
Friday, February 28, 2020


Joel 3 KJV - For, behold, in those days, and in that - Bible Gateway
    For decades, a Bible is opened daily at random and chapter read...and every day some part has personal meaning as well as reflects the world around us...A world in a struggle to regain the redemption of innocent we once had in the Garden of Eden and our ancestors fell into knowing all knowledge before they were able to spiritually handle it and resist the temptation of their free will gift to choose the way to follow and erred and we are in that struggle since to learn to choose the good over the know the outcomes of bad choices and desire never to follow such again...
   I offer my own take on things and encourage others to share we try to figure out where we are on the timeline of history and seems we are very close to the return of Christ and some bad times to overcome...and may each one be an over comer as we are called to be...and make it through with or souls intact for eternity...
    Some who access this blog are not Christians and that is respected for faith cannot be forced as over human history whatever group has attempted to do this has failed into a horror of awful outcomes...and maybe we are to a time..when the teachings of Christ predominate the world and into most faiths...far different than the times of the Bible and the temptations they had to resist and often those given the gift of freedom and free will and the foundational principles of our US Constitution and bill of rights...would fail to live up to the ideals of it....and the founders of the USA...gave us a living governing document that allowed us to amend it as our human natures led us to overcome some bad things and choose to live under a better way...and we are fortunate that we had our historical ancestors to honor for this even as they had shortcomings of living their lives by the ideals they left for us to one day have....
    As our flag portrays us, to me...that we each are a star that flies...with the bars and stripes of the hardships we have gone through to finally attain the ideals of the heaven on earth of being a star of an over comer of evil to have that heaven on earth we were always meant to have and live in peace with one another for all of eternity....but allowed evil to tempt us into ways that we bear the scars of hardships and trials and tribulations of human history for having knowledge and not accepting the spiritual to guide us to keep us from doing harm from what we learn and know...
   We honor those who came before us...even as we learn from then what we  SHOULD NOT DO... as we thank them for what they showed us the way TO DO...and one thing we are taught from scripture is we are all to be kings and priests....and in the meaning of the heaven as shared by Christ that is all of rulers and ministers to each other...(gender neutral) and that seems to have been one of the last groups to have equality recognized as well as the other categories we recognize in out civil rights laws grounded in the principle that the majority must not forget the least among us that are equal in the kingdom of heaven...
  And we, as rulers rule no longer just has political or public momentum but official rulership at the BALLOT BOXES OF THE WORLD...nearly as even the few remaining dictators of nations  now hold elections to say the people voted for the way to be accepted as a leader among we know none are gods, and are humans and its us who help them do  'BE BEST' as our First Lady their success is ours and if they do not serve us well then we let it be known at the BALLOT BOX.... But if 95%+ of all who can vote do not them we have failed ourselves and those elected without a real mandate or majority of all of us...may be tempted to find other masters to serve that may not be the best for the constitutional mandate of the "general welfare of the people and the security of the nation."
  Evil does not wish to give up its power and we have come to a time some call the end times or tribulation times when we are so close to the Divine intent of a heaven on earth we choose to have...and evil is on its last warpath to bring us down and change heaven on earth into a hell and as some things get much better....evil is bent on bringing the goodness of creation and us down to its levels of death and destruction...
         Israel has been a people that the Divine truth was given be shared with the world...and to whom we Christians believed that the Divine came in the form of part flesh to share our human condition and over come and in a mysterious way His death and resurrection has made it possible for each one of us to follow into a life eternal and the only ticket is our belief and allow the free gift of the Divine love to be in us and shine to be shared with others so they also can have life eternal also.....and that the second coming will happen one day..we have no idea for sure when....but seems that the Old testament prophets could read the signs in the heavens given to the first family on earth...of a 'PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS" and the terms and meanings got changed into the fertility goddess religion of human sacrifice and human ardency of temple public prostitution at the time of the Tower of Babel….and we know so little of history in our times..since any kind of allusion ot religion is stripped from out public educations and for some times even religious scholars have had this hidden...and much was stripped from the Jewish people after 70 AD by Rome as many would proclaim they were the messiah coming back to wage a warfare overthrow of Rome too often believed and followed into revolts and uprisings...and the govt of the time...interfered with a whole religious sect that also turned Christianity into a one world religion and one doctrine under the Caesar Constantine and  soon split the church into east and west...with the east keeping more or the original freedoms of interpretations and Rome made ones citizenship in the state be their baptismal certificate as their proof of even being a citizen...
     This is not about the sincere faith of the faithful....but its what can be done in the name of any religion...that is turned into power by the leader of a nation....and will never work as we are created with free will and minds to think for ourselves...and its unnatural to make all be 'thought zombies."  and for the last few hundred years..we have been coming to a time of all being equal before the we are equally loved by the Divine..even when we mess up and ask forgiveness of our  free societies where most sins are legal....and we really have to wish to be faithful to what we each personally believe and respect others to have that right also... and one day in the final judgement before the Almighty we will have the books of our lives opened and judged for the condition of our hearts...and souls....and a loving and merciful Divine will surely forgive us our sins we had no intent of harming when committed and maybe those we forgot to care and did do harm...but have a truly repentant heart....and forgiveness will be and our souls be forever in eternity where evil will have been removed to the void of hell to never bother us tempt us to ever choose the bad ways...that are those of death and destruction...because we know and have no desire to go down those ways ever again...
             The Old testament prophets seem to follow the Picture Bible and the constellation we know call Virgo  but once had names as Daughter of Zion, Israel Jerusalem, Bride of Christ. or others that symbolize our communion with the Divine love and promise to all of life eternal with the Divine love..we freely choose to love in her hands she holds the cup and the bread of life...of Christ who broke it as He went to the cross to die and be resurrected for each of us to have eternal life in some mysterious way  He paid the way for each of us to follow one day....and one who is an astronomer and can back date what was going on up above us over human some did at 9/23/17 when the star map of Revelation 12  was studied....and another time with one exception was also found just before the first coming of Christ...and many do believe He is coming soon...and the star map put the King of King star at the paws of the Lion but Jupiter was sent down first into the beast system to stir it up and  WHAT SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN BIRTHED FIRST IS THE NAME OF THE LAST BOOK OF THE Bible. Revelation...and truth began to be revealed from the depths of the swamp and still is being revealed in official places as well as over he we sort through it all and come to our own conclusions and have desire for ALL TRUTH TO BE KNOWN  and our legal systems work to end real injustice by a few that have grabbed power and abused it for awful the 10 commandments say ( DO NOT ABUSE (COVET) POWER WHEN ONE IS IN AUTHORITY...) and we have had some 'hidden ' authorities that have been ruling for too much of human history and we have the power of the  BALLOT BOX to officially overcome this...and crucial is all elections...not just he presidential...and we may make mistakes and have to find others to replace those who do not serve us well....and its what rulers are to do...and each is and always has been created to be rulers and ministers to each other..never forgetting the least among us not be harmed by the majority...
   One last check and balance in our constitution to prevent mob rule by a few large population centers gaining power and becoming 'mob rule' is the electoral college... as our founders warned that those of the more sparsely food production areas have to have a say...or those who have other ideas..could end up starving if no food is produced... Our Civil Rights laws protect the minorities from the majority that might and sometimes have forgotten all are to have equal rights...and who is a minority can change as the make up of society changes....
                           VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION
     In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may we heed the warnings of the prophets of old who understood You and shared with all of us down to out times he same warning as given to Israel....and all now as we are grafted into the same ideals given to one people and as humans they sometimes failed to follow and some dire predictions given moves have been made up now of some bad times as final confrontations between evil that will not repent and be saved for good and the most of us who wish to do good and care...and over come temptations to do things that end badly....and we struggle and may You help and carry us through so we all come out with our souls and lives intact for mature humanity ready for the future and all evil never bother us again....ready to handle all knowledge and not be tempted to use it for bad but for good we journey on out to the rest of creation...and be fruitful and multiply and not bring evil ways as we go...but good...  Forgive me my own shortcomings and sins and thanks for the rest gotten these last few the mountain of filings grows...and MEDICARE IS STILL BEING NO govt in charge continues with our leaders unable or unwilling to allow some oversight of the contractors of one cabal that will not let the more ethical ones...follow the rules and laws and protect our public treasury as health and hunger are issues that even the wealthy have to face....and the control is not with we let ourselves down...and our leader is unable to do much until laws are changed and oversight lead to evidence to stop evil doers causing us harms and deaths before they should....and common sense rein among those who wish to do good and have good....and what ever plan of govt or none we have ...each can be a force for whatever way we are called to be....
   and we are still made free by You to be free...and we need enough govt to make sure we remain free to choose the best ways to be free with govt doing what we wish it to do...and be...but govt support the freedom of free will for free enterprise to function with fairness and justice for one and all of us... A complexity that freedom comes with...we can figure it out with checks and balances on a few who would take advantage of the good most of us...and check temptations before they become an organized crime ring..of no good intent for any but itself...and forgetting any future eternity. They may lose for themselves...  My prayers for those who do me harm and others harmed also to do good and be saved for good...and happiness that comes with sharing love and life and resisting hate, and the death of destructive ways...that are also illegal our laws...for good reason we know are harmful.....In Your Holy Name...Amen!
                             VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION
   Still recovering and will get to those updates soon...We had a warm beautiful day...with sun shining...and with 80 strawberry plants ordered....a loved one is going to get a  patch tilled  I used to garden more in...and then   plant and will try to use flowers around as natural pesticide got to check my 'garden bible" of  companion planting for which..think its so much that is bought now has a lot on them...and organic is rare and expensive..Something I can do seated on the ground...but need help getting up... Doyle had his own big patch when he was a teenager and we never quite got one started....Maybe, again ...and ordered some special fertilizer also...and a few plants did grow well here of one variety...a few years ago.. and have plenty of nylon netting for cover if if bees have survived to grow...maybe will look into some of those Mason bee habitats some say helps and put them up in the too many areas of this world and even USA may not have food produced as much this year...and what each can grow themselves can help what is out there be for those city folkd that sometimes forget...we out here feed you...and the rest of the world is going to stop sending us theirs when they need food for themselves..
   REPOSTS please do a word or phrase search above or scroll down or side...for  FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS., MEDICAL REGIMEN,VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS
  Linda Joy Adams ….2/28/20....

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