
Sunday, February 27, 2022



         When we focus on the current or recent we can miss the full wonder of hope and promise of history.
Even as we struggle to know to overcome evil and its sneaky, horrible deceptions to do us into total annihilation, we know the good of eternity is ahead for one and all of us, and all we have to do is reject hate and evil for love and caring for one another and the Almighty who created us and loves us unconditionally and the part of this three in one Divine that IS, WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE...who has not given up on our freedom and free will we were given by HIm to follow Him through to eternal life,,,, once He came as promised from the beginning of the fallen state of loss of eternal life to one be regained by our Love and Faith in Him...
    A mystery of the cross of death and resurrection of the Divine Who loves us so much He came as part flesh to die to that fallen state and rise to eternity making it possible through His suffering and shed blood the way for each of us to follow one day when this time of history of the journey back to salvation has been completed and He returns with the host of heaven to remove evil and its followers, And may not one of us decide to follow its way and find eternal salvation with Him one day...
     As we watch and pray for all those caught in war zones now, there is a foretold history being unfolded and we pray for the salvation of even out current physical survival from wars, as well as the worldwide natural and human-made hardships already put in place with the Beast system of Revelation for the overthrow of the people of the world's own govts, been replaced by an international cabal as manages and contractors of govts and huge international corporations with control of every facet of our lives, and even the right to even live done by our own govts and laws they made to give this entity control and deny even access to data and records of the people and their govts which are to uphold the law and protect the rights of the people to have all their govt entrusted records to be kept accurate and not illegally messed with to cause grave harms of theft, harms of even death,
     And falsifications made to harm others as our medical info to get some drug or device to market..or end up with no safe oxygen for millions without up to 15% ozone to inflame and cause harms to millions just in the USA>...where most who medically qualify by even govt trashed by a near worldwide monopoly, which finances much of the beast systems overthrow of our govts and our personal lives even to rights of personal ownership rights, our founders of the USA knew as part of our inalienable rights, which ownership of property and even our freedoms of personal thought and faith is the basis of happiness...Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness...which to be to not be enslaved to another, or govt, but are free to have right to personal ownership and live under a govt that respects our rights, as long as we do not harm others rights and have to stand before a fair and just legal system.

    All these rights were declared in a founding DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE when England's govt found itself enslaved by a former international cabal that even promoted slavery of stolen people from another land, and the govt to be in charge had neglected to oversee govt and carry out the duties of govt and laws with justice and fairness for one and all who lived under it.
    That part is often not taught, if at all to our young. And if it was, then we might have been able to see the signs when some in our govt sold us out and got an earmark to a 6000-page bill that would end our basic rights of freedom and control of our govt for the last 20 years. (DOD left under the govt but the cabal is hired to manage to make our weapons and other things for war...but the oversight is legal to do by govt) ..It has been subtle, deceptive and even most in govt even in Congress seem not to even know and then real atrocities have occurred vs anyone trying to correct the horror of tyranny let loose her and around the world much the same,  Even into major corporations where the work is contracted out and as long as the stock market dividends keep coming in, they are left to do as they please, even as most often find they have one entity controlling them as well as competitors....and soon none of even those who THOUGHT THEY WERE IN CHARGE...then find out they ARE NOT... As evil has no regard for any one of us, or creation itself...For we deal with a head, hidden at the bottom of this horror that has been on a path of annihilation since the Garden of Eden and the deception done to Adam and Eve...we have been on a path of repentance and redemption for our eternal salvation ever since..
     So when Moses took 70 of the elders of the tribes and went up on the mountain part way with them,  they MET THE ALMIGHTY IN SOME KIND OF TRANSFIGURED FORM and knew who was the one who was, is, and always will be the one who has our best interests for us....and the way to salvation outlined to guide us back to the hope and promise of final redemption one day...
 The one in charge and we do not know His full battle plan, but we do know, the promise and hope are given to all and is real, as our ancestors were taken into His very a real way to know.
        How this is so often overlooked, is just part of the intentional separation of Christians from our historical roots which Yahusha, <Chrsst came to it did not take long for some to fall from the rules, and guidance is we deal with the evil that has had all knowledge but NOT ALL POWER to create as that is only the one  Moses asked what is Your name and the answer from the burning bush that did not burn...was I AM WHO I AM... and as shared before, when by the time of Constantine....Greek was the language of the Bible and later Latin..we lost some meanings and words, that seem to be unique to Hebrew of the historical first ones to receive the the desert with Moses, isolated from the horribly wicked world where life was of no value and human sacrifice was wars have to be fought to offer worship to the god of evil.....who never gets enough shed blood to satisfy until all of us are annihilated... We are so good now, that we find it hard to face that real evil has and still exists and expected will continue and we are called to be OVERCOMERS and not cover uppers or deniers of reality and not be deceived when we are in times of masters of deceptions of all kinds and we need each other to be able to share info, and our prayers with the Divine and let His Holy Spirit come and guide us to be aware of what to not follow or get caught or entrapped in...
    As we can have a personal relationship with the Divine, it chose to give up long defiance and 1/3rd of the angels of heaven fell into this with it...So do not be deceived about ancient ones of high intelligence and might fly in the Bible lets us know, we are dealing with this fallen group who has no regard for us, or life, love or goodness...or our pursuit of happiness......
or the one of DIVINE LOVE with a language of no beginning and no end...A love that even the Greeks could not find a word to describe...for it IS...and always will be...  Something the logic and reason of science of the Greeks, could not describe for it still defies our understanding of BEING ALWAYS...
        Moses was one chosen to go on up further and get the tablets etc....and its not fully revealed what went on but that the tables were given by the "hand of the Almighty"  and if one does the math its statistically improbable that anyone alive today, did not have one or more ancestors in the desert with Moses to live 40 years of daily miracles..we still cannot fully understand how all happened...Like shoes are worn for 40 years do not wear out...
    When I think of all the money spent on shoes for 40 years of any time of my life, that is a good chunk of cash... And checking my emails for some things to be taken care of first, saw some sales for shoes, and would most of the shoemakers even be needed if we only had to buy one pair of shoes every 40 years...unless we wished some special ones for an occasional event...and they would never wear out... Having had one in sports, lots of the costs of raising children in this era..of just special kinds of shoes...and if still growing, too small the next school year... We are thankful for having the money to help and even create non-profits to help those not so blessed...but much of the govt programs, contracted out to help, find with no oversight for 20 years by law,  and back another few decades by suspension of oversight by executive type orders we find our public funds, missing and the help we wish all to have...gone missing and where?...and as the rulers at the ballot boxes of the world, have we let things get lax in our own oversight to pay attention to whom we send to serve us, and replace those who do not serve us well as the taint of the process when the whole is not overseen to maintain confidence our will is being carried out...
     It is hoped, but face it that some one or few are expected, things would wear out, in this world,, but the Devine is the creator of all dimensions or heavens and even who ends up in the bottomless pit of hell....for the peace and happiness of all one day when we have some who will reject the good of eternal salvation after we have had a long journey of learning and understanding to know that evil is not good, for us....and not to be tempted by it, and choose the good for always, over the way of death and destruction and hate...

        In the name of Yahusha, help guide us with Your Holy Spirit to keep us from temptations of evil and lead us away from our personal relationship with You....
Prayers for healing and inflammation with false info given to our govt that all of us can tolerate an irritating gas called ozone and cannot....mixed into oxygen from concentrators as with no audits or access to records, false info of millions of us not even existing and will not survive as long as we medically should with 24.7 harm with each breathe..And may those who need to know, that about a 100 of the activated charcoal N95 mask inseerts in empty water bottle oxygen cups, and water traps.....can reduce or neutralize a lot to stay alive as I have been forced into bed fast and swollen inflamed lungs, and body, with bleeding at a timea in the most vulnerable since injury 1/10/89 (See DAILY RECAP ADDED 9/11/16 FOR INFO) life with harm, is still life alive.....and Pray for he international meetings going on about getting liquid oxygen hat is safe and best for millions like me, can bring some common sense back to ways to get the right to breathe without organs suffocating for years until the antiquated ways to pay for three years before one dies....when the damamte of full breathe being denied to slow down progression for longer lives has been lost inside the one in charge of info, and withheld and illegally altered and real crimes to intend to do harm and death  and the injustice of what You said to DO NOT KILL is a way of being for this few in control who convince masses by real deception its truth when the real mdicall data has never been that or now, and medical treatment standards from the medical profession has not been changed,,,,but had it chang4ed for them by falsified inflo which You said not to bear false witness and this is a deadly ongoing false witness when those ruling health care by our govts can do this to anyone and all of us in many ways... and the numbers from isisde the govt not allowed to stop it by a genocide, long before the cnflicitng info re Covid led by same bunch....has revealed how bad it is....for truth to be known.....And congressional testimony by Dr. Anthony Faucci, is that the govt contractor lied and filed false reports and the whole world has lost lives and livelihoods, and govts can not know a cannot audit to find out the truth (He has been referred for possible crimes, but legally could not know anything but some info may show possible illegal it takes those in govt to give out these contracts and not renew bad actors) no budget can be do do the world of govt we thought they were taking care of for our "general welfare and security of the nation" as our US Consitution mandates.....and ILLEGAL  now by law to be constitutional. and lawlessness has everyone; life at risk with NO GOVT IN legally protect it, with even the monies to do so, gone missing or scammed away and some of these been shared here since 12/08 when I was shocked after being inside govt since 1968, that this could happen and a trillions dollar theft of Medicare could not be stopped as Congress passed a law forbidding it...
    There is no national debt? and medicare and social security fully funded and not going broke, but for missing monies last seen at govt contractors or even sub-contractors which is rampant to hide liability even more.. with we the people owing  the money and in medicare we inherit overpayments, none of the victims even knew their claims were stolen and made into multiples by the illegally designed systems by govt contractors to make it disappear and feds and all over the govt even shared state and federal funded matters the feds were relied on for audit and prosecutions and civil suits to seize stolen monies...and many states were not aware that THE FEDS NOT ALLOWED BY LAW TO GO OFTER A CONTRACTOR SINCE 12/02... so bridges fall down,  the poor go homeless with monies to help gone, and look around at what needs to be helped or taken care of,  and for me am too aware that its MISSING AND STOLEN PUBLIC MONIES...WE ARE SEEING and a chance for others of the human family to have some change at a better life and even the programs to rise to self-sufficiency put in place,,,, stolen or even torn and burned down in protests in some cities....a couple of years ago......and a map out shows that money to help many get small businesses started seemed to be the very ones destroyed....EVIL IS A LIAR so violence used to destroy often is led by evil to stop the help to empower that was done for good of those less fortunate. it's overwhelming how bad it has become when the restraint of law is removed....and all of us are left at the mercy of those led to do harm not stopped...
    Help is needed from You and prayers for those in charge now, we wish would do what is right and good, and they are there and if they would do what is Your way of the goodness....then we would thank them and not have to wait to the next election and pray the ones who get in will not fall into entrapments of evil either...and serve us well.
    In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!

            People of even little faith, seem to be finding their way to pray for help in these times...and our govts cannot do anything if they are not allowed to legally act to know and oversee the work of govts and since 12/02, they often cannot as we seldom deal with govt as we deal with this cabal of contractors, and too often work and deal in commerce or receive health needs met by layers of this cabal financing and or managing and few even know who works for who as told not to tell....Not legal in the Federal govt to do this...but we deal with nice people hired due to them being so, and illegally trained and then one day, we make contact and are shocked and even defiant to know they are not entrapped in what one US Atty's said was the biggest organized crime ring in the history of the USA... I disagree, it's the world and human history as it's not the known world of ancient Rome who followed this model of govt not governing and contracting out with no oversight, and when the people rose up vs tyranny crushed and enslaved....and destroyed...And the most innocent gets crucified....for even speaking the truth and revealing the evil...
    This cabal has a master chosen of evil and it's not willing to give up the power attained over s and the shedding of blood, it is leading us into...Peaceful protests and petitions to our govts of good people in them and pray they will have the way to allow goodness, common sense and fairness and justice to be put back and running the world on unverifiable info and gossip and falsified info end so we can live our lives and care for one another....and the social problems have he money from us used for best for empowerment to freedom and self-sufficiency as a goal that is attainable...and not obstructed by some of this entity making money off of the entrapment of the poor...
        Linda Joy Adams 2/27/22

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