
Sunday, February 16, 2020


Jeremiah 49 KJV - Concerning the Ammonites, thus saith - Bible Gateway
         For decades, a Bible is opened at random and chapter read....and everyday some part has personal meaning as well as reflects the world around us....
  A world we were placed in to take care of things and each other....and a real struggle to find our way back to when we never knew evil or there were evil things we could do like harm others....
     Called to be over comers and find our way back...and some fall along the way like the parable of the seed sower...and some make it and some do not...but all are offered redemption and salvation for a free price of accepting the goodness of the Divine and believe and that also is believing in ones self...that our souls are precious and are to be everlasting until the day...the mystery of the cross and resurrection is known as all TRUTH Is know and we have eternal life forever with evil never allowed to bother us a we have no desire to be tricked or fooled by it ever again..
   One human family in this world., that should love and care for one another....but one or a few seem to always not get along...and it turns into ugly blood feuds and even wars....and few can sych the history in the OLD TESTAMENT to the new of the recent its only been in recent times...most of the world has not been of a mindset...that you believe and do as I want...or you are no good when one or a few or a group  has the physical power over others...or better weapons...etc..
  And we were created by the  DIVINE LOVE of the I AM WHO I AM...and every one is a precious part of creation of a precious and unique person...and to ignore that all have rights of even life and livelihood is to dishonor the  FATHER CREATOR in heaven the first ancestor of all of us...and those who became our ancestors here on earth...and we should have learned what is best to do...and not do what they did wrong that caused harms to them and others...
   And the ancient peoples getting into human sacrifice as worship of born persons...and we are dealing with the as life....but listen to many candidates...and they  NO LONGER SPEAK OF ROE VS WADE as right to choose what ones does with ones own body....which was the basis for the majority on the court that allowed this to exist...that most never could have imagined a whole generation would be lost to the abortionists knife... instead thinking it would be a rare things...and made safe and legal.....but has not only turned into an ancient ritual of the demonic of a killing spree.....but A BILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS OF FETAL PARTS OF THE TOO OFTEN ABLE TO SURVIVE BABIES.... and its now being said its OK to murder live persons...already born.....and the horror of thinking anyone would vote for one..who considered your life or mine as OK to end...for any reason that no court of law said should for some kind of heinous crime....and even many states and nations no longer execute it does defy the premise that any soul can change, repent and be saved...even if our legal systems may keep them locked up for the rest of their lives...
    May the day come soon, when the unborn can be taken and given to nurture and grow in a transplant or as sci fi series of a few decades ago..showed  parents carrying around a kangaroo -like pouch for  the unborn growing to be separated from that initial place of growth... I do believe we will get their...and will look back on the last 50 years a a dark time in human history of real deception and denial of our birthrights to value life and even the self worth of each of us....or we would not have addictions rampant as the final step of destruction of ones self into some kind of despair..for issues not taken care of,,including the
   BEAST SYSTEM OF REVELATION or if its not yet much worse can it become? when its a leading cause of death...and NO GOVT ALLOWED TO TOUCH THE INTERNATIONAL CABAL RULING US AND MUCH OF THE WORLD now in health care...that is more about skimming and scamming major public funds...and has all the medical providers under the control of its entities everywhere they turn....and fallen into go along to get NO GOVT TO TURN TO, TO STOP ILLEGAL ACTS  THAT HAVE LED  to pain killers and self medications...when treatments and cures...needed to be done....but the profits of the cabal would do down when treatments have to be paid for...even if they are not major expenses ...the scrooge that has lost semblance of caring wants it all even a few hundred dollars...
   I could not believe this time that our inhalers and meds for my group of 25 million + )numbers added daily) and that is just the USA studies...that no doctors were asked and their medical data bases on us already illegal altered to say we did not medially exist....and away they went to save the ozone layer with no regard for the millions who would die before they should and no attempt to find alternative methods of propellants or binders....which are deadly for many....but NO SOFTWARE ASKS FOR ANYRHNG BUT ALLERGIES.... and many of us have as severe reactions to common chemicals that got damages at the hospital over load of them...rather than the initial ones which oftern would not be exposed to.....and  WE WERE DEEMED UNWORTHY OF LIFE....AND THIS IS A HOLOCOST THAT ANY ONE COULD BE CAUGHT AS NOT WORTHY OF LFE....AS WE ARE ALL FLESH AND BLOOD....
   In 1993, taking away our meds to stay alive...was soon found to land patients in hospitals trying to happened to me....and by 1997 Congress acted with a waiver....but by 2008 LIFE HAD NO WORTH IF IT UPSET PROFITS BY THE CABAL IN CONTROL AS GOVT CONTRATORS NO RULING WITH NO OVERSIGHT BY LAW OF 2002.....AND MY STASH OF MEDS GAINED AHEAD EACH TIME COULD GET FILLED....RAN OUT AND NOW FACING DEATH YEARS BEFORE I SHOULD....even if I am 74....was slower than before but living...LET HER the order on me and 25 million now and if one gets over come by a toxic cloud...NO REAL LIFE EXECTANCY as the ones now ruling that is not the govt....has no regard for life....and a few deep staters have lost their way....and souls making up  FAKE REPORTS. ALTERTINT INFO ABOUT DIAGNSOES...ETC... is said to be the third leading cause of death as MEDICAL MISTAKES.....and do not blame ones doctor...who is fed false rely on...when real crimes have gone on...but OUR PAST LEADERS MAKE THEM IMMUNE ….and the few inside govt who facilitate the contracts...has  been faced head Dallas region who got one of the civil rights complaints....and committed many civil and even criminal wrongs...already in retaliation...when THEY WERE NEVER TO HAVE THIS...AS SHOULD HAVE GONE TO CIVIL RIGHTS OFFICE AND A PEER COUNSELOR FIRST TO GET THE WHOLE FACTS.....but when one is dealing with the internal govt group handing out power of the USA and health care...and advising other nations they are OK....ot give them world wide control of life and death...and monies missing and people not living as they should...then  THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THE GOVT OFFICIALS NOT BEING INVESTIGATED...BUT they have done the same to elected leaders for bow to their will....and even almost took done a PRESIDENT...and spent 40 million dollars...over a threat to their continues ricco organized crime right operation that is  GOING ON YET... and affects the rights of everyone...and where is everyone even trying to preserve their even loved ones have fallen too soon to the nest realm.....and ITS NOT MY BELIEF THAT ANYONE SHOULD HAVE LIFE SHORTENED BY EVIL.... as the will of the Almighty is life eternal and gave us much to make our earthly ones longer lived than ever with freedom and free will to choose life over death...for JUSTICE DENIED ONE DOES DENY IT TO ALL...and the most innocent often fall prey to the evil being done now..and too much is apathy to not face the evil among us as we squash our instincts to know and need to know and as rulers elect those who will do what govts always have to do...stop thieves, murderers and perjurers....and we have seen too much of that going on at the highest levels and none accountable....and today...the  DEMS met in Vegas...and answered questions...and NONE MENTIONED THAT THE CABAL MANAGERS KILLED AND WILL KILL SO MANY IN FLINT MICHIGAN. And why none have been arrested and or congress made them 2002 and never changed the laws so that all are equal before it..and they are not... One talked about it...and acted as if they were innocent...when they were in congress in 2002, or since and did correct  NO GOVT IN CHARGE but anything but the military....but an isolated bill here or there where the oversight of govt got slipped into it....and more trillions missing than the national debt....and  ALL THE INFRASCRTURE MENTIONED NEEDNG TO BE DONE....the money has been disappeared...last seen at the cabal go get it...back and not let anymore go missing ever again of the peoples' money we need for ourselves...
   We dishonor our ancestors who gave us life...and we became the bright and good future of humanity...and then be cast off as unworthy as we allowed this to happen to ourselves...and did not become the rulers of this world as called to be....and HAVE BEEN BY OUR FORMS OF GOVT NOW FOR NEARLY A CENTURY IN MOST PLACES OF THE WORLD...
    It was not EASAU WHO SOLD HIS  birthright for a bowl of porridge...but also allowed himself and his descendants to fall into the ways of evil human sacrifice...and put a blood curse on his future and peoples'  Also being a bad influence on his relatives whom many intermarried with and corrupted the faith that regarded life of each as precious...and none among them be harmed by the will of the majority. Or leaders...
                In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus...may we hear the whole truth from those wishing to be elected. Of all sides....and stop being afraid of those who have grabbed power from us and then done us in...and who will stand up to this evil that we have allowed to envelope us to the ending of our lives and livelihoods. When we are so close to all being made better for one and all of us....and yet we build more weapons of destruction as hatreds are real that we allow all of us of all nations to fall into these and cause wars and horrors to be....when all could have things so wonderful for each one. With freedom and free will used to make good and not bad outcomes...
  Christ help us from our You said one day...redemption could be for each of us...and may all find it soon...Forgive me my own sins...and bad choices the struggle for life goes on with no antidote know from Dupont or Dow before for this binder in pills that is falsely labeled as plant fiber....but is distilled into an ether alcohol gas to get into the cellular molecular level of our bodes and for my group out filtering system was burned off ….in injuries... LIES IN LABELING ALLOWED FOR WHAT WE PUT INTO OUR BODES...AND NO GOVT IN CHARGE  to know its false info...that is harmful if too often trusted and can't be..
   DISCRIMINATION IS HURTFUL TO BE TREATED THAT WHEN ONES WHOLE BODY IS INFLAMMED ONE IS TREATED AS IF YOU ARE NON EXISTENT....ALL YOU 1/6TH OF THE PEOPLE... and they really seem to have no regard it could happen to their self worth for living seems to be non existent as if YOU would kill them at any time and blame You for such evil when You are the opposite whom all of us and creation was made...and to be wonderfully made...and worthy of being and Your love for us is real...and we and  thank and love the all of the  DIVINE You are the part of that is, was and always will be....we can count on even when we humans become not so at times...  In Your Holy Name Amen!
 scroll down the side or below for;;and did repost MEDICAL REGIMEN  just before this.
    MEDICAL 5 parts over sections of 9 DAILY RECAPS..and PLEASE DO NOT TRY any medical treatments without ones doctor...and all allegations of facts are documented. And 39 federal judges on my cases..defied and tossed into disappearance and no govt allowed to have files to know what they are illegally doing that is creating a hell on earth when we should be on the way to having a heaven on earth instead...
   VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS  page 62ff-85 and some 'tween numbers not yet used...
    Linda Joy Adams 2/16/20



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