
Saturday, November 28, 2020


Ecclesiastes 11 KJV - Cast thy bread upon the waters: for - Bible Gateway (spell check is still a mystery of how it works, then doesn't and like a game of hide and seek.. so will have to make sure typos get corrected more am one who often writes the whole non stop and goes back to catch typos and edits etc...afterwards...The human journey is adjusting to the waves and ways of the world...yet not losing the core of our existence. we know from the Divine...we call our eternal soul of the Divine spark of eternity we have as a unique and wonderful gift...and can only be lost by our choice to defy and cut ourselves off from the Divine of eternity... The Bible from the old testament through counts life as precious..all life...EVEN when one has an unwanted or unexpected pregnancy...within the female of the human is the Divine spark that has entered...and its beyond whomever is the human father or circumstances on the pregnancy...Even in Christ's day in first century...Judea...a woman who was said to have worn a special mantle...and she could travel alone..and be safe as the concept of life...within was to be protected... Does not mean that evil did not it did...But we yet had a billon dollar business flourishing based on the remains of the unborn.. In an era of legal abortions..the church has glossed over Bible passages which clearly say CHOOSE LIFE and THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION is MURDR OF THE INNOCENT OF THE Babies and when we are passing laws...allowing murder to take place after birth....WE ARE NO BETTER then when...the ancients....set up a big statue with a firepit in its lap and lit the fire and burned the babies alive...and anyone else the evil mob rule...decided was to be a sacrificed for power and wealth...and goodies a force would grant them...A FORCE THAT had intent to not let any soul survive in this world....and to rid the world of the most innocent..and death of all of humanity and creation has been its goal since the Garden of Eden.... and will use any means possible to make it happen...and why his cohorts have dumbed and duped us even allowing such evil to be passed in some places...and the divide we have is ABOUT LIFE...and the value of it.. And do not skip the parts of the record of human history contained in faith books like the Bible as it clearly tells us what we did so wrong as humanity...and how this led us to worse and worse sins...and without repentance and renewal we are lost souls to evil and its future of death and destruction...and WE have some now...who have lost their sense of worth of other and even themselves as if they have none to love them eternally...and who raised them? another generation who was already loosing this concept of basics of who we are....precious souls... with the Divine Spark of life..eternal...and a precious soul that the Divine loves unconditionally even when we really mess up and cause horrors to happen... Yes, not all life is conceived in the best of circumstances and at times even horrific things happened...and nothing in the Bible says we are not to do the best for each one born into this world...even if adoption may be a n alternative..And in ancient times...and in some cultures yet... blood is not as important as who raises who and called them Father and they look up to the human love and accepted as theirs.. Maybe we get a little too hung up on science and DNA..and who we are from...when DO THE MATH...and many online have done and shown this.... our ancestors were among the few million who walked out of Eygpt with Moses...and over time...disbursed to the four corners of the world for many reasons and too often sin..and losses of land and even enslavements and conquerings...and we formed other nations...and even other faiths...with a common history we had forgotten over time where it came from....In the deseert with Moses and the Divine...who led the....for 40 years of daily miracles...and learned a new way of living...isolated from the rest of the evil world of the time...of these faiths of one origins of satan himself...of human murder and public indecency with temple prostititutes...of either or same gender... The stripping of any kind of Divine Love...shared in love of two made one in a marriage or the love of family of close kin who shares and leans on each other...and celebrates and mourns as one over events of life in this world... THE FALL OF ANCIENT ISRAEL...first into a divided two kingdoms..and later lost to the whole shared in the history in the pages...of the Bible..and since its kind of scary...we do not read or share some of these parts often... how WISE SOLOMON...fell into the abomination of desolation...EVEN IN THE HOLY TEMPLE...of murder of his own children born to him...after he became know for great wisdom... AND FELL INTO THE WORSE OF loss of that... That part is not taught in our it?? and within a generation his children were in a civil war...and a mighty kingdom...and said even over here in the Americas....had ended and split into... Sin of disrespect for life...means we lose it for even ourselves... and no matter the age....unborn to elderly... we forget to care...and fool oursolves into saying its the will of the divine...AND what did Christ teach us> HEAL THE SICK AND FEED THE HUNGRY..or we have HELL.. and are to pray for Heaven on earth to be instead... And this is more than all having health contracted out public funds...all under no matter what ones health plan...IS ALLOWED TO BE SKIMMED, SCAMMED AND DISAPPEQRED AND WORK NOT DONE...AND no oversight by law of 2002... we make it clear...that LIFE IS NOT A PRIORITY FOR its never the plan...its who is running it...and whether healing is a priority..and its now when BLANK CHECKS TOO MANY OF ONE ENTITY HERE, AND ROUND THE WORLD AND EVEN IN WUHAN china...DO AS THEY PLEASE.. and even cause a war against any who would come into office and decide to stop the illegal acts and not do the job of healing of whatever part the money is to be used for.. INTENT TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT AND GOOD FOR LIFE... TO BE AS LONG AS we can have it...EACH one...and the same with food.. its not about the amount of food stamps or programs....but even growing as much as we need...and encouraging it... and stop those zoning laws that allow neatly cropped grass....BUT food is not wanted...SO WE bring some in on ships and we sit down and eat what has already lost nutrition in the delays...and even processing with chemicals to make it last...when ONCE we grew a lot of our food...and time from garden to meal was only the time to prepare it... We have gotten into an upside down world... and now are facing what we let happen to us...and cannot even hold an election without someone cheating in the process..FOR WHAT to be seated in a place of service to all..for a few years.?? We elect no gods or magicians ...and are not to idolize those we elect..But we are to respect them for their willingness to serve and do their best...and those who would use such honor to gain ill gotten gain of money and power...are not serving the Divine of life and love.. And we can honor those who serve as a model of integrity and we thank hem for their service...and we forget that all are imperfect humans and many of our former founders and leaders were also...But we can still honor them for trying to do their best even if they did things...we now know were not good.....we honor the good...and learn from their mistakes and we can honor them for that also.. As read of another statute torn down of George Washington. by those who have no concept of freedom....and before the enslaved can be free....THE REST HAVE TO BE FREE FIRST.whom some think are the fault for the enslavement...and are themselves enslaved in pasts trying to over come and some in defiance...not understanding we are each a new soul when saved from the past...and follow the good...and those statututes are there to knwo history ALL OF IT...the good as well as the imperfections of other humans who still did high and honorably things even if they were enslaved by the way of the world...yet to be redeemed as we are so close now to findin our way to that time...and a final battle of good over coming evil and freedom for one and near...and may none find themselves on the worng hell and not in heaven..on earth.....and back in 1776, we had an international cabal ruling them...more powerful than even King George III... who seemed to have some kind of medical issues...and wonder if we even knew what was going on...hiding in his high tower...or was it his basement.. AND LETTING EVERYONE else who grabbed power and making much money...were allowed to rule and get by with things...leaving a figure power...who had lost the concept of being the highest being the servant of all...and even with a constitutional monarchy still had the office of form policy and share and be a foundation for others to go ahead and pass laws and have oversight and have justice and fairness for one and all. In the name of Yahusha...whom many call Christ and or Jesus...may we thank You for teaching us the way of servant leadership...and to have respect for those who take such and honor and pray for them to do well for they serve us the best they can....and may they find their be a good influence as policies and laws are passed... And may we get our elections cleaned the ones we vote for get into office...and reflect the will of most of the people and we not forget to make sure...all have rights not just the winning side...And may life be held sacred for each one....and may the way OF CHOOSING LIFE OVER restored as the most innocent among us are here...and needing to be loved and cared for by someone willing to give and nurture the raising of each precious life... May we read all of Your inspired teachings...from the beginning of creation on through to how we can get out of the horrible mess we have allowed this world to get into...and cannot even hold an election without big money buying a rigged election for some one here here or even the highest office... for why TO SERVE? or some other reason not good intended..?? And may we pray for the process to clean up things...and reveal the issues AND MAY WE NOW TAKE HEED...and Go and sin no more....AND never again be in this horror as the whole world waits to know the future two ways seem to be by who is finally seated...and how do we honor one.. too much seems to be that did not get to the seat honorably or honestly.... It taints all of us...and puts a shadow of darkness on the whole world... much the same.... and Precious Jerusalem is still a cup of trouble..AT GROUND ZERO for the tension...over the battle of good vs evil... Prayers for continued healing for the sick and injured... and Doyle is now able to sit up and even walk some... and prayers for protection for good healing progress.... May we clean up health care and support those who care for the sick... and stop making demise of the sick...stock market profits....and change into some other way to invest...but not be dependent...on daily fluctuations of profits and losses... or matter of life and death.. And it goes on and one...wherever we turn.. with issues and problems and few willing to meet for common sense and common ground to find a way to do this or that....and hororrs could it be we have leadership all over from local boards to state houses to national...that is a nix OF THOSE WE ELECTED among those whom someone paid to have SELECTED and have split masters to follow....when You are the way of truth and life.... and some vound to another of life not matter but some special insterest of death and destruction is the way to go and hell is no place one should ever wish to be...You taught us...that... and we should all listen....JUST BECAUSE LOVING EACH OTHER AS YOU LOVE the good and happier way to be...FREEDOM . to love...and life eternal... and woe to those who follow the other way....find You and the way back and we pray they find You and turn around now... and choose the good over many have and we try and do our best in a world of falter and fall....but get up and keep on trying and never forget Love is and we have You loving eah oen of us...and knowing that gives us hope to keep on going the good way to the path of life eternal...and have happiness even in a world that is messed up...we see hope and goodness around u...and hope is real we can find our way. In Your Holy Name, Yahusha...Amen! Linda Joy Adams 11/28/20

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