
Thursday, March 31, 2011

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12 Year Old Super Genius Out to Disprove Big Bang – Creation Revolution

Violations of civil rights page 31: owcp reconsideration on schedule award issue and request to make ACS give you the files

Office of Federal Workers Compensation
525 Griffin St.
Dallas, TX 75202
Attn: Christina Stark regional office manager
Teresa Davis, Claims Examiner
 I received a ' ludicrous' response to a 1996 request for a schedule award. Its not funny, but life threatening to take what seems to be a few pages from Medicare's collection unit contractor attempting to collect monies back to them for bills approved by federal workers compensation that you seem oblivious to because you don't have my file available?.You have numerous reconsiderations that have gone unanswered and also many ca1'. ca2's and ca2a's n file that have never had an initial decision even with 9 judges and 2 hearing officers pointing out they can't review something with no initial decision. In 2/09, if you had read the last 3 appellate judges remand, you would know, if you had the entire file available to understand the context as they do, that when they set aside the misinformation that I didn't return to work in 1990 even when documented with 240 EEOC complaints and EEOC sanctions for the tortuous and painful and physically harming ordeal I went through trying to work without the promised reasonable accommodation s that HHS said they should provide. HHS was the employing Dept over SSA and EEOC matters are still pending against them that have never been settled. When monies were sent me in mailto:'09@'05 from  your offline office system, which raises a grave security issue, the claims examiner did not make decision on the ca1'. ca2's , ca2a' in file so that Social security, my agency in conjunction with HHS's personnel office could go ahead and do the leave buy back. This takes a formal decision from OWCP, even if SSA and I are in agreement.
Are you saying that US dept of Labor judges and claims examiners have no control over filings, or what you can see to render decision, that Affiliated computer systems is allowed to pick and choose what they want you to see  and that includes judges' remand orders?  ACS, who has not processed over 3/4THS of my bills and not input 11 years of oxygen bills because: the computer will pay them as their manger said and would result in the offline ' dummy ' file they set up being brought on line with the official US dept of labor secured file on me in Washington that shows permanent medical benefits for my accepted conditions. Which the Medicare judges were able to obtain, but not my claims examiner nor the bill paying unit at Affiliated computer systems.
I'm in this life threatening situation due to felony destruction of my files in the Dallas regional office before Affiliated computer services took over as a result of the criminal investigation of the regional office and laxity of security on multiple claimants files. 4 years of my life were  taken out' of the file so that my file could be overturned as it made it look like I didn't return to work in 1990. The hearing office remanded the case and neglected to make the needed statement to ' set aside that erroneous decision.' Finally the last three judges at ECAB did say the ' magic words' so that wage loss can be reinstated. They had the CSR applications and statements, all the other pertinent info and again reminded OWCP of the many issues in file needing initial decisions.
Nothing that the judges ordered have been done. especially for you to ask ME for the " fact of the case' as they knew  no one knew what was going on and was only getting bits and pieces from ACS.
Why do I, the claimant have to make the US dept of labors contractor obey the terms of a govt contract which would not be legal if all persons weren't treated equally. Their job is to post the various pieces of the file that come from all directions, whether, me or the highest judges in the agency. They are not to refuse to set up my basic file and make it disappear as what happened in 6/2004 when 35000 pages of the reconstructed file arrived from the appellate judges at ECAB and ' walked  out the door to be worked but not before, as few misleading pieces were posted to manipulate the outcome.
With permission from the Secretary of Labor, I was permitted to use the 1-800 number at the ACS Tallahassee Fl office and we put claim numbers on every piece, and redid all the out of pocket bills and travel vouchers back to 1989 on the new forms so they could be paid, only to have the boxes they sent up to the London Ky ACS office, again disappear. Since then multiple times, documents have been sent in only to have them never reach the claims examiners to review and make decisions based on the ' facts of the case'
Remember ACS has ' decided to lie to every medical provider and supplier and other parties with interest in the case and say the case is closed when it obviously isn't or you wouldn't be trying to decide a permanent disability without the extensive documentations in the file. Exactly what schedule award is being done? The entire list of accepted conditions has not yet been determined as no ca1or ca2 has had an initial decision since the 1990's. This is a progressive disease with long term side effects of approved medications, etc.
HOW CAN THE FILINGS GET TO THE CLAIMS EXAMINER? Can't you ' control' your contractor and order them to treat every claimant equally and stop discriminating against me, an elderly, disabled woman, whose religion is to value all life, including mine.
After years of this, I wrote numerous certified letters that were never answered and left messages. how can i get the facts of the case, i. e the file you should already have in front of you so the various items can get worked,.
A few weeks ago, i discovered on your web site, I could now file a CA1 , and ca2 with your office. I have a injury that was secondary, tertiary to the original accepted conditions and sent them to you and they were received by your office. However, you never got them and probably never will as is the usual situation. They were immediately set to ACS in London Ky to add to  a non existent computer claims file. If one saw only the filing, out of context of the entire file, it may make little sense to some not familiar with the medical consequences of 22+ yeas on cortisone steroids and the prior similar type claims never answered either.
There is nothing to file with ECAB as you haven't reviewed the filings yet and The judges will just send you another remand to work the case. I fell with unfilled prescription as suppliers have to know who will be paying out of my three health plans and the diagnosis listed is the accepted one at owcp. They have called ACS and gotten lied to. ACS is the ' third party?' Once, they were promised the file was being set up up a few years ago and it never was. Some of the call center ACS employees are aware they don't know what is going on, others have not been informed to tell the truth, that the file isn't set up so medical care will continue to be obstructed. That's not the terms of ACS's contract at all to discriminate and manipulate outcomes of claims decisions. Contract wouldn't be legal if it did.
I have suggested in the certified letters, to pay current wage loss since the reason for suspension was now officially set aside by your highest judges, that no other interested party, my agency nor you appealed. Then call Lincare and make it right for the lies to them that I'd received some humongous settlement that included the monies to pay them causing the monopoly oxygen supplier in my areas to cease service: another death panel decision. They of course want paid and the invoices are in the file and never processed. They bought out Health Connections and now have the contract with you and payments are not being made since the buy out.Arkansas Blues did pay, duplicate, for some of the months and continued to do so until Ill Blues took over in my area and decided to post erroneous info that no owcp exists and dumped the bills on to Medicare's contractor, Palmetta GBAwho balked at paying owcp's bills until Cigna took over and paid  the invoices they had ( many were destroyed by palmetto gba whose parent company has just bought cigna govt services out. ) They sent them to the recovery unit  who had sent out some collection letters to owcp in ' 05 and 07 and these were sent to you in '08 and ignored on other obvious bills.  I filed an appeal for an enforcement of the collection and the Medicare judges got the internal documents you can't seen to  be able to access. Its posted bi-weekly to the Medicare computer and no one is to alter it per Medicare's coordination of benefits a subsidiary of Group health , who maintains it for the entire country and all who have a Medicare card.  They are in violation continually of their US Dept of labor contract which adds to the obstruction and is engaged in a theft of the Medicare trust fund when all claims should be coded conditional payments and sent to owcp to collect the monies back and stop this on -going discrimination.
On 9/29.,2010, Judge Gilda Morrison, appellate judge on case m09.1406  upheld the two Administrative law Judges ruling that owcp and fed blues were primary to Medicare ; but ruled that owcp is to pay the oxygen bills, i.e. owcp needs to review all my bills first and either pay if for accepted conditions and then notify providers on others that the medical issues are pending for acceptance and to let fed blues and Medicare pay but code for a future decision and repayment to them should they be accepted. None of the constitutional and logical processes are occurring which puts my life at great risk and me paying out of pocket for life sustaining medical care with approval for life by owcp. and spending monies to file and refile papers that never get reviewed in defiance of judges remand after judges remand.
Ms. Davis and Ms. Stark are new to this case and when Lynn Blodgett, President and CEO of ACS came over to you with the letter I had sent him and published at to him in early '09; he ' neglected to inform you that his London Ky office was and had been refusing to set up my computer file. This is a real he said, she said but the result is my claims examiner is still being giving bits and pieces of a file and a manipulated result. No one should infer your letter of 3/28/2010 that this concerns any other issue but the 1996 schedule award, on which condition? and since you  apparently never read the 2/09 judges remand nor the many letters I' d sent requesting some system to reconstruct the facts of the case,i.e. the file; you obviously had everything withheld from you by ACS so that they now control judges and claims examiners and what they can do. This company could set up a $0 balance ATM card and ask the state of OK to maintain it for 2 years when no welfare benefits were due, but can't set up my life sustaining computer file for the US dept of labor.
As a result of a recent speech by Secretary of labor Hilda Solis, I filed a contract compliance complaint with the US dept of labor in Washington d.c and a civil rights complaint's against them and Medicare coordination of benefits for altering the official records continuously for a decade, both of which are the US dept of labor's contractors that have gravely discriminated against me and my right to live. Then, your letter arrives as a result of the filing? is this to be construed as a retaliations by ACS, for ' feeding you a few pages, again? Medicare coordination of benefits doesn't remove the owcp, they just got involved in a ' ricco' situation (US atty's words) where Trailblazers and others used phony Medicare claim numbers and altered diagnosis codes to circumvent the security, from the us dept of labor, on my real claim number that kicks back the bills as owcp's required they be processed as conditional payments and collection letters sent to owcp for repayment. Routinely ignored by ACS, this time passed on to you?
This is a reconsideration request AND a request for a system to be set up to present to you the documentation, etc and other matters that are pending before you , but withheld by your contractor which I now consider a retaliation as well as on -going discrimination.
ARE YOU REQUIRING ME TO SUE AFFILIATED COMPUTER SYSTEMS ON BEHALF OF THE US DEPT OF LABOR? If so, will your legal counsel fully cooperate and will you be fully cooperative in providing documentation and testimony and finances to do so so that the discrimination and retaliation will cease and my approved bills will be paid and other benefits paid as approved and receive fairness and justice in the deciding of any other items before you and anything that may need to be presented in the future?
                                                       Linda Joy Adams
                                                         22+ year struggle for life  on a non- controverted accepted, established case with permanent medical benefits under a laws  that was past to prevent deaths when these kinds of abuses of power and discrimination's occur. REMEMBER: my file was  feloniously ' riffled ' in the Dallas regional office that started this last 11 + year old life and death struggle.
                                   ACCIDENT REPORT:
The phone calls today to verify the on-going discrimination has had a terrible toil on my accepted medical conditions and rest is badly needed, but this request had to be filed as there is no assurance that anyone will take their responsibility to my life and files to assist. I can't go to London Ky and post the files myself having nether the skills or authority to do so without further physical injury and exacerbation's of my accepted conditions. The physical theraphy has made a new discovery of a related injury; the atrophy? of muscles surrounding the diapraham. Since 1/10/89, I can only breathe from the ' stomach' as 'chest breathing' is no longer possible due to the extensive damage from the orignal injury. Recently read that the method of breathing I use, along with 24/7 Oxygen, is  being widely accepted for this kind of injury. We no longer die in 5 years as my case proves. But every exacerbation reduces my longevity and its not fair and just for what is occurring to be happeinng, its illegal and discriminatory and unconstitutional.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

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CIGNA Government Services Home

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Monday, March 28, 2011

"linda joy adams" - Google Search

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violations of civil rights page 30: DOL,HHS,DOJ,OPM new documents not mailed or faxed

Various filings against named parties are the same parties in multiple agencies. It seem no agency  has any oversight control of their contractors and a handful of abusive high level officials. In some cases, wrong information left behind by prior officials seems to still be passed around as factual information.  The appellate judges at the US dept of labor said it best in 2/09: ask me for the facts of the case. So many files are ' missing' and no one seems to have a clue as tho what is occurring. What is happening is my life and livelihood  have been and are at constant risk because terms of contracts, the laws and judges are blatantly ignored. And the more time that passes, the bigger the back log of items to be processed so that all my bills are paid by the proper party in the proper amount.  ACS won't input  11 years of oxygen claims because they will be paid as they used to be. Politicians are made fun of for mentioning ' death panels.' Isn't this one? When my id and claims info were stolen by a contractor, why wasn't this shut down, or at least some official send me a letter that no liability against me or my estate would exist because the govt itself can't stop thefts by their own contractors , facilitated by Medicare coordination of benefits violating their contracts with CMS, and US Dept of Labor and altering the official filings, which the prior general counsel of OPM and US Dept of Labor officials said was accurate and not to be altered, yet ' everyone' could have it altered to cause harm and theft.
Why has no medical provider/supplier been allowed to know whom to bill for payment in a decade as when they try to find out , the very party that give out the wrong info are stealing, and having the official records altered so they can do so; when there is a legal option that give HHS the authority to straighten this out in a very short time by collections form the primary payers. Instead, HHS officials, ' disappear civil rights complaints, and make fun of me that I want medicare to enforce its own laws and go get the monies back from the responsible parties. How does one  'collect' from another agency's contractor who refuses to carry out the law. Why can't OPM control their own contractors, either?
Where is the protection of my official govt files, and information  in the custody of various officials and their contractors? They say, Congress won't let us! But no warnings are given to the contractors to shape up or you lose your contract.
Why the retaliation when I beg and plead for discrimination and disparate treatment to stop so that life and livelihood are in jeopardy.
For 22+ years, since injured, there has been no security on any got file. As soon as the law, judges, hearing officers orders get started to be carried out on a non- controverted, established case; the files disappear.  Even EEOC sanctions against HHS were ignored. Now the retaliations are even worse as i beg for justice.
The worse was then trying to wipe out 4 years of my life, when i tried over and over to work at great physical peril to my life which resulted in the EEOC sanctions; so that a billions landlord could renew his lucrative lease on a work site that didn't meet federal firs safety codes from the first day we reported to work in 7/88 and although our life-taking injuries  weren't from fire, ho knows what would have happened if locked doors could have been open to provide ventilation? In recent years, more employees have been injured as those responsibility for safety precautions seemed to ignore their duties to oversee those govt contractors. and land lords.
The intentional disappearance of four years of work and medical documentation resulted in loss of wage loss as officials could claims: you never returned to work in 1990, and you shouldn't have any benefits. This has been corrected  in appeals numerous times only to have the reviewed documentation- ' disappears ' in the custody of ACS. ACS was given the contract to assure the security of files that wasn't available in the Federal offices. The appellate judges decision of 2/09 affirming that I did return to work in 1990 and setting aside the erroneous decision   again, and again made no sense to the dallas regional office who had no idea that was the reason wage loss stopped. Yet the medical benefits never ceased due to a strong law passed in the '90's to prevent this kind of abuse of power putting injured federal workers lives in danger.
over 2 years later, no one has contacted me, except for the new regional office manager, to say her office computer file hadn't been updated since 1998. Why? when ACS is hired to treat everyone equally before the law and post all  files, even on  the ' older' ones. Others with 'older files' are getting their benefits,aren't they?
ACS , however, could spend OK taxpayers monies to set up $0 balance ATM cards for us when no monthly checks were obviously not due based on an all purpose form filed with our County in order to get a denial letter to prove I couldn't get help to pay part B medicare premiums. and a HIPPAA reaeust to prive that federal official s and contractors had used state monies to cause ' harrassment' based on false reports. As far as I know, they are still getting paid for the last 2 years to maintain them and state monies are still being spent under false pretenses at the behest of the offending parties when the state claims they can do nothing agiastt the fed govt' officials and their contractors.
The same parties, show up in discriminatory and disparate treatment in multiple places. Group Health has the subsidiaries of Medicare coordination of benefits, Medicare secondary payer recovery unit ( they ordered them to not collect after letters were sent to OWCP in '05, 07,08. and none to Fed Blues the other primary for myself and family who are caught up in this in trying to get medical care since qualifying for Medicare. And the fraudulent National Health insurance data base created by offending parties altering what the doctors sent in on claims and used too often for medical histories costing obstruction of even emergency medcial care and placing life in jeopardy more than once as it should be reliable if not for offenses by the parries in charge.
I have gone ' public' and several summaries of events are attached. Every medical service date starts a new round of violations.
My files are as complex and convoluted as the international conglomerates that we have named as offenders.
It appears only Sec of Labor Solis has addressed the issue and publicly encourgaged complaints of civil rights to be filed against  their contractors. Medicare's is part of HHS and they don't know where one can file a complaints, although their general counsel has said contractors can be investigated for civil rights violations, then why won't they do so in the Dallas region- which resulted in some high level regional officials being named in the complaints.
No one has gotten back to me and my family is still hauling oxygen tanks to the mfg and we are paying out of pocket so I can live, because of the direct lies and misinformation that has been spewed about and the discriminatory regulations that have created monopoly suppliers. ACS has continually lied to medical providers and inferred that I got some humongous settlement monies to pay everyone and Lincare  believed them over me and has created endangerment of life and horrible financiial hardship. Other medcial care is continually thwarted as payment is expected for services supplied within a resonable time.
I have no monies to pay to copy and mail. I've written and met every filing date on time. Only to have files and filings disappear, over and over. I am paying a flat rate for long distance and have a higher speed fax machine. You can't blame me for choosing to live and filing papers everywhere possible for enforcements of laws and jduges' rulings that they can't enforce. If govt contractors are going to run this country then all our elected officials might as well go home along with the civil service and big business will run things for profits and no civil rights will exist for any one of us that find themselves disabled, elderly, or a member of minority group. Only those able to be slaves for  profit for the few who amass more and more power and wealth will be allowed to eke out a meager existence at the whim of a few. That's not the Constitutional. rights our forefathers fought so hard to have for all of us. The inalienable right to live has been my foremost goal and that means having the best health care not obstructed and monies awarded paid to provide for myself and family  not be constantly interfered with. I tried to work at great peril with promised accommodations ignored and no right to work with the regional disability person to make sure i wasn't at physical risk.  The missing medical records how 4 years of one continuous asthma attack with constant derision and ridicule by superiors who only got worse as each co-worker lost their battle for life.  In 6/68 I chose to become a civil servant  and expected the dignity of the right of life and wages paid as agreed to by law and Congress. This has not occurred.

Rick Warren: A Holy Ghost Blasphemer? « Paw Creek Ministries

Rick Warren: A Holy Ghost Blasphemer? « Paw Creek Ministries

Donald Trump Releases Birth Certificate - Patriot Action Network

Donald Trump Releases Birth Certificate - Patriot Action Network Mr. trump this is the hospital birth certificate, not the long form from the county or state?

Exclusive to Newsmax: Donald Trump's Birth Certificate

Exclusive to Newsmax: Donald Trump's Birth Certificate This is the hospital birth certificates Where'sthe long form filed with the state of New York?

Society | Crain's Chicago Business

Society Crain's Chicago Business

Sprint blasts AT&T's bid to buy T-Mobile USA | Reuters

Sprint blasts AT&T's bid to buy T-Mobile USA Reuters

Report: USDA unknowingly OKed eggs from tainted farm | Des Moines Register Staff Blogs

Report: USDA unknowingly OKed eggs from tainted farm Des Moines Register Staff Blogs

Federal Bureau of Investigation - The New Orleans Division: Department of Justice Press Release

Federal Bureau of Investigation - The New Orleans Division: Department of Justice Press Release

Low-level radiation in three Southern states' air | Reuters

Low-level radiation in three Southern states' air Reuters

Practical Analysis: Oracle Vs. HP -- Who's Got Your Back? -- InformationWeek

Practical Analysis: Oracle Vs. HP -- Who's Got Your Back? -- InformationWeek

BBC News - Walnuts are the healthiest nut, say scientists

BBC News - Walnuts are the healthiest nut, say scientists

Roche's Lucentis helps diabetics in second trial | Reuters

Roche's Lucentis helps diabetics in second trial Reuters

Simple eye test to predict amputation risk - Times Of India

Simple eye test to predict amputation risk - Times Of India

eBay acquires GSI Commerce for $2.4 billion - Post Tech - The Washington Post

eBay acquires GSI Commerce for $2.4 billion - Post Tech - The Washington Post

Dallas firms J. Hilburn and J.C. Penney see ways to expand men’s clothing business | Dallas-Fort Worth Business News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Dallas firms J. Hilburn and J.C. Penney see ways to expand men’s clothing business Dallas-Fort Worth Business News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

ADL Condemns Decision by University of Johannesburg to Sever Ties With Israeli Institution

ADL Condemns Decision by University of Johannesburg to Sever Ties With Israeli Institution

A few new Passover haggadahs, and a facelift for an old favorite | JTA - Jewish & Israel News

A few new Passover haggadahs, and a facelift for an old favorite JTA - Jewish & Israel News

Transportation blog: House committee expected to take up TxDOT sunset bill today | Dallas-Fort Worth Transportation News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Transportation blog: House committee expected to take up TxDOT sunset bill today Dallas-Fort Worth Transportation News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Iranian Video Says Mahdi is 'Near' - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Iranian Video Says Mahdi is 'Near' - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Egypt seeks food and water security in Sudan

Egypt seeks food and water security in Sudan

Goose Island sells to Anheuser-Busch for $38.8M | Consumer | Crain's Chicago Business

Goose Island sells to Anheuser-Busch for $38.8M Consumer Crain's Chicago Business

China battery plant poisons more than 100 villagers | Reuters

China battery plant poisons more than 100 villagers Reuters

Scant proof herbs or massage treat baby colic | Reuters

Scant proof herbs or massage treat baby colic Reuters always ask you doctor first; if he or she says no harm but may or may not help then one might try some organic quality in a small quality to see if it helps. But our doctors need to be part of the solution . Someone mentioned bay leaf today that wasn't a doctor, but may well be right! then its imprtant to know if its to be cooked, steeped and how much diluted. This is the one area that FDA could be a help in this country rather than pushing those expensive prescripton drugs that chemical companies want so that we don't realize that many of those chemicals aren't good for ingestion.

Pfizer unit recalls two possibly mislabeled drugs | Reuters

Pfizer unit recalls two possibly mislabeled drugs Reuters

Glencore to seek HK IPO approval this week: sources | Reuters

Glencore to seek HK IPO approval this week: sources Reuters

The Ethanol Debate |

The Ethanol Debate

Cracking down on improper payments requires a fine balance, panelists say (3/23/11) --

Cracking down on improper payments requires a fine balance, panelists say (3/23/11) -- see my comment

Progress cited on reorganization of government (3/22/11) --

Progress cited on reorganization of government (3/22/11) --

Former Amtrak inspector general accused of inappropriate lobbying (3/25/11) --

Former Amtrak inspector general accused of inappropriate lobbying (3/25/11) --

Harry & David in bankruptcy as gift sales fall | Reuters

Harry & David in bankruptcy as gift sales fall Reuters

Kentucky considers restrictions on Medicaid for 3 cancer drugs | McClatchy

Kentucky considers restrictions on Medicaid for 3 cancer drugs McClatchy

Cause of 12 infant deaths at Fort Bragg is unknown | McClatchy

Cause of 12 infant deaths at Fort Bragg is unknown McClatchy

Trace levels of radiation from Japan found on East Coast | McClatchy

Trace levels of radiation from Japan found on East Coast McClatchy

Richard Scrushy’s Household Sold Off in a Yard Sale -

Richard Scrushy’s Household Sold Off in a Yard Sale -

Environmentalists obstacle | clean energy production | NIMBY | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Environmentalists obstacle clean energy production NIMBY The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Gov’t emails: Political reviews over requests for US records ‘meddling,’ ‘crazy’ and ‘bananas’ - The Washington Post

Gov’t emails: Political reviews over requests for US records ‘meddling,’ ‘crazy’ and ‘bananas’ - The Washington Post

Supreme Court doesn’t say if it will hear appeal over routine strip searches at NJ jails - The Washington Post

Supreme Court doesn’t say if it will hear appeal over routine strip searches at NJ jails - The Washington Post

Largest third-party claims administrators | Business Insurance

Largest third-party claims administrators Business Insurance

Medical News: Supreme Court to Hear Generic Drug Labeling Case - in Product Alert, Prescriptions from MedPage Today

Medical News: Supreme Court to Hear Generic Drug Labeling Case - in Product Alert, Prescriptions from MedPage Today

Medical News: AAPM: Capsaicin Patch Eases HIV Neuropathy Pain - in Meeting Coverage, AAPM from MedPage Today

Medical News: AAPM: Capsaicin Patch Eases HIV Neuropathy Pain - in Meeting Coverage, AAPM from MedPage Today

Medical News: Congress to See Medicare Private Contracting Bill - in Meeting Coverage, AAPM from MedPage Today

Medical News: Congress to See Medicare Private Contracting Bill - in Meeting Coverage, AAPM from MedPage Today

Medical News: AAPM: RF Zaps Some Low Back Pain - in Meeting Coverage, AAPM from MedPage Today

Medical News: AAPM: RF Zaps Some Low Back Pain - in Meeting Coverage, AAPM from MedPage Today

Medical News: Kids Lose Bone After Bariatric Surgery - in Pediatrics, Obesity from MedPage Today

Medical News: Kids Lose Bone After Bariatric Surgery - in Pediatrics, Obesity from MedPage Today

Dems: Potential cuts to Medicaid outlined by administration 'cruel' - The Hill's Healthwatch

Dems: Potential cuts to Medicaid outlined by administration 'cruel' - The Hill's Healthwatch - Comments - Comments see my comment, sorry about the typs as i hit the enter key not intending to do so.

South African babies hold TB vaccine hopes - Health & Families, Life & Style - The Independent

South African babies hold TB vaccine hopes - Health & Families, Life & Style - The Independent

The Stealth Drug Cause of Diabetes

The Stealth Drug Cause of Diabetes

Dollar sets new post-float high | Exchange Rates, US Dollar |

Dollar sets new post-float high Exchange Rates, US Dollar

'Al-Qaeda snatched missiles' in Libya |

'Al-Qaeda snatched missiles' in Libya

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Herman Cain Wins Iowa Straw Poll..Ken and Brenda Battle Jordan. - Patriot Action Network

Herman Cain Wins Iowa Straw Poll..Ken and Brenda Battle Jordan. - Patriot Action Network

Russia and Kyrgyzstan dispute over airbase

Russia and Kyrgyzstan dispute over airbase

Four charged in plot to export jet engines to Iran

Four charged in plot to export jet engines to Iran

Dubai says bid foiled to ship 16,000 guns to Yemen

Dubai says bid foiled to ship 16,000 guns to Yemen

Nigerian oil sector faces election trouble

Nigerian oil sector faces election trouble

Study Finds More Efficient Means Of Creating, Arranging Carbon Nanofibers

Study Finds More Efficient Means Of Creating, Arranging Carbon Nanofibers

Goodbye To Blind Spots For Machine Operators

Goodbye To Blind Spots For Machine Operators

The Ashes Of A Red Heifer | GraceThruFaith

The Ashes Of A Red Heifer GraceThruFaith They will be ' found' when its time!

Measurements Of Winter Arctic Sea Ice Shows Continuing Ice Loss

Measurements Of Winter Arctic Sea Ice Shows Continuing Ice Loss

Secretary Salazar Charts Future For Landsat Satellite Program

Secretary Salazar Charts Future For Landsat Satellite Program

Against The Tide: Currents Keep Dolphins Apart

Against The Tide: Currents Keep Dolphins Apart

Russia, Israel Agree On Cooperation In Outer Space

Russia, Israel Agree On Cooperation In Outer Space

Radiation levels reach new highs as conditions worsen for workers - The Washington Post

Radiation levels reach new highs as conditions worsen for workers - The Washington Post

Magnitude-6.5 Quake Off Japan; Small Tsunami Alert -

Magnitude-6.5 Quake Off Japan; Small Tsunami Alert -

Israel Deploys Anti-Missile System to South | Bible Prophecy Blog

Israel Deploys Anti-Missile System to South Bible Prophecy Blog

The Triangle Fire equals Wisconsin cutbacks? Schumer and others claim so at Commemoration - Tea Party Nation

The Triangle Fire equals Wisconsin cutbacks? Schumer and others claim so at Commemoration - Tea Party Nation

Melinda Ann French, aka Melinda Gates

Melinda Ann French, aka Melinda Gates

Israel deploys system as shield from Gaza rockets - Yahoo! News

Israel deploys system as shield from Gaza rockets - Yahoo! News

Thorn from Jesus Christ's crown to be displayed at British museum

Thorn from Jesus Christ's crown to be displayed at British museum

'Israel believes Iran and Hezbollah aiding Syria crackdown' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

'Israel believes Iran and Hezbollah aiding Syria crackdown' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

Bombing attempt on Egypt-Israel gas pipeline fails

Bombing attempt on Egypt-Israel gas pipeline fails

Israel deploys rocket defense system against Gaza - Yahoo! News

Israel deploys rocket defense system against Gaza - Yahoo! News

US Supreme Court Gives Total Liability Shield to Big Drug Companies

US Supreme Court Gives Total Liability Shield to Big Drug Companies

Who Calls Central Park Home? Census Counts 25 -

Who Calls Central Park Home? Census Counts 25 -

GE pulls in $14B, makes $5B profit, pays $0 US taxes – Patriot Update

GE pulls in $14B, makes $5B profit, pays $0 US taxes – Patriot Update

New York City's Extinct Blooms - Interactive Feature -

New York City's Extinct Blooms - Interactive Feature -

Thousands of union members, leaders march streets of LA vowing to fight for organized labor - The Washington Post

Thousands of union members, leaders march streets of LA vowing to fight for organized labor - The Washington Post

GOP presidential prospects court Iowa conservatives - The Washington Post

GOP presidential prospects court Iowa conservatives - The Washington Post michelle Bachmann has deep iowa ties and this may give her some momentum over other candidates.

Your Papers, please, Mr. President - Atlas Shrugs

Your Papers, please, Mr. President - Atlas Shrugs ( Barry Pope, liberal kansas)

Reporter 'Confined in a Closet' at Biden Event

Reporter 'Confined in a Closet' at Biden Event

Ken Raggio Bible Study Lessons and Sermon Resources and Bible Prophecy Teaching

Ken Raggio Bible Study Lessons and Sermon Resources and Bible Prophecy Teaching

How Long Is The Day Of The Lord? | GraceThruFaith

How Long Is The Day Of The Lord? GraceThruFaith

The 10 Cheapest Cars to Own - MSN Autos

The 10 Cheapest Cars to Own - MSN Autos

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Independence Blue Cross - VAV Blue Cross

Independence Blue Cross - VAV Blue Cross

The Blue Cross

The Blue Cross





Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois BlueEdge Individual HSA Outline ...

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois BlueEdge Individual HSA Outline ...



Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois Home Delivery Order Form ...

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois Home Delivery Order Form ...

PROVIDER INFORMATION Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois ...

PROVIDER INFORMATION Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois ...

Welcome to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois and Fort ...

Welcome to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois and Fort ...

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois CREDENTIALING APPLICATION ...

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois CREDENTIALING APPLICATION ...



London Protests Turn Violent - Patriot Action Network

London Protests Turn Violent - Patriot Action Network

Fuel fire causes more MIA flight delays, cancellations - Miami-Dade -

Fuel fire causes more MIA flight delays, cancellations - Miami-Dade -

Scottish Missionary among Victims of Jerusalem Bombing, Christian News, The Christian Post

Scottish Missionary among Victims of Jerusalem Bombing, Christian News, The Christian Post

Weekly Address: The Military Mission in Libya | The White House

Weekly Address: The Military Mission in Libya The White House

$5B Hollywood Handout Bankrupting Obamacare - Patriot Action Network

$5B Hollywood Handout Bankrupting Obamacare - Patriot Action Network

The Delicate Dance Between Vitamins D and K

The Delicate Dance Between Vitamins D and K

Honda says lack of parts from Japan likely to cause interruptions at North American plants - The Washington Post

Honda says lack of parts from Japan likely to cause interruptions at North American plants - The Washington Post

A year later, still no cure for politics in health care | McClatchy

A year later, still no cure for politics in health care McClatchy see my comment

Review: IE 9 Is Microsoft's Best Browser Yet -- InformationWeek

Review: IE 9 Is Microsoft's Best Browser Yet -- InformationWeek

Review: IE 9 Is Microsoft's Best Browser Yet -- InformationWeek

Review: IE 9 Is Microsoft's Best Browser Yet -- InformationWeek

Jon Henley's diary | Politics | The Guardian

Jon Henley's diary Politics The Guardian

Ethiopia on the Frontlines of Jihad: Thousands of Christians Displaced After Devout Muslims Torch Churches, Homes - Atlas Shrugs

Ethiopia on the Frontlines of Jihad: Thousands of Christians Displaced After Devout Muslims Torch Churches, Homes - Atlas Shrugs

Friday, March 25, 2011

Prophecy in the News

Prophecy in the News

NASA - NASA Stardust Spacecraft Officially Ends Operations

NASA - NASA Stardust Spacecraft Officially Ends Operations

Second Rapture? | GraceThruFaith

Second Rapture? GraceThruFaith

Agencies slam new Medicare rule on home care | McClatchy

Agencies slam new Medicare rule on home care McClatchy Only th e big corporate entities will be providing care. often they create monoplies in areas and refuse service at will.

Federal Bureau of Investigation - The Philadelphia Division: Department of Justice Press Release

Federal Bureau of Investigation - The Philadelphia Division: Department of Justice Press Release

ONC Announces open public comment period on the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan: 2011-2015

ONC Announces open public comment period on the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan: 2011-2015

Federal Bureau of Investigation - The Washington Field Office: Department of Justice Press Release

Federal Bureau of Investigation - The Washington Field Office: Department of Justice Press Release

Are Demonic or Democratic Forces at Work in the Middle East? | Bible Prophecy Blog

Are Demonic or Democratic Forces at Work in the Middle East? Bible Prophecy Blog

Sallie Mae brings back deferred payment option -

Sallie Mae brings back deferred payment option -

SSA cancels overtime for most employees -

SSA cancels overtime for most employees -

SSA steps in to speed disability claims delayed by state furloughs -

SSA steps in to speed disability claims delayed by state furloughs -

Google adds Cherokee to searchable languages |

Google adds Cherokee to searchable languages

Extreme drought reported in parts of Oklahoma |

Extreme drought reported in parts of Oklahoma

Has the Lost City of Atlantis Been Found? – Creation Revolution

Has the Lost City of Atlantis Been Found? – Creation Revolution

Japan quake may affect 'thousands' of German firms: Marsh | Business Insurance

Japan quake may affect 'thousands' of German firms: Marsh Business Insurance

Vermont moves closer to single-payer health care system | Business Insurance

Vermont moves closer to single-payer health care system Business Insurance

Obama’s Judicial Pick Gets Million$ In Settlements Till 2024 | Judicial Watch

Obama’s Judicial Pick Gets Million$ In Settlements Till 2024 Judicial Watch

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

MOST PRO-ISRAEL GOVERNMENT IN THE WORLD FALLS: Canada’s PM Harper loses no-confidence vote « Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

MOST PRO-ISRAEL GOVERNMENT IN THE WORLD FALLS: Canada’s PM Harper loses no-confidence vote « Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

Development and History of Kaddish - My Jewish Learning

Development and History of Kaddish - My Jewish Learning

Obama's 'birth hospital' hides White House letter

Obama's 'birth hospital' hides White House letter

What's the timeline for U.S. health law? | Reuters

What's the timeline for U.S. health law? Reuters

Unreported Soros Event Aims to Remake Entire Global Economy

Unreported Soros Event Aims to Remake Entire Global Economy

Prepare for a European Union Divided in Two

Prepare for a European Union Divided in Two

Bromine Toxic to Nerve Cells

Bromine Toxic to Nerve Cells

Medicare Part B Enrollment When Working Beyond 65; Employer Health Insurance - AARP Bulletin

Medicare Part B Enrollment When Working Beyond 65; Employer Health Insurance - AARP Bulletin

Church of the Brethren: 2011 Older Adult Month

Church of the Brethren: 2011 Older Adult Month

Irish bank forcing sale of Turtle Creek Village, more | Dallas-Fort Worth Commercial Real Estate News - Business News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Irish bank forcing sale of Turtle Creek Village, more Dallas-Fort Worth Commercial Real Estate News - Business News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Mars News, Science, Technology at

Mars News, Science, Technology at

Lincare Holdings Inc. - Definitive Proxy Statement

Lincare Holdings Inc. - Definitive Proxy Statement

Lincare Holdings Inc. - Definitive Proxy Statement

Lincare Holdings Inc. - Definitive Proxy Statement

The Hal Lindsey Report

The Hal Lindsey Report

They’re just like us: Even presidents get locked out - Yahoo! News

They’re just like us: Even presidents get locked out - Yahoo! News

Report Uncovers Key Trends In Water Resources Research

Report Uncovers Key Trends In Water Resources Research

H&P Industries, Inc. Issues a Voluntary Nationwide Recall of All Lots of Povidine Iodine Prep Pads Due to Potential Microbial Contamination - Recalls - FCIC

H&P Industries, Inc. Issues a Voluntary Nationwide Recall of All Lots of Povidine Iodine Prep Pads Due to Potential Microbial Contamination - Recalls - FCIC

World Variety Produce, Inc. Recalls Serrano Peppers Because of Possible Health Risk - Recalls - FCIC

World Variety Produce, Inc. Recalls Serrano Peppers Because of Possible Health Risk - Recalls - FCIC

Census turns up fun Polk County facts | The Des Moines Register |

Census turns up fun Polk County facts The Des Moines Register

Koch brothers Harry Reid | Harry Reid slams Koch Industries in fundraising letter for group that accepted Koch donations | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Koch brothers Harry Reid Harry Reid slams Koch Industries in fundraising letter for group that accepted Koch donations The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Koch brothers Harry Reid | Harry Reid slams Koch Industries in fundraising letter for group that accepted Koch donations | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Koch brothers Harry Reid Harry Reid slams Koch Industries in fundraising letter for group that accepted Koch donations The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

President Michele Bachmann | Chris Matthews Republican | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

President Michele Bachmann Chris Matthews Republican The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

The hour the world goes dark - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent

The hour the world goes dark - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent

Consumer Updates > Seven Inhalers That Use CFCs Being Phased Out

Consumer Updates > Seven Inhalers That Use CFCs Being Phased Out

Google Books Settlement Rejected -- InformationWeek

Google Books Settlement Rejected -- InformationWeek

Trump Refuses to Back Down Over Obama's 'Very Strange' Birth

Trump Refuses to Back Down Over Obama's 'Very Strange' Birth

Testosterone gel shows effects on diabetes | Reuters

Testosterone gel shows effects on diabetes Reuters

Radioactive substances and their impact on health | Reuters

Radioactive substances and their impact on health Reuters

Wall Street advances as Oracle leads techs | Reuters

Wall Street advances as Oracle leads techs Reuters

A siege against the EPA and environmental progress - The Washington Post

A siege against the EPA and environmental progress - The Washington Post

U.S. Postal Service announces sweeping job cuts, district office closures - The Washington Post

U.S. Postal Service announces sweeping job cuts, district office closures - The Washington Post

OPM asks health insurers to provide incentives for wellness programs - The Washington Post

OPM asks health insurers to provide incentives for wellness programs - The Washington Post

Even BPA-Free Plastics Leach Endrocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Even BPA-Free Plastics Leach Endrocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Race to save oil slicked penguins on remote British island

Race to save oil slicked penguins on remote British island

Neutron Analysis Yields Insight Into Bacteria For Solar Energy

Neutron Analysis Yields Insight Into Bacteria For Solar Energy

Putin's animal antics questioned in Russia

Putin's animal antics questioned in Russia

The Genesis Code Movie – Creation Revolution

The Genesis Code Movie – Creation Revolution

Fertility treatment can use semen from men with HIV | Reuters

Fertility treatment can use semen from men with HIV Reuters

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Durant Daily Democrat - New census milestone Hispanics to hit 50 million

Durant Daily Democrat - New census milestone Hispanics to hit 50 million

Baby dolphin saved after dumped in rice field by tsunami | Reuters

Baby dolphin saved after dumped in rice field by tsunami Reuters

A huge court ordered expansion of government around the corner? - Tea Party Nation

A huge court ordered expansion of government around the corner? - Tea Party Nation

Federal Bureau of Investigation - The Indianapolis Division: Department of Justice Press Release

Federal Bureau of Investigation - The Indianapolis Division: Department of Justice Press Release

Bill seeks to end FERS pension for new hires beginning in 2013 -

Bill seeks to end FERS pension for new hires beginning in 2013 -

EEOC releases revised disability regulations | Business Insurance

EEOC releases revised disability regulations Business Insurance

Dell's Compellent unit to add dedupe, global file system - Computerworld

Dell's Compellent unit to add dedupe, global file system - Computerworld

Mailbag: mailbag_act --

Mailbag: mailbag_act -- see my comment on esperts still don't realize that govt contractors spend the moniey

Two magnitude 7.0 quakes hit Myanmar: USGS - Yahoo! News

Two magnitude 7.0 quakes hit Myanmar: USGS - Yahoo! News

Worst Texas Drought in 44 Years Damaging Wheat Crop, Reducing Cattle Herds - Bloomberg

Worst Texas Drought in 44 Years Damaging Wheat Crop, Reducing Cattle Herds - Bloomberg

'More than 100 killed in Syrian anti-government rallies'

'More than 100 killed in Syrian anti-government rallies'

Two Palestinian rockets 'hit Israeli city of Ashdod' - Yahoo! News

Two Palestinian rockets 'hit Israeli city of Ashdod' - Yahoo! News

3 rescued after Fort Worth crash leaves semi dangling off I-20 ramp and car pinned under tanker | Dallas-Fort Worth Communities - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

3 rescued after Fort Worth crash leaves semi dangling off I-20 ramp and car pinned under tanker Dallas-Fort Worth Communities - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Smoke from Oklahoma grassfires blows into Texas | Dallas-Fort Worth Communities - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Smoke from Oklahoma grassfires blows into Texas Dallas-Fort Worth Communities - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Eyes on Novartis shares as Alcon deal nears close | Reuters

Eyes on Novartis shares as Alcon deal nears close Reuters

Coda to sell China-made electric car in US in 2011

Coda to sell China-made electric car in US in 2011

6.8-magnitude quake strikes NE Myanmar; 1 dead -

6.8-magnitude quake strikes NE Myanmar; 1 dead -



Oracle sales surge, raises dividend | Reuters

Oracle sales surge, raises dividend Reuters

Procurement officials develop program to trade employees' expertise -- Federal Computer Week

Procurement officials develop program to trade employees' expertise -- Federal Computer Week

Libya operation causing headaches for U.S. contractors, grantees (3/22/11) --

Libya operation causing headaches for U.S. contractors, grantees (3/22/11) --

Constitutional firestorm over Libya war and Biden's past impeachment words greet returning Obama | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Constitutional firestorm over Libya war and Biden's past impeachment words greet returning Obama Top of the Ticket Los Angeles Times

Groups protest Kenya biofuel project

Groups protest Kenya biofuel project

Walgreen to buy | Consumer | Crain's Chicago Business

Walgreen to buy Consumer Crain's Chicago Business

Walgreen to buy | Consumer | Crain's Chicago Business

Walgreen to buy Consumer Crain's Chicago Business

Savings to States on State Contributions for Prescription Drug Costs Due to FMAP Increase

Savings to States on State Contributions for Prescription Drug Costs Due to FMAP Increase

Levees in Des Moines will now need to be even taller | The Des Moines Register |

Levees in Des Moines will now need to be even taller The Des Moines Register

Chainsaw sculptor turns old tree stumps into art | The Des Moines Register |

Chainsaw sculptor turns old tree stumps into art The Des Moines Register

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

violations of civil rights page 29: Standing request to Lincare for services

John P. Byrnes CEO
Lincare Holdings, Inc.
19387 U.S. 19 North
Clearwater, Fl. 33764
Dear Sir: the treatment we both have endured at the hands of got officials and their contractors has been unconscionable. However, it got worse when you wouldn't believe what I was trying to tell you. The judges do and on 2/09 said everyone is to ask me for the facts of the case as rumor and gossip is still being strewn  around as facts. I'm approved for life by three health plans: Federal workers compensation, who paid  the company you bought, health connections and the contract with OWCP should be in my files. Then federal blue Cross, Blue Shield who paid you until Illinois Blues took over in OK, TX and NM and posted false info on their computer that owcp was settled and I had retired years earlier. at the same time Affiliated Computer Services, now a Xerox company, took over processing of paper and bills for Federal workers compensation and refused to set up my computer file to this very date. They have 11 years of oxygen invoices that have never been processed because: the computer will pay them and bring them on line with the official US dept of Labor computer that posts my active employment status and permanent medical benefits bi weekly, by contract with Medicare Coordination of benefits, a Group health subsidiary, and The Us dept of Labor. three Medicare judges, including an appellate judge upheld this as accurate on 9/29/2010 case # M09-1406. The 2 ALJ decisions were ignored by MCOB saying: we don't care what a judge says, nor the law nor their contract. There is a 1980's federal workers compensation law that was passed to insure that when life sustaining medical care is in jeopardy, permanent medical could be approved before work issues are resolved. That pertinent info was not shared with my attorney nor I except for a letter received in mid 90's that oxygen tanks they had paid for was to be included in my estate instruction to return them to US Dept of Labor upon my death.
When Cigna Govt services took over  in my area for medicare, they said all your claims and our appeals were thrown away by Palmetto GBA. They have yet to process them. They did approve me for life, paid the claims from the suppler I had for '06-1/08 when you became the monopoly supplier in my area. Rhema said you refused to turn over the contract with US Dept of labor with health Connections that you'd bought out.They  were the only intermediary that sent claims on to Medicare secondary payer recovery to recover from ACS who ignored them and i filed an appeal to try and get enforcement of the laws which medicare has the responsibility to do by law except it was suspended by former Sec of HHS back in the '90's. Illinois blues, has still not processed the co-pays on those claims, although the initial filing was ' dumped onto Medicare.
I have a standing request to your for services. I have tanks and one stop per month should suffice.
Currently, in order to live, my family has had to haul tanks and pay out of pocket. This is truly a ' death panel ' decision and the public should be aware anyone could get injured and have such disparate treatment.
Compounding the problem in '06 was when your manager called ACS and got lied to about my case and told that I'd gotten some big settlement that included your back pay for services. other defamation and slander got spewed around even more. ACS had the appellate judge's orders and files' disappear.'  out of London , Ky where their contract is to post all paper from any source and definitely not be the decider of cases. Nor are they to set up a ' dummy' offline computer file to charge the US dept of labor to process bills and items and respond that some unknown third party is to pay, yet disparately decide the only type of claim not to input is oxygen; knowing full well the ' gig' would be up. it took some ' nice' persons in the Fl call center to tell me the truth claiming the Director of opm 'made  them do it' yet she had no contract with them and was not paying them? This is the entity that  when Arkansas blues was our blues here their manager called me and said OPM asked them to murder me and they paid you. Your local manager seemed unaware of that in 1/06. the terrible thing that was done was that Ill blues took back all payments back to 8/1/00 when I became entitled to part B Medicare when they should have gotten the monies back from ACS. Lying and abuse of power has been rampant.
Compounding the problem was that medicare was not following oxygen guidelines. Sec Tommy Tompkins got them clarified in 2005 and  when i discovered in 2006 that you had never contacted my pulmonologist nor cardiologist to get the medical necessity forms, i had to get them and take them to my doctor who promptly filled them out and said he would have had no problem completing them at the time I first saw him in 1/2004 except each year your employees took the name of my cardiologist and I thought he was completing them. I see that finally Cigna govt services is having training on the guidelines. The are basically no different than in the past except they are more medcially specific. the old ones just said O2 sat rate Or send in medcial records which could be a clerical nightmare in a company as I have witnessed in obtaining doctors records for SSA disability claims. Some have excellent, organized records and others are barely legible which basically required Palmetto GBA to have a doctor on staff to call every doctor that chose to submit records instead of just using a sat rate. In 1/2004 at a cardiopulmonary stress test the technician had me at 70% sat rate before he stopped and then it took the 2 years to get ahold of the tests from the hospital. In this day and age, they didn"t realize that I was not a patient to fear for going too far. Usually doctors stop the tests when the heart starts getting overworked. yes it took a week  to recover, but the results were there that you needed and communications were being thwarted every which way. in TX, technicians are allowed to run the tests.
Palmetto Gba wanted you to leave the diagnosis code off as that triggered owcp paying the bill. when Cigna first try to pay using my secured Medicare number it kicked it out for having primary payers due to the diagnosis code and being oxygen and the official secured records at the US Dept of Labor. This is a very strong and good law that was passed after a scandal of lives lost at the abuse  of power by OPM. now contractors have resumed those ' dirty deeds and lives are in jeopardy.  They used a phony Medicare widow claim number, declaring my husband dead to pay the claims to by pass the security, but did send over to MSPRC who did send out the ignored recovery letter. ( OPM is the entity in charge of all health care plans in USA in 2014.)
My fax number is my phone number. I plan on living a good many more years if medical care is not obstructed.
The new regional office manager at the Dallas  federal workers compensation office is aware  now that she has not had access to my actual records, etc. their phone number is 214-850-2300_. I suggest you call here for clarification as to what to do. Any problems, please keep me informed.No patient should be treated in such a manner. The Sec of Labor has asked for complaints and civil rights to be filed against the contractors when they treat one badly. Its not easy to ' fire' a govt contractor. The state of Mn tried to fire ACS and they counter sued and the state had to pay ACS 7.6 million and they still have the contract. Proof is needed. Ill Blues was 'gotten' by state of Ill medicaid recently for their dumping onto  them for $25 million. Finally the govt is waking up that for profit companies will ' get by' with shenanigans and take more money then is due if they can. Any one harmed needs to file and present evidence so the contractors will either ' straighten up or have their contracts cancelled and get someone else or go back to hiring civil servants to process and pay claims, etc. Linda Joy Adams