
Monday, October 28, 2019


Revelation 12 KJV - And there appeared a great wonder in - Bible Gateway

       Several of my Daily Recaps and others comments are posted just after this...below...So not more can be said but have not changed my thinking on this.....That throughout the Bible there are references to signs of the end times....before we finally over come evil and its cohorts and find our way to Heaven on earth....

PICTURE BIBLE SERIES GOT ME INTO TROUBLE WITH FACE BOOK'S ALGORITHM seems to be the sharing...and its just my opinion and as much in Bible there are multiple meanings for things...but why wouldn't a one time astronomical event in human history taking place above us not have direct and special meaning when its also described in Scripture....and the King of King star did not come did move to the front paws of the Lion called Leo and Jupiter did over 9 months being birthed and right into the dragon's lair and things have been getting stirred up and revealed more and more every day all kinds of areas and all over the world.....and everyone on line is part of that revealing....and in ancient times its said the name of this woman was not Virgo...but BRIDE OF CHRIST...OR DAUGHTER OF ZION... but it also can represent other entities...but for the end of this means US= some say the the whole of humanity as created by the DIVINE LOVE AND CHRIST AS PART ALONG WITH HOLY SPIRIT IN SOME MYSTERY YET FULLY UNDERSTOOD..WE CALL THE TRINITY...

      Is it the plan of salvation that we, of humanity are the army of heaven along with the 2/3rds of the Angels who did not follow Satan into evil ways of death and destruction? And to do this we have to have been created to have an innate desire for Freedom and have free will.....and learn to make the good choices....and soon Adam and Eve made wrong ones and we got kicked out of the innocence of the Garden of Eden into our present planet....and here we are....learning and not learning as we allow ourselves to get in one mess after another...and we get closer and closer to better understanding that FREEDOM is to be cherished and do those things and think those things that promote goodness for one and to ignore the one...harms all of us in some way eventually...

       We are now overcoming all the mistakes of humanity over time...and some actions taken thousands of years ago...never got resolved on earth and among many and here we are on the verge of the final learning phase before Christ returns...and removes evil from among us....even Evil is given one final chance to be saved and do good....and predicted he and his cohorts will still resist.....and then we can have a thousand years with no evil to tempt us ever again..

    There is a dominion of the spiritual of evil well as goodness of Christ...Divine Love of the I AM WHO I AM....that often is translated Yahweh....or YHWH..  But, as often happens some deeper meaning can get lost in translation over time....and when the Gospel of John says GOD IS LOVE....then the one writer who lived a long life...has time to think over matters and also had a final meeting wit Christ we read about in the Book of Revelation.....The TIME OF REVEALING....and since 9/23/17 we have had a world riveted with one deep secrets of no good  revealed over and over and we are still being riveted daily to our media over all that is coming to light of how evil has entrapped us in so many do and be evil over time....and before we can have peace on earth...we have the teachings of Christ and his first earthly visit to help us be able to know and guide us to know and over come evil with good..

          Some who access this blog, are not Christians and that is respected as faith can never be forced....and after thousands of human history shouldn't we all understand that by now....But when truth is revealed....there is no issue of what is better than other ways of living and being and thinking....As it come from within.....and whatever traditions or ways one worships....the issue is one worshipping and following the Divine Love of good...or has one fallen into evils trap of hatred, death and destruction....

   Even as monsters are over come in wars, or taken into our legal systems to prevent them harming anyone ever again....we should be saddened for our failure as humanity to ever have raised such a one to be like that.....Somewhere, those who fail to be over on the better paths....have themselves been failed by early years of not knowing love and being taught to value themselves and others as all life is precious and past time...we all begin to understand that...and we are getting better....and Satan is madder than hell as he wants hell, chaos and horror....and his last chance is near....and that puts more on all the rest of resist the temptation to get embroiled in gossip, slander and any other trickery of really subtle things..that can go on...

                                       BELIEVING IN GOOD OVER EVIL  IS NOT EASY WHEN WE ARE BOMBARDED WITH...

          DOOM AND GLOOM, WORLD IS ENDING...AND HORRORS...ON HORRORS..... IS BEING PREDICTED AND  someone every day can be accessed that even the economy is going to crash....(maybe it will for the thieves who have stolen more than the national debt...and some adjustments will cause some havoc and chaos to transition back to honest free enterprise with a few rules a govt can enforce to keep things fair and just..) We need some govt just to make sure none does harm to the freedoms we are to have and do well with...until the day when we can all be in some way and evil never tricks any into unfairness or unjust ways...

     FREE WILL is for each one of us to not let this happen....or not be so bad...How do we handle natural disasters and people in need as right now...we have hundreds of thousand just in the USA...that have been added to the  millions of homeless who also are in great need....and we have let ourselves be robbed of trillions and gotten into endless wars in this that is SATAN'S PLAN  of horrors and chaos...when we could be and should already be adapting to world climate changes...and more importantly built green cites...and we are doing better but it took us way to long to wake up and begin to make we let a few steal the free labor of machines and systems from us in a step by step intentional process since 1983 and some say much longer  but in 1983, the newer systems were coming  and instead of govt hiring their own programmers...they got it contracted out and so did private enterprise  and gradually control of our govts slipped into the control of those owners....and finally in 2002 no ownership became law...but since 1994 much in health care had already had oversight suspended by executive type orders....and horrors already under way.......Many things of basic subsistence level in food, energy and health should be free now...and to do this in a nation of freedom....means its using our systems to facilitate real freedom...

             Energy...should be pay a small maintenance fee.and the subsistence level of need be free then if one wishes to have bigger homes and more appliances to run....begin paying for that....AND LL BEGGING FOR POVERTY PROGRAMS OVER......everyone gets the minimal....Even at the know so much and can be used to allow first subsistence level of food, be free...then we pay beyond that... and most money for health care is being skimmed, scammed and blatantly stolen from the public treasury for years....and controlled into sicker and more deadly outcomes by the cabal of govt contractors running this with NO GOVT OVERSIGHT ALLOWED AT ALL  even when the worse of blatant crimes what our US ATTY said was  being described as the biggest organized crimes or ricco case in USA history....but its world and bigger than when the Roman empire fell into the same horror and lost they gave up the responsibility of governing fairly and justiley….and we have more democracy and more rights of each of now than ever before in human history and we ignore it and let it slip away from us  and in 2002 our own Congress overthrew us into this cabal of no govt of, by and for the people and then proceeded with a gag order rule to cover it up and woe to anyone who tries to speak out....horrors for them and their loved ones....

           WE LET THIS HAPPEN...and others nations did in a world of  FREEDOM AND FREE WILL each one of us is a ruler and minister to each others....and FREEDOM is free to be in charge of our own lives, and be part of ruling communities states and nations...

         And it take 95%+ voting who can make this happen so we have a real mandate of all of us or majority actually elect anyone to go take care of all our govt business for us...and protect and maintain our personal records the govt has been entrusted to maintain and keep....AND ALL OF THIS WENT AWAY IN 2002 BY AND EARMARK TO A 6000 PAGE BILL THAT SHOULD HAVE GIVEN US BETTER PROTECTIONS AND RIGHTS IN A CYBER AREA......AND THE EARMARK THAT WAS ALLOWED TO BE ADDED WITHOUT NAMING THE MEMBER OF CONGRESS WHO DID IT....

                                 GUTTED THE ENTIRE BILL INTO A HORROR...

            As long as evil and his cohorts exist floating around and tempting us to ignore what we need to pay attention to...being rulers and ministers of this world...then we get ourselves in worse and worse horrors and blaming the I AM WHO I AM  for all we neglected to do that was the better choices...and helping each other stay on the better paths....its not what we should do....We have to take responsibility for our own actions  or IN ACTIONS.(never said I was perfect either) not voting accepts and affirms that everything is OK...and even as much is getting better....Satan is rearing his final grasp at control and he is not going to give it up easily....and seems to have no intention of accepting salvation for good for eternity etiher….as he is on a mission of total control of each one of us even to our personal the technology is zap us if we even use the part of our brains to pray and communicate with the Divine Love...we have learned so much....and still learning more....and Satan has his evil plans of what to do with it....when all of creation and knowledge can be used for good things for all of us for eternity...

                     As for Revelation chapter 12...back from 9/23/17 on through several chapters of Revelation...I shared IN DAILY RECAP about the PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS....and before the stars and wandering stars we now call planets....and before writing...we had the prophecies and promises that are in the Bible for the future of humanity up above us that could be told as a Picture Bible and was.....

               then came the time of the Tower of Babel and the mystery Babylon religion of human sacrifice....of the curse of blood spilled of one human killing another....and things changed into differing meanings for what was up above...and not all the sky was used and watched.....and since then we have had right down to our times...a BABEL  of meanings of the original PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS...As well as the new names for things of the Mystery Babylon religion...

      There seems to be two basic belief systems in this world...ONE THAT RESPECTS LIFE BASED ON LOVE AND THE OTHER THAT IS HATRED AND DEATH AS WORSHIP MURDER AND DESTRUCTION OF ANYTHING THAT  allows freedom to exist...

               And we need to be careful with so much political….AS  freedom means we all get to choose what we do individually in our well as doing together in some way those things where we do need to share costs and have some tings in common like road, schools, and health care that can be very costly for those who end up needing something more than the average hurts and diseases that are of brief nature and not so costly.....TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER...MEANS EACH ONE  AND NONE SHOULD HAVE LIFE SHORTENED DUE TO NEED FOR WHAT MEDICAL SCIENCE CAN DO...   and its that love that leads many to a calling of research and better treatments and even cures...and we are so close and Satan will not have access to steal from huge sums of federal we cure all disease and heal injuries back to full health also....and costs go we have better nutrition in our green cities...we added a few trees along the way....and gardens and flowers to have those fresh veggies/fruits  that have as wonderful aroma of health and goodness as we pick and bring into our homes to eat... and when we get to being able to get along in this world and not need weapons made that can destroy creation itself....

           WE WILL BE READY to move on out to the vast expanding creation and live all over the universe.... and be at peace and not have intergalactic warfare we watch on science fiction shows...

We will be ready to tell evil take a hike somewhere else we are not gong to fall into your evil traps and trickery again...and we will find the ways for  FREEDOM AND FREE WILL TO FLOURISH  and none among us be harmed in the process....

             In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus...may we find our way to the better paths of freedom, free will where good is the only real choices...and find Your Unconditional Divine love that we accept and let it shine in us and through us to love for each others in this we celebrate our differences as just more opportunities to find better ways as each unique precious a respected part of the whole with as many ideas and opinions as the numbers of all of us.....And may those in great need tonight in the USA and others parts of the world...know we care...and may we find ways to help them help themselves rebuild their lives..even if where they live may have to changes in the usual cycles of this planet.. And prayers for our efforts for civil rights and justice for one and we should have safe meds and even meds for 40% of us lung patients forgotten by the cabal as existing and we are here and choose to live...and may you ruling now outside of govt....find your way to salvation of Divine Love and turn this around and do good instead....

      In Your Holy Name...Amen!


           (scroll down the side or below for )

               FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS..(not updated for awhile)

               MEDICAL 5 parts over sections of 9 Daily recaps of what my doctors and I are doing to sustain life...but still too inflamed from the ether alcohol....any suggestions please share then online as millions have been discriminated against..and removed as existing on data bases that are taxpayer funded with NO OVERSIGHT. TO STOP illegal MESSING WITH THEM... And Please do not try any medical  treatments without your doctor...and some do need prescriptions...and even among us millions some say now is 25 million just in the USA...we have differing health needs of the INSTITERIUM now recognized by the govt as an organ of the entire body just lungs when toxins and chemicals are inhaled or the digestive when eaten or drunk....of which the top layer is the mucous membrane....I am NOT A DOCTOR....but have been a patient of some of the leaders in the field since injured 1/10/89 and am still here....when many have little life expectancy now and mine shortened with medicines not made or life ending additives added that a solution to try and neutralize the two pills a take or life would not last  a week... Older medicines that work well for decades and even 100 years....and take them away and leave us nothing is a horror of evil that is one more thing to  BE REVEALED. and stopped from going on....

                         VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGES 62FF-84 with some in 70's missing as did not use not all going on is being shared right now...trying to use the EEO process as the one way into the cabal said the Justice Dept as well as general counsel for Medicare as few years ago...and blocked by HHS offices from the process as will not even give  case number to the complaints and HIPPAA LAWS DO NOT APPLY TO CONTRACTORS... and shocker! since 2010 our health insurers are also govt contractors...NOT accountable....AND OVER AT HHS ITS BEEN A DISASTER OF CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS OF EVEN GIVING ONE ACCESS TO THE PROCESS..WHICH IS NON injured as HHS employee but transferred into US Dept of Labor under sec Robert Reich and when he left and Alexis Herman came in...some awful things began to happen.....and never got better... To often those who wish to do what is right....just do not wish to be part of something not good...but KEEP QUIET and the horrors get done and get worse...

    But so far US Dept of Labor seems not aware that  FOR INJURED FEDERAL WORKERS  THEY HAVE FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR WHAT HAPPENS TO ME FOR MEDICAL CARE OT LACK OF IT  AND SINCE THEY PUT ME ON HOME LIQUID OXYGEN FOR LIFE... even if contractors is not inputting claims and wit holing files and judges orders. etc....IT UP TO THEM TO GET PAST THE CABAL CALL CENTERS...AND GET TO FDA AND SAY WE NEED WAIVERS AND REGS AND MEDS MADE FOR US... and so does the military also...SEC OF DEFENSE AND SEC OF LABOR.. need to have a meeting with FDA and tell the whole truth..of what contractors have us..and make it rights...and surely these older meds. can be made in the USA as already approved and in the public domain and find a clean. sterile place and start making them...

   Since oxygen is FECA's bill for life on me...the 1988 law kicked in years ago with permanent medical for every medical bill of mine....and that is ignored for most....but these in control that is not acts like they are and even impersonate they are....does know and have made it impossible for injured workers federal or state regulated to get any kind of oxygen for its longer lives and bills to be insurers ….but for us FEDS...too often there are third parties liable and some real corruptions exposed as we feds in our office were in a new building in Jersey city at 2 Journal Square that could not have legally passed city, state or federal inspection for us even to be working in it...HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?? and already warnings not heeded by the govt at all..

        While things get better in many ways. al lot of revealing still to get us all back to being rulers and ministers of this world, nation, communities and ourselves... VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION

 Linda Joy Adams 10/28/19

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