
Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Freedom Fellowship Church of The Villages | Freedom, Acceptance, Forgivness

Freedom Fellowship Church of The Villages | Freedom, Acceptance, Forgivness

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Prominent Doctors Call for End to Pandemic Restrictions for Children | Informing America

Prominent Doctors Call for End to Pandemic Restrictions for Children | Informing America

Dr. Fauci Admits No Studies Support Vaccines For Children | The Liberty Revolution

Dr. Fauci Admits No Studies Support Vaccines For Children | The Liberty Revolution

Double Agents Were Secretly In The January 6th Mob, Report Confirms | The Liberty Revolution

Double Agents Were Secretly In The January 6th Mob, Report Confirms | The Liberty Revolution

“Rachel Powell” Broke Windows On January 6th, What’s The Real Reason The Government Hasn’t…. – The Daily Allegiant

“Rachel Powell” Broke Windows On January 6th, What’s The Real Reason The Government Hasn’t…. – The Daily Allegiant

JOSHUA CHAPTER 10 KJV - DEADLY EVICTION ( CHAPTER 9 ALSO) Reference to book of Jasher read with scriptures in ancient times and revived in recent times as approved by Bible as adddtl reading


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Ain't No Grave


Joshua 8 KJV - And the LORD said unto Joshua, Fear - Bible Gateway

            In this chapter, we see a horrific need to cleanse the land of those who had moved in and taken over their land...and took lives of humans as worship to a 'strange gods" of evil.
And the whole world had fallen into this wickedness while Israel was enslaved in Egypt for 400 years, and due to their lack of status, kept some semblance of their faith based on opposite respect for life, and faith in a deity of love and compassion due to being enslaved by those who held not good ways.
            A part of the Divine plan for the final salvation of all humanity to isolate Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob's descendants from wickedness that is overwhelming then and over the 6000 years of history rises over and over again...And do the math...and realize that those alive now, are all have one or more ancestors who walked out of Egypt with Moses...and were Divinely isolated from the wicked world around them for 40 years in the desert and seems to a possible other dimensions as their shoes did not wear out but death did come to the elders and a new generation born that was not influenced by the evil ways of the world.
            And the first coming back to the promised land, all but two sent to check things out were scared of the giants living there as the fallen angels who returned after Noah's flood had populated the world again and moved in on their divinely deeded lands...and lack of faith that the Almighty would make it possible to overcome them, their lack of faith, meant they wandered for a new generation to be born...and led by the two of faith Joshua and Caleb.
                When we read of the brutality of annihilation of others in wars...this is not like humanity today, getting into wars and we try and protect the common people caught in conflicts of war with each other...And Human rights to be followed...All come from our ancestors even as most of the world has lost their history of where and how it has come down to care about each one as He loves that and the 10 Commandments that says to not (covet) abuse power when one is in authority...And not to worship o idolize leaders as gods...And our rights to not live in tyranny...and much more...
and we can understand that the wars of leaving none alive....was like a kind of capital punishment on a society that all was involved with the murder of babies and adults...And warriors were murdered as sacrifices to gods...
        Sounds like a faith based on Satan getting rid of any who might rise up and lead the people away from its evil and his way of duping the people into the murder of any who would lead them out of the evil...And we have seen this rising now in the end times....and not hiding it.
        And in 2015 when the altars for human sacrifice to evil were put up in public places around the world at the 33rd parallel...NONE who run to court as fast as they can go every December if any nativity scene, menorah, cross, or even any other faith that values human life and basic caring for one get them down...But said nothing like the place to worship those 'strange gods'of evil murder and public indecency of the fertility rites....were left...So as we see much not even legally permitted for children to see in films and on TV etc, is now being paraded even into classrooms and many adults allowing what our laws even forbid...children to be exposed to..And some are beginning to take a look as being criminal we the people regain our rights to be respected as the rulers...of our lands..
            Even the Church of Satan is going to court for the right to practice their faith that includes. doing thing our laws forbid...of murder,  and we, the people OKayed this by allowing what most may not even be away was being put up around the world in 2015, as only a few of us tried to warn all....but our unknown voices were ignored...
                So, this is why the Almighty said to take no spoils and clean out the land of all who did not run away, fearing the people of Yah...and the known miracles of their Divine could and had the other interactions with the Giants of the fallen angels and human offspring they met along the way in the 40 years..
        Since the shed blood of Christ and His death of human flesh to rise in His divine part of flesh....seems to be the miracle of the cross that has paid the price for all flesh to have salvation as there is also a good chance by the math we all carry DNA of the fallen ones... but became under the promise of salvation by the shed blood and resurrection at the first coming 2000 years ago... 
         We have a lot to be thankful for that He loves us so much to have this Divine plan for our salvation so one day, we will be ready to ignore evil and its ways and know His good way to the best outcome of choices...and we be ready to have free will and freedom to never fall to we follow Hm and become what we were all created to be...Satan's replacement as overseers of this world.. No wonder evil wants humanity annihilated and creation itself as we are called to take care of things and be fair and just and love one another as He loves us  
            And back to the current mess we have of our failing to oversee our elections and if able volunteer to be observers of the entire process we have as voters to be part of through our political parties. and or ballot issue registered groups to show up nd make sure all is UNTAINTED to never again have any doubt that each office holder is there by untainted elections...
And the blatant disregard for OUR RIGHTS to have our representatives as witnesses present to OK or dispute anything and have it resolved by the bi partisan panel and even court if needed...And when they say NO PROOF...
        It's impossible to have any, when no witnesses of us presnt to say OK or Dispute...and that blatant disregard has us viewing how bad it has allegedly gotten in some areas....and invalidated whole states...from having their entire ballots count..its a HORRIBLE MESS  and seems worse in some areas....but credible evidence exists of machines access and votes changed in the middle of night even in areas where all is done with total respect for everyone's vote...
        BUT OBSERVERS NEEDED TO stay with machines to make sure they come activated in the middle of the night...and we can never know for sure....even if forensics systems auditors did get into machines and they have memory records...but THE CHAIN OF CUSTODY BROKEN....and in elections that is not hiring security guards from the county to pay for...ITS WITNESSES OF THE VOTERS OF EACH POLITICAL PARTY AND OR CANDIDATE OR BALLOT ISSUES....unless they sign to waive such as long as the one from each political party is present. And many states allow independents. to volunteer as a group also when any are listed as Independent on their ballots.
            One thing that allowed much to be known,,, was the dedication of minor political parties who did volunteer and offered info as witnessed of what went on....and obstructions of them even done by judges ruling whish MEANS THE JUDGES INVALIDATED THE ENTIRE STATES VOTES FOR ALL CANDIDATE.AFFECTED BY  WHAT WENT ON...
            Why wasn't this mentioned by any of the lawyers? etc or parties....and we have to recognize that any areas that does not have such a legal process in place and parties do not have volunteers and rights to be close enough to see screens when checking in to vote or comparing signatures from registrations...
all through this and worse is changing the rules in the middle of the elections and since children, we are taught not  fair to  change the  rules to suit  after the process begins.
            And THE ELECTION OFFICES NEED THE VOLUNTEERS to do the can vassing and bring any disputes to check out...And besides those who died or moved .. are voter rolls in some areas now where the voter registration was done by the ballot counter holding the ballot and the name is not on the rolls and told to illegally enter it into an illegally existing internet commenting before opening the first envelope and sending the inside ballot to be counted to preserve the confidentiality of outright to vote.
and why if one vote by the paper that is scanned in at polling places and should go into a bin to be sealed when full with all the observers watching..of 2+ parties  .. Why every observe needs name of party atty to call for area on duty to take action and HALT THE WHOLE UNTIL DISPUTE RESOLVED  and one judges said do not opn mail ballots and that was defied and why was that state's electors showing up to case votes on 1/6/21  as their act made them invalid...
        we needed a hearing on 1/6 21 to give assurance that een if h vtes presented wr ccpted that REAL CLEAN UP WOULD HAPPEN AND STATES AGREE ALSO OR NO FUTURE VOTES UNTIL THEY DO FOR ANYONE... And here we are already into elections and not enough has been done...and that is the struggle for equal rights of voter vs those who have grabbed power enoht to block all even inside parties from th rest which does seem to be the most being denied be self govinttg people and nation
.THE VOTER INSERTS THE BALLOT...NOT A  HIRED or volunteer poll worker ...Machines do not always work right...and why the call is paper only..and if count the observers present to review that one vote gets scanned once or all have to be hand-counted...WHICH is best....for a simple reason...
            Since 12/02 no oversight of govt contractors but for the Dept of Fefense and we have shared funding on elections of feds and states to buy machines....and NO RIGHT OF AUDIT OR PROSECUTION FOR ILLEGAL ACTS..and that TAINT ALONE means we cannot have valid elections using them....with even laws broken to have machines companies present while the election processes going on...
        Governemnt have given authority to the beast and in the USA its been by law since 12/02 when Us Sentate voted by unanimous consent and did not even take a roll call to know if a quorum was present to pass it...Anyone care to know if we have suffered even under Dr. Fauci's testimonysaid it could not have happened but for that law...and when a false report filed by sub contractor  then none in the govt had he budgt authority to even find out what was going onlong before it escaped into w world wide pandemnec nd with this not changed how much more can go wrong and do harms to one and all of us.. And Congress passes a gag order rule to cover up what they put in place and why?
         Taint is on all for such and we the people suffer and too often die..and high officials beg and write to Cnress to stop what is being documented from individual peoples' records and complaints...and as for me 39 ferderal agency judges being defied as intentionally withheld from the real govt with an order from contactor as ruler of much of world..with a group of 10" under a master of evil that surely must be evil personified.. and ordered  TO LET HER DIE on me..and others of millions affected in same situations as me.
        .(go to DAILY RECAP ADDED 9/11/16 to find out what happened in 1/10/89 that opened the gate to 9/11/01.) I tried for two years to stop  and none wished to know as the fix was in and the cabal in charge by executive type orders back into the 1990's long before 12/02 when one member of congress could  secretly add an ear mark and  gut the entire 6000 page e- governirng bill  that should have given all of us more rights with all being there by govt  contractors with total control over the data and records on all of us   and we got far worse .of NO GOVT WITH RIGHTS OF CONTROL OR ACCESS  to protect and stop. prosecute illegal acts vs them and us....
     An overthrow of  the USA into control of an internatonal cabal of govt contractors who also have become managers over insurance industry and big intl corportations now as seems none in charge all over the world and play a role of leaadershp but collect the monies from the cheapest bid to hire a management company and soon they find a merging with competitors and losses as they become puppets to the puppet master they hired nad turned control over to...the POWER OVER TO...
            Its been blatant and seems we got lazy to even be aware of how obvious the process we had fallen into made NONE OF OUR VOTES we have no idea how much percentage altered or not and one area of a state get lax than the sheer numbers of the total that it tainted means he whole state totals cannot count...And the amount of any win is crucial to good governing...and I even have a lingering doubt about even OK's primary....but being mostly not know how things went..and cannot volunteer as once did as percent captain.
            . Most of the huge number on the ballot for each office became winners or heading to run-offs... are the ones I voted for.  And a closer look at totals has a  small doubt means a Taint lingers and we know in our souls when something maybe is not all ethical and legal. One did win so far I voted for and the incumbent was not popular enough to have a majority of all ...and a runoff..will happen .as seems many did not. and a whole slate of all the rest of split support..seems to not seemed to be considered as serving all well in office. 
        We can see and know in general how things went..but what has been discovered with credible allegations not evidence without witnesses watch the totals on the machines always is the shaving points of entire areas the candidate is on the ballot to make it look like all is ok when very candidates numbers altered... None of us should even have to wonder and if the observers for us represent all through the process..then we know this is the will of the people and be confident that we all did our best....and if not pleased with the choices..then as we meet our neighbors...maybe we meet someone we can encourage to run...or accept the call to run and try to do better...
            This is not just about one candidate as it affected vote totals and percentages for all candidates.. and maybe some seated in an office at all levels were not the choice of us. Due to some extra looking over the whole to do over the presidency, some have been found to really be the winners all over the nation from local to state levels. and NC had to redo one federal office...last time due to a proven mess of not being able to validate the vote totals... That leaves some people without representation in some art of government  
        All those unhappy with school boards there doubt of all of them are there by the will of the voters? We have no way of knowing as our witnesses, not there...And parties are calling for volunteers but we are already into the 2022 elections and it's not going to get cleaned up without all of us helping...And the needed qualifications are can you read well enough to vote, and have some basic common sense. (some duties are to be able to see)  And all make sure there are bipartisan panels to review disputes. 
   Find out when your registered party meetings are...and be involved as our election process does make ALL KINGS AND we vote as rulers and oversee the process as overseers...
And we may need to go back to precinct chairs or captains...whether elected or appointed by the party as when one is....we get to know our neighbors...and often know the needs to bring to party platforms to be well as knowing one in need...and maybe helping them get some need met... 
        That can get corrupted as it has led to those party bosses in the past...but that is also on us to make sure it does not happen ... WE THE PEOPLE CAN ONLY RULE WHEN WE SEE TO IT WE HAVE ELECTIONS WITHOUT TAINT...and then we can celebrate the winner and pray for their success....and if we have opinions of a better way to solve an issue offer our petition to our government of a problem and possible solution that seems better than one other might be trying to make into law that maybe is not best for all.
            In the name of Yahusha, save us from not being thankful for all You have done for us..And shame on all of us for not making sure our precious freedoms are overseen and intact. so we never again have to go through the angst of suffering and hardship as those we end to serve us their best and corruption is removed and the TAINT on all those who did everything well and upheld all rights...end up caught in the overall taint.  
        You have faith we will be able to oversee things one day....and maybe that time is very near now...once we all get over name-calling and denial we let our own selves down as well as the candidates we voted for.
          May we understand there is none but You with Divine powers and anyone we vote for needs our prayers and Your divine help to serve well....for us and nation and You to be glorified for the good of all of us.
        Prayers for those in OK still viable in the political races and may those who will serve us best win. and follow You and do so.        
            Prayers for healing and good rest got with a few degrees less heat and thank You for that.
And some help with three small kittens and their mother to make their way our to the big world of dangers join the other outside cats....and their Daddy of older one has already taken his son hunting. and being a big brother to younger siblings...And that is the way of the they may have meat when the rest of us became more vegetarian...with less meat to eat.. and wish some way all those areas with not enough pasture or water could end up being placed with those in rural enough areas to take them in and be fed with milk and butter and real cream for one coffee that may get scarce and need to find what plants make good tea...
            We are getting to appreciate all the blessings You made for us to have...and can find our way to a better way after we get through some rough times ahead as good overcome evil and Your return and safety for us to get through this in whatever way all call the rapture.
        You know my wishes and if it is Your will, may it be so for my loved ones. 
Thanks for Doyle being alive and trying out ways to make good meals with less meat...and his chicken soup with vegetables beats the canned kind...and even if they are tasty,,, the amount of meat used in even the best brands of canned soups is very little  We can have good nutritious food, that surely is healthier..for all of us.
Thanks for the miracles that have kept us alive...and guide us to get all that is needed to be done accomplished. as Doyle becomes a hunter and gatherer shopping for items needed...and we praise You for his showing up just as the needed item arrives. as certain additives cause even more inflammation to add to the ozone and millions ignored that already approved for liquid or compressed air...and can still recover much to where I can do some things a few minutes at a time...until another reg and executive order cut millions of us off...of oxygen without ozone and thanks for the dream to know how to rig up and extra filter using N95 mask inserts in empty water bubble cups and water traps fo filter more or I would not even be alive now...
         Help my finger inflammed more due to the inflammation of any part worse to over all of the Instituterium  or whole lymphatic system as finally approved as science by peers of the medical profession after the bunch in charge now surprising it for decades since my doctors at Mt Sinai in NYC knew 30 years ago...May this suppression of hearing be stopped and if we clean up our elections and have a majority in office that will of all of any party...or none...then we can have a govt of, by and for the people again instead of over 20 years with no govt in charge as not even existing budget can be sue to audit or prosecute illegal acts and right of  real govt to even access and know truth is withheld for illegal reasons and blatant theft and scams to the harms of all....and too many losing even lives...
        Lawlessness rules for decades and an Beast ytem of Reveltion been ruling to total control if our elections are tinted...also  world wide and that is not a good thing at all..That was 12/02 the USA ovrhrwn and most still think we he a gvt to intervene and we do not if the cabal does not wish to give up their near total power...
And it congress to fix it...and maybe if we have enough to join those who wish to clean this up of the parties  or none it will happen...
        And if Trump becomes Speaker of the House he may like it so well to clean up all he has found out needs some scrubbing....he may never wish to be president and be in charge as Speaker and for a few terms...or whatever You wish for him to be and the power of congress has gravely diminished to counter some bad executive orders...and the power is to be in he House in Congress as a little extra over the rest as is based on population. 
        Being President with a good functioning Congress could greatly help for all of us...But if he runs..then pray we get  congress that will support and not hinder...and modify any thing that merits be done to find middle ground with all..
..And may our medicines continue to be available...if a miracle of healing does not happen...But I understand that is part of all of us learning to care all through the medical profession of all parts...until one day when You return we have bodes that are healed and never get sick. And what a joyous day.
            Thanks to the founders of most nations of the world that have peaceful means of changing leadership that may not be serving us well in office...and may all oversee their elections to know the will of the people is upheld...and learn how best to choose replacements for those who do not serve us well when in office...As this TAINT IS WORLDWIDE and the USA is said to be implicated in some decisions who would be better leaders when the people are to decide or learn from their mistakes...Forgive us maybe decades of ignoring machines to take over with some in control of them...that we neglected to stop from doing things we legally should not have been allowed to do.......In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!

                         Have faith in ourselves and we can share the work and get done those things needed to be done for our survival...Find your special calling and accept the joy of being part of the process for the better even as horror seems to be spreading...And we pray for those who have fallen to evil sides that they find their way to common sense and sense of fairness and we clean up our schools to know we can have ethical behavior taught and history also while respecting each's right to personal faith and beliefs we have struggled for 6000 years since the fall of Adam and find our way back to good and evil is no longer an tempt us ever again.
            Linda Joy Adams 6/29/22

(se my comennt on invalid elctions for years due to disrgard for witnesses of the voters and panels non existent to settle disputes..Volunteer and clean up the taint on any office holder, even when many areas had none. we have no OK of the process.)Barr a 'RINO,' Ivanka 'checked out': Trump tries to explain the Jan. 6 testimony against him

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Tuesday, June 28, 2022





                In this chapter, we see what a Commander in Chief is...And maybe some forgot  on 1/6/21 exactly what it means to be one
 I watched the hearing today in Congress and bits and pieces of info about what happened on 1/6/21. with a President who ran for office. and as clearly has been seen, even by multiple judges' orders, there was no winner as no valid elections... As the people's witnesses were not present of 2 or more to represent various candidates to say it was valid or not...and even some judges made their entire state's election invalid also by obstructing the ability of the witnesses from being able to witness what they had to be able to see, to say OK or dispute some part of the whole process or signature or ballot and then had a panel to be sent to that represented each party and resolve the dispute/
            The shock of even me, seeing how the whole election system of the USA, seemed to have fallen into negligence of caring if we even have elections, Yet our very lives depend on the people being able to have elections held with a chain of custody of the entire process being overseen by the representatives of the people and those are of us, within our respective sides or parties.
        There weren't even panels to resolve disputes if one witness or observer said this should not count or process wrong...and another disagrees and a panel has to decide..>not the election official...whose bias is a given as an elected office. And to be without any taint on the whole, from who wins as president down to even ballot issues the whole has to be seen as fair and overseen so the will of the people is not in doubt.
        Anyone, like me who watched all the info and hearings by state officials knew by 1/6/21, that we had a mess for any kind of fairness and justice as the whole of the nation seemed to have lost sight of the processes of the past....and forgot that systems have to be observed also...and guarded to make sure they don't all of a sudden get activated somehow in the middle of the night and began doing something with data connected to the election...
        And witnesses, need to be no more than those who can vote, and registered voters....and most jobs would need to be able to see. but some things might not need to be...Common sense is the main qualification.   And we can say this was not right or that..but we are to blame, all of us to let this precious freedom we have to elect whom we wish to be seated in various offices to serve us well and take care of the business of government for all of us, and the nation
         Thanks to all those election officials all over who still do uphold fair protocols to assure they can validate the elections, but where they were, seemed to be missing all over...and some is issues of oversight of unguarded machines as no two witnesses or more..were not present to make sure nothing nefarious happened...And am not pleased with many saying NO PROOF and neglecting to finish the statement of NO PROOF AS NO WITNESSES TO VALIDATE THE PROCESS  and thus no votes count. for any candidate and that is the entire ballot.......
        And for president no slate of electoral college votes to be sent anywhere and Congress may not have any votes to count, for any all of us relied on party officials for all parties have the process in place and overseen....and all year long something else came to light...of NO ONE THERE to guard ballots and blatant disregard even when one observer made calls of concern of unguarded ballots or unsecured places...where anyone could wander through and do anything wrong or not.
        We the people ended up with NO ELECTION after all the rallies and getting out the vote and huge sums of donations and all for naught as no one ever mentioned the formal paperwork for the validity of the election from the observers and how many disputes and kinds and resolved in some fair process and JUDGES WHO RULED TO BLOCK OBSERVERS FROM BEING ABLE TO SEE EACH BALLOT OR  ONLINE SCREEN  AT TIMES...INVALIDATED THE ENTIRE ELECTION...
        Then to custody by observers to arrival and then poll watchers to watch for issues and any disputed voters check the list to see if any dispute and resolved for the right to vote etc.
And what were govt contractors of voting machine companies even near the machines without witnesses with expertise to even know what was going on...Maybe OK but we do not know....and the TAINT IS ON USA ELECTIONS AND SEEMS TO BEEN FOR MANY YEARS,  
As all involved seemed to think this was the usual process....and forgot there is a chain of custody and this is an election where we the people have a witness from us present at every step of the way and not there...
         Was any state election or down to county or precinct level held validly...We do not know as nowhere was any mention of those two witnesses who said all was OK...And we know there were all kinds of issues....and none ever resolved as NO WITNESSES EVER SAID ALL WAS OK OR NOT FRM US...We the people were ignored as our rights to elections have been ignored
And thanks to any election officials around in this nation who still uphole all of the rights and party officials who have plenty of volunteers from us to share the work to oversee our precious right of rulership.
                Comes to 1/6/21 and word seemed that Congress was going to rubber stamp on through this invalid MESS as all along the way all the certifiers but the first two or more that held the key to what anyone certified was OK or not and still not resolved or not.
        .REMEMBER JUDGES EVEN RULED AND CAUSED WHOLE STATES TO BE INVALID..but all those dealing with issues ignored any of that and why? Is it that the taint goes into all parties? ver time ?. And many elections need to be rerun. and why with President it goes to House if no state can produce valid electoral votes due to no valid election.
        As we have to have a commander in chief take office on a date in the US cnstitiial ..and where was that appeal...of a judge who forgot the rights of us as voters were being INVALIDATED and blocked witnesses from being able to observe and we saw this over and over....on our screens....and THE SENSE OF JUSTICE IN ANYONE WHO HAD ONE...began to wake up....and some still asleep are beginning to wake us as ALL OF US WERE ROBBED...FROM ANY OF OUR VOTES COUNTING...
BY THE ACTIONS OF SOME. AND MAYBE ALL ignoring that we the people are the final rulers....and we rule by each legal voter having one vote each for each office and or ballot issue...

         Now, many saw too much and too many issues and the basic issue was NO RESPECT FOR THE OBSERVERS  for us. And most surely had no idea the parties had fallen down to oversee and call for volunteers to help and it's been many years since all over the USA we had precinct chairpersons voted for by parties or appointed...from volunteers who lived in each...And no election office of any county should be expected to spend all the budget to canvass etc...They should be able to have the confidence that the parties are doing a lot and they only need to deal with disputed persons on the rolls by death, or moved,,, but we currently have the mess from 2020 of voters registering online at the time they're mailed in the ballot was looked at to see if their signatures matched...AND IF NOT THEY WERE ILLEGALLY ORDERED TO INPUT THE INFO...And witnesses of us made those allegations of disputes and NO RESOLUTION DONE  and the whole elections HALTED AND REDONE...BUT FOR PRESIDENT  STATES HAD NO ELECTORS TO SEND...once this began and a pattern of questioning...ALL these allegations from witnesses that can never be proven as the process of dispute and resolution and present for rights of observes were usurped all over. As evidence in a criminal case can never be valid when the chain of custody is breached and processes are not overseen and followed as said to be fair as laws would state.
The intimidation was real and many observers knew it was wrong but had no direction and NO PHONE NUMBER OF PARTY ATTY TO CALL  to then take needed action to have a VALID ELECTION WITH NO TAINT.

            Go forward to what some say is a million President Trump supporters in DC and a permit for a rally..on another side of the Capital....and all were hoping the right things would be done and a hearing of some sort held to deal with the issues of whether this was a VALID ELECTION...AND THE TAUNTS OF THE DEMS OF NO PROOF AND most did not know that they were mocking that all over the witnesses were obstructed and not there to say valid or not and that hurt anyone; the soul who cares about fairness and justice....and some seemed to not care about such...and flaunted their conquering with no regard for rights of any and all...even have to think thy conquered and did not win in a valid election...Maybe there was a winner after invalidated states were not counted for anyone?  We have been robbed of ever knowing for sure?
         who had no valid elections as some judges did the their rulings to disregard rights of observers of be present and that is at every table of polling places and ballot counting.....and PRESENT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT WHEN BALLOTS ALLEGEDLY GOT SCANNED OVER AND OVER TO "STUFF THE BALLOT BOX" HI TECH STYLE.
 We see videos but we see no two or more standing to see what was being scanned and if only observers of all parties.  

                PRESIDENT KIDNAPPED.
        This chapter, of the Bible shares what a commander in chief is....and the people follow his or her lead... And the hearing today...made a lot of some showed up with weapons who were not in an area where screened closet to the president... Many come from areas of the USA where legal owners are allowed to be armed and concealed also...Granted apparently some had some larger ones....and they were taken and disarmed... President did not seem concerned as the witness today said...about this...and a leader with the support of the people present probably had far more protection from many present able and willing to protect their leader as HE STILL WAS... So that was the first slam, which seems to be a view that is not to all...If anyone in that crowd had tried to harm the president....action surely would be taken before the secret service might even be able to they were not prepared for a larger area... Granted all should know and rules needed to be posted on any notice given out as provided by the Capital people given the permit... simple but clear and make it a legal requirement to post with the notice to all to come. 
        At least one arrested was found not guilty as I recall as have been posting the official US Dept of Justice official matters...(they list them capital breach cases) and he did not know he was not to be in the building and went in an open door with police standing and not stopping any.>>WHO TOLD THE CAPITOL   POLIE TO STAND DOWN? Trump has been quoted as saying the Mayor of DC would not accept the offer of the National Guard.  More than one judge has stated that the whole treatemt of the judicial process for thee over 800 now is unconstitutional as treated. Those who commit violence and harm etc...should be dealt with by by-laws...But seems many followed the crowd on their way to the other side for a rally..>We can not know until trials commence and the court decides what is evidence for them and for us to have untainted elections.
             And the permit was gotten for the rally still to be held on another side of Alex Jones censored along with many on the right...for much of the election but many till watch or listen on his own site or radio stations who carry him...He was at the President's speech where I even heard him say watching from home to BE PEACEFUL...which was edited out for presentation at this 1/6 hearing...and I was concerned also that we HAD TO HAVE SOME KIND OF HEARING...OR ANYTHING MIGHT HAPPEN...OF THE BLATANT DISREGARD FOR FAIRNESS OF TOO MUCH MISSING...IN THE WHOLE PROCESS IN KEY SWING STATES... and hope the rest of the USA still is following protocols for a fair process....but for a mass mail out when ballots not requested...TAINT WAS  ALREADY PART ..OF THE PROCESS.....of needed oversight...
            So Alex Jones waited until the speech was over and walked about a mile up to the capital with his group and by the time they arrived all hell had happened...and a few went past only a flimsy bike rack type barriers (not even visible back in the crown as even being there.
        And only a  few capitol police and in the building. with a million people come for a peaceful rally and sone even were standing around  singing praise hymns with one playing the guitar.. ....and many never went in as some began to yell FEDS FEDS  as a setup and not to follow the first ones in   
         Finally, Alex was allowed to get on his blowhorn and tell all to go home, calm the crowds...but the harm is already done inside of some doing vandalism and 4 DIED...not one and there are many siders to this, and film not even part of the huge amount is alleged of what happened with Ashley Babbitt and the latest witness says she tried to stop a police officer from being assaulted. before when was killed and a whole lot needed for truth to be known for justice to be served...
        This committee is only inciting more and more dissatisfaction that justice and search for truth is the purpose and what laws are prevent another such.....and first RESPECT THE RIGHT OF THE OBSERVERS TO HAVE ELECTIONS WITH NO TAINT. And some judges need to be looked at for their reasoning and or motives...etc..and if subject to recall..that is up to the voters.
        CALL TO ACTION is to contact your local political party and be a volunteer and clean up this mess...or make sure if you are fortunate to have it OK< that the rest of the state somewhere will invalidate what you do locally come to loss of rights to have votes count for self and the entire state. 
            Now WE HEARD TODAY  and I did for the first time what was going on with Pres Trump...I would be not happy with all the issues and taint..surely in his place....and trying to find out what to do...and legal advisors not seeming to understand either... Painful to watch all of this since 2020. 
        This was a constitutional crisis for a whole election with a taint on all and seems most for many years...but our instinct say something was not fair and just....for years also...Did we even elect some in office at all levels of any party? It hurts all of us.. for this taint to be.
  Sounds like an order from the commander in chief to me.?

And he had a straight and fast way to get there..unlike Alex Jones...walking in a crowd...and unaware as saw it as happened on his site. online... as one covering what was going on inside the crowd
and     4 persons might well be alive... some trampled and another beaten..allegedly by an officer and we have MORE TAINT IT MAY TAKE YEARS TO SORT OUT.... who and what instigated any violence...Books and movies surely will be given their version also.
         But back with Potus HE GOT He is commander in chief...and when he gives an order to get to the capital....he was to be obeyed.     He forgot this....and he could have been there in a minute...long before Alex Jones arrive and took a while to convince the first officials present and had to get permission from their let him speak...and finally they checked and did. and the crowd began to calm down and leave... Would the President of the USA  have been blocked from speaking.?
            BUT AM TOO WELL AWARE OF THE OVERTHROW OF the USA SINCE THE LAW OF 12/02 but prayed some kind of hearing even for a day heald to share the constitutional issues and why VP Pence should or should not accept what came from states even with even clear judges invalidation key states.. etc...and one state ignored orders of a judge to not separate ballots from the mailed envelopes and had NO RESPECT FOR THE RUES OF LAW to PROTECT ALL OUR RIGHTS AND THAT INVALIDATED THAT STATE... if we ever get these up to higher courts...for review....and multiple states are now voting to withdraw they're slated of electors but a little late nearly 2 years and we still have a mess not corrected...all over.

                   TODAY THE 1/6 COMMITTEE IN CONGRESS 
seems to see a president as some kind of puppet the elite allowed to pretend to be in charge....and that has permeated through the whole society...But for many of us, we do have to have respect for the one in leadership that holds the office, and instead of slandering the actions of POTUS inside the car or even grabbing the wheel to stop the car and turn to the capital... 
        It's a sad thing this happened...but the need was urgent to get things calmed down at the Capital as he best to do it... 
    This committee is acting and slanting things as if he was ready to lead the charge inside for what? What was needed was a air issues and by now much still existing would be cleaned up is my hope for what we could have accomplished at the federal level as well as stats and many witnesses have tried to interject some laws that might help...or polices, etc and NOT ALLOWED.
            If he wished to speak and ask for it...they could decide to allow it? 
        HE GOT KIDNAPPED as was not taken where he wanted to go and it became physical to prevent his being able to calm things done...No witnesses said any other reason to go but concern for his followers and his order is the top one...
        .Not any secret service is surely concerned with safety.  If Any of us was in a car and we wished to go elsewhere we are permitted to get out or be taken there...Time was urgent and think this was understood by Potus but not others as this was his job to take care of...
        .If I could know this and understand it....then our Preesident did having attended a military school most of his formative years... He leads the way, and in this case....he gave an order, and if he chose to drive into a friendly crowd and it was for him  ..that is the choice he made when he ran for office and part of that is COMMANDER IN CHIEF AND JUST AS JOSHUA WAS RIGHT WITH THE ARMY...AND IF ARMED CONFLICT HAD TAKEN PLACE...WILLING TO SERVE AND PROTECT... The sickening hunch is too many had agreed to force Trump to concede and things go n this corrupted way for all time...
        And get worse and worse and more suffering and loss of rights as some, like me have known only chance for life, is to have govt allowed to enforce laws...and its content as govt contractors rule since 12/02 law and they ordered let her die on me.. and finally put millions like m left with inflating ozone to breathe into our lungs.. (Go to DAILY RECAP ADDED   9/11/16 for what happened in our federal office in 1/89 that opened the gate of corruption to 9/11/16, covid and crimes on crimes in the declared New World Order that is NOT the kingdom of heaven on Earth...and horror of cover-up and what the 9/11 commission missed when did not go back before 1995, and records from me and said ar disappeared and we never got needed laws to prevent the horror of an overthrow of 12/02 as other govts of this world gave authority to this interwoven intl cable also...
         NO GOVT TO TURN TO TO PROTECT US OR OUR RIGHTS..COMMANDER IN CHIEF IS THE ONLY REAL AUTHORITY OUR RESIDENTS STILL HAVE and today sure sounds as if he was defied by one under the DOJ and not DOD.  (Linda Tripp said Potus  Bush gave orders in 1989 and defied back then and already presidents are not in charge  of the executive branch of govt ...and it's in the post..)
            It seems that many understand this about crowds, and better than ALEX JONES WHOM ALL SURELY KNEW...would be POTUS GETTING THERE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO CALM THINGS DONE...AND HE WAS KIDNAPPED ND OBSTRUCTED TO HALT THINGS AND  tell al to go home right then...HE COULD HAVE DONE THIS AS NONE OTHERS COULD AS THEE WERE THOSE LOYAL TO HIM....and yes someone might have been there to do him harm....but there are times when a leader has to lead....and take the risk of their own life as that is called COURAGE to CARE THAT THINGS COULD GET OUT OF CONTROL...
        I have a suggestion for the future that any permit given should have some basic rules to any notice of the event to also have like NOT IN THE BLDG....and clear where is the rally as the stage for the inauguration was already being built and confusion of where all were to go?...for speeches and music, etc...and prayer as Congress decided the fate of a nation that had lost its way to hold elections without taint....and had to decide what to do...
        When the disregard for the whole only took a few to get others to follow and few seemed violent as they walked in with no screening...THE ONLY  PUBLIC BUILDING ONE CULD ENTR AND NOT BE SCREENED WHAT THE US CAPITOL ON 1/6/21  and history will look back on these times and how it will be viewed is still to be determined...
        A Charismatic leader has the ability to calm a crowd by the respect they have for such....and TO ME, IF I SAID I WANTED TO BE TAKEN ONE PLACE AND WAS THE BOSS...I WOULD EXPECT THE ORDER TO BE FOLLOWED.....with full knowledge of anyone could be in a huge crowd and do harm...But many of us are in such every day...and things do happen...But this leader had faith in the people there to b vigilant and help keep all safe among each other and many were trained officers and able to use common sense and help watch out...
            THE ONE BEING BLAMED FOR AN INSURRECTION WAS PREVENTED FROM STOPPING IT. is what seems to be the bits and pieces revealed in today's hearing and still waiting to know what each witness says about laws that needed to be pass should be.
    As for behavior in a terrible time in his private life, if it can even exist...He knew more of what was going to happen to this nation and world..with what would be coming and I been warning all since 12.08 when I found out to GOVT IN CHARGE BUT DEPT OF DFENE.... and that stopped president and all the Cabinet depts of the entire govt to serve and protect any of us...And as Dr. Fauci Sen Paul.
       Covid could not have happened but for the law of 12/02 that removed the right of the govt even access to know and right to even use the existing budget to audit or investigate and prosecute govt contractors as we have been and still are being robbed and too many lives lost and my personal one well-documented story with 39 federal judges orders withheld even from agencies with files by govts and UN under this intl cabal now with govts of the world giving them authority and have become one interwoven Ricco case and organized crimes documented but govt forbidden to stop it...
And only Congress can fix this by law...and instead, have a gag order rule to not mention, contact or have a contractor testify...and rarely someone gets the oversight language in a bill...and some justice and corruption expose with some change until all back to none when the time of the law ended...

            In the name of Yahusha save us from what we allow to happen to us by not watching out for evil to rule and not be stopped...And none of us are perfect as You are...and President Trump is only human and can be upset of injustice taking place also...Just as I have been facing death right now as many are with no cadre of secret services to make sure my life is protected....and others.
And to have an attitude as if all were expecting him to lay down and accept this TAINT and not clean it up was NOT EXPECTED Its as if all at the tope he was another puppet of puppet masters in the oval office and the president did not give the orders, he was expected to go along with the whole neglected mess of loss of rights of all of us....and even disrespected for the one thing our president still have authority over is the Dept of Defense and he is the COMMANDER IN CHIEF UNTIL  ANOTHER TAKES THE OATH OF OFFICE....and he is not required to ever say he give up the dispute...But he did go ahead and allowed a change..of administration to proceed. This one put of context presentation is not helping us get to the whole truth..and this is we clean up a mess of our elections that must never get this way again...And hurts all those who hold elections honorably and have machines accessed at night...etc and none present to detect and invalidate their use.
        We do not know if he will be one of the presidents of history who come back in 2024 to run or not...and we need all Your guidance and our prayer to make sure we clean up the process of ur election and never go through this again...which read in last few hours of more investigations all over the nation and charges being made but all would not have happened but for lack of respect for we the people as voters who volunteer to oversee and be witness to assure we have elections with NO ISSUES or TAINT...EVER AGAIN.
            Prayers for healing and best health for one and all...and able to survive to help share the word....and PRAYERS FOR THSE WHO DID NOT UNDERSTAND A PRESIDENT CONCERNED TO CALM A CROWD as the one who gets their fast and do it better than any online and radio personality...many listen to...and got the permit fr the rally never got a few and truth we are yet to fully know...
        Maybe one day a few years from now Pres Trump will write his memoirs if You have not come first...and we can hear his side of things...But my instinct for anyone in his place with word of issues at the capital is to do what only he could in his position is get up there and as the leader that the whole came for him...but maybe a few and get peace restored and HE WAS KIDNAPPED and taken let it continued...Maybe 4 would be alive and this hearing been over long ago and we are well on our way to making sure we have elections without taint and respect for the people's witnesses as the first certifiers of the entire process and holder of EVIDENCE TO CONSIDER AS THEIR WORD OF OK OR DISPUTE...disregarded... 
            You said one day the meek shall inherit the Earth  In most of the world nearly every adult has the rulership at the ballot box.  But some have it in name only and the process is in dispute and filled ti TAINT...AND MAY WE SOON CLEAN THIS UP AND all who can volunteer to help of all parties or none be an army of peace to assure our rulership of ourselves and nations under we will rest our governments on Your shoulders...In Your Holy Name Yahusha, Amen!

 That is what I got from the witness and presentation today and the rest.. so far...And whatever way he acted inside the Whitehouse  I can not judge...How would any of us have been...MIght have been more than a bowl of food thrown...IT SEEMED LIKE THE FIX WAS IN and the ones in charge of this world would keep President Trump cornered with fake dossiers and unwillingness to compromise for good of the nation and not sure if he ever knew of the law of 12.;02 and defunded.... and any who know and all at the top seems to know connected to this cabal ruling is interwoven beast system... or this would have been fixed long ago..and seems some new to congress know but others never told and how many find our from me and rare testimony by OIG directors, etc over time...I do not know...
  This president is only human and thinks we should grant him the right to have a meltdown if that is what happened to live in no real private situation?
            BUT WE HAVE A MESS...and the party leaders have not cleaned this up either...and we all assumed things were ok and maybe machines had issues...But this election has exposed the truth we have to now face so elections can be held...and needed a witness to deal with issues and make sure its OK....and then we can celebrate the winner....and pray for their if serves us well...we all succeed...even if we do not fully agree with police or ideas and we have our rights of the petition to offer constructive criticism and ideas of ways to solve issues differently...
And if anyone in the office is not willing to serve all of us like that then we need to find those who will and elect those to try and do better...
        We heard about a man, very upset in the house he lived in...and not very happy...and many were not them and now...But his instinct to get up to that capital and calm down the crowd as only he could be the one to do so..and fastest to get there.
        Sorry, Alex Jones,  you had to walk and then plead to address the crowd...from those in charge....but POTUS COULD "VE     BEEN   THERE AND THE WHOLE CHANGED AND HE COULD HAVE SPOKEN AND EVEN THOSE INSIDE ALSO AND WHY DIDN T SOME WISH THIS TO BE?  We need to wonder why, and when the commander n chief gives an order....its to be followed as he has decided the risk...and needed to be done before we had a million dead...and worse could well have happened but it didn't as only a few had any intention to be violent and break laws..and the movement of the crowd pushed them forward...That is what I have seen, and not there and I get my info from all sides..but have a differing understanding of matters.
            We have a COMMANDER IN CHIEF  for good reason...and as in this time in the Bible chapter they had one called JOSHUA   and his orders were followed and they won the battle against some evil interlopers.
        What was present on 1/6.21 was we the people and our congress too long going along to get along...and maybe President Trump is called to b Speaker of the House and provide some leadership there that seems to have been missing for some time... But there is no assurance of this election being cleaned up and valid elections being held...and a redo could be more angst.
      Apologies to any secret service and others just 'taking orders and doing your jobs." but the highest order got to the capital...and I agree as one who somehow understands crowd behavior...a little..and if one cares, then one is going to go right in to serve and protect just as each of you do every day...And can forgive an adult temper tantrum...done behind the scenes living in a glass bowl as president and unable to find anyone with answers and seems to be all forgotten THERE were NO VOTES TO EVEN COUNT IN MANY STATES AS THE JUDGES INVALIDATED...AND ALL OF US MIGHT WISH TO HAVE A MELTDOWN OF DISGUST but then get busy helping clean up a mess.
         I do not think VP Pence has this instinct of behavior of crowds, as said it is an aptitude or one of about 8 types of intelligence...And but one can study history and there are times...a leader is called to head into possible danger to head off even wore taking place...And Trump was the best and one to do this and get their fastest....Alex HJones was still walking unaware of any issues ahead was live stream int back on 16/21 we viewed it live onscreen...but it took too long to get permits to get[ and speak and say go all...
       Time wasted Potus had the means and who would stop him going up to speak and WHY WASN'T HE OBEYED. ? and understood he was being told by some of his own people to concede ND IF HE HAD DONE THAT...we may never have a chance to ever clean up this mess and have elections without TAINT...and that harms all those legally voted into office...who do not deserve that taint on them as all of us been and being harmed....for we the people not protecting our precious freedom of self-governing.
            Linda Joy Adams 6/28/22 


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