
Friday, October 25, 2019


Acts 16 KJV - Then came he to Derbe and Lystra: and, - Bible Gateway

   For decades, a Bible is opened at random and chapter read...using varying translations at times each journey through which takes about 3 years...And through the day, some part always has personal meaning as well as reflects the world around us that now affects everyone 24/7 in nearly instant cyber space...We know events all over the world even as they happen and if not on TV someone somewhere with a camera and cyber access has it streaming or soon after on line from even the remotest parts of the entire planet....and some even monitor space and share...and all this goes into our human psyche, mine, soul and body. and does have some effect and pray its a good one....and we do use all this info all the time to make decisions in our lives...bug or small....But even the smallest decision can open a door to better things...or sometimes worse...And we trust in ourselves and the Spirit of the Divined for those of us of faith to help lead us in good ways and choices.. Even if we do not have all the knowledge....others who act on what they affect us in some way even through our physical realm of cyber space waves...and we make choices every second of our lives... and pray we made the best ones for self and others...

    For those of faith, as I have a book called the Bible plus others in history whom have been respected over time as having special and true insights into matters....and to me...there has always been a common wisdom that we can tap into for good choices even when we may not always know things for sure in our reasoned and scientific world where everything has to be an exact proven science.....And some things just cannot be....for we are all 8 billion? humans now all who lived here before...and all making or made choices that affect each one of us personally and in the indirect state of things....all of creation is affected....its called  FREE WILL and an innate desire for FREEDOM and neither can be wonderful and good, unless we keep our humanity of loving one another as the DIVINE LOVE CARES FOR US..

            In the Gospel of of the later books. if not the latest author of New testament books..written….Time has allowed John to more fully understand the nature of Christ, and the Divine...s at the time of Christ being here in this realm...people saw a man,,,,who was more than miracles were done...that few could do but those he shared some spiritual gifts to also be able do....and continued to do after his crucifixion, death and resurrection...

                  There are those who access this blog, who are not Christian and that is respected for faith is personal and cannot ever be forced...But one thing is evident from secular as well as religion history...the teaching of Christ of free will with consequences and innate love for Freedom has now permeated the whole world..when even a nation with an absolute dictator...wishes to hold an election with just one name on the ballot and express to the world...I won! the people love me!...whether they do or the ways things are...the need to be loved and share love is in each one of us....and if we do not step into that love...we find ourselves becoming something other than humanity and what we were meant to be...Social beings that care about one another....and a directive given to Adam and Eve to take care of creation...and learn how to resist temptation of evil choices that lead us into paths...that some take centuries and or thousands of years to over come...and get back onto the path to goodness and love and wonderful peace for this earthly life or the next one...

         And whatever belief one has or not, at the end of our earthly journey; I believe that we will meet Divine Love that is unconditionally no matter how bad we acted in this realm...we will be given a choice of accept and move on through what I call Christ n some form....or reject and find ourselves in a void of hell  no one should even wish to go there.....and somewhere along the some kind of final judgment day when the record of our entire life and choices will be opened and we will see the error of our ways in matters and the better choices we made that did help others and creation along the way of our earthly journey..and the Divine Love will judge the condition of our heart...out spiritual being...of whether we have rejected being what humans were meant to be....and with the profound grace of a merciful and loving Divine....and for those of us who already have accepted the best defense attorney ever Christ who we accept as paying the ultimate price of death to sin and resurrection to a clear path opened to eternity for anyone wishing to have it.....and we plead our case....and any sins we have committed...and none of us is perfect..even if our sins were not those that human legal systems judged us in as guilty...….and sins we repent and ask forgiveness for...can be the price was paid nearly 2000 years ago for every one of be saved for good for eternity...

   And John wrote in his gospel..GOD IS LOVE....I AM WHO I AM...the name..we often lose full meaning of by using the Hebrew initials into English...A Divine that is, was and always will be....and from this we became and creation became....and part of that Love entered into this world and became part human but still part Divine in one we call Christ and Christians call Jesus...or Yahusha..whatever translation one may be using for the name...He went by while walking with humanity for 33 years...2000 years ago...And taught us be example and words and often by parables...that translators find nearly impossible to  miss the message over time..even if the full levels of meaning are not understood..its a narrative that overcomes time, language and bias even... Except we have a spiritual growth that has to take place in some way to get to the deeper meanings....and sometimes is well may be the times they lived in back then...and some direct teachings could end up with no good outcomes and their legal systems that did not allow criticism of those in charge at all....

       COMMON WISDOM and general basic logic of human nature and the DIVINE LOVE...WE HAVE A FREE GIFT OF TO ACCEPT.. and as in Acts chapter 16, sometimes we go though some bad things others will commit..who wish to continue evil ways....but through it all more than ever some good of salvation for others does occur...And a witness to the world that is preserved in the more widely read book of all items its said of ..the Bible..

   EVIL DOES NOT WISH TO GIVE UP AND STOP BEING A THIEF, MURDERER CON ARTIST AND CONTROL OF CREATION TO ITS INTENDED DESTRUCTION....and enslavement of every human...the most wonderful creation of one a unique, and precious be valued and respected...even if we do not always agree or even like each others....we still love each others as Christ loves part of the Divine Love...that is , was and always will be and this one never stops loving us even when we mess up really our actions and thoughts.....the one thing in all of existence in this realm and the other of the Divine of no limits we can count on....

and in the deepest dungeon of prisons bound in shackles and a miracle of freedom offered...the concern over the guard facing death if they escaped led them to singing praises and sharing the good news from the worst of places any human could get into.....and from this real freedom and love and salvation for many was done...and still is as we read its message of hope that is real even in our darkest hours of existence when everything seems to be going wrong and horrific...we have a hope that is real....that Divine Love is where and always will be as we call is the Holy Spirit left behind by Christ to guide us to  the final journey into eternity….and none is to make that happen before some Divine plan for each one of us.....which is eternal life....and some here now may find it happening before those final days...if this is the final days of this age before the 1000 years of peace and life...and no evil to tempt us ever again into bad choices....we get to choose this good or that good....and whatever the future is..its not one where evil gets in an convinces some to make it a horror and too many follow right along....Hard to even imagine such a wonderful place.....but we all have been given the promise...and we are also been taught for 2000 years to pray for HEAVEN ON EARTH...or let it become a hell instead  and for too many already...its devolved into that now and in the past....and too many making bad choices caused it to be that way....and the more times get imprisoned in the darkest of places and no way out seen until an opening...and then we cannot forget their humanity in the rush for escape that may be yet another trickery of evil to make us do one a bad choice..with no good outcomes. For us or others...

                What can we do with the world in such a mess, with hope for better beginning to shine through? VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION

                 In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus...may we find our hope of a better way for one and all of us...and when faced with the choices we have all the time...may we be led by Your Holy Spirit to make the better ones and find ourselves in a better path to love and hope and a better world for each one of us..where evil has no part in us and creation is taken care of by us...and we open our hearts so our minds can find the ways to get this You taught us to strive for a heaven on earth and resist the way of destruction and death of hell itself... You left us Your words to follow, a history of humanity's struggles and outcomes of choices bad and good...and may we learn to find our way back to the garden of goodness for one and all of us for ever more....and may this one soul find her way to wherever the journey leads or what paper of filing to do next to help me and others caught in a web of horror, deceit and false narratives passed on as truth that has led to no safe meds made for millions and a resistance by those with whatever interests that are not good to think we should not even be counted as existing in this world....and no need for our precious loves to be counted as worthy of living....And forget they could be among us in an instant as it was all it took for a toxic cloud to envelop it did me....and ones life is now at the mercy of those in control of this earthly world....and many times, like now...good people fall into evil traps and cause more havoc and horror for even themselves....and we have to get to where gossip and rumor is not ruling us...but truth and facts and love of one another...does as justice denied one does deny it to all as You made us to be a humanity that does need each other even if we are free and independent souls...and bodies and minds...we are meant to care and share that caring one by one....and all life is Your sight as the beloved song says.... Your humble servant looking for the hope to shine fully bright this world soon and forgive me my impatience to want to be what has already taking so long in eternity to come this far...we are close it seems...and may the good path not be allowed by us to  get obstructed anymore as we over come evil with good..…...Amen!


         (scroll down the side or below for:)


           MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts over sections of 9 Daily Recaps of what my doctors and I are doing to keep me alive...but still not stopping 2 times and more daily we are not counted as existing in a deadly discrimination by those allowed to grab power from even our real govts by an earmark to a 6000 page bill back in 2002 by will not put the real govt back with the right to use existing budget to audit contractors nor prosecute illegal acts that are rampant and more money missing than the national debt of the USA...and too many already lost all health , livelihoods and even loves long before medical science could sustain if allowed to even make the needed meds at all or others in safe form...VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION!

and govt officials of high rank stop sending our letter over your signature based on fake narratives of gossip and rumor spread by this cabal of controllers...and others who facilitated their control and cause more harm and your high position then gives all of this evil the  authority to steal, harm and cause a real hell on earth even into wars itself...and all suffer when truth should be sent out and thanks to one working with EEO now has an admission  THAT THE HIGH LEVEL WHO SIGNED A FALSE LETTER LAST YEAR THAT HAS CAUSED EVEN MORE HARMS AND LOSSES...that became clear on 8/5/19 and reprisals since for beginning the process  of exposing the deep state and others of the cabal..and why a top whistle blower atty in DC sent me a lengthy legal opinion years ago and said I HAD TO GO PUBLIC...and why Mr. President it is the only recourse of the public defense vs rumor and gossip is getting ones side out as proven and documented truth and even 39 federal agency judges to back me up  ...ADMITS NO ACCESS TO FILES OR DATA ON where did the false info come from..THIN AIR?? or as formerly found out as others over the year were tricked and lied to and gullible to give up the duties of their higher offices  they went on and signed that gossip and lies were truth in defiance of judges in their own agency who RULED : YOU DO NOT KNOW AND RUMOR AND GOSSIP HAS RUN AMOK AND ASK MS ADAMS FOR THE FACTS AND RECONSTRUCT FILES. AND PROCESS PAY ETC AS BENEFITS AWARDED WERE CONFIRMED......and to this the contractors then and now withholds them from being seen....and that is an unconstitutional process that one in an agency who is to work on a matter or not allowed to have the files, data or even judges orders that are the highest authority of the facts....and they defy all sense of justice and cause more havoc for what reason..scared? in on the scam? and worse when these letters of false info get spewed on to members of congress....CONGRESS HAS NO REASON TO PASS LAWS TO PUT BACK THE US CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF ALL OF US....AND CONTINUE LETTING THE USA BE ROBBED AND LOSS OF EVEN LIFE, HEALTH AND LIVELIHOODS...AND OUR PUBLIC MONIES ABLE TO BE USED FOR WHATEVER IS NEEDED FOR ALL OF US THAT OUR GOVT HAS DECIDED GOVT IS TO PAY FOR AND MAKE HAPPEN 

  Whether that be small or large long as evil exists and some do bad things to others...we will need some govt to stop these horrors in a legal systems that prevents chaos, and civil unrest as injustice takes over....and lives and livelihoods at stake...

   VOTE AND BE PART OF THE the real way that counts and the peaceful choice for real change and do no forget those crucial local and state elections..and it may take 95% of us voting for a decade to finally become the rulers of our land we were called to be by our founders...and part of the Divine plan expressed in Scripture for those of faith....all being rulers and ministers of each other...and in govts few in this world do not have access to the BALLOT BOX that can and will one day replace any death and my personal belief based on my faith...and its basic logic and common horrors usually get started by  a few who are not taken to our legal systems and stopped and without govt to stop them...others get engulfed into the corruption and horror...until we have allowed the beast system of revelation be created by us....and from within the horror of evil rise up and take control of the entire. world....for its not just the USA under this cabal govt contractors and sub contractors...well hidden so few can even unravel the whole....and govt cannot spend one penny as Congress thinks all is well and others are part of the over throw..also...and its bipartisan for both sides of this... Those letters going out on me (another got sent more recently and part of these EEO cases  based on the false prior ones or some false verbal I gave the due process nfo of JUDGES ORDERS YOU DO NOT KNOW AND ASK ME...AND DID NOT BOTHER TO FIND OUT...BEFORE MORE DEADLY DISCRIMINATION OCCURRED.....and others...means CONGRESS IS BEING LIED TO AND NO NEED TO MAKE THINGS CHANGE AT ALL  is what the power of  high level govt official means...when they irresponsibly make it all up or rely on someone else's lies to even send out such as truth...and ignore the words of an old, disable Christian woman WHO FIRST SAYS..JUDGES ORDERS SAY YOU DO NOT KNOW AND ASK ME...and no attempt to find our the truth before actions taken place that promote the growth of pure evil not just to me but millions in just us toxic and chemical lung injuries ( now accepted by govt as INSTITERIUM the whole lymphatic organ as one whole affected )….unlike the other kinds....but daily someone seems to be added to our numbers....and treatments available for decades...that work to sustain long lives now being intentionally withheld...and not made or made in forms that cause life ending even the FDA HAS NO ACCESS TO KNOW AS NO AUDITS ALLOWED AND  the entire govt is going and nearly gone to contracting for work and systems....and the dedicated civil service accountable to all...and our laws...has been decimated at the federal level and even state ad local....and when the feds cannot audit or prosecute illegal acts....then states and local govts in all areas using federal funds for longer can rely on the feds for those audits or prosecutions. When illegal matters are found....and we find ourselves in a hell we allowed ourselves to get into and horrors for any we elect that may wish to drain the swamp of corruption as this fake narratives passed around as lies spewed out as  truth  and soon some high level govt official acts on it without any files, data or judges orders to verify what is real......and the entire elections of a nation can be overturned and that is why VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION..

 even if you and I do not vote the same....with 95% voting we have a real mandate or majority of all of us..that has POWER OF THE PEOPLE and when re election day comes....those elected by us....knows that it is US who will be there to say good job or choose another to try and do better job of serving us...

                            VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF since 8/5/19 through page 84

 (some in 70's not posted and sent by e mail as not all has been shared publicly.. but when ongoing harms to even ending my life long before it should is medically real...from what has and is going on...and  US DOL  is legally responsible for my medical care...and not just in payments...there are some tings that can be already did happen back in 1994 when death on the job was medical imminent if they did not act....and finally did... and too many others...already have lost all even to deaths reported in numbers...that are worse than wars or holocausts of the past....hidden from view as most do not even know that most govt phone number and even addresses are not govt and those who say they work for the agency of a govt….are not allowed to say their corporate name and that they are NOT EMPLOYED BY ANY GOVT ENTITY....AND THIS WIDESPREAD ILLEGAL IMPERSONATIONS is why many do not know that even done to county levels   and widespread in most big corporate entitles now  the same cabal is dealing with the public...and they hire nice people for that...but up the hierarchy of management is another type and we are in what one US atty's asst said...the biggest organized crime ring in US history....but its now the biggest organized crime ring in human history that beats the ROMAN EMPIRE WHO FELL INTO THE SAME HORROR AND THE MOST INNOCENT GET CRUCIFIED...crosses are not used we have cell phones and Internet and we would have the hidden now make public.. But the hidden is virtual control of every part of health care and even micromanaged of our good doctors who are at the bottom of the pecking order...and not at the all...and we patients are just above most blame the doctor and we have more authority to act then they do...and why am doing what I can...for my life to be sustained....but others who may have no chance at 30+ years of documentation form any of the best doctors in the USA...and tests run...that are medical treatment standards but the cabal now  decides what they are and heaven help any good doctor or other medical provider that tries to do what is right and best for they have no protection of any govt to back up what is legal and right they wish to do..

            NONE HAS ACCESS TO ANY GOVT ALLOWED TO INTERVENE- maybe civil rights but even there often that process is digitized and thus controlled by the very ones we complain about......EVEN THOUGH FEDERAL FUNDED ALL OVER IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE EVEN UNDERSTANDS UNTIL FOUND OUT....AND FOR ME INSIDE WITH THESE PROGRAMS SINCE 1968  and many laws suspended from enforcement as far back as 1994 and the law of 2002 that made NO GOVT IN CHARGE OFFICIAL....the hope for the future is in us, the voters...and why life is the campaign issue....ours., not just the unborn turned into a billion dollar industry of a modern day religion of human sacrifice....we must not let continue....death and destruction of evil over the life and love of better and good for all of us....


Linda Joy Adams 10/25/19.



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