
Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Demonic Beings On Video After Portal Was Opened In Trafalgar Square London! | Alternative   Seems that those of us who do not wish to be a one world goddess religion, got lied to. And while the rest of us of other faiths  go through  resistance throughout the years, and especially at Christmas time from having space to share the joy of our seasons and Feasts with others in public places.

But those who want a 'mystery Babylon faith , that most other faith strongly disagree with, are now being told they can put up their symbols, but what about the rest of us.

     I am a Christian and Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus said HE is the way to eternal life and heaven. But we have a US Constitution and first amendment that allows all to share and then each can study and figure out which faith is to be theirs or form their own. WE DO NOT HAVE A STATE CHURCH OR FAITH IN THE USA.

 I am very willing to share space with others as long as he CROSS OF THE RISEN SAVIOR IS PRESENT AND THOSE 10 COMMANDMENTS THAT TAUGHT THAT NO LEADER IS A GOD AND WE, THE PEOPLE ARE NOT TO WORSHIP ANY LEADER AS A GOD AND IF A LEADER ABUSES POWER, WE THE PEOPLE ARE TO NOT PERMIT CONTINUANCE OF SUCH A LEADER  is forgotten and taken down   so no one knows one world religion under a human god is forbidden by our constitution . founded in the 10 commandments  which made ancient Israel different than any other nation group of the ancient world  and through out history . Their leaders and later kings never pretended to be gods at all.

     Put up the symbol of my faith up against all others. and  Satan can fall on his demonic face until he repents and gets saved at the foot of the cross himself or be bound up and taken out of our way by the ALMIGHTY HIMSELF.  Is anyone out there care that Christ  is being mocked here. And those of other faiths see their rights usurped also.

What's next, we bow to the goddess or lose our lives in a forced faith of which the USA fought  to never be part of such enslavement again?

Linda Joy Adams 4/26/16

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