
Friday, February 21, 2020


Hebrews 11 KJV - Now faith is the substance of things - Bible Gateway

    How true is the personal message for me today from the each day some  part is personal from the chapter opened at random and read...And also reflects the world around us...that seems to have lost its way for justice and good...while some matters get better evil seems to not wish each one to have full justice.....and those who already have seats of power have lost focus on making sure justice for all is maintained...

         Started out with the high official in Dallas regional office for FECA calling and the same mantra went on with calls and various parts of the US Dept of Labor in DC unable to budge the local whom many have there had no idea that their neighbor is the contractors now as shell company and had not idea who controls the flow of info to them...and why and who or how they do not even have their own agency judges orders of what to do....AND HAVE NO DESIRE TO TAKE RESPONSIBLITY AND GET THEM OR TRY TO.. even defying the heads in DC who say to do right and get it down and do not...and have not...who were also defied and justice denied one and all..

 .A rebuff of we do not know and have no desire to know and take their orders from the contractor as facts and defy the judges who know they do not even have files or filings or no idea what is in my file...but willing to put their signatures on letters to cause more life ending scenarios for me with what the judges.(over a dozen now) have rules is gossip and rumor run amok and they do not know and to ask MS Adams for the facts and reconstruction my files and get things processed and paid...etc….AND THEY WILL NOT DO IT...AND HAVE NOT FOR A LONG TIME....AND HAVE ALLOWED THEMSELVES TO GO ALONG TO GET ALONG.... and no regard for injustice to this one affects the rights of millions in the USA now facing death before they should with no meds made or others in safe form..and how many others around the world now under the control of this one entity?..


    Yet the hedge of protection of our laws and govt...and rights have been suppressed for those inside who are lawfully here and citizens....left without when NO GOVT HAS AUTHORITY OVER THE CABAL OF ONE ENTYITY OF CONTRACTORS......and its hard to fathom that those in the city have no idea their own contractors is in control. The ultimate deception for a silent overthrow of a govt...and as CICERO  said of the same model in ancient Rome.."WHO EVER CONTROLS THE FLOW OF INFORMATION IN A GOVT.CONTROLS THE GOVT...."

   And today, its a near total control instantly via systems of govt paid for  but data and control of under an beast system of interwoven systems even world wide control with NO GOVT OVERSITE AND NO GOVT IN CONTOL OF WHAT IS ALLOWED TO BE KNOWN..even in agencies of the govt that are to make decisions that affect our rights and livelihoods....and even the right of living..when its health care they control and who is allowed to be treated and 25 million +  in my group have been deem unworthy and we are of all faiths, color of skin...levels of society and govt and non govt and even active soldiers...left to die in the real death panels of the few allowed to be in charge by the law of 2002 using and disappearing trillions of dollars of our public monies along with out rights of even life itself...being allowed to be sustained as natural or medical science allows...

   I call it the PONTIOUS PILATE SYNDROME and it does seem to be a societal disease...when those who have a responsibility to be authority have decided they do not wish to know truth and will ride along washing their hands of taking responsibility to see that justice is done....and the innocent are not harmed by illegal actions they are stop..

   Every part of govt...has had and has to have a process to ask for a waiver to get one case processed with a party that does not have conflicts of the merits of the case is decided by those impartial...And what is the process to get my file sent to another part of the country and personally should never have left the NEW YORK REGIONAL office in the first matter where the injured federal workers might live...In this day and age...matters can be done via many means from anywhere in the when there is an office of 90, keeping us together...should have allowed medical research to been fostered of having all in one they knew there was a presidential order to give all the benefit of the doubt...even though not all got least they did not live in the shadow of the contractors and be neighbors in places they live or family members even work for the entity in control and most have no idea..what is going on as who is who they deal with across the board on their job...and seem to not wish to know....or is it fear of this giant that can destroy their lives as they seem the full force of an entity larger than govts of this world and more power then the president...over us...since the law of our Congress voted for this and has not voted to rescind it. since....and woe to any who get elected and want to "drain the swamp?'   and the one recourse is for the rulers of this country to assume control at the BALLOT BOX....and VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION  and its not always who one votes for....but that 95%+ do so....and in all elections and assume authority as  mandate or majority of all of us..not forgetting to protect the least one among us whom must have the same rights as all of us...of even life itself..

   HAVE FAITH  in the most blessed and wonderful of all creation by the  DIVINE  we the people...with the light of life and way to be a government of, by and for the people given to MOSES on the mountain by the 'finger of god' in ten basic foundational rules...of not worshipping human leaders as gods...and the people deciding to live or not live under an authority when it begins to 'covet" (abuse power by one in authority) and remember to serve us the people and not act like gods to be worshipped and be the total power over all....when another outside time and place and is, was and always will be exists...that in the end of our earthly existence will decide...our future fate we have decided to choose life and life or death and destruction….not losing our own faith in the future good, even as we get beat down..and even losing ones life...but not losing our way to eternity of good for evermore...

                 In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus and King david called 'SALVATION" may we keep our focus on You and Your love for us that is , was and always will be of the Father You are the reflections of who made us good and wonderful.....and capable of making this a heaven on earth...and not follow into bad ways and allow a hell to be made instead....And maybe its time for all to send my file to a neutral place, even if under the same cabal contractors...but not an entity that has spent years...defying judges..and not wishing to the whole culture of one regional office at all parts of govt....has been worse then the  DC SWAMP by those who surely are good people....but too close to the fire to not have instinctual fear...of the very one physically too close to their daily the same geographic location...

 And its sad and even worse than this one rank and file civil servant...who is physically suffering without medicines being made for us..millions and in safe form  by illegal actions on the cabal's systems....and all choosing to not know an 'wash their hands' of knowing as survival even thought the same injustice affects them and heir loves ones also....and what this one has called societal suicide...that defies..all Your love for us give up on ourselves when we have You to lead us through even the paths of hell to get back to You as You are their for us...and will carry us through hell itself back to the good for You may be the glory glorified... Forgive me my own sins and mess ups and impatience with those who have made it clear. Judges not obeyed nor the laws....and do not wish to make sure one is treated fair and justly at all with a dozen of their own judges rulings to obey...they allow to be withheld from them....and even their fax number does not work....and in the past..sll filing not allowed to be worked there...and why we need a waiver to work a case apart from the contractor accountable to none now worse than ever as he entire file of mine that part was up is now removed for even my access....and none care that should...of lives of one or millions being lost....and how many of their own loved ones scarified on the altar of worship to a god of death and destruction....forgetting the one of life and love...that made them and all of creation and wishes only the best for us... I truly found a differing attitude in other regions of the nation in one agency allow faith in us the people that justice may still prevail...or we are fallen into worse times in human history...where no part of this world to escape to.  Since my entering federal civil service in 1968, the over all attitude was always an honorable protection of rights and fairness in dealings with he public and others in deciding matters govt does....and being responsible for what is done with all facts and data and files....and not by someone's verbal rumor, gossip or fake dossier by one trying to usurp the rights and even lives of others who are to have all their rights in dealing with the govt upheld..  Surely good people who have decided not to know as a survival instinct doing more harm for one and all eve themselves. And comes a time when let MY FILE GO TO A NEUTRAL PARTY  or office..TO BE WORKED..and judges and laws obeyed...if they are unwilling to do so..which means the whole office is not for anyone. They are faced with the cabal in charge wishing not to be...worked as judges and laws state to be..... My prayers for them to have the weekend to think of how best to fin justice for this others can have it also....In Your Holy Name, Amen!

                   VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION.


Scroll down the side or below or search above for:


 MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts of 9 DAILY RECAPS. and Please DO NOT TRY any medical treatments without ones doctor and some do need prescriptions and pray for FDA to acknowledge 25 million of us going without as they got lied to of our existence by the cabal in control..

 VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85 and some numbers 'tween not used yet..


  Linda Joy Adams 2/21/20



1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is how my partner Wesley Virgin's story begins with this SHOCKING AND CONTROVERSIAL video.

As a matter of fact, Wesley was in the army-and soon after leaving-he unveiled hidden, "self mind control" secrets that the government and others used to get whatever they want.

These are the same SECRETS lots of celebrities (especially those who "come out of nothing") and elite business people used to become wealthy and famous.

You probably know that you use less than 10% of your brain.

Mostly, that's because the majority of your brain's power is UNCONSCIOUS.

Perhaps that thought has even taken place INSIDE your own mind... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's mind about 7 years back, while driving an unlicensed, beat-up garbage bucket of a vehicle without a driver's license and on his banking card.

"I'm absolutely fed up with going through life payroll to payroll! Why can't I become successful?"

You took part in those thoughts, isn't it right?

Your success story is waiting to start. All you need is to believe in YOURSELF.

Learn How To Become A MILLIONAIRE Fast