
Thursday, January 28, 2021


PSALMS CHAPTER 122 KJV The history of humanity was given to us from the beginning of knowing by the first of us created....The all knowing of all knowing and the first family of creation...was no ignorant person....except for not having the spiritual maturity to keep from being led into actions...that caused knowledge to be abused...and as scriptures say...we ended up having the ability to access this all knowing from a veil on our keep us from destroying ourselves and KNOWLEDGE IS NOT A TOY... its have the maturtiy of our FREE WILL to use our FREEDOM to understand the consequences of our actions...and not do those things that end up causing unjustice, suffering and even death and harm to others or ourselves....and cauing chaos and death and destruction of even creation itself... But that evil one...knows we can be tempted to think we are gods...and invincible undable to be touched and harmed and be a god....and we now have billions being tempted to all be gods...and common sense is gone as there is only one DIVINE and its not te diety of fortune which leads to total gaining or keeping everyone else is expecting to be in that top spot also...and ignore and defy the one who is...who is the DIVINE OF LOVE....not fortune....the Babylonian deity of "god' or "gad" and forced by executive orders of the king of Babylon to substitute their's name for the real one of Eternity of I AM WHO I WM....YHwh...and the part that became flesh, lived among us...executed as an innocent on a cross...and rose so that in some mysterious way...all flesh cam also be saved for eternity also He is 'salvation" until Babylone unti Yahusha came and revealed the names...and then suppressed by the next one who tried to makde one world religion and govt into one....(impossible to happen when we humans were not created to be thought zombies...but to be ALL PRIESTS AND KINGS...and in our times nearly every adult in this the ballot box and freedom of we can believe as we long as re respect the inalienable rights of others....and allow freedom of worship as they please also...but we are warned of those 'strange' gods...that call murder worship.. and when the printing press allowed the words of faith to be out...along came knowing of original languages....and the sacred names again to be revealed in this world....but still suppressed when Yahusha...said 'NO SECRETS IN HIM" HE IS, WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE....and asks us to love one another as He loves us...and never try to put the Divine in a box of he human there is no beginning and no end...and not bound by time and space....not even by our know of...and seems to be explaining concepts in scripture we lost in the fall of humanity of knowledge removed from access...until the time...when we can know and not be atempted to do harm even know on the verge of that doomsday clock some have kept resetting for decades is creepting close to self splitting the atom knowledge...went for war and killing and greed when not having small units to easily encapped to not leak....and went to mega power plants...that is killing the world...with just one big one exploding in Fuckihisma...Japan...and still not contained doing harm to all of creation on this earth.....and maybe those climate changers...should look at the most destructive event and deal with using our tax cdollars getting less and less now...iding in our homes with masks even w of them that atomic level viruses...can fly right throught the cloth even doubled.... Time seems to be getting closer when we have to get ready in our souls to resist evil and we lose our common sense many ways....because some human scientist....and govt officials with no right of access to verify any data or facts compiled by a govt contractor since the law of 2002....where we got and other nations and UN around the world since we led the way...and OCONGRESS FORGOT TO REAL THE EARMARK ADDED TO A 6000 PAGE BILL...and one unknown member of congress WAS ALLOWED TO TURN US AND THE WORLD INTO THE CONTROL of one buried so deepp but one who is the head....but not the real deep swamp evil who really fears us....when we call on the name of the Divine....and pray in His name....and the powers of divine love..wake us all together...we are invincible with the Holy Spirit guiding us....and Evil know the plan of history....and kows we are close to being ready....for all to be saved for eternity....and Yahusha....returns with the Hosts of heaven......and EVIL AND HIS COHORTS...ARE REMOVED FROM THIS EXISTENCE FOR EVERMORE...BECAUSE THE REAL MIRACLE IS US...WE THE PEOPLE....and we know we are not gods....but have been given free will.....and are unconditionally the Divine Almighty.....and as we are not relearning our history of humanity...we are finding the ';ost sheep of Isral" AND ITS US.... AL OF US...WHOSE ancesors walked out of Egypt with Moses in a world led by 'strange gods' of evil of murder as worship and public indendency witn temple prostitutes of all types as for donations....and a warped world of evil...perverting all the good...of Dvine love and goodness of real love for one another of all types from family and our extended family along with the divine love in marrieage....for two to become one....and a mystery of such...but we are blessed when two become one in all ways of living...and life...we know what is good...and can reject what is not real and not its not ever going to bring happiness....and that is the purpose of what evil has intent to do to us...our death and destruction evil seems unable to becomes what we were created to be and can only choose to lose it or keep it... and a few million were isolated in the desert for 40 years to raise up a gneration who knew a differnt world where none are gods...and life is respected and HUMAN RIGHTS... and no leaders worshipped as idols or gods...ever ad know they are human and can make mistakes....and when they 'covet" abuse power, we the people do not have to live under such....and then we have a few basic rules to live by...that come from these rights to share the love in an ordersly society where some fall still to evil....and SATAN CANNOT TAKE CONTORL OF THIS WRLD OR US AND BE SEATED IN PLACES OF GOVT.....WHEN THERE ARE 10 COMMANDMENTS POSTED THAT STATE "NO gods ARE SEATED HERE....WHEN THAT IS THE PRIME INTENT...TO CONTROL OUR MINDS, BODIES...AND LOSE OUR DIVINE SOULS TO HIM.... and althought we lost our history...and sacred names....and knew our Divine by other names...we did have faith...and never as we did not fully lose all kwnowing evevn as we forgot who we were...and still are..."THE LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL..dispersed to the whole world....and why we have thse ocmmon understandings of FREEDOM, HUMAN GOVEFRING DOCUMENTS THAT PLACE CHECKS AND BALANCES ON ABUSE OF POWER.....and when we allow lawlessness to reign we have allowd our divine rights of kings and priests, each of us is created to be lost to evil.. and laelessnes. and life has little expendable and deplorables of the masses who do not bow to the ones...grbbing power and wish to be our gods....and rule over us...when we are the rulers and those seated in govt...are to serve us....and the world is upside down....and we only need the guidance of make it right....but its not what any one can do alone....its some of our time and effort to make sure our SCEPTORS OF POWER...OUR VOTES...IS CAST IN A PROCESS THAT IS WITHOUT TAINT....and checks and blances of those who over see , count and certify....and everey leval has been broken in msny areas of the nation and world....since access to the intenet right into the electronics cam be amnipulated even if laws say not to do so....who is watching out its proof provided for the last election......and its not just who really won....but by what amount it very curcial....for if a landslipde for that city council person who wants some land rezoned....the way a landslide wishes doen....then doing the deed will meet little rsistance....but if a divine people....than take a pause and find out where the middle ground is....or we could have a world on the verge of WWIII with our presidential eldction tainted....and more is now being reveled...and levels of tjose who sined up on this elections cmust have flundked math class in grade scholll to sign OFF ON MORE VOTES THEAN VOTERS.... and yes the one who won...legally without taint should be seted...but the amount...of the cricial a divided nation..means...slower leaning one way or another...and stop extremes being forced on all ....its not going to be peaceful cheange...with massive suffering and injustice....and a few may do illegal acts...and cause more Satan laughs for all he has led us to do to ourselves and creation and defying the Divine.... So the three in one Yahuah, Yahusha....and the Holy spirt or Rauch.... seems to be coming soon....but we need to each do our matter how small it seems....even a plane can fal our of the sky...with even one bolt or washer not in place and doing what is called to help with.. and the one who counts for eterntiy knows us...each one...and knows all we do....and when the time comes one day...for evil to be removed in the final battle.....may not one of our huamn family choose to follow the evil way...and lose our souls for eternity...of good.. In the name of us to do good...and follow Your way....and help me hang on until we get every part of is not under no contorl of ours nor our govts....and may those doing bad things...find their way to repenctance and salvatoni and do good instead of all that is going on....and help for healing for all in need....and for Doyle who has survived...with every weakness in this flased syseem of not docgors even where are reqquired to be are.....and he cover ups causing more harms to milions who are not with us long before Your time to take guide us through this....and does seem the clog in the bottom of that putrid swamp of corruptio is the removmal of the taint of our elections....and we know we can do this....just help us find our way...of all political Your ways and life and love...and caring....and " BE BEST" as You created us to b as the right hand of the Almghty... May our viamin and supplemnt companies stop adding tose life theateing chemicla bindersin your pills and replaceig capsules witH WHY DID THEY DO THAT...TO REMOVED THE NATURAL WAY TO STAY ALIVE FOR MANY EXCLUDED FROM THEIR MEDICAL CONDITIONS BEING ALLOWED TO BE TREATED....AND THE CABAL ACCOUNTABLE TO NO GOVT...AS CONTRQCGORS AND THEIR SHELL PRIVATE ndustry managers....seem to ignore all with rights of best health which is right to life....and removed what can sustain life for millions when no safe meds or no meds even maade for us....1/6th of teh populaton and what did I or we all do to it...but refuse to worship it as we wrorship You instead..?In Your Holy Name...Yahusa...Amen! Spell check and paragraph indications will not save either....and had a personal matter had to be attended to fast.... and solved I hope and pray... Do a word search "medical regimen" + "5/1/19" + Daily recap " seems to pull up 9 days of info...shared what my doctors and I have come up with..or would not be alive now and too many are not...real evil exists..and is not going away.. and one ordered which may be able to use....and pray it comes addng one more probiotic 10 is not enough of the one..(govt cannot verify any data or facts ad no way to know what is in our pulls, food and suplemts we well as all the rest of the govt...and data and records aven the snoopers are not govt....and no oversight allowed by law since 2002 to stop abuses of the info...and prevent harms general ...Evil is .only made sronger when we fall to it.....and ask your doctor if any could help you if in our group of millions just in USA... ACIDOLPHIUS...IS THE BETTER NERUTALIZER. as many said......and most are being made made unsafe...with that ether alcoolgas binder llabeles as celloulose....but that is only the beginning substance used to turn into unsafe for milions.... GOOD ENTRAPPED INTO EVIL.... and where is the rights of all for life in that??. NO GOVT AT ALL is lawlessness....and evil rules....not the good we were created to be and do.... Linda Joy Adams 1/28/21

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