
Sunday, January 31, 2021

If You See These Lights, You Have a Few Seconds to Hide

Dutch court orders oil giant Shell to pay Nigerian farmers for pipeline leaks - Nexus Newsfeed

Dutch court orders oil giant Shell to pay Nigerian farmers for pipeline leaks - Nexus Newsfeed

Overfishing has caused shark, ray population to plummet by 71 percent - Nexus Newsfeed

Overfishing has caused shark, ray population to plummet by 71 percent - Nexus Newsfeed

Study finds stretching more effective than walking to lower blood pressure - Nexus Newsfeed

Study finds stretching more effective than walking to lower blood pressure - Nexus Newsfeed

A fresh start for everyone: retired school buses become tiny houses for homeless families - Nexus Newsfeed

A fresh start for everyone: retired school buses become tiny houses for homeless families - Nexus Newsfeed

Many PCR Tests pre-set at false positive levels - Nexus Newsfeed

Many PCR Tests pre-set at false positive levels - Nexus Newsfeed

The Wave Genome - Nexus Newsfeed

The Wave Genome - Nexus Newsfeed

Cuomo Gave Immunity To Nursing Home Executives AFTER Large $$$ Campaign Donation - The Beltway Report

Cuomo Gave Immunity To Nursing Home Executives AFTER Large $$$ Campaign Donation - The Beltway Report

They Just FOUND HUNTER BIDEN & It Looks Like His New Racket Just Got EXPOSED - The Beltway Report

They Just FOUND HUNTER BIDEN & It Looks Like His New Racket Just Got EXPOSED - The Beltway Report

Hey BIDEN: WHERE IS THE $600 MILLION?! - The Beltway Report

Hey BIDEN: WHERE IS THE $600 MILLION?! - The Beltway Report: Syndicated Via National File| FRANK SALVATO|Biden’s Pick To Run Unemployment Let Nigerian Fraudsters Steal $600 Million From Washington State The State of Washington blames Levin for not fixing a software vulnerability that allowed Nigerian fraudsters to bilk the system for over $600 million. The President has named the former head of the State of Washington’s […]

Paul Ryan's Role In The Plot To Sabotage Trump Is Now Public [FLASHBACK] - The Beltway Report

Paul Ryan's Role In The Plot To Sabotage Trump Is Now Public [FLASHBACK] - The Beltway Report

(PRES TRUMP ALERT)Trump Names New Lead Lawyers for Impeachment Defense Team

Trump Names New Lead Lawyers for Impeachment Defense Team






(BIDEN WATCH) hope this was not another rugue govt endeavor?)Biden pick to run unemployment program oversaw $600M in losses to Nigerian fraud scheme |

Biden pick to run unemployment program oversaw $600M in losses to Nigerian fraud scheme |


PSALMS CHAPTER 114 KJV We are the beloved of our Divine Creator and He is coming to save us from this world of sin and destruction for evermore....The tears our Heavenly Father has wept over His defiant and rebellious children. as we keep ignoring His teachings...and fall into the sins of deception by the master of evil...we are to be overcomers of....Letting hatreds and pettiness and lies and perjury...rule by those who have nearly been lost forever for what they have done and do...gaining power and wealth at any cost of human worth of others, even of bound up in knowing they have that Divine spark of the breath of life..or they would not even wonder they want everyone else to be dead or made into non human thought zombies... And those who profess to be on the good side....we only have ourselves to be mad at for letting this evil overtake we enjoyed our lives...even as we complained it was not even better....and the mesery and death by illegal acts of those in charge....went on and got worse and worse...looking for a human god to make it all right.....and we never find that do so...and now he is being treated just like the real Divine...and being trashed and castigated....and all running away as he faces a kangaroo and very illegal court....due to too many with the taint of their own elections bogging themselves down....even if they did not count the votes.....they have to suspect...things were done so that too many are not legally even seated in judgment over one whom few did not wish to be we finally had one among us willing to stand up and speak out.....and in order to fill his hotels....and the hatred for the ideals of fairness, justice and being a good gone from this world.....and those treated with disdain and use the words REVENGE for what...for what each of us...was born to be....and neglected to do it....ALL BE KINGS AND PRIESTS....and politically correct.....You know ALL IS EVERYONE...born into this world....and we are created from love of the Divine...and He loves each one of us unconditionally.....and wonder at times....why he has not given up on many of us...a long time ago....and be honest....each one of us....has forgotten to thank the one who gave us the breaath of life...just as we too often neglect to thank and honor those who raised us to be good....even if they were imperfect....we all are...and why we are priests to each other in this help when another begins to fall....AND NOT STAND AND LAUGH AND SNICKER....AS IF THEIR FALL MAKES ONE BETTER....when we are being hard hearted Pharoahs...who ended up losing early prototype of the anti-Christ...and there is no good place in eternity for those who choose evil over there?? There is a Divine Judge....who will judge all even those doing cruel and evil allowing a community, a region a nation and a world to have no regard for human life....and we forgot..we are to be the rulers...and we neglected to remove any taint from our election we deal with those we have no idea if they were elected or some machine rigged to elect them....which are illegally even being prosent and purchased....from even foreign entities....ALL ILLEGAL...and wehre is the justice system for those who did this and causeed this taint...COMMITTING PERJURY....AS THEY KNOW THEY USED ILLEGAL PROCESSES AND SYSTEMS...EVEN IF THE TOTAL DID NOT CHANGE THE ELECTIONS....we do not know that....and seems that here and there....even in our own areas....something is not right in who is seated in this or that didn't that other person seem to be the popular choice among so many of the people?? We want to elect gods and magicians and take no responsibiity but showing up once in a while...or mailing in some checks on a piece of paper and think our job is done....and its only the begining of being what we are made to be FREE AND INDEPENDENT SOULS EACH ONE OF US...AND FREEDOM to have a heaven on earth...even if evil's cohorts are around to tempt and decieve us...and we turn on each other and the ones we thought were gods and could do it all....and when the hands of evil doers....begin to censor...and harm with loss of jobs for just being part of the postive solution of leadership in this world of being kings who choose who is to go and serve all of us as best they can.....we turn on him or her.....We are walking in the footsteps of the ones who crucified Christ...first for not making magic happen...leaving us without saved souls...yet....and all of those yet to be born also...lost.....and Christ stood face His mockers whose only master was evil...and their wealth and power...they got from their 'god' of no mind for them or anythings else but perverse pleasures of a lost soul...bound by evil...and here we are....and this one human among to stand before this possessed crowd and not one willing to stand up save their own souls..and do what is right and good...and be the legal counselor for an illegal trial...who has already been beaten, robbed of nearly all he has....and all the blood thirsty want is blood of all of to be spilled on the ground....and the curse of that blood will not save anyone whose heart is still for the good.....and who is still for the good....ones whom those of hatred...and lost evil.....want out of their halls of what used to represent rights of all to fairness and justice....and all scared of your human evil powers which have been strewn out in pure evil....and lives destroyed and even livelihoods removed....and death and destruction all over.....and all you wish to of evil....when you sit in the place of THE PEOPLE to be our reproesentatives.....and fearling evil more than justice and freedom...and think you are winners... in this world of eternity......when all are to be priests...and that means caring for justice and rights of all others...even those you beat in the contest of life, games or an election....whether legal or not....the taint of your injustice is all over it....and what led a few to come on in...when you opened the doors and told the police to let them all come in....and some followed as most tried to keep others back....and ruined a good and peaceful assembley of words, and songs....and even calling on the name of the guide you as You signed off....on a taint...that has stunk up the whole the gradeschool math student...can ccount cannot have MORE VOTES THAN VOTERS...and all kinds of state laws brokedn...even US Supreme justices dorders defied to keep the evideecne secure for later reveiw...and where were you....where were all of us....expecting all we asked ...or did serve us the whole world would not be in chaos now....with an abrupt changes being made...and you are more concerned by a process..that is moot....or are you trying to justify the taint...that is more than a taint....and removed...what was never allowed to be justly seated?? We will not know.but for those all over the waking up that their right to be rulers...was tainted...and surprsing horrors are surfacing...and how long...and how many never made it to the general elections...due to the taint.. as laws broken....and we have many online scared of censorship and tryint to use code words.....and in 2016....I expected to hear final debates of substance with Bernie and Trump and when Trump did win....Bernie was case aside....long before the general election....and never respected for the popularity he had....on his my personal opiinoin is TRUMP AND BERNIE..WOULD HAVE MADE SOME DEALS...AND GOT SOME HORRIFIC PROBLEMS DONE FOR THIS NATION AND WORLD AND EACH OF US.....MAINTAINING THWIR SEPARATE OPINIONS OF THINGS....BUT ALSO MAKING SURE..NONE ARE BADLY HARMED BY THE DEALS MADE....AND ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS...CONGRESS PASSED.... We have ALL BEEN HARMED...BY HATREDS AND EVIL BEING ALLOWED TO ENTER IN...DECEIVING US...AND WE NEVER PUTTING WE THE PEOPLE, AND THE NATION...AND YES THE WORLD FIRST TO BE SERVED....AFTER those of faith of the UNSTRANGE Divine master of ones faith....leads us to goodness, freedom and none enslaved by the outcomes...of finding ways to be free....and independent people upholing our inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...which scholars did out the proceedings...and we are talking of happiness grounded in our rights of being able to own our thoughs...and be able to own our own place to live... Just some twicks in laws...made this service to of empowerment...and freedom...from one of enslavement of the masters of wealth made from the misery of the poor and down trodden....and we have all become that,,,even if our bank accounts we are not rich...but not poverty either....we have become impoverished for what we all are in....and the world suffers when our promise of freedom...and self earned ability to have wealth enough to have happiness....of survival with a few flowers...still allowed to be among us to uplift our souls... PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS NO ATTORNY...IN A KANGAROO COURT...THAT IS NOT EVEN TO BE.....and ALL OF US WISH THIS TAINT OF THE ELECTIONS NOW AND OVER THE LAST COUPLE OF DECADES REMOVED... From dogcather to president...and especially in the primaries....and its this taint that has some ryring to remove anyone who wishes to rule with ethics and integrity...and the margin of a crucial also....even if the total count does not change the it indeicates the will of the people for drastic change or a division of opinion....and a more moderate approach to change...and maybe some finetuning of laws..and policies....not bypassing congress with edicts of executive orders....and courts getting law suits by those who feel harmed....and none of this would have even been needed if the first executive orders had not even been needed as years of hatrieds...and masters of other than we the people never got things taken care of someone seated in the oval office.. wrote out an order...and tried to fix things bypassing the process....that should have been when no laws themselves got passed....and needs for some kind of actions...that had to be faced....and we have swumg back and forth....over and over....and maybe its past time we all have a lesson in our founding governing docments and like it or not....we are all descendatns of one group of a few milloins who wlked out of Egypt with Moses..( check the math...another one that makes it clear...its statistically impossible we are not Jacob's few million became our billions....and we did sin and lost our history...and went out into the whole world creating nations....and peoples...and even relgions...but we could not ever quited forgoet...a generations take out of an evil world...into the desert for a generation...and taught a new philosophy of governing...grounded in the prime directive of "love one another.." and do go check oringal "covet' has a Hebrew meaning of abuse of power when one is in authority...DO NOT DO IT... and we the people are not to take after a 'strange " god...and that is the one of evil of death as worship sacrifice...and we are getting fmore and mroe blood thirsty as if its a right of choice to kill even the and that means not even anyone has life worthy to exist in this world....and certainly no respect for it....and for the billion dollar industry made from profits of the unborn sacrifices....One is not even allowed to donate a kidney and take money for it....aat least not what is all this profits being made...about?? ENOJGH IS ENOUGH of all that is going on....and where is anyone to stand up for justice...anymore...and our laws be obeyed and if they are not good...then change the 10 comamndments are like our US constition a foundation for the laws of the land...and court grounded in them...and we have one that can be amneded but not easily for good reason....and if anything this last few years have taught us....the elctoral collaege system needs to 6 cities in this not represent all of us....and in no way should they be allwoed to pick the one in the whitehouse alone....its about life....and having food to eat....and why our= founders gave a little extra help to the minority group who also feed us...and often feeds the world....when allowed to do so... the foundation of of civil rghts laws...that some do need some extra reprsentation...or we all fail into death and destruction or invasion and being conquered....or wasn't that done by law in 12/02 by unanimous consent in the US Senate without a roll call.....and maybe that was illegally done...was there even a quorum pass another 6000 page bill that would affect everyone;s rights of even rights of everything we have, and do and share even just in private....and now we have this international cabal of govt contracr3os and there inerconnected also running commerce and every part of our lives...even into chariies we hire to take care of if we cannot ever do anything ourselves anymore....and you, congress not overseeing it...Thanks to those of either side who do...but where is anyone standing for justice....running into the pic of hell with evil...ready to take full control and just using some human...cohorts...the real evil of eternity that one day..the Divine has promised to come and remove....but He wants us all saved by our free will to be free...and love one another....and all have royalties of the earth..shared fairly....and some on both sides...hae many ludible solutions....and yet...nothing is done...and just look to our the desert with Moses....and those foundational governing docuemnts....and the court cases ofgter word that change as times and places and events...changes things...and yet a foundational document to refer back keep us all on the path of goodness....for all of eternity....and as for those following the 'strange' god...of humans sacrifice....and other proactices...our laws.all over this world..even in the most liberal places of how to live and be in a scoity have ruled illegal....some things are not done in public places...or with or around childrem.... THAT IS THE 'STRANGE god" of ask for the dehumanizing of the divine rights of each human born....of justice and fairness....and some rules for an orderly society so those few who would harm...are not allowed to do so...and a legal system in place to deal with them as fair and just as humanily possible with some basic guidance of the divine...and of history teacing us what works well and what does not.. What is going on being showrn to the world a MOCKERY OF ALL THE GOOD THIS NATION HAS BEEN AND STILL IS WANTED TO BE.. and the light is getting dimmer...on this 'SHINING CITY ON A HILL" MANY REFER TO THE USA.AS BEING A PROTOTYPE OF THE heaven coming down one day....when evil is gone...and may not one have chosen the way of the strange god of evil, death and desruction as it may well be the choice made...and end up.....and there is better offered to one and all.....and one day...all will be judged...and all of us have sinned....but we find our way back to the good side....and try to do better.... and may all join in the effort to make this a heaven on earrh...and nt a in our areas its been getting worse for some time now....over the last several years.....and we are burying our dead with no doctors in hospitals..and other places.....and foreing and other 'strange' owners mocking our will to live and love for others to have life also as long as medically possible....and our own good doctors in the commjunity are eing shunned and even get in and see fulfill a shortage which major cases beining renvealed the salalis paid and eing reimbursed by insurance and govt healh plans....and WHERE IS THE MONEY...MISSING AND THE DOCTORS NOT THERE..AND WORSE IS FALSIGIED RECORDS... and every memeber of congress...have you checked out what is really going on in your own back yard...even front yard right now.... IN THIS COMMUNITY WE ARE TIRED OF BURYING OUR DEAD....where one goes in even younger with treatable conditions....and never come out alive....and the cover up....of real coercion to do so...has created spriritual warfare for those who work in these places...covering keep a job...when few even exist now...and not so many before....and the evil has tainted all we have and do and wish to be....of us, our commuites nation and world....and we have to begin with each one finding our way to be part of the solution...and hate is never going to find the way out of hell...but put is even further into it.... HEAVEN IS COMING..WITH THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN....AND ITS HERE we were born with part of it in us to know and have the free will to choose the good....and what each can do even in a few moments...of choice...can change one part of the world at a time...but can be the bolt in the whole machine....that keeps it rolling onto heaven on earth..... In the name of Yahusha...our us find our inuwue and special way to help made this be heaven on earth....and one day when You bring the fully completer kingdome of heaven down....we will have a good foundatoin already done...and You can say thsnkd good and faithful servants....who did it by our free sill...and freedom to wish to have the best goodness, love and justice for one and You made us to do and be...and carry out....Thanks for healing for Doyle and others....and those human angels..among all the bad going on right now....and covid did not begin the some we sent to serve us. let too many of foreign entiies come in and take over even our rights of life and health is that in our era......and too often are from a place where a strange god' has not regard for huaman life or respect for what we are so precious ones each....And prayers for a mockery of all You taught us to our halls of DC>..coming...soon....that should not be happening...just as you were taken to a secret cabal to be tried...apart from the laws and rules of the faith...and even the secular govt of the day...ignored their duty to justice and fairnes.....and their empire fell for it got worse...and seems we are in sped up time...and its here now...and the wholse world is getting chaotic....and the leadership we have had..being tainted as they watch and wait for us to act....and others already in war games with real weapones....and taunting....for what others will do....and help us not have any end up causing major wars and deaths........My all those in congress....figure out the best way to be reelcted is serve us well....and stop trying to harm others who get in their way....for just trying to do what is fair and hisory not being taughty one of the founders of this nation, John Adams...was the attorney for the BRITISH SOLDIER..accused of murder at the Bostom massacre......and was found NOT a jury of those in opposition of the British even being in the land....under martial law. Justice and fairness was upheld...and our nation was founded on that even if we disagree and even take opposite political sides....we find that common goal..and follow it... ... Yet he became leader.and president....and one who never did discriminate on basis of of the few who did not....but none of our ancestors were perfect....yet we learn from them for what not to well as what they did we should honor.....and taking down history good and bad....only dooms us to repeat it and we have little time ot relearn...when we have the capapbilty of destryoing all of creation or at least causing our own demise andsetting off a chain of events...that will harm all what is out there in this realm.... And I thank him for being or would not have my husband of 57 years either... Do the math....a good number had ancestors there to stand with courage and sign a letter of treason with exeuction could happen for even signing.. for Independence 7/4/1776-- FROM A GOVT GOTTEN OUT OF CONTORL UNDER ANOTHER CABAL OF GOVT CONTRACTOR TYPES AND THOSE IN THE LEGAL GOVT...UNWILLING TO MAKE THEN OBEY THE RULES OF JUSTICE AND FAIRNESS THAT THE PEOPLE FORGOT TO PRESERVE... We stil have a govt...and a better govering document to follow and good people are here and waking up and we can do this peacefully under our own rules and laws...already in place...and clean it up from the taint of anything even looking wrong with our one vote for each office...and only those registered to vote....and those in office who will not oversee this all be done without taint....who wants to run for offices....of either party...who will even if if means their side...does not if its just going to serve all for a few years... even at lost of higher wealth etc....Just how do most get into congress...and enter middle income...and come out wealthy....not all from books and speaking engagements...sorry not all are gifted that way...and we do not expect all to be....just do your best....and serve us with honesty and integrity...and we help in any way each can...when the need comes.... Give us all the courage to do what is right.....and please help gide those stop mocking others just trying to do the right and good thing....and forgive hating the injustice going on and some who mocked me today...for even caring...for them as well as my own loved one....not too long ago....they would only need a gentle reminder this affects them and theirs also.....and not too long reminder would even be needed.....what has happened to just a few decades....could it be....the taint of our rulership at the baloot boxes of the world....and we lack the courage to all volunteer and help clean it up....two by two knocking our doors....and then overseeing the process....and making sure law enforcement is present to stop any illegal acts....and this is for wake up...something is badly wrong for a long time...and its all parties..or none...even local...and corruption begins with the process of being asked to serve You know ....and Pres Trump is not You....and You went throught hell for all of us to rise and make it possible for all of us to have eternal lives...and what is going on horrendous....and the word You used was OVERCOME. not revenge....yet in the face of real injustices going all over and all groups affected....we want justice served....and some may revert to revenge...without all those in places of authroity continuing to abuse their office....and not be fair and just and over see and stop ilelgal tjings....and since govt but the DOD even allowed to be overseen....and that unconstituional gag order rule of congress...surely you did not leave that in place cover up "no govt in charge" since 2002....but for some isolated bill getting out with ithe oversight put back in.....unawares.?.. Save us from ourselves...and me for letting my righteious indignation erupt as a loved one shared of all those losing their the medical holocaust right in our area....and over the last few months....the truth revealed..of why...and revealed to me...of all not right....not even legally right and all the news read daily even when cannnt get it all done....seems my place is right prayer....and asking Your guidance....of what my uniqe calling with so many not able to speak are finding my little known site...and will try my best to share....what I know of the laws and rules...not being followed and why they should be followed or a wavier granted from CMS>.and LET OUR DOCTORS IN THE COMMUNITY BACK help take care of their own regular patinets to even see them and be allwoed to keep up with stop the stealing of their credentials being inserted into records to boost paymemts as that is stealing...if anyone should ave to be remimded and will Biden have to pass an executive edict to fix this or can congress address concerns that even they may fall into and healing needed to stay alive?? How do we deal with humans who think nothing affects if they, too could not bet sick or injured...afraind of a virus.....but far worse kills every day....but no doctor and nurses trying to be ones...with limited knowledge...even a lot of bad trining over the last 15 years...+ and doctors know and ignore some edicts and treat anywhere....but censored from...from teaching all others as once they were allwoed to do...for other parts of the medical professions who back them up.... plua all the trillions gone and being gone missing...and just who is getting all of this..?? Help those seated in take care of real emergncies...and trying to make up what is not even their legeal obligations to deal with anymore....HATE IS NOT HELPING....and You taught us very well....LOVE WORKS BETTER... and althought I am angry...I do not hate....and thanks to You for that knowing...from so early an age....never seemed to have In Your Holy Name....Yahuaha Amen! When a loved one shared what more is going on in our area and more familes grieving their dead....never expecting them to be...and its not covid...its a hororibly messed up system/ and attitude from new and foreign owners.and others of basic values....not ours...and its not other faiths many of them...seem to be getting shunned also.and they practice caring and goodness also......and common sense...and horrros...and since 1968 out of college...never saw the govt in such an uproar of hate and desregard for rights of all...and some good things passed inside the prior leadership but disregarded and never seemed to get the total bad direction since 2002 law of govt having no access to records or knowing what is going on MAKES HEALTHE CARE TO PROMOTE BEST HEALTH AND EVEN LIFE...IMPOSSIBLE... when some get in with little regard for this...and others get deceived into following who should know better..... .and is it due to they do not need us to be elected anymore that are the only ones who have to fix this by law being changed to over see use of public monies..and public prorgans...and software ALL OF US ARE UNDER no matter what our health plan or even have one. ONe of no human rights of even life...with abuses getting worse and worse....and our boides being a for profit making be housed until the last breath...when renewed health is and has been possible for decades...even centuries. now...for much..going so wrong........and so our rights are of no concern?? We have to clean up this taint...and solve this..LET OUT GOOD DOCTORS INTO HOSPITALS...AND OTHER PLACES...LEGALLY ARE TO BE AND OR BE ON CALL.... 24/7 to act when needed...and its not just here...and began before covid....means....we need back up from the communituy....and why are they not wanted in?? whom we have entrusted our lives to for years....even a generation or two...? is it the regard for healing and life...has changed about the time the Hippocratic Oath was removed from medical schools as no longer the goal worthy to be held up ? The outward words of hte inner soul of a nation gradually getting turned to a way of being that is not what we want and only evil leads it to our demise....not the good all.. A CMS WAIVER... is something Biden can sign in the oval office...and only some thieves might be the ones unhappy...even in China...where a 'strange god" is help up.... and they seem to think there is none...but there is as in their world..and even if they think there is no us is knowing and a choice. of two paths...good or evil...and real evil is among us...and we have to face it...and over come it....and pray for salvation falling into bad ways...and prayers for even me...and mine..and others who are ones of sincere faith...that we not stumble and fall...into traps...just as a few instigators..led some with open doors into the Capital in DC...and now wish the demise of one..only asking for help for fairness and justice be done and nothing of any part has been right for a long time....and we have the grand fanale ahead.....and WHO IS BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND peace and justice and end this mockery of shameful behavoir we have and are showing the world...needing our leadership for goodness and peace....and WWII got averted Trump had the irnon dome shared not only with Israel but they with Saudi Arablia and the missles did not hit...their major city....But none are thanking him....for that...but for those over there....who woke up and know that we are all descendants of Jacob....and we are one human family now....with same roots of history...even if we differ in how we worship and live....we have a common good...given to renew the path of humanity...and it happend in what is now their land.... Soell check still not working and other things to desl with trying to help get another doctor in for Doyle... most have little experince with a longer term patient in hospitals or other shorter term care....and its the whole process pside down and it is like Red China....where human life is worthless but for their one human made head of the nation for a seated govt cabal hires the world ruling cabal to do the work....and evils being shared of what is going the few at the top "seem to be eating, drinking and making merry" the worship style of the 'strange god' of ancient times...still around and wanting to replace the real one....but has not figured out how to create...and can only imitate....and the SECRET IS's not just has to accdpt the DIVINE LOVE...and pass it on to others...and the miracles of love and around us....and we Glorify the REAL DIVINE LOVE that IS , WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE....and may not one of us fall into the ways of the other path and choose it for all of eternity... Linda Joy Adams...1/31/21 Linda Joy Adams...

BOLERO Ravel レーベルボレロ Orquesta Joven de la Sinfónica de Galicia ガリシア D: V...

The Far Side of the Mountain

( is this still USA OR COMMUNIST CHINA OR WORSE?? what's to be ashamed of...?)House Republicans sue to override session rules » Albuquerque Journal

House Republicans sue to override session rules » Albuquerque Journal


If Biden Can’t Get Congress To Open The Borders, He’ll Likely Do It Himself - Project Patriot: Get just the best info in only minutes a day.


The Media’s Oh-So-Devout Catholic Joe Biden Has Run Into a Little Trouble With the Bishops… | Conservative America Today


Mix-up Caused National Guard Food Contract in D.C. to Come Up Short, Guard Had to Order From Local Restaurants | Republican Post

(BIDEN WATCH) WILL THEY?? TIME FOR CONGRESS TO STOP THE HATE AND GET BACK TO BEING PART OF THE PROCESS!)‘Cut Constitutional Corners’: Six Red State AGs Threaten to Sue Biden for ‘Overreaching and Defying Congress’ | Deep State Tribunal

‘Cut Constitutional Corners’: Six Red State AGs Threaten to Sue Biden for ‘Overreaching and Defying Congress’ | Deep State Tribunal

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Donald Trump’s Washington, D.C. Hotel Has Turned Into A ‘Dead Zone’ Since He Left Office, Report Says

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Five of Trump's Impeachment Lawyers Leave Defense Team 9 Days Before Senate Trial

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Unity: Biden White House Fired Trump Officials in Pentagon Who Were Out on Maternity and Paternity Leave (VIDEO)


What Did Biden Really Say in His Inauguration Speech? Did You Catch It? | Patriots For The Future

WATCH: Chicago Police Union Boss Lays It All Out, Defund Dems Destroying The City - Lead Patriot

WATCH: Chicago Police Union Boss Lays It All Out, Defund Dems Destroying The City - Lead Patriot

FBI Investigates Possible Eco-Terror Attack That's Left 1000s Of Colorado Residents Without Heat - Lead Patriot

FBI Investigates Possible Eco-Terror Attack That's Left 1000s Of Colorado Residents Without Heat - Lead Patriot

Watch: Sen. Lankford Schools Colleagues on Senate Floor with Impassioned Pro-Life Speech

Watch: Sen. Lankford Schools Colleagues on Senate Floor with Impassioned Pro-Life Speech

(PRES TRUMP ALERT)Ohio Republicans Want June 14th to Be Designated as ‘President Donald J. Trump Day’

Ohio Republicans Want June 14th to Be Designated as ‘President Donald J. Trump Day’

(BIDEN WATCH)Who Gets Amnesty Under Joe Biden? | News Sloth

Who Gets Amnesty Under Joe Biden? | News Sloth

Rep. Kinzinger: They claim 'I'm possessed by the devil'

Rep. Kinzinger: They claim 'I'm possessed by the devil'

(SOME ATTRIBUTES OF ANIMALS SEEM TO BE SIMILAR TO SOME PEOPLE BEING DESCRIBED.. THE ISSUE IS IF THE PERSON DESCRIBED HAS THAT ATTRIBUTE??).Democrat Congressman: AOC isn't the one who 'owes her colleagues an apology' for Cruz comments

Democrat Congressman: AOC isn't the one who 'owes her colleagues an apology' for Cruz comments

(PRES TRUMP ALERT)Hollywood union considering expulsion of former President Trump

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(BIDEN WATCH)The CDC's national face mask mandate for public transport starts Tuesday - Patriot Daily Press

The CDC's national face mask mandate for public transport starts Tuesday - Patriot Daily Press

(BIDEN WATCH) Biden Team Now Focused on Changing our Currency - Patriot United News

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(BIDEN WATCH)Joe Biden Just DESTROYED Girls Sports - Patriot United News

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(BIDEN WATCH)Democratic governors in oil-and-gas states face outrage from Biden crackdowns - Washington Times

Democratic governors in oil-and-gas states face outrage from Biden crackdowns - Washington Times

(BIDEN WATCH)Top Biden adviser: Schools on track to open by April | TheHill

Top Biden adviser: Schools on track to open by April | TheHill

(BIDEN WATCH)Top Biden economic aide won't rule out compromise with GOP on COVID-19 relief | TheHill

Top Biden economic aide won't rule out compromise with GOP on COVID-19 relief | TheHill

(THE REAL DEM'S CANDIDATE 2 X'S? AND should have been respected by Dems to have worked with PresTrump and we just might be in a better place now?))Sanders says Democrats have the votes to pass another relief bill | TheHill

Sanders says Democrats have the votes to pass another relief bill | TheHill

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WATCH: Hundreds of Palestinians pour through breach in Israel's security fence

WATCH: No time for Netanyahu? Biden still hasn’t called prime minister

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India: Iran ‘obviously’ behind Israel embassy attack

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Ken Johnson: Dead Sea Scroll Calendar – Chronology

(PRES TRUMP ALERT) ? i WAS NOT PRESENT AT THE MEETING SO ?)Surprise! Trump Met With Pence Before The Holiday Break And Guess What….. | U. S. Politics | Before It's News

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Ken Johnson: Ancient Book of Enoch

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The Year Of YaHuWshaH 2nd Advent In Scripture . Years as Words FULLY EXP...

Moses Prophesied COVID19 More Than Three Thousand Years ago.

Saturday, January 30, 2021



PSALMS CHAPTER 114 KJV -Dealing with the REAL power!


(PRES TRUMP ALERT) Didn't some one else move into the White House and the only one at a time can be impeached??)Top Trump impeachment lawyer Bowers leaves team: reports | TheHill

Top Trump impeachment lawyer Bowers leaves team: reports | TheHill


PSALMS CHAPTER 115 KJV In this last week, have heard mocking of faith and of those who have sincere faith...and its not just in media and online either...Seems my choices seem to lead me to those with respect for faith for goodness and love for one another....yet on occasion some tidbit of info slips in that seems to indicate other forces of evil are at work in this world...and we may not here clear words...but actions that defy it.. And what does one do when...the issue of religion or faith is a negative way....even to mocking one who has it....? At first one can get drawn into a debate or become politically correct and say nothing or very little...and yet if the other raised issues of faith...and meeting the words..with info and open inviation to salvation makes it clear...there is NO INTENT of conversion and salvation seems to mean little or that one...then...maybe its time for a verbal exorcism of the evil spirit around.... No, not the HOlY Water and crosses crossed like one might see in a movie...although sure would not hurt....when that is the kind of evil now being led into and around us now...from any and often surprising places and maybe even from individuals....who seem to have 'lost their way' in some kind of 'temporary..possession" and again....not like in the movies...where all of a sudden...they are rising up in the air...and all kinds of blood curdling noices emitted from them, etc...Often what we meet is the real world of evil...where so far....we do not meet that kind of manifestation....maybe we would not even believe it is such....but someone playing a prank..or getting ready for some Halloween event...Yet, the same spirit and be present....and knowing we expect all the movie effects with a manifestation...comes in with more sneakiness....and we are hooked into something before...we may even those who are prayed up of the faithful... We the believers are the 'trophy prize' of souls to be captured...and even a small encroaching past our prayer hedge of protection...can let it in more and more and sucked in... Just like when anger manifests...and gradually gets more and more out of hand...if one does not have that inner core of protection from the Holy Spirit...and knows this is a trap that is not going to end unless one or both sides....steps back and approach the meeting...with love and caring...and exit from the scene..if there is nothing one can there are times..when only DIVINE intervention may work....or maybe another person...with less angst betwwen parties...may be able to be the peacemaker... None of us humans are able to be a god..or play like one...but we have been created by the Divine of the I AM WHO I AM...and is always...and no limits to His power and even all of us are in His love and hands...and intended to be saved for all of eternity...Its our free will choice...and may we eventually all find our way there...even in times when each one of us is being tested more and more.. And when we all meet at the end of the day, or together in groups at times...we are all bringing the cares of the world...with us...and expect that many or all are truly being tribulated to be refined into the goodness we were created to be....but its rough at this world...where so many seem to have no ideal of caring....and love for one another....or respect for others..rights...or even WHY we have laws and keep us as safe as possible and maintain some order to the chaos is not fallen into and all end up harmed....when that occurs.... Some seem to think the only reason one obeys the NOT TO GET CAUGHT and have to pay some fine...or end in jail....and the goal is to out smart those in charge...of enforceing laws...when....some few of them...seem to have forgotten they are there tO serve and protect....and not have arrests or tickets...ammassesd like trophies...of how many caught... There are some now like that....but many we need to thank them once in awhile...for their service to all of us...and its not easy in these times...when we do have a relgions of hate and death...around...and becoming vocal and assderting its rights to be held equal with all those of life and love...and human rights prime follow...which most of the world...does have...even if they are not actively practicing it...its been the culture and ideals...of much of the world for a long time.. So, when we speak of this naton or that as conquerors in our it the nation...or is it a culture and ideals....that are so far from those the rest of us have of human rights...of personal liberties...and only enought laws to maintain that order rather than chaos...and make sure not one is harmed by the will of the majority...and not let that majority turn into a hateful mob...and forget to take care of the business of living...and life and if one is in congress....solving the social and human problems....and overseeing the work to be done...(not done since law of 2002 over govt contractors.) and when hate rules and a sense of vengeance....and taint on the whole process.....we have allowed a spirit of evil to overcome the whole at the top....when the prime directive is to serve and the US Constituion says and mandates" "for the general welfare of the people and the security of the natoin?" What has happened to those ideals? and over in the Oval Office...rulership by edict is turning the whole world into chaos....and SATAN MUST BE LAUGING IT UP for how we have let him and his cohorts in....and SOME are waking up even on the far extreme sides....that this is out of control....and who will step back, pause....and come to terms with how some kind of evil spirit has overwhelmed..and turned serve and ptoect...for the coming few years..into...hatred...vengeance and detuction of any who get in the way...or may get in the way of somehing done or intended to do...that may well not even be legal....but in our only wrong if one gets caught....and the REALITY is the taint is out...on much...and all over info is being gathered....and real evidence of all kinds of corruption and taint of really bad and evil things done...and going on...and its not beyond humanity to clean this up...and all have rights, and goodness....and those falling into being led by evil..spirits to be led by good...and history will know each one by what we do...but also by what we are...of our moral character.....and when eelection day arrives...prayerfully we all will hav helped make sure thre s no taint.and all is in good order...for our preicous seceptors of rulerships our votes...will be respected from each of us....and no taint as all should be even by our laws...already made.....and then we will have a winner with no loss of chain of custody of the process....and we can congradultate the winner....and move forward to serve and what ever office or level of govt one has now been seated... But the world is not there yet....but we know its possible to find our way back....and some prayers for spritual goodness to protect us on the way....and beware that if we all fall into hate, vengeance...and anger for things not being best....undertand we deal with evil arlund and its not happy we are finally waking up...and does no wish us to be we are becoming FREE TO BE GOOD...and no one controls one from among humanity...and even the Almighty...lets us find the way to goodness....offering support, love and confort of the Holy Spiirit...on the way.....One day...when its time....He and the hosts of haaven will return and the evil in this world taken out...and may not one of us...have fallen into evil's ways and be lost forever.... In the name of Yahusha...Thanks for being here for me and all of us...always even when we get caught up in the ways of the world....and agnst many now have....and know You are watching and supporting and lvoing us always...and yet we have to find our way back to You....on our own...or reaching out to others for help....but its part of us being refined into the good we started out as ...and fell into some evil ways along the way...but we are here...and You know our every deed...even our thoughts...and may we plead mercy for whatever we did or are doing and find our way to stop what is not good for us or others in this world...You made us as the MIRACLES OF THIS WORLD... and we are just beginning to understand this...but You did not make us to have to ever go it alone... and the joy of doing is often in the fellowship with others....and a job will done...and what we allowed to get so messed up...we can do almost everything to clean it up....but we do need You to guide we can be tmepted so easily with all that is known now by many...and those fallen and entrapped....into evil...even to official oaths of allegeince to it....and pray they gind their way out...But mocking the faithful....and in turn You...seems only to make things worse for them...for their eternal salvation....We will try and do our best....but how when it can suck us into their world....and our ways of love and goodness....not accepted....and we need Your it does seem...beyond what humans are capable of doing alone....we never could...really...but like evil is becoming the institution...that governs...and not just someone here and there..engaging in it..... And may evil not lead to misunderstandings...for I know Your sacred names....but many do not and ancestors did not...but they knew You...and their faith was passed on for me and others to know and follow nd we honor them for that...and one day...those who have passed on to You....we can thnk them...for letting us know... Prayers for those in need...of healing...and may rest in You...heal our bodies as well as our minds and souls... and one day all evil will be gone...and may it be soon...but I do get it...we have a lot of work we can still do...and its a time of being shook up in our souls....and pray we all come out refined and on Your the end...all of us... In Your Holy Name...Yahusha...Amen! Spell check still messed up...but do have a huge crock pot of chicken stew cooking... for todays efforts.. and all made from scratch...but for the organic seasonings that came in jars..someone else prepared...and sold.. and shortages are all around.. on things...and did see a comment on line...that one took a probiotic capsiule contects and put in milk and made really do have enough live cultures... inline is good for much and research to find a recepie....but using that bad stuff in pills etc......bad comes in and messes up good..even in our foods...impossible for one to keep up...but online we have so many in this world offering so much good and helpful info...and we just have to let our pRAYERS help lead us to good info...and not get fooled by bad...I remember when my late sister Theora first tried to make cottage cheese....from raw milk an it turned out like rubber...and dry...and must been more to the receipe...She figured it out....and a lot of things in this world...and never saw the world...change as it has since 1990.. already begining to siip into ways not good.. and was already on the front lines...wrking for good and for life...for all...and who knows...why some are taken before...others...and we have to find new shepherds to lead us...and maybe we are all to be shepehers to each other....ALL KINGS AND what the Bible says...and that is all male, female...and anyone else tired of having to add words to make it clear...we mean all...and all understand it means all? Your first 10 days and over 30? exeutive orders from te White House....and headline could have been BIDEN SHAKES UP THE WORLD...and just pray...its courts all run to and not some take to weapons and wars...instead...ntil we get this sorted out...and Congress decides to stop hating Pres Trump and help you serve and protect...even if your ways...are a differing direction...WHOA... Linda Joy Adams 1/30/21

Here Is How Alex Jones, a Trump Campaign Fundrasier and a Grocery Store Heiress Helped Plan the Jan. 6th Rally

Here Is How Alex Jones, a Trump Campaign Fundrasier and a Grocery Store Heiress Helped Plan the Jan. 6th Rally

(PRES TRUMP ALERT)DOJ Announcement Provides Huge Evidence Trump Didn't Incite Insurrection

DOJ Announcement Provides Huge Evidence Trump Didn't Incite Insurrection

Star Impeachment Witness Lied About Her Contacts With Christopher Steele · Conservative Society

Star Impeachment Witness Lied About Her Contacts With Christopher Steele · Conservative Society

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Severe hail storm hits Israel !

Prophecy Alert: "How Close Is The Rapture" ?

Will Kamala Harris Fulfill this 1933 Vision and Prophecy | Perry Stone

Locust swarms invades southern Saudi Arabia, Jizan

iBIDEN WATCH) ?)Biden Just Ordered Them To Go After EVERY Trump Official!

Biden Just Ordered Them To Go After EVERY Trump Official!

(BIDEN WATCH) ?? THEN WHY IS KAMALA ALWAYS AROUND??)Revealed: The REAL President Who Is Running Things Instead Of Biden! – 2020 Conservative

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FBI Reveals Pipe Bombs at RNC and DNC Headquarters Were Not Planted on Day of Capitol Incursion

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Mysterious Deaths of Officers Now Being Reported - Deep State Rabbit Hole

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Proud Boys Charged With Conspiracy in Capitol Riot - The New York Times

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Israeli Defense Forces chief's message to Biden: If necessary, Israel will act alone - Geller Report News

Israeli Defense Forces chief's message to Biden: If necessary, Israel will act alone - Geller Report News

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Maricopa County Votes to Perform FORENSIC AUDIT OF MACHINES Used in November Election - Geller Report News

(BIDEN WATCH)DICTATOR: Biden to sign executive orders expanding ObamaCare, international funding for abortion - Geller Report News

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BREAKING News Out Of New Jersey- Mayor Sentenced To PRISON For Doing THIS

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BREAKING News From Monica Lewinsky(Video)

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Report UNCOVERS A Very Dark Secret About Fauci!

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US soldiers taken to hospital after drinking antifreeze they mistook for alcohol

US soldiers taken to hospital after drinking antifreeze they mistook for alcohol

Gov.-Gen. Julie Payette resigns | Full CBC News Network special

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Friday, January 29, 2021

The Codesearchers Share live

A Prophetic Dream Now Interpreted - The Shutting Down of Religious Speec...





PSALMS CHAPTER 118 KJV Posted earlier is a link to Tom Bowlin's facebook post of lyrics from "The Boxer' and for all the times have listened to that song over the decades...never had really paid attn to the words and how true they are when one is in the middle of a war of humanity against each other...and led by real forced of evil in defiance of the Divine Good...the face of we know as our Savior Christ....Yahusha...called for the last few centuries as Jesus....and that is another history of spiritual warfare to divine we the people from our Divine Creator....yet never doubt the faith of our ancestors whom we owe what we know now of the good of creation that IS, WAS AND ALWAYS WILL be whom loves of unconditoinally even as we really mess up over history....A promise of ETERNITY...and all will be good...and evil will be gone...and He is going to take care of that along with the hosts of heaven....just pray for ourselves and each other...that not one falls and is evil and whereever that bunch ends up.... seems to not be a place of ANY good.. SCAM ALERTS: (some requests for legitimate donations are around now..and mixed in are some that are we come to terms...with the current situations....and that is all political some wake up that Pres Trump needed us and we let him letting the whole process become tainted....and other waking up they had some primaries...not good...and finding out what they ended up with that has their hopes a d dreams crashed....and all being 'tribulated' (shaken) into the refine good each is meant to be the best of humanity each one...blessed and loved by the Divine......and check out any solicitations... We are in a time of real angst in this nation..USA>.as well as all others around this world for the horrible taint of this election...and chaos occurring...with drastic changes being signed out as royal edicts....with courts tying them rule on being constitutional or not...and some already went through this 4 years ago.......with the last change of administration.. Phone calls and e mails more than seems normal amounts and new orgs...and some are not real....check the phone number online...and often that is easy way to check out as not real... personally, if I donate I contact the real source or org...and know its them...and they can refer you to their website...or address to send it to...and take care of your self you are not having to ask for help instead of donating it... Some of these seem ok and even advertise...and we find...the cabal is running it...and grave concerns if most of the money even gets to the help needed...?? And money is not going to clean up the taint of our elections...we've been trying that...and seems its our time and effort needed...and not money.. we are the miracle we pray for...its us being guided for what we can each help directly or support others so they can go help on the frontlines... maybe the miracle will be when we find that power group of "WE THE PEOPLE?" And today....another court decision put the state of Virginia...back into TRUMP STATE? TOO LATE?..but the certifiers....ignored their duty to sign off on an untainted election...and signed for Biden.... Neither Biden nor Trump counted the votes...and both actually warned all publicly that 'they' were going to do things...evidence is now coming to light.asit takes time...and not much of it...when not prepared for what was already set to happen...and whether it changed the final total...the deed has been done...and we must never again...let this happen from dog catcher potus ever have taints and doubts and censorship that should never have happened either as truths are gradually coming out...and its here, there and all offices here and there...and canddates..probably never directly part of it...either... ALL ...that needed to be considered before any cerfitifications at any level...and the world is shaking physically as well as spiritually on the brink of all our world war....and only due to Pres Trump making sure that Saudi Arabia also had most of our iron dome in place for their protections to...or their capital would have been a war zone and unknown deaths and full scale eruption in the middle east which has been the biggest hot spot of history....over and over again...qith all focused on Jerusalem..."a cup of trembling" a few miles in the whole wide world...and universe...yet where we one day expect our Messiah to step foot on....and even those who do not profess faith in Him....don't we catch them taking a peek that way once in a while....some 'closet' believers...or they would not silently be watching also...for that day when....the Almighty of heaven...sets His divine foot back on His Human face....and the hosts of heaven....arrive to show mercy on the people of this world....whose hearts are with the good....and have come through a tribulation..dealing with the last ditch effort of evil to turn us against each other....and try and make all of us...turn on HIm...and may we not lose faith...He IS and He is COMING...and it may be sooner than later..... And in the meantime...we have a lot of foot work to do..ourselves to clean up this mess we allowed to become....the world is watching us...."the city on a hill" which right not the best example of ideals of goodness...justice and mercy to be a goal for all to reach.... But we are in a time of TRUTH REVEALED.....and it has tainted us....not one election but all for several decades....and maybe we have WASHINGTON GRIDLOCK...due to, too many have masters, not of we, the people....whom they must not compromise...and find alternative solutions to problems for the consittutional mandate of " for the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation." and we are finding out....that some of any or all parties....maybe we did not send them....there....and maybe we did but after the ones we did wish to send have some taint on the process in the primaries....and maybe....longer back when many went and ran for their first election even locally....and some taint stopped their future risse to higher levels of service to us...and the nation.. Forgetting they serve us....and we are not deploarables....we are the rulers of this land...and world....and our master is the one of eternity...of Divine Good...we Christians....know as one...with three divine parts of....and has all of us of all of creation in His Hands....and His promises...are always kept...unlike too much campaign rhectoric...that seems to have amnesia as soon as the winner is called...and certified...and no care if the taint is on the process....winning is everything to one...just after the power, and wealth too many get from holding office....and while in office ...even...and since 2002 do not even have to oversee what they pass and Ok and set in motion...and goes so badly wrong...with no oversigt of tose doing the work inside govt contractors and their cohorts all over he world...into the control nearly world at the UN..even into Wuhan China...all set in motion...and too often by royal decrees.... WE CALL EXECUTIVE ORDERS....and if some group or party does not have the funds to go to court...and try to moderate or block it....then we have a DO NOTHING CONGRESS...and its been much of such of both parties....Right now...a flurry of edicts...have turned the world to the brink of diaster...and that 'doomsday clock" is getting closer to Mignight....and the angst of many who now have jobs and are gone...and a pandemic where no data or facts can be verified by nations...UN even as riht to use exisitng budgt to really know what it going on...and verify....was removed by law of 2002 by an earmark to a 6000 page bill....and who read that one...with leaders in congress say no meed to bother....and THE OVERRHROW OF THE WORLD INTO A BEAST SYSTEM OF NO GOVT...ACCOUTABLE ONLY TO ITSELF...and the master hidden somewhere in the depts...that does not seem to be the old time just money holders....but high tech now surveiling our lives....and GOVT IS NOT THE SNOOPER... which would still be acbountable for misuse of the info gathered on one and all of us.....and ehre we are already overcome...and one came along....and tryed to take on a brazon bull and we did not do our part....even ignored those like me who had found out....and ignred..even as once in a while testimory surfaced in congress...but shuffled into oblivion to be hidden by their gag order rule for this to be known...the govt was not in charge but for the dept of defense as Sec of Defense Rumsfeld left it out of the bill''''and not excuse for any one of them...if they even some elected afterwards and even that 12/2002. when a quorum...of US Seantors..voted by unanamous consent...voted to turn the work and access to even our data and recoreds over to this one become one...even those trying to be independent...tied to the same systems...NO GOVTIN CHARge and if any law is passed witht the basic oversight in it even by amendments any one could offer in the its eisting budget cannot be used to audit a govt contractors or investigate and prosecute....and we have had a growoing geocides...leading to the intl cabal now in control and illegal tings done...and even when one calls to report...their call centers and intake folks decide what the govt should know...CONTROL is the realtity...and our monies go missing and watever they want...they seem to have someone in congress who does their bidding and beware...the states where major hubs of their rulership Kentuchy where Sen Rand knows who they are.....and the other...seems to not take any action now or when in stop DEFUNDING OF that is all we have to stand up for us...and our laws obeyed...and with evil running rempant...more and more....and too many who hae no idea why we have laws....(to protect those inalievnable rights...not be taken from us...or have order so none are harmed even from no traffic lights where needed...) and a genration we allowed school boards to be seated....and maybe those tainted elections also....and we have genration or a couple now...wehre many have no idea why we obey laws....but to NOT GET CAUGHT AND PAY A FINE OR FACE DOME JAIL understanding of we follow some we do not do harm to each other...or nations..or world even....and all in it...we do so because we care....And wish freedom for one and all....not enslavement that gets forced on us...when chaos rules... We are called and be part of the solution...and before we vote again..and some will even this uyear....we have voter rolls to be updated and make sure...those listed and voted even exist...(up to 30% in some ciities...invisible...?? and voted...and certified by many on up the process....and isn't that perjury...when more votes than voters even existed....and not even that many registered....and one does not rebistefe as tehe vogtes ae they....nor change rules of a game or process as they process or play has started....another court just ruled.....and maybe the constitutional amendment we may havw to time to check out the taint...and know if corruted or not...and back to elections in Nov but oaths of office not till the followoing March...but not sure all sides would stay out of fights...over that long a time....?? So the work is now...and parties can do it...or just groups from all sides....and two by two...knock on doors and ask for the ones on the rolls....and leave them with info of hhow to resgistef and when elections are...etc...and websites for simple hand out....and some money but more is the time...and effort of what each can help....and then websites to be trained how to be a poll watcher....and not be known as party or candidate one is for....and monitoring the count and more LAW ENFORCEMNT TO CALL when rights of oversight are stopped and chain of custordy of our scared rights of voting be secured until all are able to allow all our rights of any and all upheld... and then is all those who cerit need to pass a basic gradeschool math test...that we cannot ever have more votes then voters....maybe they need to face charges of perjury or at least dereliction of over and over....none bothered to reslved the tiant...and the world sees the USA shaking and tainted 'light on the hill' NOW DIMMED UNTIL WE GET BACK TO OUR light of freedom and justice....and the will of the people at the ballot boxes...are untainted and we all congragtulate the winners...and then try and deal with what is needed to be done...and the AMOUNT OF A WIN...IS CRUCIAL as its guides the lawmakers to know not to do radiacl change when the split is close.... and as for mail in ballots....a form a uyear mailed to update any changes....and mailed out as media in rural areas can be lax letting all know of even local eelctions when our news comes from some coroprotation thousnds of miels away...and most is generic same...and less and less is local....and why aren't highschools using their journalism classes to publish one and even allow us to donate for a subscription and begin to teach those skills again........anyone still know those ethics journalists used to have to know and follow...?? (Just some opinions and others may have many much better).... In the name of Yahuhsha....whom many call other names over time of the same... three in one...who led our ancestors out of Egypt with Moses and You came for all of us...the lost sheep of Israel and we are now begning to know we lost our history...but not some of the basics of our worth....and huamn rights and inante sense of FREEDOM , FREE WILL...tempered wit caring for one another....and never be enslaved to one who dnies us even our right to pray to You or have personal opinions...and thoughts....and never intend to do harm...and follow the good...for none and all....... Prayers for healing for loved ones..and others...and blessings for family and friends....and as we go out and knowck on clean up the taint put on our process to follow Your comand to ALL BE KINGS AND PRIESTS...and we may get to know some womderful help with the process....and some in need...we may be able to help or know whom may be able to help.....ALL KINGS AND PRIESTS... in this world...and may we have again be a light of freedom to the whole world...and be able to help others in their own homelands....and resist to interfere with their ways of freedom and free will..even if some think its not just as we do it... Help us to not forget to ask for Your help and Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us....and one day You come with the hosts of heaven....and take on evil itself...and none of us be fallen to the evil be removed... We got it....YOU GOT US...always...and may we never forget it ever again....and oversee what we can take care us in this world...until then...In Your Holy Name...Yahusha...Amen! Still not able to get to time to figure out this spell check issue... rying to figure out how to replace under a sink we have with a support from the floor that is not enclosed...and should have paid more attn to carpetry when my dad was doing carpentry and he was skilled at it.(I lerned more than realized from him over time...but the skills of doing...we forget our history..over time...and in only a generation or two...and as I search on line...I remember this and that taught he worked...and I did pay better attn then realized as he ws always teaching...about all kinds of things.... Know it can be done..without huge sums of money... then just sew a crtain around it that has an elasticed waist. to be remmoved to air blows free... around the pipes...and water that bathrooms have much in newer homes over the last few decades...we do not have basements...but inner rooms incase of tornadoes...and blessings for none in our area..for us.....but one does be prepared... also making it more wheel chair accessible...just in case that access is needed...All parts needed may be here...just the way to completion is ahead.... Our lives are a metaphor for good or giving up...and never should we ever do that....He never gives up on who are we to do ourselves...we are loved and returning the love and passing it us freedom in our "Be Best"...for always...for the Glory of the Divine... Linda Joy Adams 1/29/21

(20+) Facebook Note Tom Bowlin's reminder to not ever give up the good and just cause...Almighty and Hosts of Heaven are standing watch and guard over all.

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PSALMS CHAPTER 122 KJV The history of humanity was given to us from the beginning of knowing by the first of us created....The all knowing of all knowing and the first family of creation...was no ignorant person....except for not having the spiritual maturity to keep from being led into actions...that caused knowledge to be abused...and as scriptures say...we ended up having the ability to access this all knowing from a veil on our keep us from destroying ourselves and KNOWLEDGE IS NOT A TOY... its have the maturtiy of our FREE WILL to use our FREEDOM to understand the consequences of our actions...and not do those things that end up causing unjustice, suffering and even death and harm to others or ourselves....and cauing chaos and death and destruction of even creation itself... But that evil one...knows we can be tempted to think we are gods...and invincible undable to be touched and harmed and be a god....and we now have billions being tempted to all be gods...and common sense is gone as there is only one DIVINE and its not te diety of fortune which leads to total gaining or keeping everyone else is expecting to be in that top spot also...and ignore and defy the one who is...who is the DIVINE OF LOVE....not fortune....the Babylonian deity of "god' or "gad" and forced by executive orders of the king of Babylon to substitute their's name for the real one of Eternity of I AM WHO I WM....YHwh...and the part that became flesh, lived among us...executed as an innocent on a cross...and rose so that in some mysterious way...all flesh cam also be saved for eternity also He is 'salvation" until Babylone unti Yahusha came and revealed the names...and then suppressed by the next one who tried to makde one world religion and govt into one....(impossible to happen when we humans were not created to be thought zombies...but to be ALL PRIESTS AND KINGS...and in our times nearly every adult in this the ballot box and freedom of we can believe as we long as re respect the inalienable rights of others....and allow freedom of worship as they please also...but we are warned of those 'strange' gods...that call murder worship.. and when the printing press allowed the words of faith to be out...along came knowing of original languages....and the sacred names again to be revealed in this world....but still suppressed when Yahusha...said 'NO SECRETS IN HIM" HE IS, WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE....and asks us to love one another as He loves us...and never try to put the Divine in a box of he human there is no beginning and no end...and not bound by time and space....not even by our know of...and seems to be explaining concepts in scripture we lost in the fall of humanity of knowledge removed from access...until the time...when we can know and not be atempted to do harm even know on the verge of that doomsday clock some have kept resetting for decades is creepting close to self splitting the atom knowledge...went for war and killing and greed when not having small units to easily encapped to not leak....and went to mega power plants...that is killing the world...with just one big one exploding in Fuckihisma...Japan...and still not contained doing harm to all of creation on this earth.....and maybe those climate changers...should look at the most destructive event and deal with using our tax cdollars getting less and less now...iding in our homes with masks even w of them that atomic level viruses...can fly right throught the cloth even doubled.... Time seems to be getting closer when we have to get ready in our souls to resist evil and we lose our common sense many ways....because some human scientist....and govt officials with no right of access to verify any data or facts compiled by a govt contractor since the law of 2002....where we got and other nations and UN around the world since we led the way...and OCONGRESS FORGOT TO REAL THE EARMARK ADDED TO A 6000 PAGE BILL...and one unknown member of congress WAS ALLOWED TO TURN US AND THE WORLD INTO THE CONTROL of one buried so deepp but one who is the head....but not the real deep swamp evil who really fears us....when we call on the name of the Divine....and pray in His name....and the powers of divine love..wake us all together...we are invincible with the Holy Spirit guiding us....and Evil know the plan of history....and kows we are close to being ready....for all to be saved for eternity....and Yahusha....returns with the Hosts of heaven......and EVIL AND HIS COHORTS...ARE REMOVED FROM THIS EXISTENCE FOR EVERMORE...BECAUSE THE REAL MIRACLE IS US...WE THE PEOPLE....and we know we are not gods....but have been given free will.....and are unconditionally the Divine Almighty.....and as we are not relearning our history of humanity...we are finding the ';ost sheep of Isral" AND ITS US.... AL OF US...WHOSE ancesors walked out of Egypt with Moses in a world led by 'strange gods' of evil of murder as worship and public indendency witn temple prostitutes of all types as for donations....and a warped world of evil...perverting all the good...of Dvine love and goodness of real love for one another of all types from family and our extended family along with the divine love in marrieage....for two to become one....and a mystery of such...but we are blessed when two become one in all ways of living...and life...we know what is good...and can reject what is not real and not its not ever going to bring happiness....and that is the purpose of what evil has intent to do to us...our death and destruction evil seems unable to becomes what we were created to be and can only choose to lose it or keep it... and a few million were isolated in the desert for 40 years to raise up a gneration who knew a differnt world where none are gods...and life is respected and HUMAN RIGHTS... and no leaders worshipped as idols or gods...ever ad know they are human and can make mistakes....and when they 'covet" abuse power, we the people do not have to live under such....and then we have a few basic rules to live by...that come from these rights to share the love in an ordersly society where some fall still to evil....and SATAN CANNOT TAKE CONTORL OF THIS WRLD OR US AND BE SEATED IN PLACES OF GOVT.....WHEN THERE ARE 10 COMMANDMENTS POSTED THAT STATE "NO gods ARE SEATED HERE....WHEN THAT IS THE PRIME INTENT...TO CONTROL OUR MINDS, BODIES...AND LOSE OUR DIVINE SOULS TO HIM.... and althought we lost our history...and sacred names....and knew our Divine by other names...we did have faith...and never as we did not fully lose all kwnowing evevn as we forgot who we were...and still are..."THE LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL..dispersed to the whole world....and why we have thse ocmmon understandings of FREEDOM, HUMAN GOVEFRING DOCUMENTS THAT PLACE CHECKS AND BALANCES ON ABUSE OF POWER.....and when we allow lawlessness to reign we have allowd our divine rights of kings and priests, each of us is created to be lost to evil.. and laelessnes. and life has little expendable and deplorables of the masses who do not bow to the ones...grbbing power and wish to be our gods....and rule over us...when we are the rulers and those seated in govt...are to serve us....and the world is upside down....and we only need the guidance of make it right....but its not what any one can do alone....its some of our time and effort to make sure our SCEPTORS OF POWER...OUR VOTES...IS CAST IN A PROCESS THAT IS WITHOUT TAINT....and checks and blances of those who over see , count and certify....and everey leval has been broken in msny areas of the nation and world....since access to the intenet right into the electronics cam be amnipulated even if laws say not to do so....who is watching out its proof provided for the last election......and its not just who really won....but by what amount it very curcial....for if a landslipde for that city council person who wants some land rezoned....the way a landslide wishes doen....then doing the deed will meet little rsistance....but if a divine people....than take a pause and find out where the middle ground is....or we could have a world on the verge of WWIII with our presidential eldction tainted....and more is now being reveled...and levels of tjose who sined up on this elections cmust have flundked math class in grade scholll to sign OFF ON MORE VOTES THEAN VOTERS.... and yes the one who won...legally without taint should be seted...but the amount...of the cricial a divided nation..means...slower leaning one way or another...and stop extremes being forced on all ....its not going to be peaceful cheange...with massive suffering and injustice....and a few may do illegal acts...and cause more Satan laughs for all he has led us to do to ourselves and creation and defying the Divine.... So the three in one Yahuah, Yahusha....and the Holy spirt or Rauch.... seems to be coming soon....but we need to each do our matter how small it seems....even a plane can fal our of the sky...with even one bolt or washer not in place and doing what is called to help with.. and the one who counts for eterntiy knows us...each one...and knows all we do....and when the time comes one day...for evil to be removed in the final battle.....may not one of our huamn family choose to follow the evil way...and lose our souls for eternity...of good.. In the name of us to do good...and follow Your way....and help me hang on until we get every part of is not under no contorl of ours nor our govts....and may those doing bad things...find their way to repenctance and salvatoni and do good instead of all that is going on....and help for healing for all in need....and for Doyle who has survived...with every weakness in this flased syseem of not docgors even where are reqquired to be are.....and he cover ups causing more harms to milions who are not with us long before Your time to take guide us through this....and does seem the clog in the bottom of that putrid swamp of corruptio is the removmal of the taint of our elections....and we know we can do this....just help us find our way...of all political Your ways and life and love...and caring....and " BE BEST" as You created us to b as the right hand of the Almghty... May our viamin and supplemnt companies stop adding tose life theateing chemicla bindersin your pills and replaceig capsules witH WHY DID THEY DO THAT...TO REMOVED THE NATURAL WAY TO STAY ALIVE FOR MANY EXCLUDED FROM THEIR MEDICAL CONDITIONS BEING ALLOWED TO BE TREATED....AND THE CABAL ACCOUNTABLE TO NO GOVT...AS CONTRQCGORS AND THEIR SHELL PRIVATE ndustry managers....seem to ignore all with rights of best health which is right to life....and removed what can sustain life for millions when no safe meds or no meds even maade for us....1/6th of teh populaton and what did I or we all do to it...but refuse to worship it as we wrorship You instead..?In Your Holy Name...Yahusa...Amen! Spell check and paragraph indications will not save either....and had a personal matter had to be attended to fast.... and solved I hope and pray... Do a word search "medical regimen" + "5/1/19" + Daily recap " seems to pull up 9 days of info...shared what my doctors and I have come up with..or would not be alive now and too many are not...real evil exists..and is not going away.. and one ordered which may be able to use....and pray it comes addng one more probiotic 10 is not enough of the one..(govt cannot verify any data or facts ad no way to know what is in our pulls, food and suplemts we well as all the rest of the govt...and data and records aven the snoopers are not govt....and no oversight allowed by law since 2002 to stop abuses of the info...and prevent harms general ...Evil is .only made sronger when we fall to it.....and ask your doctor if any could help you if in our group of millions just in USA... ACIDOLPHIUS...IS THE BETTER NERUTALIZER. as many said......and most are being made made unsafe...with that ether alcoolgas binder llabeles as celloulose....but that is only the beginning substance used to turn into unsafe for milions.... GOOD ENTRAPPED INTO EVIL.... and where is the rights of all for life in that??. NO GOVT AT ALL is lawlessness....and evil rules....not the good we were created to be and do.... Linda Joy Adams 1/28/21