
Friday, November 29, 2019


Job 38 KJV - Then the LORD answered Job out of the - Bible Gateway

           For years, a Bible is opened at random daily and chapter read...and each time through translations may vary...This time is the King James version read widely since the 1800's

          And reading a translation that comes from the 1600's of older English and then not even the original languages of ancient Hebrew and Greek....not even current Greek...

  is difficult enough to gather meaning  but also that most scholars consider Job as the most ancient writing in the Bible....and relies heavily on the oral tradition before then based on using the stars and wandering stars(planets) as a Picture Bible in the heavens to tell the story of our existence and the plan and purpose of humanity since we ended up here after gaining all knowledge before we could spiritually handle it thus had to be removed from the Garden of Eden and begin our long journey back to where our spiritual understanding to make free will choices that are best....and not keep falling into the traps of the Satan and his 1/3 of fallen angels...who rebelled against the Divine...and have an agenda of our demise and creation we humans were made a little higher than the angels....and have an awesome responsibility to be rulers and ministers of  ourselves and take care of creation...

               This is the chapter that has some sci- fi and others who have theories of aliens around....and what is wisdom from the truth itself of the Divine Love of the I AM WHO I AM...of which Christ is the right arm from which all truth comes and creations came into this one believers take on things after 74 years of study, prayer and just living...making mistakes of  not so good choices and their outcomes and making others that turned out well...

   And after learning some years ago of the stars above us used as a Picture Bible....and terms used from the time of the first family on Earth....are mixed up now with the later Zodiac ones and other teaching of the Fertility Goddess religion of Mystery Babylon and human sacrifice of the innocent....and we have not only a Tower of Babel to learn about....but a babel of meanings of what is being shared above us.....

     So when constellations are referred to in Job.....this is written at at time when the meanings from above already had begun to be a mixture of old of the Divine...and the new of the other religion that had taken the world.....and why Israel under Moses was given more understanding on the mountain...of the better way of governing and being with the foundational 10 rules that removed any concept of a human being a god,,,just because they had a bigger army and could conquer and declare ones self as a god....and be worshipped and idolized and one after life depend on obeying even a leader who abused power (covet)…...another word that seems to have gotten a meaning changed much since ancient times and no wonder the Bible got locked up for centuries after Constantine decided everyone had to believe the same.....and something unnatural for humanity as we were made to be different and independent thinkers and rulers of ourselves as well as others as we have come close to being this in reality with access to the BALLOT BOX n most of the world now...

         But wisdom was locked up away from us...until we finally got our act together and began a renewed searching for the truth of things......until a renewal came about again...and the Bibles got unlocked as for hundreds of years the one on the pulpit in churches was ...and only certain priests could be allowed access....

             The very opposite of what we were each meant to how can be a ruler and priest to each other in this world...if we have no access to the basic information to make best choices by studying the past and what worked well and what horrors other choices became...

       We are called to be OVER COMERS not Cover uppers.....and in Job we have a telling of the Book of Revelation....said to be the last book written in the Bible....and filled with images and teachings not unlike what Job was sharing of prophesy of what was the plan..of Satan and of the Divine and are part as humanity in the whole and what side we end up our free will choices and pray all of us choose the good side....

    Job knew about the heavens as he was reading the Picture Bible as he was in contact with the Divine in some way.. And a comparison is given in chapter 38 of how divided the teachings of the original had become of what is truth from Divine Wisdom of creation and what is the other bad guys wish for the truth to be based on his own self desire for death and destruction unless all bow to him and we become enslaved to his ways and be thoughtless zombies...even...….But the moral of Job is he knew the good way is in the Divine Love...and never faltered as all kinds of horrible things were done to him and his.....and by the end of his story...all was made new and restored...just as it tells us will be at the final ending of Satan's control in this world...and we become over comers and government will rest on the shoulders of we take care of things together as individuals and rulers but we will finally assert the will each has and use it for making better choices and respect and care for one find best answers of how to get things done for each one and for what needs to be done in common...

    For more info on the Picture Bible...books and resources are around....but also here in this blog is a series included in Daily Recap beginning with 9/23/17 when a one time celestial event is recorded in Revelation 12....and     what seems to be the ancient term for the now Zodiac sign of Virgo...was once the BRIDE OF CHRIST....of humanity....and referred to by Christ in Matthew 24 for when what we call the end times will be known to be starting...seems to directly refer to this sign....and the only other time this sign was...with one variation was at the time of Christ's first coming and birth as a baby dependent on his earthly He is the KING OF KING STAR of the sigh of Leo... and moved from the heart of the lion to the front paws along with Jupiter who took 9 months to be birthed and came on down....and who is that? Maybe TRUTH WAS BIRTHED... as since 9/23/17  we are learning a lot of secrets of who has been ruling and causing a lot of problems in this world.....and to be good rulers of this world..and take care of it we do need to know all those secret details that never were to be secret in the first place as secrets is the way of evil to control and fool us into thinking things are good and OK and horrors are really going on.....

      And the communication around the near total now....and we just do not accept that any one or govt should cut us off from sharing and learning and contacting others about every possible matter....  And very little on line is illegal...and for free will and freedom to flourish...we do need to be able to discern bias and propaganda from real witnesses who shared what they know and have learned..along their own journey in life.. to find truth and wisdom and know better how to "BE BEST". as the First Lady of the USA says as her slogan.....Its a pretty deep one...just like in scripture with layers of meanings as one begins to think about what it is all about...

                   and as we go to VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION..

 we are each called to "BE BEST" in our choices and what more we may be called to do to help our leaders be successful and serve us well when elected...And if they do not, then we will need to ask others to serve us better....And that is 95%+ of all who could vote doing it....and then not to forget every election from local o federal as there is not real mandate of the people or majority unless we have that kind of number make is well know who is in charge of our govts....US....and then our prayers and support with constructive each one of us has a unique perspective of matters....and in some miraculous way...each of us has a part in the whole of things for the best to be...for all of us...and not one be harmed by what the most of us decide...

                   In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we keep the faith in You as Job never doubted..and knew the bad...was not the truth and wisdom and finally all is renewed and made whole and good again as we have that promise still and now have come to  time when each one of us is called to do whatever is our part in overcoming evil for ever more....until You come and removed those who will not stop trying to destroy us and creation and we can be at peace....and "BE BEST" as we were always meant to be.....

   And pray that health issues get resolved soon so life can be sustained as long as naturally should even with health we are all called to help heal and have good health and good nutrition and we have let ourselves the ways of things that got so out of hand in this world where some few took advantage of our goodness and we got sucked into ways not good...and now have to get out of the snare and web we got caught in...

             Prayers for our leaders as they face a lot next week and may the whole truth be revealed as You taught us there are no secrets in You are and were and always will be  And thanks for the Internet and a day of shopping while outside the rain and cold was not so pleasant....but may the rain help heal the soil for a good harvest next food prices seem to rise and rise...each month and we have all we need to grow what we need....and may that help be and it is all over the web....

        Thank You for life sustained by our family for another year....and may many more until You return and we have peace on earth and no more struggles against those who do not care at all about life and caring and helping each other to help themselves be more independent....but desire some kind of programs to keep all down and enslaved....and may we get to the day...when we are the glorious creation of free will and become what we were meant to be....Your helper on this planet....and world of creation.itself….and have eternal life with evil removed from us ever to be bothered by its sneaky ways again....In Your Holy Name Amen!

                           Vote and be part of the solution!


     a little tired tonight as a better part of the day shopping and so many choices...and good buys...and not all at the same place....and odd lots of deals and bargains.....and expect a lot of UPS and Fed Ex and showing up and no Amazon drones yet...will not expect a fly over just yet... and with a modest budget would not have found so much for presents etc...without all the searching one can do from nearly every part of the be brought to our a few days... I saw where even cars can be bought online and shipped to our homes now....but that is a little over my budget and did not get that....Sorry no new cars this year at the Adams.....

               ( so need to repost the following but for now click on month or last month and scroll down side... for)

                             FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

                             MEDICAL REGIMEN  in 5 parts in sections of 9 Daily Recaps Please do not try

                             any medical treatments without doctor and some need prescriptions...and keep

                             the newly injured in our prayers and good thoughts who may find this Info useful

                             to ask their own doctors...with no meds made or unsafe additives to others

                             as they as govt contractors accountable to no USA and other nations

                              decided we should not exist and our numbers estimated now as 20 million up

                            to 55 million by some who assert they know ….and its major and health is being

                            taken from us as health care controlled by those  as govt contractors but for DOD to

                             only seem to care about making our public funds disappear and not for the

                            injured and having issues with minute levels of the power of

                            all possibly having one in their own household or who may come to that

                            free market is bowing to us...and  a real propaganda war our physical

                           loves become a political football that never should be allowed to be if our good

                            doctors would be allowed to follow medical treatments standards which have existed

                           for us for over 30 years now..and abandoned to not pay claims and liability claims

                           when cheaper and best health would be to treat and older meds work and Oxygen

                           without inflaming ozone emissions. Need to be done...and over all we are cheaper

                           patients and find some cures for the INSTITERIUM to regenerate our mucous

                           membranes...etc...the top layer  etc...Be a good leader and use wealth to help as well

                          as reduce healing not making people sicker....faster. and no life expectancy

                         as proven in me for one can live a longer life that is now happening.

                        with intentionally pulling our older and safer medical written here about

                          nearly daily...

                        VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85 some 70's not yet used..

           Welcome to all those in Russia that have had an increase of access....even if I do not know who...the stats by nation are available...

                             medical and since 2002 no audits or investigations allowed by law of govt

                              contractors in virtual control of all health care and no govt oversight of use of

                           public monies at all...and Congress only has to add in the oversight language  bill to protect our public monies and our rights of even life...and why won't they?


          Linda Joy Adams 11/29/19



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