
Sunday, January 31, 2021


PSALMS CHAPTER 114 KJV We are the beloved of our Divine Creator and He is coming to save us from this world of sin and destruction for evermore....The tears our Heavenly Father has wept over His defiant and rebellious children. as we keep ignoring His teachings...and fall into the sins of deception by the master of evil...we are to be overcomers of....Letting hatreds and pettiness and lies and perjury...rule by those who have nearly been lost forever for what they have done and do...gaining power and wealth at any cost of human worth of others, even of bound up in knowing they have that Divine spark of the breath of life..or they would not even wonder they want everyone else to be dead or made into non human thought zombies... And those who profess to be on the good side....we only have ourselves to be mad at for letting this evil overtake we enjoyed our lives...even as we complained it was not even better....and the mesery and death by illegal acts of those in charge....went on and got worse and worse...looking for a human god to make it all right.....and we never find that do so...and now he is being treated just like the real Divine...and being trashed and castigated....and all running away as he faces a kangaroo and very illegal court....due to too many with the taint of their own elections bogging themselves down....even if they did not count the votes.....they have to suspect...things were done so that too many are not legally even seated in judgment over one whom few did not wish to be we finally had one among us willing to stand up and speak out.....and in order to fill his hotels....and the hatred for the ideals of fairness, justice and being a good gone from this world.....and those treated with disdain and use the words REVENGE for what...for what each of us...was born to be....and neglected to do it....ALL BE KINGS AND PRIESTS....and politically correct.....You know ALL IS EVERYONE...born into this world....and we are created from love of the Divine...and He loves each one of us unconditionally.....and wonder at times....why he has not given up on many of us...a long time ago....and be honest....each one of us....has forgotten to thank the one who gave us the breaath of life...just as we too often neglect to thank and honor those who raised us to be good....even if they were imperfect....we all are...and why we are priests to each other in this help when another begins to fall....AND NOT STAND AND LAUGH AND SNICKER....AS IF THEIR FALL MAKES ONE BETTER....when we are being hard hearted Pharoahs...who ended up losing early prototype of the anti-Christ...and there is no good place in eternity for those who choose evil over there?? There is a Divine Judge....who will judge all even those doing cruel and evil allowing a community, a region a nation and a world to have no regard for human life....and we forgot..we are to be the rulers...and we neglected to remove any taint from our election we deal with those we have no idea if they were elected or some machine rigged to elect them....which are illegally even being prosent and purchased....from even foreign entities....ALL ILLEGAL...and wehre is the justice system for those who did this and causeed this taint...COMMITTING PERJURY....AS THEY KNOW THEY USED ILLEGAL PROCESSES AND SYSTEMS...EVEN IF THE TOTAL DID NOT CHANGE THE ELECTIONS....we do not know that....and seems that here and there....even in our own areas....something is not right in who is seated in this or that didn't that other person seem to be the popular choice among so many of the people?? We want to elect gods and magicians and take no responsibiity but showing up once in a while...or mailing in some checks on a piece of paper and think our job is done....and its only the begining of being what we are made to be FREE AND INDEPENDENT SOULS EACH ONE OF US...AND FREEDOM to have a heaven on earth...even if evil's cohorts are around to tempt and decieve us...and we turn on each other and the ones we thought were gods and could do it all....and when the hands of evil doers....begin to censor...and harm with loss of jobs for just being part of the postive solution of leadership in this world of being kings who choose who is to go and serve all of us as best they can.....we turn on him or her.....We are walking in the footsteps of the ones who crucified Christ...first for not making magic happen...leaving us without saved souls...yet....and all of those yet to be born also...lost.....and Christ stood face His mockers whose only master was evil...and their wealth and power...they got from their 'god' of no mind for them or anythings else but perverse pleasures of a lost soul...bound by evil...and here we are....and this one human among to stand before this possessed crowd and not one willing to stand up save their own souls..and do what is right and good...and be the legal counselor for an illegal trial...who has already been beaten, robbed of nearly all he has....and all the blood thirsty want is blood of all of to be spilled on the ground....and the curse of that blood will not save anyone whose heart is still for the good.....and who is still for the good....ones whom those of hatred...and lost evil.....want out of their halls of what used to represent rights of all to fairness and justice....and all scared of your human evil powers which have been strewn out in pure evil....and lives destroyed and even livelihoods removed....and death and destruction all over.....and all you wish to of evil....when you sit in the place of THE PEOPLE to be our reproesentatives.....and fearling evil more than justice and freedom...and think you are winners... in this world of eternity......when all are to be priests...and that means caring for justice and rights of all others...even those you beat in the contest of life, games or an election....whether legal or not....the taint of your injustice is all over it....and what led a few to come on in...when you opened the doors and told the police to let them all come in....and some followed as most tried to keep others back....and ruined a good and peaceful assembley of words, and songs....and even calling on the name of the guide you as You signed off....on a taint...that has stunk up the whole the gradeschool math student...can ccount cannot have MORE VOTES THAN VOTERS...and all kinds of state laws brokedn...even US Supreme justices dorders defied to keep the evideecne secure for later reveiw...and where were you....where were all of us....expecting all we asked ...or did serve us the whole world would not be in chaos now....with an abrupt changes being made...and you are more concerned by a process..that is moot....or are you trying to justify the taint...that is more than a taint....and removed...what was never allowed to be justly seated?? We will not know.but for those all over the waking up that their right to be rulers...was tainted...and surprsing horrors are surfacing...and how long...and how many never made it to the general elections...due to the taint.. as laws broken....and we have many online scared of censorship and tryint to use code words.....and in 2016....I expected to hear final debates of substance with Bernie and Trump and when Trump did win....Bernie was case aside....long before the general election....and never respected for the popularity he had....on his my personal opiinoin is TRUMP AND BERNIE..WOULD HAVE MADE SOME DEALS...AND GOT SOME HORRIFIC PROBLEMS DONE FOR THIS NATION AND WORLD AND EACH OF US.....MAINTAINING THWIR SEPARATE OPINIONS OF THINGS....BUT ALSO MAKING SURE..NONE ARE BADLY HARMED BY THE DEALS MADE....AND ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS...CONGRESS PASSED.... We have ALL BEEN HARMED...BY HATREDS AND EVIL BEING ALLOWED TO ENTER IN...DECEIVING US...AND WE NEVER PUTTING WE THE PEOPLE, AND THE NATION...AND YES THE WORLD FIRST TO BE SERVED....AFTER those of faith of the UNSTRANGE Divine master of ones faith....leads us to goodness, freedom and none enslaved by the outcomes...of finding ways to be free....and independent people upholing our inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...which scholars did out the proceedings...and we are talking of happiness grounded in our rights of being able to own our thoughs...and be able to own our own place to live... Just some twicks in laws...made this service to of empowerment...and freedom...from one of enslavement of the masters of wealth made from the misery of the poor and down trodden....and we have all become that,,,even if our bank accounts we are not rich...but not poverty either....we have become impoverished for what we all are in....and the world suffers when our promise of freedom...and self earned ability to have wealth enough to have happiness....of survival with a few flowers...still allowed to be among us to uplift our souls... PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS NO ATTORNY...IN A KANGAROO COURT...THAT IS NOT EVEN TO BE.....and ALL OF US WISH THIS TAINT OF THE ELECTIONS NOW AND OVER THE LAST COUPLE OF DECADES REMOVED... From dogcather to president...and especially in the primaries....and its this taint that has some ryring to remove anyone who wishes to rule with ethics and integrity...and the margin of a crucial also....even if the total count does not change the it indeicates the will of the people for drastic change or a division of opinion....and a more moderate approach to change...and maybe some finetuning of laws..and policies....not bypassing congress with edicts of executive orders....and courts getting law suits by those who feel harmed....and none of this would have even been needed if the first executive orders had not even been needed as years of hatrieds...and masters of other than we the people never got things taken care of someone seated in the oval office.. wrote out an order...and tried to fix things bypassing the process....that should have been when no laws themselves got passed....and needs for some kind of actions...that had to be faced....and we have swumg back and forth....over and over....and maybe its past time we all have a lesson in our founding governing docments and like it or not....we are all descendatns of one group of a few milloins who wlked out of Egypt with Moses..( check the math...another one that makes it clear...its statistically impossible we are not Jacob's few million became our billions....and we did sin and lost our history...and went out into the whole world creating nations....and peoples...and even relgions...but we could not ever quited forgoet...a generations take out of an evil world...into the desert for a generation...and taught a new philosophy of governing...grounded in the prime directive of "love one another.." and do go check oringal "covet' has a Hebrew meaning of abuse of power when one is in authority...DO NOT DO IT... and we the people are not to take after a 'strange " god...and that is the one of evil of death as worship sacrifice...and we are getting fmore and mroe blood thirsty as if its a right of choice to kill even the and that means not even anyone has life worthy to exist in this world....and certainly no respect for it....and for the billion dollar industry made from profits of the unborn sacrifices....One is not even allowed to donate a kidney and take money for it....aat least not what is all this profits being made...about?? ENOJGH IS ENOUGH of all that is going on....and where is anyone to stand up for justice...anymore...and our laws be obeyed and if they are not good...then change the 10 comamndments are like our US constition a foundation for the laws of the land...and court grounded in them...and we have one that can be amneded but not easily for good reason....and if anything this last few years have taught us....the elctoral collaege system needs to 6 cities in this not represent all of us....and in no way should they be allwoed to pick the one in the whitehouse alone....its about life....and having food to eat....and why our= founders gave a little extra help to the minority group who also feed us...and often feeds the world....when allowed to do so... the foundation of of civil rghts laws...that some do need some extra reprsentation...or we all fail into death and destruction or invasion and being conquered....or wasn't that done by law in 12/02 by unanimous consent in the US Senate without a roll call.....and maybe that was illegally done...was there even a quorum pass another 6000 page bill that would affect everyone;s rights of even rights of everything we have, and do and share even just in private....and now we have this international cabal of govt contracr3os and there inerconnected also running commerce and every part of our lives...even into chariies we hire to take care of if we cannot ever do anything ourselves anymore....and you, congress not overseeing it...Thanks to those of either side who do...but where is anyone standing for justice....running into the pic of hell with evil...ready to take full control and just using some human...cohorts...the real evil of eternity that one day..the Divine has promised to come and remove....but He wants us all saved by our free will to be free...and love one another....and all have royalties of the earth..shared fairly....and some on both sides...hae many ludible solutions....and yet...nothing is done...and just look to our the desert with Moses....and those foundational governing docuemnts....and the court cases ofgter word that change as times and places and events...changes things...and yet a foundational document to refer back keep us all on the path of goodness....for all of eternity....and as for those following the 'strange' god...of humans sacrifice....and other proactices...our laws.all over this world..even in the most liberal places of how to live and be in a scoity have ruled illegal....some things are not done in public places...or with or around childrem.... THAT IS THE 'STRANGE god" of ask for the dehumanizing of the divine rights of each human born....of justice and fairness....and some rules for an orderly society so those few who would harm...are not allowed to do so...and a legal system in place to deal with them as fair and just as humanily possible with some basic guidance of the divine...and of history teacing us what works well and what does not.. What is going on being showrn to the world a MOCKERY OF ALL THE GOOD THIS NATION HAS BEEN AND STILL IS WANTED TO BE.. and the light is getting dimmer...on this 'SHINING CITY ON A HILL" MANY REFER TO THE USA.AS BEING A PROTOTYPE OF THE heaven coming down one day....when evil is gone...and may not one have chosen the way of the strange god of evil, death and desruction as it may well be the choice made...and end up.....and there is better offered to one and all.....and one day...all will be judged...and all of us have sinned....but we find our way back to the good side....and try to do better.... and may all join in the effort to make this a heaven on earrh...and nt a in our areas its been getting worse for some time now....over the last several years.....and we are burying our dead with no doctors in hospitals..and other places.....and foreing and other 'strange' owners mocking our will to live and love for others to have life also as long as medically possible....and our own good doctors in the commjunity are eing shunned and even get in and see fulfill a shortage which major cases beining renvealed the salalis paid and eing reimbursed by insurance and govt healh plans....and WHERE IS THE MONEY...MISSING AND THE DOCTORS NOT THERE..AND WORSE IS FALSIGIED RECORDS... and every memeber of congress...have you checked out what is really going on in your own back yard...even front yard right now.... IN THIS COMMUNITY WE ARE TIRED OF BURYING OUR DEAD....where one goes in even younger with treatable conditions....and never come out alive....and the cover up....of real coercion to do so...has created spriritual warfare for those who work in these places...covering keep a job...when few even exist now...and not so many before....and the evil has tainted all we have and do and wish to be....of us, our commuites nation and world....and we have to begin with each one finding our way to be part of the solution...and hate is never going to find the way out of hell...but put is even further into it.... HEAVEN IS COMING..WITH THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN....AND ITS HERE we were born with part of it in us to know and have the free will to choose the good....and what each can do even in a few moments...of choice...can change one part of the world at a time...but can be the bolt in the whole machine....that keeps it rolling onto heaven on earth..... In the name of Yahusha...our us find our inuwue and special way to help made this be heaven on earth....and one day when You bring the fully completer kingdome of heaven down....we will have a good foundatoin already done...and You can say thsnkd good and faithful servants....who did it by our free sill...and freedom to wish to have the best goodness, love and justice for one and You made us to do and be...and carry out....Thanks for healing for Doyle and others....and those human angels..among all the bad going on right now....and covid did not begin the some we sent to serve us. let too many of foreign entiies come in and take over even our rights of life and health is that in our era......and too often are from a place where a strange god' has not regard for huaman life or respect for what we are so precious ones each....And prayers for a mockery of all You taught us to our halls of DC>..coming...soon....that should not be happening...just as you were taken to a secret cabal to be tried...apart from the laws and rules of the faith...and even the secular govt of the day...ignored their duty to justice and fairnes.....and their empire fell for it got worse...and seems we are in sped up time...and its here now...and the wholse world is getting chaotic....and the leadership we have had..being tainted as they watch and wait for us to act....and others already in war games with real weapones....and taunting....for what others will do....and help us not have any end up causing major wars and deaths........My all those in congress....figure out the best way to be reelcted is serve us well....and stop trying to harm others who get in their way....for just trying to do what is fair and hisory not being taughty one of the founders of this nation, John Adams...was the attorney for the BRITISH SOLDIER..accused of murder at the Bostom massacre......and was found NOT a jury of those in opposition of the British even being in the land....under martial law. Justice and fairness was upheld...and our nation was founded on that even if we disagree and even take opposite political sides....we find that common goal..and follow it... ... Yet he became leader.and president....and one who never did discriminate on basis of of the few who did not....but none of our ancestors were perfect....yet we learn from them for what not to well as what they did we should honor.....and taking down history good and bad....only dooms us to repeat it and we have little time ot relearn...when we have the capapbilty of destryoing all of creation or at least causing our own demise andsetting off a chain of events...that will harm all what is out there in this realm.... And I thank him for being or would not have my husband of 57 years either... Do the math....a good number had ancestors there to stand with courage and sign a letter of treason with exeuction could happen for even signing.. for Independence 7/4/1776-- FROM A GOVT GOTTEN OUT OF CONTORL UNDER ANOTHER CABAL OF GOVT CONTRACTOR TYPES AND THOSE IN THE LEGAL GOVT...UNWILLING TO MAKE THEN OBEY THE RULES OF JUSTICE AND FAIRNESS THAT THE PEOPLE FORGOT TO PRESERVE... We stil have a govt...and a better govering document to follow and good people are here and waking up and we can do this peacefully under our own rules and laws...already in place...and clean it up from the taint of anything even looking wrong with our one vote for each office...and only those registered to vote....and those in office who will not oversee this all be done without taint....who wants to run for offices....of either party...who will even if if means their side...does not if its just going to serve all for a few years... even at lost of higher wealth etc....Just how do most get into congress...and enter middle income...and come out wealthy....not all from books and speaking engagements...sorry not all are gifted that way...and we do not expect all to be....just do your best....and serve us with honesty and integrity...and we help in any way each can...when the need comes.... Give us all the courage to do what is right.....and please help gide those stop mocking others just trying to do the right and good thing....and forgive hating the injustice going on and some who mocked me today...for even caring...for them as well as my own loved one....not too long ago....they would only need a gentle reminder this affects them and theirs also.....and not too long reminder would even be needed.....what has happened to just a few decades....could it be....the taint of our rulership at the baloot boxes of the world....and we lack the courage to all volunteer and help clean it up....two by two knocking our doors....and then overseeing the process....and making sure law enforcement is present to stop any illegal acts....and this is for wake up...something is badly wrong for a long time...and its all parties..or none...even local...and corruption begins with the process of being asked to serve You know ....and Pres Trump is not You....and You went throught hell for all of us to rise and make it possible for all of us to have eternal lives...and what is going on horrendous....and the word You used was OVERCOME. not revenge....yet in the face of real injustices going all over and all groups affected....we want justice served....and some may revert to revenge...without all those in places of authroity continuing to abuse their office....and not be fair and just and over see and stop ilelgal tjings....and since govt but the DOD even allowed to be overseen....and that unconstituional gag order rule of congress...surely you did not leave that in place cover up "no govt in charge" since 2002....but for some isolated bill getting out with ithe oversight put back in.....unawares.?.. Save us from ourselves...and me for letting my righteious indignation erupt as a loved one shared of all those losing their the medical holocaust right in our area....and over the last few months....the truth revealed..of why...and revealed to me...of all not right....not even legally right and all the news read daily even when cannnt get it all done....seems my place is right prayer....and asking Your guidance....of what my uniqe calling with so many not able to speak are finding my little known site...and will try my best to share....what I know of the laws and rules...not being followed and why they should be followed or a wavier granted from CMS>.and LET OUR DOCTORS IN THE COMMUNITY BACK help take care of their own regular patinets to even see them and be allwoed to keep up with stop the stealing of their credentials being inserted into records to boost paymemts as that is stealing...if anyone should ave to be remimded and will Biden have to pass an executive edict to fix this or can congress address concerns that even they may fall into and healing needed to stay alive?? How do we deal with humans who think nothing affects if they, too could not bet sick or injured...afraind of a virus.....but far worse kills every day....but no doctor and nurses trying to be ones...with limited knowledge...even a lot of bad trining over the last 15 years...+ and doctors know and ignore some edicts and treat anywhere....but censored from...from teaching all others as once they were allwoed to do...for other parts of the medical professions who back them up.... plua all the trillions gone and being gone missing...and just who is getting all of this..?? Help those seated in take care of real emergncies...and trying to make up what is not even their legeal obligations to deal with anymore....HATE IS NOT HELPING....and You taught us very well....LOVE WORKS BETTER... and althought I am angry...I do not hate....and thanks to You for that knowing...from so early an age....never seemed to have In Your Holy Name....Yahuaha Amen! When a loved one shared what more is going on in our area and more familes grieving their dead....never expecting them to be...and its not covid...its a hororibly messed up system/ and attitude from new and foreign owners.and others of basic values....not ours...and its not other faiths many of them...seem to be getting shunned also.and they practice caring and goodness also......and common sense...and horrros...and since 1968 out of college...never saw the govt in such an uproar of hate and desregard for rights of all...and some good things passed inside the prior leadership but disregarded and never seemed to get the total bad direction since 2002 law of govt having no access to records or knowing what is going on MAKES HEALTHE CARE TO PROMOTE BEST HEALTH AND EVEN LIFE...IMPOSSIBLE... when some get in with little regard for this...and others get deceived into following who should know better..... .and is it due to they do not need us to be elected anymore that are the only ones who have to fix this by law being changed to over see use of public monies..and public prorgans...and software ALL OF US ARE UNDER no matter what our health plan or even have one. ONe of no human rights of even life...with abuses getting worse and worse....and our boides being a for profit making be housed until the last breath...when renewed health is and has been possible for decades...even centuries. now...for much..going so wrong........and so our rights are of no concern?? We have to clean up this taint...and solve this..LET OUT GOOD DOCTORS INTO HOSPITALS...AND OTHER PLACES...LEGALLY ARE TO BE AND OR BE ON CALL.... 24/7 to act when needed...and its not just here...and began before covid....means....we need back up from the communituy....and why are they not wanted in?? whom we have entrusted our lives to for years....even a generation or two...? is it the regard for healing and life...has changed about the time the Hippocratic Oath was removed from medical schools as no longer the goal worthy to be held up ? The outward words of hte inner soul of a nation gradually getting turned to a way of being that is not what we want and only evil leads it to our demise....not the good all.. A CMS WAIVER... is something Biden can sign in the oval office...and only some thieves might be the ones unhappy...even in China...where a 'strange god" is help up.... and they seem to think there is none...but there is as in their world..and even if they think there is no us is knowing and a choice. of two paths...good or evil...and real evil is among us...and we have to face it...and over come it....and pray for salvation falling into bad ways...and prayers for even me...and mine..and others who are ones of sincere faith...that we not stumble and fall...into traps...just as a few instigators..led some with open doors into the Capital in DC...and now wish the demise of one..only asking for help for fairness and justice be done and nothing of any part has been right for a long time....and we have the grand fanale ahead.....and WHO IS BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND peace and justice and end this mockery of shameful behavoir we have and are showing the world...needing our leadership for goodness and peace....and WWII got averted Trump had the irnon dome shared not only with Israel but they with Saudi Arablia and the missles did not hit...their major city....But none are thanking him....for that...but for those over there....who woke up and know that we are all descendants of Jacob....and we are one human family now....with same roots of history...even if we differ in how we worship and live....we have a common good...given to renew the path of humanity...and it happend in what is now their land.... Soell check still not working and other things to desl with trying to help get another doctor in for Doyle... most have little experince with a longer term patient in hospitals or other shorter term care....and its the whole process pside down and it is like Red China....where human life is worthless but for their one human made head of the nation for a seated govt cabal hires the world ruling cabal to do the work....and evils being shared of what is going the few at the top "seem to be eating, drinking and making merry" the worship style of the 'strange god' of ancient times...still around and wanting to replace the real one....but has not figured out how to create...and can only imitate....and the SECRET IS's not just has to accdpt the DIVINE LOVE...and pass it on to others...and the miracles of love and around us....and we Glorify the REAL DIVINE LOVE that IS , WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE....and may not one of us fall into the ways of the other path and choose it for all of eternity... Linda Joy Adams...1/31/21 Linda Joy Adams...

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