
Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Job 1 KJV - There was a man in the land of Uz, - Bible Gateway

           For decades a Bible is opened at random daily and chapter read...using varying translations each time through...And over my 74 years, the King James version of the 1800's was only used for study and comparison...and not read in its entirety as we often go to the more easily understood...But in doing so in language that is not the original of the Bible authors meanings can get lost as we have different understandings of terms... just from one generation to another, we may not understand what in the world the youth are talking about...

                And in reading Job, was struck by images and sayings that seemed to correlate with similar in the end times of the age of Satan's power on this world...and the overthrow of evil by us becoming the created humanity to be over comers and be rulers of this world and ministers of each other for this earthly life and on into our eternal beings in some kind of restored realm that we from Adam and Eve were duped into being put into a fallen state long before we could use our freedom and free will to be spiritually ready to handle for good and resist awful uses of ALL KNOWLEDGE....Adam and Eve were no cavemen one step up from animals.....But in some way got themselves altered into a physical state where Satan could now have control and the shedding of blood and death could occur...

          A long journey for humanity to get back to where we were and how we were in the Garden of Eden....And we have come so close....that the last battle for our souls to be under influence of evil is about we have had to learn...often the hard way....of the horror of what happens when we make bad choice's of what to do....and too often what we do not do..when called to be over comers of evil and become cover uppers and try to ignore the harms and human misery around us and all are called to be helpers in some way to over come evil with good..

   And in the first time in human history we legally are the rulers of nearly every nation on earth.....and we have failed ourselves when often most who could vote do not even bother...and accept the awful death and destruction of the one and his cohorts of the 1/3rd of fallen angels...…

       and in doing nothing and trying to ignore it and rationalize that we all die sometime and its the Almighty's will that evil is allowed to exist...When its our free will choice for it to control us and all of humanity or not...and the first power of rulership for us is the BALLOT BOX when we decide who is to go and serve us well...Not rule but serve us....And when and when some of what we call deep staters of those hired to be civil servants fall into the pit of death and deception and facilitate evil's ways and fallen evil doers as law breakers and deniers of justice and civil and constitutional rights to one and all...then we have allowed ourselves to be INACTION...of not accepting the wonderful job of ruling as the top servants of that none among us is harmed by what is done to make things work well and good for one and all of us....As some things have to be a shared some way....or we would have full chaos and many would be really harmed more than ever...

   And when we have an elected one to be part of our system of checks and balances on abuses of power which the 10th commandment says DO NOT 'COVET' ABUSE POWER WHEN ONE IS IN AUTHORITY....then we have failed ourselves when it happens....and worse is to allow others to sabotage any good efforts of the one and help a leader chosen to help others and make sure that all the info one needs to make best choices are presented to the one....And that HAS BEEN A MISERABLE AND DISASTROUS FAILURE FOR MANY YEARS NOW.....

    We either seem to elect one to be handled by some handlers behind the scenes none elected and what is the leader but a puppet of unknown influences....And when in Christ nothing is to be secret....the first failing of what Christ as the part or right arm of the  I AM WHO I AM.... who was and is and always will be of DIVINE LOVE....made us to be  good as all of creation was made good...and the one first chosen to rule fell into it seems one cannot do it takes each one of us in some way to make this all become renewed and perfect as it once was with evil having no influence on us....

  And woes when one came along groomed for a lifetime to be totally a puppet of some with agendas of power and no regard for human welfare of caring and justice....and a rebellion that could turn on oneself and the Divine and all get caught in the cross fire...

    Then we have another type that gets leadership that seems to say what we desire in our hearts for good and caring and freedom and tries to carry these out where all the human baggage one carries in this world...every one of us....and then Satan attacks and tries to stop efforts for value of human life being restored that has been on shaky grounds since Cain and Abel and the first family learned that they had been tricked into helping create through the knowledge they did not fully understand that we could be made into a state that could shed blood and die from this physical realm....and not until the shedding of Blood of one only part human at the cross an resurrection were we given the chance to choose eternal life again....and on the last part of the journey to that end....and the teachings of Christ have now permeated the whole world...even if other faiths that promoted life and caring have replaced the world wide ancient evil one of human murder of innocents as worship to their god of death and destruction's if that would please and let them have food and rain etc...

     So close, yet so painfully divided and its not just political parties who use the pro or con of a political football way too often...and who really understands the concept or means it gets one group to follow and the other to reject those who say it , but do they mean it...??

    Service to others and a civil service that serves our elected leaders well....have a profound influence on outcomes....and are to be servants of the people also and of our leaders so that their good success is the success of all of us....

       And we need prayers for all of our leaders in the USA and around the world right they stand up to a cabal of contractors and their few deep state facilities who have gotten into control of our data records and each one of us physical control more than at any time in human history as even control of brain waves is a real world now....and in the hands of evil mentions in the Bible in Revelation and also later in Job of such creating sores and in revelation we will not even be allowed to pray or use the spiritual part of our brains to be zapped as unauthorized use of our bodies....

              So, what do we have in the Book of Job,, that scholars seem to have consensus is the OLDEST written scripture in the whole  the rest may tell about earlier history  but written down later like at the time of Moses and later on....through to the last book written by John with a visit form the risen Christ nearly 100 AD ,most say about 90AD..

            And when considers all the languages that change over time, its the same details and outlines of the prophecy of the time we are entering of the last battle and this time its not ONE MAN JOB but its all of us AS JOB as we are meaning our final testing of a real battle of good vs evil before Satan and his cohorts who do not repent and become born again as good resisting evil is removed for 1000 years and we will have a time of renewal and peace....and one more last chance for the evil ones to change and not bother us...and we will finally meet the full test of resistance and the eternal future of heaven on earth will be...

   The spiritual and the physical become one as good and no one evil tempter around as they choose to go to the void of hell...and woe to any who would reject unconditional love and freedom to "BE BEST" and who would reject evil for nothingness.... Even Satan is beloved by the I AM WHO I AM....and real sorrow that any would not wish freedom and free will and those cannot exist in a world where one wishes total control of others with no respect for rights of others....

           We are so close....and must not let it slip away from us in the final attempt by evil to be over us...and its why we need 95%+ voting who legally can to have the real power of the the Almighty has faith in His creation for us to be the ones to be over comers of evil....and not cover uppers who go along to get along until we are in the horrors of wars and deaths and disasters of our own or inaction's of accepting the call to help where we can in ways each of us are called to be part of the solution...

     It takes 95%+of us to have a real mandate or majority of all of us....otherwise we are competing with forces of evil intent to do us in along with creation itself....And its not the  FULL GREEN NEW DEAL or govt control all ….But  FREEDOM IS COMPLICATED and govts are needed as long as evils occur and we have need of some kind of administration to carry out smoothly the will of the people to do this or that of those things each of us cannot accomplish alone...

   Its our leaders passing laws and doing things that facilitate us being able to make our free will choices that best fit each one, communities states and nation and world.... ITS NOT A ONE SIZE FITS ALL AND NEEDS THE PERSPECTIVE OF EACH ONE TO KNOW AND PUT TOGETHER WHAT WORKS BEST FOR EVERY ONE... with some things needing cost sharing...and others need to help facilitate long term loans for all to have their own it modest or mansions...its ours and block ways that would mean one loses it....

           And those public monies and things we do together as govts….when contractors are hired for a job...we expect and must have oversight kept....AND SINCE 2002  THE BEAST SYSTEM HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO FORM AND GROW WORLD WIDE BY OUR OWN LAW by real trickery as an ear mark to a good bill that gutted the whole and removed the power of the presidency to carry out the laws of the land but for the military.....and away some have gone to wars and rumors of wars everywhere...And woe to anyone who is elected to that office that decides to try and make things right and lawful again....and we the people have been and are being bombarded by rumors and gossip so bad...WHERE IS THE TRUTH IN ALL OF THIS?? NO SECRETS IN CHRIST  and we the people as rulers of this land...have been left out of any decision making or influence on processes we cannot even know what is going the harms, deaths and destruction's mount up and are charging whole mass over


                      In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we never lose the battle and stand up to our example Job who never lost his faith in the real of You ….May we have a hedge of protection of Your Holy Spirit around our leaders to make choices that help all of us....and solve so many issues that are needing taken care of as some good things are not turning out to be so good as evil influences are fine tuning things into horrors from well intended policies and programs that could be help for all of us...fair and just...And may safe meds and meds be made for millions like me who some have decided are not worthy of life because we got injured with chemicals and toxins....and even some cures not even worthy to try and have we have the knowledge to do a lot..if we just renew our will to live we once had....In Your Holy Name Amen!

                      VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION!



           MEDICAL REGIMEN (in 5 parts in sections of 9 Daily Recaps )

                                     Please do not try any medical treatments without doctor and some needs scripts

           VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85 some 70's not used yet

   Read Job in and consider all that is out about meanings and visions in Revelation...and there are similarities and also Job was closer to the beginning of using the Picture Bible in the Heavens as the first telling of the prophetic plan for Humanity to be over comers for eternity of all evil....Made higher than the angels whom 1/3 fell into evil and have not changed to good...

Go to my series on the Picture Bible in Revelation that is in Daily recaps as of 9/23/17ff  this is the story before the Tower of Babel and alterations into the Mystery religion of Babylon and human sacrifice...of the fertility goddess....and the BRIDE OF CHRIST GOT TURNED INTO VIRGO OF THE FERTILITY GODDESS this is not the Zodiac of our daily horoscopes but used all the constellations with differing terms before and since is a babel of meanings we even use today not fully aware that it was here and taught sine the first family on this physical Earth..

Linda Joy Adams 11/26/19





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