
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Daily recap 5/25/13: COVER UP IN TOPEKA: President Obama Born in Topeka ks

Daily Recap 5/25/13: COVER UP IN TOPEKA: President Obama Born In Topeka KS.
#more#more#more#more This link is back Bad Fiction Blog which slammed me again this week. And I wrote a rather lengthy response and did not post photos, thinking I would have to post it here. But just checked  and they did post it. Its a summary and there are a few typos, but not as many as have had. Better than some. and It recaps some of the missing records in Topeka Ks and the media with all there resources can';t get their info correct with the probable four sets of doubles in this. Three done intentionally and the fourth, appears to be an extended family who gave two baby boys similar first names and it caused confusion  even in school.
 The older one graduated in 1961 and the younger would have in 62 if he'd not been murdered in the racist attack on the Presidents. parents.  Concerned faceeook Friends wanting to know the truth have found out more than all the millions spent and made on fake bios, etc. And its getting more convoluted as time  goes on.
                I certainly am not in agreement which much that is ongoing in the White house nor in Congress right now. But our efforts need to be getting some accountability for all our elected officials and all those govt contractors they keep hiring to do the dirty, illegal deeds,.  Then covering up who hired them to do what illegal acts.
This didn't start with the Obama Administration, but president after president has let things get worse and worse over the last few decades and if we don't stop and take an about face back to our be basic decent towards each other and our nation and stop the thefts by this cabal that has taken control of the world's nations, just as they have ours, we can't survive as we have to take care of ourselves.
Some times Pres Obama will say things that make good sense an good policy , but then its  not carried out.. Does he know he is being ignored? I pray he isn't just lying to us... But that's why we have a Congress to have those checks and balances on abuses of power and we have way too many of those right now and with Hillary care coming next ear, its got to get corrected before many lose their lives and health from it.
 No system is going to work if the personal integrity of those in charge is not there.

                                     Back to those Topeka HS yearbooks. for years ending 1960 and 61.
           It seems every time I check these something has changed in them.
 Carmen messaged me and asked about who was in the pictures on page 98 ad 99 of the 1960 one and then on pages 109-110- she had seen two pages 98 and 99.
 I had done some other things today and it rained again., too. so didn't get her message timely. Shes a genius at finding things on line.
 So when I checked, I noticed the one with  shortened name on most things and no its not the Dad in the HS musical. Their was a familiar resemblance but the older one was heaver and lighter skinned.  But in the Thespians picture, I can;' really tell for sure which is in the back row. I assume it the older one as he participated in drama activities. or did he? The musicals, yes, but not sure if they counted for the Thespians society? That very possibly could be him? He might have worked on the sets or other behind the scenes activities, I don;t know. At Topeka HS is one was in Madrigals , often one didn't get to participate in drama that much. It was a disconnect. And t was done by where one went for the Fourth Hour period. All the top in each field often met at that hour and one had to choose their path.
One thing to keep in mind. The older one who died in 1999 graduated in 1961.
The younger one would have graduated in 1962, if he had lived to raise his son, President Obama. That's the 99% sure id by me. but it was common knowledge at the time.
I'm beginning to think half the school had them confused and mixed up that didn't known them real well as both had unique gifts and were visible students in a school of 2400 students. Its easy to get lost in the crowd among that many.
So I've  decided to call them 61 and 62 with 62 being the alleged dad of POTUS.
Herer's' what I found today on the books published on class mates.
 In the 1960 yearbook. No one is in the Sophomore Football team, now. Check my notes, but wasn't he there a month ago  but the pic was of  61 and not 62?
Yet in the Senior activities of 61 in the 61 yearbook when he graduated, among all the activities listed for the Seniors individually there is all kinds of football mentioned.   Track is mentioned too, but there is no reference in the yearbook to either being in track and I really don't know which one that might be, but 61 gets the credit for it.
Then 61 is listed  as being in Boys Chorus and not in Boys Glee club?
There were some real discrimination's which did occur back in those years when some got in things and others didn't for reasons one never really knew why. 61 never got into Madrigals, and that was a mystery. According to his bio in the 1999 Topeka HS  memorial page , he went on to sing opera in Europe and was very talented for sure.
But the younger one, 62 also was talented, and in football and  I say we lost the last 2 games as he was not on the team to play. He was more slender but fast. I don't know the various positions. Never did pay much attention to the rules of the game, although attended all of them in HS as was in the Pep clubs.  I just cheered when we were headed the right way down the field and made a score. 
 In the 1960 yearbook there is a reference to a person by that name being in the student council and but he is not in the picture, not present for the picture? So have no idea which one it refers to. Every  home room elected someone, even the Sophomores. And today, he's not listed with Mr Mendl's home room. so something is amiss with the yearbooks  I wonder .just how many versions of the Sunflower for 60 and 61 are tout there? I thought one was published and we all got the same one. Unfortunately I only have my 1962 one which was with my mother and I lost my others years ago along with some our other belongings when we  were out in Jersey City. But what I see online for 63, seems to not be changing from time to time. At least i still seem to exist .     
        I'm going to publicly admit something to all of you myself.  When I arrived at Topeka HS in Fall of 1960 and began hearing the same name used interchanged of the two, I was confused also as to whom was whom. But there is no doubt which one was Ann's boyfriend due to the intentional gossip which I heard and heard in plan view of him at the District music festival., 3/17/61 the last time I saw him this side of Heaven.      I do know what each one looked like.
What is also a big question is why three outstanding  black youth are not in the 1959 graduating  class picture from Boswell Jr HS which is published online     Topeka KS had three year Jr HS's with the 9th grade being the final year and then there was  a graduation.     The famous Linda Brown of Brown vs the Board of Education of Topeka  was in that graduating class and she's not in the picture and there is no listing for camera shy either as unusually occurrs.if one is absent. when a class picture of this kind is taken.  
Obviously there was a lot of things going on behind the scenes and hidden away going on in Topeka KS, I was never aware of. And there still is with the cover up of the bio of the president now right in the middle of what happened 52 years ago and we are still living with the injustices that set the tone for the current dismal degradation of human rights going on right now that we need to over come and going back to Topeka, Ks and having some Justice for three dead is a beginning of a partial renewal  Even if no one can be prosecuted at this late date, if they are even alive, some kind  of formal official inquiry  needs to be made as to what is known for sure and if any evidence or eyewitness's  are around they need to be listened to and their testimony. evaluated and seriously considered.. Eyewitnesses need to be respected for having the courage to speak out in such things. Its not easy to have happen as has happened to me by a few that don't want to know the Truth and search for the full answers. I pray that others will continue the real search for truth and somehow we need to get the Kansas officials records opened on this.and the President of the USA needs to go get his real records out of Topeka , Ks ask for the formal inquiry on the three dead  and end all of this.
 Very tired and need to rest.
The journey for Truth and Justice continues.
Linda Joy Adams 5/25/13

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