
Sunday, November 29, 2020


Ecclesiastes 10 KJV - Dead flies cause the ointment of the - Bible Gateway *spell check still a mystery and will try to catch the typos.. This chapter 10 seems to reflect the folly of the main media and now even news stations one could rely on to cover all sides of an issue....Like a decision made at the highest levels of masters over all their enslaved to ignore the truth..and keep the masses quiet and subdued...While we get robbed and worse...which they have refused to report on that since 2002 of a defunded govt...with no oversight..and allowed AND NONE GOES TO JAIL as budget is not allowed to be used to audit a govt contractors or prosecute one...SO CONTRACTS include all these voting machines and software...that around the world has been known to SELECT CANDIDATES the master wants and not the ones the people voted for.. And there is a real 'DEEP STATE' that can exist in key places where a need is in place to make sure the voters do not kick out an organized politcal and corrupt machine..and put in those whose master are the rulers of this world, natoin and community...we the people of one legal vote each...for nearly every adult in this world now.. And we look to power people for suspect elections who CONTROL THE PROCESS in all levels of govt..AND ONE OF THE KEY positions is who runs the machines...on election day...from county to state level where contracts are let.. Now since 2002 being keip secret from most...and no attempt for govt to protect the public treasury or even our civil and human and constitutional rights..since 2002... we ask why? and wonder how many of either party have paid for a rigged election...or someone whom they obey did it for assure they would be seated and follow orders of an elite and not carry out the will of the people.. WE THE PEOPLE may have been making the better choices in our vote for a couple of decades now. and then find out what we thought was the better chlice did not win...until one day a few years ago...the people began to wake up and more than ever voted...and picked a maverick, turning our backs on decades of an untrusted cabal that had grabbed contol and kept it for way too many years.. so bad...we have a phrase used in the USA of 'clinton body" and we are not speaking of dress or pant size but the ultimate corruption of people vs those who crossed a real political machine...and corruptions never if immunity exists among some who are in key places inside govt...who bows to a cabal and not to the govt of, by and for the people... AND THE SUFFERING HAS INCREASED AND lawlessness as this blot was begun in 12/08 to warn others that the LAW FORBIDS STOPPING THE LAWLESSNESS....and the whole of govt is not in the control of the govt... and still took another 6 years before I could learn why a trillion dollar theft of Medicare could not be stopped by a law that forbids going ofter a contractors until Michael Horowitz explained it to be in 2014..when he called asking what I knew of the attempts of Lynn Blodgett to get control of Dell and already in attempt to take over H P. and wew end up with two brands of systems to buy.. and was working with the SEC and later issued fines... and He was not aware that he now owned EDS, Ross Perot's company after the take over of Affilitaged Computer services with the same amount of missing money for the medical care for severl injured Federal workers at a million dollars a head...and me denied the RIGHT TO BREATH due one of those being for me...and on his computer records I had been sent the check....and none ever had...and would not have... AS NO SUCH LAW...and the money, from Forbed Magazine...appears to have been laundred threw a shell compnay connected to the Clinton Foundation...and as he as VP of ACS>..was with a drunk owner on his yaht...and somehow he ended up buying the company for 200 million as injured workers...and many from terrorist attacks..were 'let em die" orders and the whole govt knows at the OIG levels of the 'embezzlement ring...and nothing is done to make things right...and we got sent to find a way to breathe and survive...and even back then the OIG directors had no idea....what And it was and EARMARK to a 6000 page bill....passed by the US Senate aby unanimous consent..that overthrew the USA.. BUT FOR DEPT OF DEFENSE not incluedeD and was a quorum even present ot legally pass it as NO ROLL CALL...and allowed to be done anonymously...followed by a gag order rule to keep it quiet such had been this very day.. common sense gone..or corruption of some...and real threats and harrassment of those who tried to stand up and some have from both parties and independents...and no govt to back them up and we the people asleep...and not aware we have some there whom we did not even bad this has been...and we wanted to think all was OK and most are good and honest...and BIG MONEY AND POWER CAN CORRUPT and neglected to protect ourselves and the nation...from some falling to such temptation...and having those checks and balances in place even in our our precious right of rulership was not breached by one or many... ovethow of the USA into the contorl of an intl cabal having done much the same around the world and at the UN and even into WUHAN CHINA...where in another Chinese city..a phone call has surfaced of a conversation...of buying fake ballots for elections...from another city in CHina.. WE CANNNOT EVEN PRINT UP OUR OWN FAKE BALLOTS TO STUFF BALLOT BOXED IN THE USA. And today while watching Fox News...TRUTH GOT REVEALED of the suppresssion of even reports of legal filings, hearings...and analysis of court decisions...that always happens on other matters.... and TRUTH IS REAL SUPPRESSION TO not MISLEAD OR UPSET THE PEOPLE?? Why? some group might take to the steets and do violence and burn thing down...THAT ALREADY HAPPENED THIS areas where local leaders let it happen...AND WONDER... if theose were ELECTED OR SELECTED? FALSE its past time we get some truth about what is in the US Constitution...AND WHO IS IN CONTROL IN THIS WORLD....and guess what...THE CABAL IS...MANAGING EVEN PRIVATE ENTERPRISE....AND HUGE CORPRORATIONS OF ALL KINDS.. as we and them become enslaved to a beast system..and we often have no idea who is our master/mistress hidden deep evil power keeps power by hiding...from being revealed..... ANYONE WHO IS HIGH AND MIGHTY...even do any work anymore to run things..?? FOLLY AND LACK OF WISDOM TO THINK THEY ARE IN CONTORL AT THE TOP...AND ITS the pwoer and contorl is in the hands of the onews contracted out to and they have conrol of data, records of your businesses....our medical records to alter or mess with and end up causing untold number of the deadly mess is used for our care at those intl conglomerte owned hospitals...and others places we end up going to for health care.....and we have no right to get a copy nor does our doctor whose records may been alteered....and NOT TO BE CORRCTED AS THE CABAL DECIDES WHAT WE HAVE AND WHAT TO DO WITH US...and if we end up harmed or dead....TOO BAD...just another CABAL BODY life has no worth to this entity... and te designated leaders sit in their lofty places...and are propped up by the real rulers hidden in the stench of the swamp and one who hides behind it all...yet to be revealed...and little by littLE WE ARE EXPOSING THE WHOLE as most of us still have the will to survive and cae about each oher and wish to have our human rights for one and all...and the ideals of what we are to be...under the DIVINE LOVE who created us each to be precious and worthy and loved unconditionslly even when we got gullible and thought things were OK and we were being robbed of even our rights of rulership and survival down to the least among us... And the media is being duped to not reprot the biggest CLEAN UP OF THE SWAMP OF CORRUPTION IN HUMAN being revealed...and who is coveing the story....that is not apeculation or consperacy theirores by temtimony and court filings and decisions....that expose who is real and who is enslaved souls...all over....and with time lines to meet constitutionally we have little time to unearth....far more than who is the legal winner of the 2020 pesidential election... we are now finding out what has not been reported from all over.....and its this nation or that dealing with this...and Canada and Texas.. did investigate and WILL NOT USE THIS... but judges are defied and orders reaahed even of a US Supreme Court judges....or one state would have comleted its count and have not counted a hughe cadre of votes as not legally meeting laws as filled out for outside envelopes.....AND he only place this is being reported or covered even with offiical prceedings is ONLINE...and TV is hurting themselves and already...they may be on in the hjouse...but attn is online for what is goning on....AND WE HAVE SEVERAL STATE LEGISLATURES....IN PROCESS OF STOPPING THE SELECTION OF ELECTORS on ballots and not certifying elections...and the state legistlators voting for the people....instead....AND THIS IS NEWS NOT EVEN BEING COVEFED...IN MAIN MEDIA?? the biggest constitutional crisis...since the end of slavery...and the civil war over it?? EVEN BIGGER as the right to vote of all who legally can is in jeaorpardy...and those wishing reparatioins of ancesotors who were slaves...WHAT GOOD IS A POT OF MONEY IF THE RIGHT TO VOTE AND BE A FULL CITIZEN is now taken away again...and none have the right anymore AS SOME ONE WITH THEIR HAND ON A SERVER will decide fr us who we should have serve us...but rather rule over us..instead.....AND WORSE IS OUR RIGHT TO FIND OUT INFO AND SHARE..IT removed from us as we do not know how to handle information and share it...and do what with it??? GO TO COURT OR A HEARLING AND ASK FOR OUR RIGHTS TO BE UPHELD TO BE ABLE TO LEGALLY vote each...THE GREATEST EQUALIZER OF POWER ever of humanity....the will of the people TO BE EXPRESSED IN FORMING A GOVT TO SERVE US we say...not what one or a few decide for us.. and we live with our elections...and face then and if not the best...we decide to change and vote for another next election day... Tnanks to all the small indeendent sources on line...and donators to they can go cover the hearings and official matters going on...and also a few speedches and rallies...BUT THE OFFICIAL MATTERS BEING IFNORED AND CENSORSHIP OF EVEN OUR LEADERS TO HAVE THEIR SAY...This is worse of any denial of rights we thought we already accept or reject the matters being reported as if we have no right to form our own opinions...and THIS IS NOT ABOUT TRUMP OR BIDEN...or our opinions of either for president... ITS ABOUT OUR RIGHTS FROM NOW ON...and self deternimation for each of us..and rights of each to think for oureslves...and form the ballot boxes and we learn from actions find better ways and choices so heaven on earth can be....and hell on earth rejected of dictatorioal leaders who have no refard for he lives of each as being repected and we become DEPLORABLES.... and thag one word by one cndidate back in 2016 was a wake up call... OF AN ELITE ATTITUDE THAT WAS THE OPPOSITE OF THE VALUE OF EACH HUMAN BEING AND RIGHTS OF EACH...AND RESPECT AND DIGNITY FOR ONE AND ALL OF US TO HAVE BY RIGHT OF BIRTH INTO THIS WORLD... and from one wbo ignored the right of burth even before birth....and defies the DIVINE SPARK of life that begins the life of each one 9 months before birth.... In the name of Yahusha...whom many call Jesus and Christ and Lord and other names allowed to use since the EDICTS OF BABYLON AND LATER ROME to hide the truth of Your real names...and woe to wny who would use them outside of a few cabal in secret...when the signs in the heavens of he Picgure Bible You made for us to have and read....long ago...up above us...has a line up fir first time since 1226 and last time was not seen....but happened 1623 and at both times in hisory..REVEALINGS TOOK PLACE...first was the sacred saramaent of the one world govt and church of Rome but already split ovef this...allowed the people to matters we worship and consider for all the people and in 1623...far awway from Europe one small boatload of people who survied a cruel Plymouth Massachusetss was on its way to forming a community that one day would e the foundation of the US Constituion based on the founding principals all our ancestors....received when they walked out of Egypt with Moses and You preformed daily miracles for 40 years in the desert in isolation for a generagtion to learn the good way of being and treating each oher as Your plan for us to be just and fair rulers and ministrs of each oher...and even as we sinneed and got conquered and dispursed to the whole worl...we did not forget these cre desired of FREEDOM AND FREE WILL and caring for one another and being a servant leader and not a god that all bow to and has no responstibility to oversee and respset each one among us they serve... And we have a close call and one final chance to make things right and not lose what those one group of survivors wished to have and do...400 years ago being left as the Mayflowerleft them stgranded ad You made it possile for a place to live...and one of he come and teach them how to plant and grow and one th Fall THE FIRST THANKSGIVING was shafed in a meal. we still count our blessings each year...for what we have...even if we do not have all we wish fo.....we have our lives...and a meal to eat and enjoy the love of family and community of each oher in this world... Thanks for small steps of healing for those who are sick and injured...and keep Doyle safe in Your care so one day soon...he is restored to home... Help me keep track of peresonal business matters this week...of this and that needing to be done...and may it be the better choices made...and found... Help us all to pray for our elected leaders to make things right in this constitutionl crisis this nation is in...and news is not even letting all know...and support with our prayers we get ghrough this so those seated in office...are he onews we wished to have there and no taint on their being in office and may the media...find a fair and factual way of reporting the offiical dealting going on...and know that what they are doing is not the best as we all need to be prepared for the outcome that may or may not be the one we think or thought and have a surprise some may become upset to the point of illegal acts...that cause harm...and better to be factual and report and respect each of come to terms with matters womever is eated as presiddnt next the whole world is on the verge of eruption..and the media could be sharing an orderly process to work through that is in our governing document and SHOW THE WORLD HOW TO DEAL WITH AN ELECTION WITH ISSUES....and still survive as a nation when the legal process declares a wnner and we can all celebrate that the process worked and we can thank our founders for the US Constitiion thag provided the path to sort it all out...and find the best and fairest and just outcome... and then nver let this happen again... ever.. In Your Holy Name...Yahusha...Amen! MEDICA THE LOSER MAY WELL BE YOU and Your REPUTATIONS for not covering this.. from the legal and official matters going we know the process as it proceeds and then we can celebrage we did not colla[se as a nation...and the proces given us back in 1789 works and is still the best model in the world to follow.. and amend if time and world evolves.. A process we have never had to use until now...BUT WE HAVE IT AND OUR ANCESTORS MADE SURE THEY ALLOWED FOR ANY KIND OF ISSUE THAT MIGHT ARISE... Honor our fathers and mothers of the past...Thank You! Linda Joy Adams 11/29/20

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