Daniel 1 KJV - In the third year of the reign of - Bible Gateway
This is a direct link to an excellent source of many translations and Bible helps. FOR THOSE OF FAITH...and others are respected who are not of mine or none.. being fit for duty is taking care of ones physical being as well as being filled with wisdom and common sense...and for us of faith..a spiritual core that makes treating all other with respect of their rights just a way of life or one and all to even have life ..to be followed...
CASE # NUMBER 1. DATE OF 8/5/19 AND ALL THAT COMES TO play from many parties at that visit....NEED SAFE MEDS TO STAY ALIVE AND FECA CAN AND IS TO DO THIS FOR AT LEAST ONE OF THEM.. theophylline powder as isn't it made by itself before bonded? as own doctor prescribed but obstructed....... and millions others might be able to get it also who need it in safe form and none now made.....
and what current EEI-DOL informal counselor should be able to handle and first is get my info as employee as none from any agency at all...as not sure as seems as if one no longer goes to EEO informal counseling first....and that locks one in for arbitration and what of damages or punitive damages with that....or if all asked for is not done..like cooperation on a false claim suit vs DOL's own contractor...then I could still be dead within months instead of years....and nothing done for self or family left with no livelihood they should have of survivor benefits..without more years of hassle...
I WAS A CRIME VICTIM AND NEVER MADE WHOLE AFTER US DEPT OF LABOR INVESTIGATED CRIMES AND FOUND THEM RAMPANT.....AND CONTRACTED OUT TO PROVIDE SECURITY ON Files WHICH HAS BEEN THE BIGGEST ISSUE AT DOL with then too many trying to bluff their way through and listening to the contractors as if he was the sec of labor...and whose only job is to post all papers coming in from any source...AND NOT MANIPULATING OUTCOMES BY BEING VERBAL INFO SOURCE TO ANYONE...
Certified letter sent and follow ups after judges orders...and then decisions made without them...that make no sense as did return to work every time FECA doctor okayed it.... AND APPEARS IN 7/90 WHEN I DID...HE NEVER SIGNED THE WORK ACTIVITY REPORT... and when he did later on...in detail and same handwriting as in all his notes in file....he was specific which the (forgery?) was carefully done...but only a trained doctor would understand it meant the same thing...removal of chemical barriers and non exertional job...( ones legs might be fine...but when you pick one up to walk you are lifting more than 0-10 lbs..!) and HHS would not let me work with regional handicapped coordinator to make sure these were net...or might have been working in another agency as the 1995 letter from SSA which IS STILL NOT HHS BUT THIS SHOULD HAVE ALL BEEN DONE BACK IN 1990 and the reviewing doctors for FECA never said to send me to work until a full medical evaluation done...and was not done... WITH MANY AGENCIES TO FIND IF WORK COULD BE DONE WITH THEM AND SINCE WORKED WITH MOST OF THEIR PROGRAMS OVER THE YEARS.WELL QUALIFIED FOR SAME OR EVEN HIGHER GRADE LEVEL WORK... and before any of these rights worked out..US Dept of Education...ruled not able to even go to school based on accepted injuries at FECA in 1997 and MORE RETALIATION over than even vs the FECA DOCTOR...
FECA OFFICE IN 9/89 AFTER REVIEW FROM THEIR DOCTOR FROM MT SINAI...IN NY was talking about permanent disability then....and doctors there knew I was done for...work wise..
CRIMES AT US DEPT OF LABOR NOT CEASED NOR AT HHS.. BUT AT LEAST THEY GOT JUDGES ORDERS...AND EVENTUALLY FILES RECONSTRUCTED...BUT LONG TIMES AND SOME INSIDE BLOCKING ILLEGALLY and I had no knowledge of some in the upper hierarchy out on leave with full pay under criminal investigations...some for 20 years...? and ongoing obstructions from even SSA on that file with complaints to State Atty gen OVER COERCION VS DISABILITY CASE TO PUT DOWN SOMETHING AS DIAGNOSES NEVER HAD AND CLEARED OF HAVING SUCH.....AND NOTHING ABOUT ASTHMA'S ETC and those records have been bleached and no record case ever there so how did I get Medicare before age 65 then?
CORRUPTION CORRUPTS ALL OVER...AND THAT WOULD BE A STATE CASE AND SAME parties as different corporate heads and sub contractor crowns...will not post or let be processed matters at SSA on my claims apart from any employment when they were HHS...
visit to pulmonologist 8/5/19 and found LIES TO HIM and even thought had the theophylline neutralized....and he gets his info from summary from managers....who work for another capped head...of this multi headed and subdivided...entity... FECA HAS NO PULMONOLOGISTS IN THIS REGION LISTED TAKING WORKERS COMP AND NEITHER DOES THE STATE REGULATED ONES..FROM NON FEDS... what are they all doing? life ending before they should scenarios...is the reports...
And this needs to be handled delicately to protect those doctors from outside coercion from their own insurers and entities they work under....and this has not been happening....and none inside DOLINSTITERIUM which doctors have know is real since 1/10/89 but govt just accepted last month who will take our cases other than broken bone types..etc...
Incidents occur twice daily that in order to stay live...have to take what I have not fully neutralized in my own kitchen....and end up with inflammation and swelling and fluid...WHICH IS ACCEPTED FOR LUNGS.....AND NOW NEED TO KNOW HOW TO GET THE ADDITION OF THE institerium to my claims examiner when there is no system way to file it and if faxed will not be seen to be worked...and files not available to even know judge orders....and need a stop and desist order from Acting sec of labor and others in charge...to stop making decisions without the facts, data and even judges orders to ask MS Adams...as none of them know says the judges...
And real obstructions of my rights of even life is going on ...and financial harms...
Need to be made whole and case worked...with some pending matters even judges have referred to as far back as some bills still not paid from 1989 and then health ins and medicare reimbursed....and on me its not one bill....but one bill turned into up to 17 since 1/1/06 and that would not be FECA's responsibility but for the fact,,,that misinformation sent out and medicare got the claims ever...and should never have had any on me...And my need for even part B for myself or Part D medicare should never existed....
So with issues over at HHS where injured and EEOC sanctions ….and the same party (s) wearing multiple heads...and crowns...all over the govt....I can only address to what is done with him or those...as working for US Dept of Labor...who gets the first contact from any seeking medical care....and from then on a horror...of violations of civil rights none has helped address....and even daily or near so e mails to follow up etc....only makes me a nuisance trying to assert my civil rights and even right of life...
Crimes were committed vs my file...and even judges affirmed this...and need to go back to before the first rifling in Dallas FECA office...and made whole for current medical and financial needs.. and my current doctors be treated well with professional courtesy and NO FLACK OR COERCION for applying accepted medical treatment standards...as I and they agree to..and what FECA has already approved for me and 1988 labor law says all medical care...since put on home liquid oxygen for life 25 years ago... or had the green bottles at first...
THE THEOPHYLLINE without deadly bonded as they used dehydrated lactose....would save me from the dangers of inflammation and swelling and edema all over my body that has not been made in safe form for over 4 years...by Pliva of TEVA and I got every pill any drugstore or pharmacy seemed to have left 2 years ago...in 100 miles...it seems were called...
I even have a spice meter for milligrams...as without this oxygen does not synthesize into cells plus its an anti inflammatory at the DNA or cellular level also...
Then need to get the pirbeuterol for a rescue inhaler....and my current doctor said if it was given in a water soluble from 45 years ago for left ventricle heart failure which comes from lung pressures of blood backing up in lungs...then could it be compounded as has been done successfully for two other inhalers...using synthetic cortisone steroid as well as stabilizer for bronchio spasms as tubes weakened....the cromylin sodium....AS OVER THE COUNTER now has inflammers added and is not an allergy nasal spray at all...HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ALLERGIES AND NOT AN ANTIHISTAMINE WHICH IS OPPOSITE TREATMENT FOR ME...IF IT WERE..
AND ON 8/5/19 when saw doctor a list of adverse actions came to light but not vs my doctor who has been lied to big time and not the only one...lost my endocrinologist over this...and now know why? horrible...situation....to this day....and another set up he got coerced into is my supposition...
How does what occurred on 8/5/19 that revealed what happened later last year affect and another civil rights violation and points to the one with 7? corporate hats and 10 sub contract crowns as one believed and obeyed by all.
Meeting a deadline must be made...is horrific when one has had no rights of info as federal employee EFFECTIVE 10/11/94 except for FEHB health changes .literally dumped into an in house system at SEC OF LABOR'S OFFICE..and I have never personally met any of them at all who occupied that role...as my boss....and THEY ARE THE REGISTERED EMPLOYER THAT POSTS BI WEEKLY AND NOT RETIRED AND THE FECA LAWS SAY I AM NOT PER LAWS AND AFFIRMED BY GEN COUNSEL FOR OPM...as local office at FECA seems to need a lot of training on the laws they work with...on me and affirmed at times still there....in USA..
Worse is none having to make decisions on matters inside the real govt know this....even though have submitted SF-50's formal official papers..... rumor, gossip and a myriad of personal interpretations of law...have circulated as facts while my civil rights and those affected in my family on my primary Blues policy and although eh contractor at Medicare gets this info of currently still employed as the law says so....THAT I HIDDEN FROM ANYONE OF OUR MEDICAL PROVIDERS and utter chaos in our medical care....and worse is FECA is responsible to see to it I get the theophylline powder from several pharmaceutical companies who make it before its bounded with life ending additives...
RIGHT TO TRY law needs to apply to me.....and Sec of labor etc. needs to ask for a waiver to supply it alone...and then pay for it...and the synthetic...not have any other residuals in it either...or just the powder is available...too just not widely used...
My own doctor prescribed this over 2 years ago...now....and FECA nor DOL taken any responsibility to sustain my life as they are over me....and always will be....legally...
I AM WILLING TO GO INFORMALLY and give those inside a chance to work things out...and get a clear process in place to make me whole and make right all the false info spewed out in various segments....and keep alive.... so obstruction of medical care and false info needs to stop...and if a waiver to process by paper...have someone work it as at times was started but someone stopped it all...violating my rights....
My current doctor and doctors need some real assurances they will not go through what the former one did...and he is still not paid by FECA fully etc...
need to be get current income and medical care taken care of and LINCARE NEEDS BACK BILL PAID OF ABOUT $100,000 as being a TX provider carried me.until one who works for US DEPT OF LABOR AT ACS said I got a check for a million dollars to pay for my medical care.....and never got such...and where is it?? certified letters and follow ups ? never answered by anyone...and only Forbes Mag and OIG at opm etc. says embezzled and how many of us left with nothing ?.and go commit fraud even told me at FECA as if letting Medicare pay WAS LEGAL and its not by current laws.unless recovered and DOL HAS TO SUPPORT ME AND THE US TAXPAYER AND GET IT DONE.......and FECA has never answered any letters on that and LYNN BLODGETT WHOM THEY THOUGHT WAS A HIGH LEVEL GOVT OFFICIAL AND HE LIED AND TOLD THEM NOT TO DO ANY MORE RECOVERY LETTERS TO HIM FOR ANY FECA...AND would not repay...and will not input any oxygen claims As they would be paid at FECA and the gig would be up and to let ne die is the order....and did he mean and Bill Blodgett now....that if they input an oxygen claim...the whole embezzlement ring house of cards will crumble?..and a promise of no more obstructions.....and if there was a million dollars missing..replace it and go after whomever for stealing it...and I will cooperate...and if anyone interferes ever again....step in... AND US Dept of Labor did nothing to counter that..if anyone told them...and OIG REPORT AND LOTS OF DOCUMENTS....2/17 CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY IS THAT ANOTHER CORPORATE HAT OF ONE ENTITY....all over the govt...has not sent many of these fraud reports into the real OIG ...and they have no reports of thefts that seem to be more than the national debt all over under this one cabal...some called a beast system as its not done much good at all...for me....and heard for others...nor for the taxpayer...
As for rest that needs processed....MY certified letter suggested finish up 1989 and more forward....and then there is the full cooperation need on third party out on NJ to reimburse taxpayer...and wish I had access to faster than an old fashioned fax machine...and for me to do this..fumes...as no wi fi working in back room...
I think and hope that getting the inflamer removed so constant injury ( no way to get even accident reports to FECA and then have then disappeared...etc..) at least I can help more than am now... even getting this in in time to not lose the one chance in years of trying to get here...to help.. and get some official legal clarification on rights of injured federal workers...never to be dumped into another agency or dept and left with no rights...as SEC OF LABOR NOT EVEN NOTIFIED...of matters and did not get a CC COPY OF LAST LETTER THAT HAS DONE REAL HARM...to any who pull up my case and little there since 1998 AND NO JUDGES OR FILES...OR WHOLE TRUTHS...
THEN THE PIRBEUTEROL may need cooperation with other sources... and the active duty military needing these also...want to sue FDA not knowing and I spoke to the chief of staff of the house chair for armed services AND THY WERE NOT AWARE of how messed up this is with govt not knowing anything even FDA is not getting truths and all of med watches from the same entity of many corporate heads and sub crown contracts... and the environmentalists aroused of trying to ease methane restrictions as it was used as propellant in Max Air...ad I only ran out of my stash a few months ago...as for last few years, being at home and out in the rural some...less inflamers but still used it a couple of times a day...NOW NOTHING TO KEEP LUNG PRESSURES DOWN....ETC..
and although pirbeuteral should be in public domain patent wise...somehow in 1989 it got wrapped into patent rights as inhaler from pill form....and need some chemists to figure this out...and should not be a big deal....if water soluble...and add drops in a saline solution to distilled water in bubble cup attached to liquid oxygen....and others...a nebulizer....but tried that...with other inhalers compounded and machine gives off an inflaming odor and tried the bubble cup and doc said fine...and better as get a minute among 24/7 and thousands of dollars cheaper per year and even month and its past time to look at what my doctors and I have done right all these years to survive far longer than most are expected to now...and my mortality is facing me directly as being injured bi daily....even if getting much neutralized its not all and none is able to help legally with all the liability factors and why FECA IS DIFFERENT AS THE FEDS ARE SELF LIABLE... and surely would use caution....as natter of course. and help...and find solutions that others could also use...
AS FOR THE REST OF CASES NEED SEPARATE CASE NUMBERS? AND if to stay with same peer counselor that is the decision of the CIVIL RIGHTS OFFICE... but would not be precluded from what happens elsewhere or any others dates as 8/6/19 two more injuries and all the civil rights violations that go with those.as choice is to die now or faster in a few months...when should not have to be injured to stay alive if helped to get what is being manufactured to me by itself...and prescribed.but blocked by FDA REG TO BE MADE ALONE AND THEN PAID FOR WHEN FECA CAN ALONE OK PAYMENT.........and as SEEMS NEED ANOTHER CASE FOR SURE WITH A OFCCP that led to real horror as tried to make form fit to file....and mass chaos and got into a real set up AND IF I AM NEEDED AS WITNESS FOR ANY CRIMINAL TRIAL...can it be done via video cam or phone...etc...as the crimes are massive...and unknown how culpable some inside govt can be charged with real crimes....and suspect there are and so did OIG at OPM and others complicit in this and how a shell company got to take over and worse than ever now,,,,with no provisions to even get info into systems and find no instructions and none sent me to of how...and told to do what is not right....via a FECA MANAGER.... this beyond what has surfaced so far,,,, INFORMAL COUNSELING helps as it can find out who followed whose orders...and ethically fell to a civil rights violation that they can attempt to make right... or who actually is complicit in real crimes...
AND DAMAGES AND PUNITIVE....NEED COOPERATION ON FALSE CLAIMS FROM US DEPT OF LABOR AND HHS AND SSA AND ANY OTHER PARTY DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN CRIMES VS ME AND THE UNITED STATES... and go forward when total damages are tallied vs third party waiting for reimbursement to tax payer FECA required me to file and a one attorney or nearly so office filed it... AND IF NOT AGREED TO...then will need to go to EEOC...but would rather give our new leadership a chance and informal counseling for that..is OK..
And for the next day etc... new incidents but allow what has been submitted so far as background info... 1. need my employee rights as of 10/11/94 and info of what they were and are since then...
And may our efforts help not only me...but others in the USA..and save medical costs for all of us and taxpayers too... as one of faith...what pain and suffering and slander etc. gone through may end up exposing weaknesses in our systems that can get corrected so no one else ever has to face this. and never have workers in unsafe even new buildings and turn off the gas detectors so alarms did not go off when the toxic fumes started to rise into our office....
And will finish out the initial questions for 8/5/19
then go on to new incidents....and the back ones before 8/5/19 are crucial also....to come later...
I still am not clear on these new procedures with EEO since 10/11/94 and what are the materials employees of Labor getting or got ...to know...and send me.. as this is a life and death matter....and just getting the powder alone and paid for by FECA hopefully will extend my life a few more years...as FIRST Priority and FECA CAN DO WHAT FEW OTHERS ALLOWED TO DO... Then the rest of the harms stopped and all who got misinformation notified...so try and replenished my reputation harmed over it...then big issue is if something new comes up about the 8/5/19 day....that should be at EEOC,,,then am I locked out with respect to DOL? that is not clear....as new info comes to light it seems almost daily on some part of this whole..horror of violation of civil rights that never should have occurred...that changes all and then a new incident with ongoing harms...?
And have added in religion as its my faith that has got me through this and our secular laws of the land are in agreement with my faith beliefs except for capitol punishment...and some matters beg for updated laws and my faith leads me to advocate for some changes... All life id precious and even if my faith says this or that one doing something that might be considered a sin...I STILL CARE AND RESPECT their choices...and on the other side of this life...a DIVINE will judge..
Respect the person and their rights and civil rights as a human being first...and much of the rest follows and the laws of the land upheld...and updated as needed...Congress hurry up on a mountain of backlog on that one.. and I do not expect to ever get picked on a murder trial where the death penalty is asked for......but if the AG OF USA ASKS ME TO TESTIFY VS ONE IF ASKED FOR...WILL TELL THE WHOLE TRUTH TO THE BEST OF MY HUMAN ABILITY.TO DO SO...and the jury and the Divine on the other side..decide eternal fate... Too many have died at the hands of some of the same parties and our beings cry out for justice....and so far little seen... LOVE TO SEE THE BLODGETT'S (NAMED AS SOURCE OF MISINFORMATION PASSED ON BY THOSE WHO DID HARM WHEN NOT TRUTH... and or others directly involved...I suspect but not yet know for sure...SITTING IN A JAIL CELL PROCESSING THIS MOUNTAIN OF CASES TO MAKE ME WHOLE...AND NOT GET OUT UNTIL DONE...AND MONIES PAID. and many owed a lot of money be made whole in this also.....DUE FROM DOL and the rest from wherever they stashed or sent it and my share divided with US Govt for pain and suffering and punitive damages in a false claim suit... then on to the other one... This is not about me getting wealthy as would be far more than current poverty if had worked to retirement and done whatever else with my life in a healthy body... and damaged lungs of a singer my whole life..and avocation that surely would have been utilized more even... FINANCIAL STRUGGLE SHOULD NOT BE AS WE LIVE MODESTLY even before...injured....but life and health is PRICELESS and nothing short of new medical miracles...seems to be any hope this side of where my faith says is ahead...when will get new heart, lungs kidneys and all the rest restored...and some say even lose my gray hairs back to full color when younger...is ahead...but in the meantime I choose to live in this world as long as possible..
Linda Joy Adams 10/3/19
Doyle Adams______________
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