
Saturday, October 26, 2019


1 Corinthians 9 KJV - Am I am not an apostle? am I not free? - Bible Gateway

                 Pretty tired tonight as  a lot of time spent shopping online and faxing etc...and pray for some good outcome for me and millions like me from being excluded from existence by those now ruling this land and lands....whom nobody elected and represent no real govt of, by and for the people but grabbed power anyway by an earmark to a 6000 page bill back in 2002 and off to rule the world and all of us in it for their own wishes and no intent to serve humanity nor each and all of the innate dictates of the DIVINE CREATOR of LOVE AND MERCY AND GOODNESS...set this up to be.....and we got lazy and forgot that we are to be the rulers of this world and minsters to each other...(kings and priests) and when we forgot to be alert, in came one member of Congress and added a few words....and did everyone knew this had happened when the final vote needed in the US Senate in 12/02 was allowed to be taken by unanimous consent and none objected to the overthrow of the USA.into a cabal of govt contractors who eventually became one entity of  a thousand corporate names and even the more ethical ones who wished to uphold the laws of the land and rights of each of us...found themselves unable to exist unless they went along to get along...and eventually hired their managers and became enslaved by an entity of a master of no good intent as stealing and harming with loss of health, livelihoods and even life long before it should be normally or a horror we can only demand to be corrected at the BALLOT BOX and for the first time in US History its past time that 95% + of all who can legally do DO IT. and in ALL ELECTIONS for those local and state ones are crucial to balance the powers that have gone awry in one area from the others...erserting influence to put things back to every one's life be precious and valuable to the we are each unique and special and somehow in the whole existence of things....we do not function well without all of us being part of the whole., respected for that and each unique perspective on things and unique and special abilities and gifts of our insights and talents is what is needed to propel us into the future of peace and plenty and evil never again is allowed to sneak in and take us over...

           A master of Divine Love is chosen over the one of death and destruction and we either choose the good and become enslaved to freedom or we fall into the horrors of the evil one and find we have no rights, no freedoms and our own worth is only what we can do for the master of death and destruction and if we cannot do, then we are of no value to it and not worthy of existing in its evil world..

           This may be a harsh way of expressing the chapter 9, but its what Paul found in Corinth...a city of wide variety of ways to live...and when we read Paul's letters to the church in Corinth...this one humble soul...does not take it as a plan of what needs to be done in each life or church, community or places of it was a unique area...and into the church came those from all of the variety of backgrounds....and were in a process of salvation...and some manners and ways...came in with them...

     If one chooses to follow the instructions for ones own and its their free will to do so...that is their right to do so...But it can differ from the rest of the whole in ways that sets one apart....and maybe some who do live their lives somewhat different from others and worship some what part of each one of us..having free will to live and be and do what is good and special...its just not each one being alike...

              Freedom of expression is unique and innate in each of us...AND BEING A SLAVE TO THE DIVINE OF being free to be uniquely us....until we get into the wrong choices and fall into a different kind of slavery of death and destruction that finds us with NO RIGHTS, NO FREEDOMS...AND SOME ONE OVER ALL CONTROLLING OUR EVERY MOVE AND EVEN THOUGHTS...AND WE ARE IN AN ERA  when systems and cyber space and all that is known about human thought and brains has us on the verge of a real danger of one entity even controlling our freedom to have private thoughts or even pray...As some brain wave will be emitted that says that part of us activated when we communicate with the happening and ZAP .. and in the Bible in Revelation is talks about the mark of the Beast and the smoke rising from us...and surely we would be physically harmed if not dead to this world...if we dared  pray and ask for help and salvation form the good one...The I AM WHO I AM..from which Christ took on human flesh through a real woman and walked among us to show us how being free is being bound to freedom and free will and knowing what is good and what is we know the outcomes for our own selves, communities and the world around us....and we strive for HEAVEN ON EARTH and be saved from creating any more hellish outcomes....

    Paul was one who was learned and respected and upheld the laws of the he was taught they were...But by the time Christ came onto the scene...much of the full meaning of the Divine Laws given to Moses on the mountain a couple of thousand years earlier....had devolved into a list of do's don't and punishments...that never changed as understandings changed...and forgot all about mercy, love and justice...and fairness.....and a leadership in the priesthood that was more concerted about counting out whether one gave exactly the right number of this or that for offering or complied with each dictate of laws....and never gave thought to underlying values of freedom, free will and understandings of its OK to heal the sick on the Sabbath...or look for a lost sheep....and do those things we were meant to do....and if the hour and minute and so hardened into stone  to help at the time help is needed or a choice for good is made to act in someway that is the real love to be shown.....then we find a harsh world where one will grab power even without an election by, for and of, us...or other legitimate ways leaders are chosen....and we will find ourselves...enslaved to a horror....that has no meaning of goodness about it....and we lose our humanity then we have lost our way....for good... and in the modern eras....we lose by not being the rulers at the BALLOT BOX..

  THE ONE GREAT EQUALIZER... rich or poor: one vote each...and unless 95%+ of us participate....then power will rest in those chosen without a real mandate or majority of all of us...and we can expect what we got...not much allegiance to us...and those who do wish to serve us and humanity and country...will find it hard, if not impossible to do much good when we were not supporting  of that one or ones....

   Its not an easy process..and it may take a few election cycles.....but violence and wars never created any kind of good or lasting peace in this world....and time to find the master of good and love and freedom over the one of death, destruction and hate...

                           In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus,  may we find our way to caring and respecting each other as being each of special value and worthy of being...and forgive us when we mess things up so badly and help us get back to a better way of living....and being...

Pray for our leaders...that they find ways to unravel this horror created and what is needed that is fair and just...for one and we have a world, and even in the USA...those having to leave their homes tonight...from fires , floods and disasters...that have fallen on us...and some due to our not being the rulers and making sure things re done to take care of this world we were given to live in....and now we have to find our way out of our messes and into a better future for each one of us....And with Your help and Holy Spirit left to guide us surely we can find our way back to before Adam and Eve ever knew they could make choices that got them and us into ongoing bad things....We are close,,,and its just a little farther to go....and we will make it as we have to make eternity as its the will to live You gave us to have....And May none ever lose that freedom to be...In Your Holy Name Amen!


(scroll down the side or below for the following periodically reposted)

                         FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS -keep the internet open...and have found some of my face book posts now censored. so access is elsewhere or directly with windows 8, we lost this universal sharing ability that made the INTERNET so great and the world find each others on it...and there are several apps now to add to ones help  us direct link yours to ours...and one is posted here(I messed  up and posted 3 times...)  and we did not even have that for a few years... 

                       MEDICAL REGIMENS in 5 parts over sections of 9 Daily recaps of what this one of millions is doing to stay alive with no safe meds made and some not made needed t stay alive and still not doing so well....but am still here... PLEASE  do not try any medical treatments without doctor knowing and some do need prescriptions...but not all know in this cabal controlled health care in USA and many others nations now...with NO GOVT  OVERSIGHT ALLOWED BY LAW...and that means none able to turn to govt for help when things get bad as govt funds are being used all through this and being used to harm and not help in too many ways...and govt monies required some in govt to make sure they are used legally and not stolen inside the contractors hired to do the work and no oversight to know...and why FDA HAS NO ACCESS TO KNOW THE HORROR GOING we did not exist when the national and international data bases we are all in get altered....for some nefarious purpose...that each one of us is just some pawn in the bigger horrific plan that is illegal in many ways...(no protection or privacy either...since 1999 on that of our most personal of info...and just wish mine was really what my doctors diagnosed...and how many ended up with no meds....change our diagnosed to COPD and only that group gets medications made...and for many millions they are not the one...and additives down right life ending...for some of us.. CALLED DISCRIMINATION) and those INJURED FEDERAL WORKERS... under FECA as well as our active duty military...under DOD...WE ARE IN CATEGORIES WHERE ITS THE RESPONSIBILITY LEGALLY AND LIABILITY WISE....TO MAKE SURE WE HAVE THOSE MEDICATIONS AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTS AGAIN MADE AVAILABLE THAT ARE MEDICAL TREATMENT STANDARDS FOR DECADES NOW...and for us...we are not the most expensive patients...either....but what price is health? life is precious and when we know what to do and then DO NOT DO IT...because we let a small cabal overthrow us....our civil rights are violated...the intent of the Divine is violated..

                                   VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 62FF- 84 and some of the 70's not used.   since 8/5/19 when the old method of getting rid of this deep state few and cabal allowed to to fruition...when THE PRACTICE IS go create a false narrative...and spew it around like fact and finally it becomes the truth.  as contractors withhold files, data and even Judges orders from the real govt.(and as few deep state is all that is needed in key places to facilitate this)

and pretty soon whatever the contractors says is truth...and govt officials have passed it on and on now as truth....and as soon as a higher level official puts his or her signature on this law of gossip, slander and deadly narrative.....then THE CROOKS HAVE THE FULL AUTHORITY OF THE US GOVT TO GO OUR AND ACT ON THAT FALSE NARRATIVE....AND THAT CAN MEAN..end of life....steal federal monies in that ones altering records given to all of making Medicare primary when ones employer like mine posts otherwise and mine in the US Dept. of Labor since 10/11/94 and then proceed to make more money than the national debt disappear through the systems to?? as the monies to be used...are not used for the legally intended purpose....and its a corruption of cyber space...that is far mores than one robbery at a can be a million at a time...with virtual control of a nation and nations....and into private they are asked to manage them...and insurance companies...and wherever....none in govt leadership nor boardrooms seems to be running anything they contract and then sub contract out and even the contractors have no idea what is gong on....CONTROL AMASSED INTO ONE ENTITY....AND ONLY THE ONE...KNOWS HOW WIDESPREAD..ITS BECOME IN JUST 35 we also have the  FREE LABOR OF MACHINES..STOLEN FROM US that could be giving all of us shorter work weeks and a higher standard of living..and time to take care of each other and those with find more solutions to help us even more....and still plenty of wealth for those who invent and maintain things we all would like to have.... for the good things of freedom and love of each others... HOW A GOVT OFFICIAL HAS BEEN TRICKED INTO ORDERING ILLEGAL ACTS....ON ME AND OTHERS FOR YEARS RIGHT UP TO A SITTING PRESIDENT....

   There is a reasons we have never fired a president out of office since 1789... It is because we have a US Constitution that has equal responsibilities in many areas.....and when they go after a president....then its also going to expose what congress, courts, states did or did not do....also...THE BLAME IF HIGH CRIMES DID OCCUR IS ON ALL PARTS OF THE GOVT.... and from the first day in office. When attempts to uphold the laws of the land....and had to deal with NO IMMIGRATION PLAN PASSED FOR DECADES....and none then as amnesty was just a result of none before it.. how long does it take to pass a day! if they really intended to get it done...and do not forget that the proposed order was given to the  office of attorney general and over to one to check to see if it was worded well etc....AND SABOTAGE... of forgetting some ifs, ands and buts...

THAT LED RIGHT INTO some political nightmares...and no provisions for some cases that any one of us in govt in the past when govt was doing it job....and when the first one off the plane coming for an operation had to wait the publicity was horrific....but most forgot that one who Okayed the orders...had to know or should have known  and allowed US Marshall etc.escort to the hospital...for special human needs..... Go back and check who the one at DOJ helped on this and this is one caught up in the whole current scandal....CIVIL SERVICE is serving the people from inside the civil govt....and if this one did not know, then why and how could one have had such a high level job....and its become like those who should know better....ether do not...and how did they get their is the question? or intentionally causing harm to the ones affected...and to the political nightmare for a president or anyone in elective office....I consider it sabotage that few have spoken about....that has nothing to do with any RUSSIAN COLLUDER... yet to be found..

                   THE BLAME for what one does in blame falling on everyone who did not do their jobs for the one being blamed who asked for the needed help and got irresponsibility instead... and how many millions did it cost to wind the issue through the court until the highest one said the President has the constitutional right to act...but all should and would have been avoided. With a few added sentences...for the least among all...   CHRIST WAS NOT ON THE BALLOT AND NEVER EXPECT HIM TO BE.... but the teachings are there of service and each of us doing best for each other  and helping the outcomes "BE BEST" for one and all of us...when hard decisions have to be made in upholding the laws of the land....and congress etc.have neglected to do their part....and pass some laws to make it better...even if not all agree....some things need to be done n the most fair and just way....and enticing others to trespass into our land; and actions some should never have engaged into to create havoc in their own lands too....and we did not stop the past etc....makes it far from being anything good for too many even for all of a we do care and it went on until it became awful......and ignoring the issue for decades and others issues needing addressing badly  is not

fair and just and has added to extreme homelessness for them and our own people that is a hell not heaven..


It may take a decade as we will mess up on some choices....but at least we are participating and involved in helping the process to making this a heaven on earth...for one and all..

Linda Joy Adams 10/26/19 (posted a little late)





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