
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Daily recap 5/15/13: SHAM IMPEACHMENTS?: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily recap 5/15/13: SHAM IMPEACHMENTS?: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks.
Flickr: Your Photostream Click the link for pictures of President Obama's ancestors.

                                       HR    1063 NOT IMPLEMENTED
                                       HEALTH CARE AT RISK

Today got a call from one of the international cabal financially interlocked copanies,   Central Financial trying to collect a medical bill that is not owed, has not been billed to all insurances yet and was to be paid at 100% any way.
But everyone is going to find out next year when  all go under federal regulation on your  health plans, don't expect for your health insurance contracts to be carried out or be any kind of real appeals answered if at all. Ours aren't  any more. They don't even bother and hearing files missing and all constituitonal rights have disappeared inside the unaccountable govt congractors under Lynn Blodgett who is now the most powerful  perosn in the world as CEO  of ACS a xerox company which is intelocked to all the biggies, in the world.and who hired him is a virtual unknown  and soon they all plan to take these big companies private buying back their stock and noone wil ever know who owns them or what's going on inside their companies. Not that much is  know,now, but at least the SEC can do somethings, yet.
So, I made a few extra calls and found out that no one knew anything about the new law signed on 1/11 13. And Even HHS OIG ( medicaire) was rude and hung up on me and would not take the criminal  report of thefts on  exact claims with dates of service  and conttorl numbers of claims. So they wouldn't even take the report.  The law is clear its theft and US attorneys say it is too.
  I had not called them for several weeks and the whole attitude has turned sour from the previous call when the agents were up beat and looking forward to the law being able to help them enforce the laws and stop the thefts of medicare.  Today, they couldn' t even give me their agent ID ( badge) number which is needed for a subpoena if any trial occurred and either side wanted  them to testify. All one gets ss a first name. and ow many Linda's are there in the USA/ or Joes or even Joshua's or Ann's?
     They had  reocgnized how powerful that one law is. The crooks  don't want it and they may pull another SHAM IMPEACHMENT on issues that will not remove the president from office to stop any implementation or Congress from overseeing the implementation is done.
           The Constitution says that POTUSis to cary out the laws of Congress and its not happening . Pres Oabma. and the former law which this only enhances was not carried out for almost 20 years since former Sec of HHS Donna Shalala said health insuance industty was honest and didn't need to be regulated and collapsed the heallth care system as the fruad and thefts started right away and never ended and only got worse plus the patients dead from it. Even the sham court case by the AMA was jsut that...and now many doctors don't even join any more.
      Some may not realize  just how powerful one simple law is. Medicare is the GOLD STANDARD for the whole health care industry and has been for decades. Medicare will pay your bills in order for you to get treatment if your pirmary plan is playing 'games', but Medicare is going after you and you will pay  back and that goes for workers comp, car accident  cases and any one else that has been allowed to get by and collude dwith medicare coordination of bnenfits to alter official records in violation of ther contracts with  govt agencies and emplyers  to steal in a RICCO situation that has been ongoing since 1999. with no OIG allowed to stop it. . This is not interferring with pending litigation. This is where one is approved and the charges are for treatment that meets all thos medical  standards.
They willbe stopped form chaniging  diagnieis  on cliams at the govt contractor or insurer  creating life theatening and deadly fraudulent national health insuracne data base to get around a liability insurer thus  creating a medical history that is used more and more for ones medical history and this fraudulent mess, (not under HIPPA so can't get corrected back to what your doctor said) has caused hundreds of thousands upward of a million death  plus near close calls as two of mine were; according to a Congressional study done 7 years ago and things are worse now then they were then... 
     So I made a call to Congressman Mullin's office and a nice lady took my phone number and said they would find out what is going on to get the  law implemented.
For 12 years we've had to file papers, etc and appals, etc. when this law , even the orignal one; would  correct and stop the illegal abuses and thefts in about 6 months or less.   Faster now, especially with a $1000 a day fines  The partners of Medicare should already have a bill of almost 15 million  for reach claim for each day just on cliams from our household .and nothing has occurred, Theives think they won't have to change their behavior at all. As if the law isn't real, and constitution is not real to them either.
The acturaries who crunched all the numbers years ago were not wrong. Who was wrong is Congress allowing this theft to occur by not reading bills and letting a phrase her or a phrase there slip by. Its why hearings need to be held on bills. of some kind. maybe hearings coudldbe held on line so that comments could be submitted. Oh that woudln't work since Bills get published in the middle of the night for congress to not read and get voted on the next day. This has to stop.or a tota collpse is imminent.
The impeachment charges against Pres Clinton didn't include any of this,  did they? People are dead because he didn't do his job, but no one wanted to speak of that They wanted to speak of blue stained dresses and cigars in places I won't repeat.   SHAM IMPEACHMENT
We already  have a reported  23 trillion dollars, Congess had no idea where it went of our money. IT WAS STOLEN due to no real over sight.
That's the latest total. even the one trillion estimated by the 500 named wtnesses who documented that amount stolen from  over the illegal and hidden acts that we all documented and yet OIG Director L eavenson went and praised the thieves and mruderers  to Congress.. I call them that becase if one commits a feolny and one dies due to it, then it should be ?
   If the govt would do their job then 50 million with a medicare card would not legally have to be the criminal and/or civil inveitigator in the USA which is what is true iuntil this law gets implemented and the govt takes terepsonsibility back to enforce its own laws. ( our laws.)
Civil Rights are being violated.  Over 5 years of complAInts fiLEd by us have never been allowed to be read or answered by the Dallas Regional Manager Ralph Rouse and these  actions are also felonies. One said plus online report said  and then another denied it that:  Lynn Blodgett's company  was getitng them now. and he's not going to find himself guilty of civil rights and pay  $300,000 per claim or incident is he? When he is supposed to be paying all of my bills under his contract wth the US Dept OF Labor  even having the files he disappeared and never set up like others has withheld and defied 15 appellate  judges orders, last three ordering  that he  reconstruct file from  my records and ask me for the facts of the case as he keeps telling lies as reported in letters from govt official  who quote him by name. They can't do anythng as he is in charge of the world. At least in control of almost evey agency in this Nation and that includes many state and local govts too. He's also  the traffic cam guy,  through another interlocked company.  And those Computer chips in our hands and foreheads? phrophecised? He's just the hired hand, as CEO. Who's really in charge is not revealed yet?.Is the Book of Revelation unfolding in front of us? Or is this just a few greedy and powerful whom our govts have allowed to steal and skim and cause harm to all of us?


                                COUNTDOWN TO ANOTHER SHAM  IMPEACHMENT?
In the late 1990's our badly broken and corrupted federal sysem and that include law enforcement under the total control of the political appointees, was undergoing investigation  in Congress  Congressman Dan Burton and others were focusin  on a massive corrption. Govt Reform  House Committtee had my case as a csae where the merits were not in question  but every weakenss in the law had been used against me already. What had happened pale sin comparison to what has occurred since ..
The various "violations of civil rights pages 1 through 42" posted online under Linda Joy Adams  helps explain what had and continues to occurr.
So instead of bringing impeachment charges  for all the things  one would consider High Crimes going on, a pornographic report is wrtten by a glorified sex investigator and a charge is made of  perjury in a civil sexual harrassment case. I dont condone the acitons done, by any means.
  The Constitution says HIGH crimes and not any crime.  There are some things he  might have to face charges on once out of office, but not while in office. There is a provison for justice to be delayed awhile if the US Senate says its not high and they didn't. 
  The SHAM IMPEACHMENT successfully stopped all the good inveistigation on our entrenched corruption and the sytem  remained broken as the thieves wanted  and path direct to 9/11/01 was assured unfetterd  with the resulting of loss of personal liberties  and  increased invasion of our privacy and trashing of the basics of our human rights. down to nonsecuirty of even our personl and private health records which can be altered and casue deadly harm. The continued looss of life and phsycial harm increases and the basic livlehoods are stolen from us becase of a SHAM IMPEEACHMENT that was  went  no where except to stop all of the investigations leading to major  chanees in the way govt operates in this country. for the better security of our nation and the general welfare of and  for  rights of each of us. in the new age of high technology. that was beginning to erupt.   .
We are about to enter into another SHAM IMPEACHMENT. which well may be  going no where as the charges being brought are not of the high level that has been proven so  far. So far all we have is birthers running into civil courts presenting  probable good evidence of crimes but there is no criminal  convictions and until there is, its not been considered.
all that happeens is good press to upaset people when there is a rule of law that has to be  followed  What one did or diidnt do years ago is rarely ever a current matter where a criminal charge can be brought.. He may have  got by with   some illegal things  but the voters ignored  possible past bad behavior.
There might be some current SSN fraud, but no one has bothered, except Orly Taitz to even do the simple thing of presenting what they have to SSA and they forwarded it to? Should be with Eric Holder and he should not be conducting this investigation  personlly, is  he?. Now he may be forced out of office, why? Is he really investigating these alleged crimes and hes about ready to make a report that some do not want?
                                         NATIONAL SECURITY GAG?
Pres Oboma was born at Topeka Ks and the only possible reason he is not eligible  to be president is if that birth record has a revocation  of citizenship stamped  on it with  an adoption as Barry Soetoro  and then why would two Republican Sec of States of KS cover up  a crime  by a Democrat? or for any one? running for public office if they have evidence of ineligibility?
Did some intelligence comunity person  yell NATIONAL SECURITY for some reaosn? and all 50 Secretary of States ignored their oaths of office and duty to the people and did not question anything when there were apparent roblems even if they could be corrected and amended and still not alter ballot access? But did open the flood gates for the birther movment to make 'political hay' with and enrage a lot of people that did not like the politics of the man. But the majority said they wanted him, twice,  and that's why we all look to Congress to not let any policies go too far from what is Constitutionally all right and the people want to happen
 I don't think there was any revocation of citizenship as by 1/71 he was back in the USA at Mercer Island with his grandmother, but I do know he was not being allowed to know anything about Topeka Ks. i was stopped by her racially horrific and shocking tirade.
Appaently  he never was? Proof is needed that  he did know and lied on his applications for ballot access. No one is bothering to check that at at all.

  I responded and posted a comment on Western Journalism today as Lt Zullo of Cold Case filed a detailed afifidavit  in the Alabama court case appeal and mentioned nothing about Topeka Ks.  He never bothered to check. Guess he didn't think a 4 year old could take Stanley Dunham's id and go off to WWII and get by with it?
Yes, there are horrific cover up  problems in Topeka, Ks. Three murders  never fully investigated and  one of my faceook friends got some info today.. Guess who was, maybe still is  the general counsel for the Shawnee County Sheriff's  offce.  A member of the Westboro Baptist Church's  Fred  Phelps family. They are perosn;s of interst in the murders if any one would be?   Their teenagers were certainly egging on the vicious harrassment of the interracial  couple that got themselves pregant and  then were attacked and and three died and a could have caused the miscarriege of President Obama so he might never have been born in the first place.  Then there would have been 5  murders. Its good I wrte to Attorney Eric Holder as there is some major problems in that city with what has been going on as to who is or has been  in control?.And this is what I ofund in trying to call perosns last year who might be able to offer info and documents. how woul you like the people in charge  of your law enforcement to be Westboro Baptist Church ? Its time Pres Obama asked for some justice for his 99% sure real Dad and others  who almsot cost him his own life before he was born!.
 So maybe Lt ZUllo knew that any file or evidence may have disappeared after Sheriff Boehner retired and someone else took over in Topeka Ks ? And for awhile Iwas getting the on line headlines from there.  Topeka Ks had far too many murders going on and how many solved. adn one could read and see something was badly wrong in Topeka KS. Spritually wrong in my opinion and it all seems to go back to three murders and murderers going scott free. Evil just begets evil when it goes unstopped.

            There are a lot of bad things happening in Washington DC. Attempts to get facts,  shows not all started with  Pres Obama..In no way am I giving him a pass. But  both parties in Congress are starting to wake up and   do some real investigative work as they did in the late 90's and if they are stopped, again.  the real culprits may never be unearthed and prosecuted for their evil deeds.Matters little who is President , if te corruption is allowed to continue  and we collapse under an ineternational slvery to a world cabal of greedy and pweorful who hold no accountability to any person or govt, let alone any CREATOR.

      Are we being led into anoher SHAM IMPEACHMENT that under the scrutiny of sworn testimony will not lead to any removal from office.? All so  the real entrecned corruption never gets exposed nor  anyone goes to jail as rell good invesitigative hearings in Congress unearths such infomation and places the U S Justice Dept in a situaiton they can't ignore and must prosecute based on the evidence found.

 Does any one realize that much of what is being told about now on  scandals Benghazei and IRS and others involved  GOVT CONTRACTORS? None of them have lost their conrtract or gone to jail have they? They are the ones that will obsturct ones medical care next year and stop your right to live. as they are doing it now and getting by with it on those under the federal system, now.
"New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; "
First step to gets to be a stste is one goes to Congress.

Facebook firiends are doing fantastic invetsigiations of the President  and family background. Looks like facebook is where one goes to really find out what is going on in this world and who poeple are who are in power.
Linda Joy Adams 5/15/13 Spellcheck is not working at all, sorry about typos.

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