
Friday, November 27, 2020


Ecclesiastes 12 KJV - Remember now thy Creator in the days of - Bible Gateway Spell check is still messed up and hope catch all the typos.. Been messed up since just before election day and some kind of data breach at Google that affected more than online complaints show.. RIGHT SIDE BROADCASTING is doing a great service in a time...when too much of official legal dealings and decisions are being supressed... to listen to the media...and even regular Fox news would think that we had an election and a winner and winners are known..and everything was OK...WHEN real court and hearing testimony and judges in courts ruling and being defied...AND THE CRIIMINAL CHARGES SURELY will be on their way...over the next few years... for blatant law breaking and usurption of rights.. I linked the hearing with the Chair and majority portion of the Pennsylvania state legislature...and ITS BAD( and its free to sign up on You Tube and they covered the election..rallies and now formal hearings and pressers WE ARE NOT GETTING FROM OUR MAIN MEDIA...when this is OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF THE PEOPLE THAT AFFECTS EACH ONE OF US...FOR THE FUTURE...NOT JUST A POLITICAL Its like water gate happened and PBS or none of the media...shut down and covered the whole gavel to gavel....AND now would ignore it all... and one day we woke up and had someone else seated as President of the USA>> ...the election was stolen in the middle of the night...AS THE STATS ARE SHOWING TRUMP WONE BY A LANDSLIDE...AND BALLOTS HAD TO BE FABRICATED IN THE DARK OF NIGHT OR RUN THE SAME BATCHES OF BALLOTS THROUGH OVER AND OVER.....and machines hard drives can be checked for that as experts who do this all the business and should be in govt....but for NO GOVT OVERSIGHT OF CONTRACTED OUT SYSTEMS SINCE LAW OF 2002 but for DOD>. ..AND CAN BE PROVEN and done by checking hard drives but for some of the equipment has disappeared and its bad and ugly and STOLEN ELECTION for President.. AND MORE AND MORE IS BEING THERE IS LITTLE TIME BEFORE electoral college meets to right a wrong.. and already at least 5 candidates for various local and state and even one congressional office....has been discovered as winning rather than losing..and got caught in the illegal activivies going...on and those officials made things right.. This 3 hour hearing this week with PA State legislative committee members IS A LESSON WITH TESTIMONY and evidence of just how this was done...AND MORE THAN ONE PARTY is filing appeals and lawsuits AND EVEN THE US SUPREME COURT ORDER JUDGE WAS DEFIED BY ELECTION OFFICIALS IN PENNSYLVANIA...the ultimate defiance of our legal process..when all were told to keep the mail in ballots separate so observers of all parties...and official counters could proceed.... Its a good summary of everything illegal that could and did testimony.. As Mayor Gulliani said IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT...THE THIEVES FOUND THEMSELVES SHORT ON NUMBER OB BALLOTS TO STUFF THE BALLOT BOX..and had to begin doing things that GOT THEM CAUGHT....In their zeal to keep corruption going in key areas of the nation...and whatever else was motivation...but that.. they were only prepared to stuff a few hundred thousands vote for Biden into the pile....and found they needed nearly a million ...and thus the scramble..... and the same process went on in 6 states...and MORE HAPPENED IN OTHER PLACes...IT WAS LIKE THE WHOLE OF INTEGRITY OF THE PROCESS COLLAPSED IN TOO MANY PLACES AROUND THE USA...PLUS THE Manipulation of online systems via the Internet over seas to more than one country... Finally testimony is being shown at least by one source, under oath by some who can explain it so most of us can understand.. and some is just KEEPING SECRET what was going on with the ballot count...when every election...local to national...each party has observers fulfill the oversight of the catch dead voters...and ballots mailed after they were received AND THE MOST CARELESS OF MISTAKES WERE MADE BY THOSE COMMITTING ILLEGAL ACTS... AND when the VOTE AND BE PART OF THE did we know...that the massive turnout to vote...ended with such A TURN OUT THAT CAUGHT THE ILL INTENTIONED RIGGERS...UNPREPARED AND IN THE RUSH....made mistakes...that WERE SO BLATANT...the appeals and disputes began before the time of counting even began.. THE SOLUTION TO THE DEEP STATE AND THE SWAMP OF CORRUPTION IS TO CLEAN UP THE FIRST STEP OF RULERSHIP OF OUR GOVT...and that is the full right of each be able to vote and have that vote count...and none be voting who is not legally registered...and certainly not dead folks and cats and dogs and ancient voter rolls including those who moved long ago..and vote elsewhere...AND IT ALL HAPPENED...EVERY TRICK EVER TRIED WAS ON STEROIDS and not just one or two but the mass mailings without anyone asking for a mailed ballot...has to cease.. We just received our letters from the election board in our county...and in it is a renewal form is we wished to get absentee ballots sent to us for the next year...WE FILL IT OUT..and send it in...and then they are mailed TO US...and yearly...this is done..AND WE MAIL BACK....and the precinct voting rolls are annotated..we get mailed ballots and if we show up to vote...we sign an affidavit.. AS I HAD TO DO back in 2016 primary when. misplaced the mailed ballots..and I the polling place...and we used paper that is scanned..and if need to do a recount...can easily be checked by counters and observers of each party or candidate..on the ballot envelopes outer one... In 1964, in California...I was part of a door to door checking of voting well as asking those to come out to vote even was interviewed by LA Times as SPOKESPERSON FOR CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN PARTY.....after the dead people in Chicago elected JFK... another election where the candidate conceded and went along with the injustice to the people. Quit asking Pres Trump to do this as we will never have another chance like this to clean up this mess...even if he is not the winner in the end...WE HAVE A CHANCE TO CLEAN UP THE SWAMP OF CORRUPTION and identify issues as the donations being sent in...are needed for the efforts of not only the Trump campaign but others bringing issues as the time is short..and a lot to do...and some need to face real charges for blatant illegal acts defying our laws and even US Supreme Court judge...also..occurred...THIS IS SERIOUS.. ...THIS IS NOT INJUSTICE TO ONE CANDIDATE...this is INJUSTICE TO EVERYONE..and the world is in tense to the direction this nation may make in trade and foreign affairs as we have a real diversity of political leanings...and the whole world has to know for sure...whomever is seated in the White House in 1/20/21 is the one the people of the USA wanted and elected to be there...and we have so much evidence destroyed...even defying orders of a US Supreme court judges...that we have fallen into real lawlessness.. AND JUST MAKE UP THE RULES AS WE GO ALONG...and that is chaos and ripe for corruption and ALL OF US LOSE...even our rights of even life...AS WHY THOSE SELECTED THINK MANY ARE DEPLORABLES..... AND IF THEY WERE ELECTED BY US...THEY WOULD KNOW WE ARE THEIR BOSS...AND ARE TO DO THEIR BEST TO SERVE US WELL...and respect our wishes and listen to suggestions of ways to get things done better for one and all...and not one be harmed by the will of the majority being upheld.. THE FUTURE OF THE NATION IS AT STAKE...and the ideal of freedom and free will SHINING STILL AS A 'BEACON ON THE HILL' has been dimmed and but for the wisdom of our founders...we have constitutional ways to make things right...and one is call the vote a fraud that cannot be one or more areas...and the state legislators elect who is to be voted for at the Electoral college...ADN THOSE WHO THOUGHT WE SHOULD NOT HAVE THIS.... THIS YEAR MAY BE THE ONE WHEN WE THANK OUR FOUNDERS THEY PUT THAT PART IN THE US the stae legislators...reflects the majority of the people by what party is in leadership.. and assuming the elctors would be the same majority party....then the vote is upended from the first count...AND ANOTHER OPTION IS TO NOT COUNT THE VOTES IN AREAS....OR COUNTIES...where... TRUTH CANNOT BE KNOWN for such fraud and irregulatires...and why our legal system has to give all sense of justice and some criminal charges be..made and dealt voters in areas got robbed... Then there os still another option as if not enough states can even come to legal options to send electors to the ELECTORAL COLLEGE....for a winner. OF MORE THAN 270 VOTES, OF A SIMPLE MAJORITY OF ALL POSSIBLE....then it goes to the House of Representatives AND EACH STATE GETS ONE VOTE...and no matter if a large or small state one vote DO NOT DISS PRESIDENT TRUMP...and thanks to Potus..for calling out one showing disrepect this week...and Pres Trump calmly scolded this one reporter to show some respect to ones president...AND WE HAVE FORGOTTEN OUR MANNERS... ALONG WITH OUR RIGHTS..TO SHOW RESPECT TO EACH OTHER...AND TO OUR LEADERS WE ASKED TO SERVE US WELL...and we need to help and support them..even if they were not the one we voted for... AND we need to have the rights to ELECT. and not have SELECTED this has been spiritual warfare on so many wonder how we got some of these people in office at various levels...who seem so far from the will of the what they vote for or propose AND MAYBE WE REALLY DID NOT VOTE THEM that truth is coming to light of what has been going on for two decades......AND WE HAVE NO IDEA HOW BAD THIS HAS BEEN....but I believe its been getting worse and worse...and much has been in the common sense tells us...some other candidates on the Democratic side...SURELY would have been the preferred candidates... who would not habe been sell outs and stood for their policies and principles...and have debates tween two finalists..of both parties...and got into some serious discussions of best ways to solve some gravely serious issues...and WE GOT FLUFF and been getting such for these voting systems that can be rigged etc...have been around since the later 19990's.. and services 'for sale' for anyone with the money to pay and it may not even have been the candidate aare directly it was done...for them..due to their political slant on things vs the other choices..?? Like in this chapter 12, we have LOST OUR INNOCENCE of all being just and fair..and we vote and a winner takes office and serves us well...AND THAT IS GONE know that our vainness of thinking we are so great and perfect has fallen into a tainted process no better than a corrupted govt...and didn't we already know this and complain...and TOO VAIN TO MAKE SURE OUR ELECTION PROCESS COULD NOT BE TARNISHED BY IT....and thanks to all the honest election officials...all over this land..who uphold the rights of each voter and honor and respect our rights even if they are not of the same party as we are... And thanks to justice for at least 5 and think I heard of another now..who will have the attn to the top office...has many checking things out and finding...local, state and congressional races even over turned when they caught something in their area...that happened huge scale in about 6 key states...that could hae voted either way....and some experts say they think the algorithm was used nationwde..and even CALIFORNIA MAY HAVE VOTED FOR TRUMP... so those wishing to form the state of Jefferson..and break free from California...hold maybe some of those state officials..many disagree WERRE THEY ELECTED OR SELECTED BY ILLEGALLY ACTS OF MACHINES..ETC.??? May be we the people are come to adulthood and coting for the better candidates to deal with those htins we wish govt to take care of we cannnot each do our selves.... In the name of Yahusha...whom many call Christ or Jesus since the edicts of Babylon and later Rome to hide the power of the real names....not knowing that the power of the Divine is real...and far more than a name..But it is a matter of respect to get ones name correct.. FORGIVE US ALL ..we know You even if we were not told Your name for centuries....but for a few to keep in secret and You revealed it to us..2000 years ago..and suppressed again..until now...But we know You and You know us..and may we follow You to truth and justice for one and all...and may 'justice flow down like a river...pure and clear and clean out the muck of corruption we have forgotten to keep clean out and not harm our rights and ways of following Your trugths and guidance for a heaven on earth...and goodness for always... Forgive us for being naive and ignoring the evil that surrounded us..and we let take over our lives, people communites cities...states mationand world...waiting for wars to break out depending on who is to be president in a few weeks...and worse is what seems to have gone one party that left candidates that would not cause as much worldwide concern if they had been the final vote for vs Trump.. Prayers for Doyle who is getting better again...and may no more bad things happen that never should have... and put health care back with doctors directing and stop turning our lives over to int'l stock market companies...and find another form of tax deferred bonds etc...or a new our LACK OF HEALTH CARE AND JUST LET ONE DIE....BE THE MORE PROFIT WHEN one was in pretty good health to start with...and and too many walk in and not come out alive...or in worse shape....and ITS MORE COMMON THAN ONE CAN IMAGINE... and we have to end this and the way of free market is to not have over all...AS THAT IS NOT EVEN GOVT NOW...BUT THIS INTL CABAL OF GOVT CONTRACTORS ACCOUNTABLE TO NO GOVT HERE , AROUND THE WORLD AT THE UN AND EVEN WUHAN CHINA....that is the issues...when govt does not do the work of govt....and those we ELECTED OR WAS IT SELECTED FOR US let this happen in the law of 2002... So the option is some kind of less than for bonds...etc. so monies can be investigated by anyone and any tax paid when cashed in like retirement... Those in finance ...may they ask You for guidance and if they follow You for healing the sick and feeding the hungry...and not get greedy and power hungry....they will figure it out...and we can again...have a hospital and other places of healing that we oversee in some way and respect those who went to medical schools...and help them...find te better ways to heal us and make us as healthy as possible and keep us that way....and past time to ignore the natural medicines the world has used for thousands of years that can work until one might need more than that...and have that be part of accepted practice as now there is intimatidation and even suggest options like this...and why LIFE SHOULD NOT BE A FOR PROFIT BUSINESS AND IGNORING OUR RIGHT TO HAVE IT...BE THE BEST.... and past time for our public monies used for all of us in some way now...and NO GOVT OVERSIGHT OF WHAT IS DONE WITH IT...and how we got into this pandemic of NO GOVT IN CHARGE and away goes a contract to companies formed to get it and all kinds of conflicts of interest and same entity as known bad actors...and how could rules and guidelines be ignored or let go lax like this?? and hand out a check and do as you please attitude...and soon we get a few in key DEEP STATE in collusion...doing all kinds of illegal harms and NO WONDER THEY ARE INTERFERING WITH ELECTIONS AT ALL ORGNIZED CRIME IS STEALING FROM US...and we must not let this go on.....and first CONGRESS HAS TO CHANGE THAT 2002 LAW so existin budget can be used for audits and or investigations and prosecutions...again...AS how vain were we to think that all evil is gone...and no oversight needed to see if the people;s ,money is being spent as the laws require and not disappeared with the work not done...and ghost doctors being reported as present and patients being cared for by overworked and tired souls....and not even aware that records being sent in that higher skilled were present and ghosts mean monies embezzled and lesser skilled hired and reported as doctors..etc.... and not all are able or even tranined to order treatment when needed...and saving a life.. and then being put in situaions to cover up the go along to get along...or lose ones job...and this EVIL CAN ONLY BE STOPPED WHEN WE THE PEOPLE CAN ELECT THE ONES TO STOP IT..and not let the theives...who let illegal things go on tha cause deaths and horrible physical harms....that needs to put this our of civil back to murder and assault when crimes committed cause the harms.. And more ethical companies...who would obey the laws and uphold the rights of all and actually do the work in legal manner...have no free market competition as its 'rigged' as bad as some elections were in too many areas of the USA this year...and been like that a long we lived in Philly area when corruption surfaced and a scandal..and back to the same ways...again and again...until one gets caught...and this time...NO MORE BACK TO THE OLD CORRUPTIONS..PLEASE... You taught us to GO AND SIN NO MORE.. we ignored that part.. The desperation of some to choose which candidate seemed to be very real at all levels..and more than ever we hve to clean up our elections as we the people are not stupid DEPLORABLES... and we seem to know right from wrong and have common sense...and even if we elect one that tweets and says what he thinks a little more than some would wish...IF THE ACTIONS TAKEN HELP AND NOT HURT US...than we make our choices...based on what they did and pray will still do....and we can only do the best and pray all repent and be saved and help by following Your truths to the better way of life and goodness for evermore.. HELP heal all those in need now...and may one day loved one will be on his way home and not another thing go wrong...that should never have....and may his testimony be a light to help and fix this mess...we have ourselves in..and some in health care for money?? and not for health...promoted which should be the most cost effective as health is better than treatments needed? My prayers are for all those caught in this all of us to find our way forward and we get some elected and not selected who will listen to our good medical professionals of common sense and cost efficient ways to do things and opt for the natural a choice...promoted and then more expensive other treatments when that is not enough..and that up our harming chemicals in our food supply that causes too much health issues...and find our ways to do things better...even promoting better nutrition by more local farming even in our own too many have know the full wonderful odor of fresh picked vegrbles and fruit...filling the air of our kitchens....something rarely gotten from food in a can...or food picked even weeks before...and not fresh... You made all and made it good..and we cannot even figure out how to get it to our tables fresher ..and healthier for us?? We are in a real messed up shape...and we need Your help to guide us out to goodness for one and all... In Your Holy Name Yahusha...Amen! WE CANNOT FIX THE HORRIBLE ISSUES WE HAVE IN THE USA.. in any area, at any level..unless the will of the people is upheld of who they wish elected to serve us the best they can.. That is the clog at the bottom of the swamp of corruption..our votes that should be flowing through clean and clearly seen life sustaining water of justice..and instead we have let some around this nation mess with our rights of who should be seated in offices...AND SERVE US WELL...and SELECGTED some who would further not just special interests but down right illegal and corrupt machines...that can be local, national and now international..and that big money Soros has spread around more rural America.. do not assume its all him or this service seems to have been for sale and a local election would cost?? compared to this national wide organized effort?? RICCO CASE ELECTION?? .how much went to rig elections for even local or state offices... IN KEY PLACES TO GET THIS OR THAT issue passed in this or that way?? This issue is not TRUMP VS BIDEN its the race that exposed the horror already entrenched in our systems for decades...and much longer in some key areas where we see some of the worse of poverty and suffering as when I see such...its often STOLEN GOVT MONEY INTO THE POCKETS OF UNSCRUPULOUS OFFIICALS AND ILLEGAL RIGGED ELECTIONS..IN SOME WAY...FOR WAY TOO LONG...AND BE THANKFUL when one has ethical folks in your local election boards and say thanks...but even they need our support to get up to date place that cannot be messed with from a foreign nation...with an agenda nf what we do in the USA.. DON'T GIVE UP as we work through a scandal we all let get this bad...AND PRAY THE LEGAL WINNER GETS SEATED in 1/20/21.. and right may be our state legislatures and even Congress who will be the voters on this one.. and be thankful our founders gave us constitutional back up solutions...when we let things get really messed up...and looks like we really have let this get bad and this election just brought it to the light of day and exposed.. Linda Joy Adams 11/27/20

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