
Saturday, February 26, 2022



     To even try to have a blog and share even my own humble opinion of things, its basic to access all sides of issues. And when a major part of the people of a nation politically support one side and one popular possible candidate, its being informed to know what that possible candidate and one with great influence when support is made for other candidates.
    I was about 15 minutes late getting on the Right Side Broadcasting network, as easy to do for President Trump's speech...Other private venues surely carried it, and have not yet signed up for his new platform. So instead of just picking it up mid-speech, went back to the beginning....It was long and of course, he shared a lot of things, which will be discussed by one side or another until the next one or time...I did catch the press conference before the speech, so glad I did. due to the ongoing censorship happening.. I wish when the Internet began, the TV and movie rating systems were used and added a political opinion site to indicate it's political, and unfortunately not all said may be true...But that is what we voters have to sort out for ourselves...and if the wrong deal with one in office who did not serve us well and we have to elect someone different ...But the current problems are beyond that when our politicians face real crimes vs them that cannot be stopped when govt contractors made unaccountable for crimes do the deed to destroy made such by the law of 12/02 which hurts the politicians as much as all of us...also.. when change cannot even be made...they wish to try and get done..
    So if one logs on to the link, you will find it "not available."  And this blog, shares info here and on other sites of all sides, and even just linked a conservative news site which covered the trip of Speaker Pelosi and other officials of the USA overseas in the middle of this horrible armed conflict, of the shed blood of all sides, as happens in war, and may it end soon, but many who follow Bible Prophecy are sure this maybe the Gog Magog war of Ezekial 38 which does not end until Israel is attacked and the Bible says for 7 months the dead are being gathered up and disposed of, which described a nuclear war took place..and Israel survives as the Devine plan for all of our eternal salvation has Israel as key to final events of the future. the people of the world do not want on any side..
    Not that sin does not happen there as it does all over...But its been the key since Abraham was called to get out of the wickedness of Babylon of Nimrod and go into the land where another King was called Melchizadek, which many scholars believe was Shem, one of the sons of Noah and still alive.. since humans still lived a long time.
     Theory due to the tilt of the Earth, gravity, etc, or whatever science may explain, we have had shorter lives as time went on...and we were finding health cures and treatments to have longer lives, but with this elite who thinks there are too many people around to populate the whole universe or even earth when we have not even begun to live in all spaces, or most land does not even produce food yet, and could.....So the warning about this elite and their genocidal plan is why the Georgia Guidestones were put up as it was known of the evil design and he did not agree as it did not agree with the Bible. at all. where each life is precious and if we reduce the population it will be by personal choice of not having as many children. which is the personal right of each person. but the shedding of blood since the first death of Abel to make it clear that Adam and Eve had really been lied to by Satan.....of eat and you will not die...and since then we have been dying until the plan of our redemption and overcoming evil is carried out with the first coming of Yahusha, to be part flesh and die and rise to make it possible in some way only the Divine knows and our resistance to the following evil will make it possible to rise also and live eternally if we believe on Him and heed the call at His Second coming which many think maybe sooner than later.
     So, I watched the speech, and all of a sudden it was not available since I had gone to the beginning and the press conference with a small group of reporters before the speech and only have most to consider.
Much, is already known and covered and of course, the real concern of all is to have no taint on any future one of the current Us Senators in our state Inhofe who helped me years, ago then abruptly would not as I am a crime victim and he did not wish to be involved in helping me against the criminals as he said crimes were being committed and refused to even help me with information at all...Of course, he bowed to the gag order rule I had not known of since 12/02 when govt contractors rule and the govt nor congress has agreed by rules severely enforced with threats and false or spurious charges and scandals blown out of concern of long ago that were not even crimes,,,,, and HE BOUND HIMSELF AWAY  from helping me or others.  This has been shared in this blog and one can use the search at the top of the post to show the posts were done..of more details.
        As shared many times, Cong Dan Burton has my files in the late 1990s as chair of govt reform committee and said my case was what is needed for such as every weakness in the law, then had been used against me...and he ended up destroyed when he followed mine right into Chinese money in Clinton Campaign...and that is all commonplace in all political parties now...all over... And he's an out-of-wedlock child, years ago he supported and no crimes were involved by him... He resigned. for doing his job? for the people? 
        When his initial reaction was to help and did intervene and processing and paying of claims as ordered to be reinstated by agency judges ordered...
        So the party is scrambling for who will run, since he had been in for years, and the people resent him many times..since 2002.  He was NOT one who was there to vote in 2002 for the overthrow of the govt and I do not think he was aware of the law until he helped me as any member of congress should with the gross violations and horrors done so well documented...and did. Until HE FACED the cabal ruling and the gag order rule to cover it up...and woe to any who even wants to do what is right...and take back our rulership to our representatives which we expect to serve us and not this interlocked beast system of revelation that our nation and others and UN also have to rule them...And why no data or facts can be audited or false reports even investigated and prosecutions of the govt contractors involved... and the core root of the current horror all of us have gone through for the last few years and lawlessness and intentional harm even to too many deaths since 2002,  
    And what many are not aware of that suspension of many laws being enforced goes back to 1994, in health care and stopping of looting of the public treasures as by 2002 there was thefts and illegal alterations of our personal records which none are protected not even medical on the govt paid for govt contractors under no such laws... 
    How can we have a govt that will serve the people, and each one of our rights, if the law forbids it...and the unwillingness with real crimes being committed vs our representatives to destroy them in any way, as a trial might reveal who is making the accusations and they be revealed and those truckers headed to DC ARE GOING FOR the general cause of the abuses of power to petition our govt to do what is right and serve us well as the US Constitution says, "for the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation." so each of us can be treated fairly and legally when dealing with our govt. and we all have personal, financial and so many data of even phone calls and emails and cameras everywhere, etc. about each of us in the control of the UNACCOUNTABLE GOVT CONTRACTORS and NO oversight to stop abuses and crimes committed vs us even to end our lives. It happened due to a few, in criminal conspiracy making it happen and maybe a quorum was not even present in the US Senate when they voted unanimously and did not take a roll call 20 years ago to end govt oversight and protection of the USA...but for the Dept of Defense.
     as Sec Rumsfeld, who had been part of a lot of policies and things that did not end well for us....and he knew whoever was president had to have the defense contractors under oversight or they could make weapons and sell than all over the world and do it will money looted from the people's money... He began 'blowing the whistle on a lot he was part of and did when he did the talk shows for his book and after he exposed on MSNBC< never saw him on TV again...And he has passed on now, but thank him for what he did share, as it was part of the whole of facts, like missing pieces of a puzzle, I am still trying to put together of the personal horror that affected me as part of much that has gone on for the last 30 to even 50 years... Have we ever fully overcome corruption to removed the rights we are to have as citizens of a nation and the right to be the rulers through our votes? 
        This chapter deals with personal behaviors we are to follow but seems to be much of what we are to be like and do when we are part of even legal or government proceeding or have position with respect to governing...and that does mean having it untrained and a model for high ethics and to reflect some basic laws of no harms to person or property either...And our very thoughts and opinions need to reflect that also, we can disagree, but as one link was today, who said Speaker POlisi might not be sober in meeting with key leaders oversees, I added caution before that link if I had done  a sobriety test so could not say its truth...) One thing we were all cautioned about years ago when I went to work for the govt in 1968, and we were in charge and expected to serve the people well for their rights or congress was on it right away...(once upon a time)
 and contractors even had onsite govt reps inside them to make sure everyone followed the policies and procedures as the govt expected all to be treated the same...Perfection in humans is not possible since th fall of humanity, but we can at least try...And the caution was when filing reports to not make an allegation if we had no proof it was true... Often when describing one who was filing for disability and maybe was, this or that,  what was true was actual descriptions and let the doctors decide what the symptoms described were medically fact...of the diagnoses given for the claim.. 
    False info can lead to harms that affect all of us...and it ends with our now broken system....and it means sincere people trying to help are hampered from life-saving situations coming out for good, when the info in training was not truthful.....and to me, the truly guilty and morally unconstitutional actor is not the one who thought they were doing the right and best thing, and was led into hell and harm by real evil among us and much is coming from govt contractors of this internal cabal with power and greed and some agendas most of us abhor and goes against our beliefs of any kind of faith or even ethics for those who do not have one...
        What, may happen is the internet not be free and we have to pay by donation of some amount for any info we wish to access...but official govt ones...prepared by govt contractors often and impersonating they are govt and govt phone numbers in violation of our laws to state their corporate name and what agency contracted to..AND THIS SIMPLE VIOLATION DONE BY NEARLY ALL MEANS MOST THINK THEY CALLED OR DEALT WITH GOVT AND NEVER DID... And worse when one is reporting a crime or med watch adverse reaction and the offender's interlocked company takes the report....and that includes the FBI, and the horrific issues from the screening of reports that never get through to the real law enforcement parties in govt to see if the info is part of the bigger puzzle or even missing pieces to stop crimes if it's not the govt contractors and then we are helpless victims all of us...when our govt cannot protect our rights, and public funds, or uphold our laws, even our rights of rulership in voting.. as federal money paid for a lot of machines a few years back, and contractors were helping count votes all over and not just the one election either....and how many even know it was against the laws of the stats. or NO AUDITS OR PROSECUTIONS by feds whom the states have relied on with shared funding....and the states have little budget to take on some of the international entities...
    Many state attorney generals are working together, on many parts of govt and issues now, but we CAMPAIGN ISSUE IS GOVT HAS TO BE ABLE TO ENFORCE ITS LAWS, OUR PUBLIC FUNDS AND THE RIGHTS OF EACH OF US UNDER OUR LAWS....and that was removed in 12/02.. and why the cover-up? and real fear to go along by those whom we asked to serve us? We have a lot to clean up, and not a bunch of crooks got elected but good people went and found they have no rights for their own protection to do their jobs legally, so our rights of even life are upheld...or keep wars from breaking out when the ones in control seem to be directing that sin of wars when most of the people of this world would like to figure out ways to get along with our individual rights respected..
        In the name of Yahusha, help us struggle against the principalities of evil which defy all the good ways You wish us to have and follow....Prayer for those in grave need now for their very lives in health concerns as well as caught in war zones and as natural disasters surround many, now we have refugees fleeing battlegrounds, and how soon will the order go out in all our land that those men from 18 to age 60, have to stay and fight for their own country....and may not even know or understand why or how their land became a battleground...due to matters from the highest elite..whom we never elected to represent us... And may those in power in this world, by inheritance conquering or elections find You and Your ways as a good way and repent of wrong and stop it and turn to good and have salvation in You for all of eternity..
        And one day would like to be able to watch or listen to all sides and candidates without someone in charge deciding what we should hear and know...When we would like the freedom and free will to decide for ourselves....and the discussion from all sides to persuade us what is the best way to solve problems and do good for one and all of us and our sovereign if we cannot be repeated r our own person or people we form nations with, then where is our freedom You made us have and use our free will for good, for me, us and all...we can help as one,  as a nation in agreement for the world...  May the Holy Spirit lead us in this world to a fair and just deal as seems most of us cannot even figure out what each side killing each other even want...and if its what all parts of each side want we are in a hell on earth and need Your help before it gets worse and prays all sides to pray for Your Divine guidances...In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!

        Now to find a site like GETTR OR RUMBLE and others to watch the end of the what our leaders or candidates do or say, is important as we each have to decide...matters and this is a shakeup in OK> as all assumed Sen Inhofe would run and win as usual....and none to help me,  but that has been true of all since 12/02. but for those who did not know of the law...and many new ones did not until they were in trouble for trying to help... Everyone in political or govt office is crucial for each of us in our daily lives when everything has govt involved and THE GOVT IS NOT ALLOWED TO BE IN CHARGE TO EVEN OVERSEE ALL IS LEGAL AND RIGHTS OF EACH UPHELD...and my case will show it's not for years, even before the 12/02 law...for weaknesses that needed to be corrected and that was ended by influences that should never be... 
    Seems we need some kind of new FBI with a division that upholds the rights of our elected leaders from criminal conversions. which cannot be stopped now due to the law of 12/02...None of my members of Congress or presidents, etc...should be victims of crimes for being our representative...and they do not have rights the ones who wish to clean up corruption have no chance of doing so...and not have real harms done to them or loved ones...  and this is worldwide now..too often the same..
Prayers for the whole mess to end...and for even those in office now....we have issues with, to have their Damascus Road moments (Christians know this as Paul hunting down early Christians,,, met the risen Christ on the road and stopped and changed and became one of the main evangelists of early Christianity until executed by Ceasar who did not wish to give up being a god and tyrant and let some follow the one of peace and love...Some of Paul's letters are now part of the Christian Bible...and as one of the learned scholars of his day, well understood the full meaning of Christ's teaching and who He was when confronted with the TRUTH... and stopped the wrong way, and chose to fully the good instead, even at a great personal loss...even of his life.
        Linda Joy Adams 2/26/22

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