region...and maybe it did start there...but it soon went the time I was running into none knew how to process my claims and in doing so was its still the laws  of the land....and one cannot have fairness and justice under laws that exist and none know how to apply them and be fair and just in outcomes for the govt or the people or individuals needing such...the law says should be awarded or have the protection and GONE ARE THE RIGHTS AS NO GOVT IN CHARGE ….easy now to contract out as the laws do not matter as its whatever the contractor says it is...and all bow to that one..entity….and not question as one is to be doing when one is the real govt official and is to be upholding the laws of the land and rights of the people as one agrees to do when taking the same oath of office...all do to be a govt employee...the first step required...


   And the first thing to trash it into NO GOVT was to make sure that the very ones who could pass a civil service test that had a higher aptitude or typed of intelligence that unfairness did not logically compute...was gradually going to be removed from those hired.... and not even sure if any test is being used right by the time I went out on workers comp the last time in 1994, the process was a long application and testing was being done away with....and we know now how that can be rigged  by the college admissions scandals....and why the background checks for federal employees are considered OK before 1990...but scandals since...and contracted out again as was brought back in house....and the former administration let another company of the same entity now doing them again...and since they also control Social security and those officials wrote to congress a decade ago over illegal acts done....and on my files also...CONGRESS WILL NOT PROTECT US AND CHANGE THE LAWS AND NO PRESIDENT CAN ACT if no budget can be spend...until the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE PASSES THE LAW TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN...  and since the laws and rights are to be better than ever for all really under them equally ….we should be BETTER THAN EVER.....and as somethings get better...others are a holocaust of loss health and lives and rights and enslavements of no govt in charge at all....and no logical confidence in govt as its not in charge an elusive international cabal of contractors is in the USA and many nations...and the only ones not deceived seem to be some bad dictators who know they are not going to turn over power to they understand control and power and no intentional of giving it up... AND WE SHOULD BE AWARE  BUT ONLY 50% EVEN BOTHER TO VOTE....and even less for those crucial state and local elections where our daily lives and those of our young are directly affected and where the checks and balances of federal power removed from the nation now...that once resided in the real govt...and given up by those we elected forgetting to serve us will or we fire the BALLOT BOX....  its past time that 95%+ of all of us VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOILUTION  before the horrors warned up in  REVELATION CHAPTER 6 do not fully come to past and we not survive...even with our souls for eternity as we are called to be overcomers of evil and called to be rulers and ministers each...(kings and priests and that is male female..etc. as all equal in the kingdom of heaven Christ taught us to pray to have on earth....or we end up in a hell of our own making here... AND  even if one is not  a Christian..the common wisdom He taught is logical conclusions as we witness horrors around us....and the monies were appropriated to not be...and too often given to contractor...and the work not done....and IOWA is another state that allowed contracting out of Medicaid...and now horrors and caught in contracts...with a legal dream team bigger than any state can fight or afford to...and the  LAWS FORBID THE FEDERAL GOVT  to intervene as they always did with federally funded state and local programs whether health...or roads... air...or the water in Flint Michigan all under the cabal of the Blodgett's and Flint Michigan was Lynn Blodgett's company and states are on their own...unless congress acts... Many have tried...and little success ...usually unable to mount the case with no access to any kind of audits by feds since 2002 law. Forbidding them to know anything about what is going on....and worse taking their verbal false words that those with evidence that is good enough for search  warrants and court...of illegal actions...are to be let her die...orders...and do not listen to their victims of illegal acts even when death really is the outcome and too many already...etc..

   And many in govt do not know and a former OPM official now over at the DOJ in a program not directly deep into a lot of illegal stuff going on...told me that in real govt offices where most are feds...some are contractors there.. and few real feds there know they are told to lie and not say....and they are not just answering the phone but in management positions. A scary situation for one who has criminal evidence being presented from one like me....and their boss up the line is part of the entity responsible and two is the govt...and the others is cover up for their real employer...the cabal. and woe to the civil servant that wishes to do what is right with all the bills and family responsibilities most of us have to take care of....and ..just resigning. a job with good benefits..and go where to a company where one learns the same entity is now hired to manage?

   NO GOVT IN CHARGE IS LIVES ENDANGERED AND ENSLAVED TO AN EVIL BEAST WE ALLOWED TO BE AND  only we the people can figure out who will stand up for us and not sell their souls and us out...and who will do this.. at all levels of few have dared and seem to be silence once they had some success and the wrath of evil came on them and theirs...

Its not big govt vs small or format or plan or program its the basic of NO GOVT AT ALL to be their to make sure our rights and whatever laws we have are followed and met...and if not good ones..change them and make them good...but law or rights or public monies..should not be audited for being used and protected as legally to be....and then our legal system  be allowed again  to bring the law breakers to justice.. for fair and just outcomes and restitution for our missing monies...

and Potus's attempts to get around congress not allowing the crimes to be stopped by the audits and justice system..means...that real pressures will come on those who have had monies stolen in their names...and that could be your town, your hospital and your doctor...who had no part in even knowing...this had been done..but now legally liable and forced to prove they did not know...and no  FEDERAL GOVT TO PROTECT THEIR RIGHTS AND GO AFTER THE REAL CRMINALS AS ONCE CUOLD BE DONE BEFORE LAW OF 2002..


     As much as physically possible am willing to testify for any caught a liable when its and ID govt contractors of federal monies....



             In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we find our way to use artificial intelligence to serve us well and not let those who control it control us..and our rights...And pray that those who are seated to be the govt me have my rights and get access to the judges orders and files...and mountains of appeals answered and files and appealed since the date of 2012...which seems to be the last thing they have in the real govt office in d=Dallas....and the entire file that was part on line is removed now in the last few months since the  EEO filed at US Dept of Labor and have so much to get filed with them as the fight to live. May the obstructions stop as don' t they realize or even care they are aiding and abetting my demise that illegal acts causing such used to b murder and  done to millions as well..

    May help come from somewhere for me and all of this is the first time in 31 years the medicines are not med or made in safe the first matter of staying alive...and may You come back soon...but is it that we have a lot to do to prepare revealing the truth so all will know and find salvation for they souls needs to be so none are lost forever to the void of hell...and that sorrow would be on all of try and help them not end up there...nor us its hard to not be angry at those doing us harm and pray for all who are doing this or should be helping as part of their pass on false info as if its truth and obey 39 federal judges on our cases...and the BOLDEST ORDER FROM 3 IS TO ASK ME FOR THE FACTS RULING THAT THEY DO NOT KNOW..

       May the monies owed me and all my medical providers be paid and others and may they be freed from the enslavement they are under of this no govt to ask for help and get it means we have made ourselves slaves when we should be all of us doing better and part is but the undercurrent is not going to hold us up without fairness and justice...and without those in govt to help and be govt to enforce our rights vs those harming us and our nation we re in real trouble...In Your Holy name Amen!



     Linda Joy Adams 2/23/20 posted late after midnight...







   That does not mean






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