
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Daily PreCap 5/2/13:PROPHETIC SCRIPTURES Genesis Chapter 18:President Obama Born In Topeka Kansas

DAILY PRECAP 5/2/13: PROPHETIC SCRIPTURES Genesis Chapter 18: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks
Book of Genesis Chapter 18 Summary Click the Link or another's interpretation.

Today the Bible opened to Genesis   Chapter 18.
For Non Chirstians you are welcome to ponder the wisdom of the words.
For those new readers, this is a writing for a practice of mine for years, to open the Bible at random in the morning and ponder the chapter it opens to for the day. Another;s interpretation is being included. Certain verses and phrases often have special and personal meaning for me but may be different for others. We are all on a journeyy  for truth and righteousness and this is just sharing one person's journey, mine.
The following phrases had special meaning .
One thing that occurred to me, was we are in a day and time when many believers are waiting for Christ to appear and have the rapture or the taking away. So much of scripture is prophetic if one thinks of it that way . and this may be an allusion to it that some aer saved who have tried to be righteous.?
Verse 1. "Then the Lord ( Yahuah, Yahusha , Ruah whom Christians call Christ Jesus) appeared to him...."
Verse 2."...three men..."
Verse  14."Is anything to hard for the Lord?..."
verse  18"...Abraham shall surely became a great and mighty nation, and all the Nations of the world will be blessed in him?'
verse 19" righteousness and justice..."
verse 23." ...would you destroy the righteous with the wicked..."
Nothing is more precious than the promised eternal life and each's free will to reject it by committing sins or wrongs. One is only asked to believe, to believe in loving and caring for one another and not forgetting that one is accountable to their Creator who  is LOVE. Since it i sso simle, why do so many reject it? The Devil is a liar and a deceiver and wants us to forget how simple it all  is to always be. a part of Him FOREVER..
Linda Joy Adams 5/2/13

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