
Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Results Are In: Here Are The Richest Towns In America, Ranked

The Results Are In: Here Are The Richest Towns In America, Ranked

i Editor's Letter: Can the NHS thrive with a personal profit motive? | The Independent

i Editor's Letter: Can the NHS thrive with a personal profit motive? | The Independent


Isaiah 7 KJV - And it came to pass in the days of Ahaz - Bible Gateway

             Random chapter of the day...and parts of the future explained and the 9/23/17 sign and its forerunner from the birth of Christ...referred to as the time of troubles followed by the promise of good things to be..once we get through the last battle with evil and may all of us choose to be over comers and not cover uppers and go along into the void of existence for eternity as a very bad and awful choice.

                  Syria and the area of the tiribe of Ephraim join forces along with the area named after Remaliah...and we seem to have a current line of vs Israel which back then was Judah of the southern kingdom with capital in Jerusalem as neglect of spiritual and physical boundaries of a nation and people got neglected and had fallen into the religion of the world then of the fertility goddess of human sacrifice  even priests in the Temple had humans sacrificed in the Temple of those of the royal family which is called the abomination of desolation....A later bad guy only sacrificed a pig...which is an insult to the unclean....but far less than the curse of shedding any one's blood since Cain and Abel first found out that they had bodies that could suffer physical death....and maybe it was not aliens who messed with our genome but Adam and Eve convinced by Satan as it was a good thing.?

   Its why with all the theories and sci fi around now along with real scientific study, there is still one constant...the Bible and its well to check back to it....and nearly everything now in the news, has some guidance from earlier nothing is new...we are just finally relearning what has been lost a few times in the past after humanity could not handle the knowledge of the physical as we were not spiritually ready to resist evil and choose this chapter seems to be telling us again.

                Before there was writing...there was a Picture Bible in the heavens...using all the constellations as well as wandering stars we now know as planets...and this was long before the mystery Babylon and Tower of Babel that took part and even changed meanings and terms into another form.....and today we have a babel of meaning in our current language and usually have not idea where they came from and what goes with the original and what is from the later mystery religion of human sacrifice and public temple prostitution with temple priestesses....Both now illegal in virtually the whole one is murder of innocents and the other is public indecency .. What does one thing those High Places were told were bad in the Bible....and in 2015 several went up in public places around the world....and where were all those who want church and state left this is a symbol of a faith too....and not one most would accept being placed in a public place as we would tolerate other faith symbols as ones not advocating illegal behaviors...even if we do not believe as others do.....

                 Verse 14, is a prophecy of not only the first coming of Christ, but of the second as truth revealed in Revelation chapter 12, is my supposition...and many are trying to figure things out...and I just add mine to the mix....and one day...all truth will be revealed when Christ returns and we will reject the good and have peace on Earth...We are so close that evil and its cohorts are now in a civil war with us......and its getting bad in of those who care and those who do not....and why there is no medications for 25 million are estimates. And every day more injured to some degree and the cover up is allowed to go on....and let the victims die years before they should is a modern day human sacrifice of the innocent....and many afflicted are always the children...

    As Hebrew scholars teach that this is a language with no absolute past tense...Wonder where Einstein got his knowledge....give the  I AM WHO I AM who was, is and always will be credit for creation and a wonder of making it through the right hand whom came as Christ and will be coming again...A Promise of salvation and have all renewed and we accept our positions each one as rulers an ministers of each other...( scripture says kings and priests)

   And we are given the mission to not go along to get along with the evil things being done justice denied one does deny it to all of us....and it may not be evident at the time....but sin does come back around and take us for allowing it to be us and for us and others... Some might call it Karma in some faiths....or REAP WHAT YOU SOW from scriptures....

            And if all help in whatever way called, then none of us are alone in the effort and VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION.....which we have never had 95%+ of all who could vote dong it in all elections...and why we are in real trouble and massive harms and robbing of our public monies and no govt in charge by law to stop this as the whole of just about contracted out and they have become international and bribery today is a good job with them for a close relative and friend too often and hard to prove bribery when no budget can be used for audits or even criminal investigations of contractors….and our whole legal systems of checks and balances on real evil being done that is also rampant...and too many have lost their humanity in going along with their jobs require them to bind up their humanity and even commit illegal acts....and too often the innocent who question what is being them and others...are them turned none wishes to hear they are unwilling to face...what is going on....and give up on even themselves when none of us is expected to stand up to evil alone....and why its imperative we have a real govt allowed to stop this....and when that is done...then the few 'deep staters' facilitating this over throw...will be revealed also....and some of them already are....and we have our job to do as citizens at the BALLOT BOX... and pray for each other to do the best we can choosing among all the imperfect people wishing our vote at all those local and state elections are vital to put a check on the federal who has shirked their oversight duty by law n 2002 and much already by executive type actions decades before that...

      As it was in ancient times, it was at the time of Isaiah and was later at the time of Christ's first coming and it is also now....and this chapter does seem to refer to 1948 as another key moment in history of Christ...for the world and for verse  17... And so much in the Bible as in the language is based on history repeating itself....and eventually we are to get it right and good and have goodness rule on the shoulders of the returned Christ as victor over all evil removed from bothering us ever again...and prayerfully none will choose to follow evil into the void of all can choose...and who would turn down unconditional law for each one of us...over death and destruction and hatred?  This is no time to give up on ourselves...and we are finding some real desperation in this world with so much gone wrong...yet in other ways we are so close to having it all for everyone of us.... And this time the symbol above us that was Christ being born of now the birthing of truth of the forerunner of the return of the victorious King if Kings and through us the BRIDE OF CHRIST  (ancient term for Virgo?)WILL TRUTH BE REVEALED....AND BIRTHED....AS WE ENTER INTO THE BATTLE OF ALL TIME AS OVER COMERS OF EVIL  and finally since our fall into its trickery in the garden of Eden..we will be able to over come any deceit to follow the wrong paths for ourselves and help other help themselves to choose the good also... ( The sign of 9/23/17 is referred to many times and the King of Kings star is now at the paws of the Lion ready to come on down....and we have to fulfill our great mission given us to share the truth and not let the current tricksters do us and our world in ever again....Evil does not wish the sunshine of exposure....and that is for us to share what we know and resist the real propaganda wars going on all over in many areas now...and we can sort this out  as we listen to our innate sense of goodness and love for one another....and desire for justice to be for one and all...

              It takes 95%+ of all of us could vote to do so to have a real mandate of the people or majority of all of us....Then we have the power to make sure those elected serve us the best they can and not some other interests...which too often oppose much good for us and the nation.. FREEDOM IS OFTEN COMPLICATED as some things are left to individuals and others need cooperation and collection of monies for each of us to have a good quality of we are to have...

    Its not the plan or the policy or small or big govt...but that freedom is facilitated and we make the decisions by our input to our govt....and most importantly our votes.

               Vote and be part of the solution!

                       In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus.. may we not let You down as we strive to be the over comers You taught us to be....and may our prayers be sent to help those in our govt...who have lost the will to stand for good and get things done that are badly needing taking care of and stop the deluge of the corruption for good.....and stand for our rights and justice for one and all....and not withhold medical care from anyone anymore for political gain by special interests....and the way of healing and nutrition are the best and cheaper way to life....and cures be found to best treat....and You taught us to feed the hungry and heal the sick or we would be in hell instead of the heaven on earth You taught us to pray for....and even the rich are being bombarded with toxic meds additives...and food filled with non nutrition and too much never deemed fully why do we allow this to be done to each other? Help us find our way to being the free will for good and each do what one cans to help....not try to ignore and resist any who do wish to help..... And tonight as some pain from not fully getting additives neutralize from a main med....that came form a plant 150 years ago...and still the miracle drug for us.....thank You for life being sustained so far....and may the people forget that 1/6th of all of us...may be suffering as this one is...for the first time since 1/10/89...the treatments which proven work are not allowed to be made....for the USA...and are they anywhere? And this is not about paying for its not made to buy! Pray for those in South Texas who have returned home and fires still burning...and what was called toxic, now seems to be getting ignored...but health cannot be and even the accepted tests are not allowed to be run its now as bad but anything that burns that is not natural wood etc...always seems to have something toxic in it....and the news is not talking to individuals so far....over the weekend with less active Pray for best for them and even a slight injury  become a progressive one over You know the scientists who study have known and its the real medical standards not being allowed to be followed by this bunch or cabal of contractors....and pray for You to reach those leaders of those cabal in near total control now of all of us and our health care.....and may they change and do good for one and all...even if profits go down as how did we make our lives and health a for profit game to sustain life...We have really messed up and help us get back on the good path of caring for one another as You love us.... .In Your Holy Name...Amen

                    VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION


         (scroll down the side of last month or click on and scroll down to find..)

                  FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

                  MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts over sections of 9 Daily Recaps Please do not try any

                      medical treatments without doctor and some need prescriptions...and if one learns more

                       please share it online so we can check with our doctors...if good for us..

                 VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85  some 70's not yet used

 Linda Joy Adams 11/30/19



(no safe meds and none of some meds made now for 25 million most who wre told its Ok now and a life of a progressive diseases and since no diagostic testing is being allowed to be done by the cabal in control of health care with no govt oversitght allowed by law since 2002--pray the people are OK but firt report was toxic and by the time the first fumes are inahaled damage is done as I know first hand and a cover up that has gone on for 30 years since the govt research came out that has also been supressed!! so the first Gulf war victims did not get paid..)50,000 people allowed back home after chemical plant blasts in Texas

50,000 people allowed back home after chemical plant blasts in Texas

New Markets Tax Credit Program

New Markets Tax Credit Program

Friday, November 29, 2019


Job 38 KJV - Then the LORD answered Job out of the - Bible Gateway

           For years, a Bible is opened at random daily and chapter read...and each time through translations may vary...This time is the King James version read widely since the 1800's

          And reading a translation that comes from the 1600's of older English and then not even the original languages of ancient Hebrew and Greek....not even current Greek...

  is difficult enough to gather meaning  but also that most scholars consider Job as the most ancient writing in the Bible....and relies heavily on the oral tradition before then based on using the stars and wandering stars(planets) as a Picture Bible in the heavens to tell the story of our existence and the plan and purpose of humanity since we ended up here after gaining all knowledge before we could spiritually handle it thus had to be removed from the Garden of Eden and begin our long journey back to where our spiritual understanding to make free will choices that are best....and not keep falling into the traps of the Satan and his 1/3 of fallen angels...who rebelled against the Divine...and have an agenda of our demise and creation we humans were made a little higher than the angels....and have an awesome responsibility to be rulers and ministers of  ourselves and take care of creation...

               This is the chapter that has some sci- fi and others who have theories of aliens around....and what is wisdom from the truth itself of the Divine Love of the I AM WHO I AM...of which Christ is the right arm from which all truth comes and creations came into this one believers take on things after 74 years of study, prayer and just living...making mistakes of  not so good choices and their outcomes and making others that turned out well...

   And after learning some years ago of the stars above us used as a Picture Bible....and terms used from the time of the first family on Earth....are mixed up now with the later Zodiac ones and other teaching of the Fertility Goddess religion of Mystery Babylon and human sacrifice of the innocent....and we have not only a Tower of Babel to learn about....but a babel of meanings of what is being shared above us.....

     So when constellations are referred to in Job.....this is written at at time when the meanings from above already had begun to be a mixture of old of the Divine...and the new of the other religion that had taken the world.....and why Israel under Moses was given more understanding on the mountain...of the better way of governing and being with the foundational 10 rules that removed any concept of a human being a god,,,just because they had a bigger army and could conquer and declare ones self as a god....and be worshipped and idolized and one after life depend on obeying even a leader who abused power (covet)…...another word that seems to have gotten a meaning changed much since ancient times and no wonder the Bible got locked up for centuries after Constantine decided everyone had to believe the same.....and something unnatural for humanity as we were made to be different and independent thinkers and rulers of ourselves as well as others as we have come close to being this in reality with access to the BALLOT BOX n most of the world now...

         But wisdom was locked up away from us...until we finally got our act together and began a renewed searching for the truth of things......until a renewal came about again...and the Bibles got unlocked as for hundreds of years the one on the pulpit in churches was ...and only certain priests could be allowed access....

             The very opposite of what we were each meant to how can be a ruler and priest to each other in this world...if we have no access to the basic information to make best choices by studying the past and what worked well and what horrors other choices became...

       We are called to be OVER COMERS not Cover uppers.....and in Job we have a telling of the Book of Revelation....said to be the last book written in the Bible....and filled with images and teachings not unlike what Job was sharing of prophesy of what was the plan..of Satan and of the Divine and are part as humanity in the whole and what side we end up our free will choices and pray all of us choose the good side....

    Job knew about the heavens as he was reading the Picture Bible as he was in contact with the Divine in some way.. And a comparison is given in chapter 38 of how divided the teachings of the original had become of what is truth from Divine Wisdom of creation and what is the other bad guys wish for the truth to be based on his own self desire for death and destruction unless all bow to him and we become enslaved to his ways and be thoughtless zombies...even...….But the moral of Job is he knew the good way is in the Divine Love...and never faltered as all kinds of horrible things were done to him and his.....and by the end of his story...all was made new and restored...just as it tells us will be at the final ending of Satan's control in this world...and we become over comers and government will rest on the shoulders of we take care of things together as individuals and rulers but we will finally assert the will each has and use it for making better choices and respect and care for one find best answers of how to get things done for each one and for what needs to be done in common...

    For more info on the Picture Bible...books and resources are around....but also here in this blog is a series included in Daily Recap beginning with 9/23/17 when a one time celestial event is recorded in Revelation 12....and     what seems to be the ancient term for the now Zodiac sign of Virgo...was once the BRIDE OF CHRIST....of humanity....and referred to by Christ in Matthew 24 for when what we call the end times will be known to be starting...seems to directly refer to this sign....and the only other time this sign was...with one variation was at the time of Christ's first coming and birth as a baby dependent on his earthly He is the KING OF KING STAR of the sigh of Leo... and moved from the heart of the lion to the front paws along with Jupiter who took 9 months to be birthed and came on down....and who is that? Maybe TRUTH WAS BIRTHED... as since 9/23/17  we are learning a lot of secrets of who has been ruling and causing a lot of problems in this world.....and to be good rulers of this world..and take care of it we do need to know all those secret details that never were to be secret in the first place as secrets is the way of evil to control and fool us into thinking things are good and OK and horrors are really going on.....

      And the communication around the near total now....and we just do not accept that any one or govt should cut us off from sharing and learning and contacting others about every possible matter....  And very little on line is illegal...and for free will and freedom to flourish...we do need to be able to discern bias and propaganda from real witnesses who shared what they know and have learned..along their own journey in life.. to find truth and wisdom and know better how to "BE BEST". as the First Lady of the USA says as her slogan.....Its a pretty deep one...just like in scripture with layers of meanings as one begins to think about what it is all about...

                   and as we go to VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION..

 we are each called to "BE BEST" in our choices and what more we may be called to do to help our leaders be successful and serve us well when elected...And if they do not, then we will need to ask others to serve us better....And that is 95%+ of all who could vote doing it....and then not to forget every election from local o federal as there is not real mandate of the people or majority unless we have that kind of number make is well know who is in charge of our govts....US....and then our prayers and support with constructive each one of us has a unique perspective of matters....and in some miraculous way...each of us has a part in the whole of things for the best to be...for all of us...and not one be harmed by what the most of us decide...

                   In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we keep the faith in You as Job never doubted..and knew the bad...was not the truth and wisdom and finally all is renewed and made whole and good again as we have that promise still and now have come to  time when each one of us is called to do whatever is our part in overcoming evil for ever more....until You come and removed those who will not stop trying to destroy us and creation and we can be at peace....and "BE BEST" as we were always meant to be.....

   And pray that health issues get resolved soon so life can be sustained as long as naturally should even with health we are all called to help heal and have good health and good nutrition and we have let ourselves the ways of things that got so out of hand in this world where some few took advantage of our goodness and we got sucked into ways not good...and now have to get out of the snare and web we got caught in...

             Prayers for our leaders as they face a lot next week and may the whole truth be revealed as You taught us there are no secrets in You are and were and always will be  And thanks for the Internet and a day of shopping while outside the rain and cold was not so pleasant....but may the rain help heal the soil for a good harvest next food prices seem to rise and rise...each month and we have all we need to grow what we need....and may that help be and it is all over the web....

        Thank You for life sustained by our family for another year....and may many more until You return and we have peace on earth and no more struggles against those who do not care at all about life and caring and helping each other to help themselves be more independent....but desire some kind of programs to keep all down and enslaved....and may we get to the day...when we are the glorious creation of free will and become what we were meant to be....Your helper on this planet....and world of creation.itself….and have eternal life with evil removed from us ever to be bothered by its sneaky ways again....In Your Holy Name Amen!

                           Vote and be part of the solution!


     a little tired tonight as a better part of the day shopping and so many choices...and good buys...and not all at the same place....and odd lots of deals and bargains.....and expect a lot of UPS and Fed Ex and showing up and no Amazon drones yet...will not expect a fly over just yet... and with a modest budget would not have found so much for presents etc...without all the searching one can do from nearly every part of the be brought to our a few days... I saw where even cars can be bought online and shipped to our homes now....but that is a little over my budget and did not get that....Sorry no new cars this year at the Adams.....

               ( so need to repost the following but for now click on month or last month and scroll down side... for)

                             FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

                             MEDICAL REGIMEN  in 5 parts in sections of 9 Daily Recaps Please do not try

                             any medical treatments without doctor and some need prescriptions...and keep

                             the newly injured in our prayers and good thoughts who may find this Info useful

                             to ask their own doctors...with no meds made or unsafe additives to others

                             as they as govt contractors accountable to no USA and other nations

                              decided we should not exist and our numbers estimated now as 20 million up

                            to 55 million by some who assert they know ….and its major and health is being

                            taken from us as health care controlled by those  as govt contractors but for DOD to

                             only seem to care about making our public funds disappear and not for the

                            injured and having issues with minute levels of the power of

                            all possibly having one in their own household or who may come to that

                            free market is bowing to us...and  a real propaganda war our physical

                           loves become a political football that never should be allowed to be if our good

                            doctors would be allowed to follow medical treatments standards which have existed

                           for us for over 30 years now..and abandoned to not pay claims and liability claims

                           when cheaper and best health would be to treat and older meds work and Oxygen

                           without inflaming ozone emissions. Need to be done...and over all we are cheaper

                           patients and find some cures for the INSTITERIUM to regenerate our mucous

                           membranes...etc...the top layer  etc...Be a good leader and use wealth to help as well

                          as reduce healing not making people sicker....faster. and no life expectancy

                         as proven in me for one can live a longer life that is now happening.

                        with intentionally pulling our older and safer medical written here about

                          nearly daily...

                        VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85 some 70's not yet used..

           Welcome to all those in Russia that have had an increase of access....even if I do not know who...the stats by nation are available...

                             medical and since 2002 no audits or investigations allowed by law of govt

                              contractors in virtual control of all health care and no govt oversight of use of

                           public monies at all...and Congress only has to add in the oversight language  bill to protect our public monies and our rights of even life...and why won't they?


          Linda Joy Adams 11/29/19



Huge black hole just located 'should not even exist' A black hole with a mass 70 times greater than our sun and located 15,000 light-years from Earth, has been discovered, leaving scientists stunned. 'A renaissance in our understanding' »

Huge black hole just located 'should not even exist' A black hole with a mass 70 times greater than our sun and located 15,000 light-years from Earth, has been discovered, leaving scientists stunned. 'A renaissance in our understanding' »

US Govt: Arresting WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Now A Top "Priority" | WorldTruth.Tv

US Govt: Arresting WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Now A Top "Priority" | WorldTruth.Tv

Major storm set to bring heavy rain, snow across US through holiday weekend

Major storm set to bring heavy rain, snow across US through holiday weekend

The problem with millennials wanting to buy homes Most millennial renters won’t be homeowners anytime soon - even if they want to be. '20% larger ... than baby boomers' »

The problem with millennials wanting to buy homes Most millennial renters won’t be homeowners anytime soon - even if they want to be. '20% larger ... than baby boomers' »

Thursday, November 28, 2019

1000 POINTS OF LIGHT LINDA JOY ADAMS AUTHOR 1948 of the words from 1948- and only part of sentence Search results for "a thousand points of light"

Linda Joy Adams: Linda Joy Adams: author of the words from 1948- and only part of sentence Search results for "a thousand points of light"

Linda Joy Adams: author of the words from 1948- and only part of sentence Search results for "a thousand points of light"

Linda Joy Adams: Search results for "a thousand points of light"


1 Chronicles 7 KJV - Now the sons of Issachar were, Tola, - Bible Gateway

    The list of ancestors of many from one area and nation is a list of warriors and since ancient times...when the 1) commandments of following the good and protecting ones spiritual as well as physical national borders...were ignored...we have gotten ourselves into being lists of who fought bravely in battles to keep ourselves safe...when one bad choice after another led to this endless disagreements with each other that never seem to be resolved with out warfare....a sin against life...itself and we allow ourselves to get embroiled in such by not making sure better choices are made by us and our leaders as we have the power of the people even if not always the political we now do at the BALLOT BOX and IT is all on us now if we let those in power no stand up for us and life itself....War is not pretty and things happen that are not good....and why we were meant to be over comers of all evil....and its come to a time..when those who will not lead their lives on the path of caring and personal respect for each other to have rights....many of us have faiths that teach us the evil ones who will not stop trying to trick us into bad things will be removed from among us and give us a final 1000 years to make a heaven on earth....and finally learn to resist as the final test of the evil ones to do good and us to not be led into bad choices...occurs and we then never have to deal with evil ever we have learned our lessons well of how to know things and not let them be used for bad ends...or wars that end lives and health....

             Its always been the people's choice of who is in charge and what is expected of them to do....And no matter whether it be a leader, the people worship as a god, thus having no responsibility to even think to make choices or govern...or we have a nation like the USA where the people are to be the rulers and if they do not accept that ongoing responsibility to even vote and be a part of the solving of problems and vision for what needs to be done for future good: THEN  we allow bad things to happen to those of no good intent will grab the void of power and take it for themselves....and if the ones chosen to look out for things for us  play games of gossip and rumor and cover up of the horrors.....and not even know what in the world they even vote how many who voted by unanimous acclamation in the US Senate knew that an earmark gutted an entire good law of 6000 pages to preserve rights of all in the new cyber age.....and TURNED THE CONTROL OF THE FILES AND DATA OF  the USA and much of our personal data entrusted to the govt to take care us over to NO GOVT IN CHARGE....AND A NOW INTL CABAL OF GOVT CONTRACTORS TOOK OVER.....with no right of any president nor civil service under the USA to audit and know what the contractors are doing to us...and public monies  ongoing this day.....and all the presidents of the USA have been allowed to do since 2002 is go to war.....and away we went as Congress only left the Department of defense under the presidents and the military.....and removed the rest of the govt....which dips into what goes on with all of us down to even local as so much is partnered federally funding from medical and even what goes on above in cyber space......and the states and local govt have relied on the federal to audit and prosecute those who break the laws, and our rights and steal and scam the monies...…..and the big secret in DC that even many elected since 2002 and the states not aware that there has been no federal govt to count on for help at all since 2002 law....and other matters by executive order and all of our medical records unprotected since 1999 contracted out for all who had a health plan...and all of us since 2002.....and NO GOVT AT ALL ALLOWED TO SPEND ONE PENNY UNDER OUR PRESIDENTS TO AUDIT OR PROSECUTE CRIMES COMMITTED....AND  as this website was started back in 12/08 when I first learned of the unthinkable over throw of the USA....and later the name of our real ruler...who could defy 39 federal judges in multiple agencies....and change laws and outcomes of studies...and even our diagnosis on the national and now his international medical data base...…


as the first reports said they were locally and now they are getting bamboozled and heard today from national 24/7 news the same info of the  ALTERATION OF THE HAHNEMANN UNIVERSITY STUDY...WHICH I WAS THE SUBJECT...….As if all will be OK soon...don't settle the real results..are its a progressive permanent injury....and how progressive one is along the way already depends on how severe the initial injury.....

             I pray the current reports this evening are correct....But the preponderance of such a not good for those who breathed the air...and that is what happens by the time one breathes it is already injured to some extent...And no MEDS MADE ..NO SAFE FORM OF SOME MEDS....AND ONLY SOME CAN BE COMPOUNDED....BUT NOT ALLOWED FOR BASIC ONES THAT HAVE WORKED WELL FOR 70 TO 100 YEARS FOR SOME...THAT HAVE TO HAVE A DANGEROUSLY HARMFUL ADDITIVE TO THEM FOR MILLIONS OF US...

        So in 1997, it was estimated by FDA there was 700,000 like me in USA>...and then after 9/11/01 it jumped to 2 million left to die in New York the fake news talked about ground zero workers....but neglected to make it clear that just across the street with no air barriers were another 2 million working and living and no gas ,masks handed out were they? As that would make an invisible disability visible to the world....and the biggest cover up of a toxic disaster with altered results of air study and as people suffered to breathe...the City of New York and public health...which a former doctor of mine at Mount Sinai was by then head of did their own air study and found the air the EPA contractors said was safe...was TOXIC....and the cover up by New York officials to this day continues as they try to convince the world that GROUND ZERO is not in the middle of a dense populated area where millions come and go to...but up on some isolated mountain top or far away in a desert where few people ever go....

  And the sub group that gets cancer...A lot of study has not been done to continue from where it ended in 1990 when the first Gulf Wat victims came home with  a variety of toxic exposures and the medical cover up of the Institerium as the lymphatic organ....which the top layer is the mucous membrane and is in all parts of our bodies....and once damaged...and then further damaged as medical facilities were beginning to know to get one in a chemically free area...which an emergency room is a heavily laden chemical area..and then the cabal contractors took over....and began managing the whole health care system....and this is the issues with our health care system since 2010 is that all of us are under federally financed health care even if one has no ins or private its manages from every area...and system are govt contractors and NONE KNOW WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON IN THE GOVT....AND CONGRESS SAYS ITS JUST FINE....AND HAS A GAG ORDER RULE TO COVER UP AND NOT BOTHER THE CONTRACTORS...NOT EVEN MENTION OR CONTACT OR HAVE ONE TESTIFY AS THE DISDAIN FOR THEIR OWN CONSTITUENTS IS HORRENDOUSLY DEADLY FOR WAY TOO MANY.... of what they could change to just allow the govt to do its over sight job of our public funds...and made sure all our rights, and treatment standards in health care are being met....and even preventative care is fully funded and MOST NOT EVEN GETTING once one has a chronic gets none as not fully paid for....and if a liability impasse now as the civil war inside the federal govt...that affects every level even into the states and real as this current president is stirring things up the cabal has well under their control ….and they do not wish to change. and have freedom and equality before the law...or in seeking health care....AND ANOTHER who is in a place to really know....those preventative care funds...are getting gone and not for running tests...

      So we need to get smarter and a lot is able to be done at home and delivered or mailed in and is it really needed to draw a whole tube of blood out of us for tests...and was at a lab yesterday....and that one is making it possible for kits to be made available and a lot done at home and turned in...why not mailed in....and results to you and ones doctor?? 

                The attempt to reduce something doctors have been dong for their entire lives....for many ...and so much could. be...

         Do, I sound negative as today prepared another week of solution to soak the deadly toxic substance out of my main med of an ether alcohol gas....that  HAS HAD TO BE WELL KNOWN WHEN IT WAS PUT IN MANY PILLS AND INTO THOSE FOR THOSE WITH INFLAMMATION AND SWELLING AND EDEMA OF THE LUNGS...AND THE ENTIRE LYMPHATIC ORGAN...

         And we have medical care...with specialties for each organ....and the cabal management keeps them separated as if one is not affected the other and its all one blood flowing thought....but in the lungs with no pirbuterol or any safe rescue inhalers for millions of us....the swelling keeps the blood backing up in the one can only be immobile of liquid those ozone emitting concentrators. that get the ozone back into the lungs can cause even faster and more deadly swelling....its cause pneumonitis….and its not just the lungs....and on through the body can manifest and be called all kinds of things n various organs....

and a former Air force doctor called it edema of the throat....even in one visit...and had never heard of it....but our good doctors have known this for decades...but NONE LISTEN TO OUR DOCTORS ANY MORE AS IF THEY NEVER WENT TO SCHOOL AND STUDIED MEDICINE...even if they are now getting some bad info shared since the chemical companies came in with grants...and laws got passed to GOT DUPED...

   Go check out what I share here....and a lot is linked and real peer review research and it was only last year the research finally got published on the Institerium....and by these additives added in 1998 with no warning labels as the original 1/2 dozen medical precedent cases like me had to be disappeared again for any still alive......and I still am alive and living proof one can survive for decades and slow down the progression with the treatments available for 30 years now....and since 2008...DO NOT EXIST...AND NO SUBSTITUTES BUT TO DO COMPOUNDING AND FDA came along and would not let theophylline be sold in powder alone and taken that way since the late 1800's but had to be bounded with the  OPPOSITE OF SAFE FOR US.....for decades first beeswax and then dehydrated lactose were used....and I took those safely and without that to synthesize oxygen would not live a week plus it fights inflammation at the cellular bonded with this gas that none will let it be known how to best neutralize it and without online sites...would not be alive and have tried things that my doctors are aware of and everything used is over the counter food or no FDA alerts of issues... But not getting it all....and may not be around and millions more may not either unless ALL THOSE RUINING FOR PRESIDENT and other offices  DECIDE THAT HUMAN LIFE IS PRECIOUS AND THEY IGNORE THE HUMAN PLIGHT AND WANT OUR VOTES...

           The only one running for president in 2020, who seems to want to help and getting flack for allowing more methane to be used as the pirbuterol inhaler  (taken in water soluble pill for 15 years before it came out as MAXAIR in 3/89 using a methane as propellant..and others of ours used it and excuse to remove it to save this ozone layer of planet earth..even if millions of human die in out nation.....but President Trump even mentions relaxing those standards and continuing the waiver given by Congress  in 1997 which a decade later....doctors no longer asked...and the cabal in charge made us be COPD PATIENTS and lied and the alteration is crimes but congress said hands off...and would not change the law to prosecute and protect our records now costing health and too many lives long before they should.... AND WHO RUNNING FOR ANY OFFICE THINKS MY LIFE HAS VALUE OR YOURS.? None as rarely does any bill get through with that oversight allowed language added back in...and without it..the law gets contracted out and not obeyed as intended...and the monies.?? who knows as documentation comes about by many embezzlement's....scams and skims and paying someone close relative a huge salary for what work?? Did we learn this from UKRAINE  or did they hire the same cabal there as we have here now?

      MY doctor thinks even that could be compounded with the distilled water too in the bubble cup attached to liquid oxygen..WHICH WE ,MILLIONS ARE OXYGEN PATIENTS FROM DAY ONE....AND READ THE STANDARDS FOR the managers of health care...ignore them...and make up their own that is abuse of that good care...that works or I would not still be here...and fir the first time since 1/10/89 after a couple of weeks and by 3/89 the treatment standards and meds were out....from the govt research...already done...and then got stopped by wars and more wars and injured soldiers....and others in the war effort.....and one had no value or rights once they could no longer work or battle...and the rest of us got caught in the cross fire...and became unworthy of living by their standards....

              Moses came down from the mountain with 10 basic rules of governing...and we have even changed the meaning of 'covet' to some kind of envy or greed each of us can be tempted with at times....from abuse of power by one in authority...and a new way of thinking for the entire world...of the people's rights of not being human the rest of the world was doing in the name of religion....and we just do it in the name of abuses of power...taken away from all of us...and we let it happen as when has 95%+ of all who could vote do it and let it be known..WE ARE THE RULERS OF THIS NATION, AND WORLD AND WERE CREATED HIGHER THAN THE ANGELS WHICH ONE THIRD OF THEM FELL INTO EVIL ALONG WITH THE ONE THAT WAS TO BE RULER..AND CHOSE TO DEFY THE   I AM WHO I AM OF DIVINE LOVE....that Christ is the part though which all of creation was made....and came in the flesh by human woman to show us and teach us how to live...and some mysterious way through His death and resurrection we are able to have eternal lives and heaven on earth.....if we choose to have than and not the void of hell instead..

                 And since the Council of Patriarchs of the tribe decided they wanted a warrior king....then another but with a good heart for the good of the Divine even if imperfect...and never did ancient Israel since Moses....came down...ever consider their leaders as gods as the rest of the world did....theirs...and ruled with guilt of losing after life.if they did not worship their abusing leaders who considered them expendable if injured and subjects to be human sacrifices for what??

            THOU SHALT NOT MURDER HAD A REAL AND DEEP MEANING TO THOSE GIVEN 10 RULES AS THEY ALSO UNDERSTOOD THAT THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY WAS FAR MORE THAN BEING FAITHFUL TO ONES SPOUSE BUT NOT TAKING AFTER THE FERTILITY GODDESS OF PUBLIC PROSTITUTION AND HUMAN SACRIFICE AS SACRAMENTS OF THE FAITH... both sacraments now considered illegal in nearly every part of the world.. even in places of legal prostitution its still public indecency when not done behind closed doors...


                         In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we never fail to  understand that You love each one of us...even when we really mess things this world You gave us to live in....and may we find our way to do better and make it possible for one and all of us to survive this real threat to life that is of our own dong for letting such evil get control of our lives and others among us....And may those who have been injured today and around the world...find their way to stay alive and may the medical community stand with the patients and we make sure that our leaders change their ways....and stop ignoring us....and we know You told us all to be over comers and rulers....and ministers of each others....and may we find the strength and courage with Your Holy Spirit to guide us to love one another and respect each others as having value for life as You do and let not one be treated with injustice as what we allow to do to one does it to all of us.....and each one has a part to do what is right or wrong along the way....and may we all find the better way to 'BE BEST"

           And may all candidates for office face the real issues of staying alive that all of us...are facing..personally or for a loved one....and disasters that can come with an explosion or nature out of control and we face a reality we have the answers already to solve...but let them be taken away from us to help and forgot it was happening to others and then could and does to themselves....May we not forget the suffering in this world and live in Peace and not war....and the infighting for power that is to be all of ours...and the only leaders are those who serve us better and best at higher and higher levels..

    Forgive me my impatience for trying to do more than can do right now...and thanks for the blessings of all of my immediate family being alive this Thanksgiving...and now to survive Black Friday...and we are so far into being polite language that may be called something else...soon....and I can rest as did much of mine online today...and tried to be practical...and prepare for whatever comes Russia is accessing this site more than any other nation right now...and who or why? maybe its Americans over the real details are not available to us. Even though the cabal contractors now ruling govts as under their cyber controls...have access to everything we do online and spoken even if they choose to know...Each human has become its own  REALITY SHOW....and any suggestion how to sell ours to the TV or movies? which is not a joke when the info can be used against us at anytime anywhere and worse is twisted into what its not meant to be.....and I wish I had the monies already awarded me by law and gone missing...but am thankful there is a roof, and  food and all those who have helped us this some really wonderful people did a small act and it meant a lot to keep on going.....

   Praises to You for the crossing of paths for the help and may what we can do for others be useful and help  In Your Holy Name Amen!


        (scroll down to last month and check the side for the following.)


            MEDICAL REGIMEN (in 5 parts in sections of 9 Daily Recaps) PLEASE do not try any medical treatments without doctor..and some do need prescriptions.. and please do share online etc..any suggestions one may learn or get from their own the only way now is among us...around the world...and we need our good doctors back in charge..of health even accepted medical standards ARE BEING TRASHED ALONG WITH OUR RIGHTS OF EVEN LIFE....and this is only happening due to all of us letting it happen at the BALLOT BOX..

  Prayers for the liability companies and others who have to change and help even if some profits are lost in place of lives....but do good and some other kinds of blessings may be yours...

          VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85  some 70's not yet used

                     VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION!

Linda Joy Adams 11/28/19.




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Wednesday, November 27, 2019


1 Samuel 15 KJV - Samuel also said unto Saul, The LORD - Bible Gateway

             I read the chapter that comes randomly opening a Bible daily before I saw the first news today...of another chemical plant explosion and thankfully the reporter who did seem to be at least a mile away and not in direct line of winds blowing....and HE SAID TOXIC FUMES...

  Are we finally gotten over our apathy in this world and admitting that we have millions just in the USA with lifetime progressive injuries from toxic exposures.....and the whole town evacuated…

   But as I found out back on 1/10/89, by the time one breathes in the toxic air...the permanent damage is done...and whether a slight exposure or great...its still only something that can be slowed down...over the years....EXCEPT the cabal contractors now ruling the USA by law of 2002 and in control of virtually all parts of healthy care decided over a decade ago eliminate any of our group that may have had a substantial increase today....and everyday...somewhere chemicals get into the wrong mix and injuries occur…..and FACE THE ULTIMATE DISCRIMINATION THAT YOU ARE NOW CONSIDERED UNWORTHY OF LIVING  AND TREATMENTS THAT HAVE WORKED FAIRLY WELL FOR DECADES NOT EXISTING AND TESTING NOT PERMITTED TO BE DONE BY THE micromanagers of the cabal....over health care in the USA.....and even insurers are now unaccountable govt contractors….managed by the same entity of 1000+ corporate names......and control of the USA, and other nations as well.....and we are over thrown by the act of and earmark....that who even knew had been added to gut a bill that would give more protections for our data and lives.....and this made govt contractors....which is any who is not the real govt getting federal monies to do some kind of work.....and then they in turn create more companies that it soon becomes clear..that one has to stay in network of this cabal or data gets shuffled around and more money taken from our good doctors for one shuffle after another and forced to pay for this clearing house and even a bogus, illegally altered national medical data base of all of us.....and billing info for govt funded plans that are not the real info.....but scams to dump the bills onto Medicare which is becoming already MEDICARE FOR ALL....even for most of approved medical for workers comp with fraud demanded to discriminate against those with primary payers or liability cases that are to pay first.....and since 10/6/16just remove those and flip Medicare to this cabal now manages nearly any company or insurer they can get in the door..

   Private industry has been failing for them....way too much over the last few decades to deal with their govt contractors....and we have no control of our nation....

   Presidents cannot constitutionally carry out the laws of the land but over at DOD and the military.....and the hoodwinking of our Congress's has kept them covering this up with a gag order rule not to mention a contractor, contact one or have one testify...and only a rare law gets through with the oversight language added back in...when it now has to be in every law...or we have monies given...with no control of where it goes or what done with it....and  the laws can go in the trash can as they please along with out civil and constitutional rights for the laws to be followed and our rights under it preserved and due process that is timely and legally done which contractors cannot real govt can.....and we have years of backlogs to see judges for criminal acts...that never should have been allowed to occur...

                APATHY OF THE PEOPLE

 since the beginning of human history....when humanity was created a little higher than the angels....and Satan and 1/3 of the angels fell and have not chosen to join and do good and caring things since..then….and regards us as mere entities to be enslaved into their world of no free will and no freedom to care and be rulers each

            So by the time of I Samuel....the people had chosen....and we always choose how to be ruled and be who....even its not overt as we have the Ballot Box today....And the patriarchs of the 12 tribes...were facing hostile forces from other peoples not respecting their borders....and too often their youth were marrying into the other horrific faith of the times of human sacrifice of the innocent....and ruled by leaders declaring themselves gods....All 10 commandments broken...of covet= abuses of power by one in authority....And those societies allowed themselves to be treated like no worth not being precious...for one and all...

               So the "Council of Elders" decided to have a lead them all into least the younger men would be sent...And instead of interviewing applicants themselves they looked to one al respected Samuel the prophet priest...and told them what they wanted and said go find us one....and he did....and warnings given...from the spiritual not turn protection of homeland and laws of the land of life and worth be upheld...against the other ways of the world....

         And Samuel found one called Saul and made him king...And as so often happens when the people let someone else do it...a leaders soon becomes absolute power and began to make battles and seize wealth of other peoples and enslave other peoples...

         And the wrath of a whirlwind came back on this man...and he lost his sanity....and another was anointed to be king...David...etc...and the horrors begun led to more wars and the shedding of blood itself of any human as a sin...has never we the people get more embroiled in more than sins of death...that may be forgiven on judgment day of protection of ones people etc...

    And we now have the BALLOT BOX in nearly every corner of the world....and no excuse for us to not accept the responsibility of making best choices for leadership and if they do not serve us well elect others  and be smart and not be fooled by some who would not always tell the whole truth and have no respect for us or life itself...

            And since we are now the rulers...that means we as rulers are allowing atrocities to our own selves occur....and its become premeditated genocide going on with toxins and chemicals in this world that we use for so many things to have a better life....but they can also become deadly...more deadly than numbers lost in wars in recent times....

          So if any know of those in south Texas or other places who have inhaled or been exposed to toxic fumes please help them know and support them in a real battle for life...with NO TREATMENTS AND NO RECOGNITION AND A REAL COVER UP FOR 35 YEARS NOW OF RESEARCH ALREADY DONE....AND THEN SQUASHED BY SOME NOT WILLING TO PAY OUT ON CLAIMS....Then if no claims be paid....why pay for insurance and why have an industry collecting monies and then hiring a cabal contractors of the ones for the just take the money and never provide the care..when bad things happen??

        WE ALLOW THIS when we elect those who allow it to go on... and the real issue iw that we have yet to have 95%+ of all those who could legally be voting even vote....So the few that do are powerless and ignored as it takes that many for us to have a real mandate or majority of all of those we elect do not fail us and forget they serve us....not we serve them and no respect for us and what we want done...for our rights and well as for those things we have to share the cost for in some way...and one size does not always work well when its helping keep free will and freedom alive...  VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION

                         In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus...may we never forget to help rule this nation, world and our own communities and respect the rights of each one of us to have even life as long as naturally or medically can.... And those liability companies now faced with new clams from those with no choice but to file them as health plans require it....Please help them Christ to be guided to just actions and lead the way for our meds to be made in safe form..and even made to sustain life as they really are the cheaper ones....and if liquid oxygen is needed work out some way for it to be done...efficiently....and You win and the people have better lives who are injured....And its past time to make sure our govt takes action to stop using gossip and rumor and lies from the ruling cabal and get the meds made and in safe form that have worked for years.....and no clinical trials or studies even needed as already well proven to work....but removed form us when our elected leaders have left us unprotected and those in the medical community who support and manage our good doctors...its past time to stand up for the laws and go along to get along with this cabal....whom many actually are employed by....inside our hospitals and ,medical providers....from billing to whatever.....and the theft of our public monies in health care is staggering from the govt contractors....and would not get by with it if the laws and claims were filed legally which they instruct all to not do legally....You know our sin Christ….and know how many are taking what seems to be the easy way....and its so bad....that how many of them allowing this to happen...have become their life victims or a loved one has....and not able to face that their own apathy to do what was legal and right...had a part in the horror and human misery....Forgive them for they know not what they do.....but just how many more years...before the human toil gets so bad....that too many wake up  and not be placated by evil telling them that 'EVERYONE DIES SOMETIME..." AS IF YOU WISHED THIS TO BE...and You taught us to pray for heaven on earth....and to heal the sick and feed the hungry or we would have HELL instead.....

  Forgive me , if I misunderstand this...but aren't we called to be rulers and ministers of each other.....and as a people united..for good...we can over come this evil..even if we do not all agree on the plan or policy we must expect those we ask to serve it for one and all of us...


               Forgive me my impatient today with one that 'could not be bothered ' to do what is right...and even told me I would be denied care..if didn't just send a fraudulently compiled form....with HHS judges saying it is and ruling and the real system and info saying I was right and all from this one entity defying federal agency judges of nearly 40 and also with parts of this...and where is the online instructions for the law...the cabal contractors post....and to be easily tried one who has enforced the law...that says...

              MEDICARE  (the peoples money and every worker pays)CAN ONLY PAY OTHER PLANS BILLS IF ITS DONE AS A CONDITIONAL PAYMENT AND A REAL DUE PROCESS LETTER SENT OUT TO GET THE MONEY BACK.....AND OUR CONGRESS HAS ALLOWED AN EXECUTIVE TYPE ORDER TO EXIST TO NOT ENFORCE THAT SINCE we the people are all here with some blame on our hands....and can no longer wash them away like Pontius Pilate did when he send You to the cross....instead of following You and changing the world back then for the better...instead of violence on violence we keep allowing those we let rule get us into...rather than having peace on earth and better life for all of us...with all we know and more to know about.. and help my blood to keep on flowing even as things seem to be getting worse....and pray that whatever is needed for treatment is soon made in safe form and get this alcohol ether gas out of our main meds...and stop poisoning the people even if slowly rather than one big explosion in one day.....  And as we gather tomorrow all over the land and world in a Thanksgiving feast of or blessings of the good harvest....may we pray for those facing real ordeals and pray for guidance to do better to be part of the solution of rulership in what ever way You choose each of us to follow... Forgive me my presumptions and guide me in what You would have me do...and give me the strength to do it... And may those who will lead the way to block the health care...find the better way to provide it quickly and efficiently and be a leader in what works better and we will thank them as we all benefit for such choice to do good as You asked us to do....and not fall away into awful ways of death and destruction....In Your Holy Name Amen!

                                         VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION




                  VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85 and some 70'a not used yet..


           Linda Joy Adams 11/27/19



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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

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Job 1 KJV - There was a man in the land of Uz, - Bible Gateway

           For decades a Bible is opened at random daily and chapter read...using varying translations each time through...And over my 74 years, the King James version of the 1800's was only used for study and comparison...and not read in its entirety as we often go to the more easily understood...But in doing so in language that is not the original of the Bible authors meanings can get lost as we have different understandings of terms... just from one generation to another, we may not understand what in the world the youth are talking about...

                And in reading Job, was struck by images and sayings that seemed to correlate with similar in the end times of the age of Satan's power on this world...and the overthrow of evil by us becoming the created humanity to be over comers and be rulers of this world and ministers of each other for this earthly life and on into our eternal beings in some kind of restored realm that we from Adam and Eve were duped into being put into a fallen state long before we could use our freedom and free will to be spiritually ready to handle for good and resist awful uses of ALL KNOWLEDGE....Adam and Eve were no cavemen one step up from animals.....But in some way got themselves altered into a physical state where Satan could now have control and the shedding of blood and death could occur...

          A long journey for humanity to get back to where we were and how we were in the Garden of Eden....And we have come so close....that the last battle for our souls to be under influence of evil is about we have had to learn...often the hard way....of the horror of what happens when we make bad choice's of what to do....and too often what we do not do..when called to be over comers of evil and become cover uppers and try to ignore the harms and human misery around us and all are called to be helpers in some way to over come evil with good..

   And in the first time in human history we legally are the rulers of nearly every nation on earth.....and we have failed ourselves when often most who could vote do not even bother...and accept the awful death and destruction of the one and his cohorts of the 1/3rd of fallen angels...…

       and in doing nothing and trying to ignore it and rationalize that we all die sometime and its the Almighty's will that evil is allowed to exist...When its our free will choice for it to control us and all of humanity or not...and the first power of rulership for us is the BALLOT BOX when we decide who is to go and serve us well...Not rule but serve us....And when and when some of what we call deep staters of those hired to be civil servants fall into the pit of death and deception and facilitate evil's ways and fallen evil doers as law breakers and deniers of justice and civil and constitutional rights to one and all...then we have allowed ourselves to be INACTION...of not accepting the wonderful job of ruling as the top servants of that none among us is harmed by what is done to make things work well and good for one and all of us....As some things have to be a shared some way....or we would have full chaos and many would be really harmed more than ever...

   And when we have an elected one to be part of our system of checks and balances on abuses of power which the 10th commandment says DO NOT 'COVET' ABUSE POWER WHEN ONE IS IN AUTHORITY....then we have failed ourselves when it happens....and worse is to allow others to sabotage any good efforts of the one and help a leader chosen to help others and make sure that all the info one needs to make best choices are presented to the one....And that HAS BEEN A MISERABLE AND DISASTROUS FAILURE FOR MANY YEARS NOW.....

    We either seem to elect one to be handled by some handlers behind the scenes none elected and what is the leader but a puppet of unknown influences....And when in Christ nothing is to be secret....the first failing of what Christ as the part or right arm of the  I AM WHO I AM.... who was and is and always will be of DIVINE LOVE....made us to be  good as all of creation was made good...and the one first chosen to rule fell into it seems one cannot do it takes each one of us in some way to make this all become renewed and perfect as it once was with evil having no influence on us....

  And woes when one came along groomed for a lifetime to be totally a puppet of some with agendas of power and no regard for human welfare of caring and justice....and a rebellion that could turn on oneself and the Divine and all get caught in the cross fire...

    Then we have another type that gets leadership that seems to say what we desire in our hearts for good and caring and freedom and tries to carry these out where all the human baggage one carries in this world...every one of us....and then Satan attacks and tries to stop efforts for value of human life being restored that has been on shaky grounds since Cain and Abel and the first family learned that they had been tricked into helping create through the knowledge they did not fully understand that we could be made into a state that could shed blood and die from this physical realm....and not until the shedding of Blood of one only part human at the cross an resurrection were we given the chance to choose eternal life again....and on the last part of the journey to that end....and the teachings of Christ have now permeated the whole world...even if other faiths that promoted life and caring have replaced the world wide ancient evil one of human murder of innocents as worship to their god of death and destruction's if that would please and let them have food and rain etc...

     So close, yet so painfully divided and its not just political parties who use the pro or con of a political football way too often...and who really understands the concept or means it gets one group to follow and the other to reject those who say it , but do they mean it...??

    Service to others and a civil service that serves our elected leaders well....have a profound influence on outcomes....and are to be servants of the people also and of our leaders so that their good success is the success of all of us....

       And we need prayers for all of our leaders in the USA and around the world right they stand up to a cabal of contractors and their few deep state facilities who have gotten into control of our data records and each one of us physical control more than at any time in human history as even control of brain waves is a real world now....and in the hands of evil mentions in the Bible in Revelation and also later in Job of such creating sores and in revelation we will not even be allowed to pray or use the spiritual part of our brains to be zapped as unauthorized use of our bodies....

              So, what do we have in the Book of Job,, that scholars seem to have consensus is the OLDEST written scripture in the whole  the rest may tell about earlier history  but written down later like at the time of Moses and later on....through to the last book written by John with a visit form the risen Christ nearly 100 AD ,most say about 90AD..

            And when considers all the languages that change over time, its the same details and outlines of the prophecy of the time we are entering of the last battle and this time its not ONE MAN JOB but its all of us AS JOB as we are meaning our final testing of a real battle of good vs evil before Satan and his cohorts who do not repent and become born again as good resisting evil is removed for 1000 years and we will have a time of renewal and peace....and one more last chance for the evil ones to change and not bother us...and we will finally meet the full test of resistance and the eternal future of heaven on earth will be...

   The spiritual and the physical become one as good and no one evil tempter around as they choose to go to the void of hell...and woe to any who would reject unconditional love and freedom to "BE BEST" and who would reject evil for nothingness.... Even Satan is beloved by the I AM WHO I AM....and real sorrow that any would not wish freedom and free will and those cannot exist in a world where one wishes total control of others with no respect for rights of others....

           We are so close....and must not let it slip away from us in the final attempt by evil to be over us...and its why we need 95%+ voting who legally can to have the real power of the the Almighty has faith in His creation for us to be the ones to be over comers of evil....and not cover uppers who go along to get along until we are in the horrors of wars and deaths and disasters of our own or inaction's of accepting the call to help where we can in ways each of us are called to be part of the solution...

     It takes 95%+of us to have a real mandate or majority of all of us....otherwise we are competing with forces of evil intent to do us in along with creation itself....And its not the  FULL GREEN NEW DEAL or govt control all ….But  FREEDOM IS COMPLICATED and govts are needed as long as evils occur and we have need of some kind of administration to carry out smoothly the will of the people to do this or that of those things each of us cannot accomplish alone...

   Its our leaders passing laws and doing things that facilitate us being able to make our free will choices that best fit each one, communities states and nation and world.... ITS NOT A ONE SIZE FITS ALL AND NEEDS THE PERSPECTIVE OF EACH ONE TO KNOW AND PUT TOGETHER WHAT WORKS BEST FOR EVERY ONE... with some things needing cost sharing...and others need to help facilitate long term loans for all to have their own it modest or mansions...its ours and block ways that would mean one loses it....

           And those public monies and things we do together as govts….when contractors are hired for a job...we expect and must have oversight kept....AND SINCE 2002  THE BEAST SYSTEM HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO FORM AND GROW WORLD WIDE BY OUR OWN LAW by real trickery as an ear mark to a good bill that gutted the whole and removed the power of the presidency to carry out the laws of the land but for the military.....and away some have gone to wars and rumors of wars everywhere...And woe to anyone who is elected to that office that decides to try and make things right and lawful again....and we the people have been and are being bombarded by rumors and gossip so bad...WHERE IS THE TRUTH IN ALL OF THIS?? NO SECRETS IN CHRIST  and we the people as rulers of this land...have been left out of any decision making or influence on processes we cannot even know what is going the harms, deaths and destruction's mount up and are charging whole mass over


                      In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we never lose the battle and stand up to our example Job who never lost his faith in the real of You ….May we have a hedge of protection of Your Holy Spirit around our leaders to make choices that help all of us....and solve so many issues that are needing taken care of as some good things are not turning out to be so good as evil influences are fine tuning things into horrors from well intended policies and programs that could be help for all of us...fair and just...And may safe meds and meds be made for millions like me who some have decided are not worthy of life because we got injured with chemicals and toxins....and even some cures not even worthy to try and have we have the knowledge to do a lot..if we just renew our will to live we once had....In Your Holy Name Amen!

                      VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION!



           MEDICAL REGIMEN (in 5 parts in sections of 9 Daily Recaps )

                                     Please do not try any medical treatments without doctor and some needs scripts

           VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85 some 70's not used yet

   Read Job in and consider all that is out about meanings and visions in Revelation...and there are similarities and also Job was closer to the beginning of using the Picture Bible in the Heavens as the first telling of the prophetic plan for Humanity to be over comers for eternity of all evil....Made higher than the angels whom 1/3 fell into evil and have not changed to good...

Go to my series on the Picture Bible in Revelation that is in Daily recaps as of 9/23/17ff  this is the story before the Tower of Babel and alterations into the Mystery religion of Babylon and human sacrifice...of the fertility goddess....and the BRIDE OF CHRIST GOT TURNED INTO VIRGO OF THE FERTILITY GODDESS this is not the Zodiac of our daily horoscopes but used all the constellations with differing terms before and since is a babel of meanings we even use today not fully aware that it was here and taught sine the first family on this physical Earth..

Linda Joy Adams 11/26/19





Sabaeans - Wikipedia

Sabaeans - Wikipedia

Sons of God - Wikipedia

Sons of God - Wikipedia

Land of Uz - Wikipedia

Land of Uz - Wikipedia


Alcohol Research: Current Reviews | Effects of Binge Drinking on the Developing Brain

(MAY NOT BE SO RARE IN MILLIONS WITH TOXIC/CHEMICAL FUME INHALATION INJURES WITH LIFETIME PROGRESSIVE INJURIES NOW WILL MENTION THIS UNUSUAL GROWTH ON WRIST AT NEXT DOCTOR VISIT WHICH i TOUGHT WAS RELATED TO FLUID BUILD UP FROM INFLAMMATON OF INSTITERIUM now recognized by FDA after 30 years of medical science surrpressed)Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy: an unusual presentation | Rheumatology Advances in Practice | Oxford Academic

Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy: an unusual presentation | Rheumatology Advances in Practice | Oxford Academic

(have a lttle space but the surprise is the bone growth on wrist I have not been able to figure out as do not have carpal tunnel etc....But after 30+ years no cancer so far detected and pray not ever.... see my Daily Recap Medical REGImen SERIES AND TALK WITH ONES DOCTOR ALWAYS) for more info) The simple 'finger trick' that could 'diagnose' lung cancer

The simple 'finger trick' that could 'diagnose' lung cancer

Monday, November 25, 2019

AFGE | Trump Administration Attacks Victims of Discrimination Through New EEO Policy

AFGE | Trump Administration Attacks Victims of Discrimination Through New EEO Policy

China Holding Muslims In Concentration Camps To Sell Their Organs In Massive Organ Harvesting Scheme | WorldTruth.Tv

China Holding Muslims In Concentration Camps To Sell Their Organs In Massive Organ Harvesting Scheme | WorldTruth.Tv

(nooversight of contractors runing it since 2002 will the lawsuit address this unconstitutonal law of 2002 that does not allow the executive branch of govt to oversee contractors and carry out the laws of congress?? AND ALL THE REST OF GOVT OTHER THAN DOD?? Student loan reform group sues Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger

Student loan reform group sues Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and CFPB Director Kathy Kraninger

University to Students on Medicaid: Buy Private Coverage, or Drop Out

University to Students on Medicaid: Buy Private Coverage, or Drop Out


Ezra 1 KJV - Now in the first year of Cyrus king of - Bible Gateway

     Had nearly published a post and somehow lost it all...Which is not easy to do with windows 10  but it happened....

                    With so much going on now and bombarded with rumor and gossip run amok running the world it seems....where is the good that is needed to rise and overcome all evil forever..

           And who will lead us out of a system of governing where  we are the rulers and ministers of each other....and still do not have anywhere near 95%+ voting in all elections who legally can...

        A few cannot do this we are all called to be over comers...and it takes each one of us to be part of one whole family of humanity.....and so far...we do not all get along at all....and we need to find our way to some way of co existing because we care  and let love and life be the way instead of constant death and destruction instead...

   Some things seem to get better while others get worse and worse.....and some among us fall into ways and addictions that are an ultimate destruction that is beyond human capacity to help without some kind of divine intervention and may that come soon to this we are in a real struggle now between good and bad influences that our methods of knowing has perfected to even manipulate our very brains to do as one would wish us to do.....and its not the DIVINE LOVE of the creator at work who made us to have an innate love of  FREEDOM and have free will to make choices...and we do need to help each other to know the better ones....

    Vote and be part of the solution!

          And in the USA we  the people still did not have 95% = voting...but more and more are becoming the rulers of the nation and us and world....and we were made to be such....and to care and make sure that not one among us is treated unjustly as injustice to one does come back on all of us...

                   In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we find our way to the good only..and learn better how to resist the temptations that lead us into paths of death and destruction....And forgive those who do such horrible things to us....and think we do not all have the full right of life here and eternal life next..... They have no much they have lost by not caring and doing what they each can to help even themselves as well as others and one by one make this whole world the heaven on earth You taught us to pray for.....And may the VA not get sidetracked into repeating  research on toxic and chemical injures already done over the last 35 years and build on what is already known  and help get our meds made for us millions in the USA and around the world who have been able to sustain life with the older meds....that the  few who have grabbed control from all of us...has made sure are not made so we are no longer existing in their cyber world or the real world   In Your Holy Name Amen!


         (scroll down , or click on last month along side for)


        MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts over sections of 9 Daily Recaps of what my doctors and I are doing over the last couple of years or would already be dead from deadly additives in main meds and no meds at all  as we millions do not exist...and left to be without even any right to life itself... Please do not try any medical treatment without ones doctor....

          And ITS NOT THE CHEMICALS THAT GOT YOU....its the secondary injuries at the medical facility where one gets an overload of common cleaning and disinfectants  which it seems is now what many of us cannot tolerate and no warning labels when some of these are put even into the very meds we need to sustain life.....Its this need for our disabilities to be accommodated at medical facilities that needs the bigger study that for a time was not ignored....(discriminated against) and if there is initial healing already started then why won't stem cells for regenerating the mucous membrane the top layer of the INSTITERIUM  which is now recognized as one organ that goes throughout the body....and into the lungs even....YES WE NEED RESEARCH BUT DELAYING TREATMENT FOR ANOTHER 25 YEARS IS NOT THE ANSWER WHEN WHAT WORKS AND PROVEN WORKS JUST NEEDS TO BE MADE OF OUR OLDER MEDS....NOW TAKEN AWAY AS WE GOT ALTERED INTO NOT BEING ON THE NATIONAL MEDICAL DATA BASE....with NO GOVT OVERSIGHT ALLOWED TO KNOW OF THESE REAL CRIMES BEING COMMIT ED AGAINST..US....SINCE THE LAW OF 2002 AND  laws suspended from being enforced back to mid 1990's and where is Congress to let this happen and not let any president act to help since 2002?? but for the military through Dept of Defense...


and the rest of the people are under what? states unable to help as they rely on the feds who cannot act as not allowed to use one penny of existing budget to stop this cabal now ruling with continued blessing of Congress.


 Linda Joy Adams 11/25/19