
Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Isaiah 24 KJV - Behold, the LORD maketh the earth - Bible Gateway (Spell check may be working is in the title heading but not in the body of the post yet... so hope typos are caught) Tonight is the beginning of a new era...and which era...will be known when the votes are counted and all the litigation if any is over....for too many trying to change the rules after the time limits to change are made.. Whomever wins....we have made our choice and pray its the legal and realistic count....And for 20 years, since the last fiasco...of the integrity of our system....we have NEGLECTED our basic rights of even electing our leaders to have those who serve us well and understand well that they serve us.... May none do destruction and violence if the ones we wanted do not win.....and if nothing else....the time has come for every citizen to begin being what we are supposed to be: ALL KINGS AND PRIESTS....and keep an eye and ear....out and maybe even our feet and wheels to be active for the best outcome in any way we are called to help...for the better outcome...Petitions...and gathering of info...and we still have laws that make much of the corru[tion of high level and even low level officials...illegal....and its past time....we find our voices of kingship and that is the generic...he/ she etc..all of us... We let this horror that is get that way by our not having full participation in being part of the process for good...this is one vote....and if things do not go well for one and all of us....then in two years.. another election and this time those called to serve for noble and good reasons....may we support them...and leave those behind who have forgotten to have served ill gotten gains...from the position.... Maybe the metaphor of high one and kings of this earth..ending up in prisons...waiting judgement of a trial....COULD BE ONE ON EARTH FIRST.....and we may need a few more courts and judges and sort through all the skulduggery that has gone on....and will we find out more about how we each aided and abetted some arrested....and find our big trouble ...if not with human courts....but with the DIVINE ONE OF ETERNITY...BEFORE THE ALMIGHTY WE WILL BE JUDGED FOR OUR HEART INTENT.... and not just by what we did or did not the SIN OF NOT DOING ANYTHING....OFTEN IS THE APPROVAL FOR EVIL TO GROW AND OVER COME ALL OF by one...and them all and all around the world... And worse we have let things get worse and worse by letting our basic rights and freedoms be robbed from us as laws got passed that left our elected leadership...not even doing their jobs of protecting our rights as well as the security of the nation...even overthrowing the USA>.into the control of an international cabal...that is accoountable only to itself.... As the media fell into its grasp and even in govt and non govt...the ones at the top...the high ones on earth....fell to the high one of evil...said to be bound in a be let loose for awhile and the wrath of the Almighty will go after him and his cohorts...and pray none of us....have sold our souls to the devil..and be lost also...for all of some kind of eternal prison...until the final judgemnt and then....forever more.after that...if no repentance is in one... The details here of what is going to happen to this phsysical much like tht of Matthew 24 and also in Revelation....and its clearly referring to the end times of the world as we now know IN THAT the words used all through the Bible for the times most think we are in or in the early stages of a 7 years....or some such.....time....when we first suffer a lot as Satan takes after us and his jealousy of us and creation has been tryint to get rid of us...and creation since the Garden of Eden.... The description seems consistent and with what we know about the physical world and universe does seem this planet it going to take a major hit...from some source and be turned upside down...or completely fall and a shaking of the foundations of the world will happen.... I had an experience when on a subway overhead New York many years ago...when an earth quake hit thousands of miles away on the other side of this nation....and felt the shake...not much....and no train was coming...for some that is the feel and even sound all knew well....all the time... And then did some research about what is really below us....and its not solid all the way down....and we live on tectonic plates not unlike all being on rafts or boats....and when their is a shaking up...the ripples go far and wide....and deep .....ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE....and we have warning from our scientists...that some big events....are long over pressures build up....and many experts say...that at the time of the last upheavel we know as the time of Noah's flood...the world was changed in many ways...from what we had before.... 40 days in the ark....and about a year before things settled put their feet on land again.....and this time....floods are not mentioned in this chapter....but is in Matthew 24...and that seems to be like tsunamis which we have already had some major and devasting ones in recent know what they are.... WHERE WILL THE SAVED BE??? This chapter is before Christ's first coming....and only some brief reference, in this chapter; for what happens after the upheavel...and taking out of the evil and his followers of heaven and on earth.... Some how, in some mysterious way.. the death and resurrection has made the way possible for all of us to be saved....and more than just for our eternal souls....We are promised some kind of rapture or snatching to safety....and cannot shake the vivid dream I had....and wrote of here in the last year....that THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN COMES DOWN....and in chapters...seem to be a desctiption of a place 1500 miles each way? and billions of poeple vould fit in that place and be safe and where would we go...."under His wing" could be another a place of safety.... and those boxes each were give as they signed in and seemed to be assigned quarters...could well be such a place......IT WAS A DREAM but one of only a few in my that. and however one wishes to interpret or say how such a thing could be....from the usual way of things...of our subconsiceous knowing coming to merge with the conscious....and one cannot put aside the role of the Divine or spiritual....but the feeling was real....of being saved.and healed of even physcial ailments...which when I woke up...still have....and a knowing in my soul...the promise is real....and to persever the best one can...until the call comes and seems to be more what the word rapture is said to mean SNATCHED... Do a word or phrase search for the two days of Daily recaps of I HAD A DREAM...and am hearing many have had a preparation to get our souls in order and packed im good order......instead of our suitcases for this journey to safety and salvation.. In my deeam most seem to make it only a few books of names...were left when the time to end the a time for the gate or door to be shut and none else will be able to enter.... The good thing it seems that most will many interpret that now we are in a time of TRIBULATOIN...WHEN WE ARE BEING TRIBULATED...LIKE THE GRAIN ON THE TRIBULATON OR THRESHING FLOOR SO WE END UP A THE GOOD AND GOLDEN GRAIN WITH ALL OUR SHAFT AND SINS....BLOWN AWAY... and no more part of us.... A movement has begun....and may we never let it end for the good...and no matter who not time to lay down and let things get we still have a lot of evil to overcome....and each one of us...some sins to repent of and do better in our lives....and /or...not be tempted ever even be tempted...when...something or some one..even begins to try and lead us astray....and maybe we can be the way for that one to change and be led to the good...instead....... if nothing else we have seem a lot of good people having a good time...recently......and praise to the Almighty and the way of life and love for one another....seems to be rising... even as some are bent on death and desruction....but they are only a few......and the rest of us....are far more than the rest.... and are we ready for the final battle....of good vs evil?? In the name of once You were known by all...may we find ourselves on Your side always...and have learned to not be triked to the other side any more ever.....and find our way to help others not fall into its traps ever again....And whomever the highest level or locallu our jobs You gave us has only help those elected do the best for each one of us....and not let anyone ever again be harmed by evil of theose in power or the most of us forgetting the one when things seem to be going good for our family or group ...and we know now that injustice to going to come back and swallow all of us up in its some way....even if a micropscopic virus.....and of those giving warning...that another virus is coming....and the scientist who escaped from Wuhan said this virus is made to git into a deleivery sysem that many difeering ones can be insrted and let out......and we have to figure this we are not ttricked to taking that DNA altering chip that seems unlike vaccinces of old....and find treatments...that work well to get well fast or keep our immunse systems....healthy as we look to Your wonderful creation....and all You made for have to be healthy....and our souls and minds by knowing You and following Your Holy Spiit to keep us awake to know the tricks of the we do not get trapped into its ways....that can physcially alter not even know our minds and lose contact with our one test case said it felt like..... The work of why we are made...seems to be here and may we accept the call and do the parts each needs to all come out saved for egternity...when the final battle of evil being taken out by You and the hosts of You come and finish up those those have chosen to death and desruction over the goodness and wonder of eternity and love that is divine and real...and caring and we never have to know sorrow ever again... Pray for healing for Doyle and all those in need in these times....when the system is so...broken....that one can be in a hospital...or high level facility....and still HAVE NO DOCTOR in charge....just as we have a govts in this world....AND NONE IN CHARGE TO STOP THOSE DOING EVIL AND ILLEGAL THINGS FROM DOING US GRAVE AND EVEN DEADLY HARMS......and merges into our health care the place life can end by the corru[tion influeces that leave those trying to care for best health....squashed by a cabal making proft over the misery of the suffering....and too much of the money and even gtrillions of public funds...gone missing... THAT ONE DENIED JUSTICE...HAS NOW COME TO FULL FRUITION OF ALL BEING HARMED... and locked down..and faces veiled....that can breed bateria....while trying to keep the vurus away....that can slide in througn the material we have over our faces.... WHAT A MESS WE HAVE LET OURSELVES GET INTO.... Help save us from ourselves....In Your Holy Name Yahusha...Amen! The votes are in...and now the real work all of us to make this the best we can for us and the nation and the world joins in to help also...May it be so! Linda Joy Adams 11/3/20

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