
Friday, January 29, 2021


PSALMS CHAPTER 118 KJV Posted earlier is a link to Tom Bowlin's facebook post of lyrics from "The Boxer' and for all the times have listened to that song over the decades...never had really paid attn to the words and how true they are when one is in the middle of a war of humanity against each other...and led by real forced of evil in defiance of the Divine Good...the face of we know as our Savior Christ....Yahusha...called for the last few centuries as Jesus....and that is another history of spiritual warfare to divine we the people from our Divine Creator....yet never doubt the faith of our ancestors whom we owe what we know now of the good of creation that IS, WAS AND ALWAYS WILL be whom loves of unconditoinally even as we really mess up over history....A promise of ETERNITY...and all will be good...and evil will be gone...and He is going to take care of that along with the hosts of heaven....just pray for ourselves and each other...that not one falls and is evil and whereever that bunch ends up.... seems to not be a place of ANY good.. SCAM ALERTS: (some requests for legitimate donations are around now..and mixed in are some that are we come to terms...with the current situations....and that is all political some wake up that Pres Trump needed us and we let him letting the whole process become tainted....and other waking up they had some primaries...not good...and finding out what they ended up with that has their hopes a d dreams crashed....and all being 'tribulated' (shaken) into the refine good each is meant to be the best of humanity each one...blessed and loved by the Divine......and check out any solicitations... We are in a time of real angst in this nation..USA>.as well as all others around this world for the horrible taint of this election...and chaos occurring...with drastic changes being signed out as royal edicts....with courts tying them rule on being constitutional or not...and some already went through this 4 years ago.......with the last change of administration.. Phone calls and e mails more than seems normal amounts and new orgs...and some are not real....check the phone number online...and often that is easy way to check out as not real... personally, if I donate I contact the real source or org...and know its them...and they can refer you to their website...or address to send it to...and take care of your self you are not having to ask for help instead of donating it... Some of these seem ok and even advertise...and we find...the cabal is running it...and grave concerns if most of the money even gets to the help needed...?? And money is not going to clean up the taint of our elections...we've been trying that...and seems its our time and effort needed...and not money.. we are the miracle we pray for...its us being guided for what we can each help directly or support others so they can go help on the frontlines... maybe the miracle will be when we find that power group of "WE THE PEOPLE?" And today....another court decision put the state of Virginia...back into TRUMP STATE? TOO LATE?..but the certifiers....ignored their duty to sign off on an untainted election...and signed for Biden.... Neither Biden nor Trump counted the votes...and both actually warned all publicly that 'they' were going to do things...evidence is now coming to light.asit takes time...and not much of it...when not prepared for what was already set to happen...and whether it changed the final total...the deed has been done...and we must never again...let this happen from dog catcher potus ever have taints and doubts and censorship that should never have happened either as truths are gradually coming out...and its here, there and all offices here and there...and canddates..probably never directly part of it...either... ALL ...that needed to be considered before any cerfitifications at any level...and the world is shaking physically as well as spiritually on the brink of all our world war....and only due to Pres Trump making sure that Saudi Arabia also had most of our iron dome in place for their protections to...or their capital would have been a war zone and unknown deaths and full scale eruption in the middle east which has been the biggest hot spot of history....over and over again...qith all focused on Jerusalem..."a cup of trembling" a few miles in the whole wide world...and universe...yet where we one day expect our Messiah to step foot on....and even those who do not profess faith in Him....don't we catch them taking a peek that way once in a while....some 'closet' believers...or they would not silently be watching also...for that day when....the Almighty of heaven...sets His divine foot back on His Human face....and the hosts of heaven....arrive to show mercy on the people of this world....whose hearts are with the good....and have come through a tribulation..dealing with the last ditch effort of evil to turn us against each other....and try and make all of us...turn on HIm...and may we not lose faith...He IS and He is COMING...and it may be sooner than later..... And in the meantime...we have a lot of foot work to do..ourselves to clean up this mess we allowed to become....the world is watching us...."the city on a hill" which right not the best example of ideals of goodness...justice and mercy to be a goal for all to reach.... But we are in a time of TRUTH REVEALED.....and it has tainted us....not one election but all for several decades....and maybe we have WASHINGTON GRIDLOCK...due to, too many have masters, not of we, the people....whom they must not compromise...and find alternative solutions to problems for the consittutional mandate of " for the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation." and we are finding out....that some of any or all parties....maybe we did not send them....there....and maybe we did but after the ones we did wish to send have some taint on the process in the primaries....and maybe....longer back when many went and ran for their first election even locally....and some taint stopped their future risse to higher levels of service to us...and the nation.. Forgetting they serve us....and we are not deploarables....we are the rulers of this land...and world....and our master is the one of eternity...of Divine Good...we Christians....know as one...with three divine parts of....and has all of us of all of creation in His Hands....and His promises...are always kept...unlike too much campaign rhectoric...that seems to have amnesia as soon as the winner is called...and certified...and no care if the taint is on the process....winning is everything to one...just after the power, and wealth too many get from holding office....and while in office ...even...and since 2002 do not even have to oversee what they pass and Ok and set in motion...and goes so badly wrong...with no oversigt of tose doing the work inside govt contractors and their cohorts all over he world...into the control nearly world at the UN..even into Wuhan China...all set in motion...and too often by royal decrees.... WE CALL EXECUTIVE ORDERS....and if some group or party does not have the funds to go to court...and try to moderate or block it....then we have a DO NOTHING CONGRESS...and its been much of such of both parties....Right now...a flurry of edicts...have turned the world to the brink of diaster...and that 'doomsday clock" is getting closer to Mignight....and the angst of many who now have jobs and are gone...and a pandemic where no data or facts can be verified by nations...UN even as riht to use exisitng budgt to really know what it going on...and verify....was removed by law of 2002 by an earmark to a 6000 page bill....and who read that one...with leaders in congress say no meed to bother....and THE OVERRHROW OF THE WORLD INTO A BEAST SYSTEM OF NO GOVT...ACCOUTABLE ONLY TO ITSELF...and the master hidden somewhere in the depts...that does not seem to be the old time just money holders....but high tech now surveiling our lives....and GOVT IS NOT THE SNOOPER... which would still be acbountable for misuse of the info gathered on one and all of us.....and ehre we are already overcome...and one came along....and tryed to take on a brazon bull and we did not do our part....even ignored those like me who had found out....and ignred..even as once in a while testimory surfaced in congress...but shuffled into oblivion to be hidden by their gag order rule for this to be known...the govt was not in charge but for the dept of defense as Sec of Defense Rumsfeld left it out of the bill''''and not excuse for any one of them...if they even some elected afterwards and even that 12/2002. when a quorum...of US Seantors..voted by unanamous consent...voted to turn the work and access to even our data and recoreds over to this one become one...even those trying to be independent...tied to the same systems...NO GOVTIN CHARge and if any law is passed witht the basic oversight in it even by amendments any one could offer in the its eisting budget cannot be used to audit a govt contractors or investigate and prosecute....and we have had a growoing geocides...leading to the intl cabal now in control and illegal tings done...and even when one calls to report...their call centers and intake folks decide what the govt should know...CONTROL is the realtity...and our monies go missing and watever they want...they seem to have someone in congress who does their bidding and beware...the states where major hubs of their rulership Kentuchy where Sen Rand knows who they are.....and the other...seems to not take any action now or when in stop DEFUNDING OF that is all we have to stand up for us...and our laws obeyed...and with evil running rempant...more and more....and too many who hae no idea why we have laws....(to protect those inalievnable rights...not be taken from us...or have order so none are harmed even from no traffic lights where needed...) and a genration we allowed school boards to be seated....and maybe those tainted elections also....and we have genration or a couple now...wehre many have no idea why we obey laws....but to NOT GET CAUGHT AND PAY A FINE OR FACE DOME JAIL understanding of we follow some we do not do harm to each other...or nations..or world even....and all in it...we do so because we care....And wish freedom for one and all....not enslavement that gets forced on us...when chaos rules... We are called and be part of the solution...and before we vote again..and some will even this uyear....we have voter rolls to be updated and make sure...those listed and voted even exist...(up to 30% in some ciities...invisible...?? and voted...and certified by many on up the process....and isn't that perjury...when more votes than voters even existed....and not even that many registered....and one does not rebistefe as tehe vogtes ae they....nor change rules of a game or process as they process or play has started....another court just ruled.....and maybe the constitutional amendment we may havw to time to check out the taint...and know if corruted or not...and back to elections in Nov but oaths of office not till the followoing March...but not sure all sides would stay out of fights...over that long a time....?? So the work is now...and parties can do it...or just groups from all sides....and two by two...knock on doors and ask for the ones on the rolls....and leave them with info of hhow to resgistef and when elections are...etc...and websites for simple hand out....and some money but more is the time...and effort of what each can help....and then websites to be trained how to be a poll watcher....and not be known as party or candidate one is for....and monitoring the count and more LAW ENFORCEMNT TO CALL when rights of oversight are stopped and chain of custordy of our scared rights of voting be secured until all are able to allow all our rights of any and all upheld... and then is all those who cerit need to pass a basic gradeschool math test...that we cannot ever have more votes then voters....maybe they need to face charges of perjury or at least dereliction of over and over....none bothered to reslved the tiant...and the world sees the USA shaking and tainted 'light on the hill' NOW DIMMED UNTIL WE GET BACK TO OUR light of freedom and justice....and the will of the people at the ballot boxes...are untainted and we all congragtulate the winners...and then try and deal with what is needed to be done...and the AMOUNT OF A WIN...IS CRUCIAL as its guides the lawmakers to know not to do radiacl change when the split is close.... and as for mail in ballots....a form a uyear mailed to update any changes....and mailed out as media in rural areas can be lax letting all know of even local eelctions when our news comes from some coroprotation thousnds of miels away...and most is generic same...and less and less is local....and why aren't highschools using their journalism classes to publish one and even allow us to donate for a subscription and begin to teach those skills again........anyone still know those ethics journalists used to have to know and follow...?? (Just some opinions and others may have many much better).... In the name of Yahuhsha....whom many call other names over time of the same... three in one...who led our ancestors out of Egypt with Moses and You came for all of us...the lost sheep of Israel and we are now begning to know we lost our history...but not some of the basics of our worth....and huamn rights and inante sense of FREEDOM , FREE WILL...tempered wit caring for one another....and never be enslaved to one who dnies us even our right to pray to You or have personal opinions...and thoughts....and never intend to do harm...and follow the good...for none and all....... Prayers for healing for loved ones..and others...and blessings for family and friends....and as we go out and knowck on clean up the taint put on our process to follow Your comand to ALL BE KINGS AND PRIESTS...and we may get to know some womderful help with the process....and some in need...we may be able to help or know whom may be able to help.....ALL KINGS AND PRIESTS... in this world...and may we have again be a light of freedom to the whole world...and be able to help others in their own homelands....and resist to interfere with their ways of freedom and free will..even if some think its not just as we do it... Help us to not forget to ask for Your help and Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us....and one day You come with the hosts of heaven....and take on evil itself...and none of us be fallen to the evil be removed... We got it....YOU GOT US...always...and may we never forget it ever again....and oversee what we can take care us in this world...until then...In Your Holy Name...Yahusha...Amen! Still not able to get to time to figure out this spell check issue... rying to figure out how to replace under a sink we have with a support from the floor that is not enclosed...and should have paid more attn to carpetry when my dad was doing carpentry and he was skilled at it.(I lerned more than realized from him over time...but the skills of doing...we forget our history..over time...and in only a generation or two...and as I search on line...I remember this and that taught he worked...and I did pay better attn then realized as he ws always teaching...about all kinds of things.... Know it can be done..without huge sums of money... then just sew a crtain around it that has an elasticed waist. to be remmoved to air blows free... around the pipes...and water that bathrooms have much in newer homes over the last few decades...we do not have basements...but inner rooms incase of tornadoes...and blessings for none in our area..for us.....but one does be prepared... also making it more wheel chair accessible...just in case that access is needed...All parts needed may be here...just the way to completion is ahead.... Our lives are a metaphor for good or giving up...and never should we ever do that....He never gives up on who are we to do ourselves...we are loved and returning the love and passing it us freedom in our "Be Best"...for always...for the Glory of the Divine... Linda Joy Adams 1/29/21

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