
Monday, February 24, 2020


Ezekiel 37 KJV - The hand of the LORD was upon me, and - Bible Gateway

   Everyday, the chapter read at random has some personal  application as well as reflects the world around. us...

                              PART 3



     Its our jobs as civil servants of any make sure the laws of the land are carried out with ethics and justice for one and all...and no one among us be harmed...

               With the introduction of systems of artificial intelligence being used since the 1970's more and more and nothing can get done without it....even when one has to go to paper when systems are not compliant with the laws....and the whole process of equality and rights before the law come to a halt...for everyone with lives endangered and even lost....when one is denied all in like situations are too under a govt with rights of each one....

   And the Judeo- Christian concept of  protection of the least among us...Justice denied one denies it to all...AS what one gets all gets..(PRECEDENT CASE IN OUR LEGAL SYSTEM that when govt deals with facts of laws and rights under it...then what one gets all get or are deprived of and from the inseide of agencies up the hierarchy of appeals to present the case or petition to our govt...that what is being done and gotten is unfair, unjust and unconstitutional…..and when the whole process is not gone through by those trained to know or able to easily access the info...then we end up with politician not liking judges legislating from the bench.....

     What does one do...when after a lengthy process the work that should have been done in applications of laws and facts...still has not been done...and the judges or even  US SUPREME now backtracking to do what should have been done at the first appeal being done by contractors....and NONE OF WHAT IS NEEDED IS EVEN STARTED UNTIL THE FIRST HEARING JUDGE...AND  some of them seem to be new to govt and little knowledge or access to precedent cases in the agency...or processes and procedures....and policies no one has all they have is what the public gets on websites….AND ALL OF THIS IS NOT THERE...TO VIEW...

   Laws are only broad outlines filled in with how the law gets carried out and finetuned in the agency and decisions on cases, rulings by agency judges...etc...all can affect the outcome of a case and decision...ITS CALLED JUSTICE AND FAITHNESS AND EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW...

 and without this on a website for all to have access then EQUALITY OF RIGHTS TO KNOW AND BE APPLIED.DOES NOT EXIST...

         At  HHS-SSA, through the late 1980's most of the programmers were those hired from within the agency and tested for aptitude to and the inside 'joke' is they were the  ones who knew the laws, etc. best were our programmers...YOU CANNOT PUT OUR RIGHTS AND LAWS..INTO A SYSTEM AND NOT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE LAWS..RULES ETC EVEN ARE.... as in some format it has to be there and by the late 1980's the programmers from within the trained and would leave and make up to 4 times more for the new companies like Microsoft...etc...

       and then govt contracted out...and soon we had websites set up and systems that were NOT LEGALLY the  SYSTEMS PROGRAMMERS BECAME our legislators and laws and benefit rights began to disappear....costs? could not figure out how to set up a file for only a few..who were in one category of benefit or rights...But that few could be hundreds or thousands....and  the concept of protection of the civil and constitutional rights of those were ignored and the affect on all of us led to more and more of many of us becoming the ones left out of rights of even life....even 25 million left with meds made or in safe form for their outside special interests could affect what happened when the civil servant basic job is to uphold the laws of the land and treat all fair and just an equal even if its only one due the right or benefits...

      Currently the shell company of the bad actor replace that had control of FECA since 2002 with what that has happened to me becoming too common and many not surviving at FECA and through out the govt they control in every way affecting us and over into other areas...virtually all of health care in the USA is under them....and for those who do not even have a health plan....and the looting of the publics treasury is criminal ...but since 2002 law no budget can be spent to audit a contractors...who rarely say they are and give their corporates names...which is an illegal impersonation of the govt...and records missing on many who filings and in my case 39 federal judges orders...withheld from the real  CICERO  said in ancient Rome who fell to this same system...of no rights of the people to be treated fairly and justly under their laws...which were not as good as we have the best in history....BUT OVERTHROWN since 2002...NO GOVT IN CHARGE....and none can stop crimes the cabal of govt contractors congress removed from govt oversight to know what is going on and stop illegal acts..let alone civil and constitutional wrongs...something Congress used to even 'spy' on us to see if we were uphold those.

   The pass a law...a few deep state facilitators give out contracts not checking our conflicts and shell companies as needed to be done....and soon the money disappears and the work is not done...or not done legally....and the game is to withhold anything from the real govt that would expose crimes or violations of contracts ….and often its  AGENCY APPELLATE JUDGES  as they have had the wisdom to not let contractors have file....but when a case is remanded back to a hearing judge...or the decision is made...then the file goes to the contractors….and too often disappears ...and since overpaying Part B Medicare and even double premiums...on top of on the way back...the file has disappeared...and for over a hearing reheld.....and the age is to determine ones place in line....and some of our initial hearings that would surely expose more crime's in the 39 due...and remanded to correct  these wrongs and not AI IS NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE THEM INPUT TO WORK THE CASE....and no provision in govt made to do paper....and that is illegal as in some way it has to be done...paper or system...

   And the rule that govt cannot be trusted with files paper or systems to scan direct into the system and not be altered...means NO GOVT IN CHARGE TO EVEN ENSURE SECURITY OF FILES...or govt employees are under the law..and could be arrested or prosecution...etc...for illegal acts...

   As some scandals of the past few years trying to overthrow an elected leaders have revealed...illegal acts by some will use a contractor to do the illegal they cannot be prosecuted... so these 'fake dossiers' CAN BE DONE ON ANYONE BY A CONTRACTOR AND NONE IS ACCOUNTABLE IN THE GOVT...AS THEY DID NOT DO IT...

 And prove they directed it done when the contractor cannot be questioned..?

               With some new windows 10 changes...and some other matters needing to be done to prepare for some new every doctor of mine has been given a different medical profile by their cabal managers...that now rule the medical profession...and insurers of us and them... and that is from the national and international data base the cabal owns of one entity....and its a deadly mess.....and neither the patient nor the doctor is allowed to see it or have a copy.....and we have had glimpse of some deadly and horrible alterations of even diagnoses...on them....that changing many of us to  COPD..means no meds or no safe meds for 25 million or so or 40% and even some court testimony says that 1 out of 6 persona has adverse reactions to some of the chemical additives in foods and meds now...

   And medical facilities need to start using those products many now use in their homes that are perfume free, unscented...and formaldehydes  alcohols and phenol sulfurs just not all...and the whole  VACCINE ISSUE  is not the vaccine for most...but 1 out of 6 can have adverse reactions...and for my group even internal bleeding...and entire lymphatic system swollen  and one is to be will for a vaccine to work....and who is really well anymore?

 AND LABELS  are blatantly false....but the  FDA HAS NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING med watches do not get past the contractor...and none know of millions left with less life expectancies without medications...and much of what works for my older and cheaper to make ones...and a stupid regulation that will not allow theophylline powder to be sold without a binder added...where those now deadly inflamers of celluloses turned into alcohol ether gas...that gets into the cellular level...more inflammation that is one got a bit of alcohol laced flavoring which is  avoided also..

    IF ITS NOT IN THE SYSTEM THEN it does not exist....and millions do not exist now....we have been excluded from being...and ending dead before we should is what real non being is...illegal but AI DOES NOT HAVE A SOUL...and where is the ones of those in charge...suppressed by what? greed and power lust as most who would do this are....and AI IS THEIR WEAPON USED quietly behind the scenes hidden in the swamps of corruption to over throw our rights,, nations and the world....and we are nearly there...and  WE NEED 95%+ voting in all elections who legally can....and nearly all adults in this world can be the force of rulership so that those elected know they are hired by use to serve us....and not another kind of master...

                     Late today.., a higher level  at US Dol Dallas called me and NOT CALM...and really bad...and I am exhausted...and  said ? not calm she could not read what I sent in.. I did not give the name as have no idea why such a response as have no idea who sent or gave her what..or even from me...maybe another forgery like the one that got me sent back to work in 7/90 and worked over to the point of death and  EEOC SANCTIONS VS those above me up for criminal indictments  that covered up led us down the path to the hell of 9/11/01 I tried for 2 years to stop and found the FBI IN CHAOS THEN... unable to faction as govt should to protect the people and nation as too much corruption already in place.

      .(Go to DAILY RECAP ADDED 9/11/16 for what happened back in 188-89 in Jersey City that got us injured and wake up to this is not  a new event of a swamp of corruption but been festering and growing and security breaches using systems for illegal matters long before more current matters... Only we the people can fix this with 95%+ at the  BALLOT BOX... and do not forget those crucial state and local elections...We elect those to serve our govt does not work when the rulers of it do not rule at the BALLOT BOX...

  And tried to get a word in that I HAD SENT NOTHING IN RECENT anyone ….except for the civil rights and that ended up with the regional contract letting office...and should never have gotten belonged to the civil rights office at DOL and then a peer counselor would make contacts to resolve matters and let them know there was a complaint...


   there is a truckload of things she may have...and don't they keep fax cover sheets or envelopes that have to be kept as postmarks protect rights of filing dates...etc..

   And the employees at DC headquarters under my boss now  SEC SCALIA...have a little better attitude as reminded them I have not had even my YEARLY STANDARDS OF CONDUCT... to know what I can and cannot due...and very crucial in a campaign year....have not had them since years....and wonder if the SEC OF LABOR...knows he has employees in his office..assigned to him..?  and they are my registered employer with HHS now..and CMS on the real system...and how many others...why so many official maters as well as laws hidden from us who are to live under them.and do what they mean for us to do...


   The US Dept of labor Judges ruled  NO THEY DO NOT and to stop making decisions based on rumor and gossip AND ASK ME FOR THE FACTS AND GET FILE RECONSTUCTED FROM MY RECORDS...AND PROCESS PAY ETC...AS AFFIRMED I DO HAVE THE BENEFITS...

  NONE HAS OCCURRED AND NONE WISH TO LET ME SHARE THE FACTS...and all backed up by documentation...'

   Got a hang up and did call and leave message of recap and that did not know what she had...and we need to all be calm and get through a work through this back log...and explained again how death is facing me and millions now...far sooner then medically should be when 25 millions plus are getting what I get...and that is what they in Dallas are doing to me and my files...not even able to be posted as  NONE SINCE 10/11/94 where the injured worker at HHS -SSA  had a claim before that...or a survivor...can submit anything direct to a file on line. as that employer is not listed AS SSA BECAME INDEPENDENT...and I did not ask to be transferred....and unions are aware its happened to others...but of course privacy rights prohibit me from finding out....and a new sec of LABOR may come and go...and never know we exist directly under him or her??.... as the few in the DEEP STATE handle things for the contractors...instead of serving the people instead...

   Whether you like the current president or not...he is right...that no president should ever be treated as he was and still is....and far worse than a fake Russian no right to use budget by laws of the land to over see and stop the theft of our land and rights nd public treasury... and he is the third president put in this position….and seems to be one that wants to make things right again...even if its needing to find the missing monies...for his  GREAT WALL OF TRUMP...its our monies and will be OUR WALL... as the people of the USA..

   Its all of us being sabotaged and some leaders would have acted far worse than some choice words in a tweet...and have in the past... The civil service works for the president  and our job is to support he one seated...and if we have opinions we share them with him of concerns about this or that proposal or action...and offer alternatives that may work better with none harmed . Are some even trying or tried to do that for the good of all of us...or intent on bringing the whole nation the real intent?  And sad for some to seem to have no self all are harmed in such an action...having been done...and don't all have some work to do to get  GOVT BACK IN CHARGE TO STOP HARMS, AND ILLEGAL ACTS that affect even them??

     .And then if one is able to use the system at US DOL and post themselves....from other groups...will it be deleted and altered. Endangering even rights of life as well as all other other systems owned and controlled by the cabal are...TAX PAYER FUNDED...BUT OWNED BY THE CABAL AND NO GOVT ALLOWED TO ACCESS AND KNOW WHAT HAS GONE ON..OR ACCESS TO FILES NOT INPUT...BY THEM...and that is AGENCY JUDGES ORDERS...

   THE JUDICIAL BRANCH is denied the appeals or petitions to our govt..usually start in the agency...and too many are going direct to courts and then politicians dislike judge who legislate from the bench... but remanding back ENDS UP NEVER SEEN AGAIN AT THE CONTRACTORS...ALSO...

    Some of the crucial testimony by Michael Horowitz of how we have lost our rights and access even when judges in the real courts of the govt...order this or that done...

        FIRST STEP IN FACT GATHERING  is do not assume...and a phone call from the civil servant of the past...would have been did you mail or fax  and can not read it....and what most would have mail a copy of what they had...or e mail it and somehow...not a good reaction  by this one...ANOTHER FAKE DOSSIER?  sent to the very one in charge of my direct rights and crucial we be able to work together to afford me my rights to even life..

   Maybe this is from civil rights but I should have gotten a copy and they have my e mall...or maybe it was someone in the affect who had some things hidden away and left it on the desk> and my phone call and fax listings show nothing sent by still trying to figure out why they have nothing since 2012.? where is another truckload of filings... MAYBE THE DEEP STATE slipped in and left it...  and how did they get anything? DO THEY HAVE THE MISSING truckload of files and filings and unprocessed years of oxygen claims ordered by the heads of the cabal not to input as they would be paid and the gig would be up and to let her die...ORDER ON ME..??

    And that is how AI can fights somewhere in there it knows I am approved for life for home liquid oxygen....and would pay it as knows they are to do so...and the whole Ricco case of the biggest organized crimes ring in the history of the world..would come crashing  AI FIGHTS BACK FOR THE ONE??

   Not because it has a soul, but it is programmed in the past that permanent approval is anytime in the future they pay the claim entered...and it can be used for a lot of good?

 But every oxygen claim that was still showing online is now down along with my entire file...and it was not a few months the bill doctors are sending in claims and calling for approval as hey are required to do...and where is that that is an approval or denial with appeal rights and no letters sent...of those rights...

   IS NALC  NOW PLAYING HARD BALL AND REFUSING TO DUMP FECA'S BILLS ON MEDICARE AND that part of the  TRUMP STRATEGY to get around congress refusing to protect Medicare and social security.?   And why none running for office knows what a health care budget would be for MEDICARE FOR ALL as we have been living under an illegal form of it...and many of the patients are ghost multiples and many have no idea what is going on with systems on claims and ones doctor is not the crook...its s system diversion??..

    AS WE PROGRESS TO THE AI CLOUD..the looters may be having a harder time getting by it was only by chance I found out...on 2/1/08..when a call center of the cabal told my doctor's billing lady that my claim number was a phony one....and with the I now a 100 Linda Adams and not 17 as made of me.. before the new system this year??

   Go to MEDICARE MELTDOWN  series that began 10/26/16  FOR THE LAST ROUND  where the cabal manages violated their contract and not allowed the fraud reports to be filed as they did back in 08-12 before we got it stopped before and the next year...when stopped by not renewing a contract....MEDICARE COSTS WENT DONE A TRILLION DOLLARS...50% LESS...

   but as of 10/6/16 the illegal system was sold to the medical community...when the tax payer paid for he real one..that has employer posts as mine has bi weekly...for over 2 decades Medicare is last payer...and never altered until 2002 law passed that an earmark gutted a good law and made it into an over throw of the USA …  this is not my best writing as I am exhausted and sure did not need this unpleasant phone call late today...I am the offended party here...with life endangered...and I assert my right to have the right to  protect my right to choose what happens to my body...and I CHOOSE LIFE...MINE..


                                                       PART 6 OF MEDICAL some changes..and need  concise list for medical sources … as the software all use excludes those with adverse reactions to only those with allergies have protections under the cabal now paid to provide theses...and filling n the  system window horrible for those in the medical profession when they have little compliance to the diagnosis of the patients...WE NEED A DOCTOR ADVISORY  GROUP FROM EVERY PROFESSIONAL GROUP ELECTED BY THE DOCTORS...TO PUT LIFE AND BEST CARE FIRST A and then we will have reduced health care costs because we are more healthy and some actually be simple things they have learned and not being allowed to do...that is not getting approval for another drug that one that does well could and has worked...and needs to be MADE AGAIN


                         VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION

               In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus...may everyone calm down and try to be reasonable and work through a file in and orderly I have suggested many writing and elsewise....and what the judges ordered done...and many doctors..etc...have bills pending not fully paid yet...for years...and who would not be able to use some owned monies..

I am due what has been awarded and approved for and legally filed to be ….and so are others....and then we are both to go after the ones to reimburse the taxpayers...and that includes contractors who disappeared public funds last seem at their systems and places...somewhere in the world with places all over and hope they are in countries...we have treaties with..

   May those dong us harm stop and do good and make amends as Zaxxheus the wee little man asked to eat at his home.....who redeemed his soul and  may we all redeem ours as the dry bones we have let ourselves become and may one people deeded a few miles on this in peace and respected rights as each of us has our own little part of the world for a home...and respected as rights to have none ever be homeless or hungry or cold or sick or injured ever again for al of eternity... as we are grafted in to them in Israel under You the King that is coming back to be present as we have learned our lessons and ready to live in peace and love one You taught us to pray for heaven on earth...and resist hell being allowed to we rejoice for Your presence   with us as  the princes of the people and princesses...too... and a special place for David who had a heart for You even as he messed up real bad at times just as also have done in many kinds of ways...and yet redemption is offered and thank You for this...In Your Holy Name..Amen!




  MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts of sections of 9 DAILY RECAPS and Please do not try any medical treatments without doctor and some do need prescriptions...

   VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85  and some numbers 'tween not used yet.

                   Still missing spell check  and hope caught all typos.

           Linda Joy Adams 2/24/20 posted late so after 12 AM  next day.....         






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