
Saturday, April 30, 2016


“No doctor, no nurse has said ‘I delivered that beautiful baby’” – Donald Trump | The Radio Patriot see my detailed comment to the site. This is what has been going on online all along and Kris Kobach needs to end this nonsense and so does all the government files be released on kids of intelligence communities operatives who had cover stories It left their kids with messed up bios and documents in real disarray. And some of them run for president  and POTUS won. I am not the first one to call it CIA COVER STORIES, LT ZULLO INVESTIGATOR FOR SHERIFF JOE ARAPAIO DID.  AND THEN SHIED AWAY AND DID NOT WISH O PURSUE Topeka where President Obama was born and my mother took her great niece in law to the hospital and stayed with her until he was born.  .

That is when the request for donations should have ended. As they were not going to seek the truth. and they needed to . I talked to him as I thought he was real law enforcement and could access the murder case files even from AZ.  instead I got retaliated against for being an eye witness to events and the truth is being suppressed for what good reason? COVER UP MURDERS? Racism that has never ended in  Topeka?  maybe this is a ob for BLACK LIVES MATTERS TO GET KRIS KOBACH TO GIVE HIM HIS REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE OUT OF FORBES AIR FORCE BASE HOSPITAL AND THEN HAVE TAMARA QUINN QUIT HIDING THE NEWSPAPER REFERENCES FROM '61 AND 62 "WHEN THE BODIES WASHED UP ON A SAND BAR AND ONE HAD A ROPE AROUND HIS NECK!"   My dad saw the bodies and the only news coverage was his op ed in the evening paper to recognize that three human beings with real loved ones and families died in 3/61 and no justice to this day and a worse cover up than even  55 years ago.  he was given strict 'implied threat to shut up.   The USA has had its own real terrorist and real death squads of our own in the USA and we do not need to be creating any more of them...
    One commenter who is still dissing me on line said that the 

** INS note was posted at the linked website. It sounded like one I would put in a file of a document that still needed to be obtained. and is a missing piece of all that went on that I WAS NOT AN EYEWITNESS TO . as it involved Obama Sr getting his  papers to stay in the USA.  Did the whole family lie to Obama Sr and not tell him where POTUS was born and said Honolulu Hawaii. when it was not?
There is so much that is only bits and pieces and one has to evaluate who saw it or said it and what part etc. I know what I know first hand. and the rest that has been located does fit the time line if one knows what the time line for all parties is. And I know much of it up until POTUS as a newborn left Topeka with his mother.
Some of the other horrible things that are going on is being linked to what I know as eyewitness and same parties involved or their relatives from Topeka. ITS A SMALL WORLD WHEN EVIL IS DONE AND THE SAME FEW INVOLVED... so my family had to go get a 200lb tank of liquid oxygen today due to it so I CAN LIVE. when 3 health plans approved for life for it to be delivered and fully paid for. but when the dictator of the USA may have had connections to real evil back to 3/61 in Topeka ,  and the murders still being covered up, I am not a witness to a crime and thus cannot get any protection for being one. The public is the only protection to NOT KEEP SILENT OF WHAT I KNOW.
Linda Joy Adams. 4/30/16

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