
Monday, May 20, 2013

Daily recap 5/20/13: Medicare Won't StopThefts: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 5/20/13: Medicare Won't stop Thefts: President  Obama Born in Topeka Ks.
 Flickr: Your Photostream Click the LInk of phots of Pres Obama's ancestry. Major problems on flkr  . Format changed and I couldn't get in to add info  under the new  pictures but will try tomorrow to do so.

My prayers for all those north of us who lost family and loved ones today in the Tormado and more storms are just west and north of us now, and we have sme kind of storms expected here. Hope iIget this posted before we lose our electricity which often happens her in most storms as the wires come over the lake. and we are at the end of the grid for OGE.

                                                   MEDICARE HAS NO INTENT TO STOP THE THEFTS

   when the Law HR 1063 was signed by Pres Obama on 1/11/13 I had called the Office of Inspector General for Medicare in Washington DC and several were 'up bea't thinking they would now be able to go after the worst offenders who are  the partners of Medicare. The ones runnng things are the biggest thieves in this.
In fact the big confleict was and is Medicare  Secondary Payer contractor a subsidiary of Emblem Health ( formerly Group Health will  now have to fine another subsidiary of Embem Health; Medicare Coordinaton Of Bnenfits a $1000 dollara a day for facilitating the theft of Medicare by illegally altering tthe legal line up of  who pays first and which they have  illegalaly violated the conracts with employers and  govt agencies who have given them the offical info. They've  done this  continualy for over a decdae now and over a trillion dollars  or more has been stolen in the process.
The SMART Law is one of the most powerful laws in the health insurace industry as it stops the shenighans  and even deaths of patients. It  basically says, you are not going to play games. If you have a legal obligation that is fomally approved, you will pay your bills.
Medicare can pay as a safety net but Medicare is  coming after their money and you will pay it back. And you will not change the diagnosies from what the doctor said in order to circumvent having to pay the bills you owe and put patients  lives at risk  by creating a fraudulent  medical data base that is used for ones medical treatment more and more.  Every one can be at risk  from this and not even know it.  Too often one might get sick and not know they are part of some classs action law suit getting started  against some company whose product made you sick and you might have your diagnosis altered so its not counted in the class and you could be give nthe wrong treatment or medicine and die or be badly harmed . Especially in and ER.. One doesn't always know they are in litigation for a long time, in many cases, but the liability insurer does...and ther illegal proprietary agreements with all of these 'partners' has permitted them to do all these dastardly deeds to get out of paying for what their client';s product might have done.
Then there are the regular kinds of workers comp and car accidents and all this money owed back that was never coded for recovery which the law says is collection.
           Sec of HHS Donna Shalala suspended the ieforcemnt of this law under Pres Clinton and immediately  the liablity insures began ther secret deals  with the health insuarance industry and  led to the collapse the health care system. These abuses must be stopeped by 2014 when all will under thee 'partners.'
 Medicare is the 'gold standard' and what happens in it affects all.
 The 1981 law said, the govt will come get their money back and they did, I my self have signed enforcemnt orders aginst insurance compaies  for tactics. less heinous than what has occurre since 1994 and only gottenmore daadly according to a congressional study doen 7 years ago and not one in Congress has yet to adderss the issues and stop them. ONE THING! Allow a criminal investigation by the OIG. or other federal law enforcer. A felony that cases someone to die is murder and is not to be condoned and has been. Let alone the blatant thefts on going that cuases all health care to be rationed and it is happening right now in real death panels and is getitng worse.

 No govt contractor is undr HIPPAA and no govt entity is. And these often  cuase the most harm to all.
The Smart Law just resurected the old 1981 law and added  some fines against the companies breaking the law, which is theft ; if one dies its murder and if one is harmed- assault if any one else or entity does it. .
If medcicre pays the bill to keep one alive or provide care and isn't the lible first  party, then its to be coded as a conditional payment and  collected back. This law makes it a collection, now and not a recovery which has been ignored in recent years since no  real enforcement of it. .

In the Dallas region claims weren't even coded for recovery at all as 200 medical providers, were personnally lied to and 'coerced' in going along with the illegal activity in order to get any money at all.  Now HHS is saying that the medical providers will be the ones punished and not the coercing Partners of Medicare. Blackmail and coericon are also federal crimes if any one else or entity does it, but why is a govt contractor immune from  investigation and punishment for doing it. The law is to be for all and not some privileged few to do as they please and steal our tax monies and physcially harm us and coerce those only tryng to proivde good medical care to susutian our lives.
        Iits now 4 month and the law has not been impelmented. Sec of HHS Sibelius hasn't even notified any one or entitty that the law will be enforced  which is the first step. No efforts seem  under way to set up procdeures or policies, etc. THE LAW IS BEING IGNORED AND MEDICARE CONTINUES TO BE STOLEN! LIVES AT RISK!

So I made calls while tornadoes raged today just north west of us and got all kinds of diappointing info.
The phone menu at Medicare OIG where one files a complaint of a crime gave a section for govt contractors and I got in on that one. And was told clearly HHS/CMS cannot go after the contractors. not even under HR 1063. No one knows who is to do that. At all and so far the CMS Press office has not called me back with the info either.
 Does Sec Of HHS need me to wrote the regulations for them.? Just dust off the 1981?  one, update with the new IT iinfo  and use them and add  in the fines if all don't stop stealing.IT ISN'T HARD TO UNDERSTAND!

So after that confirmation: I caleld Congressman Keven Brady's office who chairs the sub committee  under the Ways and Means committiee. A nice man did not 'dis' me and took info and asked for name and phone number. I also gave him Congressman Mullin's info as he is mine nd usually a privacy release needs to be signed through  him.
 I also tried to report: again to HHS OIG , the contineud destruton and idsappearances of civil rights complaints by  Ralph Rouse Regional Maanger of the HHS civil rights office in Dallas which does have legal authorrity to intevene as HIPPAA can't. But they ignore me and will not stop the felonies  either as civil rights violations as none has  been allowed to even  be read  or answered   since 1/08 when he called and had me in tears lambastng me for filing to save my life.with well documented civil rights violations in many areas of HHS  and some of them have casued deaths to others and these complaints might have stopped those is my contention. . . many have died and been harmed . One regional  person said they were being sent oit  to the international cabal to answer and then diappear as this  would expose their own  coup d'etat  of the  USA as well as of other nations in the world.
 Info has surFaceD on some sites by some facebook fRiends that she may havee Entered the conntry in about 1944 with others, etc. But reaearch is on going and some of this has been alluded to for several years. Aunt Helon POTUS's great grandmother, said she a was a local girl, new to the area  and little  known about the family when  my cousin met up with her.
Too often, peoplel are not who they say they are and we've had  a few in the White house and VP in recent years who did not tell us or did not know who they really know their ancestry.

I;m cutting this short as am tired nd storms are expected.Pray for those in Congress on both sides trying to expose the corruption and reform a badly broken system  causing death  and destruction.
Linda Joy Adams 5/20/13 (spell check not working so bear with me on this.)

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