
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Daily Recap 5/2/13: Jersey City, 1/10/89; Makes Dr Conspiracy 'Nervous": Persident Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 5/2/13: Jersey City 1/10/89 Makes Dr. Conspiracy Nervous:President Obama Born In Topeka Ks
 Linda Joy Adams click the link for the Mid Cap 5/2/13 which tells of a new discovery by Carmen today and also links to Flickr for Pictures of President Obama's ancestral home;the sod house in Colorado.

                           PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS
tThere is a web site called Obama Conspiracy Theory's and in the past I had made some comments and got dissed and made fun of and decided to ignore them as they are not interested in truth , but making fun of those truly dealing with conspiracy theories. I have no time for conspiracies. The Truth and journey  for Justice is much more important. But, oe their own they read a small part of my blogs and commented in an article which is posted earlier today with  see my comments. I have several on there now. It entitles Not in Hawaii any more.He's admitting, while making fun of me,  we are in Topeka  now where it all happened.including the birth!
 If one wishes to take facts and speculate , that's not a conspiracy if its grounded back in fact. To them no one is ever an eye witness ? no human has a first hand experience of the five senses. Their way to deal with an eye witness is to taunt them and degrade them rather then try to analyze what they actually are a witness to. in the full context of the whole of events.
 A lot of what is going on now in trying to piece together the bio of the President of the   USA is just that, witnesses who have a small portion of the whole and others out there seeing and finding things.
Along the way the journey should be exposing the corruptions and injustice that is on going that allowed someone to get into the white house without any official doing due diligence and seeing the paperwork was in order. And its pretty apparent they didn't; and now we hae a real constitutional crisis because of it.
The president well may be eligible for the ballot as he is Born in the USA and the only conceivable reason he wouldn't be eligible is a revocation of citizenship and that is supposed to be reflected on the birth certificate in Kansas. All the info re all the ssn's is true as alleged, then some one didn't do their job as for back as 2004 when he applied for the US Senate ballot access paper work.and that was field with the US Senate.
Congress is there to pass the laws  for a good reason and to over see that even they uphold them.
In a way this is all their fault for not taking their job seriously.
I left comments back nd forth on Obama  Conspiracy Theory today and called him 'pathetic'. That's the most polite word to use. As I said: it only  your and my  right to life liberty and pursuit  of happiness I'm working  for and so are others. But there is a growing element of people in this world who seem to hae lost sight of what freedom really is. any more.
I found out they had written and article about me, as it came up on Google which I check periodically for  anything new on this.

                                  JERSEY CITY IS THE MOTIVATOR?
   I wrote about how I got injured for life back on 1/10/13.  And also on 9/11/12 plus in many other places before I got involved in sharing the eye witness account of the president's birth in Topeka KS. Its why I was advised by counsel to get on line and 'Blow the whistle.'
The truth is the value of life has been expendable by those in high power and of great wealth for several decades in this nation and tis only gotten worse oer the years.  I was the only one NOT turned away from  the hospitals on 1/10/89 because? someone else was getting insurance info out of my purse( I was near death and mucous membrane burned off in entire body)  and giving info and the wrong employer got put down and the physical evidence and diagnosis of toxic fume inhalation was gotten on me. My body became the key witness against Osama Bin Laden and the third party lawsuit which the Federal Workers Compensation law required me to file has several parties  on it and one of them  would be s Al Queda and Osama Bin Ladin..
 What most in the US  don't know is that  Congress passed a law that no one is allowed to sue them in the USA.  Our law suit was aleady filed against Hartz Mountain Industries  Et al on 1/9/91 in Hudson County NJ, still pending waiting on the Feudal workers compensation to figure up the damages as We are suing on behalf of the Govt and the taxpayer  against the liable  parties who caused the injuries. .  and has been consistently  sabotaged by  those in the govt ever since. Now Lynn Blodgett is aiding and abetting and defying judges orders  too.

 The 9/11 Commission asked for the FBI info on this  ( They were denied the right to investigate
 but OSHA  and others did cooperate)and it was destroyed by the FBI acocrdng to their General Counsel  and Congress decided to allow them not to go back before 1995 so the Genesis of why 9/11/01 happened has never been scrutinized  and over a decade of wars later;someone sure doesn't want it to be. Some should go to jail for aiding and abetting al qeuda all along and for the 3000 murders plus the 2 million who will die before their time which are now to be homicides when they do die of their injuries from  the toxic fires which the govt admits  there own air studies were  criminally altered by Head of EPA Christie Todd Whitman who could  say don't investigate me in the broken federal law enforcement system  and she never was. ( Its what Orly Taitx is now exposing as her crimnal complint filed  in 2/13 has had no repsonse from Eric Holder, has it?) Nor did Congress do it either beyond the one hearing where one of my former doctors at Mt Sinai back n 1991 was now in charge and caught and documented what was going on in the govt. My injuries are similar in many ways.Modern medicine can only slow down the progression toward a premature death.
So one should think twice before making fun of such inhumanity that has occurred in 1/10/89 and through the years until 9/1/01 and up to the present as the crimes  are still going on and it includes this naiton embroiled in wars that should have never happened. 7/1988 was before the first Gulf war!  If the first crimes had been investigated and Justice done  then, a different world we might be living in with our monies going for clean air technologies and health care for all and diseases cured and prevented, and Evil  couldn't stand it?..
Our  law suit, Hartz Mountain  et al ( insurance comping is CNA)  is to reimburse the taxpayer for my medical care and benefis under my established Federal workers compensation  case. Lynn Blodgett will not allow to be posted in spite of judges order sto get it done after his company he is CEO of  Affiliated computer services now owned by Xerox and which has control of must of the govt files and data in the world now. took over most of the agencies I deal with including Social Security, my employer. And if they want files to disappear and obstruct our rights to what you are legally entitled  to  its done. While the  manipulation of computer files puts ones life at risk any time its used for your medical history which has come close to fatal  twice in recent years on me.  Congress has a study done 7 years ago that shows the horrble loses of life and other harms from this but has done nothing to solve any of it until 1/11/13 in  HR 1063. Yet where's the implementation of it, POTUS?.
This is  all well documented Dr Conspiracy and makes me wonder just who you really are that this is what's making you so 'nervous' and not that the president  was born in Toepka Ks. If your are a supporter of Pres Obama, why aren't you glad he's born here and both parents were Americans? even down to is Dad being a great football player. possibly a famous one if he'd not been murdered because of the color of his skin and his saying he was related to Rosa Parks. 
The journey for truth and justice can take may detours and twists and turns and one may not know at the beginning where it will lead. THIS IS AOBUT MORE THAN A BIRTH CERTIFICATE. 
I am pleased to hear the US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is waking up to the costly scam passed for Health care that's coming and has already in  being implemented shows what a scam it is. I personally believe all have a right to health care as part of the right to live, one of our inalienable rights.
But this is  not the best or most efficient way to do it. Its layered with more bureaucratic govt contracts then any Govt red tape could conceive of. Its why there are to be Congressional Hearings so experts who are real eye witnesses to facts can point out the flaws.and suggest how to do it a better way..
 Originally, Medicare was to have been the health plan for those who did not have one. They would be able to buy in to it. or states could.and supplement it for  the poor with other services, etc. But it got sidetracked into the program for the poor called Medicaid which is a very discriminatory plan of unequal care. The right to life, means all get the care.  But the partners of Medicare are now corrupted as many of them have been documented in stealing the public monies and other shenanigans of collusion with the insurance industry which HR 1063  which resurrects the suspended law of 1981 has some penalties  as  fines for blatant stealing which has been going on since 1994 when enforcement of the laws were suspended and the stealing began. Its why I call it Hillary care and not Obama care. I wonder if he ever really understood what was in the bill.

Its why if  those  around him have lied to him about his birth in Topeka Ks, what else are they lying about that affects every one of us and our rights of our very lives?It sets up a scenario in the White House that is harmful and hot helpful to the whole naiton and since we are so important in the world for the world. One has to have advisers who are honest with the president and can explain things honestly, not there with their own agendas and motivations that are not the best for the nation or even for the president, Its downright disrespectful . ITS PATHETIC.
  I'm' indignant' at the stupidity of those who don't care about truth , justice , not even for themselves.? BUT SATAN MUST REALLY BE MAD! HE'S LOSING THE BATTLE FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE1 At least my disser  is reading some of my blogs. Keep reading Dr Conspiracy and welcome to join us in the search for Truth and justice for all, even for you.
"but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at Place or Places as the Congess may by Law have directed."
Congess decides where the places for trial will be. In essence they decide how far one does to the local Federal court house and appropriates the money for them to be built in our era.

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