
Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Linda Joy Adams: violations of civil rights page 17: ACS-Xerox contract non compliance and civil rights and Medicare Coordiantion of Beneifts and Miami Medicare Hearing office contractor and HHS Civil rights and HIPPAA complaint and attachment to CA1 and CA2
 REQUEST FOR   FORMS TO choose options to proceed...CASE # _not assigned yet__________ DATE OF INCIDENTS 1 with background info and index is__________
This is a link that reflects why contractors hired now and before had conflicts of interest to even get these contracts....and violate rights and allowed to get by with US DOL. who at least could have given due process to obey the laws and post files or lose the contract...which one Blodgett did and another got it under a different corporate name and still they are the boss at US Dept of labor a well as over at HHS is reflected in linked violations of civil rights page 17. and elsewhere..much much more..
Us Supreme court decision of 2016 is one who hires a contractor is responsible for actions of that contractor....and when  Lynn Bldogett got into impersonating the head of US Dept of labor or such power and authority of such...should have been stopped and arrangements to end contract as ground for such existed grossly… to pass lies and misinformation. Full well knowing they do not have files and references made to judges orders and get them...
..should not be done in a official gov office by real govt employees without files and documents to know for sure what is truth....and mine done routinely when they do not even have judges orders and attached orders sheet available....just the verbal words of a contractor who is to post all papers and process medical claims which is not being done ether with nearly 2 decades of oxygen ones not input as they would be paid.and the gig would be up and LET HER DIE again me...directly saying I am nothing no civil all......and blocking oxygen supplier to take me and even attempts to stop going to manufacturers...directly as my family has had to done since 2008...or I would be dead...LET HER DIE...IS REAL ATTEMPTED MURDER AND CURRENT ISSUES MAY END MY LIFE ANYWAY....FOR DISREGARDING MY CIVIL RIGHTS AND IGNORING THEFT OF MY FILES AND JUDGES AFFIRMATION OF ACCEPTED CONDITIONS AND ask me for facts as none at US DOL know them and reconstruct my files and start they could not rule when maters never had an initial decision and I DID RETURN TO WORK IN 7/90  again as they did again etc. back to 1993...the fist time the judges finally got my file after disappeared a few times. even in mail room at US DC..…....and disregard but for one who sent me some monies just before she retired and how did she get the later judges' orders...?when none others had them..?
   I have no training on processes that apply to dates or anything...all I got form OSAM in Dallas from one who answered the phone is list of EEO counselors  as process with feds as required to try and solve informally then a variety of options if not resolved....and began making contacts to several... desperately trying to find out my rights after 8/5/19...incidents as employee of US DOL which after various unions talked to about issues...and who is employer..etc.. and AFL -CIO in OKC.realized what an "employee dump" really was and done to me.... which I've had no access to even know my employee rights at all...that are required to get yearly and personnel file is to show we signed for a pamphlet and or training done..


                        REQUEST FOR NOTICES AND PAPERS TO SIGN TO INITIATE EEO with US DEPT OF LABOR with case #1 already assigned but not the others...nor decision made. (see below for background of how my files needed some real security and protection and none on them....and worse now...and no rights of even life.
                    Issues...will be provided later... as physically getting this done...
                    Parties some same at US DOL + will be provided...later...when choice is signed on formal '                   papers....of informal or file directly with EEOC>..and not sure how that even works filed many times n HHS Office has refused to put case number on any civil rights complaints filed vs contractors and HHS officials at FDA< CMS etc...MCOB  etc. as SSA not part of that anymore.. and whatever individuals did as HHS no longer had opportunity to discriminate after transfer is my fact no authority at all over was US DOL who took over..and US DOL not to obey any verbal or others orders either from SSA as not HHS and none at HHS seems to have anything at all on me.even thought filed many times....and need someone to file ADDTL ca-1 AND CA-2 , ca with on newly recognized organ of INSTITERIUM and requires leave records back to 1/10/89 be certified....and that is US DOL's job to find out who is the one to enforce laws vs other lest notify and  FECA NOTICES GOING EVERYWHERE BUT TO HHS SINCE 1994........... as well as retaliation for prior EEOC  activity which is sanctions.

        My first attempt to contact for  eeo at US DEPT OF LABOR and still there at OFCCP BACK IN 2010 and none ever looked at sf 50's and said go to civil rights office and where that is and who....and over the years at times askeeeo and what is on your employee bulletin board of online and NONE KNEW OF THEIR OWN RIGHTS..LET ALONE MINE???

        8/5/19 assigned to another peer counselor CHOSE THAT ROUTE...BUT  as each day is differing  incidents and parties some inside and outside drawn in to harass and discriminate and order to LET HER DIE ON ME IS REAL AND SYSTEMATICALLY BEING Carried out....and a hostile work environment ...HHS issues already with EEOC for former employer and as of 10/11/94 SSA is no longer part of them...and official file shows no break in employment and neither does system at US Dol since began tracking the registered employer post to real Medicare system that is hidden now since 10/6/16 and bogus one sold to all medical community in USA...for big money

            This is from a federal employee transferred into US Dept of labor as of 10/11/94 and verbally told that was the date of the first pay period I would have become an employee of Social Security administration becoming an independent agency for pay period after 10/1/94 fiscal new year.......from Health and Human services whom I had been employed there since it became HHS having been employed by the older Health education and welfare dept since graduating from college in 6/68

   I have had no rights as other employees have had over the years of training or even info on changes in process for EEO  civil rights and he process and NONE EVER GIVEN TO ME AT US DEPT OF before when went out on wage loss from FECA back in 1989 after returning to work and having horrendous reactions to chemicals in modern offices after working in many of them since 1966 even while in college....or aware of as no lung issues for sure...not aware of...medically..

               So just getting a few pages of a new law or procedure that not even the OSAM office in Dallas nor many others  at US  Dept of labor offices in various parts of USA and DC  I've been in contact with nor the Contract compliance office in 2010 and still there trying to get civil rights violations stopped... and many had my sf 50's and now ever saw the discrepancies of who is employer on them....nor mentioned it even at OPM …..and last party who had my personnel file was Ms Whipple general counsel for OPM and former acting director of OPM for a short time in 2009....And the  oddity on my sf 50's if they were in file for 10/11/94 and another in 1/97 all I have had since 10/11/94 never became part of she asked me who my employer was and I still thought it was SSA....not knowing that they had been lied to and told I had retired and got an workers comp settlement  back in 1999 and the AFGE union I was member of but as of 10/11/94 no longer my union and have never been told if I am in a bargaining unit or what that unit might be should I wish to organize and we elect to have one....

     Its like I got put in cyber space and left there to face civil rights violations that became grossly criminal and even when crimes acknowledges vs my files being rifled over and over since 10/11/94 and especially after files were transferred to Dallas from Philly  with a mountain of pending work to do on my case...a New York regional case...and any liability for payments etc should have been back on them.....and why transfer around in the first place is gross violations of my files and rights. anyway as even a temporary stay  in 8/89 - 3/90 until US Dept of Labor FECA decided what was my future had my file sent to Kansas City FECA office and horrors of misunderstanding or intentional or not of violations of my rights made things worse..  AND NO CONCERN RE SECURITY TO KEEP MY FILES AND DATA INTACT.....AND GRAVE PHYSICAL HARM CONTINUED ..

   And a missed opportunity to study a mass injury and varying outcomes for us as a medical study....but medical obstructions began on 1/10/89 when our whole office was blackballed before we go to hospital's and others as told... through the PEER REVIEW FOR THE AREA....AND ONLY I GOT DIAGNOSTIC TESTS UN as toxic exposure....all dueto a mix p of employer put on my chart...and when found out who I worked for was not admitted as planned just waiting for test results but sent home as  DISCRIMINATION VS OUR WHOLE OFFICE THAT WERE ON DUTY but for a few on leave...

 and while still at HHS in 1994   SEC OF HHS DONNA SHALALAGOT EEOC SANCTIONS FOR MY TORTUOUS TREATMENT UNDER HHS on complaints filed post initial one done...and excluding union grievances to move to another office....even though that did not really help and NOT AWARE OF A FORGERY IN FILE....INDICATING COULD RETURN TO WORK  THAT was  sent by  DELORES BRYANT ORDERING ME BACK TO WORK AS OF END OF 7/90 AND THAT not one doctor at  FECA HAD ALLOWED MY RETURN  AND THE HANDWRITING ON THE ACTIVITY FORM IS NOT THAT OF MY WORKERS COMP ATTENDING PHYSICIAN.....and she is also the one who hired Osama Bin Ladin to work in our office when later one tried to stop 9/11/01 and was told by those in 2 different us atty office looking for the blood and skin samples suppose to be at NJ health dept for toxic exposures in the state of nj….by law...for the public good....that he was not a citizen at all..even though he told us his mother was...

and he worked there 3 weeks and quit the day after got access to systems  and the day in 12/88 caught him in building with stolen keys to office and stairwells and he went for his famous sabre and a miracle of a bright light behind me and whatever he saw he quick unlocked the door to the stairs in the dark hallway where we had to do to restrooms....and exited as if whatever he saw scared him....

then in 1/89, he came in to pick up his HHS w-2 and I had reported him being there with Marty's missing keys...stolen off his office and building.. that housed all kinds of secretive issues...   (who is the DEEP STATE? when reading what happened back in fall of 1988? and one can surmise as none allowed to a few seem to block any attempts and allow one civil servant who just went to work one day, did her job and a toxic cloud enveloped me in a new building that could not have passed city, state or federal inspections for us to have entered back in 7/88 and the gas detectors did not even go had many times with no affect I was aware of...and they TURNED THEM OFF?? AS LATER LEARNED THAT JERSEY CITY FIRE DEPT HAD CITED THEM AND ONE MORE TIME CALLED BY THEM..WOULD BE CONDEMNED AS UNSAFE AND FIX THE FLAWS IN VENTILATION ETC....)

               He then exited (told this later) by opening a door that was always locked to the stairwell in center of office and soon after fumes slowly began to rise....

I spent two years trying to stop 9/11/01 after he declared war on he used to stand near my desk and stare in an obsessive manor at the twin towers..across the river...

 and late in the , morning of 9/11/01, our son came in and turned on TV as I was still asleep and said mom he did it as he had met him back in 5/88 when both took the civil service test at same time...and tried to recruit him for work on computers to make $300 thousand in 3 months.....AND MANY REPORTED THAT SOMEONE WAS SEATED AT THEIR DESKS AT NIGHT IN FALL OF 1988 AND DELORES BRYANT cautions that someone had left system logged on.....  but consensus  is DATA MINED ON AL IN USA WITH SSN..

Our son never went to work for suspicious of something not right....and went to work on wall street for prudential instead..

   HHS OIG WAS CALLED BY UNION STEWARD AS I OVERHEARD HIM  when back in 7/88  a person hired and in training  with him who used to be a Jersey city policeman was suspicious and found out that DELORES BRYANT HAD NOT DONE ROUTINE CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS ON ANY OF THOSE 23 IN HIS class of trainees….and NEVER HAD HAD ANY FINGERPRINTED YET.....we had no ideas who was in our office...  and real peoples records were used for their training....

and NONE OF US WERE EVER AWARE BEFORE OR AFTER TOXIC FUMES....and also told by FBI afterwords that they were never allowed to investigated the first terror attack in USA...and real danger is stolen id's of entire profiles of many to put an army inside the USA  and be sleeper cell until called into whomever was in charge...of his organization which Sec Rumsfeld has said the USA intelligence in 1975 created al queda  and created doubles of Bin Ladin…..AND WONDER IF HE FIGURED OUT HIS ID WAS GOING TO BE GIVEN ANOTHER AND HE WAS NOT TO BE THE MAHDI TO CRAWL OUT OF THE WELL IN one or two may still be alive of those picked back in 1975...

  and before law changed to preclude suing Saudi Arabia FECA MADE ME FIND AN ATTY AND FILE....SO WHO IS VIOLATING MY CIVIL RIGHTS AND STEALING / disappearing forever

FILES ETC...OF MINE....and my blood and skin samples told were in evidence vs him from 1990 not 1995 and should there ever be a trial I could be called to testify....SO WHERE IS MY WITNESS PROTECTION? even

  or even routine security on my files...

    But back on 9/11/01, as  woke up with twin towers burning and collapsing I said..." HE DID IT...I COULD NOT STOP IT....AND I will never get my workers comp back now as the cover up will be greater than ever....."

     MORE is in Daily Recap added 9/11/16...It had only taken me a few calls to learn what the 9/11/commission spent 40 million on and decided to not go back before 1995 and blew the mission of what laws were needed to prevent another such attack....

    Nothing in process to capture all calls and referrals when one is on the 10 most wanted list....and they had the wrong doubles picture on poster as look at the videos and the real one is in the earlier ones and his voice... the taller double was seen by me at day of test....and double took the test instead...and our son witnessed all this as he had been talking to him and sat near him and real one went to restroom and another returned..  I saw three of them and maybe there is a only know what Sec Rumsfeld said on TV...when promoting his book..

 and FBI poster gave  differing birth one who is the original by pics etc...gave birth date as 2/4/62 and 4 of our employees saw it on the civil service papers they filled out fr their personnel files...   AND TO MANY AMONG THOSE WHO STUDY THESE THINGS....crucial date for one to be born....that is not a good guy at all.. This is the work environment I was returned to on a forgery back in 7/90...when neither my FECA  and attending pulmonologist...nor reviewing doctors internally at FECA.2 of them ever allowed me to return to work...I WAS NOTIFIED BY DELORES BRYANT...HAD TO OR SUFFER CONSEQUENCES..ETC.....  WENT AS NOTHING DONE TO ASSURE REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS...NOT CLEAR FOR ANY BUT A DOCTOR TO UNDERSTAND ON FORM INITIALED GC and my doctor had unique and clear handwriting and its not his signature...NO IDEA WHERE IT CAME FROM.... and my doctor did not know  and he said this has to be filled out and for me to get a form  and I was at work...and he signed clear restrictions…..and did not realize gossip and slander as if was the forger on the later one....LOOK AT THE HANDWRITING AS AL OF DR C'S NOTES WERE IN FILE...CLEARLY NOT MINE... AND NO EXPERT TO TELL EITHER...


      I have two emails and pray this gets things better understood...and my chance to live many more years should ….if can get daily injury stopped caused by real discrimination….

the one this will initially come from is not  one usually used..but other one will be on faxed and signed hard copy...

 at this time am represented by spouse Doyle Adams but an atty of record is being kept FECA case is established and never  should have been rifled over and over and then disappeared me and it...from all ….over and over and never let a crime victim's rights be restored back to first horrific event of real crimes in Dallas FECA as of late 1997 when some hints of problems...for Philly sending them big backlog to finish as if they should have done this there....and I got caught in issues between FECA offices....when this is a new York case and they were talking re permanent disability back in fall of 1989.after FECA doctor and those reviewing for US DOL at Mt Sinai..talked  ....and not allowed to go some where we still owned a house and could live cheaper until decisions were made on my US DOL had not changed residency since going to NEW YORK BACK IN 1987 AND GOT CALLED FOR JURY DUTY...and a way out of daily injury to wait and luckily never got called so only had to show up a few times and not get picked .....

Philly had some kind of issues but did make all files more secure after they found my file rifled back in 1990 but Kansas city would not release file when got to PHILLY WHERE DOYLE COULD GET WORK THERE...and went ahead....and I followed a couple of months later...TO MAKE SURE I WAS RELEASED FOR WORK EVEN..... AND WAS NOT....'Some tried to do what was right and not violate my rights....but seemed to be stopped by others at US Dept of labor....under real threat or coercive  attitudes...and last few  letters sent out with false Info in defiance of US DOL  judges.and referred to as truth when any call..with valid need to verify..ETC..such as medical sources.....HAS BECOME A DEADLY SHORTENING OF LIFE...AND VIOLATED THE 1988 LABOR LAW OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL  which is how my medical became permanent at FECA and few know of this law..when put on oxygen for life...and approved for liquid oxygen by Dallas and paid for and current owner of system..Blodgett...has deleted any reference to payments but I have hard copied and many resubmission all over on that.....

  FECA FOR FEDS is not to be an adversarial program...and merits of case alone is the rights under this...and mine have been met more than once....and now need to be made whole  and process all that is still legally pending even if disappeared....and why after made whole currently then start the work as twice before was started even by sec of Labor Elaine Chao and someone interfered and disappeared all the boxes of files...and last time director of FECA tried again...and they had a worker with much of file....and someone had said..YOU DID NOT GO BACK TO WORK IN 7/90 AND WORK STOPPED WITH PERMANENT MEDICAL NONE AT DALLAS SEEMED TO BE AWARE OF  and even if one had not returned to work as has occurred...I STILL WOULD NOT HAVE LOST MEDICAL RIGHTS OF BILLS PAID....and since oxygen is permanent  at FECA and Medicare judges affirmed I have permanent  life benefits for liquid oxygen   as secondary primary employer plan   for family and all my bills FECA and none seem to know their own laws or regs as all is what is being made up and done currently ….and no way to apply laws to older cases ??AND FECA IS THE ONE TO PAY AS APPROVED...FOR LIFE....and one does not end life support when work issue is appealed..? ..

1997 in Dallas was .. first indication other than just backlogs of processing many .....and similar in other contracts held elsewhere....but this will be in each case...and what has been filed on 8/5/19 is background to others

and in 1997,  US DEPT OF EDUCATION FOUND ME DISABLED UNDER THEIR STANDARDS AND WAIVED STUDENT LOANS....and their disability is more severe of not even able to go to school...and was based on work related injuries as has no other health issues precluding employment.. only took them a few months to do this...when realized that no way would be able to go to school for a doctorate...etc. as wanted to do...and had contacted local schools  in North Texas  and then when accepting work was over and so was school  filed with US Dept of Education and we bought a home and acreage in OK...out a way from fumes and major highways. but closer to civilization...stores doctors .as we had left back east when FECA doctor wrote permanent and I filed for schedule award and permanent disability never realizing that moving would cause such horrific discrimination  and was among back to see FECA  doctor. in NJ...and then  DALLAS WOULD NOT ALLOW ME TO HAVE A DOCTOR OUT OF REGION... and some horrors since then.. I tried to say I will pay over the maximum amount to go a couple of times a year....but resistance...and real discrimination and why? if I was willing  and even asked them to OK federal rate for airplane ticket...which was cheaper almost that gas to doctors in Dallas which was OK... they laughed at discrimination began soon after got to Dallas FECA....…....and told by doctors TOXIC AND CHEMICAL INJURES NOT TREATED IN THIS REGION...AND REAL DISCRIMINATION IF ONE HAS ONE....AND WHY THIS IS A FEDERAL PROGRAM WITH ACCEPTED BENEFITS ALREADY. What do the other injured do in this area with no pulmonary doctors allowed to treat us...and have my federal benefits intact as approved and doctor be allowed to treat?

    Linda Joy Adams
    address e mails and phone on message attached...
   faxes coming...signed...



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