
Thursday, May 4, 2017



  This is a linked series of Daily Recaps back to 10/25/16 when I discovered hacking of the sub contracted out Medicare system hacked worse than ever since the COUP of 2002... that appears Congress may have left intact today ...

       I took the day off from discovery and auditing.. of my records.. Internet outages have gone on for the last week off and on in our  area.. . and no one seems to know what is going on ... Its does not seem to be any kind of virus etc. as that usually causes an alert from our security and starts a diagnostic scan to be run..... And a website that traces such showed our area from Dallas northward  to some n our area in southern OK had issues.

   Its been more of a nuisance of phone calls interrupted etc.  and have to go reboot the system.. And in the system info it seems that BROADBAND IS TRYING TO REPLACE THE MORE UP TO DAY SYSTEM WE HAVE?

       It seems as if so few  of this current generations even are concerned to try and figure out what is the issues of who is doing what? AS IS SOMEONE ELSE IS GOING TO ALWAYS TAKE CARE OF THINGS.      That's how we got into this overthrow of the USA that Congress voted in 15 years ago and as long as one does not seem to be personally affected , its ignored to try to understand what is really going on. as things do get worse and complaining goes one and then  few understand why and how it is going so wrong.. as we get robbed of the public monies to help make things rights. and work for us and the nation.. and the money is being disappeared inside the ones in charge, the unaccountable government  contractors as too many inside the real government go along to get along and believed anything they are told, and never question it.. when its their responsible to the people and nation to verify  the accuracy  of what is being told from this cabal now in charge.. and if lying they need to pass on that crucial info ..   and stop lying to Congress by passing on info and facts they cannot verify..

   The heath care bill today that the House passed is based on no facts and data.. but they would not be able to get accurate info anyway..  And is there anything in that bill that reinstates the right of the real government  to do internal audits of or criminal investigation of the government  contractors of the cabal that those at the top say is being run virtually by Lynn Blodgett   from every kind of conflicts of interest. All over and this is not just health care and its now from local to federal and even private industry and employers  have  to hire his management  firms to deal with his  government  contractors  who is reported to me in writing as well as verbally  as one...  behind the orders to hack at BCRC corporate of the former Group health that owns the Medicare system as their sub contractor  of a company  he has control of that division.. and them their illegal bail our of bi weekly hack of the employer posts that are illegal to alter since 1994, has now been compounded by their out of control sub contractors they let in their already illegal action compromised  'door' for the massive illegal off line system being use and sold to the Medicare community making  17 pays out of one claim by creating multiple Medicare numbers for one.. .. and your heirs inherit over payments you may never know exist.. as there are no laws to let you know ...

                        DO YOU HAVE 17 MEDICARE NUMBERS?

  the mail today brought me another entailment letter from the off line illegal system ordered by one at 1-800 Medicare 4/29/17 as the date of the letter  from ?

   On my own SSN I have the possible 4 suffixes (prefixes for railroaders) A,M,T,TA but as a spouse three are dozens of benefits categories.   As a spouse I have: B.B2,B6,D,D,D6,E,E1,TB,TD,TE,W,W6. This has noting to do with any legal category  at SSA as its not connected to them .. or is it as the same one has control of that system and the officials know its been hacked and have been denied access over three years ago and wrote to Congress who allow then to act.. AND CONGRESS HAS LEFT HE USA OVERTHROWN AND UNDER A DICTATORSHIP AND WILL NOT STAND UP FOR THEIR OWN NATION...  and seem scared to death of even worse holocaust is they do . without the people's support..

 TELLING THE TRUTH IS A BIG START... AND GETTING THE OVERSIGHT FOR THE FEDERAL 'POLICE; OF THE AGENCIES TO ACT IS THE FIRST STEP.. Not all officials are crooks.. most are dedicated servants of the nation and people and take their jobs seriously.   Others are mired in the swap with the crooks.. but they are not the majority.. most just have no idea what is really going on..   Many there have no idea they are  not in control at all....  its like watching ALICE IN WONDERLAND ON THE FOOLS GOLD ROAD.  AND THEN ONE PULLS BACK THE CURTAIN AND SEES THE ONE ON THE SYSTEMS IN CONTROL OF THE WHOLE ILLUSION. WE ARE ENTRAPPED IN....

    Until all evil is bound up forever.. there is gong to be a few among us that will revert to criminal activity and take advantage of others.. and we NEED OVER SEERS from the real government  who works for us..  TO MAKE SURE EVERY ONE IS BEING FAIR AND JUST AND LEGAL IN DEALINGS.. AND IF NOT THEN  LAW ENFORCERS ARE STILL NEEDED TO MAKE SURE  ILLEGAL AND HARMFUL ACTS ARE STOPPED FOR THE SURVIVAL OF THE PEOPLE AND NATION AND WORLD..  

  We have a legal system to deal with such .. and when they are not under this then we are in a state of lawlessness and its every one for themselves trying to survive. and too many of us are already in this situation.   Doing more harm in the streets of the nation.. IS NOT THE ANSWER..  Congress must stop the theft of the peoples',monies so it can be used for us.. and when that is done as 23 trillion is missing already over the last several years..... then we can well be able to help out our world neighbors in ways that help them help themselves..  and not turn into massive movements of refugees with no place to go when we are not able to even take care of ourselves anymore.

                Its an upside down world when any one has to leave their home  for more than a brief temporary stay in order to survive.   And its boastful pride to rejoice as if one has really taken care of things for good. and only given more money to the beast in the swamp to gobble up and the people without the use of the money we give to be used to help each other out.  US SENATE MAKE SURE THE NEEDED OVERSIGHT IS IN THAT HEALTH CARE BILL OR ITS JUST MORE ROBBERY OF US AND MORE SUFFERING FOR THOSE IN NEED THAT GROWS DAILY IN NUMBERS.

Different plans could work,, but its not allowing the thieves to be in control ...  sick and injured need medical care. and that is the prime objective to not forget.. many ways can be figured out how to pay those providing  the care and the supplies needed to use... .... and many things being paid for are decades out of date as to what is even needed as has been shared here by me... as I am in a group of 11illion not even recognized under the current cabal in charge who wishes to cast off the injured by their cabal's carelessness or disregard for human life.  . and yet the medical treatment standards are well known.  We are one of very few nations that does not recognize that  toxins and chemical injuries  at all in our health care system. and we poison our people with food and drugs filled with the very things that other nations know are harmful.... and we enter a vicious cycle of making people sick and the not wishing to treat when they are.  ??.. THIS MAKES US VULNERABLE TO BEING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF ALSO. and all they had to do is get rid of a few medical precedent cases like me to cause so much harm to so many..   and take away any rule of law so we have no one to turn to for judges orders to be obeyed or crimes committed against us to be stopped


                                                    SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY

(for those of others faiths or none, you may wish to consider the common wisdom of the words)

JOB CHAPTER 41: verse 34. "He beholds every high thing; He is king over all the children of pride. "

    ( The evil one controls us by our own pride in fake accomplishments?. )

      In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus, may the evils that lurk in the swamp of corruption be cleansed so that truth and justice and goodness flow out the gate that congress we pray will unlock and let the sunshine  of love and compassion for all in... I pray for our elected leaders and for President Trump that rejoicing be for the final swamp of corruption of the miry deeps be revealed for  good changes  and thanks for the right of all to speak out for their innermost thoughts in places of faith , now. to advocate for good and better ways for each and all of us. Amen!.

   Linda Joy Adams   5/5/17       


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