
Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Isaiah 41 KJV - Keep silence before me, O islands; and - Bible Gateway

          Posted another's commentary on this chapter...which much of Isaiah is then, before then and future even unto our times... 

                           VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE 71- PREFACE


(courts have ruled that anything posted online and signed is legal filing with govt....and this is my more legible way to get it done...due to my handicap and no way to access a form online and fill it out as many agencies do for others matters...and at US Dept of labor denied this ability even for FECA filings as excluded for being an employee of HHS when injured....and they no longer list SSA under them as agency....and on date of first pay period for SSA official transfer to US Dept of Labor occurred and my personnel file has not been seen since except for a copy with MS Whipple at OPM  and have no idea what is says now..or what has survived there and why she said  still employed says the Sec of labor also and Medicare judges got that confirmation from the Sec of Labor also on M09-1406 that the same one who works for them...has that judges orders 'hidden' should be posted real legal issues for many   and their systems under the same info giver as US Dept of labor...has excluded my FECA category from their systems....and cannot be the only one..

AND THOSE NOT OF MY FAITH....YOUR PERSONAL BELIEFS ARE RESPECTED....BUT DO TO ISSUES ARISING IN EEO MATTERS..RELIGION IS NOW ADDED AS PROTECTED principles that were taught by Christ...and our system of govt grounded in those freedoms and free will and personal rights that for the first time in human history...more have access to have them......and some entities are obstructing us all from having them....and doing some real harms in the process....and time our legal systems and civil rights laws etc.. to protect us from these horrific violations being allowed to go on for has occurred vs me and mine....

                I share my faith  as example of why what was slandered about me in a false law enforcement report is so far from what said, did and a set up of harms beyond US Dept of labor attempted...and once in systems  how does one clear their name..and rights with the truth that was falsified? There is real compensatory damages as well as punitive intentionally disregard ones civil rights and them engage in an intentional process to slander and harm even to ordering Let her die....that is still being carried out.... Yet all humans can have redemption....but how does one reverse physical harms and mere humans.... and why actions that harm must be stopped and whatever can be done to make things rights and whole done....and then actions to help maintain...civil rights of even life...which should and could have been done already....and was illegal acts and coercions. That caused the horror we are now in of NO SAFE MEDS for me to even buy to stay alive and live as long as medical science and nature would allow....and others have not made it...through...and as one of faith...there is an eternal judge...that may have to deal with those who do not get brought to justice in our human legal systems or EEO...and those who allowed this to not will be judges by the my faith.....but in the meantime....we humans are to pursue our rights for one and all....and in a peaceful manner....even if that is seen as a weakness by those doing such awful things....who seem to have lost their ethics...or as we say in faith...their souls to a darker force....

    And those who go along and ignore the plight of me etc....its your job with DOL see to it rights of everyone that deal with any govt entity be treated fairly...mercifully and not violate our civil rights by illegal acts being done vs, us, and our data and files....and even judges remand orders.....and none in govt is to be ordered to use gossip and rumor and verbal unverifiable info  as official decisions and sign letters as if this is truth and a blatant lie,,,done by one or few we yet have not the total names of ….some basic training of this needs to happen.....And as Civil Servants. of the people of the USA and those who work for us never to send out lies as facts to congress and obstruct them from having cases to make laws...that will help preserve our rights better...or fix some issues...that led to no safe meds for me....and any others of my often are injured workers....private or govt....and under US Dept of Labor laws in some way....that could help even non DOL employees..which it seems US Dept of labor may not know how many we are....

                I am now asking any one to read the next as a faith filing...but to reflect my personal faith that got badly violated and insulted recently by US Dept of labor..employees and my attempts to plead my met with intentional yelling of misinformation by Mr..T....supervisor of A..who called me thoroughly confuse...and the filing should have been sent to Civil Rights coordinator at US Dept of Labor...(names will be fully added in signed filing faxed)


    In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus...may my fears of life ending be set aside....and may Your strength and support guide me through getting all that is needed to be down  that is a mountain of papers and ink that in itself are harming as proven by test results..also being shared with these filings as alteration of a landmark protocol down on me in 1994 by NIH doctors was found to be lied about to all and how long is still unknown how much harm and how many all over for this alterations done by same parties...and any new ones who went along with it and passed on false info to even obstruct medical care for me.....and others with similar toxic and chemical exposure diseases... Help me have the physical strength...and ask for prayers of any of faith and good thoughts from directed to all those who might be able to resolve this , as I know they can....if they chose to do what their jobs already say are to do for me.....and not many others are affected by what is done to this one humbler civil servant of the people of the USA>..and believer in You....wish for my life not to end before it should nor any others...and for many should not...In Your Holy Name  Amen!

                                             VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS: PAGE 71

                                                          PREFACE TO INITIAL QUESTIONS.

      REQUEST for civil rights as protected classed of Disability, age, sex, religion + retaliations for prior EEO  actions... and as witness or influence for other cases...won or before EEO now at DOL   but many named not only work for US Department of Labor...bur for other non govt well as for other govt departments.....

 Some who access this are Not of my same faith...or even personal interpretation of it....and I respect all who have faith as a personal matter that none other can force long as the laws of the land...forbidding murder, theft and perjury and violations of human rights are obeyed...which for years have been ignored on me with harsh and unrelenting care or concern...even illegal acts constantly including LYING TO CONGRESS on my behalf which obstructs anyone there from even beginning to fix this deadly horror....for me and others....and obeying rumor and gossip passed on from untruths from the source of this who now rules by a real the one who works for them.....when legally the opposite should be and due process when laws of land no upheld as terms of do work..... and when I am slandered and lies made up as happened multiple times in the last 2 months of an ongoing slander...etc... I do not have a WHITE HOUSE PULPIT TO DEFEND MYSELF  and only able to go online and share the truths and my side of matters...ORGANIZED SET UPS  THAT HAVE MADE ME OUT TO BE ONE OF THE WORSE AMONG ALL OF US....A Christian who means no harm to any...even those who do me harm....but with the legal systems we have in place would work to stop a hell on earth...that has become more of a way of life...even when some matters seem to be getting better...

    ( I have added in religion to protected Christian principles of life having value and justice and freedom and rights of each....seem to be dwindling daily....and officials at DOL employed there as well as work for contractors...are under their official authority of the USA>...but the opposite seems to be the norm.....


            My penmanship is horrific with full blood not always getting through....when not immobile now...etc...

       And have to meet a deadline in rules at EEO- Dol and everyday something new comes up and late last night is the info on the very office that did me such cruelty a few days ago..did not know they had dealt with Lynn Blodgett as owner of Dell....and am aware of his new employees when he took over....and things changed for me with them after that cooperation of getting laptop working right and finally gave past blogs of how LYN BLODGETT NOW OWNS THE CUSTOM DESIGN OF DELL that allows a windows 7 app with Google toolbar  still be inserted onto a windows.8.1 and 10 and no longer was their the same cooperation between Dell and Microsoft over this....and no effort for Dell to patent it and make it for all those 40% refusing to upgrade beyond windows 7 have access to the ease of blogging that disappeared with windows 8....and may still lose this but for many having one of the universal sharing apps on their blogs now...which for a few years DID NOT...

   I have custody of this app  and after he took over....the premier tech group that took over due to this interaction over their design...and not patented....went sour...and cost me a lot of harms and interaction....and many aware of my blog and rights.....and those at Dell now owned by EDS bought by Lynn Blodgett and SEC fines by Michael Horowitz vs him back in 2014 when he called me as working on stopping Lynn Blodgett Hewlett-Packard...getting ownership of Dell...and us having fewer selections of what computers to buy...

   The Register posted info last night that DOL- on behalf of female employees settled a unfair wage...issue... an ongoing pattern of discrimination that has been going on vs me long before I was aware he was the boss of USA...govt and in health care...from every possible in....with metaphorically   1000+ corporate names...and also BILL, JEFF ANDY, TOM BLODGETT AND WHO ELSE IN THE USA'S ' ruling'  FAMILY now in charge of the USA> by obedience of even those who should be in charge as govt officials bow to their verbal words......and so far...actions are discriminatory and for me deadly as "let her die' actions have put me and many others with no safe meds to take.. which has me facing imminent demise when medically should not be for a few more years at least AND DUE TO BACKGROUND  understand and know WHY THIS IS  AND AS MANY PARTIES AS POSSIBLE not having the access that EEO has officially....and for SF 50's have been in hands of DOL and others and even trying to file civil employee or former one with EEOC sanctions vs them.....and it seems that for over 40 years...rumor and gossip and opinion but not legal official clarification of who is my work unit and who is our boss at DOL....and unions have called this an 'employee dump' FROM ONE AGENCY TO ANOTHER....and never understood that term until recently....


                  So with a deadline to meet to have even a chance at personal survival....due to actions of US Dept of labor...or many times ignoring my rights and obligations as part of their protect my rights , files and data...from harms....has gone unheeded....and my pleas for help....ignored as if this old, disabled Christian woman was not worthy of any rights....and as judges ordered....ASK me for facts as the rest of you are going by gossip and rumor AND ILLEGALLY AND INTENTIONALLY MANIPULATED BITS AND PIECES OF INFO...GIVEN TO CREATE A FAR DIFFERENT SCENARIO THAN THE TRUTH..TO CAUSE ME HARM AND DENIAL OF MY CIVIL RIGHTS....AND RETALIATIONS...THAT HAVE DEADLY OUTCOMES....AND GROSS ILLEGAL HARMS... as this last  'set up'  now may be for influence from this blog to give others impetus to successfully assert their rights...and get some.....

   So beginning with 8/5/19 the first initial questions that have found no way to download and fill in to make fully legible due to my handicap of penmanship linked to my accepted conditions at FECA and US Dept of Education.... can only be made legible by citing the number and then type the words...

    And there is the 45 days before....and daily something comes up as did today...early this AM. via The Register news letter online..and retaliation for my efforts for civil rights..that has been pending with OFCCP at DOL for nearly a decade now..and ignored...or was it used to help the Dell people....and some knew it....and retaliated. Who seem to be too close to the owners...and let another relative take over FECA control and did worse than ever....and ignore unprocessed matters and more untruths to officials who bowed to their verbal gospel of false truths...and put their signatures. On letters that harmed my civil rights even more....and caused more ignoring of my rights by those assigned to be my claims our claim numbers...never call me back for months and months and I beg for my rights....and one is not permitted to assert their rights or ask for them...when they are defying their own judges orders....and make no effort to get them  as one did somehow  and sent me some monies due just before she systems designed to discriminate and exclude me does not remove the laws of the process manually if needed...AND SUCH NON COMPLIANT SYSTEMS SHOULD HAVE BEEN the first place.....and knowing the background of the whole for 30+ years..of what horror has is to the point where THOSE WHO ALLOWED THIS? TO HAPPEN AND DID IT!  knew they were discriminating and did not set up any others means to afford us our rights before our employee or otherwise... If you do not know...Say so...and then find out the rules, laws etc...that apply and follow them...and no matter how high up one has to go to get this done for each one before the govt from inside or out...its required of each one of us who took our oath of employment in the USA promise to uphold the laws of the land....and that is not excluding anyone from their rights before us...

  And if a legal clarification is needed: I've had to send matters to even the Solicitor General of the USA...for a legal opinion which I then followed in a decision made and citing that as source and his or her sources....

  You do not let a non employee or even and employee give you a verbal explanation  and then sigh letters that go everywhere for many parties. involved including life and death matters in health care....for one before you....with rights to not have such

                 VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS HAPPEN.. which has occurred multiple ways and differing venues...since 8/5/19 on me and the totality of investigations and documentation   shows this is punitive and intentional  and any not fully aware. Coercive by higher ups at US Dept of Labor to put their own underling employee into doing such a horrific violation of civil rights... and US DEPT OF LABOR...IS THE TOP ENTITY IN EVERY INCIDENT...

  and plead that the new head....will help make things right for me....and in turn...justice for me...allows others to have it also.... as the former Sec of US Dept of Labor Acosta ALSO SIGNED A FRAUDULENT TRUSTEES REPORT...for another agency with similar issues of defying judges remand orders on cases there.. that has no PUBLIC TRUSTEES FOR THE PUBLIC EVEN LISTED WHEN NONE CAN AUDIT OR VERIFY  and who could do the job when Congress will not allow it be done... SINCE THE LAW OF 2002?



Linda Joy Adams 10/2/19






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