
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Daily Recap 12/18/13: FULL TRUTH NOT TOLD=Justice Denied Kris Kobach! ; President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Si se puede! Yes, we can - The Winfield Daily Courier: Public Forum Click the link for a lengthy comment posted here by me in response to this article.
The motivations behind the birther movement and the unreasonable voter restrictions seem to coincinde with those wanting to take away the rights of all citizens to vote and be part of the constitutional process.
Will a few, try to vote when tey can't do so legally,yes. But not in the numbers the restrictive laws would be needed for.
All of this may cause another federaliztion of another process we live by.. When one registers to vote, the E- verify data base could be expanded two fields used to check age and citizenship. Something Social Security now has formally proven at some point in time on most of us. Younger voters have been having this done for them soon after birth and the more senior among us have done this when filing for benefits from Social Security. The very groups, its said, have been targeted to restrict rights on have had a formal federal decision on the matter.
Many may not be aware this was part of the total process in your contact with SSA.Seniros could now ask for an award letter be mailed that shows age and citizenship proven and the address mailed to shows address resident address, doesn't it?
The whole truth got denied back in 9/12 when Sec of State Kris Kobach and Orlyy Taitz did not get this aired out in the Topeka, Ks courtroom on Toepka Ks as place of birth for Pres Obama, when even I could have assisted and others done so before the judge in Topeka Ks. And he has this case left in a position to be reheard at any time, when they decide trith should be known. as has been reported. MOTIVATIONS? Only they and our Creator must know.
Seems to be a common thread of some sort through both of these acitons going on.
We allowed our elected officisls to not address Immigaration issues as we should have after the 1980's amnesty occurred. What few laws that did got past were not followed up on by oversight to make sure they were carried out both at theborders nor at SSA. An attmept was made at Social Security but never completed. and got stopped. Few now seem to have any idea there was a type of e -verify set up almost 25 years ago. And the only attempt to adminster it was to have emplyers find some phone number for Social Security of fice andcall us an it swas a mess with calls being taken by clerks, managers and any one else near a phone. to do a quick computer check of name and number match or not.
Then, I, with my years of employement since 1968 with this agency, was seeing no real attempt to make this work. Some lower grade employees, in a call center somewhere should have been put together to answer the calls which was to quikly do what is now done on line. Check name and number against the massive data base of info. and then give the info as to where to go and what to bring to get any problems with their SSN taken care of. What I got,mostly, was women not changing their names on their card when they got married and needed to bring in their marriage certificate if they chose to work and file taxes under the married name, etc. , etc.
More than likely, even then was the employer knowingly doing wrong was using some 'collection' of names and numbers they already knew were 'good' had used to pay whomever they might hire and use something no kind of e - verify would catch.
What would catch these few is too many filing complaints when those who really owned the SSN having problems with IRS at tax time and is this total per employer even being captured now to pinpoint those with on going mulitple problems. to further check out what is going on? Congress never seems to get back to see if laws work to solve the reason for the law in the first place. E- verify is not goinng to shut this down with just e verify unless the other just mentioned info is also being considered, too.
Then we have the inhumane issues of allowing these trespassers to stay here for decades and do nothing to make sure they are legalized or returned home soon after arrival. Why oh why wasn't NAFTA passed with an inclusion of minimum wage for all countries which signed on to it?Short sighted? Or were some looking for further exploitation of humanity for greed and more power?
What many seem not to know, is that the quota of those coming from the Southern border are not a very lorge one in comparison to those seeking work, etc.
Personally, I think if an employer needs to hire outside the USA , then the hiring, papers, transportation and even the first 90 days of living expenses should be provided by the employer. If the need is not that great, then those already here should be given first hiring preference.
Now we have real human rights issues of children born here and parents who were not and no papers and its heart wrenchhng what has occured for some who were innoceet in the matter. . Then there are those who were born elsewhere and cmae at early ages and had no choice in the matter coming with parents. We have to face our humanity and our own faults in allowing this mess to be created. Its the consequences of not addressing the issues of fairness and justice for all.
We 'old timers' know the term of 'squatters rights. ' and we allowed others to trespass into this nation and let them stay for over the '7' years and never sent them home. nor provided a legal means for them to stay and here they are and here we are facing our own results of our non attention to the matter.
Again mitviations of some was obviously exploitation and that was and is the worse umjust reason to allow this to occur.

I don''t like all the problems those 'trespassers' taking jobs from thse who were either born here or played by the rules to be here. But, over sight, and actions must be taken and when they aren't we live with the conseqences.
Now my glucoes meter stopped working and how many months to get that replaced in this corrupted mess ofg ovt Partners' not obeying the rules. so it can easliy be replaced. Been a couple of years, since I had a new one and should not be an issue.
The brand I have to use becaue Fed Blues wants its used,(contracted with?) means problems more wth this brand than I have had with others. And Medicare will be asked to pay first and none of this will get coded properly as a conditional payment when there is a secondary medical issue Federal workers comp claim pending on this since 2009 as steroid induced Diabetes. And Affilaited Computer Service-a Xerox company now and , CEO LYNN BLODGETT wll not allow it to be seen along with the rest of my file and worked as 15 judges and two hearing officers have ordered on an established case with permanent medcal benefits and according to his own emplyees a million dollars missing somewhere inside the govt to pay for the medical care in what OIG for OPM said was a auspected embezzlement ring on going for years and never allowed to be investigated. Cover up of crimes to have have fairness and justice for we Citizens who got injured on the job as Federal employees.
The scientists have begun to figure out, what I already had, that cortisone steroid use for almost 25 years, and constant inflmmation from injury on 1/10/89 at the Jersey City Teleservice for Social Security, 9th floor, 2 Journal Square Buiding owned by Hartz Mountain and ADP the main tenant which is one of the main 'compounders' of all those Labor stats the media has questioned for the nation and other govt contracts and financially interlocked with ACS-Xerox, now ( all this is on line in public documents and news from mainline sources.). We, rank and file federal employees up aaginst a' Goliath' interwoven financial 'Monster' and asking for rights and justice and stoppage of blatant criminal acts. .
This eecondary claim is similar to toxic expousre case as at VA which have had this eecondary issue accepted on VA claims for several years. We are the smae human flesh and blood whether injred as federal empoyee or as a vet. Irritants can cause a lot of medical problems and has in many ways.At first I , a non doctor, thought this might be the underlying cause since certian chemicals cause full body inflammation. One needs to work with a doctor to determine which chemicals trigger this, but one of the most common is Formaldehyde which is n so many things and even in foods in some forms. As my doctors have said ealry on, the nmucous membrane was urned of entire body and this never fully heals and lets certain irritants get through.
Ozone is another bad irritant and what most people can tolera4e is well above the minute levels which cause physical inflammaiton, for me and so many others. Most talk of parts per million, we, patients withsuch injreis and cehmical reacitons now; speak of parts per billion as to what can be tolerated after injured . Evven one molecue can irritate, inflame , then go into bleeding and cause life threatening reactions if exposuse does not stop. .Let alone an asthma attack and chemically induced pnemonitis in me if the irritant is breathed in rather than injested.
I share this an example of just what can happen in this modern world and how our rights for fairness and semblance of justice is cast aside and that's just trying to stay alive, let alone the loss of financial stability one had when able to work and earn a living. There are some who must wish we were not allowed to vote and have a say in who is sent to represent me and might restore my constitutional rights which have been badly trashed as has been shared here on line over the last few years. What has hapeend to me, has been repeted way too many times and in similar ways against others and the 'monster of injustice' gets stronger as we try to stop it. Few, who are injured ever come out financially ahead but blatnat cirmes and missing monies already made avaialble is the worse kind of trahsing of one s rights. Good health and being able to work is always the best way to have financial stablility.
1/10/89,. a fateful day that should never have occurred as we later found out. Too many in authority either alacked off on doing what was needed to protect our lives and some committed out right criminal acts for us to be in that building on that day. with loss of life already and most of us will face death at some time as a result of the injuries.
Vote, your life may depend on who gets in position of authority in this nation. Choices we are left with, sometimes seem slim, but who does get the job, will affect everyone of us in ways we often do not even realize. We all need ot be part of the process, to shre info and help each of us make the best deicison osoble as to w him we decide to vote for. And then we need to be able to not be stopped from our rights to 'petition our government' and often that is some kind of start in a judicial genisus complaint or claim or may be in a letter , phone call or more outwardly visible exercise of our right of 'peaceful assembly' protest march. etc to our govt and officials in place. . . .
Scientists have now matched it to cortisone steorid use. Yet, its been a life sustaining mediation. Since there is no safe inhaled steroid for me any more with the CFC's withdrawn and FDA not reocgnizing 10 million or so of us exisiting in the USA, like, me. my doctors have resorted to prescribing a preservative free Demexthessome cortisone steroid 7 drops in the 8 oz of distilled water humidifier bottle attached to my liquid oxygen tank. ( still defective held together with Gorrilla tape and Krazy lue) means a smaller dose but a more conistent does and I do see some positive results along with watching diet. , etc.
Those studying all this, should be considering what I and my doctors have learned over the years, but we are cast aside and the knowledge is being lost from all of us who have learned things that work. These drops cost a small amount compared to some of these inhalers on the market now which contain ingredients that cause life threatening harm for me. and others. My Med Watch reports to FDA was ignroed for 15 years before one medication had caused so much harm for others it now has a warning label on it. They knesw early on and FDA didn't want to know and why? Who do they represent? US? or some few with too much influencne over us that holds no elected office.
For the Diabetes, I take 650 mg of Cinnamon also and the doctor who helped on this, said to lower the mount from 1000 mg as it had been lowering glucose levels too much.
Most prescription medicaitons have something in that I can not tolerate and some have adverse reactions to. But no way to get thais info into the computer files s at pharmacies or the medical data bases now as the new ones ony .list allergic reactions and not the other sometimes severe and life threatening adverse reactions which are the opposite of allergiesl
The definition of allergy, as my doctors have said; is getting blurred by FDA. I was always taught that it had to be involved with histimine anttibodies, etctriggered and if its allergic than one takes anti histamine type treatments. . If that's not involved an anti histamine only makes things worse that includes breathing wose for me. Its the opposite in many ways. Doctors say I am not to tke anti histamines. They dont have to say it, its been tried since injured 1/10/89 with adverse reactions.
So , the stuggle for medical care, for me, is not having insurance, got three health plans; its the other problems where common sense and the medical profesison seem to have been left out of the process and we the voters have not yet gotten the right mix of those in elected who will address the abuses currently on going. Since most of the control and standards and what can be done are coming from them as to what care can be even received in the first place and that's nothing knew as its been a struggle for almost 25 years for me. and far too many others. And has little to do with cost of health care as , in my case, the cheaper way to provide the treatment, can be the better and even best one to sustain life with best qualtity of life which is susutained as long as possible with a progressive dissease. U Injustice and unfarness does not led to best quality of lfe at all, does it? Vote: life itself may be at stake for showing we are all involved and want the best for each and everyone of us. . . Linda Joy Adams 12/18/13 ( spellcheck still not working(

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