
Monday, June 27, 2022



        The punishment for a breach of rejecting what was of evil and evil-doers is harsh. Capital punishment is an example that to bow to evil is more than leading self and others to the eternal death of the Divine promise of life eternal..but also spiritually weakens an entire people and nation to allow evils to come in and rule..
         We, now have had the first coming of our divine Savior and have freedoms and human rights for each and all. And we the people are the rulers by our votes in nearly every nation on Earth now.
But, we also have rights and freedoms that have taken us to a new level of how to resist evil, and still, have these rights for all, but not let evil overcome and take rights away from one or all of us
        Like the next level in a game where we have learned the skills to handle the highest level and overcome it. And we succeed at times., but have fallen into laziness which has let evil overtake us in the name of equal rights.  I said go vote and I did ...but the rest assumed all was OK and may be in our areas...but none can know that if two plus witnesses did not sign off along the process all was OK and may be wide open for one and cohorts to take advantage of..or may already done so with wifi and been affected and those doing forensics indicate all had things accessed and altered...
        But with no first valid or not process...and witnesses of us to resolve we have an era of the unknown for all of us...and that is a taint....that tarnishes all the honorable and ethical election officials who have done a good job serving us well...and we thank them for that...and sorry we did not back you and been there as a witness for our parties and affirm a good job most surely have done...
        There are things among us that are considered sins by many and our faith teachings, as we have in our Bibles. But we also have equal rights and most sins of the Bible are not illegal. for consenting adults. And that is the higher skill we have learned a hard lesson in recent years, of letting that considered sin, be forced on all of us for acceptance... Now to take on that awesome divinely given job... and it begins with step one.
 Contact your registered political party affiliation and find out when meetings are and show up and ALL BE KINGS AND PRIESTS.
        We have the right to individual beliefs and opinions and even free speech as long as it meets some basic rules our govts have rules and laws to permit it
        The latest US Supreme Court ruling overturning the Coach who said a prayer before a game and got fired shows this He did not force others to join him, nor did his praying violate any noise level laws or rules.
And since they removed even a moment of silence from schools with the removal of prayers, which in my schools NEVER WAS FORCED...but all were taught to respect those who chose not to participate in a simple song. that had a few words to indicate it was a prayer. Even allowing sharing by students about their education, and we understood how to do that...I first was introduced to Hebrew in Grade 3 by a fellow student who came and showed us his Hebrew lesson book... the language of a nation of this world.. abut that of faith and the foundation of the Christian faith...we have not studied for centuries dud to the intentional exclusion by Constantine...long ago..and concepts in our faith,, are only understood in Hebrew like a Divine that IS, WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE OF NO BEGINNING AND NO END... Something that Greek language of science and reason has no word for even Love, referred to as the Divine Love we accept and pass on...that is more than the word Agape...translated into Greek of those who serve and protect...but a mystery known to our ancestors in the desert with Moses...and do the some has shown online...and we all alive today 
        We learned to respect the rights of others to not participate...and if one chose to kneel and pray, and the act did not disrupt foot or street traffic...its a private matter we are to allow others the right to practice their faith...or anything else they chose to pause and do that did not violate any laws of the land. And cannot even think of one.
            Too bad, to others if the practice of another's rights bothers one when all have the right to ignore it. and is not interfering with your own rights. Seems to me, that some consciences got pricked and evil reacted as if another soul would be lost to the good side of who made this world and created all good...and our ancestors got trapped by evil, fell to it, ate the apple and we all got into this fallen state of now dying and waiting for a time when we have learned to overcome evil with good of not even being tempted as we know it leads to spiritual as well as the eternal physical loss for always.
            Here they were. Just crossed over back in the Promised Land, and someone took some of the cursed riches of the fallen ones and offspring of evil worship....of human sacrifice and defiance of the worth of self and others...and had hidden....the spoils of war.
        This has been the major difference between the  USA as a 'restrainer of the world' for many decades, as the nation does not take the spoils of war, often we end up helping restore the wealth of the land with foreign aid, Often letting our own infrastructure go without renewal and maintenance... Another foolishness to help everyone else while our own physical as well as spiritual goes unattended and begins to falter and fall into destruction and even death...And Evil has won again....for a time until we pick up the pieces and begin to learn from our negligence of caring for our own souls and rights and lands before we go and try to help others in this world, even with the best intent... 
        Too often as we help, in comes some not-so-good, with evil intent and takes advantage of access and creates issues of no good in another land...And this reflects many of the issues in Ukraine...All the good is diminished by a few who decide to slip in and set up illegal by USA laws of bio labs and over the border is Russia and not too happy if another virus gets loose and over to them.
            And what was all this money to Hunter for VP Biden publicly said he got the public prosecutor fired, to get a huge sum of money sent to the govt...and a salary for Hunter with a company with less than stellar reputation...THE SPOILS OF WAR...even of a cold war, that saw deaths also... in our times.
                So the punishment was harsh back then in ancient times. The people who spent 40 years in the desert with Moses and daily miracles and now those had ceased, and they were on their own...At the next level them to deal with evil and still a miracle of helping the walls of Jericho fall....and one among them put all in danger by bowing to the temptation of evil and brought among them,,,, not just some one might take common cash...but articles of their faith practices and dress, that were the cursed belongings of those who killed the innocent and warriors among them as many did as human sacrifice.
        We are now seeing evil among us being labeled as Satan's church and advocating violence and death of warriors among us in BLue of our Police officers who are there to be called when any one of us is in dire need and we do count on them to show up and help, even to save our lives when under attack... It's a "strange god'" that asks for that evil kind of worship and the 10 Commandments say we are not to worship such. Got to take them down from public places for evil's one to be seated in office as it says not to worship or idolize or live under the tyranny of one seated and thankfully our founders gave us peaceful means of replacing one who became like that..   
        We can lose a lot in meaning over time, and translation and removing the study of history from much of public education because religion and beliefs are included....we have lost our history as often faith and religion create historical events to happen...People and nations go to war for their beliefs.
        And again back before prayer got removed and even silent moments and learning how to respect each other's right to not be forced to participate in what others might do.....we also LOST the RIGHT TO KNW HISTORY...and the 1976 US Supreme court decision allowing the Bible to be studied as history and or literature in school...has rarely even been adopted And one of the great pieces of literature the 23rd Psalm was included in our readers in public schools...and some other poems and books that even mention having faith...And none was forced to believe.
I REMEMBER IN 1ST GRADE when something was taught, one asked about more about a word, believe it was a spelling word and we all learned a great lesson that day.....when our teacher said to the student....that for that she needed to go ask her parents or place of faith....and WE FULLY UNDERSTOOD HOW WE CAN LEARN ABOUT MATTERS BUT NOT BE PART OF INFRINGING ON ANYONE 'S RIGHT TO BELIEVE OR NOT..any part of something that even mentions god or faith. and away to court, someone goes to make sure nothing is taught and we lose the lessons of the past actions to not repeat bad and to make good ones that end up with good outcomes..
            Satan robs us of knowing how to overcome its evil temptations when we have no history to know how others failed or succeeded...and back to wars we go, led right into we did not learn how to ignore the faith practices of those we do not wish to b part of and none is forcing us to do so....and public affirmation that is not forced on others...Say your own, just follow noise levels and block traffic doing so, etc. 
        If a big sign wishes to be erected or a cross, menorah or even a tree for tree worshippers then get the permit...and follow the rules... ( And yes, some of the push for environmentalists does get into a level of worship and that is their right to advocate but forced carbon tax to reduce what each has to use to already doing more than many in this world....just WHO GETS THAT MONEY..?  and why is all to do the same, when that may not even be best for the physical world, as the whole world is not the same.As bizarre as if sending snow plows to the desert lands.. when destination plants needed to get good water to grow green crops now and slow down sm with money spent to make electric cars with not enough grid to even change them all...) Those 'strange gods" can rise up as worshipped in many strange ways...But we are not to be forced to lose common sense and rights or taxes to go to the level of worship that is not a good way for just making good progress to taking care of what is meant to be good and looked after. 
        We have a lot to learn yet to be the rulers> And have had fewer valid elections due to ignoring the rights of our witnesses to be present and paperwork done to show that 2+ witnesses as observers of the whole election process were valid, or any objections resolved by a fair process of a panel of more than one side or judges, etc  Judges need to stop invalidating elections for all by obstructing the rights of observers..( if there is a complaint about an observer then tell the party to send another if they one present is not able to carry out duties. We call that impeachment for offices held by elections or appointments of judges... But the replacement cannot be denied the rights of observing and disputing and a panel decides and resolve or get a judge with appeal rights)  THEN WE HAVE THAT NON EXISTENT EVIDENCE THAT SOMETHING HAPPENED THAT MIGHT NOT have  BEEN LEGAL   
         And the election is invalid...and are any of our elections valid over what time..? This is on volunteer a few hours a year and help oversee the process from making sure voter rolls are accurate and mailing out ballots when no one asked for are mailed to canvassed and any disputed persons resolved....and then poll watching and no id of what party, but an id as one... then on to counting...and even 2+ guarding ballots which too often got left in public places unattended to preserve the chain of custody....    \
        We are waking up that it's our fault as kings and priests (and I use  'he' as generic for all cannot even wish to remember all the letters for all the pronouns now...mercy on this 77-year-old disabled woman mostly bed ridden due to no therapeutic oxygen and lungs inflamed with ozone as millions like me are dealing with now with no govt in charge since 12/02 law to oversee a cabal of govt contractor and managers of big business..taken control of this world and we the people have no govt to ven hold valid elections to go and serve us and oversee all.
        To get what is medically approved for me by three health plants and denied and 39 federal agency judges ignored and withheld from even govt officials o carry out by those in charge and control as  Government contractors and sub-contractors who decide all. not the govt anymore.... it means have to have a govt able to enforce laws for those before them. 
         I and we are to have the right of even life...and too many already lost theirs in the horror of NO GOVT IN CHARGE...and all over govt civil servants are pleading for the right to do their jobs again and stop this overthrown to real evil and even high officials. In the USA, the Dept of Defense is still under whoever took the oath of hold the nuclear football to annihilate all of us or not.....and if the one holding it is not one able to make such a decision that is best.....then we have a  US Constitution that says what to do....or we all may be gone and creation itself...and satan wins...
            But Satan will not win as there is one more power that made even it....and why to let it rule when we are the ones under the Divine promise of life eternal and we are now ready and some are already stepping forward to oversee our elections and help our local election our counties and states by being those volunteers needed to canvass and hep oversee nd then none will have taint on our elections and those officials in counties and state offices will not be blamed for what we did not do to make sure...nothing could be done by any to blame them for any nefarious actions...

        In the name of Yahusha save us from a long time to finally being to understand why we are created and what You wish for us to do...And thank You for having faith in us, even as we fail to follow Your good ways..we are finally beginning to understand is best choices for one and all of us and creation itself...You told us to oversee...
And most of us are doing things to help and would do more if some would not be forcing things to be done hat is not the best choices for the whole process of helping the physical world is best for one and all personals nd or areas...
`        In these times of tribulations as we are refined into Your good and golden grain of human wonder of each...Help us continue to be led by Your Holy Spirit to what each is called to do to help and show the way to carry it out.
        The burden is light when shared....and may issue in my own family be figured out to share the needs so all is met and prayers to you, seem to be planning in the work Your divine guidance through Your Holy Spirit or however this miracle works...and praise and thank You.
         Takes a little time each day....but not a lot when each...And help is needed...and we are not the only family we need to plant gardens for food and some might be able to have some livestock to get through the next few years until You return and the call to safety is given to go to safety as the final battle of evil being removed by You and the Hosts of heaven  and may it be soon, but we know we have a lot to do, and many do not know You yet and only begun is baptism by professed faith and not after times of lessons of doctrines, etc to join a faith denomination  but belief in YOu and then profess that...then the lifetime of study and practice of faith sharing and worship begins and  never ends  HallejuYah  
        Prayer for physical survival and healing for many now and survive this and open the heart at Lincaere to get liquid and or compressed air....with a monopoly that never should be allowed to happen with all the many who qualify by the official guidelines for home oxygen.
         With none getting liquid and or compressed air but a few...and many being harmed and earlier death by ozone and thanks for the dream to know to rig up an extra filter to even be alive now using 100 of  N95 inserts empty O2 bubble cups and water traps to filter more but not enough for millions of us that far less than most can tolerate causes inflation and fluid in lungs and entire lymphatic systems...
        The current ones in charge since 1989  in govt whom we now know some by name have decided that 1/6th of the population does not exist and to ignore any need for medicines. treatment, testing, and cures even.. from toxic and chemical injuries, especially after Dow got sued for bug spray used in the first Gulf war, some filed third-party lawsuits on behalf of the taxpayers which is all of us paying higher taxes now at the gas pump even.  
        An unknown multitude left behind since then and said to be 100 million affected adversely by this destination of a major minority handicap usually due to toxic and chemical injury of some degree. and doomed to a premature death too often as things got worse in control of the cabal instead of one's good doctor often the victim of criminal coercion by the manager of the cabal at insurers even malpractice insures all fallen under the control of this intl interwoven cabal...with low bids for contracts in govts and business as deals to control and illegal acts as well often to be done and are...and no govt allowed to audit or stop it...and states rely on feds and they been defunded to act for 20+ years now... 
        they have NO GOVT TO TURN TO as the law of 12/02 defunded the govt from LIFE AS A RIGHT for all had become more and more a lost right of our inalienable ones from You as our founders of the USA aid in the Declaration of Independence from Tyranny of 1776 when govt had fallen under a form of govt contracts and tyranny had risen over those without full rights as colonies. under one of the govts of a world with some representative govt...already...
             All are directly affected in showing we rule and clean up nay taint of our elections so we and all know the will of the people is upheld and those we send to take care of our business know they serve us and no other masters....and we support them with our prayers and volunteer to keep all without taint...And if they do not serve us well, we can send another next time.  
        We are the power and money cannot overcome each with one vote...using it and making sure the election is valid and counted fairly without taint among the rest of legally filed ones. And the horror is we have no idea what is or is not tainted as our witnesses we often not present and using only way for any forensic oversight as its unreasonable to ask any more from witnesses than the ability to vote and have the common sense to apply..and some jobs may require being able to see...
        This is no govt in charge to even know what is going on and govt contractors rule with control of access to data and records of the nation and much is our personal ones we expect to be kept protected from harms and illegally use and we have none of that when govt is not allowed to carry out that constitutional contract between our govt and us.
         And let one or millions the inside info from a multitude of federal employees. Even the highest positions in formal letters pleading with Congress to be allowed to oversee and stop harm and looking of public funds and illegal acts that can not be stopped since our law of 12/02  and around the world govts have given the same authority to same interwoven beast system seems is the one You warned John of in the Book of Revelation...we now suffer an die under....with our congress as he only ones to changes this defunded budget authority of oversight and not willing to get rid of there gag order rule to hide the harm of overthrow and any other possible nefarious reasons to give up their service to us...of oversight and actions to preserve and protect our data and records and us and all of us and nation.  And our votes do not count even when cunted be rulers of ourselves and nation 

                Our mess, like little nearly fully mature adults ready to take the awesome reason for our creation, to oversee  Divine creation and serve one who loves us and we are asked to love others as He loves us....and He paid the price for us to be redeemed back to our former state for humanity and eternal life and evil will be removed and hen dealt with by our Divine...and we hope its soo...but we WAIT PATIENTLY ON HIM...for whatever day or hour we do not know but the signs say it's not far off... Look up and read the Picture Bible and signs given long before altered at Tower of Babel into another's deceptive version.The events above do not tell us what to do ...The Divine Creator that made them does and gave us signs to read and know warning signs of events..ahead. Repent and be saved so none is left behind with evil when the call safety...for the final battle of good overcoming evil 
        Linda Joy Adams 6/27/22

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