
Wednesday, October 2, 2019




             Its pending assignment since 10/11/94....due to FECA doctor never releasing me for work...and if every am...then it would be US Dept of Labor's responsibility to help me find a job at least part time.. I could do that any handicaps or disabilities would be accommodated..

   and if none at US Dept of labor...then anywhere else in the federal civil service....near current residency or at least part time...and FECA law would open doors as above hiring ceiling if ever had been  released... THAT is the laws I do know exist...IN WHATEVER AGENCY ONE IS IN..

    And HHS was never contacted....but SSA signed they could not do it after they became an independent agency with pay period 10/11/94 is info I got that seems credible over the years..

   SSA asked me to promise I would never try and return to work as attempts to figure out a couple of options could not be done for security reasons being outside the office with access....for any one said to me' we cannot build a building just for you and working at home not feasible to have confidential files out of office...and signed they could not accommodate me... and have no others disabilities' other than what is work related accepted injuries.. as 1988 law makes all medical treatment covered due to home oxygen by FECA  awarded for life....

    ..but for  many doctors over the years...alluding  to the INSTITERIUM now accepted  officially by govt...and research published last year...and watching for govt press releases to acknowledge it and did with attachment  from FDA for release of one drug for one of the conditions one can have and I do have some similar symptoms of this...and the article acknowledges its just one and others diagnoses exist of what happens in happens all over the lymphatic organ of the entire body...and inflammation and swelling and edema  called  the accepted conditions in the lungs....and trying to find out how to get this filing on that just recognized by FDA to my claims examiner along with files to be worked and now a schedule award which will only pay for one organ..has become the entire body...not just the lungs....and that policy of only one organ allowed for schedule aware  surely is not legally accurate is it??.and should never have promised they would provide a job with removal of chemical barriers and nonexertional….as even tearing papers up for security reasons to put in trash as we had to to... or lifting files exertional...and if lungs inflamed and swollen....then any movement horrific...and was not on oxygen...and told by doctors that if was known treatment standards  back in 1989-90 that one was an oxygen patient from 1/10/89...and some ongoing obstruction of medical care...and one less healthy and strong  and excellent heart   I got in an old car with no air conditioning and headed down the NJ turnpike with ethanol fumes 75 miles to work as the only accommodation for me in NY region for HHS..when many managers close to home...would have been glad to have one with good repor with public and awards given and years of experience in programs...and drove by 13 SSA offices on my  FECA HAD SENT ME HOME  OUT OF THE OFFICE IN Jersey City AS NOT ABLE TO SAFELY WORK THERE AS asthma exacerbation's etc...and had worked for HHS and HEW before that with no issues of work environments as causing injury or diseases  ..AND  EVEN THOUGH VENTILATION SYSTEM WAS CORRECTED  for the first time in my life had asthmatic attacks and chemically induced pneumonitis  and these being submitted with this filing...  and  FECA DOCTOR  had already written a letter of needing removal of chemical barriers etc...before the first time went back to work in 4/89 , got called for jury duty...and while out for that....FECA DECIDED TO SEND ME HOME AS FECA DOCTOR ORDERED NO WORK IN THAT OFFICE...NOT MEDICALLY SAFE FOR ME...

     I was paid FECA wage loss BASED on grade and step I had as of 10/11/94 and given no rights to apply for any jobs or promotions at US Dept of labor...or advised that should I be able to work even part time...what might be available..

          But in 1996 my  FECA DOCTOR signed never would be able to work again....and he US DEPT OF EDUCATION WAIVED STUDENT LOANS based on my work related injures in 1997 accepted conditions....and their disability requirement or more than work....its also that not able to train or get education for other work.... and by 1996 was not able to attend class on my own  and son moved back as I wished to finish seminary....after being told a change of jobs away from modern office environment  and not told this was a progressive disease and  no cure...just meds and oxygen to slow the all could and still is being done...but no safe meds now for my class….

  A later manager said that that could have been adopted for FECA,,,,so why wasn't it?

   And why in fall of 1989, wasn't it done then when NY FECA office reviewing doctors at Mt sinai WANTED FULL WORK UP as they were ready to put me on permanent disability then....but a work activity report not in  FECA

  HHS REFUSED TO LET ME WORK WITH REQUIRED REGIONAL HANDICAP COORDINATOR to make sure all understood....and union stated I was dumped back at work to cause intentional physical and emotional harm....and emotionally did not crack...and my class a week at seminary was a spiritual buffer well as spiritually support for agonizing pain...have lived with when taking a deep breath since 1/10/89..

    I was told by doctor after 10/11/94 that if I went back in office  would come out in a body bag...and real intentional harms done....also..and had to pay for survive that still has not been processed and legally pending with FECA'S HIRES  to this day...with control and where is several file illegally defy even judges orders etc..and throw my civil rights away as garbage when all I did is go to work one day, did my job and a toxic cloud enveloped me as the gas detectors had been turned off in a building that could not have met city, state nor federal inspection for any federal employee to safely be in....even what ventilation we had was installed wrong...and not enough...

   and many hospital er's in the area knew me and would stop off after work and get a couple of hours of oxygen to stabilize my vitals to safely drive on home  through more inflaming asthma triggers.which had become far less than approved safety standards of parts per million   as parts per even trillion inflame and harm...and swell and edema of entire lymphatic organ....which the mucous membrane is the top layer of and that was damaged forever and some say..the initial healing got damaged at the  chemically laced emergency rooms....which is another work site could never be in  and to finish seminary was going to have to do a semester of hospital chaplaincy.....and Eastern Baptist seminary waived this after submitting medical records...and these are also attached....and used by extensive experience helping claimants over the years church work to visit shut ins and those in hospitals...and wrote a paper as pretty much understood confidentiality of records etc...a chaplain might have to know about...and then graduated...only due to  our son moving back as  Doyle.,my spouse had gone on to this area...when FECA DOCTOR HAD SAID NEVER WORK AGAIN...

      If a none profit seminary could accommodate my disability,,,then why wouldn't the entire federal the same...and back in 1989 began a search with a vocational expert to find any other job I could do at least part time...and above ceiling....for number of employees one could have....

 and interpretation of FECA LAWS OR was changed as just put on leave back then from 8/89-7/90 and had no choice but go to work....and ended up in emergency rooms getting oxygen....and  FECA DOCTOR TAKES ORDERS FROM US DEPT OF LABOR.....intolerable situation and unaware in 1989 of criminal investigations even going on or begun...and just for the reason for my own personal security as witness as my blood and skin samples were etc. also...should have been sent somewhere else to work away from this hierarchy as witness in a criminal matter often are...and it was Linda Tripp in 1996 that told our son Pres Bush 41 made this a mater of national security.....but this witness and victim has had no national security for me at all...for over 30 years...and on he way home bought the infamous tape recorders....and no idea what all she knew  at that time or still...her attorney Fitton did call me once....but at that time...I had little insight of all the facts most of us were never told of.... and their office person...said to write to them about current representation...but as of yet am pro se on this with....spouse as representative to be on records should the worse occur and this become a wrongful death case...I am not willing to let happen...and am getting up and answering these questions and then total immobile bed rest...until able to get up again....and as one of faith  AM ASKING FOR PRAYERS FOR PHYSICAL STRENGTH  TO MAKE A FRIDAY DEADLINE FOR THIS PART...AND ITS  COMPLICATED...30+ YEARS OF PERSONAL INVESTIGATION AND DOCUMENTS....AND CORRUPTIONS PILED ON CORRUPTIONS Unearthed....AS WELL AS VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS NONE EVER SHOULD BE SUBJECTED TO...IN  A NATION OF LAWS AND RIGHTS WE ALL ARE TO HAVE...

       While others in my current job have had upgrades to their jobs...I have not and should have had my schedule award and permanent disability also processed by 1997....also....  FEDERAL EMPLOYEES IN LEGAL LIMBO  and a forgery got doctors even at FECA ignored in 1989 got me dumped back in work....and more over the to why...that had opened the gates of hell to 9/11/01 and the USA is still on battle fields all over the world to this day... and those injured with toxic exposures..have not safe meds to take either...

   I could not return to work at anytime without FECA doctor allowing it and he never did to this day.....permanent means always during my physical life...and some trying to put another meaning to this..there are dictionaries online to look up the word...As one of faith...someday. Have a promise of a new set of lungs heart and this hurting body made whole and healthy...and whether it comes with a set of wings and a harp...will have to wait and see...  and those of others faiths or have your faiths and I have mine....and someday all of us will find out what is next for each one of us...

 Linda Joy Adams  10/3/19


Doyle Adams



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