
Sunday, February 28, 2021


PSALMS CHAPTER 85 KJVf This is just one place in scripture where the reader or singer calls on the sacred name of the Almighty but for nd long ago for a long time from Babylone the fist coming of Yahusha....those names were not said....but were included in songs and readings...and none told the meaning was the sacred name.... Common one of 'SALVATION" the meaning of the sacred name of the human face/physical form of the Almighty Yahuah (YHWH) the Divine Love and then the Holy Spirit sent back after the resurrection for a comfort and guide....One entity in three forms...and anyone trying to explain this seems to be beyond time, place and our current veil on knowing since the fall of humanity from the Garden of Eden when the first couple knew ALL and made bad choices by temptation of evil....and got us all in a long journey of learning to handle knoweldge and not be tmepted to use it for ourselves, others or reation itself... We are in times of trouble...getting the world is in chaos...with even our our govt not in control of what is going on...even dictators...have fallen to life long positions...and need do no govrning leaving all up to one world cabal that is NO GOVT AT entity only law unto itself...and in the othr nations and UN have done...contracted out the control of the govt...and given access to the public monies....and too often with unlimited access when its called our Social seurity and Medicare trust funds....and other such also... In the USA back in 2002 the law overturned the USA control to them but for the Dept of defense, still under our presdidents....and now Speaker namcy wants to take that away from any president also...If a president is unable to use caution and common foreign affairs..and going to wars....then REMOVE THE POTUS IN QUESTION....other wise....Congfess cuts off funding....and then some of your close loved ones...may lose their lucrative jobs workking for some of the key contractors....and already some scandals over the years....but Congress keeps them free of audits or prosecutions...and remeber the FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER...all carried out by NON DOD CONTRACTORS...BUT FOR THE one rank and file...govt employee....who falsified a FISA WARRANT...amd he is the only one convicted of anyting...fter years of scandals...and alander and time tying up Congress as the nation went to control of the contractors....and now You got whom you all now what is your problem.... that is all of our problems...and we all know the taint of our elections...and the people want their rights of rulership at the ballot box to choose whom they send to serve us... How did DC get this backwards...You serve the people...we are not thought sombies...but the real rulers....and we also are ministers to each other....and when we have people suffering and dying with the moneies to be used to help in a legal and fair manner....and then disppear and the suffering continues....we are NOT PLEASED WITH YOUR WORK PRODUCT.....and unless you put back the oversight...and stop hiding behind your unconstitutional gag order rule not to do the oversight...not even to talk about the issue....then WE ARE LAAWLESS AND WHAT IS THE WORLD ARE YOU EVEN DOING FOR YOUR SALARIES...WE PAY YOU....and all of us pay,,,even if indirectly.... Time of TRUBILUATION...GVES ALL A CHANCE TO WAKE UP...AND BE REFINED...OVER THE TRIBULUM to the good and wonderful grain....our Creator made to all of us..are and we are all having to face that there is none us to help but each one of us....You as well as me and others...and whatever part we are called to do...small and unkown or front page and well known as a leadeer.....ITS REAL...and evil is around and wants the death and destruction of every one of well as creation itself... and one day YAHUSHA...will return and take evil out..and any cohorts and pray all have come through the refining process...on the good side of creation....with our free know FREEDOM and know and want to make the good choices..for one and wake up...evil done to one...does it to you and everyone else in time....and the time is nearly here...when our total demise can occur.... So Speaker Namcy, you are not the only one concerend....but upsetting the balance of checks on power ingrained in our US Constitution..for good NOT THE who puts checks and balnces on You or anyone else....when we have a cabinet...confirmed by You..for our presidents...and didn't you pay attn to whom you said would be OK to take over should the need arrise? for any reason....and have to make some difficult decisions...?? Right now...think weae seeing that our founders of this nation...had some common sense....from real world challenges for their basic human rights of even freedom....and although not perfect...gave us a govering document bsed on the DIVINE LAWS GIVEN TO MOSES....and do not confuse that with the later Talmedic laws.of time nd circumstande which are not unlike all our volumes of laws..from local to federal and even international now....which are not Divine...but are needed for an orderly society and world...and to allow human ights to each one on earth..and soon out into the Univese.... Yahusha....our Salvaton...came and taught us His real name..and upset the few sho thought it was a big secret as did not wish to upset their masters in Babylone, later Greece and then...Rome....and all begin to know and use them..until Constantive...Ceasar decided to take control of the leading faith of the new sect following Yahusha.....and set up a wone world religion and faith....and sgripped much of all into one way of thinking and beached the whole of creation of free will, frre thoought and freedom to know nd find our own knowing of what is best and good for one and all....WE ARE NOT THROUGHT ZOMBIES....NOR EVER INTENDED TO ALWAY BE THE EXACT SAME CLONE OF EACH OTHER......we are wonderfully different, but have free will to use all we are for good...or fall to temptation of evil....and we are close to overcoming evil...and we got duped one more time...relying on a few to take care of tnhings...and they fell and began taking care of not even self seem to have lost that also...and fallen to a master of evil...and yet they ahve the promise of YAHUSHA....SALVATION also..for etrnity...and we are called to give the well as stop the harms being our legal systems...and if they are not working then we have to elect those who will take the legal make all fair and just...and not one among us harmed by what is done to one..PRECEDENT CASs.IS PART OF THE DIVINE LAW...all get what one gets..or does not get....AND WE HAVE FREE WILL TO CHOOSE WHAT WE WANT...BE HARMED OR BE FREE AND HAVE FREEDOM AND NONE HARMED...BY WHAT IS DONE... TIME TO BE PART OF THE SOLUTION....and whatever is ones help be blessed for what each can do....directly or help another be able to volunteer to help....or just do their jobs legally and with being just and fair.... In the Name of Yahusha....thanks Salvation for our wireless printer working again on its own....sometimes artifical intelligence also has to wake up and put all in sync this creation You made...and hope one day evil will be out of here....and now for me and millions of other to be able to stay alive...with another threat to taking away our right to breathe....and this blog is trying since 12/08 to share....and EVEN OUR GOOD DOCTORS HAVE BEEN LIED TO AND DO NOT KOW THAT LEGALLY ANY PATIENTS WHO CAN BE HELPED BY LIWUID OXYGEN....(CONCENTRATORS..CAN BE USED BY SOME ABLE TO TOLEEATE IONIERS AND SOME SOZONE...) BUT MANY OF US...CANNOT.....and even the sautation rate of 88% is too late as that is after organs are destroyed or wel on their way....Research have long said 94% but insurances do not even kneed a rate as FOR MANY ITS THE DIAGNOSIS....AS ONE CAN HAVE OXXYGEN IN THE BODY...BUT NOT GET INTO THE CELLS...ETC.. and that is a medical diagnoses and amny conditions...qualtify just by the diagnoses and theis was codiefed into the regulatoins....and has always been intent of the orginal laws....for no harm be done....and that means....thre is a cheaper way of getting oxygen...even before inserrs may pay....and its some cost...but not prohibitive...when its life or non life....etc...and with all of us..millions just in the USA..ketp eaprated now with no nifying even AMA.the doctors used to have to lobby and help all of us...blew the first court case back in 1998 filed and settled in 2007 with all the harms left in place...and small sums paid out...and most doctors stopped their memebership....and have no one group to help....and we patients and suppliers...etc...soon found all of grave and too often deadly spread around the world... Compared to what even one bottle of pills for 90 days might cost....Oxygen...liwuid even is not that expense....when its done as exchanged filled tanks....and somehow..something has gone harwire with the TRUMP TO BIDEN..swith...AND PAYMENTS GOING DONE...BUT WHERE IS THE REGULAION TO DO IT THE CHEAPER WAY...FOR OVERHEAD FOR THE SUPPLIERS.???/ Maybe the one constitional change is for elections in Novemeber but presidents not take office until time for appeals and issues to be resolved....then cooperation with no taint on who is going to take over and serve the people and nation the best they can....WORLD IS UPSDIE DOWN....and all of us are being harmed....and this is real threat to my life...but checking out options and found out NO SUPPLIER EVEN IN OUR AREA...ANYMORE...SO LAY OFFS OF THOSE PROVIDEING CARE...HAS OCCURRED....AND DEATHS RISE BEFORE YOUR TIME..TOF ONE TO GO AND NOW TO PRAY FOR HELP FOR ALL TO GET TOGEGTHER THAT CAN DO WHAT IS NEEDED AND MAYBE TAKE EVERYONE TANK TO MANUFACTURER....AND GET ALL DONE AT ONCE....AND WE MAY HAVE TO PAY SOME....AND SOME MAY NEED A GO FUND ME PAGE...OR ASK FOR HELP...AND THEN all file claims with insurars and bring 25 million to a class in the USA>..and maybe SPEAKER NANCY WILL WAKE UP....AND PASS A SIMEPLE LAW...TO ALLOW THE MOM ND POP SUPPRS JUST EXCHANTE FILLED TANKS AGAINA...AS WAS GOING ON BEFORE 1/08, WHEN THE TWO BIG CMPNAIES GOT RID OF THE COMPETITION WHO WERE DOING IT CHEAPER...AND MADE A LOT OF COMMON SENSE....and done with no LEGAL DUE PROCESS NOTICES TO ALL AFFECTED EITHER AND MY APPEAL HAS BEEN INSIDE cms SINCE 2008 PENING TO OVER COME THIS...AND THE CABAL IN CONTORL OF ALL EVEN THAT....WILL NOT ALLOW A HEARING TO HAPPEN....AS IT WAS AFFIRMED HAD APPROVED FOR LIQUID OXYGEN FOR LIFE BY EVEN MEDICRE AS WELL AS TWO OTHER PLANS...INCLUDIG FEDERAL WORKEFRS COMP AND CLAIMS NOT EVEN BEING PROCESSED FOR NEALRY 2 DECADES NOW...AND WHY INJURY CASES CANNOT GET RIHT TO BREATHE....AS ALL DETAILS WRITTEN OF FOR YEARS.....BUT ALL ONE NEED IS A PRERPCITON FROM DOCTOR....FOR OXYGEN...OR LIQUID OXYGEN....AND LEGALLY CAN BE SOLD...DIRECTLY..BUT THE GIG TWO BOTH FINCNED BY blackstone....INTERNATIONAL...will not make changes for simple and cheaper way...and in our era of terroristm scares....nonw wishes a huge truk of oxygen cmoing up and down our roads....and no need to do all.... DEALS ON DEALS....and the whole has collpased and none to get all to the my constant filing of civil rights with HHS>etc has not been allowed to be ppsted by the cabal in control of that either.....NO RIGHTS WHEN THE GOVT HAS NO CONTORL OF ANY OF THE PORCESS NOR CAN ENFORCE IT BE DONE..LEGALLY AND TIMESY...and how many have died over the years since the 2002 overthrown of the USA>..insdiers said befoe covid started nearly 60 million...just in USA...far more than even the wildest estimtes from vobid even..and many of them..are said to need home oxygen also now...and liwqid not conentrators...LIQUID SEEMS TO ACT LIKE A LYPABRITIC SIRUTAION...AND ASKED MY DOCTOR ABOUT THAT...AND HE SAID THAT IS WHAT IS GOING ON IN DAMAMGED LUNGS...A LAY WAY OF EXPLAINING IT... iN YOUR HOLY NAME...YAHUSHA....HELP MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO WORK OUT SOEMTHING....FOR ME....AND ALL THE OTHERS...IN GRAVE NEED NOW....and tohers who are having organ damage without...until too late....and negotiate and get some waivers....from a govt...that has not been in contorl but has to make sure they are....a threat to all as grave as getting the missle codes away from current president office holder Biden...who has people around him..surely will not end all of creation...and take action should that come close... Maybe even You Namcy might be one of those with organs being damages and a little oxygen might clear up the thought processes for you and sit down...and use common sense...tht is cheaper...but stops scams being done to disapper monies...and get the oxygen to the lungs who need it as doctors have known for at least 1968 when I first looked up the gjideloines for a member of the public from inside HHS and the only change is we now have a long list of diagosies if one is not in a group with an already too low saturation level of oxygen rate...(lung pressures....are crucial....and rqurie a near full rate to keep the ressures...stable. or nothing gets out to the rest of the body...from heart on through...and all kinds of blood and other tests back it this is all real science...known and being ignored to let milloins and miliions die from organ failures....and itnore that they failed due to suffocation over time...TIME FOR OUR DOCTOR TO BE IN CHARGE OF HEALTH CARE GAIN...AND ALLOWED TO FOLLOW THE SCIENCE....BEEN SUPPLRESED BY THE CBAL SINCE 2OO2) AND AS FOR OZONE...WHY DOES fda say its good to breathe for lung patients... FOR ME AND TOO MANY OTHERS...its minutes of inflammetion and lungs filling up with fluid and that has been diagnoies since 8/89...called chemically induced pnumonities..which ozone is also an irritant...gas...even at parts oer tillion is now being known...) In Your Holy Name....YAHASHU...i know You know all this and so much more...and why of the hearts of some....and help gide those all over to make it possible for our rights to susgain life...and we had it being done the cheaper way..and was working...may this again be allowed...In Your Holy Name Yahusha...Amen! Shorataages even on garden seed and put in an order with one major companey....and had to update card..and they offered a partial payment plan throught pay pal....and went to that site....and did had forgotten still had an naccount..and went to update it....and MORE CHINESE LANGUAGE THEN pall in CHINESE....i went ahead and shartage on food already in cans and frozen...and takes time to product time to take a good look at your prety dwellers....and exaclty what one might to grow...and zoneing laws...may need changing in some places....Add some flowers for companion planting to reduce bug harm to plants...and call it a front yard flower garden....? or places of faith..a commnunity every begetable that is sold...can be bought by someone who does not have home grown at home... ONe has to search their own souls and those of faith ask for what is ones special the get through some times until humanity reaches its full maurity...and those few causing trouble either change...or we deal with them in ojur legal systems....and clean up the taint of our eldctions so we can vote out those who do not serve us well...but better if they did wake up and help ssrve us and the nation and theirselves....they seem to forgot they are not invinicible sickness and injury...and one day evil wil be removed and all at peace....but right now...not looking so good... Linda Joy Adams...2/28/21

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