
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Kate Middleton Receives A Significant Piece Of Jewelry From Queen Elizabeth II -

Kate Middleton Receives A Significant Piece Of Jewelry From Queen Elizabeth II -

DAILY RECAP 9/29/15-9/30/15 : A WRONG THAT CAN NOT BE MADE RIGHT: President Obama Born In Topeka KS son of Jim T Parks

Oklahoma will execute Richard Glossip Wednesday — even though his guilt is in doubt - Vox     As a believer  in Yahusha , whom we Christians call Christ Jesus we are taught to be fair and just.  That life is precious , and when this earthly life ends there is an eternal life we can choose to have and somehow we 'go through Christ' to get there. Exactly what  that means is kind of a mystery..... as a Christian, one is to believe in the repentant sinner and if one does one harm one is to pray for their salvation. That does not mean if one has done others harm to others some kind of making things right in some way should not occur.

         The Bible  in the first few books, which Christ taught from and other faiths hold it as part of their book of faith, also teaches that the shedding of innocent blood is a curse.  And when it is done in the name of a society or government then we have put ourselves under a curse. Old Testament law teaches that  that curse can last for 10 generations. Of course in Christ we can be redeemed in our own generation  by each individuals personal redemption. But even then what our forefathers (and mothers) did does impact our lives. as history whether a family history , or society's history knows the family history and one has to reconciled them selves to things that were done that were wrong, but one must learn from the mistakes of the past and not repeat them. We honor those who gave us life and nation and inheritance of culture, but we are to follow the good and over come the imperfections of  ones who went on before. But when a wrong occurs, its not easy to over come it. when an innocent person dies at the hands of others, then that is a wrong that can not be made right in this earthly existence, and  we all have to understand that whatever good that person might have been able to do on this planet is missing and the rest of us have to try and make up for it.

                   Its one reason I have  rejected the death penalty. HOW DOES ANY ONE KNOW THAT THE PERSON IS GUILTY OF THE CRIME TO BE EXECUTED? Even if one did the deed, one may have been in a category  where the charge should have been  life imprisonment or a lesser number of years.  our legal system does cover a lot of degrees of guilt and how bad the act was based on the intent of the doer. It does seem that 'overcharging' of the crime goes on a lot. and when it ends a person's life, we as a society bear the 'curse' of that.

There is a trend to 'get rid of those who seem a nuisance to our  conscience; which  is one man reason Christ, and innocent, was crucified. As a Christian, belief is HE was only part man, and HE rose from the dead.

All of us are sinners, but very few have done things to be arrested  and even fewer have taken anther's life and face execution for it. It says a lot about the goodness of people that so few are in that category.

     IF THERE IS ANY DOUBT AT ALL, THOSE IN POWER NEED TO PUT A HALT TO ENDING A LIFE UNTIL THE MATTER CAN BE THOROUGHLY SORTED OUT. Even if the one in power was an eye witness to the death; one still needs to assess  the other matters of whys, etc, that can mean no execution but still prison, etc. HOW DOES ONE JUDGE THE HEART OF ANOTHER?

And that is done to day  by juries and lots of experts in a trial, etc. Imperfect humans , again, trying the judge the heart of another.

    Each time, there seems to be some real doubt, and often  the convicted, could not afford a ;dream team of lawyers to make sure all was brought out for  the whole truth to be known,  Its when those in highest authority have the power  to step in  and make amends for  real injustice.

Life is precious and what harm does it do to allow a few  weeks, so that the raised issues get a proper review in a courtroom , or new trial, etc. If one executes one who should not be, then the curse of blood spilt is more horrendous than a little extra time and money spent.

Our society ,still has the death penalty and the amount of money spent for that sentence and trying to over come it by all with rights to do so. is harming all of society as its a tremendous expense. If one is innocent  of a crime and is not facing death, them one can pursue truth and evidence to clear. one.

However,  the innocent should not be facing sentences. We are imperfect humans and I do think the statistical average may well apply here at the minimum of at least 5% innocent and maybe up to 25% or more overcharged. of regular crimes.  Little attention is paid to  the non death crimes and yet innocent lives are ruined here also. And terrible hardships beyond what one should endure for overcharging..  and the inequality of our justice is often having the money for a defense. ONE LIFE IS WORTH ALL.

             Physical death is final.  A WRONG MADE CANNOT BE MADE RIGHT.

So until we do away with the sentence of execution in the USA, we need to dig for the whole truth and make sure its justified. And those in power to  stop and pause for a searching for truth needs to do it for the soul of the people in general.  I plead for it to be done.  Not just in this one case, but in all.

Often the money is not there to search for the whole truth until nearer the execution date and then resources are offered to do the discovery. We make a mockery of justice when that new info does not get a proper hearing as our society 'soul relies on it.

Society seems to allow a few; 'monsters' to be raised in it and wee have not figured out how to not let that occur yet. And they go to the death penalty , unrepentant of their sins.    As a Christian what do we do when the person to be executed  has done the deed and has repented of their sins and is not the same person that they were when the did take a life?

       THEN THERE ARE SOME WHO SEEM TO BE INNOCENT AND NEED TO HAVE SOME ATTENTION BY THE LEGAL SYSTEM FOR THAT TO BE CONSIDERED.  AND A FEW HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BE  INNOCENT AFTER SOCIETY SHED THEIR INNOCENT BLOOD AND NOTHING CAN BE DONE TO MAKE THINGS RIGHT AS WE HAVE ALL BECOME GUILTY AS A SOCIETY FOR THAT ULTIMATE SIN OF DEATH ITSELF. And if prosecutors, etc. committed the sin of not being fair and just initially, then they are as guilty as the one who took the life, for they are now taking a life also. Their repentance is for allowing a full hearing of evidence  so the whole truth can be considered.   Allow some time.....DEATH CANNOT BE MADE RIGHT IF ITS WRONG.

Slept off and on for over 24 hours as been so busy with trying to save my life and our families having our medical care obstructed. Thanks to all of our doctors who are trying to care for us. in this chaos created by hacking in to systems that are not permitted to be  altered by any one. But when no one is permitted to know who the insurance is that is to be the primary, then its impossible.

And its time that  all review the HHS policy of not being  in charge. of employment matters. Of course HHS was my employer  when injured and  SSA was part of that until  just at the time I transferred to  US Department of Labor jurisdiction which is the official  one over me when one is under FECA. That  workers compensation law over rides all the others. and I am quoting the General Counsel for Office of Personal Management. on this who personally straightened me out on this when the rest  WHO DID NOT KNOW OR DID NOT WISH OTHERS TO KNOW THE  WHOLE TRUTH,   had nearly convinced me that I was retired because I was not going to work daily.

One of the strongest laws we have is for the rights of injured workers and we should not give up those so easily. Its part of the incentive  for employers to provide a safe work site and not have to pay higher premiums to  an insurer or government entities  have  find bigger budgets for injuries that could be prevented with safe work sites. And now to cut costs, have hired one of Pres. Blodgett's companies to pay the claims and control the cost and medical care being cut seems to be the answer and NO REGARD FOR PRECIOUS LIFE OF EACH WORKER   OR THE ONES WHO DEPEND ON THEIR WAGES.

  The curse of shedding of innocent blood,  may well be manifested through an over all loss of sense of justice and fairness and regard for  each human life being a precious soul. W all become less than what the human family is to be.

.Linda Joy Adams 9/30/15

Monday, September 28, 2015

Obama, Putin clash over differences on Syria's future - Yahoo News

Obama, Putin clash over differences on Syria's future - Yahoo News

DAILY RECAP 9/28/15: New Name for Same Bunch to Run? President Obama born in Topeka Ks son of Jim T Parks.

Trump Proposes Replacing Obamacare with Government-Funded Universal Healthcare - Ben Swann's Truth In Media who gets to run it? The same bunch that runs the current chaos? Not accountable to any one and none allowed to know what they do or stop the thieves. as Congress thinks no money should be spent to over see trillions of dollars that affect every ones right to life  and livelihood?

 Is it do hard to understand that there are some who will b tempted to steal when put in charge of so much power over each ones life and given access to the huge money sums  for the health care? Unless we put some common sense back into government where the government is back in charge of protecting the rights of the people as the US Constitution requires those elected who delegate the work out to be done by civil servants or private companies, then NO PLAN WILL BE ANY DIFFERENT.  even though some will get some needed medical care they would have got that and maybe better if part of the money was not being skimmed and scammed. away.

With modern IT there is no reason for all these various levels of bureaucracies inside private contractors  set up which are more than when we all used paper and mail . By the time my doctor sees me and inputs all on  his or her laptop and hits enter for what I am to do and when to  schedule the next appointment the payment is not in t his or her bank account before I even leave the office.

What is needed is some who have high audit skills to review all for errors and those  very few who may be tempted to cheat.

The cost of all of this is over whelming and  should be going the way of the key punch machine and paper files of the past. But all patients should keep a hard copy just in case of hacking as we do not have that issue resolved yet for any system  THEN MONEY CAN BE THERE FOR NEW TREATMENTS AND CURES.

            How did this bunch's lobbyists convince congress to pass more 'red tape' than any government could ever conceive of? Many things  have to have shared cost. But WE ARE OVERPAYING NOW and still using  'out of date models' of doing things.


 Its all contracted out with no over sight and often  they are allowed to 'impersonate government officials" which is still illegal..

And the right of appeal is a mockery of justice.  through  this over throw govt from one agency to another in every  part of government where the same ' take over'  is or has already occurred. These are usually done by contractors who are not permitted to address any real legal issue and render a decision. They do little beyond this service gets paid so much. and hearing judges cases get back logged as nothing can be resolved in the first two levels as it used to be. Used to be a phone call to a government employee who  could make decisions to solve issues with appeal rights given. As I was trained to do back in 6/68 out of college. Most government call centers are not the government anymore and have no access to records to  solve much of anything.  Capable people work through out this contracting system and could do the job if Congress allowed it. or they could do the job as govt employees who are under oversight .
So, this proposal is meaningless unless there is government oversight for only the government can arrest and prosecute a thief or worse  as too much of this is going on.  YOU do not fix crimes by changing the plan and leave the same crooks in charge to wrest power and chance for contracts from those who would try to be ethical and honest. and cannot compete in such corruption.

     The civil service job used to be , for thousands of years since created by ancient China; to apply the laws of the land to what ever case or claim, collecting taxes,  or other  matters  was presented to the civil servant to apply all that fairly and justly.

               No matter what form of government one has the dedicated  civil servant has served the people and carried on the business of govt. SERVANT is the key word here. They serve the people under the governing entity.

                      Another empire got into major trouble a couple of thousand years ago by contracting out  the business of govt to  those private individuals without proper over sight and  greed took over and uprisings  and dissension began. So much so that the people tried to blame one person or another. An innocent one got crucified in a small country  called Judea by Pontius Pilate woe had no control over the  contracted out govt with much  stealing from the  very unhappy people and bribing those even in their religion.  Then after he  rose from the dead,  three days later, more stirring to want justice for all. and  in a couple of hundred years, the seeds of destruction from the  internal corruption brought down the ROMAN EMPIRE.  An empire that could have chosen a different path of justice and fairness and rights of the people to be a united states of the world, with rights of the individual and nation states. as taught by the one innocent who was a victim of an unjust society run by  greed and lust for power by those getting to run the govt.

It will not work when a few are allowed to over thrown and steal  the money and rights and make every one very UNHAPPY. from the on going injustice.

I believe in and am a follower of that innocent who died on the cross and rose to over come death itself for each of us. I do not fully understand the whole mystery of it all. But in my heart , I know its truth that is beyond human comprehension in many way. Yahusha , whom we Christians call Christ Jesus was that man, a victim of a mighty empire being brought down into injustice for contracting out the government and not overseeing that corruption and usurpation of rights of humanity were stopped as   the government itself.  became overthrown where even a dictator or a Caesar had little control over the whole as many of them descended into evils in their own lives that diverted them from being good and responsible leaders..  Where elections became "bread and circuses" instead of focusing on the social problems that needed to be taken care of.
Vote! in every election. Show that we, the people hold the real power and want those we elect to be responsible and take care of corrupting. Otherwise we need to fire those who do not do the will of the people  we have always held the  real power, but through the ballot box we can be a force  for peace that the world has never seen  the real power of people saying 'enough.' of death and destructing ways. And most of us in this world now have ballot access in one form or another.

Linda Joy Adams 9/28/15

Nine dead in suspected Boko Haram attack in NE Nigeria: police - Yahoo News

Nine dead in suspected Boko Haram attack in NE Nigeria: police - Yahoo News

Nine dead in suspected Boko Haram attack in NE Nigeria: police - Yahoo News

Nine dead in suspected Boko Haram attack in NE Nigeria: police - Yahoo News

Evidence of brine 'flows' on Mars: water study - Yahoo News

Evidence of brine 'flows' on Mars: water study - Yahoo News

The Mystery of the Ancient Roman Tunnel to Hell | World Truth.TV

The Mystery of the Ancient Roman Tunnel to Hell | World Truth.TV

The Mystery of the Ancient Roman Tunnel to Hell | World Truth.TV

The Mystery of the Ancient Roman Tunnel to Hell | World Truth.TV

Residents Perplexed After Calif. Lake Mysteriously Goes Dry Overnight Leaving Thousands of Fish Dead | World Truth.TV

Residents Perplexed After Calif. Lake Mysteriously Goes Dry Overnight Leaving Thousands of Fish Dead | World Truth.TV

Jonathan Cahn: The Shemitah That Was and the Shaking to Come — Charisma News

Jonathan Cahn: The Shemitah That Was and the Shaking to Come — Charisma News

Only 1 in 20,631 ex parte appeals designated precedential by PTAB

Only 1 in 20,631 ex parte appeals designated precedential by PTAB

see my comment In New York, Pope Francis Embraced Chrislam And Laid A Foundation For A One World Religion

In New York, Pope Francis Embraced Chrislam And Laid A Foundation For A One World Religion

Sunday, September 27, 2015

(PNN) PPSIMMONS News and Ministry Network: Jonathan Cahn: 'We are racing to judgment'

(PNN) PPSIMMONS News and Ministry Network: Jonathan Cahn: 'We are racing to judgment'

Elevated Radiation Readings Found in Forida Air Conditioning Filter - The CON Trail

Elevated Radiation Readings Found in Forida Air Conditioning Filter - The CON Trail

U.S. Department of Labor - Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) - Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC) - Federal Employees' Compensation Act

U.S. Department of Labor - Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) - Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC) - Federal Employees' Compensation Act

DAILY RECAP 9/27/15 Misinfo leads to Chaos and theft of Medicare WHAT DOES DISABILITY MEAN?: President Obama born In Topeka Ks son of Jim T Parks

U.S. Department of Labor - Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) - Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC) - Federal Employees' Compensation Act This is a link to a lot of rules for injured Feds, but its similar throughout the USA for those under state regulated workers comp laws, which also have many  same or similar federal laws that affect it.

                     Some of the horrific problems we are having with getting medical care and for e an oxygen supplier is many who are good people, but very misinformed about the laws and rules. Then they go and do what they are told. And in many of these cases the one 'telling' the misinformation here and there and every where  leads right back to President Lynn Blodgett of Xerox Management Services    and he as owner of over 100 companies that has control of our entire health care system from one conflicting end to another as ALL IN THE USA are now under government contractors for our health care and there is no money from congress for any internal audit control nor criminal investigations or prosecutions  when laws are broken and huge money amounts are stolen from our precious health care dollars including form Medicare which is going on daily from 'INSIDE.; Many may not be under Pres Blodgett, nor intend to do wrong, but once wrong info get into the process , it has a way of going on and one and on and never ending. and REPORTED AS FACT WHEN ITS GOSSIP AND RUMOR RUN AMOK .  A wise attorney who came in one day years, go representing a claimant for SSA said to me. Check the law. And I pulled out my book of the law of the matter and fund that SSA had diverted  from original  interpretation into current policies in  our Program Operating ManualS.  So even rumor gets  into  the written and the instructions   given to use in our work  Only an * ignored can cause real harm and CHAOS for many.
What some may not know, ,is that case, written up by me  including the reference to the divergence of opinion went forward to a class action law suit and became standard policy that many now receive benefits because of it. I did not know of the issue. But I DID LISTEN TO THE ONE POINTING IT OUT . and addressed the legal issue when writing up my reports for the file. Humans can make mistakes and we have a system of appeals to correct these. not everything has had to go to a big court case, but errors pointed out in the lower appeals process can correct things IF THE AGENCY HEADS LISTEN  and change the written policies or amend regulations. The power of the individual case is in our system Its called equal rights and fairness for all. and 'intent of Congress; which is harder to discern now when so much is made law with out a hearing to quote in our reports at the lowest level of what the testimony  in want to those who passed the laws.
It also requires   doing away with ARROGANCE BY THOSE IN CHARGE THAT SOME 70 YEAR OLD DISABLED WOMAN    SHOULD BE LISTENED TO  AND CHECK OUT WHAT SHE HAS TO SHARE.  with her lap top on a  bed side table sharing what she  has learned over the years  being on the inside  of the government  since 6/68 and on the outside as   patients her whole life and  wife, mother and daughter etc.  of other patients.
     .I have seen government work , when all in it were doing the work. And many lower level appeals are now contacted out and the WORK OF GOVERNMENT IS NOT GETTING DONE AS  we all expect it to be as contractors do not have the legal authority to do the work.  and the training to go with it which is being shorted also  to the detriment of all of us. CHAOS AND WRONG INFO LEFT TO RUN AMOK  GOES ON AND BENEFITS GET CUT to off set the money being used to pay for what is not the bills they should be paying, and not recovered back ,either when they do,
If Congress wishes to pass Medicare for all including paying for all job injuries, then pass it. otherwise, give the budget needed to stop those helping themselves to the money for only those who are to have it and get back what is due back. And audit controls is to see all have the right info and training to do their jobs.
Its why   ALL TRAINING MATERIALS AND  PROGRAMS PROCEDURES AND POLICES used to be reviewed by the  general counsel (lawyers)  of each agencies  and OPM, too /To make sure it adhered to law and regulation and see to it changes made in the  info to be given out for all to use  if it did not..

                It was after a phone conversation with one  of the key persons inside one of the claims paying companies for Medicare that I realized nether of us were 'on the same page.'  This person was quoting that after 6 months, Medicine is primary after one is on disability.

There is a chart being circulated with the letterhead as coming from the insurance industry. of course most if not all of these kinds of things are some of President Blodgett company's creations. rare;y is one every given a corporate or organizational name and address any more with these.

 those who have any kind of health insurance now, as an employer group health plan, will find such in a category of what occurs when one also has a Medicare card.

It does say this, BUT there is an * to this.


 The chart does indicate  in the contest of this that we are referring to  a  workers compensation case./

BUT ITS NOT CLEAR  to be understand without knowing more of the laws. And that ;misinformation; is spawned by OMISSION    of a few more details.

Its not clear  to even those in charge of getting all of our claims paid correctly and not have over payments to patients ad medical sources. and  this means getting the needed medical care, also. Ones doctor has to know which health plan is your primary. Your doctor  has been medically trained to know what you need, but IF YOU CANNOT PAY FOR IT, few will  ever get it. Its what that 'LINE OF MISINFORMATION'  that circulated a few years ago to get us all under the  taxpayer subsidized and government contractor run health care  that  ALL SHOULD BE ABLE TO SEE A DOCTOR. does in no way mean one will  be able to afford  the care. And which entity is to pay first, which is going to determine what the treatment plans turns out to be.

  Over 25 years ago, as a result of many studies, the health insurance trend went to paying for the care differently. One could see a doctor and pay a small co pay , even if the yearly deductible was not met. Many who had health insurance were not using is and getting sicker as they did not have the money  for even the first visit which to day for the initial intake could be hundreds of dollars if a lot is done at that visit and often is when one is very sick and the clinic one goes to has a lot of medical testing on site.  This led to many doctors, sending one to hospitals for these kinds of test, as the equipment is not cheap and it has to be paid for. So patients get referred   to owe others   separately and then patients did not go as they did not have the money.

              Seeing the doctor, is a beginning is one is ill and more is needed to be done and usually is. Its why the yearly wellness visit is so crucial, to catch illness early  when treatment outcomes can be cures, or lessen an progressive disease from leading to a more premature death. or in the case of diabetes prevent blindness and loss of limbs, etc. Sometime treatable at minimal cost is far cheaper than treating more serious  issues due to no early treatment.


        There is a Common Working File billing system at Medicare that is privately owned as a contract since 1999 by  Group Health ( GHI) now Emblem Health International . The software protocols were not put in place to stop grave hacking in to the system by those who are not to go in an alter info. That is called hacking as  no one is allowed to change certain data on the system.  whether it be what ones doctor puts down as ones diagnosis or what ones health insurance is and which pays first.

       In 1994, Sec of Health and Human Services decided that the government would no longer enforce the Medicare conditional payment law. And this , in itself , led to a collapse of our health care system as its an underpinning law that makes the whole health care industry obey the rules. the ripple effect of Medicare has permeated the whole for decades now as in setting things up to be paid by Medicare all surrounding  setup as and system  comply and that leads to all obeying all the rules, etc. even in private health insurance cases.

                    Part of the 'executive order'  from 1994 was that the government was no longer going to get embroiled in employment disputes. And they should never have been. The good thing was that employers and agencies would post direct to the Common Working File and  when it became a contract, it  forbid any one to alter what was posted by those entities. If wrongdoing was being done by an employer, then they could be reported to authorities to handle.  But the safety protocols were not there to block any one from going in an changing the posting. Even well- intentioned persons at 1-800 Medicare  and at Medicare Coordination and Recovery unit are able to do so as they are also government contractors. the former is now owned by General Dynamics and the later by Emblem Health International . an all the others like the person I spoke to sending in a correction to have it changed because they are following faulty info that CMS should never have let be passed around and mould not have as part of any internal audit is seeing to it all have the right info. . And my phones lines are blocked so I can call neither from home, as when I would find my Federal Blues deleted off the system they would add it back in and them their management would delete it again as they had secret illegal deals to have an 'illegal dump on to Medicare" THEFT THAT CONGRESS WILL NOT GIVE ANY BUDGET TO STOP IT. Nor allow an auditor to get in and check the software system to make sure no one can go in and alter the  bi weekly posting that they CMS contract says is not to be going on .

  There is no reason why its not programmed in. And block any attempt to alter it by any one, Whether  for good  intention through not knowing the rules, etc. or evil intention to steal or cause obstruction of life sustaining medical treatment... When we Medicare card holders get yearly letters to complete as to what our  other insurance is. THOSE OF US WITH POSTINGS FROM OTHER ENTITLES SHOULD NOT GET THE SAME LETTER. Instead we should be getting a summary of what that enter posts and where it came from  with the name , address, contact phone number, etc of whom to call at that employer or agency to make any corrections.


                    In my case the official records at the US Department of Labor that post to the Common working file  for my elf and those on my plan who also have a Medicare are accurate. Its just that the local FECA office does not have access, and neither does my Federal Blue Cross Blue Shield all of which are under the info management of President Lynn Blodgett who either is ignorant a of all the laws , or  intentionally passing around and ordering illegal acts to be done to alter things, etc.  WHO IS HIS BOSS?

 All I know is he is the one named by high officials, etc. as the one spewing out the misinformation and pray he would  stop it. as he is causing me and mine grave physical and financial harm if he is not HIS OWN BOSS in this, Then he may well be like the 'RICH YOUNG RULER YAHUSHA, WHOM WE CHRISTIANS CALL CHRIST  JESUS SPOKE OF .  Who has to give it all up to gain his eternal soul. Common wisdom that one need not be of that faith or any faith to understand.

Christ never taught it was wrong to be wealthy or even powerful, but that with that comes many responsibilities to humanity as  one must become the servant of all with that awesome power and wealth in order to save ones soul from temptations of the path of destruction and death  of the soul, it self. We are created with free will and its our choice to choose the path of low and caring , or one of personal destruction and killing of our eternal soul. Those with great wealth and power got that due to all the rest of us buying something  or doing something that led to it.


            It does not have anything to do with Social Security DISABILITY , Veterans DISABILITY ,  state disability programs that some have for all, etc.  ITS REFERRING TO WORKERS COMP DISABILITY AND PERMANENT DISABILITY   NOT TEMPORARY.

        All seem to eager to end our hard fought workers rights to job safety and benefits if injured in  all of this.  There are many laws and clearly won  court cases on  this. When one gets injured on the job,  ONE DOES NOT LOSE THEIR 'EMPLOYMENT.'  They have a job to return to when they are able to return and if they cannot do the same work due to handicaps from the injury, then other work is made available and the training to do it if needed.  For those who will eventually return to work , they may still be given money for loss of use of part of their body, but get TEMPORARY DISABILITY PAY  UNTIL they do return to work.   ONE  CANNOT VOLUNTARILY GIVE UP WORKERS COMP BENEFITS.  as often there is coercion to do so and maybe even a  'payoff ' to do so. and not pursue. It can  be fraud. etc.

 Ones medical care  related to the injury will always be workers comp responsibility, and its possible to give a huge sum of money designated for that, but in no way is any health care insurer or Medicare   to pay the bills. One cannot take that kind of money for medical and then spend it for something else and turn around and ask for Medicare or any other health insurance to pay the bills.
ONE CANNOT VOLUNTARILY RETIRE AND EXPECT MEDICARE OR ANY OTHER PLAN TO PAY. You are caught in a legally defined path to pursue ones claims for benefits. even if you are asked to come up against Goliaths as I and my family have been asked to do since 1/10/89. The law is on our side, and the government is supposed to be on our side also.

CONGRESSES OF THE PAST AND PRESENT HAVE ABANDONED US  as officials have to have budget to even call or drive to investigate these deadly abuses of power and theft of the  taxpayers money that has been allowed to go on for far too long..


       So that (*) is crucial and being ignored to need  to go check the laws on this.

 For we  injured federal employees one is considered active duty when we are employed and we are transferred from our employing agency to US Department of Labor jurisdiction as I was  the last time on 10/10/1994 and have not gone to work since then. BUT AM STILL EMPLOYED by the law even if temporary disability has stopped and one is appealing a reinstatement. As to do that would be a type of 'coercion.. A lot of the laws got passed to  protect the worker from such coercive tactics that have been tried over and over. .\
         For lung cases, it is usually 2 years, before a doctor signs if the maximum improvement is enough to return to work. Mine was not the last time out,  and its a progressive disease that home liquid oxygen only slows the progression. But if on it early after injured, one can live  a non exertional life for decades without good lungs, as the body will get oxygen  to live. I cannot use the concentrators as its not the therapeutic dose, and  INFLAMES  THE LUNGS  from the low level OZONE emissions.  resulting in non allergic  chemical induced pneumonitis.  That is a different type of fluid  than one gets for an allergy reaction I am not a doctor, but am repeating what my doctors have told me over the years, and its in agreement with many medical source articles publishes , some even by them in medical journals.

      Attached to many of our appeals is a 2009 reminder letter from a former claims examiner of mine  from the local Dallas regional FECA office. to get my medicals in  for  the permanent disability  decision, which she would have done if she had had access to my records in the custody of President Lynn Blodgett. . SHE HAD NO ACCESS TO MY FILES OR DATA   TO PROCESS IT  AS PRESIDENT LYNN BLODGETT WILL NOT SET UP MY OFFICIAL SYSTEMS WORKERS COMP FILE AND POST MY CASE EVEN THOUGH JUDGES HAVE ORDERED IT DONE.  And also ordered it be done from my records ( and ask me for the facts as gossip and rumor had run amok and no one seems to know what is going on any more.)
     President Blodgett has  had several sets we have provided and all seem to to  have ' disappeared'.  in his custody..

 Not setting up the computer file, does not mean its not legally open and active as the official system says it is. THAT  POSTS TO THE COMMON WORKING FILE.

                 So the first step in the process has been done. I filed for a schedule award for loss of use of body parts and when its a total  and includes internal organs, its a negotiated amount that 4 parties have to sign off on . That is !my employing agency  SSA or is it HHS as that is the name on the W2  back on 1/10/89?  as SSA was part of them and by the time I got my last one  for 1994 it still was? , 2. US Department of Labor, 3. myself and attorney if one has one.Then if one is found to be disabled so they cannot return to any kind of work,  the injured worker DECIDES IF THEY WISH A BUY OUT OR TO RECEIVE CHECKS FOR LIFE. WITH SURVIVOR BENEFITS IF APPLICABLE.  if ones agency cannot find work they might still be able to do then Office of Personal Management gets involved to see if there is some place in he entire government for placement. without all the records  OPM did try and more CHAOS GOT CREATED  for me again. as HHS or SSA had not been  sending all the paper work required to OPM.  all under President Lynn Blodgett's companies as info management etc. and partnerships deals.  Very few  officials are in charge of much of any govt today.. And too often its become  a CHAOTIC FREE FOR ALL MONEY GRAB.

THEN ONE IS RETIRED and Medicare can pay first for anything not under workers comp  and be primary for any one family member on ones employer group health plan who also has a Medicare card. Feds get to keep their same  health policy  in to retirement, it just does not [pay first. Others will find themselves being offered COBRA or having to find another kind of Medicare supplemental policy of go to Medicare Advantage plan just as any other retired person has to do in  private industry where the employer does not offer life time coverage, even after retirement as some do but not primary any more, etc. They could  but none I know of has picked up total care any more. for their retirees.

THAT ALL IMPORTANT( *) REFERS TO PERMANENT DISABILITY for workers comp cases..  as one is not retired,  until that kind  occurs. . IF ONE IS INJURED ON THE JOB ONE DOES NOT LOSE THE BENEFITS AND RIGHTS THAT GO WITH THEIR JOB. AND HEALTH INSURANCE AS A PRIMARY PAYER IS PART OF THEM.  Do you wish to give up all your rights when injured on the job?

I am one that tried to work several times since 1/10/89 and under those who did nothing to help accommodate my disabilities as they promised to do. and with out oxygen  as my body suffocated and angina from heart not getting enough oxygen  without overworking was excruciating at times, trying to work . But I did get through it until the Philly FECA office beefed up security and the rifling (theft) of my files stopped  long enough to get me to a board certified pulmonologist with a Green Peace banner on his wall. and they got me out of a life threatening situation that  the last two  days I went to work in 1994, I ended up in intensive care and before that was stopping off at ER's in the area and getting a couple of hours of oxygen to stabilize my vitals to be able to drive on home.  Even doing everything  to stop me from getting to that consultant exam occurred.  I had to take leave with out pay to go and other  real blocking occurred to stop me from taking needed records with me as asked to bring.

Going to work on oxygen would have made an  invisible disability , visible and a reminder of many of what occurred as the reasons for the  deaths that would occur form among us 90 were not reported to all as related to their job injury  back in 1/89.. And outside influences brought to bear in many ways. for my case not to go forward  as I have written about and we have documented in detail. Some of those involved  through ignorance of the truth or part of the problems are still in position of high leadership  in my agency and in the government and we all live with the aftermath of cover ups by some at the highest levels as the twin towers went into the ground and the path of destruction began in our office in 7/88. when HHS OIG would not intervene in the biggest security breach in SSA history of the personal data on every one with an SSN.. and reports are long before that else where. and resulted in the ultimate cover up on 1/10/89.  All of this has been well discussed in this blog. Just go to any 9/11 for any year to refresh the summary of events as eye witness to the beginnings and my two years to try and stop 9/11/01 when no one listened as no one had been given enough of the real facts to know or want to know. CHAOS CREATED  BY THOSE WHO DO  KNOW WHAT THEY ARE MISINFORMING TO LET EVIL GO RIGHT IN AND CAUSE REAL HARM TO BE DONE TO ALL OF US. . Prayers for all  to check things out  especially when it makes no common sense. the instructions one is given to follow.

Now Congress needs to pass a few simple and general laws to allow those who need to make sure security is in place on our data,  and our constitutional rights of life and livelihood  upheld and  have been denied access to do so. as they are listening. and Congress needs to listen too. for their files and data and rights are in this CHAOS also.

 Linda Joy Adams 9/27/15                        

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Saturday, September 26, 2015

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DAILY RECAP 9/26/15; WHERE IS OUR MONEY? 23 Trillion missing? President Obama born in Topeka, KS son of Jim T Parks

Audit the Fed! I do not solicit monies for any entity. I DID SIGN THE PETITION. The cause is real here and the partial audit of the federal reserve that was done a few years ago, revealed that there is 23 trillion dollars unaccounted for  of the public money.   We are foolish not to keep track of our precious tax dollars that each one of us pays in one form or another.  Either its given directly from payroll withholding or with our tax returns. OR we pay it through  taxes added to many services, such as our phone bills. And we all pay indirectly when we  purchase things or services and the ones we buy from take part of our money and pay taxes.
                              All money spent by out government is  only an authorization  to send the money to a person , company ot entity . Or to send it between government entities or agencies.  for example , federal agencies do not get free postage, they pay the postal service, But they do ot pay directly.
 The same is true for any other payment like a VA  or SSA monthly income now sent to our back accounts. And that includes payment sent for each medical claim from a taxpayer funded health plan. or some now have subsidies for their health insurance.
What is being sent is nothing but an authorization form the one in the government or government contractor that a certain amount should be sent to  a party or entity.  The Federal Reserve gets the request for the final act to send it out; NOT  the US Treasury. And its still not a final approval for payment. Nor do we know if the authorization is sent on the one  the person in the government says it should or if the destination is changed by someone in the Federal reserve. The Fed is made of  imperfect human beings who might be tempted. to steal some or t some in the he Federal reserve may be swayed to divert monies for one party to another. Our local  bank knows they need to audit their own records once in a while. to make sure the money that is to be there is, and  balance sheets account for each penny. If they don't maybe we need to find a bank that does. We assume they do it as they are able to publish their reports for all of us to review. before we decide if this is the bank we wish to trust with out personal or business monies. And we have federal agencies who have the job to make sure they are accurate reports.
WE CANNOT VERIFY IF NO EMBEZZLEMENT OR MISAPPROPRIATION OF OUR MONIES WAS DONE AT THE FEDERAL RESERVE  if no one has looked at the records in side. and this has not been done  for OVER 100 YEARS.  as is done with out own banks we personally do business with.
 What  the partial audit that was passed by Congresses a few years ago showed is that 23 trillion did not get to where it was supposed to go..WHERE IS OUR MONEY?  WHO OR WHAT GOT IT? An alien form Mars or a planet  in the Orion star cluster?
TEMPTATIONS SHOULD NEVER BE PLACED IN FRONT OT THOSE WITH WEAKNESSES. And for some with great power,  big money is real temptation to use or misuse for real evil. WARS CAN BE STARTED   when the monies to help others does not get to the places our elected leaders say it should.
There were some in Congress that got duped by their leadership back in 8/08; who though the  trillion dollars of TARP money was going to end up in some sort of putting people back to work rebuilding  the USA. but bridges still are not built and our electric grid is still an antique for the 21st century and not enough  alternative energies built to supplement fossil fuels which all would have put people to work and helped all of us in the long run with the rising costs of living.   and every one have a home. etc.
23 trillion o could feed the world and give everyone in it a home and who wants to go to war, and destroy it all? Common sense of the people in general says they would not. and if is not considered wise to GIVE  lo or no interest loans could be granted and amounts to be repaid kept very low to "help others help themselves" as I said in 1948. when I said we need a Peace Corp as a 1000  young people would be like a 1000 points of light.
I was not speaking in any kind of Illuminati terms as one online blogger tried to make this out to be not knowing the history of why and how it was said.. But got my teaching from Sunday School/church when Christ was quoted as saying   we should 'shine our light " and "not hide it under a bushel."
Yahusha , whom we Christians call Christ Jesus  often spoke and taught common sense and  general wisdom that humanity should well  know and forgot too often.
 In our faith communities we are led and taught by "imperfect humans.; as each one of us  is given free will to chose the good or the imperfection of wrong and sometimes can fall into real evil is the paths of wrong  are followed to far.
All can be saved from it, but the further we get into it, it may take more effort and others help to get back on the path of life and goodness. that does not mean that the  light of truth cannot shine through each of us and much good be done for ourselves and others, if we choose the path of caring. For we are crated to be social beings. and we either work together as unique individuals or we fall into wars and destruction of society itself. and must have common sense not to follow those who lead us astray form  peace and  dignity and human rights for each of us.
When some do not follow that and bring harm to others, we have to have a system to make sure that harm is not continued.  Someday , all evil will be bound up, but until then we need to   keep track of what happens to out monies that we give to our governments to spend for those things we elect others to do for us. AND WE SHOULD NOT BE DUPED INTO WARS FOR A FEW TO MAKE MONEY AND BRING SUFFERING TO ALL SIDES. USING THE MONEY THAT MAY BE DIVERTED THROUGH THE FEDERAL RESERVE FOR PURPOSES NOT INTENDED BY US.
I do not know if this be true;. But WHERE IS THAT 23 TRILLION DOLLARS.?
Linda Joy Adams 9/26/15

Friday, September 25, 2015

DAILY RECAP 9/25/15 PRAYERS FOR CONGRESS FOR US: President Obama born in Topeka Ks son of Jim T Parks

‘Why not today?’: How John Boehner decided to leave Congress 

All I wish is for all to pray and / or have good thoughts for our congress as they grapple with so many serious issues as has been raised in my blogs for the last few years. And why I got into using the Internet to share what I  and my family are going through in a system where those we elected to take care of business for us, have not served us well at all.

 I wish Speaker Beohner a future where he is able to serve the people in ways he has not been able to as Speaker of the House. May his soul be freed to do things outside of Congress for  good.  I knew him as a child, but not since and he rose to great heights in our nation and has faced huge money interests that we are in grave conflict with the teachings I know he received in church and Sunday School with teachers and pastors that were mine also. and  were the same as Pope Francis has been sharing in his visit even though I am not a member of his world wide flock, I am a member  of the universal church of Christ and a member of the human family as all of us are, even if our faiths differ or some have no faith. led by the common wisdom that in also in Christ's teachings.

                           CHANGING LEADERS IS NOT GOING TO MAKE SERIOUS ISSUES GO AWAY and not all there are going to agree with each other. Some will be managed from our side big money  that does not seem to care much for the constitutional mandate of " for the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation." We need to all start thinking ; outside the box' for solutions and not dis some who may suggest some things that seem far out or not.

For example the Saudi 'shiek'  who offered to by an island for all the Muslim refugees  from Syria, etc. to go to, is now seeming to have not been a bad idea. Supplies could have been given and taken there and they could have formed "a new nation." if they chose to do so. The USA has built electric grids and given so much only  to have it bombed and destroyed out of existence while our own infrastructure  crumbles and we lost power in the middle of the night again in our area. and there was no storm either.  That included the  only big truck stop for miles  only a few miles from here on the highway that is a main North- South route for big semis and so much is going South now in many ways to be put on ships to go to arm the Middle East just as in the Bible it says the whole world will be gathering arms and soldiers around Israel , but first against Damascus.

 Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, and through Him the world was created is my belief created us with free will and that HE does not change , we are the ones to choose what actions we take. It does seem that more of us who choose the wrong paths of death and destruction, may well need more and more of us to  help each other stand up against those that choose the bad, to choose the paths of life and   caring for one another.

At times it see that the revelations and warnings  of the Bible are a glimpse into the master plan of Satan and we are all being warned to not let it happen. and given guidance as to how to stop it.

I do believe there is a common wisdom that humans have  innately known from the beginning.  We have become  a diverse cultural human family and our faith paths have changed form one single truth of who we are  that  those here at the beginning knew and understood,. according to my faith book.

      So my prayers for Congress that  as they grapple over many issues of life and death,  they should not forget that we still have those among us who will do criminal and bad things and we, as a society  through them have to make sure we have people in place to stop thefts and worse from occurring. PLEASE GIVE OUR GOOD PEOPLE IN SIDE THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERALS FROM BUDGET TO STOP CRIMINAL AND UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR IN SIDE SOME OF THE GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS .    Give them there constitutional rights of due process and  if they do not stop, cancel the government contracts they are violating. and either bring the duties back into the govt for govt employees to handle who are under civil and criminal over sight  or find another company who will uphold the laws  of the land as all contractors sign they will do and too many have not.

From J at Celerian Group partner of Medicare to day, I learned that my Federal blues is deleted off the system again. so where is my due process letter of appeal from Emblem Health International  that they cancelled my federal blues policy for self and family and my appeal rights. and why am I and the taxpayer still paying the premiums and  getting some pays from them, even if as secondary, when they are  a primary?. I thank them for agreeing to work for me and for all us.  when they were Cigna Government Services were   the only ones who ever paid the claims and sent them to recovery on their own and the recovery letters were ;disappeared; by Pres Blodogett of ACs et al who never showed them to any govt official.  at the US dept of labor. And those were the oxygen claims they paid and approved me for life. Sp even through they are now a subsidiary of SC Blues, will they again be the ones  who help carry out the 'laws of the land.?"
   But for some reason my initial invoices sent for over a year  ago and appeals have not been processed and she did not even show them entered in either. (another hacking deletion?)She did show my diabetic strips paid as primary  and did not know Medicare was secondary and of course FECA is on the system using the injury date of the first date of entitlement  to part A hospital Medicare and its not the same for nearly every single one who  has a job injury. and the security protocols were never programmed into  the system as the govt officials asked for to show the real injury date., But without any access to check it, they did not know that workers Comp has been being illegally dumped on to Medicare for way to long in this nation. Its been a MEDICARE FREE FOR ALL with illegal dump deals struck all over and this has to end.  and press releases going out that workers comp costs are down  under Pres Blodgett throughout the nation as all  are under him  AS MEDICARE IS PAYING THE BILLS NOW. If we are to have one health care plan  for all then CONGRESS HAS TO PASS THAT. but its not what we have had for decades..

    As I have reported here Celerian Group has had appeals and initial claims not processed for over a year.  I got another letter (EOB) from fed Blues to day that listed the oxygen claims for a period of time for last year, again and said they needed , again a letter from Medicare first. They  get their managed info from ACS et al and President Lynn Blodgett who  decides what   the  official facts should be and has had the Common Working File ( privately owned Medicare billing system) hacked into soon after the bi weekly posting from ones employer or agency  and my federal Blues deleted. most job injury cases will learn this has been done to them also, if they check, i have been under the US dept of labor jurisdiction since 10/11/94 when I went out on workers comp the last time. and my request for permanent disability  was pending when Pres Blodgett took over. with a hearing officers remand to process it.
    And he refuses to post my files in defiance of appellate Judges who have ordered him to do so and all are ask me for the  facts.  as "rumor an gossip has run amok" My letters  and follow ups used these with additional comments are posted with the  ' Linda Joy Adams" + "VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS page" there are now 53 filings called pages but each is more than one. there  are  three not posted and number 38 has two .  Prodigally  I go in and line them up in order on the side to access on this web site.

 I called Celerian to day to follow up since I had the letter. My employer group health plan  Fed Blues  can pay  some if the other plans do not.  They are told by Pres Blodgett there is no FECA and they have no access to the Common working file nor the official records,, as they get what Pres Blodgett wants them to have through his companies  over at OPM who also do not have access to the real official records  at OPM , either. to use. CONGRESS WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN FOR DECADES?> I had been getting about 60% reimbursement on my family hauling  200 lb oxygen tanks to the gas company to fill with liquid medical oxygen. which is approved or life for by all three plans as cannot tolerate safely the concentrator, (inflames the lungs and is not a therapeutic dose.). even injury cases can't get those either over this)

 But since 1/1/2014, Blues wants a response from Medicare. who does have me approved for life for liquid oxygen , but will not pay if there is no supplier and the Medicare Judges all said that this is Federal Employees Compensation Act bill. as they put me on it for life. Celerian also inherited from Cigna Govt Services has a Medicare judge remand to process /  and pay Rhema and Lincare's  and collect back from ACS et al for FECA.  on  the pending claims and that has been pending since  before 2008.
     So when the laws of the land are not obeyed then we suffer and some lose their lives and livelihoods over it. In fact its part of M09-1406 where the judgee did not change that remand order of the lower judges orders  on this. This blocks  us from going forward on this.  and I have heard of too many lives lost that maybe if my case had not been blocked like this, they might be alive. our system is basset on what one gets all get. In the Bible Christ calls  it "doing unto the least of these", but in our legal system its call 'precedent cases and all in the same group get equal rights and right now its denial of rights and life itself  for too many.

I did have issues talking to any one at first as they are not permitted to talk to a beneficiary . But I, the beneficiary  have to file the 1490 S and attach the invoices . and they are to legally process them. They will given me a summary notice that lists the oxygen refills and then says they cannot pay because there is no supplier. I currently have a request for hearing at Medicare and have not had such since 2010 to get a ruling that to not pay is unconstitutional when one has a monopoly supplier in ones area and they can still refuse service even if approved for life as I am with all three plans. Like M09-1406,
    A judicial ruling is needed  , even if that  judge cannot overturn an unfair executive order or a bad law or regulation. This gives congress, a federal judge saying it. And clearly showing it with all the legal citations so they will have to face that people are dying over what they have allowed to be done in the nation. And change some laws to correct it if the Sec of HHS does not. She can with new regulations that brings oxygen use in to the 21st century as its still in the dark ages medially. and even  though its one continuous bill, its still much cheaper than many hospitalizations and  certainly cheaper than many prescriptions to day. if filled tanks are just exchanged.

       OXYGEN SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN REFUSING SERVICE TO ALL WITH A JOB INJURY AS THEY CANNOT GET PAID FOR OVER A YEAR, ETC. i called all in 100 mile radius and hear reports, etc.  not just me, its no workers comp for any form of oxygen as they cannot do what the govt refuses to do let them be paid timely by someone

 Oxygen is a big issue under labor law. getting it approved by workers comp of any kind gives  one permanent and 100% medical coverage for all bills, not just oxygen or lungs etc.   One can not heal with out it.  For some reason its been kept a BIG SECRET from even some attorneys in the field who do not understand the total implications of such a treatment being approved for life. and real skulduggery can go on to stop one getting the treatment to stay alive as its total health care for the rest of ones. life.  And one can now be on it for decades and some may even be able to do some kinds of non exertional  work early in a progressive diseases.  ANY ONE WITH A TOXIC INHALATION INJURY SHOULD FIND OUT WHY THEY DO NOT HAVE HOME LIQUID OXYGEN PRESCRIBED FROM DAY ONE. IT MAY BE THIS UNDERHANDED EVIL THAT IS GOING ON AS OCCURRED IN MY CASE  And why I have only been on it 21_ years and not since 1/10/89. do not forget , your doctor works for the govt or workers comp carrier. and even a second opinion will not help since all are under Pres Blodgett's management control. now. thinks to Congresses. past and present.

        HR 1063  does not give authority for the govt to interfere  with the merits of a workers comp case,, but IT CAN FORCE TIMELY ANSWERS TO A CLAIM FOR OXYGEN  so if its not paid, then other health plans can be asked to pay and the patient has appeal rights from all. An oxygen supplier can then get some kind of pay within a few months, not a few years,  as they get blocked until workers comp answers.

What has been going on is that Pres Blodgett and ACS et al has refused to process any of mine since they took over FECA in 2002. Until  within the last few weeks.  Now they do acknowledge they got the claims, but  they are using some find of dummy file and using 9999's etc for codes  and have done a few, and we have resent all from the back years again , also even for Lincare and Rhema who are their 'partners' and were denied the right to submit the claims  but I did  to protect the filing dates. and have persistently  followed up. letters to them are also in the "violations of civil rights"

         HR 1063   revives the  RIGHT OF THE GOVT TO ENFORCE THE MEDICARE CONDITIONAL PAY LAWS.that were suspended in 1994.saying that the insurance industry could 'police itself.' and the health care industry began to disintegrate into a collapse as this is an underpinning law that makes all behave. throughout the system.

 But first all have to have  our claims labeled as a conditional payment and sent to the recovery unit which is under management info of ACS et al. but it is the process an they must obey the law or  CONGRESS NEEDS SOME MONEY GIVEN TO OUR OIG'S TO STOP A REAL SILENT HOLOCAUST GOING ON RIGHT NOW   where people's lives are being threatened to end before the time appointed by our Creator.   None are to die at the hands of others. 

Congress you have lots to do  to make things right for all of US/ We pray for your success for your success is ours.

Linda Joy Adams 9/25/15

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

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1 1/2-pound baby born on cruise ship beats odds to survive - Yahoo News

DAILY RECAP 9/24/1: HIGH COST HEALTH CARE: President Obama born in Topeka Ks. son of Jim T Parks

Medical Claims - Review 2015 Best Rated Clearinghouses   and they get their info from ACS ET AL and what good is it if its been illegally altered from the real facts and data before the insiders hack in and change what they are not permitted to change.
 To all  my medical sources, I DO NOT HAVE A MEDIGAP POLICY. And  my self and family members still have FEDERAL BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD. But you are getting info that is correct that is not from the official posting from  my employing agency that jurisdiction is now Us Department of Labor. which posts active duty ( employed) and  my bills are to be paid at 100% by FECA ( federal workers comp) and my other primary payer is the Blues and is the primary for those  on my policy.Am very tired and will not share much to night.
If medical sources got the info direct from them , and no reason they should not have access. I would gladly give it.  then  why all this other expense of all these 'partners' of the government whom Congresses of the past have said no money can be spent to see what they are doing or arrest any one that is involved in theft of precious Medicare or any other health care  plan funds.
Any one who knows anything about computers systems  should realize this. Then the government could spend the money are systems auditors to track for anything that does not appear to 'add up.'  and  research for new treatments and cures for illnesses and injuries. That should be the goal;. being healthy and living long lives. Some indications, by those who know these things;  are that we should be living 140 years each.. And we are a long way from that goal until we focus on health care and not health cost that are robbing us of the goal of long and healthy lives.

But prayers and good thoughts for all of us that some how what each of us tries to do and accomplish will help all have a better life without care or worry. Do register and vote. and vote in all elections at all levels. if you  do not like the 'main; choices consider voting for another who is trying to get into the process and seems to have genuine concern for the problems we all are facing.

The trend away from the establishment candidates was surfacing in the last election. I saw many stats that showed many who voted  for lesser known candidates and I was happy to see that. .  They may not have won the primary nor the election, but those whose profession is to control campaigns did take notice and the trend is continuing. We the people are beginning to participate at all levels, some even to run for an office.

Good for us or not, we will find out. But those who have been in office many years, and have forgotten we, the people are their bosses, sometimes seem to forget that.

PEOPLE POWER is what we show when all vote and show PRESENT IN THE PROCESS OF GOVERNING  OUR NATION.

P.S I signed the petition for a debate between Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders. If this cross party lines one does occur it should be filled with some serious issues and suggestions of what to do and how to do it. Maybe the rest of the field could take a few pointers from two from opposite sides whom both do seem to have true concern even if not always in agreement on how to do things. and get some serious  debate going.

I have not endorsed anyone and do not know if I will publicly as this blog is more about getting truth out and praying all will take it and do their best to help make changes for the better for  each one of us.

We ask others to take care of things for us as each one of us cannot do it all.  is how we govern ourselves under the US Constitution.  We already have a world government but its not of , by and for the people.   We are at the mercy of an international cabal that has taken over what governments we do have  and dipped in to our precious public moneys for our health care and social programs that we  have decided should be used to help out each other  when there are needs no individual an afford on their own .

Stealing from the money we all have provided for the  poor, sick and hungry can't be a worse sin or evil. Then have to cut the pay outs to make up for the  internal thefts by those inside which have been entrusted without civil or criminal over sight  to stop bad and illegal behaviors is us not paying attention to what those we elected have let occur.

Its not good that our good doctors and others who take care of our medical needs have to pay for all kinds of companies to help them get paid for our care. Then find out the info they are given is  wrong and behind all the  various ones is one entity  getting their 'cut' in many ways that makes government 'red tape' small in comparison for all this is needed for no other reason but corrupting influences. Costs for practicing medicine should be lessened with computer systems and would be if  doctors, etc. were in charge of medical care. Once the info about our medical visit is entered into their  lap top there is no reason that as soon as the visit is over  the payment for the visit is not on its way to their bank account. 
So what is all the rest of this for? Its some at the top who have used the new tech to create more layers  to skim from the money and control what  kind of care is given and who gets it when all should be getting the best cares science can provide for best health. And these hidden costs, are robbing us of  best health and monies being allocated to new cures and better treatments that are not always more expensive, but cheaper to provide. The right to life should never be a 'for profit' matter. And health care is the main vehicle to giving each of US longer and healthier lives.

Linda Joy Adams 9/24/15

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Saudi Arabia says 310 pilgrims dead in hajj stampede - Yahoo News

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Appeals Reference Guide - Medicare Part B#!  attached is what is occur but when one is a patient and the billing system  which is a contract is illegally hacked into to alter the official info in defiance of the Medicare judges, than  the chaos begins and loss of life and livelihood is put at risk as no one knows who to bill and medical sources have no idea what treatments will be paid for and to  follow so the patient is not left with bills not paid for.  And for us its been at times,   best treatment covered not given as they limit us to what Medicare will pay for. etc. or even Medicaid for one on my policy who also has a Medicare card and it is the third payer and rarely would ever have  Part B bill to be paid by them.

      Plus under the current laws, only the patient and the medical provider are at legal risk and we bear the over payments to the government and fines and penalties can be assessed against the provider or supplier. for  obeying the ACS et al sources and management teams and clearing  houses who all get  the hacked in misinformation . on those of us who have a primary employer group health plan. and the illegal software is run to delete it or in my case its sometime added back in as a medi gap policy ad its not.

     Judge's ruling on M09 1406 is defied along with 37 other Judges my cases alone in multiple agencies by govt contractors which Congress  in past years gave no budget for over sight and internal audit controls or have any money for criminal investigations as  STEALING MEDICARE GOES ON DAILY  and system 'coerces' all to engage in as they must use the CRIMINALLY ALTERED COMMON WORKING FILE.  which is privately owned  as has  been all of our medical records since 1999 once they leave our doctor, etc.  and not under the HIPPAA  law  as our doctor, etc  is under. not even out insurer is not under it either since 2010..
    So when things get mixed up in it an altered  from what ones doctor sent in, them grave danger exists for even life to be sustained. and who gets sued? not he ones messing with all, but   the medical source who was ordered to follow it. many are now getting wise to the unreliability of it.  And medical research is skewed if used and ALL OF US SUFFER WHEN MEDICAL RESEARCH DOES NOT END UP WITH BEST OUTCOMES FOR NEW TREATMENTS AND CURES.

                    Posted on line  recently is the submissions for the recent Medicare hearing where hearings filed and gone missing over the last several years, miraculously showed up in  a hearing request from  decision letters sent with Social Security letterhead and  could not  been done by them so they really were not a reconsideration as we do them where legal issues are addressed and other sources accessed, or development and/or all legal issues answered in some matter, etc. Govt contractors do not have the authority to do much beyond if the math was done right and service provided  used the code for that particular one.

So hearing judges are now getting what used to be handled at the initial levels in side the agencies and attorneys are being begged to step in all over  and most cannot afford those. Even they are finding decisions defied, also.

Today I got a call from a new center set up in Ohio where all the Medicare hearing requests are being sent. I have no idea is this is an ACS or govt facilaity as the caller ID  seemed to indicate it was not govt at all? I filed with the appellate Judges for the Medicare  hearings ones in file but ignored  to get a remand back to hold he hearings that have never been held on premiums and other matters. never addressed legally at any level yet. SSA should not be sending out letters and taking appeals on premium issues if their judges will not get the requests and they do no do the  lower level appeals. And  then have appeals entered on the system and them disappear rather than show a transfer to CMS if that is where they are going and where! Even if not a paper file, the system still  must show who  has 'legal custody' of the data to be worked.

We did better with people and paper in the past in not losing track of a file and where it was. now with systems programmed without the needed security protocols to block any deletions, etc. no one knows what is going on at Medicare or at SSA. This is considered hacking by govt IT people.

So  a  request faxed to Appellate Medicare Judges ended  up in the hearings office center for CMS. No judges had ordered a remand for those yet , If they wish to do them , fine.

I spoke to several at that center to day. Ans my personal opinion of all of them is they are 'OVERWHELMED BY THE CHAOS..  one office has been asked to sort out all of this  for the nation. THEY NEED OUR PRAYERS AND /OR GOOD THOUGHTS.  For files, we need something like pdf additions to agency internal sites. so that all the documents and answers do not go missing. and to have an appeal on the system , still does not clearly show what was the issues and the outcome. That is horrible for all.

And  the head of neither SSA nor CMS   is doing what is  needed to be done  to end the chaos. as all needs some clear guidelines as to who does what and where it all goes.

Why didn't we get an answer from Judge Engleman as to why he was sent all the hearings  pending  some as far back as 8.09  when SSA and Medicare issues got split and the file itself  went missing until  we reconstructed it for the recent hearing but the judge  did not address it at all nor the other hearings in files that happened due to the first one not heard., by either SSA nor Medicare.on  various premium matters and not rule on all of those?  He did not answer that in the dismissal on the one issue that had already been resolved and I just  had to send in a premium payment that is more than  the law says I should pay and I contend is a double payment  on top of that.

     There is very little of all the appeals filed with regard to Medicare of any part that should ever have needed to go to a hearing. If appeals were done as  we used to do them and  real government officials did, with files in tact in one form or another. Then these would have been corrected and ACS et al would not be causing us so much trouble with getting medical care etc..... and medical bill collectors hounding me from bills not paid   with more  health care coverage than 100% on top of that.

     I pray to Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus that this office is able to bring organizing out of a chaos created due to no one doing any real internal audit for over a decade to make sure all are following the same policies and procedures and correct those that cause chaos and problems for all.

For those of other faiths ask for help for all of us or if no faith think good thoughts as   OUR MEDICAL CARE SUSTAINS OUR LIVES. and chaos in that is  does not  foster a good outcome many times.

In a few days, a new coding system starts to show what our ailments are and typos can cause more chaos and with all these government officials and government partners not under the HIPPAA law, there is no way to get errors , intentional or unintentional corrected.

Special  big money interests have no place in health care. Fair income for services and products is part of the FREE MARKET SYSTEM. But we have created costs that do not need to be there over all of this chaos and worse is the 'crooks;' got inside and are helping themselves to our precious health care dollars. that should be used to pay for the direct  medical care/. And past and current Congresses will not give any budget to make sure in the chaos the 'bad guys' now inside are not permitted to continue hacking in to systems and helping them selves.  or getting out of paying the  bills they are to pay and doing an 'illegal; dump' onto Medicare which. is needed for those who do have it as their primary health plan.

NO HEALTH PLAN WILL WORK FOR US, UNLESS WE STOP THE INTERNAL CHAOS AND THEFTS. AND ILLEGAL ACTS. Something that was in place with oversight and a federal 'police; to take care of those committing real crimes. ;from 'inside' and we stopped those few scam artist providers before they ran off with hundreds of millions of dollars , too as govt contractors who pay the claims hire good people who can be trained to keep an eye out for things that do not 'look right; so when they are not, then the legal system can take over and stop the outside thefts.

All of out good doctors and others who take care of our health needs deserve better than having their pay cut to offset thefts, this chaos is allowing to occur.And often the chaos appears to be intentionally created as the hacking in to the billing system in defiance of govt contract terms to block if  one tries to alter when a posting comes in from employers and agencies. If its thought to be wrong, then they need to  report it for the feds to investigate and stop it.  But with that now contacted out to the same international  cabal entity, we NEED A CONGRESS THAT WILL START REPRESENTING US AND TAKING CARE OUR BUSINESS.

 Vote and try to  find out who is trying up against great odds on these issues and rehire them and as for the others. "YOU'RE FIRED"  Let someone else try  to represent us , instead.

Now need to resent a first level appeal to Novatis and try to get them  to do it and give one and answer the legal issues raised.  The one filed  a couple of months ago ended up at the  1-800 Medicare  (General Dynamics) call center to have them 'train me' and  I consider it a physical hardship to not have a government that sees that the contractors know what they are even suppose to do.  instead of doing their job and sending it back to Novatis to do the redetermination appeal. and give me my constitutional appeal rights with a letter if I did not agree, they sent me what hey had been sent by them. That high school civics lesson seems to be forgotten in all of this for all of us.

Changing contractors may have stopped every claim of mine being debited 17 times from the Medicare TRUST FUND AND WE STILL DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE FEDERAL RESERVE DID WITH THE 16 EXTRA PAYS FOR 1/1/06 THROUGH 11/12?

I have to redo a mountain of paper work over and over. Something only a billionaire could afford the legal help to do in a neat , tidy, legalized way. And is not required for any of that to have to be done at agency level so all have access to justice , even if they have money for an attorney as we do not. Its why at the lower appeal levels we  need clear answers to issues raised and   legal citations, so should it need to go on to US District court, then its is ready for an attorney to not have to start at the beginning and be able to go forward, there is only one case that might end up going there, the math on the GPO offset, I if never had judicial review and it appears it was changed by the contractor programmer years ago and never questioned since and none at SSA ot Medicare has any idea, any more  it just what the system does.) but not the offset itself as possible class action. Everything else should  have been  handled long before that level if each level would do the job they used to be able to do with clear guidelines and policies to follow , etc. And even know what the rules and laws are and what judges have said.

           One of the spiritual gifts in Ephesians 4:11 of the Bible. is general common wisdom if one just wishes to call it an aptitude or talent. Its called administration. It a position, of humility, where one  has a talent to take the laws or rules  given to them by those in charge  of a govt or institution  or company and then sees to it  the jobs get down, Without these kinds of people permitted to carry on the will of their  superiors and in govt for the people, then we are in CHAOS and LAWLESSNESS AS CROOKS TAKE ADVANTAGE  WITH REAL HARM DONE TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US. WHEN ITS MONEY WE PUT TOGETHER COLLECTIVELY TO HELP EACH OTHER WHEN NEEDED . THAT IS DISAPPEARING.

Linda Joy Adams 9/23/15

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Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) – Who We Are

Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) – Who We Are

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

U.S. Department of Labor - Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) - Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC) -

U.S. Department of Labor - Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) - Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC) -

DAILY RECAP 9/22/15 NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS FOR MEDICAL CARE : President Obama Born In Topeka Ks son of Jim T Parks

U.S. Department of Labor - Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP) - Division of Federal Employees' Compensation (DFEC) - This is a link to the appeals process at US Department of Labor for injured federal workers.

 But if the contractor has not set up your file or will not post and let ones claims examiner know of or have an appeals request then THERE IS NO APPEAL RIGHTS    as the contractor AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES NOT ONLY VIOLATES THEIR CONTRACT TERMS TO SET UP AND POST FOR ALL WHO FILE AND SUBMIT, but the our human rights to life an livelihood and constitutional rights are also violated when   life sustaining medical care is obstructed by all of this, They have no idea there are so many unanswered and timely filed. And the govt has to accept the gospel according to President Lynn Blodgett on me. and quote his scriptures as if they are truth when they are not and their own judges said to stop it and ask me for the facts and set my my files and get things processed., paid, etc and it was not done.  They have more access to know what is going on by reading this blog,  as access to even their own judges remand orders are withheld from them.  This is a form of 'worship' of a ;god; that is not
YAHUSHA WHOM WE CHRISTIANS CALL CHRIST JESUS AND I PRAY TO HIM AS TRINITY FOR HELP AND  TO GET THROUGH EXPOSING WHAT IS GOING ON AS TOO MANY HAVE LOST THEIR RIGHT TO LIFE BEFORE THEIR APPOINTED TIMES. AND ON GOING LIVELIHOODS.  For  those of other faiths or no faith, you surely have a different type you  ask Divine help from  and what one human says and another says is not truth is taken from the source for  investigation, not blatant following. I quote judges. who have ruled and in the govt they are to be obeyed if they are not appealed by the agency. And they have not done so..

Apparently , some one has put some kind of 'pressure; on ACS  and President Lynn Blodgett of Xerox Management Services to stop  hiding the oxygen claims they have had timely filed with them and not input even on an offline dummy file they use for some things. But even judges remand orders are not shared with  the govt officials unless they choose to do so.

In essence the unaccountable govt contractors are in control of the govt and the rights of all as  to what they permit the govt to see, skews the outcome and caused decisions to be made based on false  and incomplete info..

      So I began to see a few oxygen items show up as write backs, and some got processed and  improper codes put down as to what the items were, but the dollar amount matches the cost of filling those nearly 200  lb oxygen tanks my family takes to the gas company for me to stay alive. Even though approved for life by three health plans for liquid oxygen , suppliers can not afford to deal with ACS et al's bankrupting 'games'. with injured workers lives. and liquid oxygen is needed for injuries like mine as the concentrators inflame my lungs. and are not a therapeutic dose. etc. Even those, are difficult to get through a supplier for those who can tolerate them. "THE RIGHT TO BREATHE IS BEING DENIED"

 FECA, like Fed Blues does not require a supplier and have paid over the years when I did not have a supplier. FECA was paying a supplier until ACS took over and told Lincare I had been given a million dollars to pay them and I and no one else has ever seen such. But there may have been a fund of money for us older cases with more serous injuries and permanent medical already with Federal Employment Compensation Act and some indicate ACS was never to have had  control of us, but have it handled by another ACS company through our Federal Employees group Health Plans.  which would be paid a fee to pay all  our medical bills at 100%. Oxygen  for life approval means all are paid.  And would not need any approval other   then Fed Blues knowing the item and paying the rate they pay.

Many are not aware and not getting it, has been reported. job injures end up with bills paid at the rate their  employer group  health plan would pay and if workers comp does not, the  employer plan makes up the difference. NO WONDER DOCTORS DO NOT WISH TO MESS WITH THIS CORRUPTED SYSTEM AS ITS BEING CARRIED OUT.
W hat has been said to have been set up would mean doctors, etc.

 would love to have us as patients as no issue getting timely and fill payment for care.

So I got some items posted sent in recently  but on a dummy offline file and the items were sometimes lumped together and not itemized on the bill portal. Then on the form I got it again mentioned some third party  is to pay and since 2002 no one knows who  or what that means or is, not EVEN THE GOVERNMENT KNOWS?

  So someone steals  upwards of hundreds of millions of dollars of the taxpayer money for medical care for us injured feds and no one is allowed to investigate as the Director of OPM's OIG testified  to Congress in 7/13 he has no budget allowed to be spent to  investigate what a contractor does or steals and the TAXPAYERS GET ROBBED AND   our RIGHT TO LIVE TROUNCED as we have  NO RIGHT OF APPEALS TO GET TO A JUDGE AND GET SOME SUBPOENA RIGHTS.

      There is a process for claims processed that are missing some kind of info, etc. to mail a form  with an item checked as what is missing. Over the years, I never got any of these on oxygen either.

 And of course all appeals never answered as there is no process to appeal.  All I can do is follow up periodically to keep all alive and pending and all are according to the judges who have ordered over and over all things be processed and paid etc. But they cannot approve anything that has not an initial or lower appeal answered. And it can take up to 3 years to gt a response back from them . and NO MEDICAL CARE   FOR 3 YEARS?

So the write back s I am begging to received for s few items recently which may be done to justify that

oxygen claims are not being ignored for over 15 years,  makes no sense.

There are forms for travel OWCP  957'S and three trips can be put on each one. I have a form already typed up with the oxygen source typed in . And all we have to do is add in the date.

Others are filled out partially also / A couple did not have a line through when there were not 3 trips per form. But they did not pay the one and send out for the other two.

 And they sent several  back asking for the Oxygen source when its clearly typed on the form. So what is all this about?

Then some said the date not clear. Often Doyle writes in as he has better penmanship. And the only things I see is he used dashes instead of slashes between month day and year. But its still got to be retyped by ACS to input. Why we can't just fill out the form online and submit electronically is beyond me except then all of our rights would be preserved and the submission would go directly on to the bill portal , pending approval. for payment. and  we need to be able to save a filled in hard copy,

    Then on form  OWCP 927's where each  item or service is listed,  I do the same things and we add in the date and amount paid. It is very legible as Doyle wrote it. And some of these  were already sent in in the past and this is a follow up. But in no way was  the list checked for timeliness, not yet....SO far nothing has been  processed in a manner to allow the system to actually pay an oxygen claim. THE FILE THAT WAS TO HAVE BEEN SET UP IN 2002 ON ME HAS YET TO BE DONE.

What all have access to see is an offline dummy file and  nothing other than bills get posted and NEVER ANY OXYGEN  until recently and then in a manner that no system would pay or deny  officially as its not coded correctly...... One can not see a doctor and have an mount charged for 1/1/15 - 4/20/15  It must be itemized. I actually have a hearing officer who ruled and remanded such in 1999 that they must  itemize.  Each FECA offices was doing things differently. and when I moved to the Dallas region  they were not itemizing as others did.  then bills paid or not were not kept with the paper claims files but thrown in a back room jumbled.  The perfect chaos created for really bad things to occur with the rest of the files and mine did and caused ACS BE GIVEN THE CONTRACT TO ORGANIZE THINGS SO ALL HAD RIGHTS AND NO RIFLING OR THEFTS OF FILES. And then it got worse instead of better. If other FECA offices could get organized and provide security  as the PHILLY  office did, then why not DALLAS.

There should never be such a regional difference and why  my NEW YORK   file did not satay in NEW YORK no matter where I lived makes no sense.

So  we are working through this write back  mess and for what? to show we responded? to who? ACS will not allow any one to know what is going on until Congress  changes the laws. They did that on HR 1063 and yet its not been enforced  for me at all. Instead ACS et al has control of that and is playing worse games with out data and files and lives and livelihoods.  Those doing this are setting terrible precedents  in case they are in my situation and they participated in a process of denial of basic human rights  for  themselves as the process can be used for whomever its wished to be used for.
We got form 957's not with the 927's for same item. and all show the medical  source on them  so  what has gone on and where is all the pending ones filed over the years.  They do not have a scanner that can look for a date or source?


FECA laws mean that all parties have to know anything official  ,etc.  and be notified. And there is no settlement done yet and they are not saying that.  Something is badly wrong and how many have actually died trying to find out as reports are others are getting the same lies from ACS and no one knows.   TAXPAYERS MONEY FOR US GOT STOLEN AND CONGRESS WILL NOT STOP IT? HR 1063 NEEDS ENFORCED , It does not interfere with the merits of a case at all. But it does give the power to force my file to be set up and all clams input timely and processed  with appeals rights. if ACS does not pay then I have appeals rights , and this releases the bill timely to be paid by other health plans and keep track of it so that if in the future is  paid, the money will be returned to the taxpayer. funds. pending 15 years, and a few  items 26 years is not timely processing.

Workers comp at the state levels is now under President  Blodgett in what is labeled a workers comp reform . And Medical care can not be cut, as other kinds of pay can. What seems to be surfacing is  WORKERS COMPENSATION BEING ENDED FOR ALL AND JOB SAFETY  ALONG WITH IT. One more step to enslavement of the workers. VOTE AND STOP REELECTING ANY ONE WHO WILL NOT STAND UP FOR THE PEOPLE AND OUR BASIC RIGHTS. Try to find out , in any , ant all levels of government, are selling out rights out to this international cabal. and support those who are not, and 'fire' the rest and elect someone else to represent out rights.

These are the issues, not what one looks like, or did years ago. in their youth.
We will do our best and answer all as we always do, but we need some audit controls allowed by Congress and  HR 1063 is needed badly to be enforced for me. and HHS OIG  when SSA officials were asked to help out a  couple of years ago for publicity ? said contractors are not precluded on this law. They  were happy for me that something might be done for me and so many others in need of the govt standing up for the rights of the people.
Linda Joy Adams 9/22/15