
Monday, February 17, 2020


Ezekiel 13 KJV - And the word of the LORD came unto me, - Bible Gateway
     For decades, a Bible is opened daily and chapter read...and every day some part has personal meaning and maybe more profound that when first read....
FALSE PROPHETS EXIST ALL AROUND US...lying when truth is even the laws and rules...authority over others when truth is not even followed ends with corruption that harms each one of us with loss of rights and too often even death... as one candidate let out a hint they do know....but will they withdraw the real campaign issue...? Life of those the issue now....and shocking to even fathom we are in such as mess as that is the issue...
    We live in a world of freedom and free will and too often we assume that everyone is as good, decent and honest as we each are...or almost all of us are....Our freedoms would not exist..with minimum of govt control without the basic goodness of all of us....BUT...when oversight of public monies and rights have NO GOVT oversight...then a few bullies take control and soon our freedoms and rights disappear as we have let it go on so long...that trust and honesty and even caring about each others as we innately suppressed as survival instincts when the ones lying and doing such to one...has one going along to get they steal from your taxes paid....and all do pay in some way.....and worse is the lack of respect for you even having  the right to live....
    And what is getting even worse is those doing such to one and all...seem to have no survival instincts of their own life seems worthless to those obeying orders to break laws...that can lead to harms and deaths of one and many and even millions...
  One by one Satan and his cohorts and any he can entrap into his deception follow him to the pit of hell as the goodness of peace, joy and love is rejected as if its not what they can have....SAD STATE OF AFFAIRS...for way too many who have been hired by the cabal now ruling the USA SINCE LAW OF 2002 and no govt allowed to stop crimes that harm even to ending life long before it should...
    And President Trump trying to get around congress to protect our basic govt funded programs means those still accountable such as medical providers and patients....may suffer as NO GOVT ALLOWED TO STOP illegal acts by contractors companies...and too many have no idea...all those hired to do this or that in the medical profession...and tell even our good doctors what to do....are working for the same entity as the govt international entity with 1000+ corporate names and not even the  securities and exchange commission is allowed to investigate how bad it is....and Bloomsberg's and Forbes and others try as business journalists...and the paper trail of my own struggle for life with this bunch fining my cases a thorn n the side of their illegal acts....and they would have been smart to never commit illegal acts vs me or my govt files...etc.....BUT THEY ARE NOT THAT SMART...they just think they are and have convinced all they know and are in charge....and legally they are in charge....but not acting legally are very ethically….
  DO NOT FORGET THEIR ILLEGAL ACT OF POISONING THE WATER OF FLINT MICHIGAN....AND FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIER.... all govt contracts...of theirs...and co destruction of individuals by any means possible has been going on a long time before they found a president that was going to act independently of the cabal...
   And when your own company or medical practice has to pay this entity and that one and are lied to as if the govt says they are approved and the govt cannot verify any part of anything....then we find ourselves helpless pawns in a deadly game with only one thing to do:
    Christ is not on the from the imperfect humans listed...we try our choose those who will serve us best...and once elected its up to us to help them do their best...even if we disagree with ideas or plans...we can offer our suggestions and criticism in a constructive way....and its past time we keep re electing those who say they will do good...and then sell us out in fear and worse of outright corruption  that is done subtly and hard to prove bribery  most times... when its one helps out ones child,  and then you owe the master....And much of the time...the son or able to do the work well paid for..but getting the job...was not the fair and equal opportunity way...but hard to prove...but one who did it knows...and its a soul killer hidden and festers into lack of self worth and worse...for society when it involves...service to some way....
      And no authority allowed to step in and give due process and have it stopped...and gets worse and worse....and soon horrors of great magnitude as one by one...each went along to get along....and soon its a major cause of death....due to what each did or did not do...they could to have stopped the horror happening to all....and the last thing anyone wants to do of those caught in this deadly deception is go read the law...and check things out...and then help make the changes needed by those we elect so we can have a heaven on earth and not the hell we have gotten ourselves nearly engulfed in as
   things are getting better that our president has authority over....but the weakness of our NO GOVT IN CHARGE... has us weakened others nations under this same entity then can use their govts...assets to harm us....
   90% CAUSE OF ALL DEATHS THAT WAS SAID FROM WITHIN ONE CAMPAIGN... ADD IN WARS, AND LACK OF SAFETY ON BIO WEAPONS...AND  soon the world is dying along with us....and  our leaders cannot even do the practical things so we can do a lot....and more monies collected for the contractors to skim and scam...and work not done.....we have had too much of that and why we are in this everywhere there is a social problem of some kind...WHERE IS THE MONEY APPROPRIATED TO TAKE CARE OF THIS OR THAT....MAYBE YEARS AGO...AND NONE OF US MADE SURE THAT THOSE WE ELECTED DID NOT FIND OUT WHERE IS WENT WHEN THE WORK WAS NOT DONE OR NOT DONE WELL...??
     Am trying to get papers together for a new doctor to be seen and will he be able to help stop the harm and find the neutralizer for this ether alcohol gas in our meds now as time release binders that cause harm to nearly half of us....and what about healthy and pregnant ...told not to drink alcohol and then get it in a form that is going directly into the cells and CELLULOSE is usually FALSE its been changed into this....AND NOT VEGETABLE POWDER...that would rarely cause most...
               FDA HAS NO IDEA what is going they have no legal right by law to find out...and how does one list their meds....and adverse reactions...WHEN THE FORMS AND SOFTWARE...DISCRIMINATES AGAINST THOSE WHO CAN DIE..FROM A SUBSTANCE BUT NT AS AN ALLERGIC opposite...medical conditions...NO EQUAL RIGHTS FOR US  AS  chemical companies...make big bucks from our sickness and deaths...
   All over this country we have good doctors and others medical personnel who were not born here and came to study and became our treaters.....and what happens to them in a squeeze play that  CONGRESS SET UP vs them and us patients whose heirs inherit overpayments most have no idea even I told one office manager of a major medical provider in the nation.... WHEN ASKED IF THE EOB SHOWED a thief going to send you notice of your id and claims being turned into multiples for them to steal in your name and patients name.....AND WARNED OVER AND OVER BY GOVT... to get it sent in as conditional even if goes to the thief's company/[partners...cabal.... CHECK OUT WHAT ONE SAYS...WHEN LAWS AND JUDGES ORDERS ARE QUOTED...AND ONES OWN LIVELIHOOD AND LIVES ARE AT STAKE...IN THIS HORROR THAT AFFECTS ALL OF US... as any one can get sick or be injured...and feel overly blessed if it does not happen...never knew one like that...
   be smart as THE YEAR MEDICARE COSTS WENT DOWN A TRILLION DOLLARS WAS THE YEAR WHEN WE GOT THE THFTS EXPOSED AND BEFORE THE NEW SYSTEM WAS MADE AND THEN TURNED OFF 10/6/16 when Homeland security walked out the door...and the FAKE ONE TO STEAL WITH WAS TURNED ON...and been on ever since.....and OBAMA WAS CONCRETED ABOUT RUSSIA AND CHINA....AND HAD THE CONTRACTORS USING THE REL SYSTEM AND MONITORING FOR THOSE NATONS TO STEAL AND HACK......but was it a ploy to get the bogus one set up ready to go.....and when it did after awhile it crashed the same day Amazon who caused those both to crash...( GO READ SERIES ON MEDICARE MELTDOWN  from 10/26/16-10/17+ when HEALTH WENT WITH NO SAFE MEDS TO TAKE....and none know chemistry to help as DOW now Dupont will not reveal their secrets and labels are a lie....that destroys us...AND DECIDING TO USE HEMP INSTEAD OF CORN STOCKS...IN FUTRE....ONE CAN MAKE ALCOHOL OUT OF A LOT OF PLANT FIBERS...
   getting sll of us a little 'high" as this will be more potent...than a joint or even a lesser amount in industrial hemp...and more able to be fooled..??
   But Fido is going to be able to get his without  harmful binders...with the  FDA REGS GOING THROUGH? and our veterinarians are listened to but not our human doctors... Why do our pets and animals have more rights than humans....why not all life live?
                  In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus...may we find our way with Your help out of the mess we have ourselves. in....And guide our president and others leaders to stop the horrors and may You come soon and deal with all our sin of even apathy to allow this to happen to us....Forgive us for being in defiance of Your love and caring for us...and not listened to Your teachings and follow them in our lives... Through You each of us was made and all of creation and may we honor and thank You by doing our best to keep it good and healthy and find what each is called to do...and be a blessing and hope for the future You have waiting for us to have... 
        Forgive me my impatience with those who turn on me...when they have no to get out of the horror....and the answer is simple as the law and rules provide it if only followed.. Pray for those who seem to be working for the ones actually doing this to all of us...seated above them in places where their own livelihoods could end...unless they ignore their own conscience.... and the threat is has been tried on me.....and all I have is Your protection to guide me and do what can TRUTH IS REAL IN YOU....and my anger at so many harmed even to death....gets me preaching to some who go along to get along....and some have lost their own loved ones....and retaliate vs ones like me as they know in their should not have happened and their inactions and retaliations...vs good...can be seen as part of the cause...of the loss..
  You said these times are coming and as some things get better we have to make sure evil does not destroy the good....In Your Holy us over come evil with good....Amen!
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         MEDICAL 5 parts of sections of 9 DAILY RECAPS Please do not try any medical treatments without ones doctor...and some need prescriptions...
         VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF-85 and some numbers 'tween not used yet..
  Linda Joy Adams 2/17/20


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