
Monday, February 28, 2022



        Reading this chapter again before starting to type, had the events on the place of the return of the one we worship as the Word made flesh, realized as we hope and pray for the redemption and salvation of His second coming and all He will do to make this a heaven on Earth., have to realize what have we done for Him.
        He asked us 2000 years ago to share the Good News of salvation and go and share and baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy all of the human family will be personally prepared to accept the invitation He offers for only good, for eternity..and the removal of evil so we can be at peace...Freedom and free will only be led by good as evil will not be around to tempt us to do any other choice.
    Here, the words of giving because we wish to do reflected in the words of the 'cheerful giver.
 for any other is enslavement to a master we do not feel free to even honor...let alone follow..
We give because the use of the offering is for us as well as others...We know we helped make this or that or in this chapter a sanctuary for the dwelling of the presence of the Almighty to be present in...
Even as we know have the Holy Spirit anywhere and prayers can go forward in a personal relationship from any part of creation from each of us, we have to realize as we ask for and even thank Him for each of us to have our needs, met,,, we forget...that even though He has made all, and holds all in His Divine Hands there is a Word made flesh that does have a place in this universe to be the home base or sanctuary for us to meet and He to be present.
And in 70 AD what was present on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem was destroyed and nothing is there now, not even a Tabernacle or beautifully made a super tent for the rituals of faith which all of them The ones looking for the first coming have in their tradition to follow, even as we Christians, are waiting for the second coming...and most believe His shed blood on the cross, was the final sacrifice needed,,, as He rose over death so pay the price and have the way for us to also rise one day and have eternal life, or those alive, be changed to never die...Redeemed back to the original state of humanity, before Satan duped us into ending up losing our eternal lives, we have now been returned to us, at the cross...and one day, never have to deal with death ever again.
    The presence of the Divine among us has been from the first coming and born as suffering servant with part flesh, began with the well-known words, even sung in songs as NO ROOM IN THE INN and His birth in a manager some scholars not believe was the place where the sacrificial lambs for the Passover first were kept...not far from Jerusalem which Bethlehem was... 
    And last year, over the blocked door, where He will return to and walk through at His second coming....had His sacred name grow over the closed door, by the plants to grown in the crevices of the stones which still stand...And since the those still waiting for the First coming are not to say or read the sacred name of Him, for it even to appear...was a shocking sign to kept hidden, even as those looking for the second coming...are now only refining they had His name changed by those inside the faith who tried to hide it also..
    And the history of the beloved King James translation when history is revealed he sacred names were included and then removed to insert the generic ones of Babylone or use Christ as the name often used by early Greeks used, which is a positive one...The shock, of what the names used for the last 500 years even used, even mean...shakes us to the find out the truth... I have no doubt, a loving and forgiving Divine..." forgives us for they know not what they do" and have a sincere faith. but how when we do know, can we go on as before and not begin to change and honor Him with all respect we can offer.
    So, the sign appeared and never knew what happened over near the wailing wall...not for from the closed and sealed up the door...where He is to walk through as prophecized even before His first His sanctuary...which is still rubble of stones...from 70 AD...
    Those of faith for the second coming...have not paid much attention to a place or sanctuary for 2000 years, as we believe we can worship in any place at any time, But there is a sacred honor and remembrance and at the second coming,,,, there is to be a sanctuary for Him to come to, isn't there? which the anti-Christ will enter and declare He is the real Messiah as many believe we are told in the scriptures of our Bibles.
    So as we wait patiently for His second coming...and some for His first coming all that is to exist as foretold is not in place yet. But the preparations have been made for over 30 years, as I worked with a woman whose son was there preparing to be a Temple Priest and in a short time, the whole Temple will be rebuilt as all is ready to put it back together...just as the scriptures of the Torah here says items were t be made in a certain way....a way of honor for one we worship, even if we disagree on some things,  that may surely resolve when He arrives with the hosts of heaven...
   And the wrath of His to evil and its binding prepares all of creation for all of us to believe and be saved and redeemed for always.....and we believe, both sides of this...of the resurrection of the dead of believers and who is in that group and who is looking for the first coming...That is not a human call....and the Almighty will and is in charge as always has been with no beginning and no end... I AM WHO I AM...who was, is, and always will be...John refers to a LOVE...and far more than the word in the Greek of reason and science and love, \    
    An unconditional love far more than our human minds can even think up....even as we are called to LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE is always that is part of us being created through Him and only good is present... 
    All is ready but for the political nightmare, of the place and exactly where is it? as even some say, the place of worship currently there may not be the place for another faith, that began with us and a thrid version of who our Divine Creator is...and seems to be on the other end of human thought on this...TRUTH IS COMING....but we have some final tribulation to get through before He arrives...and all the signs above indicate we are in the times for this end of our times to deal with evil, even as there will be one more brief encounter after the 1000 years of peace,.
    But surely, by then evil and its cohorts will not even phase us as we will be redeemed to never even give it any notice...that got us on this 6 thousand year journey back to our promise and hope of eternal good, and oversee creation under our Divine and loving master who gives us freedom and free will to be the 'cheerful giver' as we wish to be as nothing else gives us peace and joy of all that is good, as we know in our souls it is the way, the truth and life eternal...And may not one among us choose evil's side over our goodness of no sorrow ever with Him.
        In the name of Yahusha, help us through these times before the day of Your coming sooner or later, and may it be sooner...And prayers for healing as tonight and very tired from phone calls, that made it clear, no help for sustaining life is to happen, by the monopoly supplier of therapeutic oxygen in the USA but for a few sources.....and their regulations passed to force all others out of selling liquid or compressed air and forced to use up to 15% ozone into lungs....and official guidelines that fallow medical standards ignored by unaccountable govt contractors given full authority to make our laws, defy judges and too much looting of the public treasuries.....and what he real guidelines state since I was once asked what they were from inside the govt since 1968, we have had so many die now before they medially should for the harms done that ill4gal acts end with premature deaths...
     How many die of heart and other organ failures, no knowing they had slowly suffocated to death before their time....and a new study out, linked today to this blog, is that even those with PTSD have brains deprived of the level of oxygen they should have...So it's not just those of us with toxic or chemical injuries who meet the guidelines by diagnosis and a false reading of what is really going on as the heart fails and other crashes of our human body dies.....and the govt contractor wants to do the easy thing and induce permanent damage in your home by induced heart attacks as your really are dying to get the lower oxygen sat rate,  set at 88% in the mid-'90s from 91% which no doctor will now go to the harmful 88% when 91% does stress but not much harm done in the office and why n oximeter is allowed to be done on stress tests as it documents the inducing of permanent damage... to go full 6 minutes the heart weakens...etc. (read the real official and medically approved standards and rights won over the years by our legal system which is even inside govt of approvals and all should have the right to live as the one who strove for all in sam situation to have equal rights too. and none do now of masses and science is beginning to prove its worse than a few million and will real oxygen replace a lot of high-cost bottles of pills....time to let the doctors find out and follow the science that can be verified by the real govt for all of us...of, by and for us.
The oxygen is not where it needs to be, and only some have blockages to remove...For some, the oxygen is needed its organ pressures and read the guidelines based on our rights as put in a list by the govt by Director of Medicare n 2005, from the medical communities over the years at medicare of medically who needs oxygen and for most without the irritant gas ozone into the lungs...
And as one of my doctors said several years ago.... it a kind of hyperbaric situation created by pure oxygen into lungs and allowed no effort, etc...and its have medical terms and a few pages of diagnoses....that the case was made and approved in the past....and our legal and gov system I if one wins the right, then all like that do also...
     We have millions to be helped for what is cheaper than all kinds of bottles of pills of really high price, that cannot keep suffocating of organ tissues from being able to breathe...I am not a doctor, but have been of some of the best in the USA and even the world, and have been one inside th govt since 1968, one asked...And today the call to the govt contractor DOES NOT EVEN HAVE THE REAL GIDELINDS AVAILABLE OF EVEN THE SUPPLIER MANUAL...that ones one is approved for life by Medicare for oxygen then only a yearly prescription is needed  So what is that expense retesting being done by a whole team and cause damages, without EKG, no doctor would allow it to continue as harm being done to the body of the patient...
    Help save us from these evil ones who have taken control of our health care without govt oversight even at an international level of one interwoven cabal not overseen by any govt, as they have replaced our govts with no rights of any left to even be able to breathe or have all the rights we are to have under You... no govt to make any to obey the laws and rules and then cause bodily injury and premature death....and as for me,,, being in a situation and this happened to me in 2013 nd doctor running the stress test with oximeter in his office...with low sat rate and EKG caused dr trouble for doing it and the life-ending threat for real shown....and then THE CABAL MANAGERS AND RULERS.....DID NO GOOD AS LINCARE our money refused to still service and even member of Congress will not help and what will they do if this happens to them....some in this world think they will never face hardship or injury....and we are all still flesh and things happen every day....and this is the root cause of wars, that harm all of us...
    No attempt is being made to do even a drive through for pick up of the green bottle and not the bigger liquid oxygen tanks...used and exchanged safety for nearly 30 years with the little issue of safety....and seems evil is going to block the right to breathe and break the laws and rules...and why does such exist that would wish all of us annihilated and creation destroyed...
    I have sinned in my life, but with no harm to anyone....and to even do such evil for many, knowing its even illegal actions to do can even some be among the human misery and not wish to make it right and the laws and rules support it and more money is spent with scams and looting of public funds with no oversight....and the cost can be greatly minimized... I am glad I do not understand such evil as love and compassion is better even as great sorrow towards those who hung up on me over and over today, and I did not even have the strength to even raise my voice which did not do as defamed for just emphatically share the truth and laws a rule and what each was part of aiding and abetting...and how does one deal with hard-hearted Pharoah types so bound to disregard all the human suffering going on needlessly that legally should not be and they being ones able to help stop it, one by one....and for one and all...
    I bring this to You as the exertion of even talking has my sinus inflamed from the small munt of ozone, that three health plans know cannot tolerate and someone high up gave the order to never input an oxygen claim n I as IT WOULD BE PAID AND THE GIG WOULD BE UP  and the beast system of Revelation would collapse like a house of weak cards if one oxygen claim gets input at FECA or anywhere else....and has occurred by Federal employer plan and even medicate when first order to let me die was given and some processed my claims as they do for others who well qualify......and even Medicare regional office certified another supplier in 24 hours to save my life,  The three regulations had not been passed yet to force all out of the business of liquid or compressed air and do it cheaper by exchanging filled tanks... but that is now out of their control and NO GOVT IN CHARGE TO ENFORCE LAWS even to save our lives...Why didn't this become the defense for George Floyd's convicted murderer when he was trained by this cabal and other first responders to only go by oximeters....and his organs do too many every day, as theirs had gradually suffocated...
  May all use common sense when one is in distress even when one is being charged with crimes, they have not yet been convicted of or to be our legal systems  Ignorance has to be replaced by common sense that evil is around and ruling and lies cause people to die when followed.   Save us from what we have allowed happen to us...In Your Holy Name Yahusha, Amen!
        So the bad news is life is not going to be allowed by those in control in this world when the right to breathe is needed to be medically helped without harm of inflammation and swelling of tissues as up to 1/6th of the people can be harmed and the studies are coming out of how many organ failures will be added to the list of guidelines for oxygen...without ozone which concentrator has up to 15% sucked back in from cloud around and the filters on most are better, but not for those, who can not tolerate even parts per millions and what of anyone in the household...over prolonged time...They were to be banned in 2002 and then we got a law of no govt and the contractors say ozone is good to breathe overnight when it's not ever....and we still have bodies of flesh that can be inflamed and harmed....and bleed....and how can, those who seem to be good people wake up and face the horrors of evil they are aiding putting even common sense gone and checking out the law put us under tyranny and not even the govt we have to uphold the laws....and congress will not let them even use the rising budget as we get robbed and illegal acts to cause harm and death and that is illegal and used to be called murder.  now allowed by our ruling govt contractors and govt will not put the law back to stop it.
     So, tonight faced hard hearted pharaohs in charge and seem to have no regard for themselves or their loved ones who can end up in a struggle for life, as this evil has no regard for anyone...from one who has never been arrested for one stopped who was a suspect and still was to have rights, and met this falsely trained first responders who believed their training as the official ones and was and never has been....and now those who believed their rulers who are not our rulers one in jail for murder and for a cop to be there...WHY DIDN'T HIS DEFENSE PUT THE FALSE TRAINING ON TRIAL...and others led by this evil who seem to think govt is perfect and we not even have a govt to enforce the laws....they were falsely led were being followed... Every day, we have some among us  GEORGE FLOYD'ED and if that man addicted and suspect and whatever else in his life,, not good, he was still a human being who is met with a chance to get free of addictions and past, could have been a help to society as anyone can and why we used to call rehabilitation as part of our legal system to afford a chance to redeem their lives so society can be helped and they be saved also....It the faith that makes us caring....even when we do have to stop those who do us harm....and we have some in charge now, who are not even the govt who has done us all kinds of harms....of all of us....and being revealed over the last few years just how evil has occurred....and we have no legal systems to stop the harms and even losses of even lives before hey medically should occur...
    I choose to live,  but the rulers do not wish it for me and so many, and while some think the Bible refers to nuclear war causing massive deaths, but seems we may already have lost the first 1/4th of the world by these kinds of illegal acts by even our own govts not overseeing the laws and stopping harms to cause premature those they foolishly turned the rights of each of us for even life to some who coerce all to follow their deadly defiance of the Divine of life and love and human rights, and here and around the world....allowed to do so..
        Linda Joy Adams 2/28/22

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