
Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Codesearcher LIVE. Plasma at Sinai, How 讬讛讜讛 descended


PSALMS CHAPTER 84 KJV: Psalms chapter 84 KJV (King James Version)


PSALMS CHAPTER 85 KJVf This is just one place in scripture where the reader or singer calls on the sacred name of the Almighty but for nd long ago for a long time from Babylone the fist coming of Yahusha....those names were not said....but were included in songs and readings...and none told the meaning was the sacred name.... Common one of 'SALVATION" the meaning of the sacred name of the human face/physical form of the Almighty Yahuah (YHWH) the Divine Love and then the Holy Spirit sent back after the resurrection for a comfort and guide....One entity in three forms...and anyone trying to explain this seems to be beyond time, place and our current veil on knowing since the fall of humanity from the Garden of Eden when the first couple knew ALL and made bad choices by temptation of evil....and got us all in a long journey of learning to handle knoweldge and not be tmepted to use it for ourselves, others or reation itself... We are in times of trouble...getting the world is in chaos...with even our our govt not in control of what is going on...even dictators...have fallen to life long positions...and need do no govrning leaving all up to one world cabal that is NO GOVT AT entity only law unto itself...and in the othr nations and UN have done...contracted out the control of the govt...and given access to the public monies....and too often with unlimited access when its called our Social seurity and Medicare trust funds....and other such also... In the USA back in 2002 the law overturned the USA control to them but for the Dept of defense, still under our presdidents....and now Speaker namcy wants to take that away from any president also...If a president is unable to use caution and common foreign affairs..and going to wars....then REMOVE THE POTUS IN QUESTION....other wise....Congfess cuts off funding....and then some of your close loved ones...may lose their lucrative jobs workking for some of the key contractors....and already some scandals over the years....but Congress keeps them free of audits or prosecutions...and remeber the FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER...all carried out by NON DOD CONTRACTORS...BUT FOR THE one rank and file...govt employee....who falsified a FISA WARRANT...amd he is the only one convicted of anyting...fter years of scandals...and alander and time tying up Congress as the nation went to control of the contractors....and now You got whom you all now what is your problem.... that is all of our problems...and we all know the taint of our elections...and the people want their rights of rulership at the ballot box to choose whom they send to serve us... How did DC get this backwards...You serve the people...we are not thought sombies...but the real rulers....and we also are ministers to each other....and when we have people suffering and dying with the moneies to be used to help in a legal and fair manner....and then disppear and the suffering continues....we are NOT PLEASED WITH YOUR WORK PRODUCT.....and unless you put back the oversight...and stop hiding behind your unconstitutional gag order rule not to do the oversight...not even to talk about the issue....then WE ARE LAAWLESS AND WHAT IS THE WORLD ARE YOU EVEN DOING FOR YOUR SALARIES...WE PAY YOU....and all of us pay,,,even if indirectly.... Time of TRUBILUATION...GVES ALL A CHANCE TO WAKE UP...AND BE REFINED...OVER THE TRIBULUM to the good and wonderful grain....our Creator made to all of us..are and we are all having to face that there is none us to help but each one of us....You as well as me and others...and whatever part we are called to do...small and unkown or front page and well known as a leadeer.....ITS REAL...and evil is around and wants the death and destruction of every one of well as creation itself... and one day YAHUSHA...will return and take evil out..and any cohorts and pray all have come through the refining process...on the good side of creation....with our free know FREEDOM and know and want to make the good choices..for one and wake up...evil done to one...does it to you and everyone else in time....and the time is nearly here...when our total demise can occur.... So Speaker Namcy, you are not the only one concerend....but upsetting the balance of checks on power ingrained in our US Constitution..for good NOT THE who puts checks and balnces on You or anyone else....when we have a cabinet...confirmed by You..for our presidents...and didn't you pay attn to whom you said would be OK to take over should the need arrise? for any reason....and have to make some difficult decisions...?? Right now...think weae seeing that our founders of this nation...had some common sense....from real world challenges for their basic human rights of even freedom....and although not perfect...gave us a govering document bsed on the DIVINE LAWS GIVEN TO MOSES....and do not confuse that with the later Talmedic laws.of time nd circumstande which are not unlike all our volumes of laws..from local to federal and even international now....which are not Divine...but are needed for an orderly society and world...and to allow human ights to each one on earth..and soon out into the Univese.... Yahusha....our Salvaton...came and taught us His real name..and upset the few sho thought it was a big secret as did not wish to upset their masters in Babylone, later Greece and then...Rome....and all begin to know and use them..until Constantive...Ceasar decided to take control of the leading faith of the new sect following Yahusha.....and set up a wone world religion and faith....and sgripped much of all into one way of thinking and beached the whole of creation of free will, frre thoought and freedom to know nd find our own knowing of what is best and good for one and all....WE ARE NOT THROUGHT ZOMBIES....NOR EVER INTENDED TO ALWAY BE THE EXACT SAME CLONE OF EACH OTHER......we are wonderfully different, but have free will to use all we are for good...or fall to temptation of evil....and we are close to overcoming evil...and we got duped one more time...relying on a few to take care of tnhings...and they fell and began taking care of not even self seem to have lost that also...and fallen to a master of evil...and yet they ahve the promise of YAHUSHA....SALVATION also..for etrnity...and we are called to give the well as stop the harms being our legal systems...and if they are not working then we have to elect those who will take the legal make all fair and just...and not one among us harmed by what is done to one..PRECEDENT CASs.IS PART OF THE DIVINE LAW...all get what one gets..or does not get....AND WE HAVE FREE WILL TO CHOOSE WHAT WE WANT...BE HARMED OR BE FREE AND HAVE FREEDOM AND NONE HARMED...BY WHAT IS DONE... TIME TO BE PART OF THE SOLUTION....and whatever is ones help be blessed for what each can do....directly or help another be able to volunteer to help....or just do their jobs legally and with being just and fair.... In the Name of Yahusha....thanks Salvation for our wireless printer working again on its own....sometimes artifical intelligence also has to wake up and put all in sync this creation You made...and hope one day evil will be out of here....and now for me and millions of other to be able to stay alive...with another threat to taking away our right to breathe....and this blog is trying since 12/08 to share....and EVEN OUR GOOD DOCTORS HAVE BEEN LIED TO AND DO NOT KOW THAT LEGALLY ANY PATIENTS WHO CAN BE HELPED BY LIWUID OXYGEN....(CONCENTRATORS..CAN BE USED BY SOME ABLE TO TOLEEATE IONIERS AND SOME SOZONE...) BUT MANY OF US...CANNOT.....and even the sautation rate of 88% is too late as that is after organs are destroyed or wel on their way....Research have long said 94% but insurances do not even kneed a rate as FOR MANY ITS THE DIAGNOSIS....AS ONE CAN HAVE OXXYGEN IN THE BODY...BUT NOT GET INTO THE CELLS...ETC.. and that is a medical diagnoses and amny conditions...qualtify just by the diagnoses and theis was codiefed into the regulatoins....and has always been intent of the orginal laws....for no harm be done....and that means....thre is a cheaper way of getting oxygen...even before inserrs may pay....and its some cost...but not prohibitive...when its life or non life....etc...and with all of us..millions just in the USA..ketp eaprated now with no nifying even AMA.the doctors used to have to lobby and help all of us...blew the first court case back in 1998 filed and settled in 2007 with all the harms left in place...and small sums paid out...and most doctors stopped their memebership....and have no one group to help....and we patients and suppliers...etc...soon found all of grave and too often deadly spread around the world... Compared to what even one bottle of pills for 90 days might cost....Oxygen...liwuid even is not that expense....when its done as exchanged filled tanks....and somehow..something has gone harwire with the TRUMP TO BIDEN..swith...AND PAYMENTS GOING DONE...BUT WHERE IS THE REGULAION TO DO IT THE CHEAPER WAY...FOR OVERHEAD FOR THE SUPPLIERS.???/ Maybe the one constitional change is for elections in Novemeber but presidents not take office until time for appeals and issues to be resolved....then cooperation with no taint on who is going to take over and serve the people and nation the best they can....WORLD IS UPSDIE DOWN....and all of us are being harmed....and this is real threat to my life...but checking out options and found out NO SUPPLIER EVEN IN OUR AREA...ANYMORE...SO LAY OFFS OF THOSE PROVIDEING CARE...HAS OCCURRED....AND DEATHS RISE BEFORE YOUR TIME..TOF ONE TO GO AND NOW TO PRAY FOR HELP FOR ALL TO GET TOGEGTHER THAT CAN DO WHAT IS NEEDED AND MAYBE TAKE EVERYONE TANK TO MANUFACTURER....AND GET ALL DONE AT ONCE....AND WE MAY HAVE TO PAY SOME....AND SOME MAY NEED A GO FUND ME PAGE...OR ASK FOR HELP...AND THEN all file claims with insurars and bring 25 million to a class in the USA>..and maybe SPEAKER NANCY WILL WAKE UP....AND PASS A SIMEPLE LAW...TO ALLOW THE MOM ND POP SUPPRS JUST EXCHANTE FILLED TANKS AGAINA...AS WAS GOING ON BEFORE 1/08, WHEN THE TWO BIG CMPNAIES GOT RID OF THE COMPETITION WHO WERE DOING IT CHEAPER...AND MADE A LOT OF COMMON SENSE....and done with no LEGAL DUE PROCESS NOTICES TO ALL AFFECTED EITHER AND MY APPEAL HAS BEEN INSIDE cms SINCE 2008 PENING TO OVER COME THIS...AND THE CABAL IN CONTORL OF ALL EVEN THAT....WILL NOT ALLOW A HEARING TO HAPPEN....AS IT WAS AFFIRMED HAD APPROVED FOR LIQUID OXYGEN FOR LIFE BY EVEN MEDICRE AS WELL AS TWO OTHER PLANS...INCLUDIG FEDERAL WORKEFRS COMP AND CLAIMS NOT EVEN BEING PROCESSED FOR NEALRY 2 DECADES NOW...AND WHY INJURY CASES CANNOT GET RIHT TO BREATHE....AS ALL DETAILS WRITTEN OF FOR YEARS.....BUT ALL ONE NEED IS A PRERPCITON FROM DOCTOR....FOR OXYGEN...OR LIQUID OXYGEN....AND LEGALLY CAN BE SOLD...DIRECTLY..BUT THE GIG TWO BOTH FINCNED BY blackstone....INTERNATIONAL...will not make changes for simple and cheaper way...and in our era of terroristm scares....nonw wishes a huge truk of oxygen cmoing up and down our roads....and no need to do all.... DEALS ON DEALS....and the whole has collpased and none to get all to the my constant filing of civil rights with HHS>etc has not been allowed to be ppsted by the cabal in control of that either.....NO RIGHTS WHEN THE GOVT HAS NO CONTORL OF ANY OF THE PORCESS NOR CAN ENFORCE IT BE DONE..LEGALLY AND TIMESY...and how many have died over the years since the 2002 overthrown of the USA>..insdiers said befoe covid started nearly 60 million...just in USA...far more than even the wildest estimtes from vobid even..and many of them..are said to need home oxygen also now...and liwqid not conentrators...LIQUID SEEMS TO ACT LIKE A LYPABRITIC SIRUTAION...AND ASKED MY DOCTOR ABOUT THAT...AND HE SAID THAT IS WHAT IS GOING ON IN DAMAMGED LUNGS...A LAY WAY OF EXPLAINING IT... iN YOUR HOLY NAME...YAHUSHA....HELP MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO WORK OUT SOEMTHING....FOR ME....AND ALL THE OTHERS...IN GRAVE NEED NOW....and tohers who are having organ damage without...until too late....and negotiate and get some waivers....from a govt...that has not been in contorl but has to make sure they are....a threat to all as grave as getting the missle codes away from current president office holder Biden...who has people around him..surely will not end all of creation...and take action should that come close... Maybe even You Namcy might be one of those with organs being damages and a little oxygen might clear up the thought processes for you and sit down...and use common sense...tht is cheaper...but stops scams being done to disapper monies...and get the oxygen to the lungs who need it as doctors have known for at least 1968 when I first looked up the gjideloines for a member of the public from inside HHS and the only change is we now have a long list of diagosies if one is not in a group with an already too low saturation level of oxygen rate...(lung pressures....are crucial....and rqurie a near full rate to keep the ressures...stable. or nothing gets out to the rest of the body...from heart on through...and all kinds of blood and other tests back it this is all real science...known and being ignored to let milloins and miliions die from organ failures....and itnore that they failed due to suffocation over time...TIME FOR OUR DOCTOR TO BE IN CHARGE OF HEALTH CARE GAIN...AND ALLOWED TO FOLLOW THE SCIENCE....BEEN SUPPLRESED BY THE CBAL SINCE 2OO2) AND AS FOR OZONE...WHY DOES fda say its good to breathe for lung patients... FOR ME AND TOO MANY OTHERS...its minutes of inflammetion and lungs filling up with fluid and that has been diagnoies since 8/89...called chemically induced pnumonities..which ozone is also an irritant...gas...even at parts oer tillion is now being known...) In Your Holy Name....YAHASHU...i know You know all this and so much more...and why of the hearts of some....and help gide those all over to make it possible for our rights to susgain life...and we had it being done the cheaper way..and was working...may this again be allowed...In Your Holy Name Yahusha...Amen! Shorataages even on garden seed and put in an order with one major companey....and had to update card..and they offered a partial payment plan throught pay pal....and went to that site....and did had forgotten still had an naccount..and went to update it....and MORE CHINESE LANGUAGE THEN pall in CHINESE....i went ahead and shartage on food already in cans and frozen...and takes time to product time to take a good look at your prety dwellers....and exaclty what one might to grow...and zoneing laws...may need changing in some places....Add some flowers for companion planting to reduce bug harm to plants...and call it a front yard flower garden....? or places of faith..a commnunity every begetable that is sold...can be bought by someone who does not have home grown at home... ONe has to search their own souls and those of faith ask for what is ones special the get through some times until humanity reaches its full maurity...and those few causing trouble either change...or we deal with them in ojur legal systems....and clean up the taint of our eldctions so we can vote out those who do not serve us well...but better if they did wake up and help ssrve us and the nation and theirselves....they seem to forgot they are not invinicible sickness and injury...and one day evil wil be removed and all at peace....but right now...not looking so good... Linda Joy Adams...2/28/21

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PSALMS CHAPTER 86 KJV In times of trouble we seem to refind our faith in the Almighty...and hopefully we never were backslidden into times of foegetting....when things seem to be going good or OK. And we fall into prayers of pleading for help and deliverance for onesself or for others we care about... This Psalm is a reminder that when Yahuah, and later Yahusha as the face of the Divine interacted and intervened in the course of our earthly results in 'signs' of glorifying that He IS, WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE....and is all powerful and is there for us to call on ofr guidance and salvation...of our sins..for our well as for answers to get us through bad times or events...showing us the way through even if its not a miracle of another event that is seem by many...some believe and some...may not even understand what is happening... Glorifying the Almmighty is to use an Divine intervention to also be part of a witness to help others find their faith and belief for salvatio of them also for eternal life...too as all of humanity is invited and equally loved...and whatever each of us always a witness....when we profess our own belief... Imperfect, as each of us is...we are still the ones of faith...and one day when evil is removed we will no longer be in situations of great need....even for our own lives...and the way out of the issue...may have some surprising throught the Holy Spirit of Yahusha...which was sent back after His resurrection...we have the 'REAL SPIRIT' world that is beyond any time and space...and responds to one and all...even when we are not even asking...IT IS.... Yes, my death has again been procleimed and one began to wake up and may even lose his we HAVE NO SOURCE FOR HOME DELIVERY OF LIQUID OXYGEN IN OUR AREA...AND ITS A PRETTY BIG ONE...AND A SHOCK WHEN THE DENIAL TO ME....ABLE ANE WILLING TO WORK AND ALL THE DOCUMENTED CASES EVEN APPELLATE JUDGES ORDERS ON ANOTHER Medicare stating I was approved for oife for liquid oxygen....before the other issue was it would not be an issue if there were not already paid liquid oxygen claims... Instead of rewriting the allow what once worked just exchange filled tanks...and reduce overall costs...etc.. as eferred to her many times since 12/08 of the issues....that put lives lost and health being desroyed breath by breath....and there is a good number who cannot tolerate the small amount of ozone...that is produced by the oxygen concentrators....whichw were was being addressed on them..and all ionizer..back in 2002 before Congress overrhrew the conrol of our govt, but for Dept of Defense ; into the conrol of an inernaional cabal of govt contractors....which has now taken control of nearly every govt on well as UN...and what seems to represent is the BEAST SYSTEM OF REVELATION..voted for by our own govts...who forgot to represent us...and got duped or sold out...our nation and nations.. even to Wuhan China...we well know he harm blank checks of govt funds....and no right of govt to use existing budget to audir or prosecute...massive thefts of our public well as premeditaated harms done even to genicidal loss of life.... Too often, kn health care it protects the intrest of the liability insurers...etc...they also manage...and any private company or stock holdeer company even into those defense contractors......if the call goes out for a managemnt company =etc...they create corprotions...and go apply or bid...and can underbid....whereas most ethical entiies...have no illegal do so...and have to pay all the costs and fees....UNFAIRNESS IN TRAKE.AND COMMERCE AND breaks all kinds of existing laws....but our members of congress will not put back the govt oversight of our public monies....nor..human rights of each of us...and its a deadly horror...too often.. Far worse than the pandemic...has already been going on hidden behind all the obituaries in our local papers...and even loved ones passed on..and we know something was not right for their deaths before it seems they should have....not just the cabal in contorl of health care...and not our doctors...since 2002...and add in the cabal running the opiod epidemic....causing pains not treated by physcial causes....and too many get hooked and that was witnessed by me....and got defamed for refusing to take a prescription out of an ER doctors hand....back in 2/07 not long after all our medical osurces came under their control ...managed and mones being stolen in the names of our medical providers....and here we are in a medical, financial...and every other part of govt holocaust....and woe to Pres Trump who could not get Congress to put back the govt to stop thefts and illegal acts causing physical harms and deaths....and other areas where the work and systems not legally compliant and..most websites of govt phone..numbers are illegal as thre is no govt there....and they hire nice people....and trained wrong in points of law...and rights....and its been something over the to how blatant it can be...done when someone is hired off the street has has no idea or no way to even look up the laws and regs the training no more than is on the public sit4s....and its VERY LITTLE...and VERRY LITTLE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE...TO KNOW AND ASSERT THEIR LEGAL RIGHTS AND NO REAL APPEALS UNTIL ONE GETS UP TO A FEDERAL JUDGES....AND HEARINGS ARE BACKLOGGED OVER A DECADE....( GOVT HAS NO IDEA WHAT THE REAL DATA OR FACTS ARE for any part of non DOD contracteor can deny access...EVEN WITH A COURT ORDER....even of ones own find out why....SOCIAL SECURITY EVEN WORTE TO CONGRESS OVER A DECADE AGO...when they lost conrol of their data and records....and claimants and even employees cannot get matters submitted claims and items NOT POSTED... and can't be worked until access is granted.... DOES NOT HELP WHEN LEADERS IN THE HOUSE....HAVE ADULT SONS AND OTHER REALTIVES ITH BIG JOBS WITH THESE CABAL COMPANIES...and not anseereing the phone at $10 an hour...either...The minimum wage for govt contractors...for s few years now....SO when one gets a nice person on the phone...and even a nice supervisor and all kinds of bogus that was their training.....get up further....and it ALL CHNAGES... and one should beware who they get a job with....who owns their one could have a job for a time...and then find out they are sitting in what US atty's call the biggest organized crime ring (ricco case) in USA history...that is really WORLD HISTORY...bigger than Rome that went the same way...with govt not goveerning...and contracting out and not wish to know as long as the govt high officials got their cut of whatever could be stolen from the people......and 2000 years was so bad...the most innocent were the ones getting crucified..for even trying to clean up the corruption....even the PROFESSED CLEFRGY AND PIOUS in bed with the corrupted govt contractors.....and even the public officials...bowing to it...and either getting their cut....or afraid to stand up to it....for fear of the higher corruption back in the world capital in ROME.... and have we fallen back into the REVIVED ROMAN EMPIRE...and whee is the head...of all of this...(not of faith of sincere people, but a small part of the UN and other world of nations....??) HIghest have bowed to hhis and if anyone dare stand up without all the people behind them..for them and of them...seems the way is clear...we will not prevail one person alone....and what are we all called to do.... one thing I HAVE AN ISSUE WITH THE CURRENT CPAC CONVENTION going on.... why are they not helping orgnizice all that army of vounteers to clean up the volunteering to canvass to update voting rolls...for real voters that really do live their.....and then be trained and ready to oversee elections...which some are already happening all over the USA....and local anc state have had a lot of big money pumped in....and we need to have NO MORE TAINt on the process...AS even our health and lives...and livelihoods for one and all of directly what Congfess has put in place...and the HOUSE HAS TO ALLOW BUDGET TO FIX THIS...AS ITS A BUDGET MATTER.....and why does each member of Congres hide behind a gag order.rule.....and some have tried from both major parties or Independent....and real criminal coersion and threats to them and family and loved well as false scandals..etc...even to the highest offices......and CANNOT TOUCH THEMN FOR SUCH CRIMES EVEN AGAINST OUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS WHO WANT TO DO THE RIGHT AND LAWFUL THING....AND FIX THIS...AND NO BUDGET CAN BE SPENT TO DO SO.... A horrendous job for anyone wishing to go serve the people even at the highest elecgive jobs in the nation...or even for local and state....offices. OUR FREEDOMS TO BE A SELF GOVEING COIUNTRY OF, BY ANF FOR THE PEOPLE has been robeed and done way back in 2002....and around the world the policy went...and to the UN...and here we are in this world...ruled by an entiry that IS NOT EVEN A WORLD GOVT.... as that would have laws, and enfordment of laws....and human rights of the people....And am not advocating it...but this is FAR WORSE....THAN that.. AS EVEN WHAT WE DO HVEE FOR A PLACE FOR THE WORLD TO MEET...THE UN HAS FALLEN TO IT.....and why all the lack of clarity and knowing about that way...AS NOONE OFFICIAL HAS ACCESS TO VERIFY ANY DATA OR FACTS...and we only had some..due to partial...maritial law under the Dept of defense...that Trump did....and due to the taint..on the election of more votes than voters in this land offiical at all levels who could not pass basci gradechool math..etc... ITS A GOOD THING WE DO NOT HAVE A TOTAL MARTIAL LAN DONE BY PRES TRUMP... with another side in power now....and causing utter chaos with a upturn in polices....with executive orders....and NOT EVERYTHING TRUMP DID WAS DISLIKED EVEN BY THE PARTY NOW SEATED IN POWER.....WHO IS RUNNING THINGS..... as its been roported thet the strike against Syreia....did not even come out of the WHITEHOUSE.....oval office...General Mabus is now our leader....over the US Navy in charge of foreign policy...and away to wars we are going...before the ink is dry on the first signing...and all we get is Speaker of the House wants the missle codes in her conrol and not...with Biden....WHY? THE CONTRACTORS WAS GIVEN THEM BACK UNDER OBAMA and he beast system has they manage the defense contractor who made it...?? Maybe, her adult childern....will be put in charge from inside the cabal....and what are their names....and job titles and who elected them?? REPROTS GO WHILD....WHEN WE DO NOT HAVE ALL THE INFO..and we need to know...when our very lives and livelihoods are at rish...and too many gone already.. SO CPAC..a lot of good info coming out of the meeting and seminars....and speeches....BUT nothing is going to change until each one helps and that is all legally chain of custordy of our sacred from begining to the final count done...and final appeal and certification....AND THAT WAS NOT DONE....AND NONE CAN QUESTION IS WAS BREACHED......making the whole process TAINTED....and tht is everyone a volunteer....or helping another go volunteer....and its already too late....and catch up is years...late..but it can be done....and systems...cannot replace knocking on doors.., meeting the people in ur neighborhoods....and invite them to BE PART OF THE SOLUTION... so none like me...has no idea if life will be for me past an few more weeks....even then....WAKE P=UP with already milions and millions this holocaust.....with CHINESE HEALTH CARE as the values....imposed on us..instead of our values of every life is precous...and healing and to be ended.....or we end up in hell of our own making right here on EARTH.... We pary for deliverance from evil.....and troubles.....but the answers were given us...2000 years ago....even back in the deseert with Moses....of thse core values....and will we all finally wake up and help in whatever way we are called to act...for good and life and peace on earth..for evermore... In the name of us find our way back to the goodness we had before he fall of the first family into sin...of defince of what is good...for them...and sent us on his human journey to get back to the good with no evil around to tempt us..and we finally have learned not to be fooled....and we help out even in a small and indirect way...if that be our calling....and we clean this mess up...we allowed to happen....and if some meet uur legal be it... This one faithful servant has not always...done the most either....and now am faced with a crisis of life itself...and what is the way out....Pray for Your return soon....but tht is the timeline of Yahuah the FATHER.. and its somehow getting all understanding the issues.....and with censorship going on...with only one side...sharing a lot...we can get further astry of facts...also...ONe thing has been made cleAR we are called by You to ALL BE KINGS AND PRIESTS..and our govts now have nearly every adult as one...ruler at the ballot box...and we have to be able to do our best and it be counted as he will of the people without taint... and then he many, not forget to look out for even the one among us not to be treated unfairly or with injustice by the will of the You taught us even one harmed ends up harming all of us... and rather quickly...with the stroke of a pen in the higehst office in our land... Facts kept hidden from those who need to take official action for good...even...and many would if they knew...but this not well known....and need others to pass on the info...and chaeck it out and add what they know MILLIONS FACING DEATH JUST IN MY CATEGGORY...AS WELL AS AL THOSE WHO WERE HIRED TO HELP looking for jobs also....and with all the licenses and permits...etc...and somehow the whole needs to be put back toegether....ins some kind of new format.using what worked well in the past..before it got disrupted by non good reasons fy some...back in 2007....before even I knedw of he overthrow of our rights of even life itslef bad been voted on by Congfess....US SENATE BY UNAMIMOUS CONSENT...AND NO ROLL CALL TAKEN IN 12/02..and none able to eve get near court blaocked inside non court level rule on this....and so much to yet cases oculd solve so muuch of all of this....and judges lready ruled...and their decisiona being hidden inside the contractors from the will not post my ordered over and over....and ignored....and how do I get the military to hack into the systems of Micheal horowotx did with a us district coutt order for FBI data bases not in control of the US govt either now....and they did it save the Trump presidency.....time spent on this rather than...all putting aside diferences and stopping the theft of our public fnds....and loss of life and helath due to laws being broken....THAT IS NOT A POLITICAL ISSUE FOLKS....THAT IS SURVIVAL AS A PERSON AND AS A SNATion... Help us break this even if all do not agree...we can agree on this mjch that used to be taken care of inside agencies.....not too long ago....undr existing laws...back when the govt sill was in charge of the govt...and all our data and records and oversaw work done as legally corect..ipholding the rights of all.. Save us from all our sins...and even mine for not doing enough..I CHOOSE TO LIVE.. and may it be Your will also....IN Your HOly Name...Yahusha....Amen! Ad a favorite hymn says "MAKE ME AN INSTRUMENT OF YOUR PEACE" for the GLORY OF OUR DIVINE WHO IS, WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE.... As John in his Gospel says IS all nd for all and of we accept and pass it on.. Linda Joy Adams. 2/27/21

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Friday, February 26, 2021

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PSALMS CHAPTER 87 KJV A song of praise for the earthly home of the Almighty...where He is returning to...and never to be parted from us ever evil is cleared out and away for always too..and we have peace on earth and no need for health care as all our ills and injuries..will be restored to full health... This blog has shared the struggle for a long time with the govt ontractor of thousands of companies and contracts with nations, and UN..and also over into private industry...and too often seated among employees of a companey is one who is there from a management company and none even knowsn this....And in health care its a total control with NO GOVT OVERSIGHT of the parts of one entity....that holds the contracts but the law of 2002 REMOVED ANY AUDIT CONTROLS OR EVEN RIGHT TO PROSECUTE LAW BREAKERS.....chaning our pesonal records, ins info...and hidding records from being known of to obstruct even the right to exist to even breathe....and as things get worse and worse....and more amd more lose all even their lives....ur members of congress have no way to act without grave and illegal coercion, black mail and threats to them and family as also..the GOVT IS NOT SNOOPING....These unaccountable contractors to any govt...have all our e mails, phone calls and texts....and anyting that could be scandelous...they can abuse or illegally use that info against anyone...even a president of a company or member of congress..etc. Few seem to understand NO GOVT...and all tnose web sites and phone book pages that list govt sites....ARE USUALLY NO GOVT there...and illegal to impersonate they are they are to list their corporaate name and the agency contracted to also... What does this have to do with health and lifee.....even if ones health plan is not a govt one..?? Since 2010, we are all being under public funded systems...and controls...and check it out...our insurers became govt contractors...with the Hillary care...or RED CHINESE HEALTH CARE.. philosophy and even to owning health care instuttions....and one world health care...and other matters of govt IS HERE...AND ACCOUNTABLE TO NO GOVT... Call it the 'BEAST SYSTEM OF REVELATION' worse than a WORLD GOVT, OF BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE with laws...and human rights of eacb with a legal system to deal with lawbreakers..etc... This is accountable only to itself...and only need for a blank check contract with aguide of what to be done with it but the monies can disappear, work not done...and suffering, death, destruction and misery continues...and we wonder why things do not get betterl with our public funds...all pay, even if not directly. And You think the Trimulation is ahead yet....For many of us...expecially federal employees we got hit we cannnot go to state entities for help...That check and balance on abuse of power.....the foundational premise of the 10 accoutabilty to anyone in a position of authority to not abuse it...whateever form of govt or institutional make up one is in... (Covet) has been the English translation for "abuse of power by one in authority) and its not the only suspect translation from the original the master of evil deception has played games with our relationship with the Almighty..and wishes we the people, and creation gone.. Many paients medically qualify for home oxygen who are not getting it as the guidelones...were 'thrown away' by the govt contractors...who also ae claims payers for most insurers also...even workers AND THAT IS THE ISSUE....Have workers compn put one on home oxygen..for life...and you never have to buy heealth insureance again under a 1988 labor save lives of workers who have an approved case....and automatically on payment for life..of ends up with total care under their injury case..AS UNLESS ONE IS BREATHING...ONES HEALTH IS DEPENDENT ON BEING ABLE TO BREATH...WITH NORMAL LEVELS AND NORMAL SYNTHESIZING INTO ONES CELLS..ETC The testing guidelines to qualtiy have NEVE BEEN JUST AN OXYGEN SATURATION RATE...but many conditions can easily be done that way....and the level was lowered under CLinton to MALPRACTICE LEVEL WITH PERMANENT ORGAN DAMAMGE TO 88% when most medical research,, etc...says at 94% one is at health rish... Used to be 91% and that is reached pretty soon with exercise...running or brisk walk...with oximenter...but on what goes on a organs begin to fail...and never fully get back....I know as been there a few times.. So in 2005, the newly codified....medical disgnosies and levels...(technically medical info ones doctor fully understand...but many others do not. even in medicl professions..) and the Director of CMS (Center for Medicare and medicaid servies..) which has been the standard almost all other plans follow since 1960's said 02 SAT RATE or medical records...AND REQUIRED A MEDICAL REVIEW BY A DOCTOR...TO OK THE HOME OXYGEN.....getting more costly and cumbersome over the years.... I've known since 1968 going to work for the forerunner of HHS, HEW out of college in 196* and looked it up many explain to any who asked...and info file appeals...or get info etc... By 2005, this was still going on...and it had gotten that too often the whole was being ignored..until one got way up the line in needless none knew etc. So in 2005, all those who won the legal right to home oxygen by their medical conditions....were formally listed and the training set for all the medical oxygen suppliers in the regional trainings....and THAT IS WHEN THE CONTRACTORS TOOK OVER AND DID ALWAYS WITH THE RIGHT TO BREATHE OF A GOOD PROTION OF ALL ...NOW IN THE MILLIONS....EVEN...25 MILLION IS A NUMBER.....and among these are those with toxic. chemical inhalation injuries....with... too often extreme chemicals....often common ones that inflame and cause pnueumonities....(fluid on the lungs...from inflammation.) and why home liquid oxygen is approved for ones like they have never fixed the ozone that comes from any machine that is an the oxygen concentrators....just as deadly as one with the opposite kind of reaction like an requireing emergency...medical needs... So this one, me has been approved for liquid oxygen for 25 years now...(those old fashioned green bottle are the same but not as compressed but takes so many more of then...that the cost is reduced by turning the oxygen into a cold liquid...and tanks are made to hold them...for up to week to 10 days for most of us..) 2002 was the year, we got overthrown into the control of an unacocuntable cabal as govt contractors....and even those conentrators and other ionizers which give off ozone...and even some gets back into lungs....IT BECAME GOOD FOR THOSE WITH LUNG NEEDS TO BREATHE IN OZONE...WHEN THE GOVT WAS GOING TO BAN...ALL OF THEM IF NOTHING DONE TO ELIMATE THE OZONE.. Acceptable levels was 2 parts per million for those with intact health and mucous membranes...etc....and it got raised to 4 parts per million....but for my group we already said that parts per billons inflammed and now the testing shows parts per trillion cause physccal harm... Its been a battle for life and those with workers comp would find....the one in charfe of paying our claims of one entiry at federal as well as all the state regulated plans.....would NEVER PROCESS THE CLAIMS....AND SO A SUPPLIER COULD NOT GET PAID....AND THUS REFUSED SERVICE TO INJURED no govt to force them to process and mine not processed since 2002 as "THEY WOULD BE PAID...AND THE GIG WOULD BE UP AND TO LET HER DIE" WAS THE REFERENCE TO one of the original medical precedent dases for every one of all thse milions...the order was 'GENOCIDE" FROM THE CONTRACRORS NOT RULING MUCH OF THE WORLD...even into wuhan china...has been many references....and its basically any contract....they will underbid and whatever influece...and end up with it....and we suffer...even FDA AND CDC have no access to verify data....and that has been horrific...with covid trying for the govt to know what is going on... some part was put under the militray....and the DEPT OF DEFENSE SITLL HAS OVERSIGHT FROM THE PRESIDENTS.....and CONGRESS LED BY MOTHER OF 2 HIGH OFFIICALS WITH LYNN BLODGETT ET speacker of the house....and seems to have incentive to correct this lack of oversight...... and there are some on both sides of the aisle in congress who want to do what is right and over see use of public monies to be legally complies with....etc....but the coercion and fear is real.....and tht in itself ;TAINTS OUT ELECTIONS...WHEN THE ONES...among them we actually did vote for....face criminal be done to them or loved ones....if they serve us well....and allows anyone of us the RIGHT TO BREATHE.. Now, due to altration and hideing of records...of those dying too soon..and many not aware one can get their to a manufacturer..and pay themselves to get a tank filled....Costly but not prohibitive...if life is to be might have to forgo some small pelasures....and new car,, HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIVE AND my doctors have said no reason not to live a normal long life...and have already met the norm and am in no way...ready to go to heaven...unless NO RIGHT TO BREATHE OCCURS... So, the pressure and coercion is grave and even though some covid patients now in our rights for them either.... manjfaturers are closing places one can go.and pay direct...and some may get some reimbursements...but let this cabal be the managers of it....CLAIMS GO UNCPROCCESSED SO THE GOVT AND OTHERS...WHO KEEP TRACK HAVE NO IDEA MILIONS OF US EVEN EXIST...OUT HERE...and that is what audits would show....all these claims with violations of our human rights for a timely decision of a claim even if denied would allow an appeal....and would be approved at the higher level..with standards med... I even took paid claims by medicare the bills ahd been illegally dumped onto....and went to the ask fr enformence of the conditional payemnt las...which the letter did get out...but Lynn Blodvett said he would not repay it and send him no mre letters....SO THE LAW WAS OVERTURNED...BY THE CONTRACTORS.....AND NO ONES LETTERS GET SENT TO HIM FOR WORKERS COMP TO REPAY... more confusion as the govt polices, laws and regulations....have not been changed....and those, as contractors in another company he holds contracts for system a sub contractors as often that is where those cabal companies hide from getting govt one that seems ok , gets the contract then subs it out to them....and none take responsibioity the US Supremen court decision of 10/16 says hire a contractors and one is liable for what is done... and harrassment of the medical profession is real when they manage their malpractice insurance....and its been back and forth of not even covered to treat those with chemical sensitivities....which is 1/6th of the population....excluded if ones doctor treats and something goes wrong....DEADLY DISCRIMINATION FROM EVERY ANGLE With all going on with getting better and prayerfully will be home soon...still limited on able to do things....and pray no more goes wrong.. And our chinese owned health care....?? as has been rpeoarted and I tracked to Delaware intl holding compnaies...and BLACKSTONE...IS all over much of this financing ...all really big health entiies....and break he USA companies and CHINA ETC GOBBLES THEM UP and ignores our laws....and files claims as if doctros are there or taking care of patient...and its become a MAJOR...HEALTH CARE FRAUD.... OVERSEEN BY MAGMENT COMPANIES ALSO PART OF THE CABAL....AT EVERY PART OF MATTERS... KAMALA MIGHT CRACK DOWN...AND SEEMS some are waking up...she might do it at president....and Sec of Navy Mabus...bombed iran...and she did not even know...did Biden even? is this another prophecy fulfilled and this not a Biblical one...but a Nostradamus one?? Still wonder if he was not doing the more simple bible could do by hand...without a computer as isaac Newton...was aware of them also....and gave clues and names years and thouands of years ahead of time....of events...and we have figure ut what is meant as the letter of the in a scripture that clarifies it more of meaning of the Biblical words....where what is lost in translations gets redeemed back using the original language of he Bible...Hebrew, ancient, aramaind and now modern...just as we have this in English but not always translate well in matters of faith if the language grew out of a people....with differing views of faith.... Concepts can get misunderstood... Knowing history, good or bad things..that went on is crucial to understanding...the meaning and lessons we need to learn from history...of what to do and what NOT TO DO... So, with millions of patiensts hidden from view...and too many dying before they should..., the attack on my gorup and real...and not sure how much longer...I will be ALLOWED TO BREATHE...Not giving up as our son...has a corproation filled....oculd use to save lives....and now we are looking for where to get liquied oxygen and JUST LEARNED THAT THE LARGEST SUPPLIER IN THE USA...NO LONGER IS COMING TO OUR AREA....WE HAVE NONE HERE....and that means...lay off's when the patienst did exist...but not every one reads this blog.....and how do we put those in need with those in need of keeping their jobs....and oe issue is DO EXCHANGE OF TANKS....LIKE THEY DO THE GREEN small supplers all over the nation were doing at less no meed for expendsive be hauling a huge tank of liquid oxygen around the highways from home ot home....and all one has is a tank or tow already gilled....and no need to put on gear out in ones yeard, and fill tanks....and cost is high and getting higher.... AND NO NEED FOR IT...Layoffs a manufacturers...when what happened was a small compnay would bring in the tanks for their few patients each...get them filled as my family did for me....and then deliver....and does need one with a good back they are almost 200 lbs filled....but can be rolled easiy on a good dolly... So we look for the return of the Almighty and so di I as would like for all to work something out and get CMS to waive....for emergency easons and yes...even if one had to pay...first....its not a what the big companies charged with all the insurance and permits....its costly but not prohibitive......and the disregard propaganca form the chimeicla getting worse again....and they do not wish 55 million to we are the testified number a few years ago....that cannnot tolerate their chemicals...some more severe than others....but why since injured 1/10/89, had to buy by mail order to get unscented etc laundry soap etc....and now every brand has one....even GREAT VALUE....AT WALMART...IS GOING MORE NATURAL BIT BY BIT...AND TO SAY PRERVATIVE FREE one of the best advertising techniques...used today....AND SOME ARE BETTER THAN OTHERS...ON THIS....but it backs up we are not a hidden millions....we are here and nearly every household has someone who lives or will be in theirs...who needs all those perfume free, etc...products used....or the places coauses inflammation of the flesh...even if the love of each other is good and real... In the name of Salvation...I come to You for help for myself today...and all others in similar situations....and may those in power wake up and know we exist....and wish to continue our lives here and now....even if times are hard...and troubles are is precious and would like to live awhile longer.... Help guide those who am pleading with for life...that someting can be worked the bad news is north texas and southering oklahoma....a wide now being left with 'no right to breathe' if not able to do so on our own? How did I miss this....while attn on all the other woes going on...yet....its the same spirit of noregard for our lives....that is rmpant....and how can one believe in You and not pay attn to Your words to HEAL THE SICK AND FEED THE HUNGRY OR WE END UP IN of our own making....and one is not able to do it...all....and when our numbers keep growning.....what household or ext4ended family is not already directly mourning the losses of loved ones is real....and innjstice injustice to all....and soon the one left will be come for also...and not by You...unitl the day...Your return and take this evil away from all of us....and then No need for liquid oxygen as You will renew my body from the fallen state we have been in since our first family of creation.....and be made new in You....Until then....HELP.....In the Holy and sacred name of Yahusha, Amen! Those in the streets chanting NO RIGHT TO BREATHE...need to understand that tnis is real for every diverse part of society...when its due to an injury....and the need to provide life sustaing care....gone...even if one is approved by three health plans for coverage as I have been for life....RIGHTS DO NOT MATTER anymore of eveb life....Its all of us denied rights when even one among us is... Linda Joy Adams 2/26/21


馃敶 Donald Trump, Jr. Full Speech at CPAC 2021

讟讘诇讗讜转 砖诇 拽讜讚讬诐 讘转讜专讛 讞砖讜讘讜转 讘讬讜转专- 诪砖讬讞 - 讘谉 讚讜讚 -讙讗讜诇讛 - 讬讜诐 ...

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Thursday, February 25, 2021

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PSALMS CHAPTER 88 KJV No matter how tribulated the day or night has been, there is ONE whom we can turn to and hand over all our woes for Him to take care of for us.... The world has not changed yet, and we still have issues and people in this world to deal with...that may not be pleasant and some down right led by evil to do evil.....But we have ONE to ask to carry us through it all....and hold our hand...and guide us in right paths..of goodness and light of DIvine Love....even if its a narrowing path in world turned to we are seeing more than ever being unfolded before us and around us.....What has been hidden for many years....of evil intent and those fallen to evil ways.....have now letting and using their powers and control over us....right before our they got us asleep and a few who tried to warn....could not wake up the whole world... Now we learn, that its us, we the people called to be the rulers and ministers of each other in this world....and what one knows or finds needed as a part of the whole knowing....and its past time to respect and thank those who find out thikngs....and we all be led to check things out and add to a solution to stop evil and help make all good as intended.... And one day, Our Savior/Almighty is coming back with the hosts of take out evil and its we have arrived at the door of eternity...for always and forever....and no need of evil to be here as we have rejected it forever more....and pray not one of the human family....of one blood...saved by the blood of Yahusha..on the have eternal life...and only goodness and love for eveer and always....from the I AM WHO I AM...who was, is and always will be....who is LOVE DIVINE...manifested into creation itself...and the most blessed of all, each precious human soul..and person.....and no more need to ever its an eternal....a concept of no beginning and no our ever expanding universe....we will now been made ready to go out and populate the whole....and never FREEDOM AND FREE WILL only used for we know that we were taught to make the good choices and when we defied Him...and did not..we ended up in all kinds of sorrows...and heartache...and put this world and creation on the brink of destruction.....being duped by evil to do his evil wishes of destruction of all of creaion and even of humanity.... Our burderns can be layed at the feet of the DIvine...and He will take them...and keep us in His safety...even as we are bombarded by the evils in this crrent world....and all the good suuls....bound up with deception trying to break free of the boundage of evil....and too often will turn on the good...rather than face evil and give it a rebuke in His Divine name and oust it from us forever more.. In the name of us from ourselve......and its on all of do what You called each of us to do...even if it seems only a small protion of the whole....all doing a little is a lot of overcomeing of evil Your name... Prayers for those in need of healing....and spent at ways to make our home to accommodate any special equipememt....needed...and realized there is all kinds of this and that being sold....and some just is not practical....and why does one need....hoses....and plumbing for some things...when a clean squirt bottle filled with water....and a squeeze can do the same thing....and the bottle is even free and so far...a little water is almost free.... One could be spending tens of thousands of dollars....and be falling over this and that....and money little is paid for by insurance anymore...of many things....and what is the often using what is already around...and too often thrown out and can be changed into something precious...and everlasting good use... not unlike we sinners...who have defied You too often....and yet we still have our golden souls...from You to be redeemed ad saved....and be glory to You for what You made,,,,us, each one...and we praise You and thank You for our lives.....and Divine Love....we have as a free gift to pass on to others in this world....and on and on..until the whole of creation is redeeemd for eternity...and never have to deal with evil ever again..... Keep our loved ones and me and mine...and all of us safe in Your Holy hands and name....and being....and pray no more harms to my own beloved...for all these many years....Thanks for bringing us together and carrying us through life so far....and may we have much more....time to do a lot of glorify You...and help whomever and whatever we can times.when it seems....we are being led to accept many to be in charge....with all kinds of bad baggage...and we pray for their own redemptions so any harms that might be are not done...and pray for Pope Francis as finding our human roots in UR from Abraham is one beginning....but Your bringing our ancestors our of Egypt and teaching us with 40 years of daily miracle....even as we sinned and got scattred to the ends of the earth....we did not totally forget the foundation of love and knowing....and human rights....and may those historical the deseert with You and rediscovered.....and Your Divine laws...of a few foundational be the order of our society....we follow just because we know in our souls....its the good way for blessings for one and all of us... In Your Holy Name, Yahusha.....Amen... And for those who have angst of this past election....if one is a Trump supporter or even of another party....THIS TIME...we understand we have only clean up any taint or skulduggery on elections....and its one by one...two by two...back to what used to be...knocking on doors....and updating voting roles....and over seeing the chein of custory of ur golden sceptors of rulership...our ballots from beginning to the final count and certificatioin....and no more...saying its OK to have more votes than voters.....we let our good candidates down for we fell into deception that machines and systems could do the work....and forgot to keep an eye on who is giving the commands to the process.....and obviously some need to return to gradechool math....they must have forgotten....cannnot have fractions of a we are whole beings and take us apart we are no longer living voters.....and then how can we have more voting that even exist......The cover up of real bad has to end....and its not just who won at whatever level of the process....its the taint of any part...for each to have confidience...thag will of the people is met....and those elected reflect the will of the people....and the margin of the win...leads our newly elected servants of the people to know if they can make drasric change...or need to be more moderate...if we are divided.... We have to keep cleaning up this the will of the people is met....and we have our rulership of ALL BING KINGS...and then make sure not one among us is harmed by the will of the we tend to the needs also...and rights of even the not be treated unfairly or with that is how we got into our current mess that is too much a hororr all around us...and gotten so bad....none is all affected in an instance...and then one finds bad it is....and most are finding out...and now we go back to our the desert for our faith....and love for one anotheer...we are to have....and respct for human rights of each....and no more being decieved into non action....and we take up our sceptors of ruleing...and help clean up what our inactions allowed to become...peacefully as violence is the way of evil and it only brings more harms and denigrates all the good efforts of many making progress to fair and justice for one and all of us....BE PART OF THE SOLUTION... WE VOTED AND EXPOSED THE we know where the need is to make it right... Linda Joy Adams 2/25/21

US carries out airstrike against Iranian-backed militia in Syria

US carries out airstrike against Iranian-backed militia in Syria

Very sad beautiful music! When angels cry! DJ Lava-Calling angel

馃敶 CPAC 2021 LIVE Coverage from Orlando, FL - Day 1

(spam alert for govt grants and phone number is not even a conntected one) never give personal info over phone.. govt does not do this kind of calls.)580-362-5720 - Yahoo Search Results

580-362-5720 - Yahoo Search Results

Prominent GOP Senators Introduce Bill Raising Minimum Wage to $10

Prominent GOP Senators Introduce Bill Raising Minimum Wage to $10

POLITICO Playbook PM: Pelosi fires back at McConnell and ‘Don Johnson’ over Jan. 6 commission - POLITICO

POLITICO Playbook PM: Pelosi fires back at McConnell and ‘Don Johnson’ over Jan. 6 commission - POLITICO


讟讘诇转 拽讜讚讬诐 讘转讜专讛 诪讚讛讬诪讛 -转注谞讬转 讗住转专 讬"讙 讘讗讚专 - 驻讜专讬诐 - 讙诇讝专住讜谉 - 讚"...


Mike Adams Situation Update February 25th , 2021

State of NY to Seize ALL properties!?

Live: House Holds Hearing on Capitol Riot | NBC News

Test your General Knowledge!

Pentagon Launches Investigation Into Trump - Deep State Rabbit Hole

Pentagon Launches Investigation Into Trump - Deep State Rabbit Hole

Sara Carter: Lethal cartels control border – they make billions on drugs, trafficking while migrants suffer | Fox News

Sara Carter: Lethal cartels control border – they make billions on drugs, trafficking while migrants suffer | Fox News

MASSIVE Voter Problem Discovered in Virginia with Enormous Difference in Numbers - Civil Deadline

MASSIVE Voter Problem Discovered in Virginia with Enormous Difference in Numbers - Civil Deadline

New Company Policy Sounds Eerily Similar to Mark of the Beast - Civil Deadline

New Company Policy Sounds Eerily Similar to Mark of the Beast - Civil Deadline

GSA to Offer ID Proofing Service for Contracting Portal Entity Registration Accounts

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President Biden Nominates Kiran Ahuja as OPM Director

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'We're finding bugs way faster than we can fix them': Google sponsors 2 full-time devs to improve Linux security • The Register

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Largest volcano in Europe erupts, spews lava 3,280 feet high

Qatar World Cup: Migrant worker death toll exceeds 6,500: Report

Qatar World Cup: Migrant worker death toll exceeds 6,500: Report

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Here's What Nobody Told You About Mary And Joseph

The Codesearcher LIve. More Calendar Teaching




PSALMS CHAPTER 89 KJV Contracts among humans are too often broken...and our courts filled with disputes over imperfect humans...making deals....that maybe should not been made in the first place.....and all the laws we have made to deal with the disasatisfied contract makers... There is a DIVINE CONTRACT or covenant with our DIVINE MAKER.....and His comes with unconditional love...and no intent to ever break it....We are the ones who can ever breach it...and why would be defy and break from the Almighty of all goodness ....But we often do, and fall into some real poblems with the adversary of good.... and woe to us when we fall into hells of our own individuals or even of societies and even of nation's or of a whole been made into one great society due to our instanteous communications available to reach each other....and all be getting messages at the near instant same time.... Roussueu, philospher of prior times....referred to the 'SOCIAL CONTRACT' and no matter what form of govt we have.... we the people always hold the power...and even a total dictator cannot rule when the people do not follow... And its past time...letting everyone else take responsibiility in our times...when nearly every adult in this now rulers at the Ballot boxes...WHICH WE HAVE ALLOWED TO BE TAINTED AND COMPROMISED and too much has gone on for the last 25 years...thinking systems can replace the oversight of witnesses of volunteers from all the covenant to assure that the will of the people, we the voters is respected and upheld... And althought there are other cases to be heard yet by the US Supreme Court....the states are finally getting the message..STOP YOUR OWN TAINT AND clean up the mess....and the next official who signs its ok to have more votes than voters.....needs to face our legal systems....Its not who he winner is....its the integrity of the whole process.....and one flaw, taints it all. The Covenant we have with each other as being the govts of the world now....means we each have rulership over see things....and those we ask to go serve us in higher positions of administration of our will....gets broken when we think someone else is going to take care of things....and finally NONE TAKE CARE OF ANYTHING....and we get unscrupulous persons..inside and messing with our rights, our votes....our govt....and its from local to federal...this is going on as we got secure in our ways.....and back with Pres Bush 43, told us to FORGET YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND HE WAS GOING TO TAKE CARE OF THE WHOLE WORLD......and being only human, impossible for any human to be able to do this.. as he signed the 2002 law passed by Congress and turned even his own rulership rights over to an international cabal of govt contractors....and its been worse and worse since then....public monies missing....more taint on elections....and life and health loss in astonromical numbers when the opposite should be getting longer lives and better health for one and all of us.....COVERNANT WAS BROKEN...even by the one who said he would take care of things....and he did not either....None of us...can do it alone.... in this world...and why we have our DIVINE COVENANT with the ALMIGHTY AND ALL POWERFUL....who is able to know and deal with everything....powers beyond time and space....none of us have....and none of us...are gods or magicians...and need to humble know we are strong in faith, but not super humans....not even to do all....and why would we wish to be....Isn't more fun and loving to share the load with each other in this world...and all respect and care about each other...instead..?? A perfect world is ahead...when we get through our lerning journey of how to be FREE INDIVIDUALS...with FREE WILL...and know the better we have had to live through some really bad ones we have each made...and our society has allowed to be made...our nations...and the world...led astray by an evil....that is promised to be removed one day....and may not one of us...choose the wrong side to be on... In the name of us from ourselves...when we really let things get messed up....and Prayers for a couple up in Blackwell OK...who began getting forwarded calls from an online spammer, spoofer....illegally impersonating a federal official of the Social Seurity Administration today on a phone call.....and trying to scare all that someone at the southern border was stealing ssn's and push one to speck to an agent...OBVIOUS FRAUDULENT CALL....but some may not know this....and I pusshed 1 and got call sent to a place....and said was fraud and they hung up... I looked up the phone number on my call list page online...and also searched online for info of other reports of this phone number....and found another scam had been done with the same phone number...and This blog often posts this and sometimes even leave a message on several sites..who keep track of these calls.....and when I called....another person and persons answered and gve my real name and phone number and they were upset.....and said 14 calls ereeived and got out of them...that the phone number that called me was not...their own phone number even.....meaning..HACKING OF CALL FORWARDING TO FORWARD TO THEM...I did not ask for they did not had some difficulty trying to explain to them....who I was, a blogger...and had gotten such a call....and seems they did not get the first call to them....but were now getting the forwarded calls to them....from the spoofed phone number on caller ID and then...forwarded to them??? And this got more the Blackwell police got called....and tey left a message to I was on hold with my online phone company.....and to see what might have gone on....and...called them....and none could calls from a scammer were getting forwarded to this in their town?? I had no idea where in the world the call went to...and had assmed by hitting 1 on the phone menu was being transferred around in their own company phone bank etc... Its a new twist on things and since this is an international phone company over the internet....and for all I knew I was being forwarded to China..or its a mystery and the evil dealers....can cause all kinds of this world....and the truth is do not give out personal anyone...not even the name of your pet....which you may at times walk outside and holler for your four legged family member to come in for their supper...either....Since many fall into using that name for cyber password security....make up one...and drive the cyber theives some of their own harrassment back on them....for being such the first place... So prayers for all who have to ansser phone calls from those with evil intent....and then...have to try and explain this when one even tries to check it out to file a this kind does find victims...too often....and is not just selling something.either...which there are some laws in place to protect the innocent from the unscrupulous... And it got a little worse for me....for even trying to do the right thing and report it....and somehow something seems to be amiss in Blockwell OK...and it rolled over onto me...just for trying to find out...and report it...and wanted to verify info....and found out....beyond the scam...was harrassment of someone up in their town....and maybe its vs them....personally....??? Only You know the whole Almighty...and will leave it in Your loving deal a simple matter....of me just linking an alert...led into WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS TOWN?? or any other town....?? or just a cruel joke being played by some who need to stop as this is too serious of times...for childish gaves played on anyone... Help us save us from ourselves....and although wish had not bothered....somehow the response was not what would be expectdd...nor has been in the past when a bad spoofer...beyond just tlemarketers....did this...and I would call and let the real party know before posting....So at this point....who are they and ist beyond me to go further....but without any federal govt to do mjuch of law since 2002....who knows....but its on record....of one party getting a lot of forwarded calls from a spoofer to start with....and use caution always in giving out info to anyone wone does not know or retailer one is not known..etc.. I put this all in prayer to You and prayers for healing to continue for Doyle and all others in need....and may we get all done...for a good and safe return home for my beloved....and our loved one...soon....and the world goes on...with all the good and the bad still around...and may one day...only good will be forevermore....In Your Holy Name Yahusha...Amen! Linda Joy Adams...2/24/21

Nigeria's Boko Haram crisis: Maiduguri rocket attack kills 10

Nigeria's Boko Haram crisis: Maiduguri rocket attack kills 10

Biden's Budget Nominee Vote Abruptly Delayed - Trump Train News

Biden's Budget Nominee Vote Abruptly Delayed - Trump Train News

Frequently Asked Questions | | Library of Congress

Frequently Asked Questions | | Library of Congress

(now make sure any state owned system is over seen by state offiicials and not repeat the feds negligence of contractors with NO OVERSIGHT) Oklahoma House Passes Bill Scrapping Use of NICS System

Oklahoma House Passes Bill Scrapping Use of NICS System


(add back in the oversight of govt contrctors are it may disappear like the first TARP money did back in 2008..and do not think about stealing it out of medicare without a formal IOU onfile..first?)Dems Ready Another 'Stimulus Bill' on Infrastructure – PJ Media

Dems Ready Another 'Stimulus Bill' on Infrastructure – PJ Media

(could it be that 3 1/2 years referred to in the Bible for end how long it takes to clean up the taint on our sacred right of each to be rulers of our land and then never forget to volunteer to over see the whole process...or help others go volunteer to over see and monitor from all parties as legally is to be done.? did Trump supporters let down the candidate by not overseeing the process? and also other parties who did not over see actions even in primaries.for their rights also??)..)Some VERY Serious Evidence Just Emerged - Patriot United News

Some VERY Serious Evidence Just Emerged - Patriot United News

Fox News is Walking it All Back - Patriot United News

Fox News is Walking it All Back - Patriot United News

Furthering His Destruction of Blue-Collar workers, Biden Puts an End to Employer-led Apprenticeship - Patriot United News

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Breaking News: MASSIVE Explosion, Crews on the Scene - Patriot United News

Breaking News: MASSIVE Explosion, Crews on the Scene - Patriot United News

(They are Trump's)De Blasio's Real Reason for Wanting to Close Skating Rinks Revealed - 1600 Daily

De Blasio's Real Reason for Wanting to Close Skating Rinks Revealed - 1600 Daily

UPDATE: New Hampshire Attorney General's Office Wants to Take Custody of Windham Voting Machines - Take Them Away for Audit

UPDATE: New Hampshire Attorney General's Office Wants to Take Custody of Windham Voting Machines - Take Them Away for Audit

(sorry am not agrophobic and do like to get out and meet and greet people, even strangers)Unhinged Lunatic Dr. Fauci: Even with Vaccination You Should Avoid Theaters and Indoor Dining... WTH? (VIDEO)

Unhinged Lunatic Dr. Fauci: Even with Vaccination You Should Avoid Theaters and Indoor Dining... WTH? (VIDEO)

Trump Submits Formal Appeal to Be Reinstated on Facebook and Instagram

Trump Submits Formal Appeal to Be Reinstated on Facebook and Instagram

(even the Dems need to clean up their swamps, just like all groups allowing a few to grab control and forget about all the people- the reason for the tribulation as a wake up call to all is beginning...and too many martyrs are in the arms of the Almighty and may they bless the effort for beyond-)BREAKING BIG: New York Democrats Hold Outdoor Presser Calling for Charges Against Governor Cuomo (VIDEO)

BREAKING BIG: New York Democrats Hold Outdoor Presser Calling for Charges Against Governor Cuomo (VIDEO)

Al Jazeera is launching a new media platform called 'Rightly' for conservatives - TheBlaze

Al Jazeera is launching a new media platform called 'Rightly' for conservatives - TheBlaze

Biden Caught In Horrific Lie About Texas Assistance – Patriot Edition

Biden Caught In Horrific Lie About Texas Assistance – Patriot Edition

(some cases still pending but ststes clean up the taint and take a class in gradeschool math...can't have more votes than voters, etc...)BREAKING! Supreme Court Makes Decision on Some Cases Regarding Election Fraud - Civil Deadline

BREAKING! Supreme Court Makes Decision on Some Cases Regarding Election Fraud - Civil Deadline

Mike Pence Reveals What His Post-White House Relationship with Trump Is Like: Report

Mike Pence Reveals What His Post-White House Relationship with Trump Is Like: Report

Breaking: "Volcanos, Quakes, Meteors, Chaotic Signs"

(check with dr as some have issues with additieves and preservatives like formadehyde etc used in nearly all now no preservative free cvaccines made since 2010 when NOVARTIS ordered not to make them by HHS)FDA: Johnson & Johnson's One-Shot COVID-19 Vaccine Effective, Safe |

FDA: Johnson & Johnson's One-Shot COVID-19 Vaccine Effective, Safe |

(prophecy is known as truth when it later becomes truth-we are in times when many are searching for truth and pray each finds it)Within 30 days God will rattle the structure of the politics, Kamala bet...

Global Shutdowns and Prophetic Times - Perry Stone

ALERT: The "Big One" Is Coming...

ALERT: The "Big One" Is Coming...



Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The CodeSearcher LIVE talking CODES in Isaiah

Family: Navy vet died after police knelt on his neck

Family: Navy vet died after police knelt on his neck

American Embassy Targeted in ANOTHER Rocket Attack | Watchman Newscast




PSALMS CHAPTER 90 KJV (SPELL CHECK..IS STILL A MYSTERY) ONE ISSUE was the main desk top in central gathering place....had not been logged in on my own icon...for weeks...and had updates to synch with all....and that was not the original issue... back to election day... but machines and artifiical intelligence...takes the lead from we humans...and when we do not over see things...and feed it well...then we can get mess ups, mix ups and one of these days...when there is time...will delved into this.. But that is the issue...we only have a brief moment in time on this planet called Earth of the Divine's Creation...before we move on to the place all go..and pray its the good my faith is real even if...I really can mess up at times...Surely, the Almighty will forgive us for being deceived by evil and this think this is best when another way is the real way to good..instead.... A time of reckoning for one and all of us...of the human family where our ancestors walked out of Egypt with Moses and was isolated from a world fallen into horredous...evil then again.after Noah's flood and the next part of the plan..was for The Divine to come in part human flesh, die for our sins...of our fallen state and rise and throught that process...all of us can freely have eternl life for always and forever....we just have to accept the invite..through our belief...and heart to do good....and take up the responsibility of loveing one another as He loves us....and have no intent to do harm...but choose the good over evil which we reject.....eveh when real hard times and direct attacks occur... as is now since about 2009, and especially since 9/23/17 one time historical even above us we are having TRUTHS REVEALED....and are finding our historical roots in the deset...and its real and many online have done the Math...statistically impossible we are not all there with Moses and descended from one or more of the tribes... We humans got one message from our Divine Creator...and followed it....we do multiply and its part of being human to be social beings and form families and close relationships....and two become one...from the beginning of the first family.. Each one of us....has a total record of our lives from the spark of first life to the last and onto the future eternity....Scientists are now saying its in our DNA...and we inherit what our ancestors were in our DNA...much more than physical parts of our being... other belief systems...say something similar since early times... But we are the sum total of all who came before....and in our Savior, Yahusha....who came to show us the way to TRUTH AND LIFE ETERNAL....WE CAN BE BORN AGAIN...AND A FRESH START.....FROM OUR PAST LIVING ERRORS...AND SINS....AND THOSE OF OUR ANCESTORS...whom we honor for what they taught us to do...and not to do...and because of them we have life... The "I AM WHO I AM" the IS OR BEING BEYOND TIME AND SPACE...ETC..."IS" and always will be.....and the one constant we can always count on..and this is 'LOVE" that is unconditional...even when we do not love Him back....and reject His ways to teach us the better things to be doing....a loving and merciful...but we are coming one day...maybe sooner than later.....when time is running out to get right with Him and be saved for the time of wrath is the promise is evil will be removed and may not one of us...choose the evil over the good... But today, we have a world...being run by machines and artificial intelligence.....are we thought...until we find out that some human who does not follow good....can manipulate it....Its the be used by us for good or evil...and it does what the real tells it to do....NO SOUL... and that is what makes us very special....FREEDOM, FREE WILL is part of our innate knowing...along with the will to live....and to bind that up and lose it to a physcial death...even if we are still breathing...physical air in this world.. Most of us...are in a state of some level of confusion...wanting to do good and at peace with others....but we also deal with a world..getting more evil as we forgot to take care of things...and corrtupted persons grabbed control and stolen even our public treasuries....and all our data and records on all of us....even altering NO LAWS ENFORCED over those now in conrol of much of the world, UN and even Wuhan, China....the govt...not in we are not....and in 2002 law....that blazed the way for all ready to be implemented....was an overthrow here and around the world by other govts of contracting is the money....and the law....and never audit or prosecute for illegal the govt WAS DEFUNDED by 2002.. But for the Dept of Defense....NO GOVT TO BLAME....and now we know....the taint on our by machines...and a few who ignore their duties to make sure...all is ethical and maintain even 'CHAIN OF CUSTODY OF BALLOTS....and make sure all parties have over sight persons....and ignored all these checks and now we do not know who is or is not in office we voted for even....and this is now known to be up to 25 years like this...whereever any skulduggerty might be tried...from local to national...all over the world.... We humans forgot to hand on to our precious mandate of 'ALL BE KINGS AND PRIEST" From the Divine Maker of us and all of creation... IN the name of key stroke or two and the artificial intelligence of this world....can present the life on earth of each one of us....and increasingly in a lot of detail....and we pray it not be edidted or its the machine made to be manipulaed by humans... But You have our full records...of our lives....and one day...will it be shown to we understand and repent of those things we chose to do...we should not have...even defying Your few basic rules of love and what is bad ways to stay away from....and have a REPENTANT You pronouce us saved for eternal life with You.....My prayer is I, and all of us make one lost sheep is what You taught us to go search for.....and guide us to those we may be able to help save with Your help and Divind guidance for all of eternity.....Too often..warnings are not heeded...and it may take more than one...over many times...and some seem to need to have a final meeting with You to wake up and repent and be saved...We are a mixed up lot....and evil and its adversary of our salvation... we learn to ask for Your Holy Spirit to enable us to stand up and ignore and reject evil and its trickeries and lies....and seems its getting more so, not less..... Prayers for all those in need of healing...and Doyle is up getting around more and more...and pray no more issues come up and be home soon....And whatever You have for him to do yet in this life now, may I be of help for he has been for me for our 57 years of marriage... Time goes by so fast....and its just a moment in the whole of eternity....a concept of "IS" hard to even understand with the limits of our own humanity....but we know by faith in our souls its TRUTH...You are TRUTH....and thank You for my being and all of us...even those we wish would not do some of the things they do...and please stop those doing really bad and harming even deadly things to each other in this world....And of course if all awarded me by judges and adjudicators...were govt used to stand up for rights of us...and in my and our cases....if they had been obeyed....much of the bad things all now deal with would not been the ones who to be so... justice denied one...does lead to injustice to often its only a few who can ruim all....when we let them get by with things...and become empowered by our ignoring and letting them continue... when we are here and have our legal systems we ignore and not make sure they work well for one and all of us... IN YOUR HOLY NAME, YAHUSHA...AMEN! Linda Joy Adams 2/23/21