
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Census Bureau Projects U.S. and World Populations on New Year’s Day

Census Bureau Projects U.S. and World Populations on New Year’s Day

Notice 2020-05: 2020 Standard Mileage Rates

Notice 2020-05: 2020 Standard Mileage Rates



President to sign ‘Phase One’ trade deal with China on January 15 · American Truth Today

President to sign ‘Phase One’ trade deal with China on January 15 · American Truth Today

Linda Joy Hardy ( Adams) 1945 - 1958 | Linda Joy adams | Flickr

Linda Joy Hardy ( Adams) 1945 - 1958 | Linda Joy adams | Flickr

Jon Henley's diary | Politics | The Guardian

Jon Henley's diary | Politics | The Guardian

Linda Joy Adams: Linda Joy Adams: (Linda Joy Hardy-Adams another relative was source of article)Jon Henley's diary | Politics | The Guardian

Linda Joy Adams: Linda Joy Adams: (Linda Joy Hardy-Adams another relative was source of article)Jon Henley's diary | Politics | The Guardian

Linda Joy Adams: (Linda Joy Hardy-Adams another relative was source of article)Jon Henley's diary | Politics | The Guardian

Linda Joy Adams: (Linda Joy Hardy-Adams another relative was source of article)Jon Henley's diary | Politics | The Guardian

(great background music to replace three months of Christmas- and next year...can we wait until after Thanksgiving to have Christmas...maybe give thanks before the celebration?)(95) Hymns & Praise Music. 7 Hours Instrumental Background for Prayer, Meditation & Sleep Music. - YouTube

(95) Hymns & Praise Music. 7 Hours Instrumental Background for Prayer, Meditation & Sleep Music. - YouTube


1 Kings 7 KJV - But Solomon was building his own house - Bible Gateway
                 For decades, a Bible is opened at random daily and chapter read....and always some part has special and personal meaning as well as reflects the world around us that in our times has direct impact on each one of us 24/7 also...
             King David had the blood of wars and a conspiracy to commit murder on his hands and left it to his chosen son...Solomon to build the Temple per divine plans...and he began....but not before one of his many wives with PHARAOH'S DAUGHTER...and all the trappings of a world faith of human sacrifice and the fertility goddess teachings that replaced what the temple was to be for....Worship of the Divine Love of the I AM WHO I AM....of the teaching given to Moses on the mountain of a new way of thinking and political governance...where leaders are not gods, can make human mistakes...even the best among us...can....and if they ''covet' or abuse their authority while in office we , the people have the free will choice not to be under such...
   Its hard to marry with one who does not hold the same faith values, even if it be a different label...the core being in conflict is not bode well for the future... no matter the disagreements or
          And later on we learn that Solomon, in all his wisdom....fell into the abomination of desolation and even offered his own child on the altar of the temple...and within a couple of generations all the massive empire he had conquered and added to the land of Israel....a civil war split it into.. What started out to be the  DIVINE PLAN somehow fell into even a priesthood of another abomination of desolation.....and the anti Christ spirit entered into the most sacred place on Earth where Abraham was taught that human sacrifice is NOT OF THE GOOD AND A HORROR  above any others. and the temples to worship the one of life and love got turned into place of evil worshipped instead....and the falling away of that a total rejection when its followed by masses...Churched or not...its not who we are as humans to be like that....each one is a precious soul worthy of love and life and we are to love one another as Christ loves us...even if one has no faith or another....that is the innate freedom we have to love...and may it find its way to the one of love...from whatever path one journeys to meet.....
               Isn't that where we are right a civil war of ideologies and it goes beyond political parties...but who is on the side of life and love and eternal life of the Divine and who has chosen to be enslaved even of personal thoughts and beliefs to the master of evil of death and destruction where its even taught among those who call themselves Christians....that its OK to be murdered and do nothing about its the Lord's will all die....BUT NOT IN THE BIBLE I READ  where we are to preserve life as long as naturally possible..., take care of the temple of our souls, our bodies...the best we can with healthy life styles...and heal the sick and injured so they can have long lives also..
   And we now have NO GOVT IN CHARGE IN THE USA  of any part of health laws we allowed this we elected and reelected to pass...and probably never read an earmark back in 2002 that gutted the whole 6000 pages into an over throw into the control of an international cabal of govt contractors as none seem to wish any civil service to be trained to carry out and know the laws under a duly elected president who would stop illegal acts and harms down...and the already massive lost of life that never should have occurred as soon as it did....Even leaving mass numbers to just suffer and die off as was done in New York City after 9/11/01 and allowed a falsified report to be spewed out as fact as all was safe in the air breathed as 2 million breathed and got sicker and the only good seems to be one who did it so the deaths are called HOMICIDES and who did it...Bin ladin on 9/11/01 whom I tried to stop for 2 years and no govt was willing to listen AS IF THE FIX WAS IN....and was in from back in 7/88 when he obsessed over it.....And some info surfacing that the Bin Ladin family was in part the architects of the whole decades ago....and what happens to asbestos in buildings in our times.? billions spent to get rid of it...and how does one do that in the middle of millions of people in one of the more congested areas of our world..?
            Time for the whole truth of matters be out....and one can go to DAILY RECAP ADDED 9/11/16 for truths of our federal office where he worked and we ended up in a toxic cloud not long after he had come in to pick up his  US DEPT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES W-2 for the 3 weeks he worked for Social Security in 7/88 and then reports ignored of a team on our systems accesses and mining data all who had an ssn DURING THE FALL OF 1988 as was surmised by those who knew things...and at that time SSA was the entity that had the most info on everyone due to our low income programs and systems that cross checked with others....AND A COVER UP OF THE BIGGEST SECURITY BREACH FROM THEN AND UNTIL THE CABAL GETTING CO LACED INTO RULING BEGAN  the step by step over thrown until we have had congress make sure we have no govt in charge....and the whole of govt is a pretense.....
       And woe to any president who comes along and thinks he or she is going to drain the swamp of what one in DOJ called the biggest organized crime ring in USA history,,,,but its grown into the biggest n world history far more reaching and devastating that the same falling away of good governance under Rome whose leaders stopped governing and hire govt contractors who did as they pleased in stealing and harming the people unfairly....and since ancient China....a dedicated and basically honest civil service has been the model that worked best for any kind of govt...whether a absolute monarch or a  free democracy or each one knows what is fair and just even if all are not totally we are be  AND YET HAVE FORGOTTEN TO RULE AS 95%+ DO NOT VOTE WHO LEGALLY CAN.....AND WE HAVE FALLEN WORSE THAN Rome to not exercise the blessing of freedom and free will and be the rulers of ourselves..and each other.....and with that maturity of the human family we all are part of as individuals first...then communities  regions and nations...we are stronger from our freedoms of one to many...and its mature humans who know and have learned how to figure things out to get things done...the best way possible whatever form of government we have...small or large....and  FREEDOM IS COMPLICATED AS  WE FIND THAT SOME THINGS ARE MORE INDIVIDUALLY DONE...AND LAWS NEEDED TO LET IT BE...AND OTHERS WE NEED TO SHARE OUR WEALTH AND MEANS....SO NO ONE AMONG US IS HARMED BY WHAT EACH ONE DOES AS PART OF THE LARGER GROUP..
               And although studies are out saying the younger generations now coming into coting age  have no older generations have had....MAY NOT BE TRUTH.... What may be more truth is that the 'church' is back out in the open fields with Christ and the ones in the clergy, as in Christ's day have forgotten to have faith as they have fallen into the ways of the world of death an destruction and forgot the basic tenants of heal the sick and feed the hungry.....AND WE KNOW if anyone wishes to know...that even the ones with more wealth also have no medicines to take nor safe ones for some things with additives in them that harm...and end life sooner than hey should....and our foods are laced with the same non the wealthy cannot eat their gold or silver....nor can it buy what is needed to sustain life either....
   And those whose wealth is derived from ill gotten gains of the cabal of 1000+? corporate names of one entity as more ethical govt contractors forced out...we have lost our way from nation to nation....and we are not doing so the one hidden in the bottom of the swamp has his rulers in this world in charge as those we elected have let it continue and not let any govt intervene to now what is being done with out disappeared trillions of the public treasury and our rights of even life gone.....and the test of 39 judges on my cases defied  by the cabal of the Lynn Blodgett (named in writing and verbally as the one they all obey who withheld and now another Bill , Andy, Jeff and tome Blodgett if that even is the name of our we seem to be dealing with the same few wherever monies are misused or disappeared , work is not done and horrors follow...)whose verbal words gets full worship to break laws and disregard life as a right to survive on well documented and as one of the original type of medical precedent cases for what is now said to be 25 million....ALL HAVE NO RIGHT OF LIFE.....and no right to breathe....and the worse is that along the way since 1/10/89...research could have continued and cures be found... for us....and others and a sub group of 40% of us that can get cancers from what is spewed out in wrong mixes.accidents or intentionally...with no regard for human life.....and all I can when the books are opened before the judge of eternity for each one....some have he blood of millions on their hands....and its going to be known that many going along to get along is also conspiracy to commit harms...and even murders..when we are called to be the rulers....and we are ruling into apathy and death and destruction....
             The wrath of our own sin goes out and comes back like a whirl winds on all of us....and unfortunately it also harms the most innocent and least among us...
    And when we do elect one who seems to be one to stand up for the people....what do we do? Sit down as if we elected a god or magician and all will be OK...Sorry , Christ was not on the Ballot...and our job as rulers has only begun with suggestions and finding out matters when things do not go one innately knows what is fair and just....and then support those who have been placed with situations or cases to follow through and TRUTH BE EXPOSED.. and even if we have small long as evil exists...we do need some legal systems to step in and stop the harms and deal with the ones doing our laws say should justly be done....and when one unravels a criminal's behavior...find all the cohorts and sins that brought one to the place of being one who harms....then we can learn how not to raise those who do harm to this world and each of all are harmed when injustice to one is some way we may not fully understand...maybe not even for another generation..
          So to those unchurched said to have no faith....yet seem to care for each other in ways others have forgotten....we have freedom of religion and Christ said 2 or 3 gathered together in His name...does not mean we cannot have freedom to worship as we choose....and only a few restrictions of that awful fertility goddess religion of human sacrifice the world has fallen into often with the worship donations of public temple prostitution is illegal and we have evolved in human knowing  to know that is not worship of any good thing....and laws prohibit some practices of evil that has tried to take down humanity and creation since the Garden of Eden...
   Do you believe in life and love....and freedom of personal thought and actions done that do not harm others...? or are you faced with the choice of following one of death , destruction and enslavement into only one way to be and act and it innately is not your wish to be like that??
   What is the name of the Divine Love which John in his gospel says GOD IS LOVE..
     Moses asked the voice from the burning bush that did not burn...I AM WHO I AM....and personally those words are a far better explanation than 4 consonants with added vowels...even if it means the same...its not the spoken words of the ordinal even if translated into English etc..
              and as rulers of this world...and nations and communities and selves may we meet at the BALLOT BOX and let it be known that we are all there and those we elect to serve us well may they do it the best they can....and if they fail us...then we will be back to find others to try better.... and we support them with our prayers...suggestions and constructive criticisms when they do not make best choices and in the USA the success of those we elect is our success....and we have the checks and balances in place but  THEY WILL NOT WORK WHEN WE DO NOT HAVE 95%+ OF THE RULERS RULING.... as there IS NOT CLEAR MANDATE OR MAJORITY OF ALL OF US...MAKING DECISIONS...and in slithers evil to entice those we elected to follow another path...and help each other not be fooled....(WHEN DEALING WITH WHAT ONE THINKS IS GOVT...REMEMBER   WORKING FOR AN AGENCY DOES NOT MEAN EMPLOYED BY THEM....and only the later is accountable to us...and have no access to records , or data or even knows what is really going that ended by law in 2002....and much already removed from govt control as far back as the 1990's
       Only Dept of Defense is not under the cabal's control....but they have hired managers from them as those trillions gone missing tat is more than the national debt...can buy stocks and voting rights we have all lost in govt and they into access to makers of weapons...and woe to the president who catches cost overruns that used to go to? instead of fair cost to make..etc…
   Dictators of this world seem to be the ones who know not to hire them and lose their dictatorial powers to horror for horror sometimes means wars and rumors of wars....and no good end for any of this world...
              In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus... may those who have been turned off by the places of worship find new ways to know and follow Your ways that some already have reached out in many ways wanting the  DIVINE Love to be part of their being to share it on  with the rest.....and You knew that the human institutions  created as religions can forget their way to You too easily and forget what You are and that gatherings to worship can be in a field or friends home gathering of friends seeking to know and share what is beyond our earthly existence....and  as You taught us to pray for Heaven on earth....and resist the temptations all around to make it a hell instead.... With the  FREEDOMS WE HAVE IN MOST PARTS OF THE WORLD NOW..we should all find our way to You an easier follow....and prayers for all those suffering physically and spiritually now that they know You are there for each one of us...even when we mess up badly....You never give up on our finding our way back to You....until one time in the future a final accounting is done...and may none have accepted the way of evil and resisted the way of love and life....
            May our wisdom of knowing...never be lost to deception as Solomon made some bad choices we are still living with in this world....but the promise has not ended...and may our choices from now on be ones that help make tings better for one and all  of us.   PRAISE AND THANK YOU FOR BEING ALIVE...WHEN WITHOUT all those online to help with how to neutralize a deadly additive binder....I WOULD NOT BE HERE BUT PLEASE LET OUR GOVT ALLOW THE OLDER MEDS BE MADE IN SAFE FORM....TO SUSTAIN LIFE..... surely someone could make enough money making what is already approved for decades for 25 million to 55million just n the USA...and we have to be rulers and not let a few end massive lives as too many already have been lost long before they should  and that is not Your will for us to give up on what I believe in You as life and love is to be always..and better is we are caught in the sins of humanity and need to make choices to get out of it....and I understand if You healed all millions of You could....none would learn  their lesson...and soon fall away as ancient Israel did even after You saved them from annihilation and Moses left to meet You for 40 some way we do not have all the details about.......Pray for those who care nothing for our lives to continue among those named as defying judges and laws and we are harmed and I am harmed due to it....and help those inside the agencies that must step up and do what is legal and right and pray for their protection as they do...Keep them safe.......IN YOUR HOLY NAME....AMEN!
                      VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION
               MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts over sections of 9 DAILY RECAPS and please do not try any medical treatments without doctor...and any online with suggestions you and your doctors have found with no medical treatments or recognition of millions now excluded. That standards set but ignored.. share it online and pass it on...for us to check with our doctors..
               VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85 and some 70's not used yet.
     PRESIDENT TRUMP BE SAFE....and do not forget that members of Congress can commit crimes on the floor of Congress with full immunity under our US Constitution....and you are our president...duly elected and we are all to respect that as long as you are...even if we do not always agree or some not vote for you....its out rules and we need some rules in this world or we have chaos and destruction of all of us....
 Linda Joy Adams 12/31/19

0approved for life by 3 plans and does no good with NO GOVT TO ENFORCE LAWS VS ONES IN CONTROL OF HEALTHCARE NOW THE 3RD LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH CALLED medical mistakes intentional illegal acts and doctors and patients have no one to stop it.?)Local Coverage Article for Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment - Policy Article

Local Coverage Article for Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment - Policy Article

What to Do If the MBI Changes

What to Do If the MBI Changes

( he's not easy on all on the left at all-an opinion?)Michael Moore on Trump, 2020 & Why “the Old, Angry White Guy” Doesn’t Represent the Working Class | Democracy Now!

Michael Moore on Trump, 2020 & Why “the Old, Angry White Guy” Doesn’t Represent the Working Class | Democracy Now!

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Video Shows Apache Attack Helicopter Light Up Sky Over US Embassy in Iraq

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Trump Signs Repeal of 'Parking Lot Tax' for All Houses of Worship, Nonprofits | CBN News

Trump Signs Repeal of 'Parking Lot Tax' for All Houses of Worship, Nonprofits | CBN News

Church of England's Battle Over Sexual Morality and the Bible Continues | CBN News

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Nigerian Diocese Spokesman Confirms Bridal Party Murdered by Islamic Militants | CBN News

Nigerian Diocese Spokesman Confirms Bridal Party Murdered by Islamic Militants | CBN News

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Lindsey Graham: 'No Benghazis' Under Trump |

Lindsey Graham: 'No Benghazis' Under Trump |

Robeson County warrant roundup nets 37 arrests - News - The Fayetteville Observer - Fayetteville, NC

Robeson County warrant roundup nets 37 arrests - News - The Fayetteville Observer - Fayetteville, NC

Elon Musk says he had six figures in student debt after college

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Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker pardons 11,000 weed convictions on eve of legal pot sales - Chicago Tribune

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker pardons 11,000 weed convictions on eve of legal pot sales - Chicago Tribune

Ex-Bush Aides Share Theory About Pelosi Delaying Donald Trump’s Senate Trial

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This Chemical in Our Food 'Will Actually Perforate the Wall of the Gut': Doc Reveals Secrets to Living Longer, Healthier | CBN News

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Shock Report Finds at Least 1000 Christians Have Been Killed in Nigeria During 2019 | CBN News

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Netanyahu Wins Landslide Victory in Likud Primary, Touts Trump Ties and Historic US-Israel Moves | CBN News

Netanyahu Wins Landslide Victory in Likud Primary, Touts Trump Ties and Historic US-Israel Moves | CBN News

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(?? we need full hearings in ocngress on many matters and not just about impeachment issues as what has been done to POTUS has been going on for many of us with same tactics for a long more than one side it seems or are they all led by one hidden in the swamp ?/)BOMBSHELL: Inspector General Report Shows McCain Gave Unverified Steele Dossier To FBI

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Article: Trump's EPA Pumps Up Bayer Fighting $25 Million Verdict in Roundup Cancer Despite Many Nations Having Banned Roundup | OpEdNews

Article: Trump's EPA Pumps Up Bayer Fighting $25 Million Verdict in Roundup Cancer Despite Many Nations Having Banned Roundup | OpEdNews

Direct Contracting Model Options | Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation

Direct Contracting Model Options | Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation

Direct Contracting Model Options | Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation

Direct Contracting Model Options | Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation

Nathan Eddy | Healthcare IT News

Nathan Eddy | Healthcare IT News

Aetna, Cigna and BCBS hit with fines over improper denials in California

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'Its an abuse of the system': Health economist on the rising costs of combination drugs

'Its an abuse of the system': Health economist on the rising costs of combination drugs

(seems to be the opposite of freedom and free will and then respect each others rights to have them...but still love and care for one another ?)Pope Francis Criticizes Conservative Catholics for ‘Rigid’ Beliefs Preventing the ‘Common Good’ - Big League Politics

Pope Francis Criticizes Conservative Catholics for ‘Rigid’ Beliefs Preventing the ‘Common Good’ - Big League Politics

(is this destrroying sewer systems elsewhere?)Environment Archives - Natural Blaze

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Black history collection, 1623-2008 (Library of Congress Finding Aid)

Black history collection, 1623-2008 (Library of Congress Finding Aid)

Manuscript Reading Room (Library of Congress)

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Scientist behind 'CRISPR babies' sentenced to 3 years in prison

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3 leaders depart from Texas Medical Center

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Hospital chain files for bankruptcy

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Law Library of Congress

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Kazem on Twitter: "Hadi al-Amiri, Qais al-Khazali, Faleh al-Fayyad, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis lead the demonstration in front of the US embassy building in Baghdad.#Iraq #Us #Iran…"

Kazem on Twitter: "Hadi al-Amiri, Qais al-Khazali, Faleh al-Fayyad, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis lead the demonstration in front of the US embassy building in Baghdad.#Iraq #Us #Iran…"

Temporary Protected Status | USCIS

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NYC orthopedic surgeon’s office manager alleges doctor set her up for grand larceny arrest, charges: 5 details

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(no oversight of the monies given to contractors but for the DOD ONES BY 2002 LAW??)The House’s $1.4 Trillion Spending Deal – American Retirement Insider

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Home - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

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Commerce at a Glance: December 31, 2019

Monday, December 30, 2019

(92) Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve / Sarajevo (Timeless Version) (Official Music Video) - YouTube

(92) Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve / Sarajevo (Timeless Version) (Official Music Video) - YouTube

(92) [Official Video] Mary, Did You Know? - Pentatonix - YouTube

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(92) [Official Video] Mary, Did You Know? - Pentatonix - YouTube

(92) "Tell it on the Mountain" Peter, Paul and Mary - YouTube

(92) "Tell it on the Mountain" Peter, Paul and Mary - YouTube

(92) Peter, Paul and Mary - Leaving on a Jet Plane. - YouTube

(92) Peter, Paul and Mary - Leaving on a Jet Plane. - YouTube

(92) SOUSA The Thunderer - "The President's Own" U.S. Marine Band - YouTube

(92) SOUSA The Thunderer - "The President's Own" U.S. Marine Band - YouTube

(92) Kansas - Dust in the Wind (Official Video) - YouTube

(92) Kansas - Dust in the Wind (Official Video) - YouTube

(92) Ben Hur | Soundtrack Suite (Miklós Rózsa) - YouTube

(92) Ben Hur | Soundtrack Suite (Miklós Rózsa) - YouTube

President Trump and Obama Tie For Most Admired Man in 2019

President Trump and Obama Tie For Most Admired Man in 2019: The top conservative news source out there

IRS Places Lien on Hunter Biden for 2015 Unpaid Taxes Totaling $113K · The Patriot Hill

IRS Places Lien on Hunter Biden for 2015 Unpaid Taxes Totaling $113K · The Patriot Hill

Top official at Iowa center for people with disabilities under federal investigation fired

Top official at Iowa center for people with disabilities under federal investigation fired

(whatever ones thoughts on guns....we are in a real stand off.of rights ..and all need to vote!) Gun Grabs: Virginia, Idaho Ground Zero in Fight Against Left - Oath Keepers

Gun Grabs: Virginia, Idaho Ground Zero in Fight Against Left - Oath Keepers

Catholic Church Leaves Hundreds of Clergy Off Sex Abuse List, in 1 Case Ignoring 270 Child Porn Videos, Images

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Two missing digits? How about two missing employees in today's story of Y2K • The Register

Two missing digits? How about two missing employees in today's story of Y2K • The Register

Bluestem Chapter of Texas Master Naturalist presents 5-part Landowner Education Program - North Texas e-News

Bluestem Chapter of Texas Master Naturalist presents 5-part Landowner Education Program - North Texas e-News

Civil war RISK, state by state: Is your state likely to be drawn into kinetic conflict as the rule of law disintegrates across America? –

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Exodus 5 KJV - And afterward Moses and Aaron went in, - Bible Gateway
   Everything is referenced in the Bible...and much in other ancient texts and all the archeology to know we still have a lot to know about the past...and how we got ourselves in to messes and disasters of the past and have had to come back and each time, maybe we got a little further on the human journey to where we almost are for the last time before we finally learn to resist bad choices and never doubt the  DIVINE LOVE  that was, is and always will be and become the over comers for the future of eternity  and not cover uppers of the past..
          Evil cannot create, but only imitate and needs humanity to even be able to do the attempt to control our souls, minds and bodies to do its bidding instead of the goodness of freedom, and love for one another...even if we disagree or do not always like each other we know we care....and from that and the  DIVINE LOVE which we Christians and ancient of Israel used to understand and are renewing that in many ways...and others in this world are on paths that seem to be converging to understand the TRUTH of all DIVINE MYSTERIES OF THE ONE WHICH Christ is the right hand of through which all of creation was made.....and the love of that entity is so unconditional that one allowed himself to become part human to be among us and suffer as we suffer for us to be able to follow Him into eternity and over come death as He has made possible for anyone who chooses that goodness and love and believe can over come even death itself.....
as death was never to be an option for we humans made to be a little higher than the angels and take charge of this physical world and take care of each other and it..
         And for the first time in human history of even the past societies we seem to be so close to ALL BEING RULERS AND MINISTERS OF EACH OTHER at the BALLOT BOX ….but the last ditch effort of evil and those who have fallen into helping grab control instead and take from all of us what we all are to in a real war of cyber, words, and manipulations in every possible firm that can be used to get us to lose the promise and fall into horrors as we have NO GOVT  in charge by law since 2002 to intervene when the cabal contractors now ruling and in near total control of our lives and data 24/7 and NO GOVT ALLOWED TO audit or bring to our legal system massive illegal acts that have cost us our public treasury as well as loss of livelihoods and lives....and
new studies call this MEDICAL MISTAKES....and some few may well be,.....but MOSTLY IS INTENTIONAL MANIPULATION AND CONTROL OF HEALTH CARE EVEN IF ONE HAS NO GOVT PLAN OR ANY PLAN....and all under it and our data and records the govt is to protect and take care of as part of our public trust.....have NO PROTECTION and have too often been messed with and many illnesses and diseases are NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO BE TREATED AND TREATMENTS AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING REMOVED and its not just  TOXIC AND CHEMICAL INJURED WHO HAVE BEEN CAST OFF AS SOME KIND OF COLLATERAL DAMAGE WITH NO RIGHTS OF EVEN my cases well document as being one of the original legal typed of medical precedent and the one ruling the USA since 2002, Lynn Blodgett and his other relatives and cohorts it that even be their last name....has said LET HER DIE order on me and will not allow oxyen claims to be input as they would be paid and the 'gig' would be up....Rulership of the world would end if he allowed rights of having a claim processed and worse since all health care controlled by his companies and partnerships etc...from every conflicting angle.....FAR TOO MANY ARE DYING LONG BEFORE  left ventricle hearth failure develops from weakened lungs....and so no need to include that lead on an EKG AND NO NEED TO MAKE MEDS FOR US...THAT WORK WELL FOR 40 YEARS AND MAKE UNSAFE THE BASIC ONE OF THEOPHYLLINE THAT HAS BEEN BASIC FOR OVER A 100 YEARS TO SYNTHESIZE OXYGEN INTO THE CELLULAR LEVEL and fight the inflammation from the second injury it now seems occurs from an initial injury of whatever chemical and our initial healing is destroyed by the over laden common chemicals in medical facilities as NO EFFORT IS ALLOW TO ACCOMMODATE OUR MEDICAL NEEDS FROM A NEW DISABILITY  of our top layer of our INSTITERIUM being burned off the MUCUS MEMBRANE in the whole body.....and that is an organ which doctors have know exists through out the body that is one interconnected whole and inflammation that enters in one area, like the lungs goes on through to the entire body( the contracted out coding council does not have any ICD-10 CODES for the newly accepted how can billing be done..when toxic and chemical injures are not even allowed to be submitted for years....and we 25 million + do not exist as having right to the cabal allowed to be in charge...and its past time we make ourselves knows as the rulers all...and VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION!
                    DEADLY DISCRIMINATION  and such control that no civil rights complaint can even get a case number or answer this cabal is not under the control of our govt and much the same in nations around the world....Nations run by dictators know what this is....and they may be evil and deny rights to their people....but they will not give up power to this even worse....and wars are breaking out over this evil vs evil and we falling into when we should be more we are founded on equality and rights as the ideal..
                               So Moses in the desert was dealing with a people who knew the good Divine...and spent 400 years in another kind of culture that had caused some lack of faith to develop and influence as always occurs when its what is around 24/7....And a whole generation had to die off in the desert before anew beginning with those who were influenced by miracle...including clothes and shoes never wearing out...and manna and quail from heaven falling to feed them every day...but the Sabbath and they got a double portion left over for that day...
          And the issue of circumcision for males...( how the female got involved in this in later there is some reasons said for males before we had antibiotics and certain diseases that can spread...and  Adam and Eve had all knowledge and the world had become very evil with knowledge misused....and some where in the ancient some reason for some things....and after the flood some of the evil ones returned the Bible says....SO WHAT HAPPENED FOR SURE...WE ONLY HAVE HINTS IN THE BIBLE.... as its bout faith and the consequences of our bad actions or sins....and we cause bad things to happen even thousands of years in the future by defiance of the  few DIVINE LAWS given us to follow for our own good,  but we have free will to accept or reject....and have we come to the time when we have finally matured to understand how we shape he future by our bad choices and just what can occur by what each of us does...
                 ANOTHER MIRACLE here is as soon as they crossed into the land of their ancestors that was to always be theirs...from a time when the world was being divided up among the few who were around....then.....and as soon as the crossed the Jordan and ate food from the land....THEY SEEMED TO BE STEPPING BACK INTO A REALITY  they had not fully been in for 40 years....and do to the nomadic life...all the males under 40 needed to have the surgery to be part of the faith tradition....
but since Christ and the early church....its not required of the Gentiles...although it made a comeback for medical reasons in the last century....
       FAITH AND SCIENCE which we know so little of yet...converge in scripture...and we learn what it all means as we learn more of both the spiritual as well as the science taught to teach us how to use it for good and not let it be used for evil...
           And we the people always have held the power in this world....and now we have it nearly every place on earth at the BALLOT BOX...and we have rejected the most wonderful gift of the Divine to be rulers and ministers of each other...(Kings and priests - all means everyone) and only limited by a few laws about age etc...women were the last to gain rights and now even those who have served time as felons...are getting their rights restored after wards... ALL ABOUT POWER AND WHO IS TO HAVE IT...and when we each have it....then we have to make sure to and we have yet to have  95%+ OF ALL OF US VOTE AND BE A REAL MANDATE OR MAJORITY OF ALL OF US....and then not take actions that harm anyone among us by the will of the many...
               We do not elect gods or magicians but servant of us....and we in turn need to support whom we chose and help them succeed for us...or we fail ourselves...AND THIS NO GOVT IN CHARGE  is meaning our votes do not count and those we elected have allowed all of us to be overthrown...and the result it horrific...and time to return common sense to this world where evil still exists and we still need some govt to step in to save our very lives and not let our public monies stolen and disappeared.. as the neglect and stealing of the free labor of machines and system since the meeting intended to step by step steal it so we work harder and have less and the opposite would be going on in some way we all have say in how best should be for freedom and free will and love and life to be the prime intent to have for one and all of us...
                  VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION..
            and do not forget those crucial state and local elections and if things do not go well..find others next time to do better....but our job is not we keep aware of things and offer our suggestions and PEACEFUL CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISMS  and who running for president now or any level of govt is addressing this harm being done to us and the world by NO GOVT IN CHARGE AND EVEN MY LIFE BEING SHORTENED LONG BEFORE IT SHOULD OVER HEALING AND HUNGER RAMPANT EVEN AMONG THE WEALTHY who are in the same situation....and ITS not the will of the  Divine for us to die at the hands of such evil intent...but to live as long as we naturally can...or medical science can provide....and the worse part of the last 31 years since injured 1/10/89 as we might have had a stem cell cure...for regrowth of the mucus membrane...and renewed health been allowed and no liability companies ruling as managed by this cabal all are falling into their control not able to survive with out....such.....and something is wrong with premature death allowed to occur....and hasten it by illegal acts of discrimination vs our millions or other death is cheaper for a liability company that a little extra help to find a cure that seems to be probable...maybe more so than other cures or treatments?
   Wouldn't restored health be the cheaper way for all of us? and lives, livelihoods and health be  restored as much as can be   and not constantly when injured being forced to take on a GOLIATH that has the control of even govts they will not help us...the people who are to be the rulers and we are the govt....and always have been in  creation...since Adam and Eve and we got duped into not realizing it... May those who have gone along to get along change and be part of helping stop this bad horror we re some things get better but the undercurrent of corruption is not a sound sustain it...and may those who do wrong and lack caring...find it and join in the good effort and return the missing trillions and get with life and best health as the goal...and never harden ones heart to suffering and love as Pharaoh did...but follow the good and caring and life eternal as we make this creation a heaven here. as called to do and have.....
                       VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION
                              In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we wake up and take the reins of leadership for good ways and choices made and may we find our way to resist the lures of those who would removed our rights of even life from us....and may those who have fallen into worship of evil be removed from that path and find their way to the one of life and love....and never be tempted by the one of death and destruction again....
  And may some positive and 39 judges be obeyed and all be restored from when the major rifling of my files...began and got worse and me cast aside so additives could be added to meds and now food that has sickened way too many and NONE KNOW WHAT TO DO....when we know from You we are to take the reins of leadership and do our best to elect those who will serve us well for life and love as You taught us to pray for heaven on earth and resist making it a hell on earth.....
     Please may my prayers for deliverance go up and somehow those who can make the changes to get our meds made that can sustain our allowed to be made and our destruction not be intended anymore.. May we have enough govt allowed to act to sustain our rights of even life and enough laws to be enforced to stop those who still choose to do harm to one and all of us...
   Forgive me my cry today for monies to fall from heaven for some things needing to be done around monies are awarded that never should have been diverted or stopped or embezzled as many high officials said...but no govt allowed to find out and get it restore to me and this is public monies that means the public got robbed and we have every life endangered over the horror that is our national and international medical data base on everyone now and no access for patient or doctor directly to even correct errors and we know of intentional illegal alterations Causing MEDICAL MISTAKES as recent studies say is the third leading cause of death and another done back in 2007 already showed this cabal's micro managers all have to be under as they summarize what it says...and have not met anyone of them that ever went to medical school....and that is disaster and endangering of life right away....and systems designed that will not include any toxic or chemical injuries as they medically have with treatment standards set over 30 years the govt.....but NO GOVT IN CHARGE means only congress and the House can correct this as its budget cannot be spend for oversight….AND WHAT IS THE REAL MOTIVE FOR THOSE OF BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES NOT ATTENDING TO THIS SINCE 2002??  You know the heart of those involved and we pray for their deliverance from evil as we are also delivered from it too and those who intend to follow most of not intend to do harm....even when we sometimes do it not understanding it is wrong...Forgive us our sins...and actions when all is not good ways..and choices...
   Presidents, since 2002; have only been allowed to over see the DOD contractors and much of that has been lax for years...and now with one who has checked things out...some are not getting their kickbacks and not liking it..and it was never to be paid for that anyway??  and military and blank powers to go to wars and away we have gone... Help us Almighty find our way back to peace, love and life....In Your Holy Name Amen!
                                     VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION
(click on month or last one and scroll down for)
                        FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS
                        MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts of sections of 9 DAILY RECAPS and PLEASE
                                       do not try any medical treatments without doctor and if any discover
                                     a better way to neutralize this ether alcohol anathesitce gas used as binder in
                                     meds then I please do share it online and pass it on...and ask ones doctor
                                      (cellulose is on labels...but we get it after its been altered into something
                                       life ending for millions of us...and FDA has no idea as NO AUDITS
                                      of data and we non allergic types have been excluded from studies and clinical trials since early 1990's  HAVING HEART CONDITIONS THAT PROGRESS SINCE LUNGS WEAKENED....AND suppression of what was well known of the organ called the INSTITERIUM and is a full body one organ of the lymphatic system and finally published about last year and this year FDA  has recognized it as existing...and the propaganda wars are horrific...going on an subtle also...No cure for damaged lungs yet....the praying and spiritual can help pain and keep blood flowing out of badly swollen and inflamed lungs but without the pirbuterol used for 40 years and taken away from us I 2008  AS NONE Of us exist in our categories...on  THAT NATIONAL DATA BANK UNDER CABAL CONTROL USING PUBLIC MONIES.. crimes that seem small but add it to millions done to and NO MEDS AND A HOLOCAUST UNDERWAY...and a world erupting into hot conflicts here and there ..and the battle is at the BALLOT violence will not help anyone and only make things we join in getting our wishes for life and health and nutritious food available so we can each have better health and longer lives...
                        VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGES 62FF-85  some 70's not used yet...
                                    VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION
 Linda Joy Adams 12/30/19


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FERS Disability Retirement and OWCP: Common Misconceptions - Are you filing for both FERS Disability Retirement and OWCP? Here are some important things you must know.

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Exodus 8 KJV - And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto - Bible Gateway

          Randomly opened chapter today was in the middle of the 10 plagues that came against a human god that had to be worshipped even if death and enslavement was accepted as the way....and for 400 years a people who were given the blessing of a land and at one time great wealth....had submitted to enslavement , atrocities of no rights and being considered as of no value as they mostly held to another way of life and being...until one the rulers who called themselves gods...and ruled with the guilt of doing as told or their eternal lives would be at stake....and common sense and reality of what is around them and who is the  DIVINE....had eluded each one...could not understand how they could hold more power from the Divine and be free and independent people as they once were back in the land given them by Divine order....not long after the Great Flood and the few people of the world were staking their claims to this or that part of it as their homelands...

             Along came one prophesied as we hope for a miracle of one....and we get humans who are not perfect to lead us....and then we forget that we are the power and rulers and we only allow one or a few to serve us best as they can....and our responsibility is to help them

BE BEST  in serving us well...with dignity for each....and respect for our rights of even life each is a precious and unique gift of life to have and be part of the good whole of the human family....

               Its hard to have to face that sometimes hope has left the many....and only some real hardships will jolt all out of their binding of asleepness…..and even harder for any ruler to understand they are not a god....can make mistakes and need to repent of their bad choices and try and make things right an just....and this is just not what some entrenched rulers are willing to do....and humble themselves and be good and merciful and just...and we have a few hard hearted pharaohs around in this world....that just have to be right in their hatreds of others with some leadership and actions that promote freedom and free will....and have bound their souls to the one of death and destruction's for any who will not bow to their way and them....And we end up with a horror and division that should never be in a world where we are each called to care for one another....and all be rulers and make sure the will of the most...does no harm to the one or least among us....

          Instead we have entered a time, when whoever can stomp or lie or gossip. slander and make it be spewed out over the air and cyber waves the deemed to be the most powerful and power is might and they seem to think that might makes it all right...and rarely does he good and best ever come from such a movement but from those who know the harms done to themselves and others....and today...a cyber word has been shared that somehow something must not have gone as it should and another funeral is being grieving family and loved ones..

         We are the govt....yet we have never fully governed where 95%+ of all who could vote have done so...then those elected would wake up and know we are the boss and they serve us....and we will be voting in every election and our suggestions and support are worthy of respect...and so is our constructive criticisms if we think things could be done better some other. way....

        As Christ said even in ancient time to Moses and who would be greatest among us is servant of all.... and we are headed into an impasses of horrors and seem to have a few hard hearted Pharaoh's led by hate to one in office and hatreds so great for whatever reason or who is their master....that if it means removal at any costs of any kind of illegal or unjust means then they will do if the ones leading this...are headed to the head jobs matter what we the people think or wish...or would vote for....

          And beware those of both parties. who have sat in office in congress for years now...and gave up ruling and oversight to an unaccountable cabal that has robbed us and now their illegal acts is a major part of why the recent study says the third leading cause of death is medical mistakes....INTENTIONAL ACTS THAT KNOWINGLY COULD END WITH DEATH BEFORE ONE NATURALLY OR MEDICALLY SHOULD USED TO BE CALLED HOMICIDE  and our legal systems would be called in with teams of forensics scientists and interrogators and trials and jail cells or worse.....And stealing more than the national debt...means that some bank robbers sitting in prison for years would like the immunity deal this cabal got form congress back by law in 2002....and be free to roam and become more powerful and wealthy at the expense of our public debt with access to the public treasury to help themselves as they wish....and if some end up not living or harmed for worry as none cares for the one or least among us  as justice is not for all....only for them...and what they want...

    Everyone has a job and more jobs than people to fill them... AS   we got led into the satanic world of human sacrifice...and a generation is not here with us to take over...and share the work and what is really happening is that human labor was to have been nearly replaced by machines and we have much of our subsistence level of basic needs being free to have...and that is not socialism or the poor begging for a few dollars from the cabal now in charge that no govts can find out what is going on and why so much money is missing...that never gets to where the needs are...

   But everyone gets that basics and then one can earn or share among themselves to have a better way of life...and one size does not fit all....and this whole will not work if we are not the rulers each and participate in the decision making from our communities to state and even federal and international treaties...made...Each one is special with a unique perspective and the impasse is we can see the needs in one place and the wherewithal in another....and over in another place the land or whatever to get it done...and those who do not wish to give up control of each one down to our very thoughts....or we are considered not worthy of living even...get in the way of the most of us...who wish to elect some to get all the experts together and the most expert for a problem is the one caught in the middle of a problem...and respect of caring is to ask that one...for some on the front line answers....and they do have them...even if they do not have many letters behind their names to certify them as knowledgeable...

        Adam and Eve had all knowledge long before they were spiritually ready to deal with it and make wise use of is....and here we are in a fallen state as they got tricked and fooled into something horrible that expelled hem from the GARDEN OF EDEN lest they destroy creation itself...Knowing is not wisdom and anyone can have the wisdom of living and experience...and why in some mysterious way...we are to learn that each one counts...and injustice to going to come back on all of us like a whirlwind of wrath....and blaming the  DIVINE LOVE for what we set in motion by our free will choices...SOMETIMES WE DO HAVE TO LEARN THINGS THE HARD WAY..and its not easy  and too often many among us who tried to .and stop being hard hearted pharaohs in denial of how good it seems...yet a real holocaust of death and destruction is also going on....and those we elected seem not to be able to come together and address all sided of things and get to the core issues and address them in ways that keep us free and independent and personally as well as nationally strong...yet...some forget that being individually strong in person and nation...means we are better able to help other help themselves around this world...from our strength and core values of good...and give up those things that promote wealth and power from illegal acts  and choices that do harm and horrors all over...and we have ignored it even as some tried to explain and document it and some real Pontius Pilate types inside our govt...that cannot face they are not in they pretend they are really getting the truth  as they get only to review what is often only verbally  given to them by the cabal contractors...who are not in charge and become the biggest organized crime ring in the history of the world as one Asst US Atty said over a decade ago not long before I began this blog in 12/08 as  THE USA WAS OVER THROWN and none knew it but those in Congress who did and others not willing to admit it and face the wrath of those in charge….who might help with money for campaigns...or whatever else could be spewed their way as the tactics of  FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUDERS has been the normalcy of how to deal with any who would try to make things rights and legal and respect the rights of the people...etc...and sorry but it been both parties for me...that would not help even with information that could have saved me a lot of time....and others whom I am a type of legal medical precedent for...might still be alive....and my efforts were not enough just by we are not gods or magicians...and somehow...good is not over comers of evil without a full participation of all of us doing what each one is uniquely called to do to help....some in small ways where only the  Divine knows what we did...and others could be sitting in the White House...that takes the lead but since 2002 law...our presidents have had no right of rulership over much of the govt but the military and the  DOD CONTRACTORS...and is it any mystery that whether it be this president or the CABAL WISHES THAT AUTHORITY CURTAILED AND REMOVED ALSO... and not by votes for a law passed either...    Injustice allowed to be done to one...does affect all..

   A BEAST SYSTEM put in place here and around the world in many nations now and UN THAT IS ACCOUNTABLE TO NONE BUT ITSELF  and not under any govt to intervene. This is not a world govt of, by and for the people where we might be able to affect changes for good....BUT A POWER UNDER THE INFLUENCE AND CONTROL OF ONE STILL HIDDEN IN  ITS DEPTHS READY TO RISE AND RULE OVER THE WORST HORROR OF ALL HUMAN HISTORY ONCE THIS BUNCH HAS REMOVED ANYONE WHO WOULD STOP ITS POWER AND CONTROL THAT HAS NO GOOD INTENT AND  so far the affects are not good ones...are they....

    While some things are getting better...we are losing out to NO GOVT IN CHARGE  to even call to stop real crimes going on here and around the world....and the leader of the USA is not the only one in this world under attack...and have yet to see evidence of any high crimes...or of even jay walking traffic ticket level...  

     39 federal agency Judges defied in multiple agencies on me...and even the real govt officials in the agencies cannot have access to them to know the truth of what is to be the control of our data and records is not in the govt....and much of those records are our personal ones on each of us from financial to medical and NO PROTECTION AND OUR RIGHTS OF EVEN LIFE OVERTHROWN...and most have no idea that most of those phone numbers and even addresses or persons who say they work for the govt... ARE NOT EMPLOYED BY IT...and told to lie and not reveal their corporate names..which is an illegal impersonation...and nearly ever system is taxpayer funded but NO GOVT IN CHARGE TO EVEN AUDIT OR CHECK IT OUT....and

   Few will quote Michael Horowitz( he was the one who explained this to me in 2014 and last almost two years ago again when he explained how OIG directors have been removed from being like police chiefs in agencies now.after he got LYNN BLODGETT our ruler as known to obeyed by all.on sec fines...BUT NOT HE OWNS DELL OUTRIGHT...anyway through other means. And sub contractors of Hewlett Packard..etc.  with so many corporate names of his group none knows all for sure and none in govt ??.)  as he repeated much the same as this in his testimony and no mystery to me that the crucial hearing on abuses of power of search warrants on Americans based on perjury...happened on the day most were watching the vote count in congress on impeachment instead...   its only 2 hours...and there is no law enforcement that can enforce an subpoena on a contractor....and that investigation as this is the entity that is eavesdropping on us  and can do as they please with the info..THE GOVT IS NOT SNOOPING....the unaccountable cabal is....AND  why is the fake facts of Obama born in Kenya and the fake Hawaii birth records surfacing when he was born in Topeka Ks and his grandmother fake 1961 birth records never got the real one was back at  FORBES AIR FORCE BASE HOSPITAL  where my mother , great aunt of his mother was present at birth....and his real dad watch it all those who think that is anything but a horror...and even his mother was to have been.....and Obama unborn and a marriage arranged by her dad, Daniel Wayne Pope, my first cousin on my dad's side...who took the id of the older Stanley Dunham when he was being called back for D  Day....and  my dad married the Obama's in Topeka (Kansas not Kenya) and they never lived together I knew give the baby his a different era when that had to be....and he be able to be in USA...and why only the real birth record would have the US STATE DEPT FILE NUMBER ON IT...and the one who suppressed this and his staff stopping their search at Barry Soetoro means another US State Dept filing of a second foreign born adoptive father.....and in court in Topeka Ks...Sec of State Kris Kobach  DID NOT TELL THE WHOLE TRUTH BACK IN 9/12  after I had filed an eye withes affidavit and his staff searched....and finally checked a separate data base for military birth's and it stopped at Soetoro...and he is now running for US SENATE FROM KS...and in his run for Gov,,,even former republicans supported the 'THE WHOLE STATE OF KS knows these matters but never talks... AS THERE ARE ISSUES STILL NOT RESOLVED IN KS....and some may still be alive to face murder charge for the 3 who died back in 3/61 of Rosa Parks extended family and why the 44th president was Obama AND NOT SON OF  Jim T Parks...American...whose ancestors fought in the civil war for their freedom...even...     And I nearly lost my life but for a miracle of some kind of force moving me inches out of the way in 5/61 when it became known that my parents had gdnshp of my dad's great niece..

   I KNOW WHAT EVIL IS and have faced it more than once...Yet I know there is a  DIVINE LOVE OF THE I AM WHO IS AM that Christ came as part from that...and we are all offered salvation and a promise that one day...all evil will be removed from this world....and may all of us be counted as on the good that glorious day....and may I still be here  to see it be....but if not maybe will see it from the other side...but it seems its closer than we wish it to be...and with millions like me with no meds made and others not in safe form as  ITS BEEN DECIDED WHO IS TO LIVE AND WHO IS NOT...and toxic and chemical injuries are not to exist..and this is NO MEDICAL MISTAKE..this is intentional and real....AND OUR GOOD DOCTORS  are crushed under this whole hierarchy of NO GOVT IN CHARGE TO CALL AND REPORT A CRIMES UNDER WAY  AND A GOVT ALLOWED TO STOP IT...AND SAVE MILLIONS ALREADY LOST IN THIS..AND TOO MANY MORE GOING BEFORE THEY NATURALLY OR MEDICALLY SHOULD..

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                               In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus  may we find our selves on Your side an never give up Your divine promise of somehow n the end we will be OK NO MATTER HOW BAD IT GETS...we will be over comers and not cover uppers...and may all others wake up and do whatever part they are called to do in peaceful manner to exert the real power of leadership at the Ballot box..EVEN IF IT SEEMS LITTLE GOOD CHOICES ARE THERE may we ask You for Divine guidance of who stands for life for each...and a heart of service to one and all of us...and will not fail to try and do the best they can for each of all levels of govt....and may all be getting any needed paperwork done to be ready to be rulers each and help each of us make this a better world..even if we do not all agree of who is best..or how to get things done....may we get those who will put service to good and us first and find a way through so we have some govt allowed to stop taking and harming and be those who will not allow this to continue at all....

           Surely, if life is the goal as long as each can sustain it...then we surely could figure out how to care for each other and share the goodness so none among us is harmed...and too many have already lost so much...even their with You.....Help sustain us as we get through times that are in conflict of good things in parallel with horrors at the same time...and its getting bad enough that many cannot say ITS YOUR PLAN when it never was Your plan for us to have a hell on You taught us to pray for a heaven on earth....and to heal the sick and feed the hungry....and we have a world where even the meds are unsafe to heal us and food has little nutrition and also laced with harming additives...and how did we get to this place and let it happen to us...step by step an plot by plot as we forgot to be rulers and involved in what is around us that affects us 24/7  and its not been any  GOVT FOR MANY YEARS NOW...its NO GOVT AND THAT IS worse than one that has removed rights of all to be rulers...which we still do have....and may we not lose it to a cabal of chain of events that could remove leaders and put themselves in and suspend even our US Constitution....this madness of evil has to cease yesterday and may all sides wake up and realize its not one side or another...its all of us losing every ideal and way of good that our founders knew we one day would finally all be equal before the law....and we are so close....and must not let it slip away from the war of propaganda is real and words twisted and too many misunderstood and help us get to the TRUTH...out of lies and deceptions...very real...and a world at war...and our soldiers and others coming home in wars are barely mentioned as existing yet violence is among us..and prayers for those lost today and this last few months in violence of those only wishing to worship and be free to do so...and others who have been entrapped in areas and situations that monies went missing and entrenched evil cannot seem to allow answers to be found to make things right as they should be with some govt allowed to act and help as once they could...May congress put back the right of govt to oversee what the ones doing the work as contractors are doing...and never let a few get inside to help facilitate another take over....that is still very real as those 39 judges orders are not obeyed. and will not let any more hearings be scheduled or it would be far the govt cannot get access to even their own agency judges order of what to do....AND WHY THE US DEPT OF LABOR ONE SAID you do not know but rumor ad gossip run amok and to ask me, Ms. Adams for the facts and reconstruct my file. process pay etc...and a back log that goes back for some items over three decades now, still legally alive but disappeared over and over and the judges orders and files go to the cabal contractors of the  ROYAL RULERS OF BLODGETT'S AND WHOMEVER THEIR MASTERS ARE...AND NEVER SENT ON IF ONE IS ON THEIR LIST TO NOT DO SO...and away continues from  when the cover up of 9/`11/01 began back in our office in 1/89 and before that...when the  DEEP STATE AND THE OVERTHROW BEGAN FOR some..and can be read in this blog at  DAILY RECAP ADDED 9/11/16  AND OTHER places here since 12/08 and why actions from years ago...unravel and fester and grow if not stopped and here we are with wars and rumors of wars....and mostly reported is he or she said this and none know for sure if anything said is anyone....Help us get though this Almighty to ' BE BEST' FOR EVERMORE WITH YOU...

   May You come soon...but we will persevered the best we can....and pray that none is lost from among us...and all choose the good. Forgive me my own sins..and impatience for health and wisdom and what to do next...pray for the Blodgett's to become saved and make things right for me and others...and expose the corruption so we all know truth and can help make this world and us and nation a better way so evil will never again be able to trick us again.....In Your Holy Name Amen!

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                      FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

                      MEDICAL REGIMEN  in 5 parts over sections of 9 DAILY RECAPS and please do not try any medical treatments without ones doctor involved..even if they are not fully allowed to be..some do need prescriptions....and do ones best to stay alive and pray if you be one of faith that caring will override all and get our meds made and others in safe form for us to take....cheaper ones than most...for the millions left to die..without and my case proves that one can survive even if limited...with progressive diseases...and should never be facing the end so soon...but I never thought we would have NO GOVT TO CARE AND LET  25 MILLION DIE BEFORE THEY SHOULD... and then call it MEDICAL MISTAKES... our mistake is all of us being fooled by campaign promises from all sides and then reelecting those who never fulfilled them or did not even try....and its not the type of govt or how big or small...but that there is NO GOVT  since 2002 and much had been suspended as far back as 1994  in health care....and in congress now is the one who was SEC OF HHS Donna Shalala with an opportunity to make right what she signed away of our rights back then in many ways...and EEOC sanctions for me vs her for my nearly losing my life at her leadership then...and any bills presented to get passed to stop this horror that began and got carried on worse and worse over time..?  Prayers for her she is where she can really make the effort and has the power to correct this horror...for nearly a year now...



                               Linda Joy Adams 12/29/19 posted late about 1 AM


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