
Tuesday, April 26, 2016


U.N.’s secret plan for 10 times more Syrian ‘refugees’   SEE MY COMMENT TO THE ARTICLE.

    Yes, many are in great need from  war zone. And forcing refugees onto communities , in the way its being done is causing real hatreds to emerge. And the stories from Europe should concern anyone.

This is not being handled as other refugee groups of the past were handled. Be realistic, there is some cultural shock in this, also. I sincerely want all in need helped. But there are some experts who should have been consulted and let them help figure this out. This well have been a time when a chunk of money given to Saudi Arabia or another place in the middle east might have been a better place to form a new center with the services, and help needed until they could return home. You just cannot 'make people care when indications are the 'government has not done their part to vet those coming that they are not an invading army disguised as refugees. We have taken one homogeneous culture and scattered a nation all over the world. If kept together they could have helped each other more and less trauma to all is my opinion. To 'dump' then into the USA culture where just about 'anything goes or is allowed' is a culture shock, some do not realize is very traumatic for all. and no matter how one cares, the full understanding is not there on any side of this.   Linda Joy Adams

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