
Thursday, May 2, 2013

DAILY MIDCAP 5/2/13 New :: Eyewitness Ann In Topeka: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

DAILY MIDCAP 5/2/13: New: Eyewitness Ann in Topeka : President Obama Born In Topeka Ks
Flickr: Your Photostream Click the Link for new pictures of President Obama's ancestry. This has two pictures of the sod house built just before 1920  near Haxtun Colorado by the Delbert Hardy family.  This was not bricks but some way they poured mud into a frame. Front end added on in late 1920"? Still getting some of those records together like bills of sale when supplies bought, etc  and date was 1920 on some of them.

Carmen, face book Friend also posted on Topex a Topeka Ks forum and saw a 1961 Topeka HS  yearbook on line for sale and has it ordered that shows Stanley Ann's signature where she signed someone else's book.that was for sale.This would be about the first of 6/61 and around the time of the arranged marriage to Obama Sr. at McVicar Chapel Wash burn University with member of the Alpha Sorority ( black sorority in attendance)  and my Dad married them in a marriage of convenience arranged by Stanley Ann's Dad who called my Dad to GIVE Stanley Ann the marriage proposal. And He had my mother give it to her.
 He called long distance from Africa? to my Dad's work at Wash burn University  and they had to go get my Dad to talk to him on the phone. Maybe 15 minutes to get him to the phone. Obama Sr wanted to stay in the USA and she needed a marriage certificate to give the baby a name as the Dad was murdered in the racial attack on both of them.
The troll digging at us on Topex needs to understand there are people around Topeka Ks who know or knew my parents, my sisters, their females and Me as I grew up there. Plus my husband's family also and him.  See the pictures on flckr and tell others if they want to know who I really am. In no way am I any one else but me.
 I added some comments there and will continue commenting.When I comment , I link the article back to my sites and say:  See my comment.I see that Ginny Blog   didn't delete me this last time, so maybe some of those who   have dislike for Pres Obama realize that I may not share the same kind of hatred but am after the truth and Justice wherever it leads. I personally know and have documented so much corruption at the highest  levels in this nation over the last decades, that the journey is going to and must  expose a lot of this, where ever  this leads or  result by Congress.. If we don't correct these corruptions  we are not going to be solving the bigger problems by any exposure of who is in the white house or what he may or may not have done.
Why didn't he contact me over the years and say ho he was. The few times I saw him later in life, he didn't introduce himself ( didn't he know who I was either at the time?) I never had any pictures of him at any age to even know what he looked like when he grew up. I was probably one that could have helped him legally get his documents in proper order. At least I knew where he was born! I can't help someone if they are not honest with me nor ask for my help. I really am not a mind reader, even though our children when  growing up thought I had those "'eye in the back of my head.."
Weather turning cold again and its been this way the last few years in the Spring and Fall. Extremes Hot then cold then hot.. 4 degree drop in 24 hours.  Not supposed to freeze. Its great for cool weather crops and in years past the Peas stopped producing about this time as too hot, but ours look good and producing lots of those succulent snow peas. and the lettuce looks great, too. Broccoli and cabbage coming along.  Suppose to have some rain.
 See you later:
Linda Joy Adams 5/2/13

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope the facebook friend will share some details when she gets her year book. I cannot imagine what it would mean to you to have it! When Ann lived with you while pregnant, did you and her talk much? share a bedroom? No pictures were taken during that time? If only you'd known then what is happening today I am sure things would of been different. If you find any paperwork on that 1948 chevy car hopefully the VIN is on it and somebody can help you locate it's home. Do you remember what color it was? It would be awesome to find it. Why did you and Doyle move away from Topeka when you both shared so much together there? I know, lots of questions but as they say "inquiring minds want to know"