
Wednesday, February 24, 2021


PSALMS CHAPTER 89 KJV Contracts among humans are too often broken...and our courts filled with disputes over imperfect humans...making deals....that maybe should not been made in the first place.....and all the laws we have made to deal with the disasatisfied contract makers... There is a DIVINE CONTRACT or covenant with our DIVINE MAKER.....and His comes with unconditional love...and no intent to ever break it....We are the ones who can ever breach it...and why would be defy and break from the Almighty of all goodness ....But we often do, and fall into some real poblems with the adversary of good.... and woe to us when we fall into hells of our own individuals or even of societies and even of nation's or of a whole been made into one great society due to our instanteous communications available to reach each other....and all be getting messages at the near instant same time.... Roussueu, philospher of prior times....referred to the 'SOCIAL CONTRACT' and no matter what form of govt we have.... we the people always hold the power...and even a total dictator cannot rule when the people do not follow... And its past time...letting everyone else take responsibiility in our times...when nearly every adult in this now rulers at the Ballot boxes...WHICH WE HAVE ALLOWED TO BE TAINTED AND COMPROMISED and too much has gone on for the last 25 years...thinking systems can replace the oversight of witnesses of volunteers from all the covenant to assure that the will of the people, we the voters is respected and upheld... And althought there are other cases to be heard yet by the US Supreme Court....the states are finally getting the message..STOP YOUR OWN TAINT AND clean up the mess....and the next official who signs its ok to have more votes than voters.....needs to face our legal systems....Its not who he winner is....its the integrity of the whole process.....and one flaw, taints it all. The Covenant we have with each other as being the govts of the world now....means we each have rulership over see things....and those we ask to go serve us in higher positions of administration of our will....gets broken when we think someone else is going to take care of things....and finally NONE TAKE CARE OF ANYTHING....and we get unscrupulous persons..inside and messing with our rights, our votes....our govt....and its from local to federal...this is going on as we got secure in our ways.....and back with Pres Bush 43, told us to FORGET YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND HE WAS GOING TO TAKE CARE OF THE WHOLE WORLD......and being only human, impossible for any human to be able to do this.. as he signed the 2002 law passed by Congress and turned even his own rulership rights over to an international cabal of govt contractors....and its been worse and worse since then....public monies missing....more taint on elections....and life and health loss in astonromical numbers when the opposite should be getting longer lives and better health for one and all of us.....COVERNANT WAS BROKEN...even by the one who said he would take care of things....and he did not either....None of us...can do it alone.... in this world...and why we have our DIVINE COVENANT with the ALMIGHTY AND ALL POWERFUL....who is able to know and deal with everything....powers beyond time and space....none of us have....and none of us...are gods or magicians...and need to humble know we are strong in faith, but not super humans....not even to do all....and why would we wish to be....Isn't more fun and loving to share the load with each other in this world...and all respect and care about each other...instead..?? A perfect world is ahead...when we get through our lerning journey of how to be FREE INDIVIDUALS...with FREE WILL...and know the better we have had to live through some really bad ones we have each made...and our society has allowed to be made...our nations...and the world...led astray by an evil....that is promised to be removed one day....and may not one of us...choose the wrong side to be on... In the name of us from ourselves...when we really let things get messed up....and Prayers for a couple up in Blackwell OK...who began getting forwarded calls from an online spammer, spoofer....illegally impersonating a federal official of the Social Seurity Administration today on a phone call.....and trying to scare all that someone at the southern border was stealing ssn's and push one to speck to an agent...OBVIOUS FRAUDULENT CALL....but some may not know this....and I pusshed 1 and got call sent to a place....and said was fraud and they hung up... I looked up the phone number on my call list page online...and also searched online for info of other reports of this phone number....and found another scam had been done with the same phone number...and This blog often posts this and sometimes even leave a message on several sites..who keep track of these calls.....and when I called....another person and persons answered and gve my real name and phone number and they were upset.....and said 14 calls ereeived and got out of them...that the phone number that called me was not...their own phone number even.....meaning..HACKING OF CALL FORWARDING TO FORWARD TO THEM...I did not ask for they did not had some difficulty trying to explain to them....who I was, a blogger...and had gotten such a call....and seems they did not get the first call to them....but were now getting the forwarded calls to them....from the spoofed phone number on caller ID and then...forwarded to them??? And this got more the Blackwell police got called....and tey left a message to I was on hold with my online phone company.....and to see what might have gone on....and...called them....and none could calls from a scammer were getting forwarded to this in their town?? I had no idea where in the world the call went to...and had assmed by hitting 1 on the phone menu was being transferred around in their own company phone bank etc... Its a new twist on things and since this is an international phone company over the internet....and for all I knew I was being forwarded to China..or its a mystery and the evil dealers....can cause all kinds of this world....and the truth is do not give out personal anyone...not even the name of your pet....which you may at times walk outside and holler for your four legged family member to come in for their supper...either....Since many fall into using that name for cyber password security....make up one...and drive the cyber theives some of their own harrassment back on them....for being such the first place... So prayers for all who have to ansser phone calls from those with evil intent....and then...have to try and explain this when one even tries to check it out to file a this kind does find victims...too often....and is not just selling something.either...which there are some laws in place to protect the innocent from the unscrupulous... And it got a little worse for me....for even trying to do the right thing and report it....and somehow something seems to be amiss in Blockwell OK...and it rolled over onto me...just for trying to find out...and report it...and wanted to verify info....and found out....beyond the scam...was harrassment of someone up in their town....and maybe its vs them....personally....??? Only You know the whole Almighty...and will leave it in Your loving deal a simple matter....of me just linking an alert...led into WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS TOWN?? or any other town....?? or just a cruel joke being played by some who need to stop as this is too serious of times...for childish gaves played on anyone... Help us save us from ourselves....and although wish had not bothered....somehow the response was not what would be expectdd...nor has been in the past when a bad spoofer...beyond just tlemarketers....did this...and I would call and let the real party know before posting....So at this point....who are they and ist beyond me to go further....but without any federal govt to do mjuch of law since 2002....who knows....but its on record....of one party getting a lot of forwarded calls from a spoofer to start with....and use caution always in giving out info to anyone wone does not know or retailer one is not known..etc.. I put this all in prayer to You and prayers for healing to continue for Doyle and all others in need....and may we get all done...for a good and safe return home for my beloved....and our loved one...soon....and the world goes on...with all the good and the bad still around...and may one day...only good will be forevermore....In Your Holy Name Yahusha...Amen! Linda Joy Adams...2/24/21

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