
Sunday, October 27, 2019


Galatians 5 KJV - Stand fast therefore in the liberty - Bible Gateway

             For decades a Bible is opened at random daily and chapter read...and some part always has personal meaning as well as reflects the world around us...

   A world that has gotten into some horrific technological snafus and chaos just as we become dependent on what we had working fairly well....And some getting control and stealing as well but we watch out the best we can with NO GOVT IN CHARGE OF its own data...leading to some or much of the its been easier for the crooks to steal even from the public treasury with the older systems...they are not to use....but NO AUDITS BY GOVT OF PUBLICLY FUNDED SYSTEMS SINCE 2002 and now with the newer can know all...and even the crooks are finding it harder to hide their dirty deeds as well....But they try....and we get caught in the backlash of a real cyber war going on in the heavens....or cyber space...

                   We have the electric company monitoring our electricity usage several times an hour for what? an average size household that has had similar usage here since 1997 and the ones who lived here before were not that far different it seems....Why? are we so short on electricity that the stream of it has to be diverted here and there constantly for all to have some? Why not check it once a day...and in summer maybe before and after smart hours end.... and wi fi signals come in from every possible direction....even on our systems we get alerts for some one's baby monitors...we cannot access as we do not know the access codes....but some smart kid probably could hack those...where ever its coming from?

                 We are in a time of mass confusion and it may be a few more years before we all transition into some kind of normalcy...which will never be like it once was with real privacy available for everything we do..... One may say they have nothing to hide......but its not that we may do something wrong or illegal.? as we of faith believe that the Divine knows even our thoughts...but we have free will and he hopes we make best choices....and not get into troubles of our own choosing...

              But, it  is all around us that we lose a sense of everything we do, and not part of some big 'reality show' of our lives...and for some its birth, even before end of life on this physical planet... I guess on judgment day....there is going to be the DIVINE BOOK OF OUR LIFE THAT WILL OPEN....but along with it will be in not far future a video of each of us....for our entire the modern systems recognizes who we are...and captures us everywhere we go...even in our homes where privacy can escape us if one knows enough to hack....or as proven vs even a duly elected president....a fake dossier can get search warrants from snoop away into what should be personal and private....but nothing is...when perjury and lies can cause so much havoc in accessing so much..


              Whose law are you bound to?  In Pauls' time he was trained as a lawyer and knew every bit of law...even Roman as he was part Roman and had Roman rights as dual citizenship... And he used it and he started our doing some terrible things as he followed the law...but forgot the heart of the good...and sometimes. its not that clear...and mercy and fairness have to be mixed into the whole..

     For those who live only by law  and find their way to eternity, Paul says it does need to be followed to express the goodness of laws meant to protect us and this world....But

  for those who have the spirit of law in us....we innately know right from wrong...and what is fair and just....and can live under that....and not cause harm and chaos on the often most agree.

           Most sins are legal in a free society....So one may live a horribly sinful life by moral belief systems and faiths,,,,,but on the final judgment day...its your heart that is accountable for eternity...

     But most live by a moral code from their faiths....and the laws of the land...and live a pretty decent and lawful life and yet if the full spirit of love is not in the guide us then we have lost the best of all  as Christ taught and considered common 'love one another as he loves us..." Do unto others as you would wish done to you... INJUSTICE DONE TO ONE DOES DO IT TO ALL....AND ITS PART OF OUR LEGAL SYSTEMS TODAY...OF PRECEDENT CASE..What happens to one in our systems of govt...means all get treated the same....and we pray its fair and just whatever is being done to anyone of us....

               And it does mean we are the rulers and ministers oft his world....and

                       VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION...for if we do not have 95%+ voting who could., then we have no mandate or majority of the people electing those who decide what is to be done...and in this world now...ITS WHAT HAPPENS TO EACH ONE OF US 24/ some indirect way if not directly....and..

                   In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus....we pray that we pay attention and follow the good choices and help make this a heaven on earth for each one of us...and not forget that justice is for all ..and if one does not have it...then we all can end up without it...and not a good place at all ,,,but a hellish mess we let ourselves get into.... And forgive me for my impatience just trying to replace  television..and dealing with what to get....and the best bargain...and finding out that those hired to answer phones have no idea what gadgets and adapters have been used in this transition of modern to ultra modern world...has been done even in our home getting all connected to one satellite dish....and  how just my asking questions has cause more havoc....and even derision that how can you have old TVs and new all hooked up to one newer style box...and still have those 4 rooms on one box and ONE BILL..  we must have nicer people hired and given a script to read from...and when one calls and have uses that are not in the script...its CHAOS....and my strength to just spend the time to find out? . ended with if we eventually will need to replace the older TV's as they wear nothing ever seems to last forever in tech land.....we need SMART TV'S THAT CAN STILL STRING CO AXLE CABLES THROUGH OUT THE HOUSE...

  Until another gadget popped up and a Wi-Fi USB attachment is being sold for the satellite company and none on the phone knew of this...This is what we did with computers just 15 years ago...Some wires..and had a Wi-Fi chip to put in the main tower and another in the no wires connected laptop or desktop.....And here ends my full knowledge of all.....But who is trained to get us through this transition from a world of little the one of full tech......and an e-mail came a couple of days ago that a new remote is being sent...and checked around asking WHO ORDERED IT? and found out that some of us are getting a new one..Why? the current one works and have finally begun to figure out how to use it better??

   What's wrong with what works now? Can't we stay in our comfort zone we have created for ourselves in adapting the best we can to the fast changes going on??  Please help us Almighty make our way through this and may all today....and a month ago...when saw the need coming for replacements headed our way....and plan and shop for best bargains….and now? more questions...and should or should not buy before Midnight and get in the special..and save a few dollars?  and too many have forgotten to listen as I was taught and trained to do in the govt since 1968 as the most effective civil servant needs to do....and customer service is also needing the way some express what is needed....comes out in many ways....and just listen and share the truthful answer to the need should not be so difficult... Is there more going on than appears on the surface? Or is it we have lost our way in so much and cannot seem to find our way back to some common sense in the grab for wealth, power and whatever else motivates some...beyond just having a pleasant life and minimal changes to deal with... and when one does turn on TV the horror that some of our human family are going through right worse than what kind of TV should I buy and what gadget to add to it to make it work  and if need be turn the latest smart TV into one attached to an old fashioned co axel cable to make it work with a satellite box??

   It does seem that ludicrous what we have gotten ourselves into? And TV was not around when our ancestors lived....imagine a world where all we knew was what we got first hand from others...and a newspaper that got some world news..??  And when You walked this earth with our more distant took months at time for any news to be known   and we have our TV's on 24/7 almost and what is being shared...WHO SAID WHAT ABOUT NOTHING? ABOUT MADE UP THIS OR THAT..? and what is crucial is we get some facts...and learn better how to transition from one era of technology into the that is what we all have to live with...even if we do not like it...its here..and may it help us have a better life.....but still allow some sense of privacy each of us can still have to own for ourselves.  Forgive me my minor complaints when many have lost all their earthly goods in fires today in the USA and others in floods....and some in wars...of horror....and Thanks for having a home and food to eat and heat enough to sleep in warmth others in this world do not...and I worry about what kind of TV to buy???

 Forgive me for my inconvenience...becoming complaints in a prayer... As a day of technology learning in bits and pieces from many sources even IP provider..on another matter that has one looking to massive expenditure that makes no common sense....and more lack of privacy...but another way should work and that $15 gadget got at Walmart,now have to find it..gotten a few months ago....may be the best answer and now know what slot to put it in without more signals from all over getting in from a bigger gadget plugged into the electric grid...that would cost almost $50..  to boost wi fi signal that never used to need boosting...?

                   In Your Holy Name..forgive me my inconveniences when life being sustained is the bigger issues for all of us now..Amen!


(scroll down the side or below for )

                   FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

                   MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts over sections of 9 Daily Recaps and please do not try any medical treatments without doctor knowing..and some need prescriptions...etc. as one of millions now not existing in the current contracted our unaudited and unaccountable taxpayer no meds needed for 40% of asthmatics...which is the beginning of inflammation, swelling and edema of the entire lymphatic organ as research and govt is finally recognizing after 30 years..we are an interconnected whole not separate body parts that do not affect each other...(INSTITERIUM  is the given name for it medically) Do share online what suggestion you learn with your doctors if you choose to do so....and we can then ask our doctors if its what we could do...with no safe meds and some main meds not even being made for we do not exist in cyber spaces as the controller and owner which is not the govt, our doctors or us...decided to make us all COPD patients and that is not the same medical category..

                 VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62ff-84 and some 70's not used...

                   How what the president of the USA has faced with the fake Russian an old tactic of destroying one...and its been done on me and affected millions medically as the contractors and offending start gossip and rumor as fact that is false....then eventually it becomes like truth and they get a higher level official tricked into signing a letter that the gossip is truth...and the contractors etc..go our and use it to authorize illegal acts and destruction of ones civil rights of even being able tot sustain life....Over the last few years....3 higher level officials have fallen into the trap...of doing this...and whether it was more than being gullible the damage has led to millions of us with no safe meds and no meds to even take to sustain this blog has tracked....and more money gone missing than the national debt...of the GOSSIP IS CALLED A SIN FOR GOOD REASON...and it can cost lives...massive harms...and attempt to overthrow and election of the people who voted and the rules say one won and not the others....and like the one or not...respect the office and the rest of govt...make it all work for all of us...WE HAVE TOO MUCH TO GET DONE....AND LAWS NEEDED TO FACILITATE GOOD OUTCOMES.....for so much...and how about some oversight of these contractors...doing as they please, making monies disappear and ignoring laws..and withholding even judges orders form agencies and files in my case so their gossip and rumor can be spewed out as fact....and the official records not available and no responsibility offered to change this but act anyway on rumors and gossip and real harms to premature deaths...??


Linda Joy Adams 10/27/19


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