
Monday, February 28, 2022

New Treatment Could Cure PTSD, Scientists Say | Republican Informer

New Treatment Could Cure PTSD, Scientists Say | Republican Informer

rapacate comments on UC Berkeley loses CRISPR patent case, invalidating licenses it granted gene-editing companies

rapacate comments on UC Berkeley loses CRISPR patent case, invalidating licenses it granted gene-editing companies

EXODUS CHAPTER 26 KJV-a masterpiece of art as well as holy worship...


(99+) Post | Feed | LinkedIn

(99+) Post | Feed | LinkedIn



        Reading this chapter again before starting to type, had the events on the place of the return of the one we worship as the Word made flesh, realized as we hope and pray for the redemption and salvation of His second coming and all He will do to make this a heaven on Earth., have to realize what have we done for Him.
        He asked us 2000 years ago to share the Good News of salvation and go and share and baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy all of the human family will be personally prepared to accept the invitation He offers for only good, for eternity..and the removal of evil so we can be at peace...Freedom and free will only be led by good as evil will not be around to tempt us to do any other choice.
    Here, the words of giving because we wish to do reflected in the words of the 'cheerful giver.
 for any other is enslavement to a master we do not feel free to even honor...let alone follow..
We give because the use of the offering is for us as well as others...We know we helped make this or that or in this chapter a sanctuary for the dwelling of the presence of the Almighty to be present in...
Even as we know have the Holy Spirit anywhere and prayers can go forward in a personal relationship from any part of creation from each of us, we have to realize as we ask for and even thank Him for each of us to have our needs, met,,, we forget...that even though He has made all, and holds all in His Divine Hands there is a Word made flesh that does have a place in this universe to be the home base or sanctuary for us to meet and He to be present.
And in 70 AD what was present on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem was destroyed and nothing is there now, not even a Tabernacle or beautifully made a super tent for the rituals of faith which all of them The ones looking for the first coming have in their tradition to follow, even as we Christians, are waiting for the second coming...and most believe His shed blood on the cross, was the final sacrifice needed,,, as He rose over death so pay the price and have the way for us to also rise one day and have eternal life, or those alive, be changed to never die...Redeemed back to the original state of humanity, before Satan duped us into ending up losing our eternal lives, we have now been returned to us, at the cross...and one day, never have to deal with death ever again.
    The presence of the Divine among us has been from the first coming and born as suffering servant with part flesh, began with the well-known words, even sung in songs as NO ROOM IN THE INN and His birth in a manager some scholars not believe was the place where the sacrificial lambs for the Passover first were kept...not far from Jerusalem which Bethlehem was... 
    And last year, over the blocked door, where He will return to and walk through at His second coming....had His sacred name grow over the closed door, by the plants to grown in the crevices of the stones which still stand...And since the those still waiting for the First coming are not to say or read the sacred name of Him, for it even to appear...was a shocking sign to kept hidden, even as those looking for the second coming...are now only refining they had His name changed by those inside the faith who tried to hide it also..
    And the history of the beloved King James translation when history is revealed he sacred names were included and then removed to insert the generic ones of Babylone or use Christ as the name often used by early Greeks used, which is a positive one...The shock, of what the names used for the last 500 years even used, even mean...shakes us to the find out the truth... I have no doubt, a loving and forgiving Divine..." forgives us for they know not what they do" and have a sincere faith. but how when we do know, can we go on as before and not begin to change and honor Him with all respect we can offer.
    So, the sign appeared and never knew what happened over near the wailing wall...not for from the closed and sealed up the door...where He is to walk through as prophecized even before His first His sanctuary...which is still rubble of stones...from 70 AD...
    Those of faith for the second coming...have not paid much attention to a place or sanctuary for 2000 years, as we believe we can worship in any place at any time, But there is a sacred honor and remembrance and at the second coming,,,, there is to be a sanctuary for Him to come to, isn't there? which the anti-Christ will enter and declare He is the real Messiah as many believe we are told in the scriptures of our Bibles.
    So as we wait patiently for His second coming...and some for His first coming all that is to exist as foretold is not in place yet. But the preparations have been made for over 30 years, as I worked with a woman whose son was there preparing to be a Temple Priest and in a short time, the whole Temple will be rebuilt as all is ready to put it back together...just as the scriptures of the Torah here says items were t be made in a certain way....a way of honor for one we worship, even if we disagree on some things,  that may surely resolve when He arrives with the hosts of heaven...
   And the wrath of His to evil and its binding prepares all of creation for all of us to believe and be saved and redeemed for always.....and we believe, both sides of this...of the resurrection of the dead of believers and who is in that group and who is looking for the first coming...That is not a human call....and the Almighty will and is in charge as always has been with no beginning and no end... I AM WHO I AM...who was, is, and always will be...John refers to a LOVE...and far more than the word in the Greek of reason and science and love, \    
    An unconditional love far more than our human minds can even think up....even as we are called to LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE is always that is part of us being created through Him and only good is present... 
    All is ready but for the political nightmare, of the place and exactly where is it? as even some say, the place of worship currently there may not be the place for another faith, that began with us and a thrid version of who our Divine Creator is...and seems to be on the other end of human thought on this...TRUTH IS COMING....but we have some final tribulation to get through before He arrives...and all the signs above indicate we are in the times for this end of our times to deal with evil, even as there will be one more brief encounter after the 1000 years of peace,.
    But surely, by then evil and its cohorts will not even phase us as we will be redeemed to never even give it any notice...that got us on this 6 thousand year journey back to our promise and hope of eternal good, and oversee creation under our Divine and loving master who gives us freedom and free will to be the 'cheerful giver' as we wish to be as nothing else gives us peace and joy of all that is good, as we know in our souls it is the way, the truth and life eternal...And may not one among us choose evil's side over our goodness of no sorrow ever with Him.
        In the name of Yahusha, help us through these times before the day of Your coming sooner or later, and may it be sooner...And prayers for healing as tonight and very tired from phone calls, that made it clear, no help for sustaining life is to happen, by the monopoly supplier of therapeutic oxygen in the USA but for a few sources.....and their regulations passed to force all others out of selling liquid or compressed air and forced to use up to 15% ozone into lungs....and official guidelines that fallow medical standards ignored by unaccountable govt contractors given full authority to make our laws, defy judges and too much looting of the public treasuries.....and what he real guidelines state since I was once asked what they were from inside the govt since 1968, we have had so many die now before they medially should for the harms done that ill4gal acts end with premature deaths...
     How many die of heart and other organ failures, no knowing they had slowly suffocated to death before their time....and a new study out, linked today to this blog, is that even those with PTSD have brains deprived of the level of oxygen they should have...So it's not just those of us with toxic or chemical injuries who meet the guidelines by diagnosis and a false reading of what is really going on as the heart fails and other crashes of our human body dies.....and the govt contractor wants to do the easy thing and induce permanent damage in your home by induced heart attacks as your really are dying to get the lower oxygen sat rate,  set at 88% in the mid-'90s from 91% which no doctor will now go to the harmful 88% when 91% does stress but not much harm done in the office and why n oximeter is allowed to be done on stress tests as it documents the inducing of permanent damage... to go full 6 minutes the heart weakens...etc. (read the real official and medically approved standards and rights won over the years by our legal system which is even inside govt of approvals and all should have the right to live as the one who strove for all in sam situation to have equal rights too. and none do now of masses and science is beginning to prove its worse than a few million and will real oxygen replace a lot of high-cost bottles of pills....time to let the doctors find out and follow the science that can be verified by the real govt for all of us...of, by and for us.
The oxygen is not where it needs to be, and only some have blockages to remove...For some, the oxygen is needed its organ pressures and read the guidelines based on our rights as put in a list by the govt by Director of Medicare n 2005, from the medical communities over the years at medicare of medically who needs oxygen and for most without the irritant gas ozone into the lungs...
And as one of my doctors said several years ago.... it a kind of hyperbaric situation created by pure oxygen into lungs and allowed no effort, etc...and its have medical terms and a few pages of diagnoses....that the case was made and approved in the past....and our legal and gov system I if one wins the right, then all like that do also...
     We have millions to be helped for what is cheaper than all kinds of bottles of pills of really high price, that cannot keep suffocating of organ tissues from being able to breathe...I am not a doctor, but have been of some of the best in the USA and even the world, and have been one inside th govt since 1968, one asked...And today the call to the govt contractor DOES NOT EVEN HAVE THE REAL GIDELINDS AVAILABLE OF EVEN THE SUPPLIER MANUAL...that ones one is approved for life by Medicare for oxygen then only a yearly prescription is needed  So what is that expense retesting being done by a whole team and cause damages, without EKG, no doctor would allow it to continue as harm being done to the body of the patient...
    Help save us from these evil ones who have taken control of our health care without govt oversight even at an international level of one interwoven cabal not overseen by any govt, as they have replaced our govts with no rights of any left to even be able to breathe or have all the rights we are to have under You... no govt to make any to obey the laws and rules and then cause bodily injury and premature death....and as for me,,, being in a situation and this happened to me in 2013 nd doctor running the stress test with oximeter in his office...with low sat rate and EKG caused dr trouble for doing it and the life-ending threat for real shown....and then THE CABAL MANAGERS AND RULERS.....DID NO GOOD AS LINCARE our money refused to still service and even member of Congress will not help and what will they do if this happens to them....some in this world think they will never face hardship or injury....and we are all still flesh and things happen every day....and this is the root cause of wars, that harm all of us...
    No attempt is being made to do even a drive through for pick up of the green bottle and not the bigger liquid oxygen tanks...used and exchanged safety for nearly 30 years with the little issue of safety....and seems evil is going to block the right to breathe and break the laws and rules...and why does such exist that would wish all of us annihilated and creation destroyed...
    I have sinned in my life, but with no harm to anyone....and to even do such evil for many, knowing its even illegal actions to do can even some be among the human misery and not wish to make it right and the laws and rules support it and more money is spent with scams and looting of public funds with no oversight....and the cost can be greatly minimized... I am glad I do not understand such evil as love and compassion is better even as great sorrow towards those who hung up on me over and over today, and I did not even have the strength to even raise my voice which did not do as defamed for just emphatically share the truth and laws a rule and what each was part of aiding and abetting...and how does one deal with hard-hearted Pharoah types so bound to disregard all the human suffering going on needlessly that legally should not be and they being ones able to help stop it, one by one....and for one and all...
    I bring this to You as the exertion of even talking has my sinus inflamed from the small munt of ozone, that three health plans know cannot tolerate and someone high up gave the order to never input an oxygen claim n I as IT WOULD BE PAID AND THE GIG WOULD BE UP  and the beast system of Revelation would collapse like a house of weak cards if one oxygen claim gets input at FECA or anywhere else....and has occurred by Federal employer plan and even medicate when first order to let me die was given and some processed my claims as they do for others who well qualify......and even Medicare regional office certified another supplier in 24 hours to save my life,  The three regulations had not been passed yet to force all out of the business of liquid or compressed air and do it cheaper by exchanging filled tanks... but that is now out of their control and NO GOVT IN CHARGE TO ENFORCE LAWS even to save our lives...Why didn't this become the defense for George Floyd's convicted murderer when he was trained by this cabal and other first responders to only go by oximeters....and his organs do too many every day, as theirs had gradually suffocated...
  May all use common sense when one is in distress even when one is being charged with crimes, they have not yet been convicted of or to be our legal systems  Ignorance has to be replaced by common sense that evil is around and ruling and lies cause people to die when followed.   Save us from what we have allowed happen to us...In Your Holy Name Yahusha, Amen!
        So the bad news is life is not going to be allowed by those in control in this world when the right to breathe is needed to be medically helped without harm of inflammation and swelling of tissues as up to 1/6th of the people can be harmed and the studies are coming out of how many organ failures will be added to the list of guidelines for oxygen...without ozone which concentrator has up to 15% sucked back in from cloud around and the filters on most are better, but not for those, who can not tolerate even parts per millions and what of anyone in the household...over prolonged time...They were to be banned in 2002 and then we got a law of no govt and the contractors say ozone is good to breathe overnight when it's not ever....and we still have bodies of flesh that can be inflamed and harmed....and bleed....and how can, those who seem to be good people wake up and face the horrors of evil they are aiding putting even common sense gone and checking out the law put us under tyranny and not even the govt we have to uphold the laws....and congress will not let them even use the rising budget as we get robbed and illegal acts to cause harm and death and that is illegal and used to be called murder.  now allowed by our ruling govt contractors and govt will not put the law back to stop it.
     So, tonight faced hard hearted pharaohs in charge and seem to have no regard for themselves or their loved ones who can end up in a struggle for life, as this evil has no regard for anyone...from one who has never been arrested for one stopped who was a suspect and still was to have rights, and met this falsely trained first responders who believed their training as the official ones and was and never has been....and now those who believed their rulers who are not our rulers one in jail for murder and for a cop to be there...WHY DIDN'T HIS DEFENSE PUT THE FALSE TRAINING ON TRIAL...and others led by this evil who seem to think govt is perfect and we not even have a govt to enforce the laws....they were falsely led were being followed... Every day, we have some among us  GEORGE FLOYD'ED and if that man addicted and suspect and whatever else in his life,, not good, he was still a human being who is met with a chance to get free of addictions and past, could have been a help to society as anyone can and why we used to call rehabilitation as part of our legal system to afford a chance to redeem their lives so society can be helped and they be saved also....It the faith that makes us caring....even when we do have to stop those who do us harm....and we have some in charge now, who are not even the govt who has done us all kinds of harms....of all of us....and being revealed over the last few years just how evil has occurred....and we have no legal systems to stop the harms and even losses of even lives before hey medically should occur...
    I choose to live,  but the rulers do not wish it for me and so many, and while some think the Bible refers to nuclear war causing massive deaths, but seems we may already have lost the first 1/4th of the world by these kinds of illegal acts by even our own govts not overseeing the laws and stopping harms to cause premature those they foolishly turned the rights of each of us for even life to some who coerce all to follow their deadly defiance of the Divine of life and love and human rights, and here and around the world....allowed to do so..
        Linda Joy Adams 2/28/22

Breaking: "Rain Bomb Destroys Australia In Massive Floods (Raw Footage)

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Recommendations Issued by the Office of the Inspector General that were Not Closed as of January 31, 2022

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Biden bragged about handing Putin a list of the 16 most vulnerable infrastructure targets in the US; now Americans are vulnerable to Russian cyberattacks –

Biden bragged about handing Putin a list of the 16 most vulnerable infrastructure targets in the US; now Americans are vulnerable to Russian cyberattacks –





Porsches, Lamborghinis Lost at Sea May Cost VW $155 Million

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A Prayer from the Synagogue in Odessa, Ukraine

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(check with Bible )Edgar Cayce, Medjugorje and Fátima: All Prophesied that Russia Will Save Humanity During the End Times – Forbidden Knowledge TV

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Messer to construct solar-powered ASU in Texas | News | gasworld

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(officials and not the leaders maybe online- seems my online contacts for sites are 0 from the area of Ukraine and Russia so must have censored the whole world from contacting for general things as we all do online. anyone else notice accssing not being done now? and hope USA does not get cut off from family and friends or just some we never know but are in contact to access our sites and we theirs)Ukraine to meet with Russia on Belarusian border; Russia tries to halt ruble's slump: live updates

Ukraine to meet with Russia on Belarusian border; Russia tries to halt ruble's slump: live updates

(more study needed as some may be having issues due to a physical injury along with trauma leaving damage and organs not getting full oxygen and the false info out that an oximeter reading covers all, physical conditions. like George Floyd as possible example has never been standard of medical or govt guidelines -another (be law) unaccountable govt contractor who lied for years of what is officially known just as Dr Fauci testified to zbout false info re covid from contractor and sub con led world into no govt knowing anything for sure. No govt in charge since 12/02 law denies access to know)s)New Treatent Course PTSD, Scientists Say | Republican Informer

New Treatment Could Cure PTSD, Scientists Say | Republican Informer

Obama Celebrated Man Who Later Tried To Assassinate A Jewish Lawmaker | Republican Informer

Obama Celebrated Man Who Later Tried To Assassinate A Jewish Lawmaker | Republican Informer

Western Balkans Investment Summit 2022 - Portal 2

Western Balkans Investment Summit 2022 - Portal 2

Sunday, February 27, 2022






         When we focus on the current or recent we can miss the full wonder of hope and promise of history.
Even as we struggle to know to overcome evil and its sneaky, horrible deceptions to do us into total annihilation, we know the good of eternity is ahead for one and all of us, and all we have to do is reject hate and evil for love and caring for one another and the Almighty who created us and loves us unconditionally and the part of this three in one Divine that IS, WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE...who has not given up on our freedom and free will we were given by HIm to follow Him through to eternal life,,,, once He came as promised from the beginning of the fallen state of loss of eternal life to one be regained by our Love and Faith in Him...
    A mystery of the cross of death and resurrection of the Divine Who loves us so much He came as part flesh to die to that fallen state and rise to eternity making it possible through His suffering and shed blood the way for each of us to follow one day when this time of history of the journey back to salvation has been completed and He returns with the host of heaven to remove evil and its followers, And may not one of us decide to follow its way and find eternal salvation with Him one day...
     As we watch and pray for all those caught in war zones now, there is a foretold history being unfolded and we pray for the salvation of even out current physical survival from wars, as well as the worldwide natural and human-made hardships already put in place with the Beast system of Revelation for the overthrow of the people of the world's own govts, been replaced by an international cabal as manages and contractors of govts and huge international corporations with control of every facet of our lives, and even the right to even live done by our own govts and laws they made to give this entity control and deny even access to data and records of the people and their govts which are to uphold the law and protect the rights of the people to have all their govt entrusted records to be kept accurate and not illegally messed with to cause grave harms of theft, harms of even death,
     And falsifications made to harm others as our medical info to get some drug or device to market..or end up with no safe oxygen for millions without up to 15% ozone to inflame and cause harms to millions just in the USA>...where most who medically qualify by even govt trashed by a near worldwide monopoly, which finances much of the beast systems overthrow of our govts and our personal lives even to rights of personal ownership rights, our founders of the USA knew as part of our inalienable rights, which ownership of property and even our freedoms of personal thought and faith is the basis of happiness...Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness...which to be to not be enslaved to another, or govt, but are free to have right to personal ownership and live under a govt that respects our rights, as long as we do not harm others rights and have to stand before a fair and just legal system.

    All these rights were declared in a founding DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE when England's govt found itself enslaved by a former international cabal that even promoted slavery of stolen people from another land, and the govt to be in charge had neglected to oversee govt and carry out the duties of govt and laws with justice and fairness for one and all who lived under it.
    That part is often not taught, if at all to our young. And if it was, then we might have been able to see the signs when some in our govt sold us out and got an earmark to a 6000-page bill that would end our basic rights of freedom and control of our govt for the last 20 years. (DOD left under the govt but the cabal is hired to manage to make our weapons and other things for war...but the oversight is legal to do by govt) ..It has been subtle, deceptive and even most in govt even in Congress seem not to even know and then real atrocities have occurred vs anyone trying to correct the horror of tyranny let loose her and around the world much the same,  Even into major corporations where the work is contracted out and as long as the stock market dividends keep coming in, they are left to do as they please, even as most often find they have one entity controlling them as well as competitors....and soon none of even those who THOUGHT THEY WERE IN CHARGE...then find out they ARE NOT... As evil has no regard for any one of us, or creation itself...For we deal with a head, hidden at the bottom of this horror that has been on a path of annihilation since the Garden of Eden and the deception done to Adam and Eve...we have been on a path of repentance and redemption for our eternal salvation ever since..
     So when Moses took 70 of the elders of the tribes and went up on the mountain part way with them,  they MET THE ALMIGHTY IN SOME KIND OF TRANSFIGURED FORM and knew who was the one who was, is, and always will be the one who has our best interests for us....and the way to salvation outlined to guide us back to the hope and promise of final redemption one day...
 The one in charge and we do not know His full battle plan, but we do know, the promise and hope are given to all and is real, as our ancestors were taken into His very a real way to know.
        How this is so often overlooked, is just part of the intentional separation of Christians from our historical roots which Yahusha, <Chrsst came to it did not take long for some to fall from the rules, and guidance is we deal with the evil that has had all knowledge but NOT ALL POWER to create as that is only the one  Moses asked what is Your name and the answer from the burning bush that did not burn...was I AM WHO I AM... and as shared before, when by the time of Constantine....Greek was the language of the Bible and later Latin..we lost some meanings and words, that seem to be unique to Hebrew of the historical first ones to receive the the desert with Moses, isolated from the horribly wicked world where life was of no value and human sacrifice was wars have to be fought to offer worship to the god of evil.....who never gets enough shed blood to satisfy until all of us are annihilated... We are so good now, that we find it hard to face that real evil has and still exists and expected will continue and we are called to be OVERCOMERS and not cover uppers or deniers of reality and not be deceived when we are in times of masters of deceptions of all kinds and we need each other to be able to share info, and our prayers with the Divine and let His Holy Spirit come and guide us to be aware of what to not follow or get caught or entrapped in...
    As we can have a personal relationship with the Divine, it chose to give up long defiance and 1/3rd of the angels of heaven fell into this with it...So do not be deceived about ancient ones of high intelligence and might fly in the Bible lets us know, we are dealing with this fallen group who has no regard for us, or life, love or goodness...or our pursuit of happiness......
or the one of DIVINE LOVE with a language of no beginning and no end...A love that even the Greeks could not find a word to describe...for it IS...and always will be...  Something the logic and reason of science of the Greeks, could not describe for it still defies our understanding of BEING ALWAYS...
        Moses was one chosen to go on up further and get the tablets etc....and its not fully revealed what went on but that the tables were given by the "hand of the Almighty"  and if one does the math its statistically improbable that anyone alive today, did not have one or more ancestors in the desert with Moses to live 40 years of daily miracles..we still cannot fully understand how all happened...Like shoes are worn for 40 years do not wear out...
    When I think of all the money spent on shoes for 40 years of any time of my life, that is a good chunk of cash... And checking my emails for some things to be taken care of first, saw some sales for shoes, and would most of the shoemakers even be needed if we only had to buy one pair of shoes every 40 years...unless we wished some special ones for an occasional event...and they would never wear out... Having had one in sports, lots of the costs of raising children in this era..of just special kinds of shoes...and if still growing, too small the next school year... We are thankful for having the money to help and even create non-profits to help those not so blessed...but much of the govt programs, contracted out to help, find with no oversight for 20 years by law,  and back another few decades by suspension of oversight by executive type orders we find our public funds, missing and the help we wish all to have...gone missing and where?...and as the rulers at the ballot boxes of the world, have we let things get lax in our own oversight to pay attention to whom we send to serve us, and replace those who do not serve us well as the taint of the process when the whole is not overseen to maintain confidence our will is being carried out...
     It is hoped, but face it that some one or few are expected, things would wear out, in this world,, but the Devine is the creator of all dimensions or heavens and even who ends up in the bottomless pit of hell....for the peace and happiness of all one day when we have some who will reject the good of eternal salvation after we have had a long journey of learning and understanding to know that evil is not good, for us....and not to be tempted by it, and choose the good for always, over the way of death and destruction and hate...

        In the name of Yahusha, help guide us with Your Holy Spirit to keep us from temptations of evil and lead us away from our personal relationship with You....
Prayers for healing and inflammation with false info given to our govt that all of us can tolerate an irritating gas called ozone and cannot....mixed into oxygen from concentrators as with no audits or access to records, false info of millions of us not even existing and will not survive as long as we medically should with 24.7 harm with each breathe..And may those who need to know, that about a 100 of the activated charcoal N95 mask inseerts in empty water bottle oxygen cups, and water traps.....can reduce or neutralize a lot to stay alive as I have been forced into bed fast and swollen inflamed lungs, and body, with bleeding at a timea in the most vulnerable since injury 1/10/89 (See DAILY RECAP ADDED 9/11/16 FOR INFO) life with harm, is still life alive.....and Pray for he international meetings going on about getting liquid oxygen hat is safe and best for millions like me, can bring some common sense back to ways to get the right to breathe without organs suffocating for years until the antiquated ways to pay for three years before one dies....when the damamte of full breathe being denied to slow down progression for longer lives has been lost inside the one in charge of info, and withheld and illegally altered and real crimes to intend to do harm and death  and the injustice of what You said to DO NOT KILL is a way of being for this few in control who convince masses by real deception its truth when the real mdicall data has never been that or now, and medical treatment standards from the medical profession has not been changed,,,,but had it chang4ed for them by falsified inflo which You said not to bear false witness and this is a deadly ongoing false witness when those ruling health care by our govts can do this to anyone and all of us in many ways... and the numbers from isisde the govt not allowed to stop it by a genocide, long before the cnflicitng info re Covid led by same bunch....has revealed how bad it is....for truth to be known.....And congressional testimony by Dr. Anthony Faucci, is that the govt contractor lied and filed false reports and the whole world has lost lives and livelihoods, and govts can not know a cannot audit to find out the truth (He has been referred for possible crimes, but legally could not know anything but some info may show possible illegal it takes those in govt to give out these contracts and not renew bad actors) no budget can be do do the world of govt we thought they were taking care of for our "general welfare and security of the nation" as our US Consitution mandates.....and ILLEGAL  now by law to be constitutional. and lawlessness has everyone; life at risk with NO GOVT IN legally protect it, with even the monies to do so, gone missing or scammed away and some of these been shared here since 12/08 when I was shocked after being inside govt since 1968, that this could happen and a trillions dollar theft of Medicare could not be stopped as Congress passed a law forbidding it...
    There is no national debt? and medicare and social security fully funded and not going broke, but for missing monies last seen at govt contractors or even sub-contractors which is rampant to hide liability even more.. with we the people owing  the money and in medicare we inherit overpayments, none of the victims even knew their claims were stolen and made into multiples by the illegally designed systems by govt contractors to make it disappear and feds and all over the govt even shared state and federal funded matters the feds were relied on for audit and prosecutions and civil suits to seize stolen monies...and many states were not aware that THE FEDS NOT ALLOWED BY LAW TO GO OFTER A CONTRACTOR SINCE 12/02... so bridges fall down,  the poor go homeless with monies to help gone, and look around at what needs to be helped or taken care of,  and for me am too aware that its MISSING AND STOLEN PUBLIC MONIES...WE ARE SEEING and a chance for others of the human family to have some change at a better life and even the programs to rise to self-sufficiency put in place,,,, stolen or even torn and burned down in protests in some cities....a couple of years ago......and a map out shows that money to help many get small businesses started seemed to be the very ones destroyed....EVIL IS A LIAR so violence used to destroy often is led by evil to stop the help to empower that was done for good of those less fortunate. it's overwhelming how bad it has become when the restraint of law is removed....and all of us are left at the mercy of those led to do harm not stopped...
    Help is needed from You and prayers for those in charge now, we wish would do what is right and good, and they are there and if they would do what is Your way of the goodness....then we would thank them and not have to wait to the next election and pray the ones who get in will not fall into entrapments of evil either...and serve us well.
    In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!

            People of even little faith, seem to be finding their way to pray for help in these times...and our govts cannot do anything if they are not allowed to legally act to know and oversee the work of govts and since 12/02, they often cannot as we seldom deal with govt as we deal with this cabal of contractors, and too often work and deal in commerce or receive health needs met by layers of this cabal financing and or managing and few even know who works for who as told not to tell....Not legal in the Federal govt to do this...but we deal with nice people hired due to them being so, and illegally trained and then one day, we make contact and are shocked and even defiant to know they are not entrapped in what one US Atty's said was the biggest organized crime ring in the history of the USA... I disagree, it's the world and human history as it's not the known world of ancient Rome who followed this model of govt not governing and contracting out with no oversight, and when the people rose up vs tyranny crushed and enslaved....and destroyed...And the most innocent gets crucified....for even speaking the truth and revealing the evil...
    This cabal has a master chosen of evil and it's not willing to give up the power attained over s and the shedding of blood, it is leading us into...Peaceful protests and petitions to our govts of good people in them and pray they will have the way to allow goodness, common sense and fairness and justice to be put back and running the world on unverifiable info and gossip and falsified info end so we can live our lives and care for one another....and the social problems have he money from us used for best for empowerment to freedom and self-sufficiency as a goal that is attainable...and not obstructed by some of this entity making money off of the entrapment of the poor...
        Linda Joy Adams 2/27/22

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Saturday, February 26, 2022

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EXODUS CHAPTER 24 KJV- Christ appears to the 70 and we do not know all details yet.?




     To even try to have a blog and share even my own humble opinion of things, its basic to access all sides of issues. And when a major part of the people of a nation politically support one side and one popular possible candidate, its being informed to know what that possible candidate and one with great influence when support is made for other candidates.
    I was about 15 minutes late getting on the Right Side Broadcasting network, as easy to do for President Trump's speech...Other private venues surely carried it, and have not yet signed up for his new platform. So instead of just picking it up mid-speech, went back to the beginning....It was long and of course, he shared a lot of things, which will be discussed by one side or another until the next one or time...I did catch the press conference before the speech, so glad I did. due to the ongoing censorship happening.. I wish when the Internet began, the TV and movie rating systems were used and added a political opinion site to indicate it's political, and unfortunately not all said may be true...But that is what we voters have to sort out for ourselves...and if the wrong deal with one in office who did not serve us well and we have to elect someone different ...But the current problems are beyond that when our politicians face real crimes vs them that cannot be stopped when govt contractors made unaccountable for crimes do the deed to destroy made such by the law of 12/02 which hurts the politicians as much as all of us...also.. when change cannot even be made...they wish to try and get done..
    So if one logs on to the link, you will find it "not available."  And this blog, shares info here and on other sites of all sides, and even just linked a conservative news site which covered the trip of Speaker Pelosi and other officials of the USA overseas in the middle of this horrible armed conflict, of the shed blood of all sides, as happens in war, and may it end soon, but many who follow Bible Prophecy are sure this maybe the Gog Magog war of Ezekial 38 which does not end until Israel is attacked and the Bible says for 7 months the dead are being gathered up and disposed of, which described a nuclear war took place..and Israel survives as the Devine plan for all of our eternal salvation has Israel as key to final events of the future. the people of the world do not want on any side..
    Not that sin does not happen there as it does all over...But its been the key since Abraham was called to get out of the wickedness of Babylon of Nimrod and go into the land where another King was called Melchizadek, which many scholars believe was Shem, one of the sons of Noah and still alive.. since humans still lived a long time.
     Theory due to the tilt of the Earth, gravity, etc, or whatever science may explain, we have had shorter lives as time went on...and we were finding health cures and treatments to have longer lives, but with this elite who thinks there are too many people around to populate the whole universe or even earth when we have not even begun to live in all spaces, or most land does not even produce food yet, and could.....So the warning about this elite and their genocidal plan is why the Georgia Guidestones were put up as it was known of the evil design and he did not agree as it did not agree with the Bible. at all. where each life is precious and if we reduce the population it will be by personal choice of not having as many children. which is the personal right of each person. but the shedding of blood since the first death of Abel to make it clear that Adam and Eve had really been lied to by Satan.....of eat and you will not die...and since then we have been dying until the plan of our redemption and overcoming evil is carried out with the first coming of Yahusha, to be part flesh and die and rise to make it possible in some way only the Divine knows and our resistance to the following evil will make it possible to rise also and live eternally if we believe on Him and heed the call at His Second coming which many think maybe sooner than later.
     So, I watched the speech, and all of a sudden it was not available since I had gone to the beginning and the press conference with a small group of reporters before the speech and only have most to consider.
Much, is already known and covered and of course, the real concern of all is to have no taint on any future one of the current Us Senators in our state Inhofe who helped me years, ago then abruptly would not as I am a crime victim and he did not wish to be involved in helping me against the criminals as he said crimes were being committed and refused to even help me with information at all...Of course, he bowed to the gag order rule I had not known of since 12/02 when govt contractors rule and the govt nor congress has agreed by rules severely enforced with threats and false or spurious charges and scandals blown out of concern of long ago that were not even crimes,,,,, and HE BOUND HIMSELF AWAY  from helping me or others.  This has been shared in this blog and one can use the search at the top of the post to show the posts were done..of more details.
        As shared many times, Cong Dan Burton has my files in the late 1990s as chair of govt reform committee and said my case was what is needed for such as every weakness in the law, then had been used against me...and he ended up destroyed when he followed mine right into Chinese money in Clinton Campaign...and that is all commonplace in all political parties now...all over... And he's an out-of-wedlock child, years ago he supported and no crimes were involved by him... He resigned. for doing his job? for the people? 
        When his initial reaction was to help and did intervene and processing and paying of claims as ordered to be reinstated by agency judges ordered...
        So the party is scrambling for who will run, since he had been in for years, and the people resent him many times..since 2002.  He was NOT one who was there to vote in 2002 for the overthrow of the govt and I do not think he was aware of the law until he helped me as any member of congress should with the gross violations and horrors done so well documented...and did. Until HE FACED the cabal ruling and the gag order rule to cover it up...and woe to any who even wants to do what is right...and take back our rulership to our representatives which we expect to serve us and not this interlocked beast system of revelation that our nation and others and UN also have to rule them...And why no data or facts can be audited or false reports even investigated and prosecutions of the govt contractors involved... and the core root of the current horror all of us have gone through for the last few years and lawlessness and intentional harm even to too many deaths since 2002,  
    And what many are not aware of that suspension of many laws being enforced goes back to 1994, in health care and stopping of looting of the public treasures as by 2002 there was thefts and illegal alterations of our personal records which none are protected not even medical on the govt paid for govt contractors under no such laws... 
    How can we have a govt that will serve the people, and each one of our rights, if the law forbids it...and the unwillingness with real crimes being committed vs our representatives to destroy them in any way, as a trial might reveal who is making the accusations and they be revealed and those truckers headed to DC ARE GOING FOR the general cause of the abuses of power to petition our govt to do what is right and serve us well as the US Constitution says, "for the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation." so each of us can be treated fairly and legally when dealing with our govt. and we all have personal, financial and so many data of even phone calls and emails and cameras everywhere, etc. about each of us in the control of the UNACCOUNTABLE GOVT CONTRACTORS and NO oversight to stop abuses and crimes committed vs us even to end our lives. It happened due to a few, in criminal conspiracy making it happen and maybe a quorum was not even present in the US Senate when they voted unanimously and did not take a roll call 20 years ago to end govt oversight and protection of the USA...but for the Dept of Defense.
     as Sec Rumsfeld, who had been part of a lot of policies and things that did not end well for us....and he knew whoever was president had to have the defense contractors under oversight or they could make weapons and sell than all over the world and do it will money looted from the people's money... He began 'blowing the whistle on a lot he was part of and did when he did the talk shows for his book and after he exposed on MSNBC< never saw him on TV again...And he has passed on now, but thank him for what he did share, as it was part of the whole of facts, like missing pieces of a puzzle, I am still trying to put together of the personal horror that affected me as part of much that has gone on for the last 30 to even 50 years... Have we ever fully overcome corruption to removed the rights we are to have as citizens of a nation and the right to be the rulers through our votes? 
        This chapter deals with personal behaviors we are to follow but seems to be much of what we are to be like and do when we are part of even legal or government proceeding or have position with respect to governing...and that does mean having it untrained and a model for high ethics and to reflect some basic laws of no harms to person or property either...And our very thoughts and opinions need to reflect that also, we can disagree, but as one link was today, who said Speaker POlisi might not be sober in meeting with key leaders oversees, I added caution before that link if I had done  a sobriety test so could not say its truth...) One thing we were all cautioned about years ago when I went to work for the govt in 1968, and we were in charge and expected to serve the people well for their rights or congress was on it right away...(once upon a time)
 and contractors even had onsite govt reps inside them to make sure everyone followed the policies and procedures as the govt expected all to be treated the same...Perfection in humans is not possible since th fall of humanity, but we can at least try...And the caution was when filing reports to not make an allegation if we had no proof it was true... Often when describing one who was filing for disability and maybe was, this or that,  what was true was actual descriptions and let the doctors decide what the symptoms described were medically fact...of the diagnoses given for the claim.. 
    False info can lead to harms that affect all of us...and it ends with our now broken system....and it means sincere people trying to help are hampered from life-saving situations coming out for good, when the info in training was not truthful.....and to me, the truly guilty and morally unconstitutional actor is not the one who thought they were doing the right and best thing, and was led into hell and harm by real evil among us and much is coming from govt contractors of this internal cabal with power and greed and some agendas most of us abhor and goes against our beliefs of any kind of faith or even ethics for those who do not have one...
        What, may happen is the internet not be free and we have to pay by donation of some amount for any info we wish to access...but official govt ones...prepared by govt contractors often and impersonating they are govt and govt phone numbers in violation of our laws to state their corporate name and what agency contracted to..AND THIS SIMPLE VIOLATION DONE BY NEARLY ALL MEANS MOST THINK THEY CALLED OR DEALT WITH GOVT AND NEVER DID... And worse when one is reporting a crime or med watch adverse reaction and the offender's interlocked company takes the report....and that includes the FBI, and the horrific issues from the screening of reports that never get through to the real law enforcement parties in govt to see if the info is part of the bigger puzzle or even missing pieces to stop crimes if it's not the govt contractors and then we are helpless victims all of us...when our govt cannot protect our rights, and public funds, or uphold our laws, even our rights of rulership in voting.. as federal money paid for a lot of machines a few years back, and contractors were helping count votes all over and not just the one election either....and how many even know it was against the laws of the stats. or NO AUDITS OR PROSECUTIONS by feds whom the states have relied on with shared funding....and the states have little budget to take on some of the international entities...
    Many state attorney generals are working together, on many parts of govt and issues now, but we CAMPAIGN ISSUE IS GOVT HAS TO BE ABLE TO ENFORCE ITS LAWS, OUR PUBLIC FUNDS AND THE RIGHTS OF EACH OF US UNDER OUR LAWS....and that was removed in 12/02.. and why the cover-up? and real fear to go along by those whom we asked to serve us? We have a lot to clean up, and not a bunch of crooks got elected but good people went and found they have no rights for their own protection to do their jobs legally, so our rights of even life are upheld...or keep wars from breaking out when the ones in control seem to be directing that sin of wars when most of the people of this world would like to figure out ways to get along with our individual rights respected..
        In the name of Yahusha, help us struggle against the principalities of evil which defy all the good ways You wish us to have and follow....Prayer for those in grave need now for their very lives in health concerns as well as caught in war zones and as natural disasters surround many, now we have refugees fleeing battlegrounds, and how soon will the order go out in all our land that those men from 18 to age 60, have to stay and fight for their own country....and may not even know or understand why or how their land became a battleground...due to matters from the highest elite..whom we never elected to represent us... And may those in power in this world, by inheritance conquering or elections find You and Your ways as a good way and repent of wrong and stop it and turn to good and have salvation in You for all of eternity..
        And one day would like to be able to watch or listen to all sides and candidates without someone in charge deciding what we should hear and know...When we would like the freedom and free will to decide for ourselves....and the discussion from all sides to persuade us what is the best way to solve problems and do good for one and all of us and our sovereign if we cannot be repeated r our own person or people we form nations with, then where is our freedom You made us have and use our free will for good, for me, us and all...we can help as one,  as a nation in agreement for the world...  May the Holy Spirit lead us in this world to a fair and just deal as seems most of us cannot even figure out what each side killing each other even want...and if its what all parts of each side want we are in a hell on earth and need Your help before it gets worse and prays all sides to pray for Your Divine guidances...In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!

        Now to find a site like GETTR OR RUMBLE and others to watch the end of the what our leaders or candidates do or say, is important as we each have to decide...matters and this is a shakeup in OK> as all assumed Sen Inhofe would run and win as usual....and none to help me,  but that has been true of all since 12/02. but for those who did not know of the law...and many new ones did not until they were in trouble for trying to help... Everyone in political or govt office is crucial for each of us in our daily lives when everything has govt involved and THE GOVT IS NOT ALLOWED TO BE IN CHARGE TO EVEN OVERSEE ALL IS LEGAL AND RIGHTS OF EACH UPHELD...and my case will show it's not for years, even before the 12/02 law...for weaknesses that needed to be corrected and that was ended by influences that should never be... 
    Seems we need some kind of new FBI with a division that upholds the rights of our elected leaders from criminal conversions. which cannot be stopped now due to the law of 12/02...None of my members of Congress or presidents, etc...should be victims of crimes for being our representative...and they do not have rights the ones who wish to clean up corruption have no chance of doing so...and not have real harms done to them or loved ones...  and this is worldwide now..too often the same..
Prayers for the whole mess to end...and for even those in office now....we have issues with, to have their Damascus Road moments (Christians know this as Paul hunting down early Christians,,, met the risen Christ on the road and stopped and changed and became one of the main evangelists of early Christianity until executed by Ceasar who did not wish to give up being a god and tyrant and let some follow the one of peace and love...Some of Paul's letters are now part of the Christian Bible...and as one of the learned scholars of his day, well understood the full meaning of Christ's teaching and who He was when confronted with the TRUTH... and stopped the wrong way, and chose to fully the good instead, even at a great personal loss...even of his life.
        Linda Joy Adams 2/26/22

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Friday, February 25, 2022

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        Like many Christians, the focus was directed to the New Testament for our faith to show us the way to live and treat others and worship. And the Old testament had lots of stories, and ones to admire among the prophets and lyrics to songs we still sing. Even the 23rd Psalm is considered a classic in literature for anyone to read or sing. We find the judgments from these early court rulings as precedents for others to be too harsh and even unconstitutional under our governing rules and laws today...But we are nearly 4000 years into better understanding and evil is here but not among most who with the good, and reject evil and harshness. We judge in our legal systems by all we know they did not and even have huge levels of how bad is a crime and the concept of redemption by one who may be redeemed in our human view can lead to even probation and help to overcome whatever led one to commit a crime...But we do see the civil remedies of payment to loss, also which taking away the thief's hand does not help the one robbed, but some kind of restitution can help. make the victim more whole of the loss...We have a lot to learn of what is fair and just yet, and to help make sure we have good laws that have the best results and better even help in some way as a society to not raise or lead some into breaking laws...And if a bad law, then needs to be changed and made good and admit it was not good, and we are glad the wrong is made right as soon as realized...
    We know of germs and how picking something off the ground can make one sick, especially if a rabid animal already ate on it...etc.. and if one got sick....dealing with it, found little understanding of how to heal, or save one life or if others would get sick also...
    and this is a million people who have no city or places of healing....a nomadic people for 40 years in isolation and how does one deal with one murdering or stealing? no way to put in jail and maybe they decide not to do it again?  Laws made in history do reflect the culture and way the people lived and type of society etc...and are made for that time and place and can be changed if they follow the basic governing documents and prime directive...just as we do now and some times the judge or judges if a panel like our US Supreme court will say the law is not good, or part is not...and the law is overturned as it violates the US constitution or basics of humanity even of caring for one another...etc.  
     And dealing with all the wars, and not fully understanding all of the histories of the world, the people of Yah had come out of and few even realize that by checking the math, it's statistically improbable that each of us alive today did not have one or more among those who walked out of Egypt with Moses and learned a whole new way of living based on what we know call human rights. Or as the founders of the USA declared on 7/4/1776 inalienable rights we are given from the divine.
    The journey for this individual independence only began that day, and it wasn't until the 20th century that the last group of humanity got equal rights.  Humanity really has been a little slow learning what we were blessed to be as unique and wonderfully made individuals and our special calling to be the overseers of creation under Divine direction...of Love for us, we are to share with each other.
       Then after all the wars on wars, and sometimes forgetting the Bible is the entire faith history of humanity from the first couple and they're being duped by evil to fall into a state of flesh that could die in getting all knowledge before they could understand to use it for good, etc...and do understand, my sharing is based on personal study prayer for guidance and many teachers from earliest childhood, and even today, learned much in the study...But the more one learns the more one understands how little we still know of all things, and why we have a Divine I AM WHO I AM...whom we know in our souls loves us always, even when we forget to thank Him for it...
     A faith journey, that with all kinds of knowledge being discovered now, and so many interpretations of just what we know or think we know yet, we can only share, and help each other to come to a closer and personal relationship with our Divine Creator, we know as three in one. yet does anyone fully know and can fully understand all truth.. Many have lost the basics of who they are, and most did not have ancestors who knew Christ in His first coming....but they did know Him back in the desert in isolation from a wicked world of human life having little value, but to be a slave for their leaders who were 'gods' to be worshipped and do as they said, or be killed even as humans who seem to become tyrants after they begin to think of themselves as the divine...or they would be more just and fair, even if a total ruler as their eternal soul could be lost..
    And the people under such an evil, often believed their own salvation was obeying that human leader and the Bible is a story of real persecution by empires with leaders who became tyrants and must be worshipped....and even their own lives and babies sacrificed as worship...That is a 'strange god' we are taught not to worship in some translations of the simple constitution of 10 commandments that the 10th is directed more to one in charge, of NOT TO ABUSE POWER WHEN IN AUTHORITY...( COVET IN HEBREW HAS  DEFINITION OF THIS and this concept of separation of church and state and a leader as a servant of the people and not a god of them was instantly understood in the ancient world as it was not the way of the all..and even into the last century. and some still follow this premise of a leader being worshipped and obeyed as we do of the real deity.
 Even if many have some different ideas of who or what...and when we idolize our leaders as if they are messiah...we let them down as well as ourselves... Our leaders on all sides of this armed to war that could annihilate all of us,,, needs our prayers more than ever so they follow the good and not fall into the deceptions of the evil one bent on the annihilation of all of us and creation itself..
        This does not mean, that all faiths are equal, but that we have had the same historical roots and most all the world, has the basics of freedom and free will and caring for one another and human rights. and even civil rights..and we are called to ALL be kings and priests...and with nearly every adult in this world now ruler at the ballot box, and a heart of caring and compassion as most know is the good, way, and have programs and help, even on an international level to help when there is great need.  That did not exist in a world led by death and destruction and gods who ruled and woe to anyone who questioned them or got in a truck and headed to petition their leaders "for redress of grievances" in a peaceful manner...
    And as the freedom convoy heads out now, please do not let it be led into any violence as evil wants the freedom to fail and prayers for all. and for our government to address the issues,,, and in the USA and around the world, this is more than issues from covid or mandates but that, like in the USA we have a law since 12/02 of NO GOVT IN CHARGE as the real govt cannot audit or prosecute when crimes of the worse have been committed of those who are in total and virtual control of us and the nation, but for the Dept of Defense who left that still under the president...and pray he leads well for all of us..
 But not one penny of existing budget can be used to oversee if laws are upheld and monies not stolen as so much has been documented it is....and all that cannot even get to the real govt to act,,, All our data and info even medical cannot even be audited or protected in the control of those in charge as govt contractors....and although, many programs are shared funding with the states and local govts , the states do not have the wherewithal to take on an international beast system of govt contractors of one interwoven system that even if one is not part, and trying to be ethical......they are t8ied into illegal systems designed to blatantly steal from the public treasuries of the world.
And this model has gone to boardrooms of major international corporations who do not govern or manage either, but contract that out....and we are already enslaved with our rights removed of even life when NONE HAS A GOVT TO ASK TO STOP THE CRIMES VS THE PEOPLE, THE GOVT AND LOOTING OF THE PUBLIC MONIES.......AND DEFYING LAWS....AND INSTEAD OF CONGRESS PUTTING THAT RIGHT OF GOVERNMENT TO UPHOLD OUR LAWS AND DEAL EVEN WITH SECURITY OF THE NATION WITH SUCH LAWLESSNESS.....THEY PUT A GAG ORDER RULE ON THEMSELVES TO AID IN COVER-UP SINCE 12/02.
    Any member of Congress who does not add back in the right of oversight does not serve us, but the opposite with too much loss of life even....And those in govt are not to lie and pass on what the govt contractors say is truth, when they have no access to even know what is truth and data and records withheld by the cabal and even judges orders not allowed to have TOTAL CONTROL OF A  NEW KIND OF god that defies all of the efforts of human history to finally have we the people in charge and we seem to come full circle back to the one of evil giving the orders...and many nice people work for this cabal and by the time they figure out what they are now enslaved to....they have been trapped as all of us are,,,, with those we thought we elected to take care of things for us....and seems even those who wish to do what is right,  are trapped and real criminal threats to even life....And the govt is not snooping on all of us....that can be arrested for abuse of the info on all of us....EVEN IF JUST SOME SCANDALOUS BUT LEGAL MATTER... that can end a political career...
    This is the issue that got us into the confusion and real harms about this pandemic that too many lost their lives and still is over not being able to even know the truth until way too late and still the govt cannot know or prosecute govt contractors who knowingly broke laws and the human misery and loss of livelihoods and lives far exceeds even what a virus led us to with no govt able to get the truth from contractors....and if officials did know then they do need to be dealt with by our legal systems as some in charge as officials have been on this same pattern of harm rather than health for 33 years now..
  Many signs above and astrology came later at the Tower of Babel and another in history who decided to be a god and have one world religion and govt, and Divine intervention dispersed them as the Bible story says,,,,, and the human sacrifice as worship and atrocities  that was the general way of the world, whereas today, some follow such and more duped into it....but most of the world may not worship and know the whole of who the Divine is, but much of the teachings of goodness, caring and freedom learned in the desert by our ancestors and one day, it's been said, we will know HIm and those who still choose the side of evil will be removed in the day of wrath at the second coming of Christ...which some think is the first coming of the Messiah and we will have a time of peace...And the Bible and many belie that believe will be led to safety and not suffer that final day of wrath,,,, but we are going through a time of tribulation when the grain is put in the threshing floor for the so the shaft and sins, etc are removed  with a wooden tribulum so we are the golden grain  we were meant to be before evil stepped in and led us astray,
    In the Lion of Judah, above the daughter of Zion or Leo and Virgo as we know them in our daily horoscopes which cautions we need to take....for such...But the brightest star in THE LION OF JUDAH IS KING OF KINGS....and the Bible refers to Christ which is the Greeks name of Yahusha, as the Hebrew name of the KING OF KINGS .....the leaders of this world, are accountable to and the Bible shares our history of humanity and relationship with Him, we often forget to follow and end up in a whole lot of trouble for how we treat each other....and a real struggle with evil and its cohorts.
    JUPITER or whomever that one is in the real world....hs come down into the corruption of evil back on 9/23/17 as the star map of Revelation 12 showed us a one-time event above that I think is the SPHINX  in Egypt and the line up of the Pyramids with the Orion constellation which is also referred to in Job..sure has a lot of signs called weapons hanging from that line up of its belt of stars...
     So as one of faith, who reads in the n bible of the fallen angels around having children with the daughters of humans...on earth...I am not expecting aliens to show up and make friends with but some of another side, best to let Christ deal with....and for me, the mystery of the some who are and many may have some of that fallen angel blood in them......tHE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST AS PART FLESH SEEMS TO BE A REDEMPTION FOR ANYONE OF FAITH is the sign which is also the Lion of Judah connected by the 12 tribes of Israel as the people of promise to be given the signs and teachings for the whole world to Egypt if one of faith of the Bible would believe as the promise of the future salvation was given at the time of the expulsion from the Garden of Eden to know that one day...redemption would be......but the KING OF KINGS STAR ONLY WENT TO THE PAWS OF THE LION AND HAS NOT COME YET....And there is a major lineup on the FEAST OF PURIM that cannot be ignored and anyone who studies the stars...cannot miss...
    Astrologers are declaring the AGE OF AQUARIUS IS HERE....and what does that mean?.. Is it the 1000 years of peace and love and no evil to deal with under the King of Kings the Bible says will come with His second coming as such and not as the suffering servant as the first time in part flesh to die and rise so each of us gotten into flesh state that can die by the devil in the garden of Eden....can now also rise as many did at His resurrection back then.....and much documents that too much have been locked away in the Vatican and maybe other places of this world ....but some sources remain as the Bible also shares.....and then ascended for us to carry on the work of Salvation and sharing the good way until one day...we will be given the signs to get ready for His return....and the day and hour will not be can it with the calendars altred from the one given to the people in the desert and the ones of commerce that have also changed..over human history...
    KAY BALLARD has a YOUTUBE SITE called ELIJAH AND MOSES....and has a current podcast and as many are realizing some things have been read for centuries and did not notice what was there...and part of the knowing the time by the moon and stage of growth of the grain, barley to start the year...was given by the Divine to have the Passover meal to remember all and it is even incorporated into our Christian services...more and more now. as our historical roots become known they are....and THAT WAS EATEN BY THE DIVINE CALENDAR IN EGYPT which is counted by when the Grain of Barley is headed but not yet ripe...around the Spring solstice.. and the date would be different in differing growing zones of the planet...Look in any seed catalog or even on a packet of garden seed and check to see what planting zone you live in....and the sooner it warms up in the Spring, the grain will be further along....and SHE SHARED THAT ISRAEL IS MORE NORTH AND WOULD NOT BE THE SAME DAY OR HOUR...when the Barley heads were green and then later became ripe and golden to harvest..and a major grain all ate even the poor person's bread grain...and it's in much of our bread today...we eat, and it's not all wheat...
        Online sharing of so many, haveing discoveries which the Almighty is given credit for when the Bible says, the day or hour...will not be known...if we celebrate the feast days, which many believe has a 'sign' line of events of Christ's first and second comings as info about to know and be ready,, but what year, day or hour....WHAT GROWING ZONE DO YOU LIVE IN? 
  In my area, it's been in flux for many years now as there are changes, and some have us in zone 7 and zone 8. but forget growing cherry trees here said to make it in zone 7, at least it's not worked for me and many sellers no longer say we are zone 7..and the weather is so changing now...from one day to another that container growing or greenhouse or covers to put on and remove may be best until we get through these times and nature settles down for it to have peace again.
        Many have differing interpretations of the signs and all wish for a time of peace and if that is what the Age of Aquarius is,, as a Christian, it's with Him being present here and we call it the 1000 years of peace instead and is it INCLUDES THE PRESENCE OF THE KING OF KINGS HERE AND  HE RULES.  but we still do also, under His watch for evil to not be around..and the details we will know when the time comes...we are not enslaved mindless they would defy all He made us be.......and we being free to use our free will to care ....and may none of us choose to follow the evil one and its cohorts and end up bound away for the next 1000 years, until the final judgment and on into eternity for those who believe in the good and wish nothing to do with evil and it's enslaving ways...
    Another good source has become active on Facebook again and that is Sherry Delville found her site one day with no current posts....and SHE HAS A GIFT FOR FINDING THE SCRIPTURES THAT SEEM TO GO WITH THE SIGNS ABOVE  to help understand how messed up this world got led into with the mystery Babylon alterations and meanings at the TOWER OF BABEL.....And really enjoy here site and find it inspiring...even if one is not trying to figure out the signing line....into the future. Others also and I link many and my Youtube is linking others and began using it as a resource for those to follow and watch.. just as this blog began as...and evolved into much more. 
   Most trying to figure things out, have been found, by me to be sincere in their faith and hope all respect the effort even if we might have a different interpretation, one-day TRUTH WILL RETURN and we will know...and the in the celebration...that IS..
    A few, have used the efforts of many to mock the Devine...and I have not shared the effort to share the good news, is not going to be mocked by those who are only trying to still defy the basics of even having an Almighty and a return....Fake news has been around since the Garden of Eden. and some day, the divine judge will deal with your future and prayerfully repentant heart...and make it on into eternal life. All are invited and may all be on the good side by then...

    In the name of Yahusha, may all come to know of Your good news for each of us to be saved in and through You...Prayers for healing for self and others.. and may the international meeting for liquid oxygen for life to be sustained for all continue best for health and life, even as the evil of wars is already causing deaths and injuries...
    Help the leaders of our nation and those who rule come to some common sense and fairness and justice ad for me....why when te USSR get rid of communism so You could be worshipped again didn't the follow a model of govt like the USA where individual states had rights but a federal govt for matters that cross state lines and have national efforts needed....We fail to keep this from corruption and not give the best example of how it can work but seems we have had one of the better models of all time....and just the effort of all to oversee it works for us well under Your ways of good, many are having to find out what some like me have already that if we are the Kings, under You as King of Kings....then we also serve each other in whatever way Your Holy Spirit leads us to do if its more than just vote and ask You for guidance when we do...and if one does not serve us well, then the primaries are crucial...for another to b asked to go serve us well....and do the best they can....and we send You are prayers for their success...
    Even as I do now for those in charge in the USA which is not even our govt much of the time....and all that can be made right by following You and may it be so.. Prayers for those caught in all kinds of disasters in this world now....natural and human-made or caused.. and may we have a peaceful demonstration next week to petition our govt to fix the root causes of current issues...which has already cost too many lives over the last 20 years and back to the last 33 years and back 6000 years and all of human history...and before and in the Garden of Eden.. We really do not know what time it is, and one day all will be Truth as You are the Truth and way to eternal life, and may I and all of us make it through and not let evil send us into a deadly detour from You...In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!

       This chapter of Exodus and much more of early laws. do reflect the culture and times and crimes and disputes and how their understandings led to how to deal with lawbreaking.  Its a foundation, and some may not seem to follow that directive of Love one another as He loves us....and when Christ came the first time,,, to 'fulfill the law" did He mean to get to where we are closer to have our laws follow our overriding document of a constitution which it and the amendments over time....added more to make it meet the concept of inalienable right for all...Our founders, in the USA, did not complete the work on 7/4/1776, but they declared the ideals we should follow, and over the last 248 years, we have made a lot of good forward movement in human history, which at times evil really tries to end....and may we not annihilate ourselves and creation by getting duped again by evil and its cohorts whom we have some more time to deal with...and overcome the temptations it offers as we know better it is not the good way of freedom and love at all...for all and by all. ALL MEANS EVERYONE!

    Linda Joy Adams 2/25/22